How exclusive can it be when the person delivering the “briefing” is not even on Solo NOTs?
Really? And she’s “got” over 10,000 people up the Bridge? Must be some of the 2 billion that Tom Cruise has got into scientology
A fact?
What factual information do they have that they are creating an impact on the planet?
Must see…
A poster with more words in the copyright notice than in the text
The magic of Source
And the enchantment of Dan Sherman. Should be quite an evening of sleight of hand and deception.
Now it’s important
A video is being made. And you can become a “star” by helping them deal with their unfiled paper. Under the able direction of Laurel and Hardy
The great Elio Cervi (?)
Briefing for only the toughest of OTs… Those who have endured at least 5 years of “6-month checks” and have not given up
Heeee’s baaack
Wacky stuff. But at least he is original.
It’s an unusual relationship with Ron
Now that is one of the more honest things Jim Meskiman has said on the subject. Ever.
Hubba hubba
They are but a pale imitation of the Fearless Leader – but I do like the idea of showing up to “show your admiration for your OTC”
Temporary Building?
What happened, they got thrown out of their existing building? Couldn’t pay the rent?
The purchases of Orlando and Puerto Rico were ONLY so Miscavige would have something to show at the event. And yet, even though they are DONE, she is STILL demanding a million dollars by “Thursday at 2” (of course this is when ALL building closings happen in the “wog” world()
They’re really desperate
Once in a lifetime opportunity to be regged
Hmmm, I don’t think so. And isn’t Atlanta “done, Sir”? PS Wonder if they are actually going to hold this one, they canceled the last one they announced at a hotel.
Food, glorious food
Just for shits and giggles.
What a great day…
They only showed up because Laurel and Hardy were coming.
A drug-free world.
Specific plans and targets to achieve it…. I think these people are ON drugs.
Hear the results of our Super Bowl ads
Michael — should I forward you the Alexa and Google trends graphs?
I love how they say “she is one of the very few trusted to do Super Power” – like… What does that say about the rest of your staff? You’re basically implying that your entire staff of auditors is incompetent and that people are paying thousands of dollars for screw ups. Good job!!!
I liked that poster with all the “fine print.” Reminded me of the fine print in the current edition of “dianetics:”
“This book is part of the works of L Ron Hubbard who developed Dianetics spiritual healing technology and Scientology applied religious philosophy. It is presented to the reader as a record of observations and research into the nature of the human mind and spirit, and not as a statement of claims made by the author. The benefits and goals of Dianetics and Scientology can be attained only by the dedicated efforts of the reader.”
A book that is NOT “a statement of claims made by the author?” That’s a true first! Of course, these disclaimers become over more odd, if one considers that this is–per its subtitle–a “science” book!
Of course, as soon as the Hub takes over, all the fine print is put aside for statements such as:
“The creation of dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and
superior to his inventions of the wheel and arch.”
“Dianetics is actually a family of sciences embracing the various humanities and
translating them into usefully precise definitions.”
“With the techniques presented in this handbook the psychiatrist, psycho-analyst and intelligent layman can successfully and invariably treat all psycho-somatic ills and inorganic aberrations. More importantly, the skills
offered in this handbook will produce the dianetic clear, an optimum individual with
intelligence considerably greater than the current normal, or the dianetic release, an individual
who has been freed from his major anxieties or illnesses. The release can be done in less than
twenty hours of work and is a state superior to any produced by several years of psychoanalysis,
since the release will not release.”
And now for the big whopper:
“Dianetics is an exact science and its application is on the order of, but simpler than,
engineering. Its axioms should not be confused with theories since they demonstrably exist as
natural laws hitherto undiscovered.”
Thank you for putting that all there. It’s been a loooong time ๐
Welcome to The Bridge To Total Fleecedom.
Dear Michael Roberts – I liked you better as ‘Rooster’ in Baretta.
Still a pimp
My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw the Tampa CF project is STILL happening. My daughter was at Flag as an AO trainee in 2010/2011 and every AO trainee from all the “future AOs” (probably about 50 of them) was bussed to Tampa every day to work on CF. One of the prerequisites of being allowed to move into your new Ideal Org was that your CF had to be fully up to date – this has obviously been dropped by the wayside now. Six years later they’re still not done with Tampa? It beggars belief.
Jeezus, again with the filing. The Fatman’s admin “tech” in action.
I saw an article recently where a Delphi graduate was planning on “matriculating” to the Hubbard College of Administration. I nearly puked. $170,000.00 worth of Delphi tuition flushed right down the shitter.
I can’t wait for that “Planety clearing!”
but if Ken Walker is going to be there, please tell him to cover up that Terl forehead… it’s freaking me out.
More Patron Success from Ken:
I’d like to thank my reg, who was totally unreasonable with my excuses and justifications for not doing it, to Ron for making the tech of Big League Sales available, and last, but by no means least, the man who is spearheading our incredible expansion and gaining global acceptance of our social reform programs in all sectors of this civilization, COB!!!!! (Chairman of the Brainwashed).
Hi Gadfly,Loved your post about Ken and chairman of the brainwashed! Clever and sadly true.The #1 Brainwashed Big Being in cos leading all the little brainwashed slaves by a chain around their hearts minds and souls.Love,Ann.
Okay, let me see if I have this straight – there are people out there who have done the OT levels and still have low confront?
So you have to “be OT to go OT”, but once you’re OT, there’s no guarantee that you will have a half-decent level of confront?
So they have it all planned out? All you have to do is go to the Fleecewinds where they most certainly will sic the IAS reg on you and fleece the crap out of you.
If they really had the specific plans and targets to achieve a drug free world, why aren’t they putting THAT on their multi million dollar ads to get the general public aware of and donating to the cause?
We donated around 20K to the IAS over the years. I look back now and ask myself the question, “what was I thinking?” I mean for real, “what was I thinking?”
Truth is I wasn’t thinking at all. I was mesmerized by an unfounded belief that the person conning me out of my money and the group he represented were capable of saving the world and the people living here.
Just plain dumb.
How embarrassing.
Never dumb, just a fellow human being trying to do the right thing and being taken advantage of. Don’t be embarrassed, because here you are free and with a unique knowledge a lot of people never comprehend. Hopefully you will spot the next one, and your experience can be shared to help others. There are some who may never wake up and there are those who lost all. Yiou are loved.
“”An org is built of people.”” What happens as they decompose and make the building unstable?
“…upgrade to the next higher cabin…” Makes me think that they will move you to the cleaning cupboard you paid for to the cleaning cupboard on the deck above you.
Results of the Super Bowl ads; In the fantasy world it’s Stupendous! 60X Surge! Lots of super superlatives and !’s. In the real world. the sound that comes from being dead and buried two metres underground in a sound proof coffin.
Jim Meskimen’s speech where he practically exhorts you to think of Ron Hubbard as God, is a nice example of subliminal suggestion.
He implies Hubbard is present in spiritual form and that you want to be in service to him. It’s okay to feel closer to Ron than you do any LIVING person because some people do, you know!
Try to imagine who would be the person targeted for that condescending message. It sounds like it’s intended for a child of twelve.
Considering that the only work he gets nowadays is voice-over jobs on cartoons, he’s used to talking to twelve-year-olds.
I saw Bob Dahlquist just complete OT VIII or something big like that. OMG. He was OT VII in the ’80’s. How many times has that poor guy done and re-done OT VII and VIII? His mind must be mush from all the overrun. And yet he reports in for more.
Hi Roger Hornaday, Great to see your post! Yes I echo all you posted and then some! Thank you my dear friend! xo Ann.
To all of you who write these flyers who are ESL – puhleez get a good night sleep and a decent nourishing meal into you. Do this for yourselves. CSW for it, or make it go right to get this, SOMEHOW. Trust me, it will do wonders for your spelling and grammar.
Edit: I mean, “To all of you…who are NOT ESL…”
It was fine the first way LOL ๐
Okay, this is the second warning, Pacifica Cafe: put up the organic certs or shut up. And if you don’t think I don’t know the people to go to in USDA (who runs the Certified Organic Program) to report your asses, you’ve seriously underestimated me.
Too many people have gone off on “Planety Clearing” to make any addition I might make redundant. However, we need to turn this into a meme, tout suite, just like “Nasheville” has become. Thanks, Asslanta.
I feel a bit jealous in regard to Ken Walker. Unlike me, he doesn’t need any makeup to cosplay as a Klingon.
If I want to hang with Italians, I’ll just head over to Belmont and Harlem in Chicago. Or better yet, go on the museum tour of Italy from Milan to Naples that’s on my bucket list. I don’t need to ride the short bus from Flag to Tampa.
Hey, Jim Mescaline, if Hubbard’s pulled your fat out of the fire, how come you can’t get a job, outside of the occasional episode of Dragons, that doesn’t list you in the credits under “Other Voices”? What a sad, sad career you have, Jimmy boy.
I’m pretty sure I know where they came up with the Stupid Power logo: a book by Emily Post. Who else would have said, “Spoons on the outside, knives on the inside”?
So, instead of having to share a cabin on the SS Mesothelioma with three sweaty, smelly OTVIIs who have no Cause Over Farts, I can get solo accoms for the same price? Sign me up!
“You need to know the strategy.” No. No, I don’t. Tell me why and I may change my mind.
The tartaned-up bear and owl are, let’s face, extraordinarily cute. I say we name them Mike and Marty. Those are better ideas than they’ll ever come up with. What will they end up naming them, Irn Bru and Deep-Fried Mars Bar?
And finally we come to the long-missing, long-missed, and much-loved Fearless Leader. John, I’m very happy for you. You’ve finally come out of the closet and found the twink of your dreams. Yes, people will think negatively of the age difference, but remember that Stephen Fry’s husband is thirty years younger than him, and if it’s good enough for The Wittiest Man On Earth, it’s good enough for you. And if they start showing you pages from Dianetics or Science of Survival about 1.1, you can tell them in your best Scottish manner to fuck off. Love is love.
Hi Espiando, That Bear and Owl got into a dream of mine last night.Cute as hell but under their tartans beats a still in bear owl heart.They should blow together and we can adopt them! Post On…xo Ann.
Brandy Harrison is a very young, second-generation Sea Org’er. Her parents are in and she grew up in Scientology. Who better to head up David Miscavige’s Ideal Org building movement (she is the “Building Expansion Director International”) than someone young, malleable, pliable, and compliant who has a very limited world-view and has been totally indoctrinated into Scientology from birth?
Ms. Brandy (and it seems they have finally decided to change to gender-specific pronouns for Sea Org officers, it’s good to see she isn’t called “Mr.” like Kathy True and other upper level Sea Org women) – she is not likely to question anything Miscavige says or orders. She won’t ask too many questions, and isn’t likely to wonder why things are being done a certain way, why they are buying new buildings when there are no new members, and isn’t likely to notice any financial irregularities… she is just there to put her signature on whatever papers, bank checks, etc. for Miscavige and to do his bidding.
Let’s think up some questions Brandy Harrison should be asking herself, and others. Such as:
* What happened to your predecessors in this position, why have they left Scientology?
* Why is the Church of Scientology buying big new buildings, when there is a decrease in members?
* Why is there no accounting for donations to the I.A.S. – where does the money actually go, who controls it?
* Have you noticed the luxury the leader, Miscavige surrounds himself with? The private planes, expensive wardrobe, his personal “net worth” of over $50 million as reported by reputable agencies/websites? How did that happen to a High School dropout from modest means who receives a basic salary… where did all that money come from? Is it possible it is from diverted church donations?
* What happens to people who question your leader and have problems with irregularities they notice? Where are those people who have in the past questioned these things? Are they now declared “SP”s?
* What do you think will happen to you if you have similar questions, doubts, etc. and decide to voice them? Have you ever heard of Debbie Cook?
* In your studies of Scientology and it’s beliefs, do you honestly feel that the “teachings” are rational, reasonable, accurate and true – and have you examined counter-arguments giving opposite thoughts, opinions, etc.?
Brandy, if you are not free to think about these things, to question them, then are you free at all? You have a brain to think with, please use it. – T.J.
“Mr. T.J. – Dave can do no wrong!”
That’s Mrs. T.J. ๐
Really? I thought it was Aunt T.J!
“We have Italians coming…We have Clearwater Community Volunteers coming…We have Tampa Org OTC coming…”
Guys, guys, stop!
You had me at the Italians ๐
Oh, and hey there, Fearless! Welcome back – we missed you, baby!
Yes you had me at Italians are coming too! And Here is a new gig for DM to use the religion angle to get more money. Let’s see how the IAS female registrars will do in their new role to reg money as goddesses for the religion. Go to this link for a big fun laugh!
๐ Cindy.
What….you two don’t like Scotsmen? Arrrrrrggggg…tis a shame. Guess I’ll hang with Fearless Leader for awhile…
You know these guys tell so many jumbo, whopper lies that it has become part of their culture. If it’s not a big fat 60X lie but closer to the truth, then it’s not true.
Check out this 4 minute North Korean propaganda film about “How American’s live today”
Wow, Robert. Fascinating video!
RSVP = Return Stolen Valuable Properties.
Note to the Still-ins and those under the radar:
The utter insanity within a bubble within a planet within a solar system within a galaxy within a minor cluster at the asshole of the universe Scientology screams out,” give us $$$$ and we will save you and if you don’t support us we will condemn you to forever float in space as a cinder”. Really? Well go right on believing this insanity and we will see who floats in space. The divisive suppressive evil bullshit your pushing will implode hard on you COB and you will become what you fear. On the other hand people helping others and respecting each other will do more for this Planet than false reging will ever do. To confront and free the BT’s and Clusters on ones case with high ARC will help and doesn’t have to cost your first born. Just get with the Independent field and go up the bridge and help. Be friendly and be a good neighbor, assist in your local community and create a safe space around you and be aesthetic in manner with grace for others. Those who want a better civilization are building one. Those who don’t won’t. Support those who are setting a good example. Do not support those who do not !!! Look at the local preacher who helps the poor, the volunteers who assist kids,and those who help because they want to help others just to be happier and not hurt as much. I urge you to use the best of Scientology for the betterment of yourself and others.
I used to make a big deal about being a member of the Libertarian party, but I got better.
Its amazing how cookie cutter all these efliers look and how consistent the look of them are. Its almost like the same person or team is making all of them for the whole group?
I went through and “google that shit” TM most of the special guest honorable speakers listed on these fliers. Within a couple of mouse clicks and most on the first results page are gems and nuggets and seeds of information that would put things into question for most people. Its amazing to me that with information at our fingertips, the sheeple are intimidated enough, reasoned with enough that they don’t even make the first mouse click.
I always get a chuckle out of CF flyers. It conjures up a scenario of being volunteeringly coerced into checking the 1952 phone book to contemplate if anyone is still alive or who hasn’t got dementia yet. It’s got the be the most useless activity and best example of “thinking and acting” with policy so outrageously outdated they never even come close to spotting the fact it never worked in the first place. But it does give them something to do, which, in there lies an example of the magic of scientology policy – turning the not so bright into a formidable force of happy little souls that sit in some basement somewhere that get to eat sandwiches for lunch and solve all of mankind’s problems by putting little bits of paper, decades old into manila folders in a time/date/activity sequence representative of the activity of persons either dead, not interested or whereabouts unknown. It makes me shudder to think what they must discuss between themselves. Be like watching reruns of the pilot for Sesame Street over and over and smiling every time.
I totally feel you on the Central Files filing. Such a waste of time, for huge stacks of papers that will soon be sitting discarded in recycling bins and garbage dumpsters all over the place, as Org after Org loses viability, all personnel, closes down and their files get thrown out.
Yes and I remember in the early 80’s looking at the AO/AOSH’s & FSO lists of pre-paid OT1-3X packages from the previous 12-15 years and finding out how many were either no longer in the cult or were dead from being hippies and killing their bodies with drugs and what not. The remainder are those you now see at OT Committee meetings around the world. Always has been a VERY small group of die hard, delusional people.
Institutional insanity is rife in the clampire, hell, it is their raison d’รชtre. Money, money, money, all is money and central files. Can’t forget the wonderful filing system that is $cientology. Clam buildings would just fly off the face of the earth if those files were to disappear.
Speaking of typos…
“An org is built of people” – LRH
should be…
“An org is built of files…lots and lots of files” – LRH
“An Org is built of marble and lots and lots of video displays.” David Miscavige
is that like soylent green?
Creating an impact on the planet? Hopefully the only dinosaur killed this time is CoS.
I met Gavin Potter before bailing out .
The Freewind’s does not deliver squat
and OT 8 “WINS” are relative to money
you give to David Miscavige.
OT 7 , solo nots,is the money level where
it’s decided if you are either bait or chum for
“We have Italians coming” do to CF in Tampa? And you can ride on the bus with them! WTF?
Yes! Italians, and we can ride on the BUS with them…I am so there.
Sorting paper files. Its like looking into a 1970 time machine.
Clarification request: What is meant by “hosted by the Freewinds?”
Are you getting a Caribbean cruise for your $1,485, or is this a bait-and-switch? It doesn’t say “on the Freewinds” anywhere.
You ask too many questions.
A Drug Free World…
What you NEED to know: The strategy
What you DON’T NEED to know: Acutal performance against previously announced goals
And they keep claiming that Foundation for a Drug-Free World isn’t Scientology. How is it not Scientology?
Only a little story about the Freewinds. While I had been out for over 25 years I had read or heard about the purpose of the ship, for OT8 only. When I went back for a year, 6 years ago, I knew a fellow who hadn’t finished the Comm course , but was so excited about doing some event/course on the ship. I said how could you it’s only for….. Well, over a years time, I sure got educated in the many changes. He did have his trip and liked it, also started paying for more excursions, it was his thing! Almost anyone can go now and it’s a money maker and big ego trip. Hearing this was probably the first out point I encountered.
Oh Reverend Mama.. Thank God you are out! I would have missed out on one of my Best Friends.. Love baby
Re GEARING UP FOR OUR IDEAL ORG promo “how is it going to help you to solve the problems…” should read “how it is going to help you to solve the problems…”
Please clear the word ‘proofread’ in your quest to solve planety (sic) clearing.
Fearless Leader is aging and putting on a bit of weight…..he must just be following in the footsteps of the #3 Big Being
As a Scotsman myself, I do feel a bit sorry for Dear Leader. He is looking a little worn out. And I doubt is Idle Morgue is doing anything to speak of. I hope he has a Wognition. Soon…..
I meant Fearless Leader, not Dear Leader.
I thought you meant dearless.
Actually it’s deerless. I mean, I looked and looked, but, I didn’t see any deer.
Try steerless leader.
Hi Mike, I had to catch my breath and my coffee cup after my first pass through the stupendous promo pieces. Why old Ron had a tartan, a Hubbard tartan! That went right by me! And the owl and the bear had best prepare for a long slog in their new” Ideal Org.” The manure now being shoveled into all the faces of the shrinking public in cos is mind boggling.But my favorite part if the pieces is the one for the briefing that ” only the toughest of OTs may attend…. and Ron is actually going to speak on the state of the planet now.That is so earth shaking.Ron is trotted out at every turn dm having altered all the tech to his specifications, now has the decades dead Ron once again leading the ghostly charge! Creepy enough for me!Plus that old Rustbucket is having her last hurrah. Motoring in circles because the engine barely turns over and the wheel is locked in one position! Love,Ann.
Are you prematurely being put out to pasture (at David and Bonita’s place in one of the armpits of the San Fernando Valley)? Will you next be seen cruising the Valley with Quinn in his white Chrysler 200 with New Mexico license plates?
Referring to the flyer about Atlanta, “…she is one of the few trusted technical staff….” Out of “ten million members” they only trust a few???? I thought this was the “most ethical group on the planet”!
Not only that, but if she is only one of a few…how is that few are going to clear the whole planet with those limited amounts? Seems like you would need more than a few. And, if only a few can be trusted, as your post demonstrates, it doubles the confounding factor of this group, how they operate and what nonsensical “data” they put out to their members.
You also ask too many questions.
Jennifer, 98.5% of them can’t be trusted. These are official figures ๐
Thanks Mike for today’s good news from clamville. It’s interesting to see all the promotion on the past,(Rons Birthday) or the future (Making ideal orgs so someday we can deliver to the throngs of new dupes). The emphasis in Scientology is 99% in the past or future. Perhaps that’s why Sciebots can’t see the scam right in front of their eyes.
And too boot their good news is more and more fabricated out of thin air. There is less and less to talk about because the cherch is steadily disappearing.
And today more good news at Tony’s site and bad news for Scamotology.
I can only imagine what’s it’s like to be Miscavige. Regraded Being have a field day. ๐
“The emphasis in Scientology is 99% in the past or future. Perhaps that’s why Sciebots can’t see the scam right in front of their eyes”.
Excellent comment.
And I would add that putting all that attention on the past and future helps them avoid the present, as being in present time is an operating state they’ve undoubtedly classified as “too gruesome”.
Re: The Magic of Source
Will you be pulling another rabbit out of your butt?
No, but, I can pull my butt out of a ringer anytime, TFB.
The gal in the Patron Success story looks like she’s amped up on something. Her eyes are really wide open and scary looking. But, hey, maybe it was just strong coffee….
Dave has her butt in a wringer.
Um, I’m pretty much speechless. SO much insanity generated by SO few people…
“SO much insanity generated by SO few people.” Mike, this can only mean one thing. Those few people are really doing an incredible job of creating so much insanity. Shouldn’t we give them a hip, hip or a hardy handshake?
How ’bout this OSD:
“Never in the field of human scams was so much owed by so few to so many”
Just to give it that “historic” feel.
The usual typos are found in the first flyer from Atlanta — lack of good schooling or lack of sleep? Or both? Not “Planetary” Clearing but “Plantey” Clearing said like you are missing your two front teeth. And then … what is really unique is ATL’s inability to spellcheck a word like unique. They want to give us a very “unigue” technical briefing. I’ll say!
Good obs Stephanie. It’s also not just one staff member involved. To get that copyright at the bottom it has to go through several others and lastly an executive equal to the Captain of the organization. I can’t spell but at least I’m not sending out mailings. And the amount of money the church spends on this paper, printing and postage. A waste of all sorts.
I know other cults that love a word salad, but Scientology is “unigue” in their fanaticism with Word checking and then getting it wrong Lwrong wrong time after time. And as you pointed out Cece … this flyer was proofread by others on the team! Folks need some serious protein (and not just of the bean variety)!
Hey don’t knock the post office they need the work! And the recycling opportunities of free paper???? Wow, value for money and entertainment and giggles for free. Money well spent by the church, less for DM shoes and scotch. Yeah weird all that Scottish obsession……
The bloggers say “Brandy, you’re so blind girl” (you’re so blind girl)
“What a good life if you’d see” (such a good life)
“But my life, my lover, my lady ain’t Scientology”
Brandy wears a shackle chain
made of strongest iron under threat of pain
A lock that bears the name
of the shortish man that Brandy obeys
Brandy, you’re a good woman, what a good wife you would be, but, my life my love and my lady……….are currently in the Hole.
Ha! I know that song OSD, it’s a nice one. But I think it goes Brandy you’re a fine girl, what a good wife you’d be…etc.
I’m amazed that Brandy has lasted so long on that post, the wee one must like her.
Wasn’t that your father who was killed (with a lack of sleep) in a motorcycle accident on the fringe of Hemet? Will you be following in the footsteps of Quinn when you lose your “pet” status?
Brandy goes to certain orgs
Scamming cash and checks
Out of clueless Borgs
To pay for Dave’s empty Idle Morgs
And to buy His new Lobb shoes –
And Davey says, “Brandy,
You’re a fine girl
What a good Clam that you be,
‘Cuz your life, your love and your labor
Is for Me.
And there’s a girl in this southern town
And she works layin’ floor plans down
They say “Brandy, why are stats so down?”
She serves them bullshit and lies
Ha, you guys have me laughing at the song lyrics. ๐
So, the San Diego organization has moved from a prominent building downtown to a tiny closet in an industrial park in Point Loma. That’s progress.
In all fairness to the SD org, their building was paid off by Kurt Listig around 07ish before he bought another building that was reflected by little Dave. Then Quinn the Eskimo came calling and the Colman Collage campus was bought then sold. Some how the sale was still not enough $ for the renovations for an already paid for building so the begging continued.
Rejected not reflected. oi.
How the San Diego ideal org fleecing has managed to fly under the radar is amazing. This has been one of the worst rip offs of them all as well as the most obvious to see. For the public that are still supporting it all I can say is it takes serious effort to ignore.
So the 4th ave building is finally under construction but how many revisions will there be? Can none of these people see the constant delay tactics? San Diego has a few Whales to bleed dry I guess.
David Miscagives’s program on “How to Get RICH Buying Real Estate Using Other People’s Money” scam works when you have a bunch of died-in-the-wooler’s who can’t think for themselves.
Heh – 20 years of conning people out of $35,000 donos for the “right” to do Super Power.
$220 Million was extracted out of members for Super Power building (If you recall – GAT II and Super Power was the last promised “this is IT…finally, to clear the planet” ) until Luis Garcia put a stop to those Shenanigan’s.
Notice the members don’t even cognite that Super Power and GAT II has been out for a few years now and yet NO CHANGE!!
Hmmmm….it is really hard to watch them.
Now think about it – what a perfect scam.
Miscavige dictates HOW much is needed for renovations and the members are so “dumbed down” they just comply cuz LRH says “You can’t control anyone unless you are willing to be controlled”. Work that out in clay on how that is very dangerous if you are run by a psychopath… Oh – never mind…Scientology is doing it in PT.
I have seen a few buildings purchased and sitting vacant but never renovated because the renovation money needed started at $2,000,000. Then it went up to $4,000,000. Then $6,000,000 – and last I heard is at $15,000,000. It is a CASH COW and Miscavige will continue this scam for eternity. He is rewarded very handsomely.
At what point do these members wake up?
All they have to do is go visit the Idle Morgue’s that have been in business now for 5 years. There is no one new coming in and Scientology has shrunk.
Hey Christine, my wife and I go to Pt. Loma and stay on Shelter Island at the Palm Island Hotel several times a year. Can you let me know where the “tiny closet in an industrial park” is? I’d like to cruise on by. I want to applaud their progress. Or laugh at them….
Hi ๐
The new (temporary?) San Diego location is on :
3502 Kurtz St, San Diego, CA 92110, behind the Sports Arena.
I drive by the downtown location daily, and it looks like they are adding a second story. I did a quick search on the City of San Diego permitting site, and the COS valued the work to be done at: $4,899,470.46. Not sure if they are planning on leasing the space to others? Why would they add more space otherwise?
It was already two stories. The last plans I saw where to take the parking which is technically the first of three stories and enclose it for the div 6 Fart display.
the parking was already inadequate when they could get people it there so it makes perfect sense for a sociopathic little runt to make it even harder to park.
Keep it up Dave, your doing a great job saving us from the Hub.
That will make it the sixth time the SD Org has moved since the late 70s. Looks like they are smaller now than in the 70s. I sure hope some wake up because this may be round 6 do do the Student Hat again.
Poor Ataltna. Just how many unigue typos can you got in one flier? Planety, that’s how many.
I particularly like the glam shot of the fleecewinds making a hasty U-turn as it circles the drain in the ABCs.
Hey Bystander, did you see the alien bubble space ship with two giant aliens in it? I believe they’re headed for the Fleecewinds! I wonder if they’re on course there. Either way, it’s kind of spooky…..
“Planety clearing”, hmmm…. It’s all “Planety” mumbo jumbo now isn’t it?
My New Golden Age of Lawrence Phase II Policy on the Church of Scientology –
It just doesn’t seem to work for the Church of Scientology but…come to think of it…it is a slight bit unconscious in awareness of a person to assume that to donate money to people blindly in good faith will bring about a better world. It doesn’t. At least not in the case of these IAS & Ideal Org builders. ๐
IAS might better stand for I Advocate Suppression.
Sorry, trdunsworth, but, that’s an insult to all people everywhere who speak Mumbo Jumbo. I’m a proud Mumbo Jumbo speaker. I have no idea what I’m saying, but, that’s what makes it fun!
The preferred language for sheeple is gobbledygook.
Gadfly, I tried, I really tired. And I’m pretty good at picking up languages. But, Gobbledygook is beyond me. Hey, maybe it’s the language of Target 2?
Could be OSD. I know for a fact that Dave uses it exclusively in his speeches at events so he might be channeling. More on this with the release of GAT 3.
You’re teasing me again…