Come To The Flag
Dear me, it just cannot be this hard to get all the words onto a poster
I did something which truly helped…
No you didn’t.
Babe watch
Still saying Tampa “is making” staff a viable career. It should be that by now.
These are really becoming like the prude version of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover. They have nothing to do with Sports. And this has nothing to do with Orgs/being on staff/SO.
Discounts. Discounts. Hurry. Hurry.
Nothing like “Ron’s Birthday” as a reason to give discounts on the money they will never collect from people who want absolutely NOTHING to do with scientology.
We are desperate.
We can’t open our doors until the filing is done! We still have $10 million in renovations too, but that is small potatoes compared to the mountain of paper we have stuffed into boxes all over the place.
They’re rockin’ in Santa Barbara
The entire field of 30 people, staff and public are having a party because they are at square 0 on getting an idea org. Only took 12 years. Raising $15 million should be done by the end of this century.
It means RIGHT NOW
Just like everything in scientology that you have to do. It must be done RIGHT NOW. But I dont understand how if they are no longer in the game of Ideal Org Fundraising Completion that one of the things that has to be done right now is “fundraising completed.”??
Central files will take 50,000 man hours! OMFG. That is 50 people x 1000 hours. That is 6 months at 40 hours a week, And you KNOW this is way underestimating how much work there is to be done.
Just because we haven’t heard from them for a while. They still keep sending out the same old pith — “we will teach you how to make money so you can give it to us, because we don’t have enough money to fuel our engines.”
What Do You Get?
A computer generated image. That is about the only place you will find the “unlimited horizon” of scientology.
Why We Did It
We are deluded.
Pat Parody is back
He’s run himself to cause and now he is bursting with energy to make some FSM Commissions. “CRRD Comp #2304.” Seriously? Status button much?
The Scots are at it again…
Erm, no. Sherlock Holmes was English. Arthur Conan Doyle was a Scot – but he isn’t the best detective in the world. He just created one of the great fictional detectives in literature.
On this basis…
Going to channel my money to Denmark because I think Hamlet is his best play. “To be, or not to be…”
But more importantly: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” CLO EU?
Yes, I know you want me to reg you
I’m coming on strong and I ain’t gonna beg you
Gimme, gimme, a real big donation
Well you may have your lifetime but you ain’t no patron
Now helter skelter helter skelter
Helter skelter yeah
And by regges, I’m especially reffering to I.A.S. regges. If one is an I.A.S. reg, it’s still not to late to turn over a new leaf and find more ethical employment. Selling used cars for example. Or better yet, actually volunteering to go on some of these “emergency” disaster missions you claim are SO vital and actually helping a sick or injured person.
No? I thought not. No commissions in it.
At least in the old days one was pushed up the grade chart ( whether the effort of going up is considered deluded or not.) Today they seem to be in a mad rush to go down the bridge or perhaps more accurately down in a zig zag fashion. The down turns being when D.M. discovers the
next step below your current step that you need to re-do. How’s your progress going zig zagging on the bridge?
As to spotting the Vampire personality, all the regges have to do nowadays is look in any mirror.
Royal, that’s an insult to all Vampires everywhere…
Royal, that because El Ron created a huge problem for ANY successor. He publicly LIED about having put together ANY OT levels above OT 8. AND, OT8, the FIRST OT level with an objectively verifiable E.P. doesn’t work.
If ANYONE other than an “S.P.” had taken over the CoS they would have had to tell the public the truth about the Big Con…
Um, Royal, it’s nice you read all the NEW vampire books, but think of the reges as vintage vampires who don’t show up in mirrors. Just like hard-core $cientologists can’t see themselves for what they are.
Hi ToeOut83, It is good to meet you. I love your image of the Vintage Vampire Regges,Classic! Glad I blew before I became one! Love,Ann.
It’s funny that the “Come to the Flag” [and the promo piece is missing the next two words: “World Tour”] goes over the public’s head.
AVC somewhere was sleeping, and when AVC is not with it, then they get in trouble. The AVC position is supposed to catch these things, the AVC position is like the editor who approves the final copy to go out to the public.
I look forward to someone like Mariette LIndstein’s book if she writes about her years as AVC back when there was an “upper management” team doing their jobs, since today that whole upper “top management” is not being replenished under Miscavige.
Status quo at the top of Scientology is now over a decade of non compliance to even Hubbard’s most times impossible to execute ideas and orders, but at least Hubbard he forced the HR departments to get people put on those top Aides’ positions.
Management manning and even having management is something I guess Miscavige has put on hold until the behind the scenes long range (and likely will always even more ridiculously fail in the background) is the INCOMM “solution” from LRH.
I lament that INCOMM vets who’ve defected don’t talk up more.
When I first read the full INCOMM binder of LRH advices, that’s when Pat Broeker and Annie were still in good graces, and the INCOMM “advices binders” were a two volume set of advices that I think the FBO INCOMM lady put together as amends for her lower conditions, and it was a tremendously interesting neat series of date sequence “advices” from Hubbard on “computers” “computerizing management”.
The point, in one of the related early management screaming rant advices of Hubbard, he’s refering I think to the old Flag Bu and Aides “top management” structure when he makes the damning pronouncement in an all time searing phrase: “….management has failed for the millionth time…..”
That advice, I wish to hell it was in the public domain. It then ushered in LRH’s harebrained whole track “research” ideas/solutions of the “Chug Advices” which are the core advices to INCOMM, and the Chug Advices are two VERY long tale advices to Foster Tompkins (who then was already buzzing on the MCM MIssion, Mission Computerize Management, which just like the initials say, Foster was computerizing management.)
So Mike, everyone, who even put hope in LRH’s hopes for solving the eternal problems of Scientology management, the big deal omitted facts are surrounding the INCOMM orders from LRH.
LRH did indeed want and he even gave full throttle okay with finance okay to all things INCOMM needed to computerized management.
IT’s been a pitiful slow and unproductive even inkling of accomplishment to execute Hubbard’s wishes for the computer system of INCOMM’s to actually “run” by itself and do management.
The INCOMM stats system isn’t management, not in the terms LRH says it was to be. The old “TNT” computer system also isn’t the “computer doing work” principle.
LRH factually actually wanted, and the orders to INCOMM are still being held over INCOMM’s head to someday accomplish, I’m sure.
Anyways, the futility behind the scenes, from my mind’s view, having read the INCOMM wishes of LRH’s, and the fact that Miscavige has let management people manning go to pot and this relates to AVC not catching these blatent typos, I can see how Hubbard again, by throwing out a “new” (INCOMM is majorly a NEW solution to Scientology’s management problems) which in turn gives reason to dump LRH’s orders to keep the two management bodies (WDC and Exec Strata, and the ILO and CLOs) all working to keep the whole multi echelon Scientology movement show on the road.
INCOMM is a hidden major side investment that official Scientology is (I’m sure Miscavige from his end knows this) “hope” that will replace the “failed management” team that Miscavige is not relying on.
But this is just educated speculation, I wish some INCOMM recently defected members who know what INCOMM is up to, would defect and brief you Mike on what degree of progress INCOMM has made towards the Chug Advices full computerizing management like LRH wished (a pipe dream, so I don’t hold my breath that they’ve even come close to doing it due to personnel problems like all areas of the Sea Org have, it’s hard to attract smart enough people to even accomplish Hubbard’s sci fi harebrained whole track ideas).
Re: Denmark and the lack of legal action: Not enough victims of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology are successful in bringing the human rights abuses to the attention of the proper authorities. We have Peter Bonyai’s story of being held against his will, and that’s a start.
And while it looks like it isn’t legal in all 50 states, I can’t quite make out what that Damnation Navy girl is doing to those cans…
Hi Jens TINGLEFF,Loved your post.Me too,the SO spaced out chickette with the creepy cans, I do not know what she is trying to outflow in flow down the drain flow either! Laughter,Love,Ann.
Sea Org Survey Survey
*Are you qualified for the Sea Org?
Let’s see…I am alive, I am breathing…why, yes, actually! Fully qualified!!
*Have you ever thought about joining the Sea Org?
Yes, once, but I decided to cut myself instead!!!!
*If you are qualified, what would you need to do to join the Sea Org?
This is a Catch 22! Here I am, fully qualified, yet in order to join I’d need to do some things to myself that would disqualify me!
*Who do you have on your lines who is qualified to join the Sea Org? Please give us any ideas you have
and any contact details for those people.
Wow, this is tough!!!! I know so many living, breathing people! There’s just not enough room on the page, so to hell with a boring list, instead, here are my exciting IDEAS!!!!!! I happen to have 2 good friends who EACH know someone highly qualified for the SO, someone who has expressed strong desires to help OVER THE PUBLIC AIRWAVES!!!!!!!!!!! Now, one of my friends, a longtime Republican, says she knows Hillary Clinton – get this! “like a book” and says that not only is Hillary qualified but infinitely deserving of being in the SO!!!!! My other friend, a staunch Democrat, is convinced that Scientology’s Sea Org is the ONLY place for Donald Trump!!!!! Pretty cool, huh? And that’s not all – there is more good news!!! Both of my friends have their comm lines really IN to Hillary and the Donald!!!!!! This means there’ll be NO trouble reaching either of these Opinion Leaders for their recruitment cycles!!!! Pretty cool, huh? Backatcha soon with their contact info!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone’s qualified, if not this lifetime, then in the next, LOL! Every soul in the universe will get fixed someday!
Regarding Discounts – Monthly credits might work. “A $10,000 payment this month will be credited as $10,500 next month.” etc. Compound interest! Money in the bank. FDIC Insured
I might clarify this since there are generation gaps here. For those unfamiliar with the monthly price increases way back when, the way this works is “Due to the generosity of COB (or something) effective on (date) advance payments will increase 5% monthly in value until further notice.”
Of course there would be much fine print, probably starting with a minimum advance payment – lol
that whole 25% bonus thing was needlessly confusing. it’s not a bonus, it’s a discount. and it’s not a donation, it’s a payment for whatever service (whether it not that service was rendered is another matter). just say “we’ll take 25% off what you owe” and be done with it. communication is these people’s specialty?
and obviously, I suffer from scientology’s mathematical problems, since $200 is not 25% of $1000. typically, even when it seems like they’re being nice, they’re trying to to scam you.
Yep, a pricing structure so simple they had to give an example to explain it. It’s a match of 25% of whatever the person pays (probably only if paid in full). Or its a 20% discount on the bill. Same difference, but why make it so complicated? Obviously the church motivation is to get money flowing in — that’s not a sign of “affluence”! (Their current marketing tech seems akin to the song “A little bit is better than nada, …”)
I bet these people can’t wait to do their next tax returns and calculate their religious donations! Hmm. Was the match a gift to me that I never received and since I never had it in my hands can I still count it as a donation? Or is it just that they waived $200 of my $1,000 owing? Do I claim a donation of $800? $800+25%? $1,000? $1,000 less 25% (which doesn’t work)? Or $1,000 less 20% (and that’s confusing because no one is saying 20%)?
Argh! Damn the Psyches and their suppressive math! And the Whole Track bastards made my beans and rice cold again, too! Pass me the Kools before my rudes go out!
This would be a good time for that silly old Calculus that L. Ron Dumbass claimed no one had any use for.
lol ?
The COS is ridiculous. The orgs are virtually empty and to fix this problem, they update CF. Really? You really think this is going to boom your org?
Keep drinking that KoolAid.
I’m sure all those folks from 1974 who bought a Dianetics book and have received at least 400 pieces of mail will suddenly decide to walk into the org and buy a service now that you’ve got their address correct.
Keep drinking that KoolAid.
Hi JustLook, A great post! Oh my, I just cannot wait to get a new revised improved dm certified new copy to replace my 1974 copy that walked years ago! DMSMH goes round and round,whenever the heat gets too hot,that book and CF always get trotted out.Love,Ann
“The COS is ridiculous.” And that’s stating it mildly. With the advent of the internet, they have absolutely no chance of growing. No new people are coming in so they only choice is to go through all of their CF.
I’ve noticed at the Pasadena Idle Morgue that two SO girls, who are trying to hand out tickets to the intro film. They never go further than the just outside the front door. Just a block massive amounts of people are walking on the sidewalk. Seriously, I really don’t think they have any more confront….
Does my heart good to see this ongoing parade of promotions about CF. You would think any one of the human rights abuses, the horrors and demented conditions, the degradation, the sheer hell inside those walls would be the trigger that sprung you out of that nightmare.
But as I remember, it was the unthinkable trauma of hearing an order for yet one more CF all hands, all nighter released more than a few from their personal prisons. I think I saw some pink legs sticking out from a couple of those file cabinets. You see a lot of things after no sleep in the bowels of CF at 3:00 a.m.
It used to be something you never discussed. The fact that it’s now regularly promoted and is now one of the requirements for anything at all means that desperation is no longer the word. Scientology is melting.
What do SO workers do everyday? Busy work to keep them fixated. CF is for the same purpose but for Class 5 staff and public. It is never meant to be done ever.
Hi The HoleDoesNot Exist, I loved your post.Takes me right back to those paper filled boxes and the ever falling paper dust. Always took a box of tissues with me to CF.Love,Ann.
Ok… Collette is more my style..rather then the scrawny underfed sea org ladies… File me baby !!
Well of course it has to take an everlasting amount of time for Mighty Miami and others to be a finished, done deal. Aside from the financial perks of having a perpetual fundraising concern, it delays the inevitable embarrassment: the fancy org that is empty, still, silent (sounds like a description of the Buddha’s mind). Where do they proceed from there? When those doors finally swing open and the only thing that comes in is hot air, it must be sort of humiliating. I suspect they all know the outcome awaiting their efforts. As ever, scientology is for the wonderful future that you never get to.
A lot of you have probably read Russell Miller’s book, Bare-Faced Messiah. I’m reading it for a third time. In the UK, he got out 12,000 copies before the cult had him shut down. Now, of course, it’s available.
When I read his book the first time, I kept thinking, “Man, this guy is just shredding the cult. He’ll probably get sued!” But, Russell Miller had all of his ducks in a row. Everything was documented. I mean, he lays bare what Hubbard was really like. And the cult did NOTHING.
Like all of the critics books, this one is a fantastic read. I’m sorry, but, Hubbard was a scumbag. Especially when he kidnapped his daughter, Alexis, flew to Cuba and put his daughter in a hospital for the nurses to take care of. I believe he threatened Sarah by saying he would chop up Alexis if she didn’t take back the reports she sent to law enforcement. He’s much more degraded than I thought.
OSD — I agree. It is a very well researched and documented book. And frankly, Russell Miller is quite generous to Hubbard in many places, basically acknowledging him as a story teller and larger than life figure often enough to make you think he had some sort of respect for his chutzpah and personality. That being said, it is NOT flattering.
Mike, I always thought he was a terrific story teller! I was a huge science fiction fan and my favorites from Hubbard were “Final Blackout,” “Typewriter in the Sky,” and another one that I can’t think of the title right now. He had this enormous personality. But, I think his vindictiveness was his downfall.
” I’m sorry, but, Hubbard was a scumbag. ”
OSD, there is nothing to be sorry about. You nailed it. Yes, it is very difficult for most to confront, especially those of us who were ‘in’ and plying the trade of the true believer types.
Bottom line is …….” I’m sorry, but, Hubbard was a scumbag. ”
And yes, I fell for the BS too!
But these days it’s spelled:
Yo Dave,
Eat shit and die MF!
I’ve only read the begining which deals with hubbard growing up, its an interesting history in itself and shows that he was quite a character at an early age. What is so puzzling is why he felt the need to embellish and outright lie about his background? Surely he knew the truth would come out one day? As you say perhaps he really was a scumbag.
Loose paper particles? All that does is make me think that some poor robots are going around literally picking up loose paper particles and using microscopes to match up other loose paper particles and make the loose paper particles into non-loose paper particles. Do they use glue or microscopic paper staplers? I also expect they will be pestered for donations while helping.
“…because we don’t have enough money to fuel our engines.”
I wonder when that ship will be sold for a cargo carrier to someone who can actually use it. It might need to be sent to scrap since it’s probably long overdue for scrapping.
Frederic, this church is frightening. Just riding your bicycle to and from your job is OT enough as opposed to running around a pole in the ground every day for 2 to 4 weeks to determine if one’s cause has resurged or not. I am convinced beyond any doubt, that members of the church doing these ridiculous rundowns believe their success stories are what they are supposed to say, instead of saying the truth on their mind or their feelings about being in the church under such circumstances. That is real insanity and the way not to solve it is to go run around a Totem Pole for 2 to 4 weeks. Sometimes the Church of Scientology reminds me of a Voodoo group. 🙂
Nobody will want the SS Mesothelioma
It is full of blue asbestos that was not removed during the big renos in Curacao but just “sealed in”. Therbu making it “safe for passengers”……
Hi GTBO, Why am I not surprised? I figured the old Moneyrustbucket will continue to drag along until she literally will be dead in the water.Unfortunately dm,persons in the slave org and on the ship for extended periods of time are around the stuff even if it is deemed “safe” by the cos.KSWing Always! Laughter Love,Ann
“I did something which truly helped…
No you didn’t.”
Hey now, be fair. The money that David rooked out of this dimwitted idiot *did* help increase David’s bank accounts.
“…and bring your friends along…”
Scientology customers don’t have friends. Not really.
Fredric, that would be correct. They don’t have friends, only dupes…..
Did anyone else notice that the Santa Barbara Idle Morgue members are ALL OLD? And, is that picture of all the members? If so, they’re in deep doodoo….
Interesting OSD. I still get a lot of promo and any group shot is a harmonic of that picture. Seems to be the case all over. Old, and younger siblings.
I did. Looked like the youngest was 40.
Nice. When I was in we were mostly in our 20s and 30s. Glad you figured it out. That’s because you were ‘Just Looking.’
“I’d like to thank RTC (Repurposed Theocratic Cult) for allowing me to give them all of my savings.” – PTS
Remember – COB, David Miscavige, told the clubbed seals that Central Files were the Mind of the Org. Now does it make total sense?
Right, Central Files is the org’s “mind”.
Except, nowadays in Scientology, where it is necessary to go DOWN the Bridge in order to get what was promised and not received whilst one was going UP the Bridge – in this Brave New Scientology World, that HCOPL about “Thetan – Mind – Body = Product” is being applied – a bit differently.
For example, in order to qualify to train as a Grade O auditor, one first read and fully understand Class VI materials.
And then, to build an “Ideal Org”, you first need the “Body” which is of course the building in which the organization (which has not been formed yet) will be housed, and this building needs to be all paid for, renovated and properly furnished.
THEN you form your organization (get your staff hired and trained and your public acquired and signed up); THEN, when the you’ve got your body and THEN your mind and its all “DONE, SIR!”, Captain Miscavige obligingly steps in and obligingly agrees to become the Thetan over it all!
Captain Miscavige, how is that “Body+Mind+Thetan = Product thingy working for you, Sir?
Funny. And, using be, do, have, once you are completely done with your ideal org, you ARE an ideal org, no do and no have necessary.
We need to have your money so we can be an ideal org. Nuts.
Wait a sec – donations are “owed”?
I was thinking the exact same thing. Really? Owed? I going to go out on a limb here and say, they’re not donations anymore? So now everything is ‘owed’ to the cult?
“Come To The Flag.” (Darth Vader breathing heavy as he says) Luke! Luke! Come to the Flag, Luke. The Flag sees all and knows all. Luke, I’ve been looking for a cult that really understands me for a long, long time. I believe I have found it, Luke. Come to the Flag, Luke, so you will know all.
So now a Cause Resurgence Rundown Club is going to compete with or complement the OT Committee. What mayhem will this foretell? What’s next, the ‘Clear Club’? The ‘Problems of Work’ club? The ‘I just want directions to the nearest bathroom’ club? Toilet paper not included.
Do the clams know that the ‘heroes of filing’ are not a real thing? There is no Marvel comic devoted to ‘Filing Fool’.
LRH says the org’s CF is a goldmine. It really is. It’s quite likely that because of their efforts some hapless individual will plop down $50,000 on their Clear Package.
Let’s see…50,000 man-hours resulting in $50,000, minus 20% to management, minus 16% for promo…works out to be 64 cents per hour.
Good week.
One Planet. One Chance. One Purpose One Volk, One Reich, One Führer!
But … seven DIVISIONS!
Such a wealth of J&Ding material here but this begs for first address:
Mega-millionaire Tom Cruise’s brother-in-law is a HANDYMAN for hire?
Nothing wrong with being a handyman, by the way.
I’m in shock that Greg Capazorio does something useful.
NO, he is asking to HIRE a handyman
Oh, wow! My bad! Ok, so for the record, he IS useless.
Priceless!!! I read this hours ago keep coming back to it and get a good laugh every time. Thank you Aquamarine.
Hi Mike, The Sea Org poster and those dedicated eye glares from the blissed out SOer dedicated to saving the scam that is cos no matter what! Goes right in my really creepy image file.” One planet one chance one purpose ” sell me another twisted bridge in the desert! Thank you for all you do here.Always appreciated,Ann
Miami lists 6 people who are doing filing and says they are doing Ea, Eb, Ec this week. How long have they been working on it, anyway? At the rate of completing 11% of each letter each week (although M and S will take longer) it will be at least 200 weeks before these 6 people finish. Wow. So Miami Ideal Org could open in about 4 years at this rate.
“Come to the Flag” Really, come to the Flag! The hallways are so empty you can hear the echoes in Fort Lauderdale! We’re so desperate we’ve started to reg each other to death due to the lack of fresh meat! If no one comes, we may start getting into cannibalism! Please, please, please, come to the Flag! I beg you! And if you can’t, please recommend some place where they’ll never find me! I’ve got to get out of there, NOW!
“Our prize is a sane planet”: Did you ask any of us wogs if we wanted a sane planet? Sane planets are extremely boring, like most “sane” people. It’s the insane among us and among the situations that you encounter that gives life its frisson. You never hear anyone say, “Expect the expected”, do you? There isn’t a Chinese saying that goes “May you live in sane times”. Why not try a little insanity? It might help you eject the sticks out of your collective ass.
I’m not qualified to join the Sea Org. Something about psych drugs and having sex with other men. So stop bugging me, and I’m sure as hell not going to tell you the names of any friends I might have. They won’t be friends for long if I do.
So, instead of just taking a piece of paper and then filing it, you throw it in a box marked with the initial of the person’s last name and let the box sit there. And then you have the nerve to tell me that Admin Tech is the pinnacle of organization. And you wonder why I fight against you. Derp.
Tiffany Woods’ working day: 9:00 AM, check out Mighty My Mammy’s progress. 9:30 AM, see if the Idle Morgue building hasn’t crumbled to small bits of concrete. 10:00 AM, off to South Beach to work on the ol’ tan and to see if she can pick up a cougar-hunting Cubano stud. I might not do a nine-to-five, five days a week as an auditor, but at least I bust my ass when I am working. And having to take two separate trips to North Dakota next month…oh, I work hard, Tiffany. I work hard.
“Gain the ability to spot those who would ruin your ability to flourish and prosper”: You mean, like, regges? At least the Failboat will be in port so I can walk off easily after you give me this knowledge. Thanks.
“What do you get?” That’s the LRH Office, Mighty My Mammy (and what tacky decor you’ve put in it, Mighty My Mammy). I get nothing out of this rendering even if it is built. It’s all for a guy who’s been dead for thirty years and who never set foot in your morgue when he was alive.
Memo to Ray Jourdain: Even Scientologists would facepalm over the sheer volume of Scilon cliches you packed into your statement. English, motherfucker, do you speak it?!
Pat, Pat, Pat, do you realize that they will never forgive you for the ponytail, no matter how many “clubs” you try to organize or how much your beard…sorry, wife sucks up to the Valley OTC? The stain will last forever, and no amount of sweat you pour out while running around a pole will wash it off. By the way, the whole “sweat will clean body and soul” thing is so Fifteenth Century.
Memo to HAPI: I take my perspective on what Shakespeare’s best tragedy is from my youth as an actor. When I was young, it was Hamlet. When I got older, it was Macbeth. Now I’m at that awkward age of being too old for Macbeth and too young for Lear. My best option right now is to put on a fake belly and play Falstaff (especially since I Grew The Beard last year). I might make a particularly smarmy Iago, though. That being said, no Adorable Shetland Ponies In Shetland Sweaters, no Fearless Leader, no attention from me.
Well, I’m off to take a test that will qualify me to do more audits. Until Regraded Being time, folks, ta ta.
Espi, thanks for the laughs. Agreed that “one is only as good as one’s material” and the cult never fails to provide grist for your mill, but turning a witty and amusing phrase is your skill and gift.
I just drove through Flagville this morning around 11:30–no public on the streets at all, parking spots empty around the Flag building except for one cop car, although I didn’t drive by the parking garage, no cars or activity at the Ft Harrison, no cars or people in the Potemkin Village (saw one receptionist on the phone), about 15 cars at the Osceola, and about 20 cars at the sandcastle but plenty of open spaces. No cars at all at the Coachman. Looks like it is booming to me.
bada bing, bada boom.
Thursday before 2 pm. No one allowed to leave course, auditing, chicken picking carpets …. Stats WILL be up this week.
I’m sure thousands of people will spill into the streets.
Are there any Pubs near the FH ? Check there too.
But…but…Mary! How can that be? I was under the impression they were swarming with members. Swarming! Maybe they were all in meetings. That’s got to be it. Meetings…
Thanks Mary. It’s nice to hear these observations. Interesting contrast to the promo Mike posted.
Thanks for the report!
Empty flag = fewer $ for the evil David Miscavige.
Music to our ears, Flag streets and carparks are empty!
I hope you pass and qualify. Holding thumbs.
“someone who currently has an outstanding amount owed for religious services”
Quick, who can find anything wrong with this?
1. They are DONATIONS people, DONATIONS, (remember that’s what you tell the IRS) so how if they are DONATIONS can you owe for them?
2. Due for religious services. Wow. How can there be something “due” for a “religious service”? If I want to take a service in scientology, I pay for it in advance. I am not invoiced after the fact. Therefore, if I were silly enough to chose to take a scientology service, how in the world could I have “an outstanding amount owed”?
3. The thought of not being able to receive “religious services” would make me go where services are offered at no charge and where attendance is not mandatory to remain part of the group.
that was not the RPF
RPF, Sea Org, is there really a difference these days?
Espi, it’s 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. So, yes, the RPF and the SO are interchangeable.
I must say, if I handled my filing the way orgs do, I would be client-free.
I don’t understand how it can be such a mess, my files are in order and several thousand pieces of paper come into my office on a daily basis, each piece of paper is scanned, categorized and unless it is something important, immediately shredded. It is very seldom that the paper file for a client is accessed. I reserve 1/2 hour a day to ensure all my scanning, filing and shredding is accomplished, though usually my assistant has ensured that on most days I don’t need that much time.
Even before I set out on my own, I worked at a law firm in the early ’80s. There were 232 lawyers there with an assistant for each lawyer, and a few dozen paralegals.
The law offices took up 4 floors of a large high-rise office building with an office for each lawyer. The bottom floor of the law firm was central files. The remainder of the space was for offices and stations for the assistants. The offices were so large that for lunch, several of us did laps around the hallways or ran up and down the stairs for exercise.
Each assistant had a 6′ tall 20′ wide filing space at their station. We were required by necessity to have the files organized, alphabetized and indexed and it occurred instantaneously as the piece of paper would be indexed and filed when it arrived. When we closed a case, we sent it down to central files.
There was one person in charge of the entire bottom floor where the central files were kept. She brought a book to read as she was usually bored.
I’m sure no one wants to know my (obviously boring) work history, but there is a point here. I have never in my entire employment history worked where the files were not kept current.
Even though I have done all hands overnighters straightening out CF when I was in Sea Org, I don’t understand why or how there could be a central files backlog. Filing isn’t rocket science.
How can “the most able group on the planet” have such a hard time controlling a few pieces of mest?
“How can “the most able group on the planet” have such a hard time controlling a few pieces of mest?”
Rhetorical question, I assume?
Probably in your business each particle had a purpose and some value.
How much value is there in thousands of pieces of paper that basically say, “Take me off your damn mailing list!”
There was a movie about it called The Paper Chase.
seriously, has any org actually finished filing ever?
This is a ruse to get people into the org and when they show up reg them FOR SOMETHING.
I bet there is a Directive or Advice somewhere.
Or it’s part of some affluence formula. Not to finish the filing, to use it to get Bodies in the Shop.
Valerie, just how out of date do think all the CFs around the world are? And, obviously, since no one new is coming in, they’re going though files that are HOW OLD? Just curious….
OSD, I’ve been out over 30 years so I’m not really qualified to form an opinion on the current state of scientology filing.
HOWever, I do know that when they called me trying to “recover” me in 2011, it was based on one piece of information, my clear #.
They did not know I had been in SO or GO or that I had done any training (yeah, I did a whooooooole lot of training) or audited past Clear (I made it to OTV), so their records are not very close to caught up if they didn’t have further information available on me and I’d been gone since the early 1980’s. I didn’t bother to clue them in on any of that information either.
I got an “are you still interested” letter from the Las Vegas Org where I took a few courses over 30 years ago. Of course I didn’t respond, but imagine the pure joy that guy would have had if he got a response, ANY response, from someone who blew 30 years ago!
Richard, he probably would have keeled over from a heart attack if you had responded to him. However, if not, it would have been a day of celebration! “Hey, someone actually responded to us!!!”
OSD – laughter! – I never thought about potentially fatal side effects! I was thinking if my letter was polite and wished him well he would store it in his foot locker. I think your scenario of a celebration would be more in order!
I know, huh! It’s all single sheets of paper with info on people who may be dead, or who have left the cult, or the phone numbers are different now. All in boxes. I’m always so amazed at their high tech…
Tired to volunteer to help Colette with the filing, and my email was undeliverable. Darn it! I was so looking forward to making a substantial contribution to clearing the planet.
Wow, Steve! You are one educated man! You’ve got a Master’s Degree in Sarcasm. I’m impressed! Or…you’re a deeply troubled man. But I’m betting on the former. Nice post! Made me LOL…
Mike, do you know anything about this?
In Arizona a “Deed of Trust” is essentially a mortgage or loan. This document shows that FSO c/o FSC WUS is the beneficiary, which means they are who is owed the money. I assumed that FSO exchanged services for a $56,254 lien on the house. I just thought it was strange and wondered if it was a common practice.
Discounts – 25% of $1000.00 is $200.00 ? (And this is money owed because it is a balance on an advanced payment……)
And that was written by the Treas Sec….
No, it’s a 25% bonus on the money you pay. So, effectively, it’s a 20% discount on the total amount. Typical Scilon Math, making something sound bigger than it actually is.
I’m guessing it is for people breaking their Staff Contract then owing. Like a Freeloader Debt.
“Any donation made on an outstanding amount owed to…” Only in Scientology with it’s crazy upside-down tax situation could that sentence ever be uttered. No normal person could make heads or tails of it.
Poor Corey Chancelor. When you are congratulated by Scientology for being the “King of Super Filers”, there is all the proof you need that your life is in the shitter. Wakeup, Corey. There is so much more to life than filing Ea through Ec.
Yes, there’s also Ed through Eg.
Is this the same Ray Jourdain mentioned in Steve Fishmans book?
Probably. Fishman was a master at digging up names and words and spinning them into tales of his experiences that were total fabrications. The names are likely the same, but anything he says about them is probably fiction.
Thanks Mike,
I read his huge book “Lonesome Squirrel” and listened to his several hours long interview. I have to admit I found it entertaining, kind of disappointing to learn that it’s not true.
So his stories about the church trying to pressure him into committing suicide are probably not true?
Yeah, it highly unlikely that anything he said was true other than perhaps going into the WPB MIssion and getting books and materials and names of people that he could use in his stories…
Thanks Mike. He even used your name in the book. I don’t remember all the details but he claimed he wrote you asking for approval to start some new project and he was annoyed when you denied him the approval.
Yeah, total fabrication
Maybe I’m wrong, but, haven’t SO members told some folks to ‘end cycle on their lives?’ I seem to recall hearing something about that. But, I’m, probably wrong.
Yeah, in this case, you are wrong.
Mike, is Steven Fishman still around? Or, is he still locked up? And wasn’t that the lawsuit when OT3 was made public as it was entered into evidence?
I think he is still in prison
I read something on Tony Ortega’s site that he had been released but was in prison again for something else. As I recall he got a pretty lengthy sentence.
YEs, he is a serial conman.
I’m sure you are correct that he is a con man. But when I listened to his interview and he talks about being the biological father of Jesus Christ and how he is going to clear half the planet I got the impression this was someone who really believed what he was saying, as insane as it would sound to most people
I have to feel for Jerry Corum the ‘Patron Success’ I had similar delusions myself, while I hated giving money to the IAS I thought it was going to a good cause, though I’ll admit to feeling a little guilt that I was never doing anything about societies problems other than throwing money at them.
The current Miami Org in Coral Gables looks dead every time I have walked by it. I can’t imagine why they need this huge building on Dixie Highway.
Doug, I saw the new building for the new My Mammy org. If they’re dead in Coral Gables, how in the hell are they EVER going to fill that monstrosity? You could get lost just wandering around in there.
I have driven by that building, there is no Scientology sign on the building, the pictures they put out must be Photoshoped.
“But I dont understand how if they are no longer in the game of Ideal Org Fundraising Completion that one of the things that has to be done right now is “fundraising completed.”??”
what I don’t understand is how they’re going to pay the air conditioning bill for that place!
They could always move to Anchorage.
That’s not nearly far enough away……
I was thinking of them saving money on air conditioning.
Maybe they need it hire out as set location for the rr-launch of Miami Vice?
” Central files will take 50,000 man hours! OMFG. That is 50 people x 1000 hours. That is 6 months at 40 hours a week, And you KNOW this is way underestimating how much work there is to be done. ”
I doubt they could make the target if they ordered a 40yd dumpster and tossed the lot into it! Of course some poor sap would have to scrub it out with a toothbrush before they could start.
Clusterfuck comes to mind. I wonder if Dave has added that to the GAG II Oh Tea Severance course pack update?
Pauperize yourself in order to save the planet…good trade off. lol
john, I run a business called “Paupers R Us.” I have a wide selection of items for the paupers in the area. I can set you up. We’ll pauperize you alright….
CRRD uniforms, t-shirts and jackets? Shit man, I had to pay $40K just to get a polo shirt. Step right up and don the uniform. You too can become a part of the collective hive!
Wouldn’t you think these num-nuts would just get a scanner for CF and be done with all these boxes of paper? I guessing the “bright think” RD hasn’t been delivered in decades…
The CCRD t-shirt says, “My parents spent my college fund on the CCRD, and all I got was this goddamn t-shirt.”
I seem to recall Hubbard saying phone were psychotic. Any idea what he said about scanners and computers?
To survive the 21 st Century Everyone
needs a hardback copy of “RUTHLESS”
written by RON MISCAVIGE —-NOW,NOW, NOW !!!!
Don’t stare at the Babes, they hide their hands
because they have huge diamond rings on BOTH HANDS !!!
Hi Jose Chung, I just ordered my copy.As for diamond rings,there are a lot around I prefer sapphires and black opals.Old estate jewelry tells forgotten stories.Love,Ann ps. None of dm’s pins or trophies I still can’t believe the whales fall for it all.
I am getting a few copies. Some for Libraries.
I once was paid in uncut Diamonds for work in
a place nobody wanted to go. Also paid in grocery bags
full of local currency that devalued by several thousand
dollars overnight.
Hi Jose Chung, Thank you a great idea to donate some copies to my local library.I could listen to your story and learn things I never would have known.Enjoy your posts Always,Ann.
Putting some copies of “Ruthless” in libraries
will be doing the right thing.
The title could also be Truthless.
Is “outstanding amount” the new, nicer way to say freeloader debt?
That is my question too….I thought all services were paid for up front, no exceptions.
How could there be an outstanding balance?
For review auditing they can make you sign an ‘Open Invoice’, which basically means the bill accumulates while they waste your time with stupid questions often asked by someone who barely knows how to even operate an e-meter. This was my experience, after I had cleared the bill for several hundred $ I made sure never to have more review auditing.
When Tampa starts putting them in bikinis I’ll stop in for a bit of recruitment.
Hell, if they stay in bikinis, I’ll sign up and do the Comm Course again!
And you would pay a heavy price …………………..again!
Don’t do it OSD!
Formula for the Condition of Desperation: Find out where you shouldn’t be.
Welcome to the Church of Spiritual Delusion.
Oh, man! This is my lucky day as I’ve always wanted to be delusional! It’s been my life’s dream….
Please rename Thursday Looney-Tunes.
+1! Brilliant idea! Loony Toons!
Maybe Rooney Toons?….
Only if you have a lisp…..
Speaking of Tom’s hanger, several new hangers are being built along the runway at the Van Nuys Airport. This is where REAL businessmen have their jets, not Burbank. Busier than LAX. You may want to reserve one for yourself and a private plane as part of your exit plan.
Are you prepared for the coming ‘black swan event’? “Pick up the cans”. LOL
“I have the personal satisfaction of knowing I did something that truly helped.”
19th century novelists were paid by the page and pulp writers were paid by the word, so what is this fellow getting for this verbiage?
I’m not a professional editor but let’s cut it down a bit:
“I helped.”
Now isn’t that intelligent and to the point?
Soon enough it will be: “I thought I was helping.”
Sometimes ‘help’ isn’t help. As the editor, just line out the entire sentence.
Oh, here’s an example of actual help:
“Discounts Discounts Hurry Hurry”
Does this imply that you can do CoS services and pay for them afterwards? I would never have guessed they’d allow that.
You guessed right. They don’t deliver on credit. No paid invoice, no service. That is unless you are the family of Tom Cruise. Then you can go to Flag and get over $100,000 worth of auditing for FREE. That’s free unless you count the expensive audio equipment, use of his jet and other perks and hugs Tom gives directly to Dave.
For a minute I misread “perks and hugs Tom gives directly to Dave.” as “perks and *tugs* Tom gives directly to Dave.”
But I was mistaken.
Perps and thugs.
Seriously, Tommy Boy does not, in fact, ‘tug’ on Davy Boy? Man, I thought they were as close as they could be, without exchanging jewelry…
I am so relieved that Colette word cleared ‘CRUCIAL’ for me. I was beginning to get that “not there” feeling and a nervous hysteria was beginning to set in. Thanks so much Collette!
Get thee to the modeling table. I want to see CRUCIAL in CLAY.
Crucial is like when you crush a shell or something like that, right?
Such desperation in Miami. I wonder what they’ll be saying in January 2017 when NONE of the goals have been met.
And I cringed when I read Ms. Gere’s “no matter where the person IS AT on the bridge.” Such dreadful English!
Methinks, that on this auspicious day, Michael, the troops are all in a Condition of Desperation!
@Peter, “where that person is at on the bridge” made me cringe too. We were trained not to say “where is it at?” or such other things early when my father would answer “between the A and the T.” It reminded us we were using improper English.
I cringe whenever I see at being used wrong because of that. My dad has been gone 32 years now but his lessons live on.
American student (AS) speaking to an English student (ES):
AS: Could you tell me where the cafateria’s at?
ES: At Oxford, we never end a sentence with a preposition.
AS: Okay. Could you tell me where the cafateria’s at, asshole.