Oooooh – a new status! Ambassador of Dissemination
I don’t think that this will be very desirable to the scientology elite without some precious metal or gemstone modifier or some sort of tortured pig latin. Silver, gold, platinum, emerald, diamond, maximus, laureate etc etc. Good luck Katie, you are the red-headed stepchild of scientology fundraisiung. Part of your problem is that the money has to be thrown away buying TV spots and nobody likes doing that….
But, on the other hand, perhaps he can get a post at a US Embassy (Palau? Andorra?) to “disseminate the tech in new lands.”
Our Time Is Now
Funny, it is ALWAYS “in the future” — why wasn’t “the time” of LA Org when they were declared SH Size the first time. Or the second time? Or made the “Model Class V org on earth” or then an “Ideal Org” or then a “Model Ideal Org”? All these things have come and gone and they were not “the time” — but “now” is?
Confirm for the “tentative” IAS Event in LA
Dear Friends,This year we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the IAS–and at this year’s event we celebrate as the greatest humanitarian force on Earth!I wanted to personally write to you to let you know our tentative plan for our IAS event showing in Los Angeles:Saturday, November 1st at the Bonaventure Hotel, starting at 7PM You can reply to this email and let me know you plan to attend, and save yourself a phone call.
Also, if you’re unable to attend, let me know and why so I can mark that in the computer system (and save yourself many phone calls!).
While there is a slight possibility that it may change (which is why you haven’t seen promotion for this event yet), I wanted you to have a heads-up, so you can earmark that Saturday for attending the event.
It is “Halloween Weekend”, so make sure your activities with kids and family are scheduled for Friday night (31st Oct)!I’ve been told on good authority that the content of this event is going to blow you away.
OUR wins as the IAS are always greater and greater with every passing year, and this anniversary is certainly without exception.So, prepare for a fantastic event, and we’ll see you there!ML,
Tashania Faust
Event Director
Why are they ALWAYS so disorganized that they begin asking people to “confirm” to attend their event before they can confirm when and where they are having it? But good news, THIS event is going to blow you away. How couyld the “greatest humanitarian force on Earth” not be a utterly incredible?
And since when is the big daddy event at the Bonaventure Hotel and not the Shrine or Nokia? (Since they can’t fill half of the larger venues — the maximum capacity of the Bonaventure is 3000 and the church claims there are more than that many SO and staff in LA!)
Ooops, just sent this one. Now they have a different date, but no location. But still, CONFIRM NOW! Wonder if they people that confirmed for the 1st of November at the Bonaventure are bummed. That earlier email was from just 3 days ago! This new one is from today. The next announcement will be in a couple of days warning that the time may change, but CONFIRM NOW.
The 200 billion year old enemies are still after us — so, join Tampa Org
The Ideal Crazy Train keeps rolling
Ideal Orgs, Ideal Missions, Ideal Staff, Ideal Translations Units and now the “ideal CLO” in Europe. Custom built desks for the telex machines? What does an “ideal CLO” consist of?
Set aside the date. We don’t know what that date is yet, but set it aside anyway…
This is no doubt because one would assume the great man will fly over from the UK for the photo op of a ribbon yanking at the “perfect” CLO. He never misses an opportunity to have a video of him pulling a ribbon, unless it is just too far away and uninteresting (Pretoria — been there, done that with Joburg) or in a country where he may be arrested (Moscow, Berlin).
Flag OTC setting their sights low
Come on guys, $250,000 for 4 “ideal orgs”? That won’t even pay the Gensler fees…
Running Program “success”
No wonder Jeff Mintz likes this — how to break down a “prospect” and get them to pay for Super Power by having them run around in circles…
And doesn’t it seem odd that literally running around in a circle is THE most incredible service in scientology? Damnation by faint praise….
Interesting Quote
I don’t usually include LRH Quotes, but I found this one interesting. Do any of the people that put out these things EVER think about how the “quotes” they promote might apply to them?
An enormous amount of power is given to the “enemies” of scientology. Psychs. Big Pharma. The Merchants of Chaos (media). Bitter defrocked apostates. All at cause over the largest humanitarian force on earth.
A Sea Org Recruitment Event
They have some unnamed old timer (why not name them? — James Byrne? Ray Thacker?) who is going to introduce RJ 67 for the 400th time.
Is the point to try and attract people to a Sea Org recruitment event with the mystery of finding out who the oldest Sea Org member is that is still IN the Sea Org? Obviously nobody thinks about this much. The percentage of Sea Org members who broke their billion year “contracts” is astonishingly high. There are MANY more EX Sea Org members than there are current SO members. That isn’t a really big clue to people?
Amazing gravity defying feat — down is the new up
Hear Keith Code explain how he went from OT VIII in 1989 to Objectives in 2014!
And this is how they describe “going up the Bridge” in today’s church of scientology.
About the guy with Cause Resurgence Rundown .. it seems his brain was drilled on running, and the endocrine did direct his thinking .. and he did then saw all flows .. okay, but spring in ice water and you get the same .. you will feel all flows at once .. especially this one from you to yourself .. because you have caused you yourself this shock and you are happy that you have survived it .. always good VGIs seen when somebody did that .. very good, but it is forgotten after some minutes .. but running every day around a pole for a lot of hours will hold probably some days longer .. anyway, he will realize sooner or later that he was running his endocine high .. and that that has nothing to do with flow .. perception of flow ..
LRH has descrioed in early lectures that the flow line can become visible, Maybe on the PDC, I’ve forgotten where. This guy has maybe read this part too often and pronouce that he can now do that .. yeah, yeah, then he should do that good in the like how LRH did described it .. the use for it is not given in the success of this guy .. following he is a effect of something which he has not understood ..
Again, everybody who spring in ice water has the same feeling and could give the same report but none of them has ever given a success story about .. because it is no success to feel flows ..
Let’s say .. this guy has never done the CCHs correctly. You can there learn how to stay above of flows and are able to do something about .. if correctly done you should be able to handle flows .. this guys super winning winnig famous never experiencid win on the bridge is basically bullshit .. I think he was asleep at all time and waked up after running 11 days around a pole … yeah, it helps really for such guys ..
He waked up and now he is suddenly nearly a god .. seeing all flows .. oh my dear ..
These bloviated status’ are so out of control, now we have ambassador of dissemination. They are like 5 year olds that want another star on their forehead. They’ve perverted the original grade chart accomplishments to the ridiculous. The unrelenting focus on dissemination is so irrational, as the reputation of Scn is burnt toast and there are no qualified staff to deliver. What’s left here is dm with his gargantuan ego, and the egoless people fawning over him and doing everything he says. Full intention without reservation or limit could be a fine goal, except in order to succeed you have to actually do something and produce products or remove barriers. These guys think a cool ad with full intention will undo all the harm that Scn has perpetrated, put the tech back in order and revive the dead. This is UNREAL AND DELUTIONAL. The mention again of donating money producing case gain is so offensive to me. I’ve seen real wins and that’s not it.
Right on girl!
An “Ideal” CLO would be one that sent no missions; did not constantly bombard staff with dev-t inane phone calls; did not send untrained and unqualified staff to Flag for years of poor training who when they came back screamed at and threatened PCs and emptied Academies of students; did not produce “Executives” who ripped up and destroyed Orgs, did not invalidate and threaten staff constantly; did not ignore HCO Policy Letters; did not declare people SP on whims and personal animosity; did not badger staff for inane meaningless reports and compliances to ridiculous targets every week; did not pull staff off post for no real reasons; did not musical chair staff; did not provide undo-able and unrealistic programs to improve the Org; did not unmock working installations constantly; ad infinitum and ad nauseam.
The CLOs or the FOLOs, whichever you want to call them, and I could call them a few other things, as an entity (sic), were the biggest bunch of assholes I have ever encountered. My auditor would then say “I would like to indicate that there is bypassed charge on this subject”. LOL!
Ahhhhhhhh, the memories. You nailed it!
Yes the memories are/were awful – LOL! God, they were so incompetent. It was like they had never read an LRH Policy! Of course in most cases – they hadn’t! Then there was the usual SP Rabid Dog who had read the policies but dismissed it and who jumped on DM’s bandwagon rolling downhill to the point we are at now. All these SP types seemed to gravitate to the FOLOs. Amazing thing almost 1 for 1 is they thought they were good Product Officers!
Foolproof, you definitely have nailed the management of Scientology. In my Class V org, we used to hurry to lock the front door at 6 pm on a Saturday night and rush out the back, as the CLO had a reputation for sending missions around that time, which meant that we’d all be on post all night.
We also used to openly bitch about the volume of telexes and useless programs that had nothing to do with our org, as well as the insane orders and required compliance reports. And when an ethics or production mission arrived to “fix” the org…….oh god, that’s another very long and grisly story for another day.
I’ve been off staff for longer than I was on, and I still occasionally dream that I’m back on post with an ethics missionnaire screaming at me. Waking up from those dreams is a heady relief!
Similar experiences Lordburg12. I had the dreams a long time ago. One of them I dreamt that I was actually back on staff but in the Independent Field and they didn’t know it. It got so bad at one point that I actually got confused as to whether I had actually been back on staff (after I left) and woke up in a sweat. Fortunately all got sorted out later with a little bit of auditing and I also stopped worrying about it all as well. I think it was the loss of what was a decent movement to a gang of lunatics which was epitomized and exemplified by the FOLO staff. It could all have been so simple – and quite easy to boom an Org – you just sell books and provide good courses. God, how much more simpler can you get?
What used to really piss me off was the constant orders to M9 KSW HCO PL, amongst other similar stuff, all coming in from all over their Org Board at their whim.
Oh, wait, still paraphrased but better now: “Don’t try to stop truth. Its the only thing that will go thru 16″ armor plate.”
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”
– Churchill
LRH stated it a different way. I’m paraphrasing: “Truth is the only thing that will go thru 16″ armor plate”.
Probably many people have expressed this in many ways.
I hopped over to the Tony’s for a bit and found this Winston Churchill quote posted by a Bunkerite:
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is.”
For as far back as I can remember, I always wanted to know the truth about things. This is what got me into the Church of Scientology, and this is what got me out.
Just leaked from deep cover agent in Super Power Building.
The EP of Cause Resurgence is “You buy a Time Share”
PS. I consider you one of my most important guests, and I really want you to attend my dinner party, so if you let me know definitely right away that you’ll be there it will save having to field a lot of my phone calls!!!!!
+1 😀
“Dear ______,
I’m inviting you to a VERY special dinner party! This will be like NO OTHER dinner party you have EVER attended, and, well, I really, REALLY want you to do all you can to make sure that you are available to be my guest, because you are very special to me and I really want you at my party!!!!
Now, I’ll probably have it at my home but then its possible that I’ll have it at a restaurant. I’ll let you know.
Wow!!! I am just so excited about this!!! And so thrilled to be inviting you!!! Believe me when I tell you, with no exaggeration, that you’re going to have the time of your LIFE !!!!
The tentative date set is the evening of Saturday, November 1st, but this is tentative so I’ll be getting back as soon as I set the definite date
I am very much looking forward to seeing you!!!! I can hardly wait!!!! Please RSVP right away!!!!!
Thanks and much love,
“we celebrate as the greatest humanitarian force on Earth!I” The complete delusion of this comment is just too painful to bear.
At least King Arthur knows enough to keep the torch away from the horse and his hair. Where is the holy public relations hand grenade of Antioch when need one? Oh, the CO$ supplies them every day.
The ’boutique’ experience of Flag SP may not be getting so many customers. I expect to see a lot more pressure exerted to get the loyal minions to Flag for that ‘rundown’. After 5 hours of running around in a circle, I’d be rundown too. Never mind about the wallet, that will get lighter as the reggs go marching on.
New undiscovered tech being piloted at Flag where you sit in a cell by yourself for as long as it takes to raise your IAS status. They don’t let you out until you have a real workout with money ready to be deposited or transferred into church coffers. Aptly named ‘The Solitary Rundown.’
No. It’s actually called “The Confidence Rundown.”
Perhaps you should start calling these “Tinfoil Thursdays”.
O my god The blonde guy on the horse again.
Who is he exactly, anyway?
An entertainer , one of the guys from “Medieval Knights” or one of those jousting groups
Katie Paquette?
Daughter of the infamous and shabbily dressed Ava?
No relation whatsoever. She is married to Tom Paquette.
“This promises to be the best IAS Event ever!!!”
–Tashania Faust
Event Director
With a name like Faust, you know you can trust her.
And Tashania Faust is married to Brandon Faust, Sea Org Recruiter extraordinaire. Brandon will be at the Orange County “epic Sea Org briefing” so keep the kiddies at home folks. They like ’em young!
“Day 1- 10” of the Running pgm sounds similar to some stories from people who survived extreme deprivation while stranded in the desert. (it’s called mirages & hallucinations) At least the people stranded didn’t have to PAY additional $ for that torture.
‘The greatest humanitarian force on Earth’.
That’s quite a claim. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is usually recognised as being the world’s largest humanitarian organisation with something like 13 million volunteers.
That’s 13 million ACTUAL volunteers. 13 million ACTUAL, trained, equipped and prepared people..
I wonder what they could do with Dave Miscaviges billion dollar war chest?
How large is the IAS membership exactly? Is it more than 13 million?
Richard Worthington’s comments on Pareto’s General Sociology, in these words:
“Many men have tried to change the conduct of people by reasonings, or by passing certain laws. Their endeavors have often been peculiarly barren of results. Pareto shows how their failure is associated with the importance of the nonlogical. People must be controlled by manipulating their [instincts and emotions] rather than by changing their reasonings. This is a fact of which politicians have always made use when they have persuaded their constituents by appealing to their sentiments, rather than by employing [reasoning], which would never be listed to or at least never prove effective for moving the crowds.”
From The Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard
Confirming attendees for events was always a nightmare for more or less everybody (except those “lucky” ones that weren’t pulled into all-hands call ins for one reason or the other) and getting volunteers for translations for an event with a shifting (usually delayed) event (because the material to be translated wasn’t ready or kept shifting as well) wasn’t exactly a piece of cake as people took holidays with a fixed end date to help out. And when a new date was announced and the public/volunteers didn’t want to believe it (and didn’t want to come) anymore, all staff reassured them that “this time it’s definite!”. Obviously nobody knew and just hoped what they were saying was true and that they wouldn’t betray them (again) after having been fooled themselves.
Their promo seems to get more “real” (if one can use this word when talking about this nuthouse) as it is promoting: We haven’t got a clue when we will be doing what we currently believe we might be doing.
There will be lot’s of Hill 10’s and “handle the hell out of it” for these “events” to happen when instead it would be more sensible to just get the hell out of there.
Yes indeed George. All you lurkers out there – pull the plug on the kool-aid IV drip – the withdrawal isn’t that bad.
From what I understand, MJ, is once you do pull the plug on the Kool-Aid IV drip, it’s instant freedom! I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true! You become happy again without false glee. You have lots of money in the bank. You can have non-cult friends. You can take a vacation! All this with absolutely NO GUILT! It’s a wonderful experience!
Jeff Mintz’s email contains a journal of mind control in action, and contains so much about the scientology experience. The person refused for a full hour to purchase Super Power. They must have had a strong feeling that refusing was the right thing to do. Days later, they submit, throwing away all the things that are important to them that don’t relate to doing what they are being asked to do, and consider it a win!
Next, they describe themselves disassociating from reality, something which feels good but is not healthy. This is what a lot of drugs do. Again, feeling awesome about the thoughts in their head while feeling unconcerned about the things going on around them seems like a big win to them.
They’ve moved into a state where they are abstracting reality. The complex business and social interactions between the person and other people are all just “flows”. Another charge on an already loaded credit card is just another “flow”. It’s much easier to get people to “make a flow” or “block a flow” than it is to convince them to max out a credit card or disconnect from a loved one.
Every time scientology “helps someone”, it’s making them more controllable.
Very nicely said, scnethics. Actually perfect.
The poor guy was probably so tired, exhausted and sore from the five days of running all day, he was already primed and ready for the shake down. Going to reg cycles after a long day of CRD is probably not a good idea if you know that you do not want to pay for anything else right now. Notice how they didn’t leave the guy alone to just do his service and get some gains from it. No, those regges had to go in for the kill while the guy was vulnerable. They know exactly what they are doing.
As for the public in the email, he no doubt caved in to the expert handling. He probably didn’t realize that he could have said ‘no’ to even going to any reg cycles, and could have told the staff to let him be to do his service and to not approach him anymore until he was done. There are some people who are afraid to assert themselves when they should. They are too concerned about what the staff might think of them, or that they are manifesting case, MWH’s, overts, etc. Some public do not like to be seen in this light and are way too nice. They get taken advantage of big time.
Jim Seagraves made an appearance here not too long ago didn’t he? If I remember correctly he was recently recovered and bragging about his new status etc. Chris Shelton sent him an email warning him against being conned. Guess he didn’t heed the warning. I can’t find the article but I’m fairly certain my recollection is correct.
Is it possible that dates/locations are being omitted from promo bc of the unstoppable leaks? Is this info withheld bc they know it will be leaked if it’s in print?
I’d say they’re either paranoid about leaks, or very disorganized, or both.
I’d bet on disorganised. The group with the only workable admin technology on Earth has never managed to get anything done in anything other than the last minute.
Always a mad, headless scramble in scientology.
OK, first a confession… I love the Beverly Hill Chihuahua movies. I know, they’re silly and poorly acted, but I’m a sucker for chihuahuas. So imagine my chagrin when I checked Marcus Coloma’s idmb page and discoved that he was in BHC II and III! He was the (human) male lead! I will never be able to watch these movies again without the shadow of sciloontology looming over them and blotting out my pleasure.
Does this cult have to fuck up EVERYTHING??
I know the feeling. Jenna Elfman contaminated my beloved Looney Tunes for me.
Jo,jo,jo…This was funny too: “Also, if you’re unable to attend, let me know and why so I can mark that in the computer system (and save yourself many phone calls!).”
Lets face it, this time she is right – the too many phone calls – and grammatically it deserves the exclamation mark.
Thank you Mike. Oh, by the way, the stat of ‘# of laughs’ on Thursday funnies will end up before 2pm today. Congrats.
“Hear Keith Code explain how he went from OT VIII in 1989 to Objectives in 2014!” Says it all. Wait, James Byrne is still kickin’?
I dont know about James. Just hazarding guesses…
Wally Burgess was still around last I knew too, but that was a few years ago.
“4th Sea Org member” is totally James Byrne’s shtick. It’s gotta be him.
“Last night after my slot on Cause Resurgence, I was called by a reg to go see him So I went and they wanted to get me to do Super Power. This was the second time I had gone to see him. But this time something was different. The first time I had spent over an hour, ridging like crazy because I was just not going to buy Super Power”
Well what was different last night is that on the Cause Resurgence smack down, I finally realized I was nothing and Scientology was all. So to that effect I’m happily reporting for more brain rearrangement, and money stripping as I for once gave up my silly CI, H&R as well as other humanoid behavior. Thank you COB, can I have more juice please. How many fingers you said?
“An island in the sea off the Canary Islands”
How can they not know how stupid this sounds?
Flunk, Civmar. They’re just letting us know what kind of island they’re referring to. After all, it could be a piece of furniture in the middle of someone’s kitchen.
God, so much to J & D. so little time…
Yeah, it’s a little redundant.
Is this “new” CLO EU building by any chance the NEPI Warehouse with a new front attached to it? Would be interesting to know as that would mean that SO units get “merged” now as well.
NO, they have had this building for years but used it for berthing only I think
I wonder what will happen with Walter now… He is getting a bit old, knows too much, maybe he will replaced by “an ideal CO” – an overzealous young CMO teen…
Peter, there’s a place for Walter Kotric. It’s the next country over, in a city called The Hague. That’s where us wogs deal with Crimes Against Humanity.
“The first time I had spent over an hour, ridging like crazy because I was just not going to buy Super Power. But the second time I noticed these ridges were completely gone!”
I don’t know what “ridges” are, but now I know that they’re caused by keeping money safe in your pocket.
Those “ridges” were the last vestiges of his common sense. Luckily for him, scientology can help him with that.
I like the “find out if you qualify” line in the recruiting poster. (That guy sure is cute, but who is his tailor?)
If you can fog a mirror, you probably qualify.
Well, I’d bet my eternity it’s not the dude who does Dave’s threads. Yes, recruitment is like being an auditor – if there’s breath on the mirror you’re good to go.
“Find Out if You Qualify” for staff:
Prospective Staff Member: Gosh, I sure hope I qualify for staff!
Recruiter: Are you currently alive and do you believe that COB is the Master of the Universe & will you make sure every single public is stripped of every last penny they have?
PSM: Of course!
Recruiter: Congratulations, you qualify. Sign here and start…
You qualify for staff or the Sea Org – the Most Ethical Group on the Planet, just as long as the following conditions are met:
A. You are breathing air (fog the mirror).
B. Are not a homosexual, or never engaged in any same-sex sexual activity.
C. Never had sex with an animal.
This was the “qual” I witnessed one of my kids go through.
So if you screw the pooch you’re safe?
Pepper, how about if it was only ONE animal? Just one isolated incident? Look, long ago, a 2D and I had just broken up, and I was lonely and vulnerable, and I had no one to talk to except my dog who just seemed to understand me like no human ever had, and – well – one thing led to another…it never happened again! Could I SCW, do you think? 🙂
Aqua – I don’t know the answer to that but you could always petition the ‘no sex with animals’ rule. They just might make an exception for you!
Desperation knows no bounds.
The only real question is the amount of the check that accompanies the petition.
I think you’re giving funnies a bad name Mike; I prefer Archie and Jughead. How about Lilliputian Loonies? Kind of has a nice ring to it.