How long will it take?
They are STILL trying to recruit Paul Schofield for staff at Auckland org even after the post last Saturday…
“Breakthrough accomplishments”
We have nearly broken 6,800 ever on or through Solo NOTs and Tampa CF is done through the letter “F”….
Birmingham IS going ideal…
“The freight train has started…” Wonder if this person also writes copy for HAPI?
Birmingham IS going Ideal. The freight train has started and will not be stopping until the cycle is done. The first Sea Org projects have arrived. This includes a project in Division 6 which will be working with the org staff and with you to get dissemination going, to service new people in Division 6, to help you with your dissemination activities and to set up groups or WISE or ABLE activities, etc…
As part of this we will be doing a series of seminars and workshops on any subjects you would want to see covered and which will help you in your activities in the field.
Please fill in the below survey so that we know what subjects you would want to see covered in those seminars/workshops.
1. What ideas have you had in terms of dissemination activities that you wanted to get going in the past or in present.
If so, how did you get on with those ideas and putting them into reality?
2. Have you tried to get family/friends/work colleagues interested in Scientology? If so, how did you get on with that? What barriers did you run into, if any?
3. Have you run into difficulties when you tried to disseminate? If so, what did you run into?
4. What would you like to get help with in regards to dissemination?
5. Which of the following subjects would you want to see covered in a workshop/seminar:
FSM Beingness –
Public Speaking
How to get a field group started
How to disseminate to friends and family
The Deadly Quartet
How to make a Scientologist
How to expand across your dynamics.
Anything else?
6. What do you feel really needs to happen to get field activities done for real and in volume in the Birmingham area.
Thank you very much for your reply.
ml, Maggie Reid (New Era) & Ann Roelens (CO I HELP UK)
Sharron Weber needs this
They had Matt Feshbach…
Big Fail
Save a tree
They’re actually promoting this
It’s always “about to change…”
Spirit of Play…
It’s a milestone!
It’s desperate
Huge News!
He does know there is no beach in Battle Creek, right?
Supermen? Not so much
City Office?
Join the FUN
Scots logic
A tree? Really?
The biggest, baddest, ideal org of all
Big Expansion Surging
Expansion of the waistline perhaps?
It’s less than 1 hour and 10 minutes long
Not really
In 2011 the Italians led the charge
They do read these things right?
Anyone know what this means?
Well, I was just starting to read the funnies and had a few questions… on the one that says “Long time Seattle Scientologist James Gaines just did the student hat”… I thought the “student hat” was something you did waaaaayyy at the beginning, at the start of Scientology training, to learn how to study…? Why is he just now doing it? Isn’t that going out of order? Can someone explain the student hat to me? thanks much!
It’s usually the first major service you do past the introductory ones (ups and downs, communication course, whatever). Usually you do a watered-down version called the “basic study manual” to get you started.
The reason these long-time scn are re-doing the course is that with the Golden Age of Tech 2, anyone who did any technical course is being forced to re-do the courses as the last GAT was messed up by “SPs”. They also altered the lectures and got rid of any “confusing material”, and changed procedure to word clear each portion of the course per an LRH executive directive.
TLDR; All of your previous courses were messed up. You must re-do everything.
GATchild thanks for the explanation, I understand now (certainly not tl;dr, it was concise). It brings more questions to mind though – should they be altering the lectures and other source materials? Who is it to decide what LRH wanted in or whatever… if he said it or wrote it, he must have meant it right? I’m not in, but if I was, I’d like my materials uncensored and unaltered.
Does a Natural Clear or Last Lifetime Clear have to do the Purif and the Survival Rundown?
If so why?
So, if OT IX and X are both imminent (and eminent….) does this mean COB has already tackled these levels?
In which case, how did he do that? Are there auditors trained to do IX and X?
Sorry if I am misunderstanding the terminology (as I am a never in) but I have never understood how an auditor could train someone to go higher up the Bridge than their own place on the Bridge.
How can an auditor who is OT II audit someone to OT III (for example)
3. Have you run into difficulties when you tried to disseminate? If so, what did you run into? I drank too much and had brewers droop and then walked into the door when I was staggering around.
4. What would you like to get help with in regards to dissemination? I’m sorry but Freedumb magazine just doesn’t have the same effect as Hustler.
The only thing Sharron left out of her begging letter, and I’m guessing it’s implied anyway, was that you MUST remember to bring your wallet, chequebook, credit cards, etc with you. They are becoming more and more desperate.
Re: Battle Creek. You do realise that they will get a couple of OTV11’s and 8’s to use their superhuman powers to conjure up a beach.
Pittsburgh Scamology Office – WOW!!! (oh what heck, I’ll add another !). I was looking at a photo of 416 Anthony Street and was rather surprised at not seeing Norman Bates standing in the doorway.
Construction Kickoff – Can someone tell me who the Special Management Speaker Saturday 23 April is please?
Rats, I forgot to put the inverted commas around Saturday 23 April. So it should read “Saturday 23 April”.
Personally nothing says desperation to me like the continued stream of emails trying to recruit ME back onto staff. What next, AOLA trying to get Mike Rinder back in the SO? Or Chuck Beatty targeted as part of a “veterans’ return program?”
OSA Int and OSA ANZO are obviously so overwhelmed they don’t even respond to Mike’s blog anymore. Or have they all been busted off post and Herr DwarfenFuhrer is now holding everything from above? What a lovely thought!
I guessing that even though you are an “Evil SP” ANZO hasn’t updated their files in years and as the robots slowly wake up and sniff reality and leave the situation will only worsen. Demento doesn’t give a shit about people, his main concern is accruing as much money and property as possible before it all falls down and he does a runner.
Hilarious, Paul!
the dessert in the promo for st.hill looks good to me. its probably as fake as all the other promo. too bad, they almost had me too.
Hey Sharron!
We do know Tech “works”
And Dave keep moving on the Bridge…
Parenthetically, ‘if you want’ means optional. Just in case you can’t read.
In every single letter from Sharron Weber, I see the phrase “this planet needs Operating Thetans, you are one of the closet”. Perhaps there’s a reason that all those people who have supposedly learned the Inner Seeecrets of $cientology are now in the closet, unwilling to be associated with the criminal gang known as the Church of $cientology? Has the Co$ become scandalous enough yet that even its most indoctrinated members would rather not be seen with them? I can only hope.
River the never-in
Hey, rivercs, I’m an Operating Thetan! But, I’m still in the closet. I don’t know why they won’t let me out.
OSD I’m quite sure if you decided to come out you would most likely rip the door from the hinges…
Yep, did that. I’m free at last…
The keys to the closet are on the table on the front porch of Eternity, next to a pack of Kools.
Hostility can demonstrate that one has O/W’s, whether one knows what that means or not, or has ever even had anything officially to do with an Org or Mission or not. To be honest and truthful in communicating one’s observations about the Church of Scientology is the most sure fire way to not only be heard but understood. There really is no such thing as a Church of Scientology yet. It is sheer luck that most people get any gains out of a church at all. Did you or me write the policies the church operates on? Even LRH had HUGE flaws across several of his dynamics. He thinks he is the smartest man in the world but he is not. It is a 100% certainty that myself and just a small other percentage of the Earth’s current population are truly aware of this fact and will be for life. Life is forever believe it or not, whether one wants it to be or not. Make the most of it. Tell the truth about the church, not the so called rumors and be someone that sets the records straight for the eternity right in front of you daring you to step into it. 🙂
Scientology celebrating Earth Day? Ha!
On Earth Day about 10 years ago, I remember telling an arrogant young sea org boy, who was the board I/C at AOLA in the NOTs lounge, that the pager batteries he was throwing away were supposed to be collected and taken to hazardous waste disposal like everyone else did.
He looked at me like I was joking. I told him I was serious, and “How can the church be putting on a big PR display right now on LRH way, with booths, music and activities, and not have a battery disposal program going in the PAC organizations?”
He paused, then sneered and loudly threw the battery into the trash can right in front of me and then turned away.
Another small confirmation that I was hanging out with hypocrites.
John Doe, aren’t most of them arrogant fucks to begin with? I always thought so….
Arrogance is *always* birthed by fear. 🙂
Really? I always thought it was because they were assholes….
Well the Matter Energy Space Time universe is an illusion so it doesn’t matter what the awakened Thetan does in it.
Those emails from Sharon were scary. She’s trying to order grown adults around like they are petulant children. I expect you to do this, when are you going to do that, I will not accept anything less, why have you not done _____ yet? I sent people to your house to look for you!?? That’s crazy. I’m glad the receivers of the emails have had enough and forwarded them to you. I guess that’s the only way they could get those vultures to leave them alone. What a freakshow.
Yes, quite disrespectful. One does not speak to adults in this way. If anyone wrote me such scolding twaddle I would be furious. One can only surmise that she is under enormous pressure. The more I think of it, the more I believe that the degree of civility in these missives – or the lack of it – is a good index of the degree of cult desperation.
They really read like veiled threats.
Yes. You nailed it, actually.
Q. Have you run into difficulties when you tried to disseminate Scientology?
A. Ya think?
Q. What would you like to see covered in a seminar?
A. Please show the documentary “Going Clear”.
Please have Jamie DeWolfe come to speak about LRH.
We would love to get the SP BASIC BOOKS into all Org Libraries so people can do their doubt formulas for real because they will have ALL OF THE DATA!!
Tell us where Shelly is.
Can we have Leah Remini come to do a seminar and bring Lisa Marie Presley and Ron Miscavige Jr and Senior along with Jenna Miscavige? We sure think we would learn things about our fournder, dictator and our Church.
“Have you run into difficulties when you tried to disseminate Scientology?”
Staff member: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! Once they find out I’m a Scientologists, the torches and pitchforks appear like magic! I’m fucking done disseminating! Everyone hates us anyway….
I’m just glad they don’t tar and feather anymore.
Ummmmm….what makes you think we don’t? We just don’t advertise it. You can look us up at: Tar & Feathers R Us.
The Fleecewinds poster with all the light colored words on a light colored background is an attempt to use subliminal psychology. I noticed ‘Viability’ twice in the background. I also noticed ‘Statistics’ twice. Why try to sublimate those words into the audience? Perhaps because they don’t actually exist in the clam world?
“Dissemination and Closing Training Convention’ needs too much subliminal help to actually attract an audience. What do they think the current membership will do when they see this ad? It’s not like that Volcano ad that ‘drove sales’ long ago. With perhaps as few as 10 thousand active $cienoes, how can anyone actually think that they fill up the Fleecewinds for anything?
Deluded thinking is deluded.
Love that baby!
I know, huh! So cute!
Is this a convention that interests you ?
[ ] YES
[ ] NO
Quite a wealth of material here. For starters:
“Overnight, sound expansion”. Sorry, there is no such “sound” expansion that occurs “overnight”. That’s rubbish. Bad data from the Tiny One.
Ah, it makes more sense with comma tech.
I was going to ask, WTF is “Overnight sound expansion” ? Is that what you call it when your neighbor decides to learn to play drums at 2 in the morning ?
That’s exactly what you call it, Kemist! Of course, if my neighbor decided to learn to play drums at 2 in the morning, I’d start playing Polka music REAL LOUD.
I thought it might be a seminar for recording engineers and record producers. That or they just don’t qual their promotion material.
Laughter! Yeah, there’s an awful lot of overnight sound expansion where I live!
Overnight is the speed of sound through koolaid.
Wow! You’re one smart motor scooter, Bystander!
“We could not be conquered by Rome. They just built a wall”.
Fearless, my dear, here’s another little history lesson for you. Rome wasn’t TRYING to conquer that area. On the contrary, the murderous, blue face painted Picts kept invading in order to conquer THEM. So the Roman Emporor Hadrian had this wall built in what was then called “Brittania” to keep these savages OUT. And by the way, the reason they were called “Picts” by the Romans was because these savages painted their faces with blue paint when they went on the warpath.. “Pict” is the root Latin word for “picture”. Oh, and Fearless, this may be a rant, but its not an anti-Scottish rant. I have a strong Scottish strain in my family.
One of my best friends in the Army was a Jewish guy with a Scottish surname. His family moved to Scotland after the Romans put down the Jewish revolt and demolished the Temple in Jerusalem..
Some more data on the Picts (Picti – “painted people”)
:They left no literature and all that is known about them today comes from the Romans who didn’t care for them particularly.
They painted their entire bodies, not only their faces, with a lot of blue but with other colors as well. They went around mostly naked because clothing covered up their individual, identifying body paint which they thought was not a good thing.
They were extremely aggressive, savage and warlike and the women were warriors too, and fought on the ground with their men, naked and painted also. (This last should get you going this morning, OSD 🙂
Oh, and OSD, you, too are descended from the murderous Picts, and I really think you should take responsibility and step up to the plate and do the right thing for Mr. Gourlay and for the glory of Scotland. Now, I only have a strain of Caledonia on ONE side of my family. My generous dime is in the mail. You, OSD, are admittedly Scot on BOTH side which means that FAR more is expected of you. Reach deep, think big, and send them a quarter. The time is now.
A QUARTER! Woman, are you insane?! Ohhhh sure! You can toss money around like it’s nothing, but, we, inherently, can’t! A QUARTER! Did you start drinking early today! Seriously! You expect a Scotsman to just, willy nilly, had over that much money?! Are you still drinking Kool-Aide?! A QUARTER???????
Look I totally get it, OSD but then, the time IS now. The present has just become the past. The future’s only actual future is to become the past, and the past is just another way of talking about what once was the present AND/OR the future. I mean, think of the Picts! How would THEY feel? Do you see what I mean? Do you understand where I’m going with this? OK, neither do I. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that the time is now! And that you really need to do this!
ROTFLMAO! Aqua, you really crack me up! Yes, the time is now. But, it’s always Now.
I”m waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of you, Aqua! Arrrrrgggg…..
I’m glad, OSD 🙂
That image is taken from Steel Rigg, and shows Crag Lough in the distance. It’s in England. The border is probably 30 miles north. The entire wall is inside England, and it wasn’t built to keep the Scots out, because there wasn’t a Scotland, or an England, until the 10th century.
And the Romans built a second wall, the Antonine wall about 100miles north. Learn some history, un-HAPI chappies.
Hey rock and roll Mike !!!!!!!
Oh yeah! and let’s not forget – join staff and earn a living!
” – Join staff and earn a living.” That’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one! However, I still think an oxymoron is a stupid steer.
Anything, and I mean absolutely anything the Cof$ promotes does exactly the opposite of what they say it does.
The closest I’ve worked out what Solo NOTs actually does is tie you in mental knots chasing around after all the little people stuck in your head until you simply bore yourself to death and give it away as bad joke waiting for the never arriving punch line, all the while it’s crippling you financially and destroying any life you think you have. Then Objectives has to be done multiple times and sticks you to yourself under the guise of becoming extroverted with MEST, and then you get regged to death to acquire group MEST as it’s so very, very important. Oh, let’s not forget about running around a pole, and how beneficial that is and only available at Flag!
They claim (pick an adjective) EXPANSION, yet their numbers are dwindling so incredibly quickly and their Orgs are empty.
What does Scientology supposedly do again?
NEWS FLASH: I just heard word from my confidential source at Flag that our Great Leader has ordered a retread by all $cientologists, regardless of case or training level of the ABC song we all learned so young, but apparently incorrectly. This was discovered by COB while searching through long, lost LRH materials.
Upon completion of this vital new material, a retread of all case and training levels will be required.
So exciting!
OMG!!! This has been a dream of mine and now it came true! I’ve always wanted to retread all the courses and auditing I did! I mean, the more times you do, the higher your IQ is…..right?
[And, at that precise moment, the shutter shot and the baby photo at the top of this page was created.]
What is the ABC song?
You know….ABCDEFG…HIJKLMNOP…QRS…TUV…WXY and Z…now I know my ABC’s, next time won’t you sing with me.
Awwwwwww…..I’ll sing with you, Amy!
Cracking up, here! Totally forgot about that little kindergarten tune. OMG I actually thought it had something to do with INT!
Let’s see, now…
that comes to Three Hundred Twenty Six Thousand, and Nineteen Dollars.
Hi Aquamarine,That is funny,thank you.I thought of o/ws and writing them up when I first read the abc song,as in a-e I did it so much I call it a-z.xo Ann.
The ABC song is when you sing the alphabet. C’mon Aqua, we sang it as kids.
I know, I know! So embarrassed!
Senior moments, honey. I’m sorry…who are you?
Is it like alphabet soup – the musical?
Apparently the rumor is the original author of the song transcribed it to her assistant, and LRH discovered that she was actually an SP and inserted some semi-colons that completely changed the meaning.
Once again, COB, you have proven yourself indispensable to the unshackling of the chains humanity has worn for too long. The day will come when even those who attack you now will realize you are our only hope.
Yes, it was such a suppressive song perpetrated upon unsuspecting 6 years olds. Who knew? 🙂
The church is shrinking by the hour and the PR
mill runs at full blast.
All OT 7s are invited to the Fleawinds for FREE personality tests!!!!!
“Hello? Mr. Recruiter? There are some possible issues that may disqualify me for the Sea Org, I’ve had a serious illness and must now take medications for blood pressure and seizures. I have have to see a Neurologist at least twice a year. I’m also a big fan of Ayn Rand and fully accept the concept of the Primacy of Existence…hello? The line’s dead…”
And I didn’t mention the fact that I also have to sleep a lot.
Sea Org Recruiter:
“Leslie, whatever gave you the idea that any of these body issues would pose problems to being a dedicated Sea Org member? We provide the best medical care absolutely free, you know. As for needing to sleep a lot, you need to know that a minimum of 8 hours of solid, restful sleep AND a daily half hour nap are MANDATED for every one of the Elite’s who are putting this planet’s ethics in! As for Ayn Rand,you and LRH have a great deal in common because our Founder had much admiration for this esteemed author? I’ll show you the reference. What’s that, you say? Oh, you wouldn’t have ever read this reference because its not available to mere public. Its in one of LRH’s confidential Advices. Highly confidential, but I’ll get the OK to show it to.
So, Leslie, let’s get together and talk! When would be a good time?
Oh, and be sure to bring your complete list of food preferences – all your likes and dislikes, including any exclusions of meat, fish or dairy, etc. All Sea Org members are mandated to be extremely well fed! A high quality nutrition regime for each Sea Org member is also mandatory. LRH says no one should be forced to eat what one doesn’t like. Yes, that’s right, its another confidential Advice!
What’s that? Of course, I understand, Leslie, and thank you very much for originating all these misconceptions you’ve been harboring. No worries at all! I totally got it! There’s just SO much false data out there about Sea Org life! We’ll get together so can have the TRUE data to think with and make an informed choice. Oh, you’re VERY welcome, Leslie, and yes, it IS exciting! Absolutely! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
In the how to disseminate section they have a list. One of which says, “How to make a Scientologist.”
I’ll take a shot at it. First you remove the person’s brain (this is the most important step). Then you remove all of his/her money. You tell them the world around them is so dangerous they staying in the org is mandatory. Then you convince them to join staff. And of course, you don’t pay them. Then you browbeat the shit out of them until they turn into jelly. At this point you mold them into the image of David, “Let Him Die” Miscavige. Once that is completed, you force them to disconnect from all family members. But, it must pass the test of time. Once the staff member has been on staff for say, 20 years, you asked them how many courses they completed during their time at the org. If they say, “I did the Purif and the Student Hat,” you know you have a slave for life…..
Been having a lot of fun reading Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan. Fascinating how similar the Moonies recruitment and operating procedures are to the Sea Org. All the same tricks and scams.
Sharron Webber sounds to me like a cult leader who is getting pissed off because she’s getting more middle fingers than obedience these days.
I think that the funniest (and most telling vis-a-vis # Scn’ers) is that the event for ALL LA Area Scientologists is going to be held in the AOLA Atrium!
What, all 50 of them? Is the Atrium big enough for that?
Yes, MORE than big enough. Maybe Der DwarfenFührer will just declare it the New El Con Hall and be done with it and pocket the cash for his get away?
Laughter! You may be right, Mike!
Mike, didn’t they bust all the Pac execs not all that long ago? And now they are busting them all again?
It’s LRH policy: “Never stop attacking, and never stop busting.”
And of course, if possible, ruin everyone who’s against you utterly…
I love the Freudian slip towards the end of Sharron Weber’s letters, where ‘you are one of the closest is rendered as ‘you are one of the closet’. Yes Sharron they’re all hiding in the closet hoping you’ll go away with your bossy hectoring ways.
“Birmingham is going Ideal.” Really? According to this link Ann Roelens has been a Scientologist since at least 1992 and has yet to reach Clear. She’s taken a quarter of a century to fail to get to the foot of the Bridge and she’s going to lead Birmingham to ‘Ideal’? Don’t hold your breath.
This is probably sacrilegious on this forum, but when I read all this shit I almost get nostalgic for my days of innocence when I believed all this crap and drunk deep of the koolaid.
dr mac, they have rehab for your nostalgia…
Hi dr mac, I have enjoyed your posts and liked your recent one, because I understand your feelings.I find that when I got the last particles of Ron-Aid out of my system and space,reading all the promo is so different than when I was in.In Sea Org I swallowed all that was there to swallow in one huge gulp with no thought of insubordination and got my stats up each week by two pm.Now because Mike sends out such amazing pieces on Thurs,I cringe when I think what my state of mind was when in when I truly believed all things Ron.Always,Ann
Indeed, that final quote on the ideal org flyer almost had me reaching for the demo kit and dictionary to try and work out what the hell all the elron double speak was about.
2. Have you tried to get family/friend/work colleagues interested in Scientology? if so, how did you get on with that? What Barriers did run into, if any?
Not well, Barriers??They knew how to google words or had watch TV in the last ten years.
6. What do you feel really needs to happen to get field activities done for real and in volume in the Birmingham Area?
A giant internet blackout or failing that completely re-branding of the Tech, Organisation, Founder, etc. Make it difficult for people to use google to find a link between it and what it once was called Scientology.
My favorite has to be the last photo of LRH, the Sebaceous cyst is clearly visible. Maybe, I should printed it out and ask security at CC “What is going on with the guy’s forehead? Is it like a bindi? Is that how were LRH divines his spiritual powers? Maybe it’s like Samson’s hair but subcutaneous and as it grew so did LRH’s OT powers?”
Get ready for more posters about those Atlanta Golds; they are making a habit of telling their ideal org tales at other org’s events. They raised 1.3 million dollars in Miami last weekend. (They were set to ‘only’ do 50,000$)
P.S. By the way, Bob Schmidt is the man missing from that picture.
I love that last one, Mike. How’s that for not-ising the whales? No matter how much you give, you still can’t be good enough. So give more!
And by the way Mr. Duggan Sir, when will you be joining staff at the Valley Ogre? You can move up and out of the dilettante status by taking on the post of ED.