Cant afford to fly this guy out?
OC Ideal Org is not full?
Tell us it ain’t so Cathy. This is an IDEAL Org… How can it be ideal if it is not full of people?
Word salad for lunch?
There are only about 20 different words on this entire page…
You have the right to be prosperous…
…to make it to OT! Because you can be damned sure you WON’T make it to OT unless you have a LOT of money.
Local hype
I always feel a bit sorry for these backwoods orgs. Surely they don’t believe even their sheeple buy into the idea that anything special is EVER going to be announced at Cambridge org…. It will just be rehash of what they have already seen at one of the events — nothing significant ever happens that isn’t announced by “COB”…
Fast Pass?
What is this? Access to the parking lot? Allows you to skip the line in the Refectory?
The OT Future
I see an exquisite dessert in your future? At least a dessert. That is about all though….
I guess without offering something nobody will show…
Always the money
The church of the sacred dollar…
Really? Even by the low really low standards of the fundraising events, this one has hit rock bottom. Though it is for Porn Valley Ideal Org.
They really don’t read these…
And if they do, they never think about what is said. Let alone getting the irony of what they put out.
Scots humor
All scientology registrars are indebted to Scotland for this great advance for mankind
Ah yes, one man’s epic is another man’s tragedy…
Everything about this is kind of creepy. From the headline, to Bruce Lee wannabee to the organization connected to Source stuff….
Let me translate. You need MONEY to get up the Bridge. We, the masters of financial handouts are going to teach you how to make money so you can give it to us.
More Moneywinds
This one doesn’t even have a date. But they want you to pay now.
They’ve got nothing at all
This one they have nothing to offer at all. Just that it is cheap to get here (but once you enter you cannot escape with any bank account in tact). How pathetic is it that they are reduced to this — home of OT VIII the single most valuable thing ever made available to anyone in the history of the universe. And they are promoting the airfares to get there as the “go-button.”
Him again?
Is this the band of thieves? He’s chasing FSM Commissions at AOLA and Valley. I guess field auditing isn’t what it used to be…
Desperation for dollars
Well, gosh, isn’t ASHO and AOLA supposed to service this public in the US? Probably the reason why there hasn’t been a “tour” for 30 years. Amazing there aren’t enough scientologists going up the bridge from the “ideal orgs” in London, let alone the 6 other orgs in the UK and the entire Indian subcontinent…
Wonder what they are searching for?
Money no doubt.
Not a popular one
The didn’t hold it when they first scheduled it and after nobody turned up they announced a new date. Now they are trying to see if anyone is interested at all in the new date. Why would they be?
Tim will give you a free gift.
Wanna bet it’s a WTH booklet?
Even for them
I thought I had seen the limits of crassness in the church of the mighty dollar with the Moneywinds promo. But this one surely takes the cake. Remember, this is promo sent out FROM AN ORG (Santa Barbara) to their “public.” Wow. No commercialism to see here folks. Just keep moving.
The Kelpies (from Fearless Leader’s public art flyer) are indeed epic. But thankfully nothing to do with Scientology. I suspect the owner of their copyright would not like them being misused in such a fashion. I will drop him an email to find out!
seminar by the 2 doctors.
This is what quackwatch has to say about dr Pinkus.Gave patient more than 1 adjustment per day which is not allowed in chiropractic,Only totally money hungry chiropractors do this.Typical scamologist.
We all missed the OT Hatting Seminar:
“How to get your message noticed…”
These guys are the experts. It is documented… on ABC!
Wow! Just watched the segment on Good Morning America and the best they could throw at Ron was “he was a lousy musician”… Gonna be a hellova day! Pop the corn and chill the wine!
The interaction between bubble life and reality hits a new milestone of epic … Sorry … Of boring déjà vu proportions. The recoil of reality is like hitting the ground after the parachute failed to open, but I deviate, these guys are all cause over Matter, Energy, Space and Time and they live in their own universes that they create at will.
but not for sale yet…LOL
Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me Hardcover – May 3, 2016
by Ron Miscavige (Author), Dan Koon (Author)
#1 Best Seller in Psychiatry
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#65 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#1 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Psychiatry
#1 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > Other Religions, Practices & Sacred Texts > Scientology
#1 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Social Sciences > Criminology
We all know how much the IAS looooooves Colombia. After all, thanks to IAS grants, LRH Tech has been put into play there, and it’s resulted in an 80% drop in crime, a drop in recidivism thanks to the police adopting Criminon, and the drug trade is in disarray. Colombia is an IAS Success Story that they just can’t stop crowing about.
Well, today Colombia legalized same-sex marriage.
Guess that the whole “gays are 1.1” part of the Tech wasn’t implemented there with the rest of the Tech, huh? Gonna start downplaying Colombia in your promos, IAS? Or are you just the bunch of complete hypocrites and wastes of oxygen that we know you are?
I dare you to have a same-sex marriage ceremony in Bogota Idle Morgue.
why does every Scientologist in almost every picture have their arms crossed?
I think it might stem from a situation a few years ago at the Bunker. Saint Hell used a photo of a Russian named Maxim Pitsyin for a promo, which was put up at the Bunker when they still had Sunday Funnies. The gentleman in question had his arms raised in a victory-type pose. Unfortunately, the photo showed some really large sweat stains under his arms. The Bunkerites (specifically me) dubbed him “Maximum Pitstain” and broke out the shoops and captions. It was a total demolition with no survivors. Shortly after that, we started to see large numbers of promos with Scientologists with their arms crossed. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.
It’s a havingness thing. All their money is gone along with acquiring a sizable 3rd mortgage plus losing a couple of family and close friends or all of them. They need to feel secure about something so they hold onto themselves.
Because they’re tough sons-of-bitches?
Trying to be like Dave.
Because they are “Dauntless, Defiant, Resolute”. Arms crossed with the “fixed, dedicated glare” – its their go-to stance which is supposed to communicate, “We’re not fooling around here. We’re getting it DONE.”
Hi Aquamarine, Your posts remind me of a long ago story.I cannot recall if this was in 76 I think so.There was a flap coming down lines @ Asho for something or other and so the SHSBC & auditing had to be delayed to start for about 25 minutes while Div7 did their thing.In the meantime Miss Ann was told to go to the back steel door which led out from the letter reg space to the loading dock and guard the door and No-one was to be let in until I was told to let them in.So out I go in uniform and the loading dock is busting with bodies.All were chattering at once and wanted IN,I drew myself up as Tone 40+ as I could be and let them know what was to be done.In other words don’t y’all move one step toward me.Then behind me the door opened a crack and the LRH Comm poked her head out and hissed Ann Cross your Arms when you stand at the door.You need to,project your OTness over MEST.Start…slam went the door & Ron Aided as I was then I crossed those arms and kept the throngs at bay.
Your post had it absolutely right, “the fixed dedicated Glare” above all else.I look back at myself then and oh brother! I really like myself so much better out than in because while 98% of me was stone cold Sea Org,2% of me never stopped asking why?So from the Ethics viewpoint I became trash to throw away.I do read all your posts,thank you.Love,Ann B.
You win, Aqua! That’s THE best description of the cult.
Because they are always on the defensive – and
I like the closed mind part.
LRH said, “If a thetan can hold a position or location in space he can generate POWER. If he cannot, he cannot generate power and will be weak.” (HCO PL 29 JULY 1971)
So, per LRH policy, they wrap their arms around their position in space.
Re: Skype and David Brier: Gasp, don’t tell me you thought Captain Nutcase would pay for him to appear at, um, oh sod it, it can stay…if he can’t pay his own way then phone it in.
Those Saint Hill graduates look so thrilled as they hold up their 50 cent post card sized bits of paper. The ones who received the framed wastes of time obviously paid more so they get better pieces of paper.
Dr’s (and I use the word very loosely) Fargo and Pinkus, after spending some time doing some searches, appear to be just a couple of quacks and psuedo-scientists which makes them just right for $camology.
The Flourish and Prosper Club: if you join then you are making a HUGE mistake because you will be bled dry and then the corpse will dumped.
The David Brier situation is more pathetic than you think. He’s not going out to the SS Mesothelioma. This event’s being held at the Freewinds Office in LA. It’s been my experience that it’s pretty damn cheap to fly out to LA. But I guess they want travel costs to be zero, because Harry Potter is already out in the LA area trying to squeeze blood from a stone to get Valley Idle Morgue done. “Avarice and greed are gonna drive you over the endless sea,” World Party said. Too bad that that song actually pre-dates the SS Mesothelioma, since Karl Wallinger nailed it.
David Brier is a public with a marketing consultant business, how to build your brand and alll that. A long time KA drinker from way back. He was staff many years ago at I think NY org, or maybe it was CCNY, not sure.
Here’s what I don’t get about the “Drug Free World Convention” — Why? (Which is the same question you have asked) Why would anyone be interested in it? What benefit do I get by going to something like this? On the one hand, you have a bunch of get-rich-quick scheme events, and the alleged benefit is easy to understand. But a “convention” to “get the strategy” for a drug free world must sound, even to the most LRH-addled mind, like a colossal waste of time.
And what i meant by “hosted by the Freewinds?” is this waste of time actually bundled into a Caribbean cruise, or is the picture of the ship a bait-and-switch?
They’re just trying to get a bunch of people interested in a particular cause so they can either get them to be volunteer manpower or donate more cash. Tell them all about the cool plans, show some stats and graphics, play some commanding-type music, and then go for the throats. Money and warm bodies. One again the purpose buttons are pushed hot and heavy and then no one can leave without some sort of commitment.
An Asian man bragging that he left the ‘wog world’ behind?
There are no words….
Hi Chee Chalker, A beyond good catch.You made this evening! xxoo,Ann B.
…and the Wog world will never be the same again. (Laughing, snort, busting up!)
Did you just snort? I mean gripes that’s just undignified,
and I am trying to eat my popcorn.
“The little-known plan of unlimited expansion”
Apparently VERY little-known. Can something be more ironic?
Mike, It seems you’ve started to re-use laughing pics for the Thursday funnies. Assuming no copyright issues, may I suggest this for next week?
“Getting the band back together” is an admission that “the band” has been apart for a while. I thought the band was a smashing success. Why are they getting back together now?
Thanks for the repeated postings of the ridiculous Scieno promo!
Who would go to a Scieno event promising to boom your organization using the very same “tech” that is keeping the orgs empty and broke?
IAS has big news for across the world AND Canada??
Won’t Canada be glad to know they are included with the rest of the world!
Canada has a bit of an inferiority complex when it comes to the rest of the world. That’s why it took them seven years to negotiate a trade deal with the EU. Any kind of positive reinforcement is good for them.
Notice in that promo for the IAS that there’s no mention of Drug Free World. Considering that Justin’s going to put his foot on the pedal to get cannabis decriminalized, maybe they’ve written off Canada when it comes to that “social betterment” program. Do they know that Canada has free psychiatric care? If they did, then maybe they’d shut up about the psych-busting bullshit too.
This thing with them misspelling words on their promo pieces seems to be ever worsening. To me it is an indicator of the accelerating deterioration of the SO and Church. It used to be that misspelled words in printed materials was a big deal, now it seems like a “so, what else is new.”
Hi SadStateofAffairs, I noticed the same as you posted.I honestly cannot fathom how so many words drift right on past Sea Org members .I agree about the accelerating dererioration of SO & cult.I guess one other idea might be the amount of SO members from other countries and English is definitely not their first language and/or some of the elderly SOers only went to Scio Schools and got their degree by joining SO.I really hope those in get out.Always,Ann.
Making the able more able… Scientology style!
Ron Misvavige will be on Good Morning America tomorrow morning (CBS) to talk about the book before the hour long 20/20 in the evening.
Oops ABC
oops BBC
don’t change me…. so what […OMG OMG, imean ding ding ding ding!! ]
BIG NEWS, as in ‘the real’ big news.
[ Hey, Just-T-Hee, It’s me. No imean the real me. Hi!
No, I don’t know that crazy bitch, BB-But I Don’t Know You- like at all, so… Hello. My name is Barnsley, but everyone just calls me Busta (That is not a coincidence, btw, long story…),
How do you do, very very nice, yes… Sorry, no, I don’t reveal my middle name, …anyway
feels so good to be out, I swear, I could make use of some celebration materials, and, HIT IT:
times about 37-55 million Americans, who knows world-wide. Big, comma, really big. Covers it very well, as far as I’m concerned.
Huge, huge numbers, about half of them women, but thats another topic, if you can forgive me,
MISCAVIGE DONT (as in “does not ever”) DO NO FREAKIN ABC shows,
-don’t try to snow me, oops, ha, then I realize you meant Ron, yikes, how under the weather can I claim to be? Do i blame my attention-deficit meds? Hell yes I do, hell hell yes and i’m sinking here and need all the help i can get! Yes, sorry forgot all about…
dear old Dad.
No longer “the other”. We’ll just have to bump him up to numero uno. What a world.
I bet they give him the whole hour, too. That’s so great.
Thanks, nite, comforting thoughts, ah I like that, …good night. Sweet dreams indeed.
For the whole freakin world.
Hey, let me call in to the David Miscavige Show (you know, the other Miscavige) for just one Question, thanks:
do you find ANY of this funny,
at all?
Yes, and thank you for your question, Mr., sorry, Howard. Busta, right. Let’s see what Mr. Miscavige has to say,
go ahead Dave, is there any humor in the whole story of… you, go ahead?…
Oh, dear, dead time, well, ok then, good night Dave and sweet dreams to Everyone.
Love you Ron,
look forward to seeing you on the tube, owning your book and Mike thanks again, Mike.
Hi Butch Bubble Butt(the other BBB), Great to meet you and thank you for laughter after your post.You Rock! Always,Ann B.
Thanks, Ann-
You’re the best.
What a day, huh? Feels kinda like Christmas…
Your Friend,
Hi B-B-Butt, Good morning from Baton Rouge, La.Rain here.It does feel like Christmas what with a Sea -Change coming for the cult.I do not know where or when,but it will happen.And to you I send light,love and keep me laughing along with the really serious stuff we all know.Laughing is better for me than crying when it comes to being positive.Do you know it has taken me decades just to figure that one out? Laughter! You join all my ” forever friends ” here.I carry you in my heart.xo Ann B.
Well finally! You “ex’s” have been holding out on us. This “never in” wondered all these years what the draw was… It’s the food!! Been there, done that soup, flakey chicken AND meatloaf twice a week!! Events with tables of desserts! I just didn’t realize the foodie benefits! Davey will be there to eat the CROW Friday at about 20/20.
Hi justmeteehee, Good to see your post.That horrible childhood rhyme about 24 blackbirds baked in a pie sounds actually perfect for dm.He can put himself in front of every camera he likes,a lying snake stays that way and gets worse when brought to ground.You and I should send him nicely charred crow and he can have it with green dogs and moldy beans too! Would I love to serve that to him!Love & xo Ann B
Tee Hee, you so fun.
OMG! Come listen to David and Gabriel on the freakwinds for only $1485.00!!!!
And that gets you …… “Accomodations include all meals, afternoon teas, late night buffets and use of all on [bored] facilities.”
Pahleeeeze. Where does the IAS reaming from Teddy Braggin fit in exactly? Is that done over tea or during the late night lock down buffets? No one but no one gets off that rustbucket for $1485.00. And if you are not complete on your Oh Tea Hatting Course …….. forget leaving at all unless you decide to bribe Teddy, then he can yank a chain for you.
What a crock of poop those idiots run.
“Where does the IAS reaming from Teddy Braggin fit in exactly? Is that done over tea or during the late night lock down buffets?” All of the above; plus, in your cabin, on the deck, walking down the hallways…. The church of scientology (IAS) has given new and not-so-improved definition of the word “Briefing.”
The accomodations are one thing but the food menus are another. One can sit back and literally READ all the MU’s these Scientologists have. Here is just one example taken from the above. Assuming that all this promo is true and means what it says, why offer a vegetarian burger if one is also offering a turkery, beef or chicken burger. One cancels out the other and demonstrates how Scientologists know as much about Dianetics and Scientology as they do about how to feed themselves, their families and correct the environment. Now that is worth a laugh. 🙂
“Many of these messengers are among the most competent secretaries and administrators in the Church today.”
I shudder to think of the work environment about that ship, LRH himself in his cabin with all these mini-skirts running around with the authority to throw you or me overboard… quite literally. Great stories, huh?
And David Miscavige won his spurs as a messenger.
Why wasn’t I there? So I could be here today and ask the question, sharing a bit of laughter with my coffee, headed into a beautiful day sure to be abundant with good people experiencing the wonders of nature. Beaches and bikinis, here I come. Sorry, messengers, got to get to work.
I’m surprised their regging public directly to be Commodore’s Messengers instead of taking from within. The pickin’s must be awful slim for them to have to send fliers directly to public for such a high post, so close to Miscavige.
Edit: “they are”… not “their”.
That poster fellow looks pale, skinny and yet kinda full of himself. Pretty good representation of sea org life, CMO or not. The CMO is supposed to get the “better food.” I don’t think the sea org staff in Canada are eating any sort of decent food at all.
Off topic but highly relevant. At 4:30 p.m. EDT People Magazine published an article about David Miscavige. It is not fawning. There were two more articles published today.
And this one:
There are more articles about David Miscavige (none of them flattering) than Prince on People Magazine right now.
Thanks, Valeria,
What a great Heads-Up, sure gets my day beaming.
Te amo.
Yo te amo, tambien….
I’m hoping that we can make Literary Forgery a meme, just like we did with Provable Bullshit.
I don’t get it. What has been forged? In other words, she’s accusing Ron Miscavige Sr. of copying what someone ELSE wrote about his son David…this makes no sense.
I don’t either but I don’t care…
DAVID MISCAVIGE is getting more hits than Prince?
(can that possibly be true? for People Mag dot com or whatever it is, IT IS actually true, right? Another unbelievable scientology story, to be sure)
Welcome to the power-of-pop-culture, my friends, a veritable phenomenon.
Power indeed that Ron, the original messiah, well understood.
On a lighter note:
That was a long haul, enduring TOM CRUISE, huh? Move over pal, scientology has a new spokesman, his name is Ron, too. What, what do you mean you never heard of Ron, a senior, the living? Yep, who is charge of your Heads-Up dept., anyway?
-That old Hubbard still blows his horn pretty hard for you, I gather. I notice you don’t really say much. Sorry to hear that, man. Those movies, I don’t know how you do it, burning into ashes like you are…
Personally? I think you stats are headed down, already written in stone, but what do I know?
I’m sure it’s going to keep spreading to every single news outlet. Worldwide…
I read all 4 People Mag articles. Made my day! Thanks, Valerie.
mine, too
Let me guess: someone noticed that in the midst of all this glorious expansion, very few people are actually advancing on the Bridge. A hunt for the “why” ensued. Quickly, it was discovered that most public couldn’t afford the next step. Another “why” hunt was initiated to find out, uh, why. Some downstats (probably SPs – currently on the RPF) accepted survey answers at face value and misidentified over-regging for non-Bridge items as the beast that had swallowed whole the Bridge’s of many public when the actual “why” was that many public are not properly applying LRH Tech to their lives so that they have sufficient prosperity. Solution: prosperity meetings, groups, events and conferences. Just a guess.
Just a comment after reading Tony’s site this morning.
Suicide can seem like the only option in the Scientology world of no true caring and lack of compassion.Like with Wendy Ettricks, Flag’s top FSM,dedicated 40 year member whose usefulness was over… and so went her life.Cover ups sucks.
I think the naked truth would reveal a staggering number of scientologists discarded after usefulness do in fact wind up as suicides
Just one more fact of life that David the leader is willing to actively prevent you from knowing.
Thank you for this post, and I will spare you the agonizing story, struggles with depression and anxiety, except to mention it as first-hand knowledge, as I do fall into the same age-group as that scientologist abandoned after 40 years of faithful service. Heartfelt gratitude also for the piercing eye and sharp pen of Tony Ortega, who reveals truth so repugnant that most of civilization forces themselves to look the other way.
What? Wendy committed suicide? I knew she passed but didn’t know how. This is truly sad.
I’m not sure, but I believe she didn’t commit suicide. She got into some problems with the church and was kind of kicked to the curb, as I understand it. Her husband told that “two packs a day smoking for 40 years finally caught up to her.”
I knew Wendy from afar. What made her now useless to the church? Wasn’t she a Power FSM? Isn’t that useful to the church? What was her story that lead her to suicide?
heartfelt gratitude to Cindy and Ms.P
thank you all for posting
That exquisite desert looks like spotted dick …. Sorry, my teenagers seance of humor rubbing off… Phil
“… when the group is made up of sane, thinking individuals.”
Ohhhh…. ahhhhh, LOL LO(very)L…
Haven’t laughed so hard since my brother was eaten by hogs, ain’t this Scientology a hoot!
What part of Havingness and Expansion is about
robbing people of 2 million dollars ( 139 million Rubles)
and give it all to Scientology ? Was there tech on
using a Ski Mask and a Gun ? beause I’ve been to all these lectures
and was asleep or grabbing a drink as I don’t remember
any of that.
Once I bailed out of Scientology life got better on all dynamics
but this you won’t hear on the Freewinds.
Do you they encourage you to donate more money to the IAS as the way to increase havingness?
Yes Sir. Staff would say that giving to the Church opened money flows
and in theory you get rich by making LRH rich. That was when
“We deliver what we promise’ was Policy number One.
Now it’s a whole different Ball Game where David Miscavige calculates
how much money can be extracted for everything and everyone
on laughable Status Levels and retreads . “Bait and Switch” is the new Policy
number one. Scientologists today are ALL driven to criminality, some get caught, many leave, most go Bankrupt which you do not hear the numbers
and some get handcuffed and marched to prison to make license plates
for 20 years.
I just bought a huge show truck with cash ( my own) it’s vanity license
plates may get made by an incarcerated Scientologist.
Well, that and status. Remember Doug, status is the new case gain. The more you give, the more you will be feted with recognition and trophies bigger than your car. However, if you ever stop giving, you’ll become an instant SP.
The instant SP route is pretty good and you never get a Goldenrod
like the good old days.
I stopped giving money and two reg’s dropped dead like Vampires
deprived of Blood and exposed to daylight.
Yes, Doug, that is precisely how people are regged to donate to the IAS. And what’s even sadder is when, after donating, these same people brag about how they did so well in their businesses BECAUSE they donated.
“Flakey (sic) Roasted Chicken.” Not sure how nice it is to call the chicken, who gave up its life for this event, flakey (sic). And what’s “Whole What?” WTF are you talkin’ ’bout Willis? “Whole What, What?” These people speak an entirely different language.
“A true democracy is possible only when the group if made up of sane thinking individuals.” LRH
Well that eliminates every singe Scientologist on the planet. I guess it’s up to us Wogs to make sure democracy is, in fact, possible. Sorry all of you cult members, but, democracy is only for Wogs. You guys just stick with your dictatorship….
You could even modify the quote to sane OR thinking individuals and still find no sign of life!
None. Zero. Zip. Nada.
At least they did not spell “whole” as “hole”.
Hole What. Hole What? I have no idea. I don’t have the rank to ask the question…
I was wondering about this “flakey” chicken also. At first I thought it would have to be batter dipped, breaded and deep fried, but rejected that because southern fried chicken is not supposed to have a “flakey” crust like a pie, but a fairly solid if thin, even, golden brown crunchy crust. I’m on firm ground here because this is one of my (extremely few) culinary specialties.
Dr. Michael Pinkus? as in Dr. Michael R. Pinkus, chiropractor in Minnesota? Featured here and elsewhere, purveyor of a form of Cal-Mag known as “Cal-Max”, performed in hundreds of radio ads for digestive enzymes and other supplements? Summoned before the Minnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners and fined for various forms of malpractice? Is that the one who just finished OTVII after decades in the Church? Can it be???
I remember being given the whacky “Applied Kinesiology” test in Megan Shields’ crazy Scientologist infested “clinic” in the 80s. The one where they pull on your outstretched arms while placing various substances under your tongue or some such. If your arms weaken, you are allergic to something or some such crazy idea. Never knew until I looked up this guy’s name what that was all about. I guess crazy attracts crazy.
Hey Bruce – 100% chance they are one and the same. I knew fairly well when I was in.
Jim Keppler in Sacramento was into the same Chiro fluzy practice as Pinkus. Must have been a Sterling Mismanagement activity passed off as Oh Tea Phenomena for the big bucks.
Hi Newcomer, Wait,Sterling Mismanagement! I had forgotten in my early Dianetic auditing days in Sea Org,the C/S sent me to a chiropractor way down on Olivera St.He was really creepy and he practically broke vertebrae as he grabbed me and twisted me into a pretzel.Sorry to the chiropractors who probably start out less aggressively with a new client,but this was 1974.The only items in his”office” were the stock b&ws of Ron with Sea Org hat jauntily askew and certs of Sterling all over the place.I was supposed to go back but I skipped another torture session and went to the big coffe shop on Hollyweird Blvd during my appt time,had coffee and re-read Science of Survival.No-one got wise to the fact I thought that guy was the biggest fraud going.Laughter! Thank you for opening the door for me to this memory.Love, Ann B.
Gotta say, Bruce, that Kinesiology is a legit practice and study. But “under the tongue”??? That’s squirreling! Hardly surprising.
“Applied Kinesiology”… what a laugh. Any woo will do. (Applied Kinesiology is not the same thing as Kinesiology)
“Life is improved on a gradient” so says L. Ron Hubbard. It’s also destroyed on one.
Mike, I know you have an Orange County in Florida so is that the one you were referring to? I’m assuming it is.
As you know, I live in Orange County here in southern California. The original org was in Tustin, a very wealthy city within the OC. This was back in ’81 and I actually had a pretty good time there. It had a lot of open areas within the org. And it was plenty big for the clients they had. I left a year later after refusing to attest to Ear….ummm…I mean Clear.
The current OC org is in the city of Santa Ana, THE most densely populated city in the OC. It’s 95% Hispanic and has been the hub for the heroin trade for decades. Many of the people living in Santa Ana are illegal immigrants looking for a better life which I can certainly understand. However, they don’t have the means to do ANYTHING in Scientology. Very few people do who live there.
When I was given a tour of that org, I can report that there was 1 lady doing a course and 3 people doing the purif. My tour was during the winter and one gal had a very heavy coat on as there was no heat coming from the vents.
I’m going back for a second look soon.
OSD, they told you that you were a Clear? I recall being told once at Big Blue that I had made it to “release”. I am of the opinion now that that was all just a lot of hype to keep me on the bridge to total bankruptcy. But being young and naive it made me feel special and somewhat superior to the wogs.
My auditor at the time was Dave Petitt. He was encouraging me to attest, Doug. The problem was, I didn’t feel different in the least. And I kept thinking back to the original definition of Clear: “A Clear is to a normal person, what a normal person is to the institutionally insane.” Whew! That gap is quite HUGE. So…I got up and left. I’m sure they miss me, right?
If you had Drunken Dave as an auditor, I’m surprised you weren’t turned into a complete basket case, being rolled around in a wheelchair with a drool cup. You’re a very strong-minded individual, sir.
I can relate. I first read Dianetics at a really low point and being elated at the promises fatso made about the state of clear, and except for some temporary good feelings never feeling much different. My auditor used to tell me about all the huge wins he had received and I used to think there must be something wrong with me that it wasn’t happening for me. At one point they told me they had discovered some condition (they would never elaborate) that was preventing me from getting gains and would cost $3,000 to handle. When I told them I didn’t have $3,000 the condition mysteriously vanished. Most of the clears I met were fat, they didn’t even have cause over their own appetite much less cause over MEST. It was a major disappointment to gradually realize the claims of Clear were bogus.
The Scots may have invented instant cash, but Scientology invented instant debt.
The Scots invented cheapness too. Arrgggg..tis good to be a Celt!
OSD, does this mean you haven’t sent your quarter to HAPI yet? Look, here’s a game for you: if you send a quarter I know 9 people who will each send a quarter also. That’s $2.50. Think of it, the Celts up there will be in Affluence. The time is now.
No, I won’t be attending any fund raising events but I can contribute the princely sum of $1 to David Miscavige’s retirement fund (as long as it’s tax deductible).
Had to look up the in-house definition of Dynamics again.
“Eighth Dynamic: Survival as Infinity or God.”
Infinity is the absence of a defined quantity, which in practical effect is nothing at all. I would not want to be the Star Command (Sea Org) guys sent out to recruit the protagonist in my novel. It won’t be fun.
I’ve been in the food biz for over twenty-five years, and I have never heard of “Flakey Roasted Chicken”. It sounds like a chicken that had eczema, in which instance, as a former meat inspector, I would have never passed it as fit for human consumption. Of course, this Flakey Roasted Chicken is served at the cafe in the “Ideal Cit”, whatever that is, so it might be that humans aren’t eating it.
“Bolognaise Meat Sauce Sauce”? Another dish fit for the cafe in the Ideal Cit. Maybe it might be easier to realize that the wonderful people of Bologna call a sauce with a soffrito base and added meat by a simple name: ragu. It’s four fucking letters. You can see it in the pasta aisle of your local grocery store. Maybe you can properly spell that. And I still want to do an organic audit on your asses.
Hey, Edinburgh, our Bean in Chicago beats your decapitated horses. At least the Bean doesn’t scare the shit out of children. Okay, so maybe the Picasso, which does look like a decapitated horse, might scare kids (and if that is the case, then we beat you to it by decades, bitches). And you’re quickly running out of your hundred reasons. What happens when you hit the magic number? If the result is bringing back Fearless Leader for your promos, I’m for it. More Fearless Leader, dammit!
Why doesn’t Nurbolat Bek just admit the truth: he dropped out of college because he couldn’t hack it, then his fail ass joined the Sea Borg. Or maybe he was trying to imitate L. Fraud by dropping out of college after the first year. We’ve seen L. Fraud’s transcripts. Let’s see Nurbolat’s too. The truth must be known.
If I’m flying to the Caribbean, I’m not going anywhere near the SS Mesothelioma. Besides, they don’t list flight costs from Chicago. Besides, I’m not interested anyway. Most of those islands down there still have colonial-era sodomy laws. I want to spend two weeks in Barbados, not 25 years at hard labor.
There’s lots more laughs, but I gotta keep it short this week. It’s a travel day, and I’m typing this at Fargo Airport gulping a sub-par latte. When I get back, I’ll try to mentally take on the mind-numbing SS Mesothelioma bumfs. Have a good one.
Hi Espiando, I enjoyed your post.Safe Travels.Always,Ann.
“…a free gift from Tim.”
This sentence says so much. To most people not in the Scientology bubble, it is assumed that any “gift” is, of course, free.
But to a Scientology staff member, who is so steeped in the money grubbing culture, so practiced at putting out misleadingly worded promo pieces about “seminars” that are really fundraisers, it seems natural to emphasize that no one will be charged money to receive this gift.
Would it be that the attendance figures for any of these events are more highly classified than the OT materials?
Are you kidding me??? Attendance figures are kept in a vault. You talk about your ‘highly classified documents,’ OT materials are nothing compared to attendance figures. And if you get near the vault, well, suffice to say, you’ll be hounded for the rest of your life.
Wow, I had no idea my theta had it’s own ledger. And even better, that my theta ledger can earn brownie points, gold stars, and… wait for it… credits! Holy tinkling coins Batman! Unfortunately I suspect my theta ledger might be in the red.
Tom Burton and Jon Jones {real names or alias?} will help you with your business. For a nominal fee, ok not so nominal, they have to get money for the bridge they bought.
The weeks funnies, aren’t so funny. Even Creflo Dollar is appalled. Poor Gavin Potter, beached from the carefree environment of the Fleecewinds, no longer sitting in a deck chair, sipping rum drinks with little umbrellas in them.
Currently Scientology is just another prosperity preaching, Amway emulating sales club. They are the W T Grants of religions.
Scientology: a scam masquerading as a religion, operating as a business.
Best short description ever. Get the “good word” out far and wide. And tell everyone you know about 20/20 Friday about the Co$. And remember, THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. HA!
100 per cent true, Sleepy.
Except that putting it so nicely leaves one with the idea that scientology is just another
run-of-mill scam artist game, or just another con job. The world is full of those,
but none so brutal,
none so utterly void of human value,
(and by that I do mean compassion),
none so blatantly false in offering help or benefit for mankind while simultaneously doing so much harm…
I could keep going all day …
Scientology is like a bad joke.
A good rule in life is to avoid anyone who takes himself too seriously.
Take your job seriously, sure, but yourself not so much. Enjoying yourself is winning the game, after all.
How do you laugh at lives thrown away, families torn apart, and the perpetrators coming out so rich?
The organization is shaped by the leader, in this case the undisputable dictator of a leader, and take a good look at him. RUTHLESS is not funny, but it sure does make me happy, just as the thought of hidden truth coming into the light of day would do. Yes, yes, please examine here: Who is David Miscavige?
Love the minion.
Right on the money, Sleepy! Nice description of the cult…
I’m racing out the door and didn’t have time to read all these yet but seriously? Does the OT prosperity convention want to teach you how to spot the vampire personality? Wouldn’t that defeat the entire front line of regges?
Hi Valerie, I love your post today.Thank you.xo Ann
Honestly the menu with all the mispelled words is priceless. Black been soup. Is that something that was once soup but is no longer?
Hi Dave,Good to meet you.In my experience black been soup is a closely guarded Sea Org Specialty.Really good for a pesky questioning SO member like me.Also the spelling was crazy as I first read it as black-bin soup.I had beans for so long in SO,I equate them with trash bins and those darn toothbrushes!Laughter,Always,Ann
Yeah black been, served with whole… what?
Delicious, lol.
What you turn into after being liquidated by the reges is black being soup.
ROTFLMAO!!! Still laughing! “…black being soup.” Almost makes them sound like…cannibals? “Ahhhhh…the blackness is deep in this one. He will make a good soup…
Ah yes, Black Been soup. When you taste it, you’ll go, Been there done that, bought a T-shirt. BTW Black Been soup is God awful bad.
I’m LMAO, Yes it is bad! It will make your stomach feel like a would-be-was engine from” Mission Earth.”
So much much crap, so little time to dissect it all. Here goes:
IF = El Con
OR = Scientology
THEN Insanity
Off topic: the big list of ex-COS-members reached 2,700 entries. It can be found at
Anyone else think that David Brier guy has modelled himself on Hans Gruber from Die Hard?
Yes. I do.
Adam – yeah and he thinks so too. He’s one of the biggest egos you could ever meet. And all the big, great promo crap written about him there is actually promo crap he writes about himself.