Central Files
This is REALLY important. And absolutely everyone is doing it! Even the Captain FSO (OMG) is involved!
The movies must be a popular thing! Wonder how many things are misfiled as people are distracted by JT or Steve Martin?
No such luxury in Miami. You just get a finger pointed at you. And there is a Sea Org ProGAM chief there…
Pasadena SH Size
They don’t even have a Bookstore Officer? Then again, as my old friend Rob Williamson pointed out, they ARE the size of SH… As in small and empty.
“The Bookstore Officer is one of the most important posts in an org.”
—L. Ron Hubbard
PASADENA Org is now accepting applications from upstat persons who are knowledgeable in:
SALES PROMOTION MARKETING DISSEMINATION Contact Jordan Petry or Brian Bruski for more information:
(626) 792 7532 email: [email protected] Please fill out the survey below and send it back.
Address: City: State: Zip Code: Age: Phone Number (home): Cell: Training Level: Case Level: Admin Training: 1. In which 3rd and 4th dynamic Scientology activities do you currently participate? 2. What is it about these activities that makes them something you want to participate in? 3. Have you ever been interested in joining staff, either now or in the future? 4. When you were interested, what interested you in it? 5. Do you know if you are qualified to be a staff member? 6. What staff positions would you be most interested in holding? Thank you!
Completely Re-rock your OT viewpoint
Food, glorious food…
Fabulous French dinner. Quiche and French Dip sandwiches. That’s apparently the only stock shots they could find that they thought were “french dinner.”
Ideal Org Absurdity
They cannot get 10 people in their current “chapel” so build one to seat a 1000…
Service is apparently super fast when you are servicing nobody…
They don’t have one person in their Academy now. Of course, they couldn’t train an auditor because they don’t have enough space…
Anyone sitting in any of these empty rows would be “more”…
I wonder if they ever notice that scientology in the world of ideal orgs means room after room with NO PEOPLE?
I suppose this is a Reception Desk? That is some serious expansion. An empty desk. Or a shelf with a sign on it. Or something.
The Guardian’s Office is back
The first event, unlike any you have seen, is former Flag Guardian Office Intel Chief Tom Reitze explaining how LRH discovered thetans better than LRH can describe it himself for the small fee of $10 (it will save you having to buy those Congresses and stuff…)
And next we have some insight from the former Deputy Guardian PR US, Arte Maren.
It’s a religion right?
Why would any “church” be promoting fiction writing at its weekly “graduation”?
Scientology City?
3 years on and the first scientology city remains the same LSD induced dream it was the day Dear Leader yanked their ribbon. The promises made about what is going to happen with these ideal orgs are so bizarre and not a single one of them has ever come true.
Desperate Move
The Running Pgm IC is in Dallas? They obviously don’t have enough people running around in circles to keep him busy or he would never be sent out, especially not to a place that has virtually NO public.
Moved again?
They must be having a hell of a time trying to get anyone to show up for anything on the Moneywinds. They keep shifting every convention they promote to a new date?
Same problem on land it seems…
Scots humor
Can almost give them a pass on this one. Scotland IS beautiful. But the MOST beautiful in the world? A little arrogant I would say.
I would give my money to Canada for this one…. Or maybe Siberia. Aurora Borealis is much more dramatic a lot further north than Scotland.
Really? This is the very last thing the kings of disconnection should be promoting.
Makes sense…
To a bubble-dweller I guess? Ride on a boat, get a bit seasick, and give money for the ideal org we plan to have in 2050.
The size of SH
Seriously? This was sent to a Santa Barbara public who has never been to St Hill. His AO is AOLA, or even Flag?
Old Hazel must really be desperate. There are tens of millions of people in the British Isles for her to “get up the Bridge” — hell, just a few miles away is the wondrous London Ideal Org that is “clearing London”?
And Hazel must be about 75 by now. She should be sitting at home knitting or something.
Stop it with the children
Special Guest Speakrs
Seems like the Commanding Officer FSSO can’t pull anything off by herself, she needs some public guest speakrs to bolster her credibility.
The Final Target
Just riddle me this though? If they already have 6 ideal orgs (and CC) why isn’t LA already cleared? Whey do they need 7? Or, why not 25? None of these other “ideal orgs” have made any difference…
He has a brunch named after him!
OMG – wonder if there is a David Miscavige afternoon tea available?
A very, very special guest speaker
Why are we not telling you who it is? Because they aren’t so special. Oh, it’s the Captain FSO. Wow. And this will be a totally unstaged video….
Very special guest speakers
Only one very for these guys. But at least they say who is going to be there so you know it’s just another meaningless pitch for money.
What took so long?
These guys run the most successful WISE business (according to WISE) and Kevin goes out teaching people how to make money? So how come it has taken 10 years for them to even make it to Humanitarians? Maybe they are not all they are cracked up to be?
Quick, before Maiden Voyage
Tampa needs some people on course. You can get it cheap….
The Communication Capital of the World?
You ARE giving “them” something to talk about. It is why there is a constant stream of “entheta” and “joking and degrading” about scientology.
I thought this was a big, booming org?
St Hill. And look what they are doing. Seems the only service they are providing is in the “newly built restaurant.”
What does it take?
A continuing series from the geniuses at Mighty My Mammy.
What does it take?
An expanding waistline?
What does it take?
Crazy people?
What does it take?
The real answer: DOUCHEBAGS.
Ugly Award
This looks like a mid-19th century prison or mental hospital. How appropriate. Maybe Miscavige can relocate the Hole to Kansas City.
I’m not a Scientologist and will never be, but I find it interesting to read about. One thing I haven’t sorted out is what these filing projects are. I’ve read several references to them and they always sound interminable and far from finished. What is being filed and what is taking so long?
Basically it’s because there is rarely any staff members who are posted – given the job – to work Central Files. Orgs are understaffed and this is a job that goes unfilled or filled with untrained or temp people. If you show any spark at all you’re going to be given an “executive’ job.
When you buy something from an org there is a copy of the invoice that is supposed to go in your central files folder. These have to be sent there through an internal mail system and have to be physically put into the file with your name on it.
Staff are forced to write letters to public to get them to come in and buy more or do services. A copy of each letter is supposed to go into that file. (a standard letters out quota is 20 a week. We would be forced to do this 20 no matter what our job was)
When you finish something and “write a success story” a copy of that goes in the file.
Basically there are a lot of various types of papers, copies of just about anything, that might be slated for the CF file. They are supposed to give a complete picture of what you’ve done and when and what your wins were and what you’ve said in letters.
But it has to go there, and then it ends up in a bin waiting to be filed, and then that bin turns into a box, and then there are a billion pieces of paper to put into files.
They mail out bulk promotion by the bucket load, and thousands of pieces are returned by the post office as undeliverable, moved, refused, etc. So THOSE pile up. By the billions. (those may not be returned as 3rd class mail, but the first class stuff is all returned)
And since no one is working there, they’re mailing to old addresses over and over again, and you might have hundreds of returned mail for just one person. Who bought a book 30 years ago.
And all this needs to be sorted out and filed and have the addresses updated or have them taken off the mailing lists as dead or moved or declared, etc. The file folders have to be made and marked and alphabetized.
Central file rooms are dry and dusty and rather horrible.
I’m tired now.
I just put in a shift at CF with no cake.
The Church of Scientology maintains itself upon a structure of secrecy.
Expose the lie that is”Tthe “Bridge to Total Freedom” and the whole thing would come crumbling down.
The secret must be protected, and so every measure is taken to insure that everything that does happen on that “Bridge” remains as unknown as possible. Hence, it is forbidden for scientologists to discuss their “case”, that which goes on in auditing, amongst each other. Flimsy reasons are given for this policy, but it remains so.
All that goes on in session is written down, notes taken in real time word-for-word, or as close to it as possible, this recording being the primary function of the auditor…
(operating unaware, btw. These interrogations will later be used, when opportune, as leverage to keep the subject motivated to remain isolated. Sinister as it is, blackmail is just one method of coercion to keep the subject a willing slave. This motive is also undercover. Again, maintaining the secrecy is paramount).
Central Files would have to be some kind of warehousing nightmare. A single file would accumulate an unimaginable volume of cubic space in his/her lifetime. The system does not enjoy the benefit of computerization. It all remains in hand-written form. Computers would make it possible to reveal the essential secret in a single hour, after all.
For the rest of us, this remains as something of a joke. But it is no joke if you are the unfortunate one sent down to central files for any task whatsoever. It is actually a form of punishment, a way to keep a lug occupied, much like sending your useless spy agent to Siberia.
What a great synopsis THAT was, Digs. Thank you.
Matt, good question.
If my name were Steve Martin I would have a stern thing to say…
All hail and amen to the demise presently in progress of this, this carnival of deception, and celebrate the restoration of our communities and nations, our families, confident of our safety, and everything personal, just knowing that this, the so-called church known as scientology stands defined and identified.
This church can no longer hide,
thanks to the powers that be, and as destiny demands back it goes into the divine realms of “non-existence”, Amen.
This is celebration. This is for me, happy, and although my body remains so tiny against the planet, I feel wonderfully large, so very big, and so surely just
a little bit closer to Paradise. And Amen again.
[cue: Fat Lady in perfect pitch, angelic note. Fade to black.]
Despite all your efforts to hide and remain silent,
and your pseudo-church has been identified as well.
So well, in fact, I have no need to mention the puny name. Your name, DAVID MISCAVIGE, I am happy to repeat, just in case there is a child somewhere on Earth who has yet to be warned, so that the past is not repeated, so that your false religion will never rise again. You are and shall always be little more than a sad and once-dangerous joke, a footnote, soon to be forgotten altogether. The marshmallow in my cocoa holds more compassion, and therefore more worth and value, than you. My daughter said so, which makes it far more true than the lump sum of thought-processes ever performed in your demented head. Ye who is unable to speak the truth shall perish. Now tell us again, sir, how did your founder die? Yes, repeat that story for us, please… No? So, you force us to turn to your father, then, as we prepare to listen.
Nature shall have its way, DAVID MISCAVIGE,
same as it ever was.
And DAVID MISCAVIGE gets closer to Paradise, bliss if you will,
by virtue of his very own ever-expanding immensity.
I’m not ordinarily one to use a diety’s name in vain, but,
my god.
My GOD vs. a megalomaniac. Cue the laughter of gods as this ship sails endlessly into the abyss of the deep, blue sea.
I remember Hazel Grafton, a lovely woman, sad to see she is still entrapped.
god I hope all my peeps from The Delphian Foundation are now out. Maggie, for one. Moke. Ott. Mrs. Ott.
Mr. Phelps. Art. Paulo, I know, died. He had a beautiful baby born into the org there…we all “knew” he was already “OT” [gasp] He was a character, from Germany who wrote some kind of social/politcal textbook, or philosophical novel, Ayn Rand style, as I recall. He had some rank above Division Secretary, somehow.
I guess the book would reveal something, seeing how it did the miraculous job of getting past the rigid scientology sanctions…
Strange names for very real people of my past, all resident-Staff at the once-Jesuit monastery, the COS Mission of Davis, as was I.
I heard Alan Larson got out ten years ago… I wonder what he would say to me today, as he was (still the original) Executive Director at the time, 1975. Deputy to Martin Samuels, who David Miscavige harassed then fired, I guess in the 90″s… god only knows why. Martin was revered and loved by all of us, second only to LRH, if I may speak for everyone. Probably, he was just plain too powerful for the new Commodore to be comfortable. The Leader. What a joke he must be. Delphi still exists as a boarding school for rich scientologist kids, (so I hear), which sounds an awful lot like another scary front-shop to me…
And Lance Klass. I think he’s still around, but I don’t know if he ever got out. I hope so. He and Paolo Lionni wrote a book called The Leipzig Connection back then. Paolo’s kid was named Sylvan.
Delphi seems to depend less and less on scn kids, from what I can gather – they seem to have a lot of foreign students now. I think because scns probably can’t afford Delphi anymore, what with the IAS and Ideal Morgues and all that sucking up every penny they have and then some (I think Delphi’s up to around $40K/year now).
Delphi could drop Applied Scholastics and cut ties with the cherch, and all the scns could pull their kids out and i bet the school would do just fine – better in fact, without the albatross of Scientology around its neck. The only problem they would have would be the staff getting forced to choose between quitting and getting declared – I’m not sure how that would go! It will probably be better for the school to just wait out the demise of Scientology.
I occasionally wonder what Martin is up to as well.
Larson is OUT? really? Really? You sure?
Oh, man..that would be sooo cool.
I liked that guy. Lots. I’m googling him but so far can’t verify what you say.
tell me more?
Larson is still listed as Delphi founding headmaster. I doubt he’s OUT. Don’t they always ‘1984’ them when they’re out?
(hard to keep up with re-writing history with all the lemmings/players jumping ship)
Dr. Larson is very smart man. I’m not saying if I know anything but let’s say if he *is* out, he is being discreet about it and it should remain that way for many reasons and leave him be.
He is indeed a helluva guy – not many people start a school that survives past its first Headmaster. I really like him too.
Thank you guys. Gus, that was cool, to find out someone knew about what I could barely even remember…
It offers me certain closure just to have heard this conversation.
So now the door closes on a few, sad and nasty echoes inside my head.
Thank you again.
I liked Alan too… but I do have to wonder as he would not speak to me as I was being shoved onto the street. Nobody did; nobody even let me have my last word.
My crime, I believe, was in asking one too many scientific questions regarding past-life memories… those kinds of questions do lead to more of the same, none of which Hubbard would have answers for…
Alan Larson let me down, in my book, until he comes up to tell me otherwise.
Thanks Gus. I imagine there’s a rather large pool of UTRs who will stay that way for all kinds of reasons. I’m hoping someday I won’t have to be.
I have much respect for Larson and his accomplishments. In my dealings he was a great fella.
I may be shucking every single thing about SCN, but I won’t shuck Things I liked About People.
I never did. 🙂 There have been so many people declared over my time in, or who just went away.. and though I may not have broken the rules, I didn’t ever write them off in my head and heart. I kept what I liked.
It’s another thing to sit back and marvel at, I really did have way more disagreements than I ever realized.
Christ, but I had to wear bigger and bigger blinders to keep On The Road To Freedom. soooo much irony.
We all did, “ha” is right. We had a lot of help, though, keeping those blinders in place. The Big Picture was kept out of view, always. The close-up was kept focused on you, and you were made out to appear as flawed as possible, keeping you addicted to the need for evermore auditing. We were well-shielded from the actual truth – truth when it comes to auditing, truth as to what auditing was worth, truth regarding for whom auditing benefited, in the end, and for whom it created emotional chaos as the church gained more and more wealth.
Scientology is a lie, built upon the entrapment of one mind at a time. Through and through, it cannot and will not describe itself for what it really is – as doing so would surely bring down the entire house of cards.
For that to happen, we needed the internet.
Now that we do, we have our “Leaders” and we have those fellows around us who have come to realize the true nature of LRH’s grand design.
There are those who are silent and those who speak.
And I long to hear the voice of Alan Larson, who, while in the depths of my own delusion, I surely loved and admired and trusted. What does Alan say about scientology today. What does he attribute his doctorate to?
If, however, he wishes to remain silent, I personally grant him the privilege. That is all I have to give. He was a dedicated man, to be sure, and deserves his privacy in these later years. Like me, I would say he has earned it. At the same time, however, I have to say that there is a certain loss of respect, the same way I have lost respect for Lafayette R. Hubbard, as the truth has been revealed.
I am glad he is out. And to repeat where I began, I hope all my peeps are out.
We are fools no more.
Here here.
I do so thank all of those who left and wrote books. and Mike for this blog, and all those who post. It’s so helpful.
I like hearing facts. I like hearing how it was for one, for another. I join the throng of those wishing Broeker would speak.
thank you Secret 4. Retribution and closure comes to me as well,
as I hear all these stories so strikingly similar to my own.
My trap.
My refusal to recognize the trap.
My love and trust of the founder and the executives I worked for that worked for him.
My betrayal.
And the silence, absence of presence at the awakening that is my own.
The injustice that makes scientology get rich and endure.
Scientology IS:
Ignorance made to be profitable, the ignorance of stealing identity, the ignorance of supplanting a false identity, calling it scientology and calling it something to actually believe in.
Thank god for all who post. I can laugh now, because… the problem?
I used to think it was only me. And,
Gus, now you know even better why and how I feel so grateful.
All you animals out there, boys and girls,
I love your eyeballs and your tongues. With you, its not so bad, being a bug. Carry on.
Barbecue at Tampa doesn’t seem like very much of a feature-length movie; it clocks in at only thirty minutes. Maybe it’s a short. (A “short,” get it Davey?) This ought to be a treat because I’ve never seen John Revolting in Over to CF! Is that the 2011 remake he did with Krusty Alley, Invasion of the Body Thetan Snatchers?
On the “Family” letter El wrong, “how to make it last.” to read “how to make it, last”
Off Topic, but I was just talking to a guy who was looking for the Republican Headquarters in Cheyenne, Wyoming yesterday. It was a nondescript building with no signage, the door was locked and the shutters were pulled, he had to knock on the door to get someone to let him in. Ok, now here’s the kicker. My friend said “I was beginning to feel like I had found a scientology church or something it all looked so empty from the outside.”
Classic snark! I love it!
The world is right again!
Out here in the boon-docks, even, everybody has indeed heard of scientology.
I love how they KNOW!
The playground is safe to play in again. You can actually bring your kids and turn them loose and let them run around… parents can go back to the usual mode, allowing their children to discover their own adventures…
Well, because everyone KNOWS,
except one person, apparently…
DAVID MISCAVIGE, who appears to be too illiterate to read the writing on the subway wall,
the witch is dead.
[cue the music]
The 3rd anniversary celebration of the Portland Ideal Org opening is to be held on Sat 21st 2011? Time travelling to Org events has got to be a first, truly cause over MEST!
It would also be the oddest third anniversary celebration to occur 2 years prior to the opening of the Org.
The Kansas Ideal Org is certainly a depressing looking building. The dark tinted windows everywhere, and the bars in the bottom two-story windows complete the misery-causing, unwelcoming remodel. Kansas City “went and built a skyscraper seven stories tall” and scientology made sure that everything is not “up to date” in Kansas City.
Cool refs, SOYS. The only play I was ever in, at camp, age around 12.
My big line: “How was Kansas City, Will?”
Mike you are so correct on, “They cannot get 10 people in their current ‘chapel’ so [why] build one to seat a 1000…” This “10 people” seems to be the magic number as that was the same number Ross and Carrie gave for Sunday Service attendance at the Model Ideal Saint Hill Size Musical Chair Everyone Out of Existence Org in their latest podcast that ends with a beautiful cliff hanger – http://ohnopodcast.com/
“Move up in status” means give us more money and get absolutely nothing in return. Maybe a trophy. Status is nothing tangible. Nothing you can hold in your hand or put in your bank. nothing you can show people at your home or office “here, look at my status”, nothing that will help you achieve goals “my status drove me here, my kids went to college with the help of my status, I don’t have to worry about retirement because I have status, my status helped my mom out… status? move up in status means give us lots of money. you will have less money, and more of nothing. They make it sound like it’s a rung on the ladder – “move up”. So foolish. They can’t see that status is…. nothing.
The only thing that IAS status benefits is Scientology since other Scientologists might become green with envy and want to increase their status as well which means more money for……..well, you get the idea.
I am posting this as I thought originally that it was relevant to the Tom Reitze story. My first read through left me with the impression that he had some personal, “I knew Ron” stories, and with that impression I wrote the following. After I had nearly finished writing all that follows, a re-read of the promo piece brought the realization that the Reitze talk would not be anecdotal; the only “personal” aspect would be his LRH memorabilia. In that I spent a good thirty minutes typing it up (s-l-o-w typist), I am going to submit anyway.
In the mid-90’s I was posted at ASHOF in the Public Divs. Some will recall that there was an LRH strategy for ASHOF: “Salvage Los Angeles”. There was a directive or SOED or something that went along with it. This directive authorized ASHOF Public Divs to comb through the deadfiles and do whatever needed to be done so get the thousands of Los Angeles’ offlines Scientologists back onlines.
I worked alot with an old-timer at the time, Don Breeding. Originally started at LA Org, iirc, Don brought his Old Timers Club to ASHOF. Don and I studied a PL written in the early 60’s that said that SH should perpetually offer to any ACC grad, the entire SHSBC, at no cost.
I very much thought we could recover an army of old timers with that PL, we didn’t, but that’s a different story. But, in our attempts to do so, we certainly had some fun.
Don and I put together a list of every single person we could find who had known Ron and was still living. And we put together a two day long “Founding Scientologists Weekend” at ASHO. It wasn’t as nice as it should have been: we did not provide them with transport or hotels or a concierge to help these sixty and seventy and eighty-somethings get familiar with LA and the complex, but we did a little better than average: we set up the pretty little courtyard with cloth covered tables, we catered the lunch on both days, and we set up a microphone. The weekend was fair and the whole courtyard had a very loving feeling.
Iirc, about 60 people showed up; many of whom had not seen each other for years.
Both Don and I knew that 99.9% of these people had dropped out of Scn years ago; our only stable datum was that we would invite them if we knew that they still had some good measure of respect or admiration for Ron himself; that’s the only thing we felt was a requirement to have in order to have a reasonable expectation that our efforts to get them back onlines might be successful.
(We did not get a single one of those people back onlines, but the whys and wherefores of that are a different story.)
But there was not any difficulty at all in getting these people to the microphone to talk. There did not seem to be any shy people amongst them. So, for the next couple of days I got to hear a lot of stories about the old man. (I say “I” instead of “we” as I was the only ASHO staff member who got to be at the whole event! Believe it or not, all the rest of the crew had to remain on post. The CO of the org was there to start the event; I remained as the host and the emcee.)
These people were very funny and very interesting to listen to, as you can imagine.
They were all very diplomatic in the stories they told. I talked with enough of them away from the microphone to know that many of them could have told some less than flattering stories at the mic, but none of them did. Their “speech talks / speech listens” column was all at 3.5 or 4.0.
I am bringing this up in reference to the Tom Reitze blurb do to this little story. Dan Sherman showed up on the second day, with an entourage of three or four people, all dressed in civvies; none of whom were familiar to me; but they all had the cool arrogant TR0 of “people in charge”. Dan and his entourage pulled away a table and invited three or four of the attendees over to the table, one at a time to talk with them. After a couple hours of that, they all left.
The event went on without incident. Within a week after the event, I was informed that there wouldn’t ever be any further events of this sort again. (We had told the attendees that it would be a yearly thing and they were very happy about this.)
I am sure it was not said this bluntly, but the message was clear: the only people who can tell “LRH stories” at events are people from Int Management.
We’d occasionally get people who had a personal LRH story to tell amongst the week’s graduates at a PAC base graduation as well. When these all-Pac graduations began to be held, anyone who intended to say their wins had to submit their prepared talk ahead of time for approval – nothing extemporaneous was allowed. If there was ever a personal LRH story, the speech was disapproved and had to be resubmitted without the story.
I am mentioning this as, although the Reitze blurb might excite some Scientologists’ interest (as it is, afterall, the only promo piece amongst all those featured that has anything approaching the unique to say), what is being promoted here is not likely to occur at all. (Someone MIGHT be able to get away with this in Seattle, so far away from a management unit; where most of the management “telexes” are not read as there either isn’t an LRH Comm or an FR or they are off moonlighting or getting their basics sales quotas met or busy reading this blog; but an event like this couldn’t happen in L.A.)
Tom probably has already been told to submit what likely would have been an extemporaneous talk as a script, and, if he manages to put one together, sixty percent of that will be struck out. And someone from Author’s Services is probably already in touch with him to turn over to them his signed copies of early Astounding Science Fiction or unauthorized LRH family photos or “personal letters from Ron” or whatever it is that he has.
Thank you for relaying that story, Dan. I think it is that was the beginning of the ‘control the LRH story/mystique’ period which continues to this day.
It’s not enough that they get your money and your time. Now the cult wants your memories.
Great story and so important these stories get told. Mike’s blog hits the right spot IMO.. The subject itself should love or die on its own merits… Phil
yep. thanks for this. these kind of stories are important.
Dan Locke, that was a good post. Thanks for telling about what happened. I’d love to hear some of the original or early members stories about LRH, we get a little taste of it when Ann B. talks about her experiences, and it always leaves us wanting to hear more. I think so many people got into the movement in the early times because of altruistic reasons and with good intentions. I think it began to go downhill shortly before LRH was no longer around, and with each mis-step (breaking up the mission network, the greed of regging for the I.A.S.) it became less and less of the type of group that caring people wanted to join. I wish someone could compose a book of the original members memories, I’d love to read it. – T.J.
Grant Cardone douchebag?
If you Google Grant Cardone douchebag you get page after page.
Kind of expected is you were a car sales guru.
Grant is the author of the high level work “Sell or be sold.”
Although his books are selling less and less (see amazon author page) they do get good reviews and ahem,I find them useful myself.
Grant is a good speaker and you have to admire his drive.
Duggan is an inspiring and entertaining speaker too(University of Santa Barbara commencement speech on Youtube)
Tom Cruise“s is running out of steam a bit but you have to give him credit.He build up a great career being a “strong guy.”
Even ahem even Miscavige deserves some credit.
Miscavage seems to have created this little club of really “Big Beings” say “BB”
Or is it DB?”Douchebag Club”
He managed to get Tom Cruise,Duggan,and little Cardone hooked.
DB credo:”We DB’s are just so cool,so cool If we just speak loud and show these degraded beings who we are and how we are us being copied will make the world a better.Because they copied us.”
Miscavige creates sycopants around him.To his credit though he can also be play sycopant himself.
Ah the understanding we would experience if RB would dig into this.What do these guys say to each other when they are discussing the state of the world pumping iron.Mike you have my address.Feel free to give it to RB.I will be a sycophant to help him with his work and work on ideas.
I’m pretty sure it’s DBC, aka the Douche Bag Club. And we all know who the two members are that are the biggest Douche Bags….
How many WISE companies look through all the ‘benefactor’ mOrg lists and pick out their next mark? Getting ‘investors’ for Clam Water is really easy if your marks are pre-qualified by lists like this.
What kind of lens makes Bob Duggan look so big compared to his handler, Grantless Cardone? There a 10x joke there somewhere, but I don’t want to find it.
Why all the focus on the Central Files? They need names and former address to get the mailing lists in shape for that ‘massive dissemination’. They sure aren’t getting new names off the streets.
FYI that is not Bob Duggan–it is Tom Cummins (sp?)
you know what’s really creepy about all those 1000 seat chapels?
It’s what they’re used for.
They’re used for regging. For group regging events.
The chapels are used as a (lie) promo thing to show the world, “see? we’re a church and here is our chapel and do you see our nice pews and this fine cross on the stand? We gather here on Sundays”. (I’ve seen all this as target steps on programs)
Sunday service is a joke. Who likes to go? You? You? How many of y’all got up early and went to Sunday service each week at the org? If you were not scheduled to be on course that day – didja get up and go? Wasn’t it the last thing in the world you wanted to do with your morning?
*shudder at the pushes to get Sunday Service going..nightmare for staff.
A random wedding, a christening, such rare things.
But every in-org event was in the Chapel, and the most frequent events are IAS/Ideal Org regging events.
Those big bright pictures of a bazillion chairs make me sick.
“Come on in, sit down, now get out your wallet”
Aw, c’mon! You don’t look forward to group processing with coffee and Sara lee cake for afters?
But coffee and cake costs money that would otherwise be sent up the line.
Not if they hard sell some sucker public to bring it to Sunday service for nothing.
Hi secretfornow, Exactly what I thought. When I saw the first picture of the Chapel I really thought it was a crematorium gone Wild.And what would be behind door#3?!I felt disoriented by the decor and then I got to the terror building in Kansas City.The negative energy coming off that thing about knocked me flat! Those still ins,I get emotional for their well being.It is all so creepy and dark now.
Thank you Mike for a favorite Thursday.XO
Steve Martin huh. Will they be showing Bowfinger?
Rick: oh snap!
Terry Stricter, MindHead Honcho: Happy premise #1.
Kit: Happy premise #1: There are no aliens.
Terry Stricter, MindHead Honcho: Happy premise #2.
Kit: Happy premise #2: There is no giant foot trying to squash me.
Terry Stricter, MindHead Honcho: Happy premise #3.
Kit: Happy premise #3: Even though I feel like I might ignite, I probably won’t
So Monty Python is entheta?
French dip sandwich is French??? Holy cow. In what part of France is Los Angeles — where the French dip originated?
Rule Of Thumb: If it’s sold at Arby’s, it’s not French. And their gyros aren’t Greek either.
My whole world has just crashed around me…..
And I thought the the Athens Cafe in Robbinsdale was a Greek place…
Ditto 🙁
Hi hgc10,Good post,thank you.I have to add as far as cos and accurate maps are concerned,France could very well be in LA if the Big Being decrees it to be so!XO
Frankly, I’m surprised they didn’t have pics of French fries and French toast. But 2 quiches? Why 2?
“What does it take?”
Let me guess; wearing some stupid outfit and sticking your tongue out at the camera like Miley Cyrus?
God, this is embarrassing. I suppose looking and acting unhinged is their concept of engaging in “spirit of play”.
I’m deeply thankful to no longer be associated with these people.
Ah, you apparently were never at CCNashville where everybody got dressed up as hillbillies and put on a square dance to raise money for the new org.
Alcoboy, it couldn’t have been any worse than a shabby recreation of Camelot with men in armor and women in gowns pointy hats, and by the way, I’ve lately heard that “hillbilly is now considered a perjorative term by that demographic indigenous to Appalachia and now want to be referred to as “Mountain People”. Too bad these guys didn’t catch wind that they were being spoofed by the townies in Nashville org as they are quite sensitive and proud and decidedly lacking in humor about their heritage.
As a member of that indigenous community I would first like to say that I am not offended in the least bit by the “H” word and second that if my fellow Appalachians had known about the goin’s on with the townies there would have been one hell of a feud!
I don’t like seeing Rosie the Riveter on the Miami poster. She was originally supposed to represent women who did important, difficult, and often dangerous work in factories and shipyards during WWII. I get that images and slogans can change their meaning over time but I don’t think the Scientology usage is appropriate.
yep. I love Rosie and was offended to see her mis-appropriated.
But with SCN, nobody owns anything, right?
Steve Martin, that “wild and crazy guy”…”Father Of The Bride”. I still love that movie because Martin Short’s catering character is simply hysterical. But this film is 25 years old so there’s little doubt about the demographic being pitched to work on CF at this org. Scientology publics are growing older and older with no new blood coming in except for the few children of those still in – children, who, back when they were conceived, were probably labeled “other fish to fry” by the org.
What a collection of sound and fury signifying nothing. Those Miami flyers are especially ill conceived. Not to go all ad hom, but Cardone must be especially tiny, Cummins looks like another species next to him. No wonder COB loves Tiny Robbins so much.
I wonder why the “D of T for OT 9 and 10” is not named. Is it because once you put names on fantasy creatures, you’re making a bit too much of a commitment. I think his name is I.P. Daley.
The people aren’t named because when they are Declared and become “non persons” their names and photos won’t have to be excised from all the propaganda, I mean promo. The chapels and course rooms are empty because they would have to hire actors and extras to fill them. The $cn-ists look so beaten, starved and bedraggled, they can’t be used, even with Hollywood makeup. Smoke and mirrors? HA! More like fart and mirrors. AAROOOOO!
You know you’re getting old when pulling an ‘all nighter’ means you don’t have to get up and pee….
Bwaa ha ha ha! I was so pleased this morning when I woke up after 7.5 hours, uninterrupted! I was like, YAY! haha, I slept like a big fat baby and had a great day… oh, the simple pleasures lol
Once upon a time ago someone declared that Galaxy 666 by Pel Toro (aka Robert Lionel Fanthorpe) was the worst SF novel ever published. I own a copy and it taught me to avoid works written by bikers, martial arts instructors, and members of the Anglican clergy who are bit short on cash.
There’s one paragraph that questions the use of the word Terrain in an non-terrestrial environment:
Having become acclimatized to the pink-tinged light, which gave everywhere a strangely roseate appearance, and which had the effect of lulling their senses into a rather dreamy false security, the four explorers looked down at the ground beneath their feet. The ground beneath their feet was a very odd sort of terrain – – though “terrain” is not, strictly speaking, the kind of word that ought to be used to describe the ground of a planet that was not earth. Like so many of the old earth words, it has crept into the vocabulary of the empire. So they examined the terrain.
Now I haven’t read anything by LRH, so I can’t make a comparison.
And I just now came up with idea of punishing someone by having him word-clear Galaxy 666.
Nothing the Fatman ever wrote was nearly as good as this, a runner-up in a bad writing contest:
As he pressed his heaving, moist, ineffable manhood closer to her trembling porcelain bosom, Reginal Pompilious-Pomfret, Duke of Sufferingdale, wondered, not for the first time, whether this Lady Ashdown might not, in fact, be his sister, and resolved to confront Mater about the subject directly he finished slaking his Jovian lust upon her ladyship.
Catherine Martin
Boston, MA
I am scratching my head.A Valley chapel with over 1000 seats?Even their own ot committee attendance has now shrunk to 10 or so people.(average age 65yo)
Oh wait! Kevin and Barbara Wilson are such humanitarians that they wanted to give the most upstat space cooties they blew off at a cost of say $500.000 a little place to gather.
Or is there a big conspiracy by the psychs going on where they are drugging the last remaining geriatric scientologists with lsd before they design these promo pieces.
So the chapel seats 10 Scientologists and 990 space cooties at the same time with each drunken BT getting it’s own seat? Good times.
Does anyone know if there will be a maiden voyage?
YEs, it’s why the SuMP is being opened, so there is a big “announcement” for the MV.
Sharon Kimball(1st married name when married to Scott) was a student of mine with her ex on the comm course at the Berkeley Mission in 1974 where she started in Scientology. I was the Course Supe there. Interesting history….
Aside from the chuckles, these pieces serve as a reminder of what its like to be “in” – and the gratitude I feel being “out”.
Sort of like night and day, statpush? And feeling grateful that you’re out is simply wonderful! Gratitude! It’s a game changer!
OSD are you going to apply for the Pasadena Bookstore Officer position? Not too far down the road from you.
Hell yes, I am! And I’m going to be the most epic and awesome Bookstore Officer on Teegeeack! Not only will I stock Hubbard’s books, but, I’ll be including Playboy too! Oh…that’s right. Masturbation is not allowed. Damn……..Shit, I’m going to do anyways! I hope male SO members have lubricants….
And legal marijuana? Are you selling legal marijuana?
Soon. Very, very soon. It will pass in California this November and become legal on 2 January. I’ll let everyone know where our dispensary will be. For a name I’m thinking of Pacific Coast Cannabis. What do you think?
That’s good, but I think “Old Surfer Dude” Cannabis would be a great name for your brand. It would make it sound like its been around a long time. Isn’t there a whiskey or bourbon or or something called “Old Grandad”? Look, pay no mind, I know nothing about this.
At one point Mike was in a position where he was forced to try and make DM’s god awful ideas and promotions work, but now he gets up in his own home, has a cup of coffee and take the piss out of this nonsense with unbridled glee everyday. I love it.
The lack of people in EVERY Ideal Promo they put out is creepy. The only time you see any people in photos of an ideal org is on ribbon cutting day when they bus in people. After that it’s like a haunted house, with a few staff/SO ghouls haunting the halls and trying to suck the blood (money) out of anyone who dares to enter.
I do wonder what the staff does all day in those big empty orgs. I guess learn photoshop and make really bad promos for Mike to mock?
And the people who are still around, look like me! I’m in my mid 60s now, but, I don’t look harried or harassed. I do look full of life! These old folks that are left truly look pathetic. They’re probably beeb beaten down by all the years they’ve been in, that, they feel they HAVE to stay at their Model Idle Morgue. Maybe they should have a bingo night once a week for the old timers. That would make them happy….
Yeah, it’s pretty sad… those old folks should have all that cash in the bank so they can stop working their asses off and chill a while. They *could* do that, if they hadn’t flushed all that money down the IAS/Ideal Morgue crapper.
I’m not quite to my mid-60s yet, and I’m still working so that when I *am* in my mid-60s I can chill and maybe get in a bit of weekday “old dude” surfing myself!
On that note, I did do a bit of mid-week wine tasting recently and I have to say it absolutely beats the hell out of visiting wineries on the weekends! No bridal parties getting drunk, no bachelor parties getting drunk, no frat/sorority parties getting drunk… just me and a wine-loving buddy sipping and talking wine with a knowledgeable winery rep, and once he/she realizes we know what we are tasting… getting a taste of some of the real goodies from deep in the cellar (that they don’t break out for the drinkers on the weekends).
Ah, oui, laissez les bon temps roulez! Sans Scientologie!
Et merci bien, Amethyst, if you are here…
And Amethyst, bless him/her, would surely correct me… rouler not roulez! haha.
It’s strange that so many of the promo pieces are completely devoid of people, although, to be fair, it is the most un-intentionally truthful aspect of Scientology advertising.
Fundraising ads, though, are filled with manic, often costumed sheeple.
How did El Con “discover” theta? I guess it being a TOTALLY alien concept to the psychopath he had to go looking for some.
Well, first and foremost, he wrote sci-fi so it wasn’t much of a leap to create the concept. And he would not have been the first to dream up something like that seeing as his friends were the likes of Robert Heinlein and so on. Throw is some fraternal order stuff like Alpha, Lambda or Theta which was the rage around Universities during that time and away you go! Lots of fun and games!
As for the rest of us, maybe we just really wanted something to believe in ………… just sayin. Perhaps those still in still do ……………. we’ll see how it all works out. Personally, it seems a lot more like the Maidan Voyage of the Titanic; people were giddy with the excitement of it all and yes, we could build something invincible and be a part of it.
Yo Dave,
How is this years MV shaping up? I note a few good things about your voyage; lack of apparent icebergs, more than enough lifeboats on bored to handle the passenger lode and no maidens!
And remember good buddy, how many of your remaining flock will f/n their sec checks this weekend and still be ‘disaffected’? Think about it ………………… Dave!
1. Advertising that you have a facility to hold 64 children is NOT a good thing. Especially when you only show entertainment for 10. They also make it a point to leave out the very basic caretaker/child ratio. Unfortunately, it is probably 1/64.
2. Ken and Barbara Wilson do not look happy to be humanitarians, they look beat.
3. It would be interesting to do a statistical study of how many people get divorced as a direct or indirect result of their involvement in scientology. My bet is the number is staggering. That being said, I am not a big believer in LRH quotes, but seriously are the bubble dwellers so blind that they do not understand the fact that they used an LRH quote to predict their own demise? “A culture will go by the boards if it’s basic building block, a family is removed as a valid building block.”
I think the ratio is higher if they are also signing the kids up for their SO contracts.
The Wilsons look like they have been hammered mercilessly. I wonder how much longer they can withstand?
“but seriously are the bubble dwellers so blind that they do not understand the fact that they used an LRH quote to predict their own demise? ”
The short answer is …. YES.
The long answer is that the CULTure is in fact going by the boards as there is nothing the group does that supports the concept of ‘family’. When I began to question things in 2004, my nephews, my brother and sister in law, my daughter, my son, my wife and my friends in the Cult all began moving away from me. Now, twelve years later, I have a family that does care about me …………… but those mentioned above are not a part of it. My mother, sister, cousins, son and grandson from a previous marriage (before $cn) are in it and, in addition, I have met many very wonderful people because I spoke out and left and reconstructed my life according to my own value system. I really value my life and the lives of those I am able to share with. As regards the next life ……………… believe what you desire to believe, I’m living this one to it’s fullest!
Oh yes, and Dave, lest I forget,
It’s time for your stress test good buddy. Big three day weekend and all and remember, watch for the hecklers while reading your Sherminator prompter screen. I’ll be there amongst you ………………..
Newcomer.Have read about 100 posts of yours.Enjoyed them.Always feisty.Never slimy.Appreciate that.Can’t argue with what is.
Valerie, I agree totally with all you said. Good points! Newcomer, I’m gratified to hear that your life is good and fulfilling these days, but I still feel a little sharp pang somewhere in the stomach or heart region (can’t quite pinpoint, but it’s definitely a pain) that you can’t include in your life your mother, daughter, other family members… it shouldn’t have to be this way. You should by all rights be able to include all of your family in your circle of love. Scientology is very divisive. Love to both of you, T.J.
@Newcomer, I agree that it is important to move on and not allow yourself be defined by the fact that your family chose to not speak to you, to chose to associate with those who love you unconditionally. The best revenge is living well.
However, I also agree with TJ that it is sad that it has to be that way.
My family circle is so important to me. I love my in-laws, I call them mom and dad, I sobbed uncontrollably when my husband’s grandpa Jay died. I still miss my parents even though they have been dead over 30 years. To have to miss a family member who is still alive would be horrific.
In a group which claims to be so spiritually advanced, they hold to old traditions which spiritually hobble the entire group and make it entirely hate-based. Blinders and hobbles on a person are no way to allow them to advance.
I would be willing to bet that if scientology did a study (I know, I know, they won’t) and allowed the people they were studying to answer totally honestly (yeah, yeah, not going to happen) they would discover how emotionally devastating the enforced disconnection is to the ones still in as well.
There may be members who stay in and pretend to participate (for a time) because they do not want to be disconnected, but there are probably very few members who return because those still in are forced to disconnect from them, so what purpose did the disconnection serve? Those who left are still gone and those still in who were forced to disconnect are one step closer to the door out.
Of course you and TJ are both accurate. I do expect that one day I will have the opportunity to reconnect with my kids however I cannot live in angst waiting for it. I hope for the best and that I have learned something in the process.
I don’t assume that life is necessarily fair for all concerned or that ‘karma’ will somehow make all things equal. Meanwhile, I like to smile and not take myself too seriously!
That seems like an excellent way to live your life. 🙂
Way to go, Coop! Smiling and living your life to the fullest and not living in angst over the wife and kids and in laws who disconnected. You are setting a good example for others of us who have lost loved ones to disconnection. Kudos to you. The best revenge is a life well lived!
I’m not quite sure how the expansion of Scientology is going in “Mighty Miami”, but I can tell you this: I’ve lived 59 years in Miami. +30 years of that time 16 miles north of their Miami org & 26 years 11 miles south of it. In all those years I never heard nor knew anything about it until I started reading this blog about 2 yrs ago. Since then the only time I ever hear about it it in this blog. I guess you have to be a scientologist to know it exist. Maybe if it goes “ideal” the Miami community at large will become aware of it? And then it will become truly “Mighty Miami”.
“And then it will become truly “Mighty Miami.” Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Now that’s some funny shit! Wait….what? You’re were serious, Roger Y? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
100% sarcasm
100% GRADE ‘A’ sarcasm. Only the best for you, Roger Y!
Arte Marin still at it, whew.
You beat me to it. Of course he always believed he was god. I worked with him for a time. Even back then I knew he was dyslexic. He was a dog, not a god.
When I was still on staff at the Honolulu Mission, I saw Arte doing OT TR-O with a staff member named John Ruane. John got me into the trucking business and I moved furniture for Bekin’s Van Lines back on the mainland. John was also the head honcho of Bent Corydon’s Mission in Riverside, CA.
His wife called me to say that John had died in a motorcycle accident. She said his foot had been torn off so he probably wouldn’t want the body anyways. She blamed his accident on a non-flat OT3.
I’d say it was ‘out of present time’. He needed more objectives! Have the C/S put a note in his folder so when he ‘returns’ it will not be missed.
And, by God, he better return soon if he knows what’s good for him! This was back in the early 80s so he’s waaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue…What a slack artist.
You know, and this may be going too far, but some people will chew off a leg to get out of a trap.
Yes and giving El Con the benefit of a year or two’s slack, he ought to be looking for his 28 birthday about now.
Yo Ron,
Hows about showing up in one of the new Ideal Offices shorty has prepped for you. BTW, you will need to do your full GAG II lineup and Staff Statuses before you can move about the cabin.
These LRH quotes about family are disgusting. “… a purely postulated relationship which has no real existence in fact…” Nothing real about it, love and family aren’t real, only ‘necessary economically’ at this time. Barf.
That hit me, too. LRH liked what he could control and hated what he couldn’t control. He couldn’t control the strong and natural bonds people felt for their family members so he re-framed these as postulates – and the postulates of his followers he could control quite well.
Love is real. status is nothing. Love is a powerful force that can move mountains… status is a whisper blown away in the wind. Where’s OSD today… please come and say something profound, yet funny here, we need you.
Someone needs to tell Mr. Crazy Guy at Mighty Miami what a two finger salute (with tongue) is.
yeah… and they look a bit manic.
Oh Boy er, Mike, your are getting so good at entertaining. I love these Funnies.
I was reminded when reading about the sci fi books. When I went back to Flag for a year after 25 out, and went into the bookstore, I was flabbergasted! Shelves and shelves, in fact most shelves in this large store, had all sorts of Hubbard’s Sci Fi stuff available in various forms. Just couldn’t believe it!
They’re going to “service” 64 children? At a time…or is that it? In either case,
How did LRH ‘discover’ theta? The $10 must cover the LSD they will slip you in order to ‘show’ you the theta LRH discovered.
Oh! A drug reference! Drug references are fun!
For the English class he did a quick and dirty book report based on his recollection of a very long novel.
Illuminatus(!) By Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea.
This three volume novel is a very loose adaptation of The Beatles movie Yellow Submarine which was written by a pair of hack writers on the staff of Playboy magazine who were clearly under the influence of Irish novelist James Joyce and some very serious drugs. As a result the authors had some very serious problems with the concepts of character, plot, brevity, as well as reality in general.
There was also a very dumb parody of Ayn Rand as a minor character and there wasn’t much more to say about this waste of paper and ink.