Pirates and Whales
What a combination. How fitting.
More pirate parties….
And more. Seems to be contagious.
Do the Survival Rundown at ASHO
Of course. Nobody wants to do auditor training any more… Or can.
Wonder if they ever actually HOLD these conventions?
Or is this just a survey to see if anyone bites?
This is the best they’ve got?
This guy has been in the SO for about 40 years and had never climbed beyond being in charge of “WISE” in EUS.
This is the best they’ve got?
Dave Petit and Michael Duff? Who wouldn’t want to spend their Saturday night being regged by these two?
Mystery meat
An unnamed “service”?
Become a half-humanitarian
Not really. “Matching” isn’t going so hot…
6 months ago they were DONE
Still a loooong way to go…
THE Greatest ideal org event in history
MV Time is Valley Time?
The Irresistible Power of OT Unleashed
Well, finally they are going to unleash themselves… What have they been waiting for? There should be a tsunami of OTishness swamping the world in July. The effects should be seen everywhere….
This is the best they can do?
Another person who has not moved up the ladder in decades… Even with the horrendous attrition at the top.
Wonder how this “dissemination tool” is working out? Bet there are FLOODS of people rushing in.
Bet Red Bull isn’t too excited about this piece of promotion
Tampa CF was supposed to be done for MV?
MV is done… CF isn’t.
They send out these emails daily. The message of help – pure and unadulterated… Gag.
4th Anniversary of Empty
And they have Tyller Gummersall! He, Chili Bean and David Pomeranz must be the only singers in scientology. They are the only names you ever hear.
Looking really spiritual
Looking really elite
And what a quote – your life is a vicious dramatization of a 4th dynamic engram?
Dukes of the auditor elite
They have an “Auditor Night” once a year. And it features a “magician.” Bizarre.
The funnies ARE funny. When one’s been in the bubble for decades, how come they’re still accepted? None so blind as those who do not wish to see?
Your whole life is a 4th dynamic engram.
This is the sickness of the OT 3 materials. L Ron Hubbard completely denigrates civilization here.
Everything from religion, cars, planes, psychology……….. Buildings….. Everything.
No wonder they are so screwed up. Ron, in his infallible altitude third parties life, civilization and culture.
This is how they can climb into the bubble and feel safe.
Because the man they have elevated to infallibility has made ALL OF LIFE A DANGEROUS OT 3 IMPLANT.
Does anyone here still believe this delusional dangerous garbage?
“No wonder they are so screwed up. Ron, in his infallible altitude third parties life, civilization and culture.”
– SO WELL SPOTTED! A profound revelation is ever there was one.
“Does anyone here still believe this delusional dangerous garbage?” – NOPE, definitely not me!
And I’m horribly amazed, even shocked, when I observe that there are still people out who do. I cannot pretend and I lose respect…
Thanks Dawn for the reply. I am giving it more thought:
Think of it:
1)Every time an OT goes by a church they see implant
2) Every time an OT sees a therapist sign on an office they see implant
3) Every time an OT sees someone meditating they see someone being glued to the body from an implant
4) Every time an OT hears of a near death experience where they see divine light or see astral beings they see an implant
5) when they see a priest they see someone dramatizing an implant
6) all stories of afterlife an implant
7) all after death experiences are electronic torture
8) cars are a dramitization of an implant
9) karma (law of cause and effect) is from an implant
10) the spiritual light of the soul perceived in transcended experiences an implant
11) pressure in the body from implanted BTs
12) unwanted thoughts belong to implanted BTs
12) love and understanding a Marcabian control
14) Heaven is an implant (Ron’s trip to heaven)
15) Jesus is an implant
16) all religions expect Buddhism and Scientology an implant control mechanism ( Buddhism escape an implant fate because Ron fancied himself Buddha)
17) Basically, L Ron Hubbard, in his paranoid tendencies, defined life itself as an implant.
18) Culture as an implant
19) civilization as an implant
20) he says that Scientology believes in the Supreme Being but that is a lie.
My experience of the Supreme Being was CSed as an implant
By defining all of life, all of culture, all of civilization as an implant, going into agreement with this, and then agreeing that Ron is the only one to find out about it, find the solution for it:
The Scientologist then has built a thought prison around themselves in which to isolate themselves from life, civilization, culture.
This is the blueprint and construction of the bubble that ex Scientologists talk about.
The bubble was built by Ron and to agreed to by his students.
Ron wanted to make a new civilization because he saw civilization as a dramatization of OT3; broken and evil.
And his capacity to articulate and convince us of this is testimony to his charismatic genius.
This blueprint, of his invalidated culture, life and civilization comes directly from his psychiatric problems: manic with paranoid tendencies.
Brian, after reading the 4th dynamic engram spiel in the staff recruit promo and your post, I completely agree.
I’ll take a pass on Ron Hubbard’s view of the world. No thanks.
Hi Brian, Your recent post here was tremendous.Thanking you Always XO
Exactly. Why experience the wonder of love, of art, of science and the extraordinary universe in which we live? It’s just an implant, right? Your feelings are suspect. Your family yearnings are suspect. Everything is suspect, except Source™. Total. Control.
That Greta Van STREUDEL (stussern) on FOX NEWS of all places in a member. Going on and on about how all Palestinians are terrorists due to the shooting in Tel-Aviv the other day. I wrote on her stupid FB page that she is a member and financial backer to a home grown terrorist group that has destroyed people and families. COS, baby! ugh….
The cult’s pirate obsession continues. I don’t get it. Pirates were thieves, outlaws, cutthroats…oh, wait…
My best guess is that, given how far behind the times Scientology always is, they’re only just now experiencing the pirate fad the rest of the world went through a decade ago. Give them another five years, and maybe they’ll discover zombies.
Lol! Yeah! And Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Other than the insane fixation on pirates, that pisses me off, the recruitment piece for Nashville (615 area code), has to be the worst I have ever seen. That one lady on the left, looks like Fred Gwyn, the actor that played Herman Munster on TV. One look at that face and I would run away from Nashville org. Besides their looks though, they both appear as if they are hating their lives. Yep, they are going to get a lot of new staff from that picture….
Actually, the one on the left is named Melissa and she is a very sweet, gentle woman. The one on the right was young so, of course, she was sent instantly to work in HCO.
Let’s not make fun of people for the sake of making fun of people. That’s what David Miscavage does.
The one on the right is Dharma Ecchevaria and she is currently HAS for CCNashville. Her mom, Lexie Green, is Purif IC at that org as well.
Thanks, Anon. The ad hominems get a bit tiring after a while. So much to criticize, why target people’s appearance?
What’s the matter, CPA? The crossed arms and fierce, dedicated glare of these two ladies getting to you or something? “You really do need to join staff now”. 🙂
I meant, “CPO”, not CPA.
Sixty-six years, and not a single proven clear or OT. Not one. Yet the believers still believe. Accordingly, appropos of John Lennon:
Imagine there’s an OT
It’s easy if you try
No implants before us
No Xenu in the sky
Imagine all the thetans
Living in PT … aha-ah
Imagine there’s no R6
It’s easy if you try
No BTs surround us
We’re as clear as sky
Imagine all the thetans
Living in PT … aha-ah
Imagine there’s no Psychs left
It is isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
No DBs left to screw
Imagine all the thetans
Living in PT … aha-ah
You may say Ron was a schemer
But he was not the only one
I hope someday we’ll get you
And your goods will be our own
Imagine no possessions
Just what the church will have
No need for greed or hunger
Just rice and beans and spam
You may say that we’re all schemers
But we’re not the only ones
Just believe you can be OT
And the clearing will be done!
Sad about the Valley. Haven’t they been fundraising forever? And yet they only have 80 of the 929 squares filled in, 9%. They have a looong way to go.
Hey, just a few more “Half Alumni” and they’ll make it!!!!
I’m surprised they even make those stats publicly available. They tell such a story…
The irony of the pirate analogy is killing me. “We’ll pillage and plunder, leaving you with nothing, and take away your children in shackles to serve on our galleys for the rest of their lives.” Though unintended, it’s satire nonetheless. ” As Hubbard himself correctly observed, “The targets of satire are always the last to laugh.”
They use the pirate terminology cuz Ron mentioned it in some reference. Something like we were all pirates and bums. If someone can find the exact quote it would be worth posting on here to explain why they keep using the pirate theme.
Anybody notice that Kathy wants everyone to get ready for MV 1? That’s pretty damn OT because that was what? 30 years ago?
I feel a lot better today after doing the Chinese Takeout Rundown.
“A meter is mightier than the sword.”
Really? So is a M1911A1. It doesn’t require a second person to operate and thus won’t reveal your deepest secrets to the tabloid press.
There is no
spoonBridge.And the M1911A1 creates permanent solutions. No need to go any further. 🙂
Nashville girls have to lean against each other because they have not eaten in a week.
Wow, Jose. Things are better there now than when I was on staff! Back then, you went without food for a whole month!
Both of you are weenies!!! Weenies, I say! I once went 6 months without a bite to eat!
HI OSD, I bet you did! But wasn’t standing up on your board difficult when faint from no food? Whoops I forgot you are a Big Being Surfer and you will soon receive a cool OT Surfer Pin made from the finest pot metal cos can buy!? U.XO Ann B.
Just a quick Global Capitalism HQ numbers analysis of the first item: The amphibious tour of Santa Barbara. I went on the website of the tour operator, and look at the schedule. Given that the Scientology event starts at 4:30, it’s a custom tour. The amphibious vehicle holds 44 passengers, so the cost to charter it would be about $1300. Normal tickets are $30, and given that the price for this event is $40, they would need to get 33 people to make sure that the costs of the tour are covered.
Even though Santa Barbara is only about an hour’s drive from the San Fernando Valley, the “biggest concentration of Scientologists in the world”, it’s still a pain to get up there, especially when things are heading towards rush hour. People don’t generally go up to Santa Barbara for an evening event if they live in Los Angeles. It’s kind of like how people in New York don’t jump in the car and drive down to Philadelphia for lunch, a similar distance.
As a result, I am expecting this event to be an epic fail, with perhaps a handful of people that they were able to confirm from the local area. I suspect they have gotten some individual to guarantee the cost of a full tour vehicle, and they will be stuck with the loss of potentially $1000 or more when the event tanks. It will be interesting to see if the person left holding the bag begins to wonder why this supposedly epic event was such a bust, and begins to question why they are involved in a struggling and failing organization.
Of course, at this point, the only people left in Scientology are those who are such true believers that they are highly skilled at explaining away differences between observable reality and what they are hearing from Scientology management.
But it certainly says a lot about the current state of Scientology that they are hosting an event that may only make them a couple of hundred dollars at most, even if a pleasant amphibious tour of the area is followed by the most brutal crush regging session in history.
Also, the seminar with EUS WISE chief Quentin Strub sounds like a natural. Given the apparent complete collapse of the WISE business in the US, as evidenced by the former head of Sterling Management being dragooned into becoming the ED of Valley Org Day, I suspect Quentin doesn’t have a lot to do these days related to his “day job,” which is why he has all sorts of time to fly around and give talks about parenting.
Incidentally, this flyer is yet another nail in the coffin of the cult if they get sued by someone required to take Scientology training against their religious wishes in some WISE client’s dental office. This would help overturn the cult’s likely contention that WISE is independent of the “church” management and is totally secular.
Look at the “This is How Valley Will Go Ideal” poster, the one with all the squares to be filled in as people cough up the money for different status levels. Obviously, they have a long way to go to raise the money they need. But more interestingly is the idea that they’re now just putting completions out there as a yellow square on a chart. Now, if you cough up $50,000 of your hard-earned dough to “clear the planet” you don’t get recognition beyond a ceremony attended by the Valley public (all 22 of them). You don’t get your picture in a Scientology magazine. You don’t get recognition beyond a momentary handshake.
Now, there’s nothing permanent like the thrill of having a building at a famous university named after you. Now the only enduring recognition is that you can tell all your friends at the next IAS Gala that you’re “Valley Vanguard With Honors” #14. Given that so much of the positive attraction to stay in Scientology these days is recognition from the group for your “big beingness,” taking away more hoopla of recognition just so people like us can’t track how the donations have trickled off seems like a really shortsighted idea.
Quentin Strub has done the RPF. How does he explain that in court as “totally secular”?
Quentin is a CHURCH staff member. Not a secular WISE business member….
Why bother driving all the way up to Santa Barbara when you can go to the the Point Dume observation area and watch the whales hang a sharp left to avoid being grounded as they work their way up the coast of California?
A nice writeup on quinten strub the wise guy http://exscnforum.com/index.php/topic/8-continental-office-east-u-s/http://exscnforum.cohttp://exscnforum.com/index.php/topic/8-continental-office-east-u-s/m/index.
The activities that you describe with WISE Homeward are called racketeering. Strub was nasty to anyone who did not join WISE and conducted himself like a Nazi Gaumeister.
Or:Gawd I remember Quentin Strub being over WISE East US almost two decades ago.
What a losing proposition it was really as WISE did not have much to offer many of the public scientologists but instead tried so hard to force people into becoming members.
This was done by threatening them that if they did not join WISE they would be reported not only to their local orgs but in effect blacklisted. Being reported to local orgs usually meant costly ethics handlings. Being “blacklisted” often meant WISE circulating the person’s name to the WISE membership letting them know he/she was out-ethics and no one should do business with them.
What an awful way to try to run such a group. More like the mafia than some benevolent non profit group trying to help.
The whole concept of WISE was born out of distrust of the scientology public, a consideration that they were generally criminals and that ethics had to be put in on them. That carried forward into the operation of WISE well after it launched. That paranoia combined with a greed to get more of the public’s’ money is so much like what is behind the rest of organized scientology despite their hiding their true intentions behind benevolent-sounding religious cloaking and corporate veils.
Perhaps the saddest part of all this is that I believe most of the staff were really trying to do good but were deceived.
Where it says: Yo ho ho…and an Ideal Morgue! On the “Charting the Course to Freedom” page, it SHOULD read: YO OH NO! Another freakin’ Idle Morgue?
So, the Fleecewinds is finally going to have that ‘Prosperity Convention’ that they have been trying sell all year. Or is that the current use of the Fleecewinds, selling ‘prosperity’? Bennie Hinn could sell it out, and sell it out many times over.
I would not let the clampire ‘brief’ me on anything. They don’t know a reg from a hole in my wallet. Or how one causes the other.
Argh, Quentin still running WISE. Makes sense though, he was always nasty therefore fits in well with the culture.
Holy Shit. Those two “Elite Scientologists” look like they’re ready to head off to LAX to scream at SPs.
Hi chelleinchicago, Good to meet you and thank you,your comment was perfect!I saw that charming photo and forgot for a moment,I lived that too.Inside the Bubble when I looked out the world was distorted like fish bowl glass,but I felt sane and theta because I was a Sea Orger.A gossamer spider web indeed this cult of lies.I am going to smell my roses and smile at the sky.Always
Nice to meet you, Ann, and thanks! I know you’re probably enjoying the roses and sky more for having had that experience but I wish it could have been different for you and so many others. Enjoy:)
Hi chelleinchicago, Thank you so much for your kind wishes for me.You know, as I walk my path here I have learned to truly see the light,you have to also travel in darkness…I wish no-one had fallen for Ron/David but we did.And your words mean alot.XO
Ann, Glad you told them to take their fish bowl and shove it.
Hi threefeetback, Oh you are such a fish-bowl shatterer.I love you and yes, thank god fot the fire down below in the sense that something stronger and more powerful than Ron told me to go.No all you rascals I love alot about Jesus and I think He is a Master of his thought but what told me to leave was an intangible force that said what you are enduring is wrong,leave leave this is wrong.Like an ok’d gas lamp in a foggy somewhere city I handed my spirit that is whunI knew I had to flee. Love U XO
Hi threefeetback, Edit Ann like an old gas lamp I handed my spirit to Ron and what came after convinced me and that is when I knew I had to flee.Siri Behave!XO
Hi threefeetback,OK this IPad is getting it! I am no member of any organized religion.I just think it is interesting that Jesus left no image of him and no written records in his own hand.I have such a time with electronics. XO
Oh, they did that as part of their Staff Status 0
Mike you keep on pointing out you do not know Tyller Gummersal.This is because of your overts and withholds.
His latest YouTube video already has 12 views!!!!!!!!! ttps://www.youtube.com/results?q=tyller+gummersall&sp=EgIIAw%253D%253D
Holy crap, that’s a lot of crazy.
Hey Valley, I like your little squares. It’s nice to see that you’re nowhere near done.
Hey, Stephanie, was the “little squares” in reference to the ding dongs running the joint?
“Get up close and personal with Moby Dick” could also be code for a seminar with Bob Twatwaffle. He’s the closest thing to a great white whale that Scientology has left.
Let’s ignore the fact that any of the SS Mesothelioma “conventions” are just convenient excuses for a captive reg session. Have they ever twigged on to the fact that the Failboat is a bitch to get to, and that there’s nothing to do there other than attend? The first step to a successful convention is choosing a location that’s convenient and has some outside attractions. For instance, one of the food safety audit standards I’m qualified for has its annual convention this year in Orlando. Loads of flights in and out, and…well, hell, it’s Orlando in late October. Nice weather and metric shitloads of other attractions. There’s just no attraction to attend anything on the Failboat. Stop trying to justify the Failboat’s existence, move OTVIII to Flog, and hold your conventions somewhere else. And by “somewhere else”, try somewhere other than the LA metro area. That’s tapped out.
Speaking of the LA area, I actually wouldn’t mind hearing Dave Petit speak. Putting an alcoholic behind a podium is like watching a game of Russian Roulette: you never know what he’s going to say and how destructive it’s going to be. Anything out of Kirstie Alley’s ethics folders would be appreciated.
Quentin Strubb’s Tampa seminar: What he’s going to discuss sounds suspiciously like the TRs and Grades, with a little bit of ARC Straightwire thrown in for shits and giggles. Wouldn’t most of the audience, by and large, have completed most of these actions and therefore already know how to handle these “problems”? And why would a CO WISE be discussing any of this? Tampa, being Almost Double Saint Hell Size If We Can Finish Up Central Files, has a Class V C/S available who would match the subject matter. Or is Mister Strubb in a Lower Condition that requires him to do this presentation? Being an executive in WISE is almost the definition of a Lower Condition these days.
This isn’t the first time that Valley’s pulled a Match Game scam. This also isn’t the first time that Valley’s set a deadline of Monday morning, then extended it to Thursday at 2. We had promos here last month, I believe, where they did exactly that. So all that’s left to wonder is who the mysterious matching benefactor is. My money’s on the new ED for Valley Day, Dave Wilson. It’s been speculated that he and Bonita took those staff roles as part of getting out of Lower Conditions, and being the Match Game benefactors would fit perfectly into that scenario.
I’m not going to discuss Minny’s e-meter festival, because it’s going to end up in a three-day back-and-forth between me and Marildi, just like the last time. But it does make you wonder how many Easy-Bake 8s they’ve sold in the Twin Cities. There’s no reason to have a demo session unless their sales are in the crapper. That applies even more to ASHO and their “meter demonstration”.
We’re going to talk enough about Maiden Voyeur when it starts up in a few weeks to start commenting now. Until then, we can just speculate on whether or not the Toxic Midget will say anything about OTIX and OTX being “almost available”. That’ll be good for laughs.
How appropriate that CO OSA Canada bears the same name as a makeshift prison knife. But, again, why is she doing a talk on 4D Campaigns? Who’s in charge of ABLE for Canada?
I’ve had to work with people from Red Bull in the past on quality issues with their product. They deserve that promo, and a whole lot more.
I think the giant foam cowboy hats in the Inglewood promo are supposed to distract us from the fact that they finally put an African-American in a promo for Inglewood Org. Did they finally get a clue after all this time?
Nashville is a town full of attractive women. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting good-looking would-be country singers who will do a little modeling on the side. So how is it that they chose the two scariest-looking women in town for a Join Staff promo? Couldn’t they just use, say, one of Tampa’s women for that promo? And as for the obligatory LRH text, I personally would try to avoid anything beginning with “Twentieth Century” when we now have children born in the 21st Century who have entered puberty.
ASHO has “abundance of space”. Yeah, that’s true. Loads and loads of space, totally devoid of anything like, say, people. And how do they have a Class VIII SRD C/S when there are no more Class VIIIs after GAT II: Electric Boogaloo? That’s one of the reasons why ASHO has an abundance of space, you know. They’ve had their raison d’etre for being a Saint Hell Org taken away. Maybe Stan Gerson pulled a Permanent Class VIII cert magically out of his ass or something.
Memo to Bruce Wiseman: I don’t care what the news is that you have from Washington. You will pry my psych drugs out of my cold, dead hands.
And on that cheery statement, I leave you in the hands of RB, who I hope is feeling a bit re-energized by the Disconnection article and ready to rock.
Hi Espiando, Your post was a wonderful read today.RB is the Spark of enlightenment for me too.Always
They had to use Dharma and Melissa for the Nashville promo because Elisabeth, who is a hottie, was either not available or not willing.
Jesus, if I had to listen to Bruce Wiseman blather on endlessly from the stage about the Bilderbergers and Masons or whoever-the-hell like he does everywhere he goes, I’d need a double dose of the strongest psych drugs they got.
Who orchestrates these poses? I would suggest they take a very basic course on body language but I don’t recall LRH writing one so it’s probably forbidden.
5 with arms crossed
Crossing your arms is a protective posture. We do it when we’re cold, nervous or on guard. Think of those big, burly nightclub bouncers crossing their 26-inch pythons while standing guard at the door to a club. Do they look like guys you want to talk to, joke with or work with? No, right? Their job is to look intimidating. Your job is to look likeable, open and confident. So relax a little and keep your arms uncrossed.
1 with hands in pockets
The first tip on our list of the top 10 tips to show confidence with body language is to keep your hands out of your pockets. We put our hands in our pockets when we’re uncomfortable or unsure of ourselves. And as long as you have your hands stuffed down your pants, that’s how other people will view you.
2 pointing
A pointing finger indicates direction (‘It’s over there’). For a long distance, the finger may be pointed diagonally upwards, as if firing an arrow. The index finger is usually used, though the middle finger or even all fingers may be used.
The thumb may be used to pointer to something being as it is jerked over the shoulder.
Pointing at people is like using the prod (see below) and is often considered to be rude and threatening.
People who are angry tend to point more, including at themselves (when they feel hurt or insulted) and at those who they feel are to blame.
Pointing, especially at other people, can be particularly rude in a number of cultures.
So basically, the promos above tend to make scientology look like they are a bunch of rude, inconsiderate, nervous, cold, on guard, prodding, demeaning, unsure, angry people.
Come to think of it, that sums up what they are.
Never mind, keep it up.
We were taught that hands in our pockets was unmannerly. I’m surprised this is generally not known.
I saw many a female sea org member walking around with hands in their pockets and it came across as a stance – of what, I’m not sure. But there was a seaming business about the way they walked, usually with head down, as though on important business.
I have always wondered, other than getting told how great you are what are the benefits of these ever higher statuses? Does it mean you will get into session quicker than someone who doesn’t have any status, or some other benefit. I noticed at the Miami org someone who was an ideal civilization builder had his own dedicated parking spot behind the org next to the table that had multiple ash trays where staff obviously take their smoke break. I suppose that is of some value as parking in Coral gables can be a challenge.
No one will show to the Santa Barbara events, except the same 12 people who infrequently come in and out of there
Make that 11, Doug Daniloff got a divorce and skipped town
Santa Barbara has 11 members??? I think they’re padding their stats…
In case you could not make it to Cambridge to see Yvette Shank in person here is a youtube clip where she takes lying eh I mean telling an acceptable truth to a whole new level.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDkf4xiu5xQ
I read it as Yvette Skank. Need more caffeine……. WAAOUCH!
Hi Mike, I love these,they are so pathetic I can’t help it.Asho has an abundance of space? And all of it echoing and deserted.The combination of Auditors and Magicians is so bizarre to contemplate,but then again maybe not.lol.And last but not least the misty eyed rendering of that Fleecewinds still flying the OT Forever Cloak of Deception.Thank you.XO
Extensions on “Special Offers”. I remember getting these pushed through…as though the Public cared?
First you have to write an outrageous CSW to show WHY the thing should be continued for “X”. Dream up something incredible just out of reach and write a good story on how you plan to “make it go right” to do it.
Of course include a good glimpse of exactly what steps you will take to make this extension “worth it” to the Org…and of course Mankind. That it was part of an Affluence Attainment checklist back in 1980, that the Power FSM’s have listed out 30 people they’d be able to close immediately…blah blah blah.
Then send it on its way for approvals – I’m guessing anything IAS related has to go to Author Services nowadays? Sit on the CSW or massage the lines through brown nosing the executives on that approval line. DRIVE the CSW yourself to ASI and sit, like a bottom dweller in their elaborate offices waiting, waiting, waiting (whatever it takes).
Once you get the approval (with a day or two to spare before your time frame to end it) you are ELATED to have accomplished such an incredible feat.
Dash out to promote it through the PAC base – rush to the Regges and excitedly announce how LUCKY we all are that you have slaved and gotten this approved for them to make their quotas! Yourself included!
It’s a new day of celebration!!
The extensions on ANYTHING are for the slave driven staff members to stimulate the feeling of an actual accomplishment (getting a CSW through the labyrinth of insanity up to the top of the chain of command).
I seriously doubt any public person cares whether there is a 50% match or not. They all know that “next week’s deal” will be better.
I feel sorry for anyone on staff or in the Sea Org. This “stimulation” is needed to keep pushing and trying harder. It’s a mental trap.
If you are in the Sea Org or on staff reading this: please realize you can change the world in a larger way elsewhere (and you WILL be recognized for your efforts but you WILL NOT be penalized if you don’t make a quota…what you do contribute is appreciated and people actually thank you for it.)
But why Thursday at 2? 😉 What an odd deadline – says everyone in the real world.
from a resignation letter of the nashville registrar seems being on staff at cc nashville staff is a dramatization on the 4th dynamic.
Michael Walimaa, Resignation PDF
The first order of business is to announce that I am resigning from the Church of Scientology because it is and has been a criminal activity for approximately 30 years.
My name is Michael Walimaa, I discovered Scientology in 1975. Until a week ago, I was a registrar at the Nashville Celebrity Center. It was my first go at being on staff, and I had only been there for 9 months. I am also a Patron of the IAS. After 37 years and $250,000, my training and auditing level is negligible. I have done the full Basics book and lecture course. Within the last two years, I did the Purification Rundown – for the third time (I have never done drugs), and I have put about 350 hours into the Objectives. This was the first auditing action I have ever had that was done in the correct sequence, and done correctly and fully. The objectives woke me up. The tech does work. I could attribute the fact that it took 37 years and a quarter of a million bucks to get my objectives (almost) done, to my own shortcomings. Of course, I entered Scientology to address my shortcomings, and they assured me they could. The added time and money in the cycle seems impossible. But there is no denying that I have yet to fully complete one bridge step in 37 years, so an awful lot of time and money got thrown at things that had nothing to do with becoming a trained auditor, or moving up the bridge.
While on Opening Procedure by 8C, the last thing I ran, I realised that Communism had entered my Church. “From each according to their ability; to each according to their need.” – the operating basis of Communism, and the IAS. Then I remembered that LRH hated the idea of “subsidizing ” an organization. Ours are all supposed to be self-supporting. Compare the two following scenarios:
1. The Church members donate to buy hundreds of thousands of WAY TO HAPPINESS BOOKLETS. The Church distributes them to an enturbulated populace. The locals rise in tone. The local government has been by-passed. They are incensed that someone else is controlling “their” people. The locals run straight into the suppression of their own governments. The perfect recipe for roller-coastering people.
2. The WAY TO HAPPINESS foundation, being self-sufficient (per policy) sells their program to the local government. The city pays for the booklets. The city management is now the cause point, and is doing something good and in-exchange for their own people. The people and their leaders are on the same page, or at least have to pretend to be. The Church members get to keep their own money, having earned it, and actually do flourish and prosper. Their friends and relatives can see that they are flourishing and prospering, and want to know how they are doing it. And no one is just PRing anyone else.
It is patently impossible to give every dollar you can scrape up to the “fourth dynamic”, and yet flourish and prosper. This is a violation of every financial policy and principle of exchange ever written. And your attempts to appear that you are flourishing and prospering will not fool your friends and family. It is THEIR kind hearts that prevent them from telling you what they really think of the life you are leading. They DON’T gauge you as a success. They just feel sorry for you that you don’t even have the time or money to get home and visit your relatives once in a normal while – despite the fact that you are working your ass off.
Why am I not quoting policy like all those who have gone before me? Because the Church is the equivalent of the Callao fortress LRH references in “The Responsibilities of Leaders”. Eight thousand died when Simon Bolivar insisted on trying to take that fortress. I have read of scores of you charging those gates with the most carefully assembled and sincere “evidences” and “references”, only to be stopped at the gate. Like Ron said, and I am just too lazy to type out the whole quote, just put a large number of our own troops in a distant position of offense but ease and comfort and say, “We are not going to fight. The war’s over, silly man. Look at the silly fellows in there, living on rats when they can just walk out and sleep home nights or go to Spain or enlist with me or just go camping”, and let anybody walk in and out who pleased, making the fort commander (Rodil) the prey of every pleading wife and mother and would-be deserter or mutineer within. This is probably exactly what will happen, and already is.
David Miscavige is in a condition of Power in the destruction of the Church. He cannot destroy the tech beyond our ability to restore it, I don’t think, but the Church is not so lucky. The man is formidable, intelligent, and must be a pretty sizable being. He almost seems to be able to “glow” things wrong. For him to be able to hold any form together after thirty years of his own abuses is actually rather impressive. Someday, if he ever actually gets cleaned up and makes up for the damage (what would THAT take), we could all have a good laugh over this. Right now, it is not the least bit funny.
When DM does blow, as it states in the same “Simon Bolivar” reference, he will move off with unlimited funds in his private account, with potential blackmail on erstwhile enemies (sec checks), and bribe some country to let him live there. He will probably not do the remaining steps: he will not pay all his obligations on the nail, he will not empower all his friends as he does not trust anyone but himself to have power, and he won’t keep his nose out of things. He HAS to be on a stage. All this will be his undoing, and I don’t envy what his future will be.
I didn’t expect LRH to be perfect. I don’t expect those Scientologists outside of the Church to be perfect. It would help if we were, but we don’t have to be. We will have to deal with our own alterations, M/Us, dillitantes, serve-facs, PR problems, etc., etc. LRH has solutions as long as we remain “theta the solvers”, and not “entheta, the poor victims of David Miscavage and his cronies.” A lot of decent things appear to be getting done while we wait for all the wives and mothers to take out DM. I am so happy to see this.
Well, it was hell while it lasted. Can’t wait to see what we collectively do. What would Ron do?
Michael Walimaa
I remember Michael from when I was on staff at CCNashville. Wow. Soon it will be my turn to go public with my feelings.
“What would Ron do?”
What he ALWAYS did of course, continue the scam by any means necessary! LOL!!!!
KSW (Keeping Scam Working) #1
Ron would punt. Glad you’re out, Micheal! You now have your old life back after 37 years in the cult.
Wow. Michael, welcome to OUT.
The veneer of illusionary sanity in the communications keeps getting thinner. Only some who grew up in the cult and the those without any remaining logic circuits in the brain remain in the thrall of scamology & El Con.
In all the broad universe there is no other hope for man than those two women in their ridiculous hats.
It would appear they have two major valences left to dramatize; ridiculous costume valence and arrogant arm-folded valence.
I wonder if they have done a standard ethnic survey and found those two valences ethnically appropriate.
I don’t know, Les, how about the two girls, Elite Scientololgists from Nashville? Talk about hangdog; they make staff look like loads of fun. Where do I sign up?
Trust me, McCarran. It ain’t what it appears. I’ve been there. I know.
The come join elite SO anyone the dark haired lady?
stan gerson is a real estate agent who does magic on the side.http://www.stangerson.com/magic.html
He will do a great magic trick:Make the entire Briefing Course disappear,oh wait.
I like the CCNashville promo piece. I’ve never seen Dharma Ecchevaria looking so serious. Normally she’s all bubbly and light. Same thing with Melissa the org nanny.
And they still haven’t gotten those spiffy new org uniforms? TROUBLE!
Whale migration — Isn’t that the quasi-official term for when rich people leave the cult?
I’m pretty sure you’re right, hgc.
Rich man: Hey, what ever happened to that rich gal? I haven’t seen her around the org lately.
Other Rich Man: Whale migration….
Rich man: I know what you mean…
This is the review rated most useful on Amazon of Bruce Wiseman’s book about the psychs.
1.0 out of 5 starsIntelligence-insulting Scientology propaganda
ByTruth Telleron December 19, 2006
Format: Hardcover
Just a quick note that the positive reviews posted here are written by Scientology shills who do their best to mark the negative reviews as “non-helpful” and hide them. To be frank, Wiseman’s an awful writer and an even poorer researcher, as the book is almost entirely filled with false facts, lies and broad generalizations. Wiseman is the head of a lunatic Scientology front group (hilariously called the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights, in spite of the fact that this organization is itself guilty of gross human rights violations) with a stated goal of destroying psychiatry and placing Scientology at the forefront of the world. This book is characterized by a marked ignorance of medical evidence and a preponderance of poorly backed opinion — Wiseman has no bearing nor background to pronounce on medical issues, and anyone with a modicum of intelligence will quickly realize his blatant disregard for the truth.
Funnier still is the fact that he titles the book “The Ultimate Betrayal.” Wiseman should know quite a bit about betrayal, as he abandoned his own daughter when she voiced public criticisms about the Scientology cult — indeed, he was forced to follow a doctrine of “disconnection” that is demanded by the cult in any case of public criticism. His daughter has recently started a terrific website ([…]) along with the niece of the cult’s psychotic, high school dropout leader, that details the cult’s crimes and abuses. Your time would be much better spent reading that website than this poor excuse of a book. Why put any trust in someone whose own maniacal religious dogma has caused him to destroy his own family?
Thanks for posting this, Xenu’s son. Such a well-written book review. I love it.
Just love your Funnies!
That’s funny because I love you, deElzabethan!
“Guaranteed to raise your tone level or your money back.” Riiiiiiiiiight.
I must not have the snark in me today. Every time I see Stan Gerson I think of his deceased godson Alexander Jentzsch and wonder so many things about his explicit or implicit contributions to that death. I do not see a smiling man, I see a smirking accomplice to murder.
Hi Valerie, Like OSD’s recent post on disconnection,your post makes me want to keep on and always remember the evil that cos displays when cornered.Thank you Always
These ads are becoming increasingly ludicrous albeit a source of endless mirth. Good job Miscavige!
They’re done scrapping the bottom of the barrel. They’re now scrapping close to the magma. And, I believe it’s now use for RPFers. The good thing is…they’ll never get cold….