Filing for Idealishness
Simply the best filing anywhere….
Another Taufer
Just what the world really needed. This one is pitching in to help raise funds to support Ken Kramer.
Not just a temporary thing
Bit of an understatement…
They’re really pushing the Sea Org.
Unfortunately this is all 45 years out of date. The Sea Org hasn’t expanded for decades…
They know he died a while ago, right?
This one is REALLY out of date…
Start a Narconon today
A golden opportunity for the investor who cannot get his hands on an asbestos factory franchise!
No fun
Describes scientology perfectly….
Creating Money and Controlling Time
If this guy can do these things, how come he is delivering seminars to nobody?
Irresistable. Iconic. Global. Unbridled…
Keep the flows going
Never stop handing over your money to scientology…
Highest Evers!
With no Briefing Course, St Hill is achieving “highest evers.” L. Ron Hubbard is rolling in his Target 2 grave….
How does Gavin get in to his own briefing?
He isn’t OT VII.
More Optional Conventions
Really curious if anyone EVER responds? Do they just keep sending these out until someone bites?
And another one…
August is really lining up to be a strong month for conventions on the Moneywinds.
It used to be 5. Then it was 3. Now it’s 1.
The shrinkage of PAC is 5X. LA D and Fdn, ASHO Day and Fdn and AOLA have become a single entity. Org Reduction and Eradication…
The Enturbulated Environment
I bet his is really enturbulated. This tells you what their attention is on…
What? No Names?
How are you supposed to sell status (“Life is basically a status”) when nobody knows who got the status?
Added Attraction
Dave Petit and Michael Duff didn’t do the trick. So they added some eye candy and a briefing on human rights in the Valley? Is this about porn stars wearing condoms or something?
12 Auditors a year!
Wow, this is the model, ideal SH Size org… One auditor made a month. Not going to be “clearing Tampa” (or even Ybor City) anytime soon…
NOI completes SRD. Latin American finishes Running Pgm. Actress talking about L’s. What, no Grades? Clears? OT’s? Or “normal” people?
Dinner by Roger and Vicky
That was enough to get me to drop everything. Then I saw there was local good new.
This is just wrong
How is that WTH Campaign spreading calm across Venezuela going?
Last we saw you had taken over the Venezuelan government and had WTH being distributed by every government agency.
This is Dinner?
You need money to get up the bridge
And to achieve that you can drill the two dozen things genuises share — snatched right from the pages of a weekly rag mag!
Took them long enough
OMG, Miami was mentioned
And it was “nice”.
“Bubbles” Champagne
The terminally unreal enthusiasm has earned Kaye a new name.
Love that line: “we are poised for unparalleled expansion on our way to a Cleared Planet” — preparing to get ready to start expanding. What a perpetual state of idiocy these people exist in.
Poor showing
When the total confirmedΒ for the event is only 250, you know you are going nowhere. Remember, this is the “largest org in the world” in the center of the largest number of scientologists on earth.
A clear!!!
Yes, we finally made one. And she is either a giant or that Snr CS is exceptionally small.
But of course, the real center of attraction is the juggler/chin balancer.
A New Look at OT
That should be interesting. Wonder how they justify this against the “Verbal Tech Checklist”?
Or maybe he is going to tell everyone it’s all just bs?
I thought they claimed to be a church?
So what are they doing selling science fiction books? Or is this just considered to like a late addition to The Basics?
The dream, exposed for what it really is,
is over. That dream of the floating needle, and all the rest…
It was fun until it wasn’t. We learned.
Back to reality, where real is real, where people are real, where people
are the most important thing. Where my money is still my money.
And we are free, our kids will be free,
this world a better place
by the power of reason,
by the grace of God.
What I like about being out of scientology is being out of scientology,
free to do whatever I like. Free to turn away, free from guilt and blame, from all those damn questions,
questions aimed at taking my control away, my control of me belongs to me…
Being a scientologist is being a slave in service to a fiction,
(unless you want to call the alter-ego of LRH “real”).
Being a scientologist means sacrificing yourself for some one else, means being identified as someone and something else, other than yourself. Say it, for the sake of power:
“I am not a Scientologist.” You win, each and every time you do.
My dream is stepping on the church of scientology like an insect, every step I take.
Now I fly…
(My pardons to all the good insects out there.)
The rest of my life will be much like a vacation, now that I’m out of scientology.
At least I got that much out of it.
Hi bug,I just found your post and thank you.That one shines.xo
“One planet, one chance, one purpose.” Can I just say what we are all thinking? WHO is royally blowing that chance? (If it even exists.) The very people who are supposed to be seeing to it that the purpose gets accomplished.
And that last one was precious… To org public: “Go to Amazon and buy the book, and report compliance to me when you’re done.” What bossy little egomaniacs. Careful people….it’s an embarrassing but well deserved fall when you realize the world does NOT revolve around you and only you.
What are those blue strips? Are they some kind of cheat sheet for what to file where? Or ways to measure word count?
True story: I was scanning the page, and saw “VALLEY IN LIGHTS,” and instantly thought it was a fundraising pitch to pay the electric bill for the Valley Org.
“This is just wrong” caption with cute baby photo: This could be a promo for Scientologists to have more babies to ‘lay down the foundation of the future’ and ’cause one’. Make babies, make the future! The problem is, most Scientologists (women anyway) are past their fertile years. But there’s always the young ones in the Sea Org… get busy kids!
Considering that the only native English-speaking people they can get anymore are the children of clams…
They got another one just recently too, poor kid. Poor parents! I bet they had to act excited about finding out their kid just pissed his future down the toilet.
Actually, I think the baby photo was a not so subtle way of saying Ron can come back. Red hair and all. See how the wise baby can be seen as saying that LRH quote? Ron appreciates the beads — they indicate he flashed his boobies at Mardi Gras. Once he’s a little taller, he will resume his “researches” in any one or all of the many offices kept ready for him. Mr. Redhead “am I Mettaya” is baaackkk!
You know, I thought of that too! Ron back in the form of the cute, red-haired baby. A subtle hint. But then I thought noooo…. they wouldn’t put that out there, would they?
Hi FOTF2012, Good eye! I did not think of that.Yet at the same time Ron Come Back in a newbie body! I’ll pass!LOLxo
If that’s a “filing frenzy” then I wonder what they would be like after several cups of coffee. WOW!!! (ah, the heck with it, I’ll add another !)! Three people doing filing at Valley Org. Oh the trill, oh the joy, oh the couple of hundred years it will take to finish.
What degree(s) in neurosciences, psychiatry, and medicine does Colin Taufer possess to allow him to make even vaguely credible statements about NFL head injuries and electroshock? Methinks he’s taufering out of his arse.
Start a narconon today and Demento will load you with debt from head office and remove any cash you make as “repayments” of said debts.
LRH quote of the week is yet another in an endless pile of meaningless drivel that can, and does for me at least, induce a headache.
Keep the flows going; they really wanted to make sure that you know that Hamish is going to be there because Hamish made sure that Hamish mentioned Hamish in every single sentence.
Flag Graduation; they’re so famous that you automatically know who they is.
Roger and Vicky (whoever the heck they are); the most IMPORTANT thing about that flier is the menu which is described in detail. So terrific that you won’t be able resist going but Demento help you if you forget your wallet.
I was going to purchase a second hand copy of Boringfast Erk and attempt to read it (to see if I could make past the halfway mark this time) until I spotted a couple of Isaac Asimov books that were in better condition than the ones in my book case and a Robert E. Howard that I’d never seen before. Sssiigghh, now I’ll never know how far I would have gotten.
“trill”? What the heck? Could it be that I meant “thrill”? We’ll never know, it’s one of the great mysteries of the universe. Can I go home now?
Ooh, nice get on the Robert E. Howard! And Asimov… Sounds like you’re going to have a much better time than if you hadn’t been distracted!
Now that Barfingmuch Eeyuck is being shoved down the throats of the sheepbots and any other poor fool silly enough to buy the waste of trees I had a foresseeingness that somewhere in the next twelve months we will see Demento reissuing the execrable ten volume, I actually made it through the first two books (library copies, certainly wasn’t going to buy them) before giving up, “Mission Earth” series. If the sentence construction seems a little odd it’s because the morning coffee hasn’t kicked in yet. Wait…wait…aahh…
Speaking of shock treatment…here’s the song from from the movie.
I love the focus on CF. It tells me that the COS will do anything to avoid simply talking to real people about real problems.
Get CF up to date? Oh yeah, that’ll boom your org because LRH said it would. THAT is faith.
Can’t. Stop. Laughing. Especially after this: “A golden opportunity for the investor who cannot get his hands on an asbestos factory franchise!”
It still astounds me the importance put on filing the records of people who have already been exposed to Scio and have definitely decided they don’t wish to belong. Are they going to cross-index against the people haven’t been exposed?
Actually, could anyone tell me what is done with the files after they’re filed? Mailing lists? Do they ever migrate anything over to a database?
N. Graham, dey don’t need no stickin’ databases! Dey got paper! Thousands of thousands of pieces of paper. A database would just get in the way of sitting for hours on end, going through pieces of paper. We can’t rock the boat….
If they ever set up a database, I shudder at what they would use.
If it’s like their new emeter, probably something that’s already obsolete since 10 years, so that when they’ll need to do some work on it, everybody who ever knew how it works will be dead, retired, or charging $500 an hour as a consultant.
You’re in top form today Mike. You had me hysterically laughing at all of your comments.
So Colin Taufer writes about concussions and athletes vs. “victims” of shock treatment.Surely, it would be nice to hear some comments on these scientific subjects from an appropriately qualified person.
Alas, as a net search reveals, Colin is a headmaster–an administrator–, of a Delphi Academy, no less. And his qualifications are so stupendous that he does not bother listing any whatsoever.
Put another way, listening to Colin about medical/psychiatric subjects is about as promising as listening Hubbard on radiation. Why again would you?
Here is Colin’s argument: given that thoughts have mass, it stands to reason that the charge passed through a person’s brain during electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) has an impact on the brain equivalent to having 3 linebackers hit you simultaneously for several hours, causing mulitple concussions. A normal course of ECT is around 10 treatments over period of time, so you have rapid inducement of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
There. I saved you from having to listen to the lecture. Of course, the argument has no basis in scientific fact. ECT is useful in cases of depression where medication does not work. This will be a scare \tactic that he will point out. Sherwin Nuland, author of “How We Die”, had a course of ECT that saved him from having to get a frontal lobotomy. I believe that William Styron, author of “Sophie’s Choice”, also had a course of ECT during the depression that he recounted in “Darkness Visible”.
Don’t forget Sat. night at Kaye’s house. 1817 Laurence Ct. Clearwater, FL 33764. Just like the ad says. 7 pm. Don’t be late. Be poised for unparalleled partying. And bring your verbal tech checklist ’cause that fool is coming from the Flag AO.
Be sure to bring the Kool-Aid.
Doesn’t The valley CF guy looks like a mortician?.Oh I forgot it is an Ideal Morgue.
What status comes after Benefactor ?
D.M. has this getting into Heaven Scam down pat.
Reminds me of a joke about A Pope, a Rabbi, and a Lawyer arrive
in Heaven and meet God for their place in Heavenly hereafter.
Wow, I’d like to attend the OT Prosperity Convention on the Freakwinds this year. Thinkaboutit …… with a little help we can all learn to locate the Vampire Personality that is holding us back from flourishing and prospering!
Yo Dave,
You must have put the Vampire Personality Traits at the top of your See Ogre Registrar and MAA recruitment and training questionnaires. Between them and the OSA Goons you manage, you certainly have cornered the market. Congrats Bro!
Dave, your TR’s are senseless and robotic.
Fair is fair. Notwithstanding the requisite crossed arms, Israel Lopez fails to project the cold chrome steel fixed dedicated glare. Instead, he actually looks like a warm, friendly and caring person. He actually looks like someone I’d want to talk to. Flunk, Israel. This is not the image the cult wants you to project.
Wait until Dave sees the flyer! The sad staff member that allowed it to slip through is going to get hammered Aqua.
Yo Dave,
You are going to need to put yourself on the dissem lines to approve all photos to be used on flyers. Yes, good buddy because you are the ONLY ONE that can get the job done correctly. And Dave, lest I forget, try and find some decent competent help for gawds sake!
Israel is RPF bait. Hey kid! You need to wipe that stupid smile off your face! No one smiles in the cult…
Here is a different caption for the filing party: Delusional denizens dutifully doing dumb deeds!
“An exclusive author interview” re Battlefield Earth on Amazon?
No doubt a rehash of the staged Rocky Mountain News “interview” (they sent questions and the answers were provided to them) done as part of the original release of BE.
$cientology has nothing over Creflo Dollar of Bennie Hinn. They ‘ooze’ ‘prosperity’, the clampire just leaks a little. But that little leak only goes to the most favored, who else would want to lead the CCHR mess or the WTF WTH crowds? Who wants to run ABLE? Just send all the money to DM and you too could be the next one to be slapped around because the fiscal targets are unobtainable.
All I see more reinforcement of the group think, ‘confirm your attendance now’, or be branded a PTS clown. The thing that really stood out for me is the Chili and Rice dinner. Gourmet ingredients my left testicle. It is still rice and beans!!! And now the general public has to pay big bucks for that?
So the Maiden Voyage is going on now. Well, now we know where DM is, scuba diving while the Fleecewinds crew is staked out for shark bait.
Re St Hill UK.Highest ever stats since the new team arrived.In other words Mismanage send the old guys to the whole or somewhere.Now some new haples dupes had to fill the hot seat.
What they are probably saying that they just got 2 arrivals from Novosibirsk and that is the most since the anklebiter stuck us on this job.
It doesn’t mention what stats are the highest …
Cubic feet of horse manure.
Under ‘The Enturbulated Environment’ heading it has a picture of Mr Andres Rodrigues, could he possibly be describing what he saw the time he happened to meet DM getting out of the shower?
Oh I cannota waita til da Fleecewinds reg Elio the Egg he explaine me energy howa to create.Would it would by applying KSW?(Keep Sucking Wallets)
Like this mr. Cervi: Please, do tell me, what does a scientology hatting specialist do?
A hatting specialists find you the perfect hat….
I would like to attend the convention at a later date: the 5th of Never.
That joke never gets old.
I wait for the 5th of Never, for, like forever. Strangely, it never came….
Or maybe Batty Parody?
The way he looks (and sounds on the briefing tapes) he should be called the Ayatollah Andres.I bet if we send Ayatollah Andres the Nation of islam we could get some business.Looks like he is evolving to ordering 10 intensives of sec checks (up from 6)before you find out Xenu’s secrets at Aola.
“Turn the other cheek is false data.” Andres’ cognition after completing his GAT 2 lineup.
Re: Santa Barbara Filing: I volunteer to be the friend someone brings to the Santa Barbara filing frenzy. That would be interesting. I’m part of the term “everyone” so they can’t turn me away. See you there. Come on guys, let’s help them get caught up on their backlogged filing for once and for all. Imagine the fun we could have if a few dozen of the commenters from this blog showed up to help with the CF backlog.
Re: Valley CF: No wonder they’re backlogged. If they would just let the people out of the folders behind Scott, they could help clean up the mess.
Re: Welcome Aboard Shipmate: Now we finally get to the root of why they think folded arms are cool.
Re: Humanitarian status: Even the blank plaque has “your name here” on it. Why would they not put names? Oh, right those people have blown by now. They can’ print the plaque faster than the person can blow. Wouldn’t it make more sense to assign give them prison numbers when they sign up so they can just put the number in there? It would make it harder for bitter defrocked apostates to track down the lies too, just sayin’.
The fake food photos are most probably recycled from previously fake food posters. Honestly, not worth my time to look, but the one with the two hands shaking in the ill fitting suit is definitely a recycle, because people actually commented on the fit of that suit before.
Bottom line, SSDD.
Wouldn’t it be easier to clean up central files using a match?
Pat Parodi.Poster boy for “Glee of insanity”? Your business is circling the drain .Smile harder.
Looked up Colin Tauffer.Kind of a nice but deluded guy.Headmaster of Delphi Clearwater.Even finished the BC(poor guy)
So it seems there are two sub genuses of the genus Tauffer.
Tauffer Predatorius.
Taufer Suckerensis.
Xena, the Tauffer Predatorius is the mom, Mary Tauffer, an outside IAS Reg who sucks money out of people for IAS and won’t let go. She had those kids and couldn’t wait to get them in the SO. Neither of those two boys, Collin or Quinten has had jobs in the real world. All they’ve known has been SO. So it was a chuckle to read the bio on Collins new column. He has no real work experience other than SO yet the bio makes it look like he’s been doing big and great business things for many decades. I got a chuckle from that.
IIRC, Collin Taufer used to go by Collin Christiansen and is the oldest of the clan. The Taufer kids may have no real world job experience, but their late father John was one hard working guy. Down to earth, blue collar, and not so much into the kool-aid, but that was back in the day when it was fun to be a scientologist. It was also back in the day before the Internet and information about the scam of scientology was widely known and the only way you could really know it was a scam was by direct experience and by then it was usually to late to discover your wallet was considerably lighter and your precious time had been sucked away by the world’s greatest con. One has to wonder what John would think of his IAS bound family today. Pride is not a word that comes to mind.
I agree about John. Hard worker. But sadly when he died of cancer, he was on morphine for pain at the end, and he still had those ingrained fixed ideas about drugs that many KA drinkers have. He decided to get off the morphine and did it cold turkey and didn’t take it at the very end when he was in so much pain and so obviously needed it. So because of his ingrained false data about ALL drugs being bad in ALL circumstances, he died a very painful death when he didn’t have to. He should have been able to pass in relative comfort.
Don’t forget Taufer Vampretorious. If it isn’t Quinn then it must be his Dad.
I’ve been brainwashed by ideal expansion
Fed up to here with the unbridled lies
If you’ll excuse the expression I use
I got fucked so I’m saying bye-bye
The OT Prosperity Convention is exactly the same as Prosperity Gospel that many preachers embrace: The sheeple are the ones who get fleeced….
“Pat and Nancy Parodi.. Benefactor…Why we did it”.
Pat and Nancy, guaranteed, in the not too distant future, when the koolaid no longer gets you high, you’ll be asking yourselves why, indeed you did it. Good luck with that.
Aqua, I know both of them. They will never get of the hamster wheel. True-blue to the core. Then again, never say never. There’s always hope.
I hear you.
Dear Guissepie Pendleton ……
I really really had a good laugh at your Dear Hamish Bulger…
My initial are M G Moretti (Michele Giuseppe Moretti ) BUT I truly loved your Guisseppie…..!!!!
Mike Moretti
Very funny funnies and comments. so much to J & D, so little time.
“Start a Narconon…A golden opportunity for the investor who cannot get his hands on an asbestos factory franchise!”. Still chuckling. You’re good, Mike. You should write for The New Yorker.
Vicky, thanks for the great sounding chili recipe made with the fancy long grain rice, the best chopped meat, organic onions, etc., but seriously, everyone DOES know that Chili Con Carne is THE go-to dish for feeding a large crowd on the cheap, so instead of trying to palm off a popular, pedestrian, down home dish as some kind of haute cuisine, it would have been far classier if you’d just said, “We’re serving the best chili you ever ate” and left it at that.
Yup, the line, “A golden opportunity for the investor who cannot get his hands on an asbestos factory franchise!” WAS pretty funny, Some Aussie humour showing through.
TBH, I think I’d rather invest in asbestos.
If it’s not crysotile fiber, asbestos is rather safe and quite useful.
Oh, and IMHO chili should be served with either corn tortillas or bread, not long-grain white rice (which is probably not even basmati).
Corn tortillas or bread? kemist, please! This is nouvelle cuisine gourmet chili, OK? Get with it π
And if Vicky’s long grain rice is not basmati, I wouldn’t even want to know this woman π
Not only that, but they’re going to serve “soured cream” with it. I wonder what horrific bad life experiences the cream has had to have soured it so?
But, but Rapture sun blushed tomatoes… They are sun blushed for Xenu’s sake, that’s gotta mean something!
Sun blushed tomatoes are the ideal item to throw at Dave as he makes his next speech.
C’mon, give the tomatoes a break. They’re probably the only thing that has been cleared in the history of Scientology.
“Soured” cream and “sun blushed tomatoes”… I’m now on the floor. There’s just this endless supply of material.
Yes, right, let’s throw nice, sun blushed garden tomatoes bursting with flavor and juicy goodness at Him, along with lots of fertile eggs from free range hens fed on grains with no antibiotics or hormones. Only the the finest and the freshest organic products can be thrown at Tiny Fists.
Looks like desperate times for the cult.
I’m a bit shocked here…. I didn’t see one picture of a pirate.
And only two with folded arms… downright spooky.
Not one pirate! That’s a yuuuge outpoint for the cult.
Yes, they’re ideal for parroting the tech.
Ah, but they’re having a pirate themed whatever with the chili and chicken, hand made garnishes and good local new.
Hi Mike, Well “Welcome Abroad Shipmate!” goes right next to Artist on the Whole Track shot of St.Hill.Very surreal,very Creepy.And that baby on the promo,to me now,very sad.XO
Hated seeing you hat d ar little one in the heir propaganda π
My keyboard has a mind of its own today…
Hated seeing that little one in their propaganda π
Hi justmeteehee, I so agree with your comment.You should see me and my keyboard!Pretty hysterical,so I understand.Siri can never find an answer to what I ask if I give her Cajun town names.She has a fit!XO
I had to laugh at the “No Fun” post. Scientology hasn’t been fun in over 25 years…maybe longer. What passes for fun nowadays is:
C’mon in a do some filing!
Or, Grab some nachos and drill the Dissem Drill
Or, Watch the EPIC War Is Over video while doing some filing and eating some nachos
Gee…the “fun” is positively contagious.
This is not fun, this is “pretend” fun. Like so much of Scn – it’s just a pretence. One of the side-effects of Kool Aid addiction is “loss of sense of humor.” In today’s Scn “fun” is unethical unless it pushes some org stat.
This obsession with filing, with paper – they’d be so much better off scanning everything everything that came in and only keeping hard copies of certain select things – wouldn’t they? Getting rid of unnecessary paper is a major goal of mine.
100% correct. They are stuck like robots “applying” all the old central files policy from Hubbard from the 60’s or whenever. He states very exactly how one of those folders should be labeled, the order of papers in it and how to file them in certain categories. With a proper scanning program and equipment one person could do it all, sitting down in a cute little office instead of wandering around in the middle of a huge fire hazard! THAT’s what should’ve been the CF project for an ideal morgue. A really silly and wasteful project indeed.
Dear Hamish Bulger,
I regret to inform you that I must cancel my attendance at your seminar this weekend.. I was very interested in it, especially to learn how to keep my income lines flowing. But I had the chance to attend Mr. Elio Cervi’s talk last night and NOW I know how to create energy and money and control time. And baby, that’s ALL I NEED. I am on top of the freakin’ WORLD!!! Now I can make all the money I want, take all the time off I want and now that I am in effect an operating thetan (when you can create energy and time, you’re doin’ it baby) I don’t even need my upper levels. More money in he bank! My new address is my villa on the Amalfi Coast, just an hour from Naples. Hope I run into you sometime, brother.
Keep the faith,
love you madly,
Guissepie Pendleton
*by the way, are you Amish Hamish? Just wondering.
Army guys like me used to make jokes about the Navy, and we didn’t need LRH as an excuse.
Re; ASHO …. it’s not just a “briefing” folks … this time it’s an … ‘IN DEPTH BRIEFING” … oh, God, no, they’re gonna fuck me IN DEPTH … how do I know that? Because it also says I will find out how I can be a part of this whole new deal … I think I can guess how ….
ROTFLMAO! “…They’re going to fuck me IN DEPTH…” Now that’s some funny shit, Joe! How deep do you think they’ll go? And…do you think it will hurt?
Of course its going to hurt. What’s the fun of a cult in depth “briefing” without inflicting pain?
Whadayasay folks …… don’t you think we should crash the OT Prosperity Convention and see how to locate and indicate the Vampire Personality? I’m sure it is that type of person that gives those ‘in depth’ and painful briefings.
I wonder where on Earth you might find the greatest concentration of them. Maybe we can ask Quinn the Eskimo if we see him on bored.
π π π
I looked over the 250 list for the Valley “party”. It’s been over 35 years since I was in Pac but I recognize MOST of the names. The biggest chuck are old public who are over 60 yrs old and most the rest are their children or children of S.O. members who were running around the orgs 35 years ago!
How does a thetan create energy? A daily meal of rice and beans with Kool Aid dressing?
I’ve had that meal before, John. And, I gotta tell ya, that incredible Kool-Aid dressing really gets me amped up!