New Bright Idea
It seems they are trying to match the success of the “Extension” courses the church offers. They apparently don’t realize the Extension Courses have become the preferred method of avoiding regges and Call In people — “I am doing my Basics Book Extension Course so leave me alone…”
What Do You Get?
Not this, that’s for sure. One thing EVERY ideal org FART Div 6 has is common. They are completely empty.
Plan to do it at a later date?
It’s getting more bizarre. They are not just asking “would you attend if we put it on at a later date?” Now they are turning over scheduling their “conventions” entirely.
It takes Everyone…
This is their idea of “everyone”? The biggest, baddest, “most important” ideal org on earth mustered a photo of 50 people to represent “everyone”?
What, no Star Wars?
Dinner is a large helping of cheese.
They went there and still can’t spell it…
Scientology App?
WTF – maybe someone can check out what this is.
But of course scientology IS the coolest cult on earth, so no surprise they have an App.
Doubling Down
Someone please get these people to stop with the “wee ones” pitches.
Quote for the ages…
These mountain burning thetans should get busy constructing the universe of ideal orgs.
Freewinds Child Success
Even the Freewinds is getting in on the act. The grammar and syntax is 8th Grade level. And no entheta? Obviously did not get regged by the IAS. This can only mean on thing — this is written by a child.
Ideal Org wins
More wins – another ideal org with backlogged filing and not even any space to put CF. Now that is pretty ideal.
While the plebes are to gather on L. Ron Hubbard Way for the MV event showings, the IAS elites/whales are going to be at the W….
The Relentless Regging
This is the ANZO (and UK?) (and “BE”) “team” in international management… They are apparently hoping to make some commissions.
Back in the day, the thought of scientology managers trying to directly reg public was unthinkable. The Vulture Culture is all pervasive.
Attend and pick up your Commendation
Of course, you don’t want to miss this one. Unlike all the others….
It’s the Fastes route
A Terl cut-out!
Wow what an EPIC gift idea…
This is utterly insane. I guess he doesn’t understand what it actually SAYS, but just thinks it’s great because L. Ron Hubbard said it?
They are through the letter “H”
Funny — they were going to be “done” before MV…
This truly is a double ideal org.
There are “floods” of people in Birmingham
Just check out the photos. Indeed, they could use a new building to house all 30 of them. 100,000 square feet should do it. That way each person can have 3,000 sq ft to wander around in aimlessly.
Oh dear…
I guess he didn’t fess up to them about his shoplifting conviction. They are having him back for more tall tales…
It gives you an idea how serious we are…
Not at all. Either this guy is incapable of auditing or they have absolutely zero public on audited NOTs. It’s one or the other. The old St Hill ain’t what she used to be….
Hurry (not really) Half Humanitarian Statuses still available
Do any of these suckers EVER notice that their “buy nows” never end?
We have a Sea Org Mission and we are proud of it!
And they are getting orders from very high up on the org board.
We are going St Hill Size in 6 weeks for sure — but the information is “privlidged” – too sensitive to go on an email.
Like I said…
The old St Hill ain’t what she used to be. They are actually PROUD of the fact they have 64 people auditing on OT VII in the entirety of the UK. That is less than 1 in a million people. And it takes YEARS to complete.
It’s not what it seems
The “campaign” has not been released despite what it says.
They have finally made the books so you can hand over your money for a special leatherbound Atlanta DMSMH. Once all of them are sold, they will then have money to do a campaign. Isn’t that just the most wonderful news. 3 months after opening they are going to start fundraising to collect money so they can then do a Non Existence campaign for the ideal org.
Is she or isn’t she?
Is Erin now doing her Purif Rundown in the NOT OPENED “ideal org”? Surely not… But it is what it says. COB is going to be really mad. Nobody is allowed to use these buildings until he has blessed it with an official ribbon-yanking. Uh-oh…
Saved the best for last
It has finally dawned on them that it is a “new era” of dissemination – dealing with difficult, suspicious “prospects.” I wonder what they teach them? Turn and run? Cross to the other side of the street? Probably connected to an SP so don’t even bother.
But then again, when nobody confirms to attend, the convention probably won’t ever happen.
I’ve got a little list…
Category:Applied Scholastics Online Academy
Please donate now to get COB the bike he deserves as ecclesiastical leader of the coolest religion. It’s only $500,000 and is actually part of his facility differential. Note this is NOT inurement!
I was at the Mariners game Tuesday night and there was an older gentleman standing at the home plate entrance queue handing out the good old “personality test” pamphlets.
The guy in front of me took one and asked what it was for. The scilon said “It’ll make you more capable and better at your job. You’ll make more money”. I couldn’t hold back my laughter. The man just glared at me. I said “Make more money? So it can go straight to the IAS and Miscavige can buy a gold toilet?” He seemed incredulous.
The man in front of me that took a pamphlet asked me what that was about. I said that it was about Scientology. He looked at the pamphlet and saw that it was indeed from the CoS and said “Oh, fuck that”, balled up the pamphlet and tossed it at the scilon’s feet. The rest of the time in line, that fellow’s group and I made wisecracks about Tom Cruise and alien exorcism and had many loud, good laughs.
Nobody wants Scientology. You can have the best pitch and the prettiest flyers but it won’t mean shit once the average wog sees where it’s from. The brand is pure poison.
Hi Alpha Bates, Good to meet you.Great post, thank you.The ones who remain in even with all the abuses disconnection etc,will be the last to leave the sinking cult.The last to look,the last Ti flee, the last to finally walk away from what has been abuse albeit tightly controlled for years.Always Ann B.
Edit Ann The last to flee,
Must comment on that quote by LRH. First of course to publish that is unbelievably TERRIBLE PR! I mean HORRENDOUS! Now having said that, a quick story please if you will indulge me.
When I was going through my mega ethics cycle ten years ago, I realized one day that I was being “handled” in the Church of Scientology by people who actually KNEW nothing about Scientology! Yeah, that got my confidence up as to its happy ending. (they just kept asking for/demanding money money and more money to wash away my sins, that was “ethics”)
Flash back a few years. When I got on the BC after 32 years in Scientology and fairly highly trained, I thought I would finally understand some concepts I NEVER really got before. So … onto the GE … when LRH first mentions it in the early 50s. See, I never had any PERSONAL reality on this. Oh, I got the idea that I was a thetan in me head running my life, but the GE???? As I recall, LRH’s definition was that the GE was a sort of degraded thetan who resided near the stomach and took care of all the physical aspects of the body, breathing, digesting, yadda yadda yadda. Still …. no personal reality at all on the concept. So … much to the chagrin of my course supes, I got all the blue volumes, stacked them on my desk and proceeded to read everything I could about the GE so that I could actually understand it. And LRH does mention it a number of times and THEN …ALL OF A SUDDEN …. there in the 50s, he just says off the cuff, as if it’s no big deal …. that the GE’s not important in auditing … and then … NOTHING! just drops it… it’s no longer a part of Scientology. Obviously, LRH decides it’s pretty much a full of shit concept (and we later know he’s gonna discover 1000’s of entities that are degraded in one’s body). OF COURSE RON COULD NEVER ADMIT HE WAS SIMPLY WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING, COULD HE?
Me point is that if one actually STUDIES Scientology, one sees that this concept which Scientologists mention fairly often (the GE) is a nothing idea dropped by RON HIMSELF. But even if you, like me, feel a whole lot of Scientology is true (not everything) in the CoS itself, you are dealing with either young clueless people or the old and no longer fully functioning people, and THEY UNDERSTAND PRACTICALLY NOTHING ABOUT THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENTOLOGY AS A SUBJECT, HOW THE PARTS FIT IN THE WHOLE, or really much about it at all, except for the clichés they throw around so as to get you to do what they want you to.
Thus, constant pitches about business conventions, buildings, and status, status, status, status … whereas I will say that back in the day in Scientology, at least the emphasis was on getting trained as auditors and actually UNDERSTANDING the subject itself rather than constant money grubbing.
But that GE quote … Geez … the person or persons who decided to post that … WHAT FREAKIN’ ABSOLUTE IGNORAMASUS … yeah, THOSE are the people one is supposed to give one’s life savings to for their “eternity.” Better off handing it out in Times Square. Well … suckers in the CoS … I kept mine and I’m using it to enjoy life … what was that saying? The best revenge is to live well? Oh … yeah … having fun … sue me.
Reading your comment, it reminded me of a young sea org recruit that I had the misfortune of meeting a couple of years ago who went around bragging about how he joined up to become an I.A.S. reg.
There’s someone interested in gaining a full command of the subject, NOT. And a complete arrogant jerk he was so he’ll fit well on that post.
In the old days the big prize was to sign up to be a Class XII auditor. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if that goal has now switched over to becoming an I.A.S. reg. Money,money,money.
As regards Ron’s whacky concepts, I’ve certainly developed my own opinion after reading several sources that were close to him over the years. I encourage others to do the same.
Joe, the people using the quote know scamology. See Tech Degrades.
Hi Joe, You are one of the best at posting what you went through.Yes I seem to have had a few wtfs regarding The GE.Ron added and took away and embellished and bull s###ed with the best of them!But I still feel he knew a thing or two about hypnotic control.XO
Hi Ann B. Thanks for the message. Hope all is well with you down in Luzianne. (drink a cup of French Market or Café du Monde brand coffee one day and think of me, ok?. Wish I could have a cup myself!, but alas, no coffee and chicory here in Chiang Mai ….)
Hi Joe, See Coffee Connections! Right at this moment I have a big cup of freshly roasted Cafe Du Monde steaming away.I am thinking of you and send you thoughts of us sitting around the kitchen sipping and laughing.Do you have tea there? unfortunately the tannins I tea do not agree with me so my one or two coffees a day get me up and running.XO to you! Ann B.Hor here the Dog Star Days of Summer are calling…
Edit Ann edit, my IPad is so bad Should be I hear the dog days of summer are calling xo
Oh yeah, TONS of different teas available here, regular green tea, lipton type and VERY exotic loose teas sold in local markets. I’ve even made tea often from cinnamon sticks, very good. Of course, we have a few Starbucks here and numerous other espresso shops (I give my business to local mom and pop places rather than chains whenever I can) The Dog Days of Summer? That’s about 8 months a year here – ha!
nothing special, just curious, but what made you up and go live in Chiang Mai?
The continued use, abuse in my view, children is repulsive.
Of course your piece of useless paper, sorry, commendation, is at the back of the room you will have to run the gauntlet of the hands-out-you-give-us-money brigade going to get it and then go through the whole hands-out-you-give-us-money brigade again as you try and leave.
There once was a con man named Dave
Whose methods were rather depraved
He altered the tech, but said, what the heck
Look at the money I made!
I dunno where your name comes from…but let me just say here and now..I love your hiking boots. (gore-tex, mmmmm)
Shortened form of Mephistopheles, who gave Dr. Faust a heap of trouble. It looks like Davey also made a deal with the devil.
Hi Mephisto, Very good to meet you.Davey best batten down the old hatches if you come knocking!XO Ann B.
So what exactly are the “Central Files”? And why are they in such awful shape that it takes hundreds of people working many months to even make a dent in what needs to be done? How did they get this way?
Didn’t L. Ron Hubbard, who had a system for everything, have a plan for the central files? Or is his plan not being followed? If not, why not?
Most importantly, if I were a member of the C of S who was asked to participate, I would want to know: what is being done to solve this problem with central files so that it never gets in such bad shape again, and is properly planned out from here on out? Otherwise, I wouldn’t participate.
As an outsider, my thoughts are that all these many papers of various types should be converted to computer-based records in a database. It’s much easier to record, access, store, update, and analyse data that way. And the information could be accessed from any location, org, country, etc., wherever a person may be located or moved. No duplications, outdated info could be archived, etc.
These are actual questions I have, not just general comments. It really seems like an incredible waste of time and effort in this computerized age to file paper documents that cannot be sorted, accessed remotely, consolidated, etc., and introduces human error in mis-filing, etc., as well as security and privacy issues.
TJ, I’ve noted this here before, but … in 1971!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my org started a project to get CF all filed and up to date. NINETEEN SEVENTY ONE! And yes, Mike has posted an ad by that same org to come in and help on the project and have some snacks and “fun.” The folks who have the last word on administrative “technology” can’t seem to finish a filing project in FORTY FIVE FREAKIN’ YEARS! … oh, well, making the able more able …..
Thanks for the reply Joe. 1971! wow… what the heck are they filing? or failing to file, as the case may be..
Hi T.J., I totally duplicate CF as you posted.The very first thing I recall about the first CF at Asho on Temple and this was about three years after Joe in 71,was the enormous bananna boxes I had to lug and buck my letter folders in and out of.Those suckers were heavy.CF was like a paper filled waiting room to either being upstat because of out of all the thousands of folders present,I happened to learn how to get a feel for those who would reply.CF also was hell if you were sent because you were in a lower condition.As when I had to do make sense of all the paper address labels that went on the folders and the zip codes were all messed up.Absolute torture! Always love U & your posts.XO Ann B
Thank you Ann B 🙂 you are very kind. It’s always nice to see you here and hear your stories of your times in the group. I can just image you lugging around those heavy boxes! Thankfully these days you no longer have to do that, and I send my very best wishes to you for a happy Friday and a wonderful holiday weekend. Enjoy the fireworks if you see them, and the peace and calm if you choose not to do fireworks or parades or whatever. Not sure yet what our weekend holds – but it’s got to be better than those still enmeshed in the CofS. Love you always! T.J.
Hi T.J, We can hear the fireworks from the Miss River downtown, but not quite see them.We live about 20 minutes from LSU’s rocking Tiger Stadium but watch their football from the comfort of home.Wishing you and your family the best 4th ever.Freedom means so much more now.??XOXO
Wow, where did you find the ‘fireworks’ emojis? 🙂 you always have cute emoticons on your posts. Yes, this is a good time to reflect on our freedoms, including freedom of thought. In unrelated news, the minimum wage in San Francisco went to $13.00 an hour as of today, July 1, 2016 due to Prop. J. (it doesn’t affect me, but is good news for restaurant workers which some of my friends are) 🙂
Hi T.J., I thought I would click on the icon for space
emojis,as the animated 4th of July ones were not playing nicely together! I like these because of the light from them.Like a star.Opps hit the wrong key above,but I am better than when first here!We will be hanging around home for the fourth.Hummus,and chicken apple sausages some zin for me and a little chocolate treat will make a good 4th dinner for us.The cat Jade will have her ice water,such a 17 yr old diva.We love her to pieces.Animals give unconditional love.I forgot our hummus is hot,alot of Tobasco!Love Always xo Ann B.
Re Tampa Bay: No wonder they’re on H only. They’re down to seven very unhappy looking people. I know it’s a pose and they’re meant to look busy, not unhappy, but if you look at each one of them, they’re doing nothing much.
I’m not criticising them so much. If it were me, I’d look unhappy, too. I bet none of them want to be there but have been blackmailed and/or threatened to get them there.
if one asked for the address of each person who was purchasing any old book, and then proceeded to send letters and bulk promotion to each and every person who ever bought anything, and if you failed to ever remove anyone who died or moved…if you failed to staff the area to receive and update notices of death and moving.. and if you just kept sending letters and piling up mountains of “address unknown” returns…. (*add-Unk” to Those In The Know) … how big of a mess would you have after a bazillion years?
You may have sound ideas for a fix, but orgs rarely staff the area to implement such things.
Let them drown in their boxes of unfiled papers and dust. *yawwwn.
Thanks secret.. (are you going to ‘spill the secret’ soon? lol.) yeah, it’s nothing to be concerned about I guess. It’s just such a huge inefficiency and waste of time. The ‘office manager’ in me comes out when I think about it is all. – T.J.
I can’t be openly out without losing close family and income stuff and a bit more. I have lots of family never in and friends and so on, and I’ve shared my new Wipe The Goo From My Eyes Matrix What Have I Been Doing!!???? new attitudes with a very very select few. I won’t be able to join a picket line until the family thing changes.
It’s so insane. You can’t show people this internet stuff, or show them “A Piece of Blue Sky” (amazing book) or anything like that. They won’t look. I wouldn’t have. The brain washing and hold and rules are so complete.
I know what you mean about the Office Manager….I really liked the administrative “tech” … until I threw it out with everything else! 🙂 I trust absolutely nothing now and want no part of any of it.
Hi secretfornow, I actually think Ron loved to create Big Messes.At the end ,I do not know this but my late Dad passed almost like Ron and he had been a brilliant international investor and at the end did not even know what a number was.So the whole turn over of the cult after Ron passed.I do not know what he could understand at that point.So glad to see you here,XO Ann B
…I used to like “Ron” so much – so much faith and appreciation and blah blah blah. The more and more I read about him and what the truths are and were… the more disgusted I am.
At this point, I don’t care if he ever did any good ever in his entire existence. He was such a big fat liar I disavow every single thing about him and have MOVED ON. 🙂
It’s nice to see you too, Ann. <3 <3 I hope you have lovely things about you and lovely times.
Hi secretfornow, Thank you,I want you to know that I feel you are brave and strong and kind and true.I support you 100% in the way you walk your path now and what you choose to share or not.Only you can know how those you love will react to as you posted A Piece Of Blue Sky.Loved that book btw.So it is so amazing to have you here and I send you Love Thank you for seeing what I have posted for an example of my experiences with Ron.His light was fake and he walked arm in arm with darkness of his own creation.Love U XO Ann B.
I wonder how much scn pays to use the illustrations of people in movies or on tv. It isa law. Maybe sometime someone can mail some of the promo to the proper studios for verification. Oh-i just had abognition-they probably never pay for those things.
I can’t believe DM has Warwick Allcock tell stories about LRH. I worked on the ship, Astra and at INT – both in La Quinta and Gilman with LRH from 71 until 82 and I don’t think I could come up with one story to tell about him. Oh yes, I could see him working in his office, many evenings, he took a picture of me while I was on the helm once (never got a copy) and he probably greeted me about 20 times in my life. I remember Wick worked in the engine room – LRH never went down there that I know of. I’d love to hear Wick’s stories.
LRH never went down to the engine room?
Okay, I was a Combat Rifleman in the U.S. Army and I know the Navy does some things differently but I find that hard to believe. Sounds like LRH was one of those those fellows in the rear echelon with a severe case of the Oedipus Complex.
LRH never went into the engine room.
It’s possible, It’s hot, noisy,spinning things that
can chop off fingers,arms,etc.grease everywhere.
you smell like bunker fuel oil and any battery acid gets on your clothes
exposed to water they rot off.
much better on the bridge on a cushy leather chair giving orders to
young nymph messengers.
Hi Jose Chung, Old Ron probably never darkened the door to that Engine Room,but Miss Ann got sent there on The Excal a few times.Luckily the engine was waiting for a broken part but it was Hot there just the same!XO Ann B
So according to L.R.H., alot of our urges towards family are not really our own urges and we become ” dead as a mackerel” if we get too involved with families. That explaines alot. Namely his own lack of concern for members of his own family and the church leadership’s lack of concern and indeed efforts to encourage family breakups through their policies.
Fortunately the general public is not stupid and can see right through their lame argument that ‘ it’s the individual member’s decision to talk to family members or not.’ How can it be when the person’s in a cult?
If I recall correctly that Mussolini fellow also used to do the crossed arms thing.
Flamboyantly, too! He really mades a show of it….
Freewinds convention on demand: “NEW ERA of Dissemination – How to disseminate and upsell to difficult, suspicious prospects”
Upsell? Is this selling the IAS dono when ‘below’ the guy wants his kids education?
Suspicious prospects?
Is that the kind like Steve Mango, Mark Bunker, Fred Haseney, Tory M, Missionary Kid, Brett & Emily Chance, Phil and Willie Jones asking personal questions? Like How’s Zemo, where’s Shelly?, please pass a message on to my daughter….
Hummm perhaps He should update the Big League Sales book.
Hi Cece, Update the BLS Book,I am in deep,S### Now!! XXOO Ann B
Funny comment about Extention Courses, Mike. If they cancel those, greater exodus will ensue.
They are actually PROUD of the fact they have 64 people auditing on OT VII .. yeah, but it says only that 54 people are n trouble
I’m pretty sure that the ANZO begging email violates PCI DSS Standards. You can’t ask for people to transmit card details over email and probably store them in outlook.
The PCI Council would be interested.
Demento and the rules and regulations of the real world don’t mean anything to him where it involves money. I’m also betting that further “donations” will be extracted from sheepbots credit cards without their permission. Some sort of vague unwritten clause will be invoked when asked, “What the (starts with f and ends with k) is going on?”
“The GE can’t survive at all without a family unit”…whereas your thetan is just dead as a mackerel if he gets too mixed up in family units”
These lines being used a staff recruiting tool? These bullshit nonsense lines being used to encourage one to abandon loved ones? To not create and hold a family?
filthy filthy bastards. filthy ugly beastly bastards. deserves what gets.
filthy filthy basters. filthy ugly beasly basters.
Those lines are insane. Did I read them before? What was I thinking? Bottom line – I was not thinking.
Secretfornow ~ we will have our loved ones back. When they start thinking again it will be very quick 🙂
I’m sorry for you if you have lost some. I have not, as I am UTR and “free”. But not free to speak freely. no no. Thus, I treasure you all and this outlet for truth. 🙂 🙂
I love hearing the stories of those who come out and rejoin others who came out before them. I think it’s probably just a matter of time. I hope so.
For all of you who have been forcibly estranged….. my heart <3 <3 <3
See DM is only trying to save thetans by breaking up families. He is being Mr. KSW and scamologists keep bagging on him. They should read more of what El Con wrote…
The old Saint Hill just ain’t what she used to me, ain’t what she used to be, ain’t what she used to be. The old Saint Hill just ain’t what she used to be, many long years ago.
With apologies to the Old Grey Mare…..
O.S.D. thank goodness for you, and your humor-filled replies. whenever I find myself frowning too hard from the subject at hand and thinking about how unfair and harmful it all is and letting it get me down, you know how to bring a spark of cheerfulness and light back into the conversation. Thank you!
I would advise anyone who plans on using the scientology app to be very careful about what it sends back to the mothership.
Especially on a device linked to your real identity and that can send localisation data.
Hi Kemist, Some apps can twist in the wind for me forever.Millstone 2 & any Scientology app I Avoid at all costs to my space.I do not want cos clogging up my lines! XO or those OSAers getting up to more mischief than they already do.
I know Scientology is big on saunas, but do they really need heaters for carpeted play areas in LA in July?
Oh yeah! You can never have a carpet that’s hot enough……
Hi The Budepest Crochter, Very good to meet you.I just read about Tim Robbins and all his members getting burned feet in Dallas recently,walking on hot coals.With the heated rugs cos is ramping up the OT Ability of all in,why those carpets might just burst into flame on command.That is horrible Ann! XO Ann B.
The accident with people getting burned feet at a Tony Robbins seminar in Dallas last month had a peculiarly modern cause. He’s done this fire-walking stunt for decades, had thousands of people walk over glowing coals, without a hitch. You have to walk very briskly. But now it’s 2016, and some people began to pull out their smart phones to take selfies and shoot videos! That slowed everything down.
Fortunately nobody was badly hurt. Most were treated and released on the same day.
Hi Snake, Thank you for reminding this old lady the silly and stupid things done in the name of cell phones! Whew! In my travels I had read about hot coal walking going far back with certain cultures.But if I tried it my poor feet would fry.Confronting Ron and early OSAers was enough fire walking for me.Good to,see you.XO Ann B.
“……contribute at the orders of magnitude you’ve always envisioned.”
Hey do me a favor and go f**ck yourself. It’s over Dave. You’re a moron. Give me a buzz from Colombia shithead.
The anti-family Hubbard quote made me sick to my stomach. What a pile of shit.
Calm down there, that sounds like the Genetic Entity speaking. Maybe you should break up from a family member and then you’ll start thinking more “analytically” and being “more you”.
Hi Nezquik, Love your post! XO
Accreditation for Applied Scholastic Online Academy by the Accrediting Commission for Schools Western Association of Schools and Colleges is about as mickey mouse as it gets. See for yourself, it is not exactly an in-depth process.
Like everything in Scientology – the Apps are “Coming Soon”.
I do think the apps are apt to come soon….
I love it when they misspell words like ‘competent’.
Reminds me of a person I knew who was telling me about a job interview. The recruiter asked her for 3 words that did NOT describe her. I forget the first two, but the last one was ‘unarticulate’. Ouch.
I was unarticulate once. It’s was just like having the flu, but I couldn’t say the words…..
“Someone please get these people to stop with the ‘wee ones’ pitches”.
My Thursday morning laugh! Grazi, MIke.
Arrrrgggg…I canna believe they’re back with the wee ones! Can go even lower? You bet your bippie they can.
Bairns and Scotland, double the piss me off factor in one grrrrrr ?
They may not be able to go lower, but they can go younger. It’s just a matter of time before we start seeing sperm cells on these posters; now that’s desperation.
It’s just beyond sad for those wee ones ?
Hi justmeteehee, I’m with you.If the wee ones were truly cherished and loved as themselves,there would be no need for joining SO or and cos stuff.Innocent free child spirits are so powerful and beautiful.The cult drags all the light out and replaces it with dark lies.Love U Always
Wick Allocks is demonstrating how Ron showed him to do reach and withdraw on supermarket shelves to develop super powers.
Well, he just can’t get the withdraw part right.
Well you can certainly see why DM had such a problem with those evil transcriptionists. Seems that scilons can’t spell nor compose a proper sentence. I guess they don’t deliver KTL any more,..
Poor Dir R&P at Pasadena, doesn’t he know that public scilons can smell a recruit cycle a universe away?
I know what he’s talking about with that out-security man — you can’t put the combination to the toilet paper cabinet in a friggin email!
Or maybe dictionaries are optional now? I thought they used to be integral in scicon training?
There’s no training so there’s no need for no stinkin’ dictionaries….
It takes away from people who are doing their Cause Resurgence RD, the purif and the objectives and Student Hat for 4th time.
Valley:What does it take?
Obviously the geezers who could climb the stage are applauded by the geezers who did not have what it takes.
Not only is there an app, but it’s been around for a while; version 1.0 was released in October 2011. The most recent release dates from Feb. 2015 and hasn’t been updated since. There are exactly 3 reviews of this app on the App Store (for iOS, I believe, since I’m checking this out on my iPad Pro). The first comes from someone who has been doing courses on his computer but who can’t log in with those credentials on the app. The second urges people to watch “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief” prior to doing any courses and days it could save your life. And the third reads “Yall [sic] need Jesus. Yall [sic] crazy.” There are 5 5-star ratings without reviews as well. The reviewers who left these 3 reviews have rated it as well: the first one gave the app a 3* review and the second and third each rated the app 1*.
LOL Thx for checking 🙂
Hey, let’s not jump to conclusions on the Colombia misspelling. They may have meant Columbia, South Carolina, largest and capitol city of the state. Not as exotic as Tobago, but you never know.
Once upon a time ago someone wrote a parody of Stuart Smalley’s affirmations:
Stuart Smalley’s Daily Affirmations for the Inner Pirate
“I’m going to rape and pillage today just for the heck of it because, gosh darn it, I deserve to have a good time.”
“I am not a fraud, a thief yes, but not a fraud.”
“I deserve all the loot and booty I can carry without feeling ashamed or being grandiose.”
“I will express my feelings today. I will not hide them behind my eyepatch. My eyepatch is not a mask for my feelings, but rather a small swatch of leather that covers a hideous scar.”
“When I overtake that merchants vessel, I will not be playing those parent tapes in my head: “You wield a cutlass like a girl” . . . “Why can’t you be more like Blackbeard’s son?” . . . “Philosophy? What kind of major is that? It’s useless!”
“Just because I indulge in wine and wenches does not mean I’m an alcoholic sex-addict like my father.”
“If I must violently put down a mutiny today, it is not because I am a bad person or that I am not worthy of love; it is because my crew are a bunch of yellow-bellied, lily-livered sons-of-whores–and I am mean enough, ruthless enough, and dog gone it, people fear me.”
transcribed by James R. Torrence
We wanted a big, roomy morgue and we bought it!
Oh…you lucky duck! I’ve ALWAYS wanted a big roomy morgue! It’s been my life’s ambition! Congrats, Mephisto! It’s like you hit the lottery…..
They could always raise money by renting their mausoleums for The Walking Dead.
Hmmmmmm….You may be on to something! I mean, the staff all look crazy anyway. You can make it into a Fun House with the staff as the walking dead….
Regarding “Floods” of public in Birmingham Org
I was Birmingham Org public for almost two decades and the OTC Deputy Chairman in 2008/2009. Seven – eight years later and Birmingham is no closer to reaching Ideal Org status or completing their building. In fact these pictures show that Birmingham has shrunk. Less public. Less staff.
Happy to see my bestie married her bf tho. Congrats Jules & Eddie! My invite must have been lost in the post.
Erin’s post purif plans:
Patron evictus on my apartment.
Become a Ronbot.
Move to Clearwater and become Clear by working for Clouden Cold calls.
“Every time I hear something by LRH, it seems to be the exact thing we can use right then.” Um… have you read the Affirmations?
Hi I am Max hco Passadena.
Because of a Sea Org mission by no other than ms. Brandy Harrison
we are winning the spelling game.3 of our 6 new staff member ken now spel their name.
Not only that!After their 7th purif 86% of our OT geezers said they recovered from spelling amnesia.
Hi Xenu’s Son, Your post says it! My lord, the only words spelled correctly now in cos are David, IAS and Money money money.OT has become TO totally out-source! Get your next level quickly lol! XO
Fleecewinds prosperity seminar.
Patrick (from U-man) will explain how to look fleece business owners with a fake academic sounding test.
Joy Gendusa (postcardmania)will explain how to get to fleece business people by sending junk mail
Pat Clouden from consumersuckersolutions ops consumerenergysolutions will share his successful actions on fleecing consumers by cold calling them promising a cheaper utility bill.
Dang! This set of promo(?) set me mind into high gear in joking & degrading mode. It’s not my fault! They made me think this way:
Stupendusly Marvelous Productions FLASH FLASH FLASH
The drive is ON to create the greatest dissemination of LRH/COB tech in all of man’s known history. We have the means (SMP) and the will (PATRONS) to put on the web, the television, audio, and theta-pathically all of the courses, drills, and processes that have been written since DSMSH broke upon the face of the planet and which has changed all of mankind to be more better able. We need 100 millions cash dollars to seed this never-before-thought-of-or-dreamed-up million-fold expansion.
COB is the one with the foreslight, the intention, the drive, the talent, the minichismo, the chutzpah, and the insouciance to pull this off. Imagine with us if you can the world’s airways flooded with videos and tapes written by, directed by, edited by, and starring by COB his self:
COB auditing a tomato with Book 1 to an erasure of all of plant-dome’s engrams
COB pulling overts and withholds from an anonymous protester (you know who you are).
COB running Remedy A & B on central Files until they as-is.
COB auditing a suppresive ashtray with using TR8 and-Tone 47X until it shatters.
COB supervising TR0 on students to not move, fidget, blink, breath, or associate with a body for a minimum of two hours, or to the point that they achieve infinite here-and-now-ness-most’es-ness.
COB scouting the dark universe with his mark 88 E-meter(tm) and spherical lightsaber(tm) to find and recover LRH from the hell he found himself into; which wasn’t target two, or even one-and-three-quarters
We want your money to be our money to the last cent. Beg, borrow, or steal to assure that COB gets his way, which, if you would only see it from COB’s point of view is the way you want it. You know it is true for you.
Hi I am Goodluck Obasanga.
I has acces to the 3 billion in IAS funds.I only need $1500 to bribe the guard of the notary office in Pamana.
If you front me this money I will reward you with 10% of the 3 billion.
This is extremely confidential.Do not tell anybody about this because you wil ruin your finincial eternity.
You want that $1,500 wired into your account in the Caribbean?
Thank, buy I already donated to a Nigerian (NOI) Prince and am awaiting my pot-of-gold.
That does it! It’s bad enough that they drag Scotland and children into the madness……..but Battlestar Galactica?!?!!!
A line has just been drawn…..
Hey…let’s clear the planet by nuking it!
Chee at least they used the monkey-in-a-dog-suit cheesy 1978 incarnation (who cares about copyrights, we’re a gosh darn real church!) and not the brooding, angst ridden “we need to make more babies” 2009 version.*
*which I enjoyed immensely
I’m a traditionalist, so I like the Apollo/Starbuck (the man, not the coffee) version.
But yea, the ‘dog’ was way creepy and the little kid was annoying.
One would think that a cult that is teased mercilessly about alien beliefs and apce travel, would shh away from promotions like this.
LRH was probably pissed off beyond consolation that BE never took off like Star Wars. LRH could not even come close to Battlestar Galactica with ‘Johnny Tyler Goodboy’. That’s just embarrassing
If ST:TNG taught us anything it is that children and SF do not mix. Ever.
Cadet Org I’m looking at you…
And Glen Larson is probably spinning in his grave right about now after seeing that piece of promo!
Look! Now we have an app to install net nanny on all your mobile devices so you won’t possibly see entheta. Yep. Not going to pollute my devices with that CRapp.
Gavin Potter tries to look like Miscavige lite. But doesn’t he looks more like a cocker spaniel politely waiting for his dog biscuit?
That’s an insult to cocker spaniels everywhere but now that you mention it Gavin does bear more than a passing resemblance to Max the Wonder Dog™, our family pooch.
Yeah, Dutch, that is an insult to all Cocker Spaniels everywhere….
What is it with old Gavin anyway? Why always with the stupid ass smile? Does he have gas or something?
Since according to El Wrong Hubbard, CF produces 50% of an Ogre’s income, why can’t they just hire people to do the filing since it would OBVIOUSLY pay back FAR more than the cost?
Because El Wrong was wrong….
I would guess back when there wasn’t an internet and SCN wasn’t synonymous with an evil cult, as it is now, the CF did result in past public coming back for more services. I think nowadays people who were conned into buying some stupid courses have researched the cult and do not want anything to do with it any longer.
I think the majority of the Orgre’s income comes from 60 to 80 year old, long time SCNist spending their retirement and the equity in their homes, or from their kids.
When last I was at AO, the PC waiting room was filled with old farts that barely had the strength to carry the briefcases strapped to their wrists (OT materials). The AO staff was made up of 30 year old “born-ins” who didn’t know how to drive a car and didn’t have a license.
The only thing SCN is good at is harassing and fair-gaming it’s critics. A worthless cult.
clearlypissedoff, CF has always been ignored by Org execs because it NEVER produced much in the way of org income. My post was tongue in cheek and a tribute to that stupid axiom that El Con pulled out of his butt. Body Reg’es and their henchmen (“FSMs”) have always been the main sources of org income.
I understand where you are coming from – I just love to vent about the cult and the way you used “El Wong” gave me a good opening….
Clearlypissedoff, Not only is the crowd in the waiting room ancient, it’s dwindling fast.
When I was at ASHO about 5-6 years ago, there were 15 or more people in the waiting room all the time. I was at ASHO recently, and there were never more than three in the waiting room. Sometimes, I was the only one.
The Church sells getting Rich and Powerful
BUT when it happens the SO shits its pants
and try every old trick in the book to bankrupt
REALLY D.M. hates Scientologists who have money
and real status.
When installing the Android app, check the list of things that it wants access to very carefully.
“Darn, how did those regges know that I was having a coffee in this Starbucks?”
“Now all my friends are getting calls and emails, even the non-Scientologists!”
Geez … how did the regges know that my Uncle Rufus just left me 200 G’s and that I deposited in my account this morning?
Hi Joe, This is what I love about being a bitter, defrocked SP DB on the fringes of the Internet! I love to keep the regges guessing.Hell I love to keep any SOer who wants to vet me in my old age guessing.I have some tricks up my sleeve for them yet!XO
Hey, no problem! As an Android developer, I can install it on an emulator (a fake phone running on my PC), and I’ll control the vertical.
INCOMM I/C: “Anything new?”
INCOMM minion: “Someone actually installed our trojan Android app.”
INCOMM I/C: “Great! Where are they?”
INCOMM minion: Looks at screen .. blinks .. refreshes .. blinks .. “Mars.”
Max Sims is going to get sec checked for his misspellings. Caused, no doubt, by his connection to an SP.