Fearless Leader?
Back in action with more ridiculousness. Wee gatherings and big gatherings — but no details about where or when. That’s a secret!
Highest Ever after Highest Ever
Haha. If they are expanding like crazy and have all these Highest Evers, how is it possible that after 6 years as an “ideal org” they are still not SH Size. In fact, they don’t even have their filing up to date!
The Foundation for Planetary Clearing
There are apparently 50 or more of these ideal orgs. By now something should be visible in the planetary clearing department?
PROSperity Summit
Being PROSperous is truly “OT”- of course the PROSperity disappears once you have to start paying for your OT Levels and concurrent required IAS statuses…
The Ultimate OT Level — Running in Circles
Gosh, you would have thought that thousands of hours of solo auditing and hundreds of thousands of dollars would have accomplished freedom from memories, restraint, pains, even chains. Could have saved a hit load of time and money just running in circles instead of all that other stuff that apparently didnt work.
It’s so Epic
“Command’s full speech” is going to be seen by ALL ORGS one time only on 5 August. It was SO important for everyone to hear, he traveled all the way to Budapest to deliver it. Because that is the center of the scientology world and of course THE most important things are announced there.
Let me talk about myself in the third person…
…and explain to you how important I am. Really nothing odd about this. Nothing self-centered. Nothing creepy. Really.
OT Hatting Speaker
Aptly named Hattenbach – but if he knows so much about attaining power in life NOW how come he doesn’t have a real post? Wouldn’t he be the Commanding Officer of the FSSO by now and get some people onto that ship and enough income to buy some fuel? Nah, let’s send him out and have lecture others on how to do what he cannot do.
IAS v Ideal Orgs
I thought it was the ideal orgs that were clearing their areas? And BTW, there is an IDEAL org in Dallas, so how come it’s all going wrong there (at least according to the expert, Michael Roberts)?
It just doesn’t add up that society is falling to pieces but scientology is clearing the planet…
How religious
Final Countdown….
This is just the major service buyers. The vast majority of CF is bookbuyers.
They ONLY have 400 folders left. Tampa org boasts they have 200 staff. So why don’t they get each staff member to do 2 files tomorrow and be done with it? If this is SO important, why are PUBLIC doing it instead of the staff?
Are they having Wick Allcock speaking Italian?
The exit route from suffering and death mapped out…
…if that is the case, what happened to Ron?
KC is getting rolling…
Should provide some entertainment over the next few years as they are moving into the pirate parties/superhero gatherings/door auctions phase.
I would love to hear your feedback…
OK, here goes. Meaningless claptrap.
All orgs, one time only: 5 August
Well, if you missed the one time showing there is another one time showing another time.
This is a joke, right?
You moved from Pakistan to Cincinnati after hearing about Jeanie Sonenfild? Another “huge” ideal org that is expanding like crazy but STILL isn’t SH Size (LRH said it took a matter of weeks).
The Elite 100
They are creating an “ideal scene for LA with Scientology” (are they serious?)
How do all these SO members (apart from the Bayback silver spoon babies) have money to give to ideal orgs? Oh yeah, they are all regges….
Or full time FSMs…
Wishful thinking
More like delusion. Not sure which is funnier — one of those fiction prints offered at $6,000 or a set of PDCs for $10,000. She wouldn’t get any offers if she cut the asking price 90%.
Burn baby, burn
Whoever thinks up the themes for these things is batshit crazy.
More Central Files fun
And bring the kids! What fun it is for them.
Might My Mammy
They have come roaring back to life. Pity they apparently don’t realize LRH is dead.
Special Speaker
This is a clue as to how Vicki Shantz has enough money to be donating tens of thousands to ideal orgs. The true holy man in scientology is not the auditor, it is the reg.
We ARE going ideal
That’s why we are begging for computers, switches and patch cables
For the record
Here is the full complement of the ship of fools proudly proclaiming their stupidity to the world
OT VIII success
Just you wait until you get to start running around in circles. Being able to duplicate various shapes and sizes will seem like NOTHING.
Captain David Miscavige
Here he is in all his glory, featured in the latest edition of Source magazine. Remember when his lawyers in the court in Texas complained that it was a deliberate insult to call him “Captain Miscavige.” You will note the editors of the magazine got the word, so he is nowadays “Mr.” Miscavige. But rest assured, those are Sea Org “Captain” gold bars on his sleeve. Captain Queeg might suit him better if he doesn’t like Captain Miscavige…
PS: Photoshop much?
Ken Shapiro. Former reg. Former SO.
How did he get the money to flow that much?
Sugar mama?
Ohhhhh, Real Estate. I see. Use that LRH closing tech you learned in the SO. Crush regging must work in the outside world too.
“Ken is a
Top Los Angeles Seller’s Agent
, ranking in the top
of 29,899 agents.”
Dude from Pakistan most probably took the first opportunity available to him to leave a region where explosions and gunshot wounds are a very common cause of death, whether it is from terrorists or american drone strikes. He has a puhktun look and name – the region where these people live is known to be very violent.
I have a friend from there who barely escaped a bomb blast with her life, because she as a doctor had the correct reflex of not stopping to help the wounded. She stepped on it after a human arm fell on her windshield. The terrorists in that region are known to either trigger secondary blasts or send jihadis with guns to kill rescue workers. After she left, they slaughtered around 300 children and teachers of a private school in her city.
What would you be ready to do to leave a place like that ?
The ESP quote provides a good gauge as to how far one’s viewpoint has re-adjusted back to something resembling normality since getting the fuck out. I read this now and all that comes to mind is that scene from Life Of Brian. ‘Oooh, he’s making it up as he goes along!’
And he did! The whole lot!
By pulling it out of his ass, it ultimately became the crack in his armor.
A profound and prolifically valid, metaphoric statement,
Joanne has moved to Clearwater and Michael Roberts is still an IAS reg? Except for bit parts, his last credit on IMDB was something on tv in 2014, so I guess his only source of dough is doin’ the IAS reg thang and living off the commissions. Yikes.
I wonder why Joanne moved to Fla? Did Richie sell the house? Most of her FSM selectees are in the LA area, so is she down there to tag with the regs when they come to town? She had kind of a facilitator hat when she was my FSM and she was at Flag, though the wife and I didn’t need any hand holding when we were down there.
I liked them both, but we done parted ways.
Oh well.
Seems the tech had shortcomings for Michael Roberts career-wise. His career is not blooming?
John Gourley aka Fearless Leader is stubbornly delusional. He’s been writing this puff and fluff for many years. I wonder what keeps him in the cult.
Miscavige looks 25 in this picture. No way he could so young without surgery. He looks younger than he looked when he was actually young. I wonder how the older culties view his fresh-facedness. They must remember him from the 80s.
I wish I was somewhere I could speak my mind fully whenever I wanted. It helps. It helps to say, “but my Gawd, what a fool was I, and how glad I am to be done with it.” It helps to just purge oneself with epithets and truths. To tell of what happened, what was believed. To scoff with abandon. Surrounded by the lies…is ever-so-trying. *blerghbarfbarf.
*adjusts and re-adjusts face in expected manner:
Hang tough my friend. There are thousands in the same boat. I am.
The walls of Sickintology are falling thanks to Mike and others like him. Momentum is building and Dave and his faithful minions are scurrying like cockroaches from the light.
Tick Tock Capitain.
The nonsense from HAPI was a gag inducing read. Now I need a mouthful of coffee.
“Highest Ever after Highest Ever”, my brain hurts. Need a mouthful of coffee.
Somebody please tell me that Stand Up Placer is genuine or I’m going to keep thinking of it as a $camology front.
Subject: MY BUDAPEST – Reality as non-sheepbots know it not included. Now I need a mouthful of coffee.
Dallas: See above comment. Now I need…NOOOO…coffee all gone…AAAGGghhh…
Lyn Hoffman: Uh, huh, I don’t care because I have no more coffee…sulk…
ESP: What the hell was Hubbard smoking or imbibing when he wrote that piece of…oops, I don’t care…no more coffee…still sulking…
Wishful Thinking: $6k for the Invaders…much happier now, made fresh coffee…Plan print? I just saw one on ebay listed at $150.00 and whole lot of other prints ranging from $60.00 – $120.00 and she only wants $6K? If The Philadelphia Doctorate Course box is the 76 cassette set (mind numbing number of tapes), again I’ve seen them on ebay for, for a tad less, the highest I could find was $749.97 and as low as $225 and no doubt there are lower prices elsewhere, than the $10k asking price.
We ARE going ideal: There will be food, goodies, pizza…etc, and regges, regges, and regging galore.
Captain David Miscavige: You mean gory glory. I don’t think the Captain Queeg analogy was suitable because Queeg was ultimately a sad, lost and lonely man at the end of his tether where Demento is what he is, a narcissistic, sociopathic, psychopathic maniac with absolutley no scruples and redeeming values.
My favorite of the above is this excerpt:
“This includes Command’s full speech at the opening……blah, blah, blah….”
What’s next Dave “Your Holinesss?”
That’s right boys and girls Command himself.
You’re a very sick man Dave.
You’re a madman, Dwarf. A very small one.
Enid Byrne had a brother Jonathan and her mom was Lottie Hattenbach. Could this be her brother? Enid was from SA.
Barbara Kalergis is hoping to get $20K for that crap? LOL. I wouldn’t even pay 50 bucks for it. She’d be lucky to get $100 on eBay! Crap’s not even worth the shipping cost.
The problem with Hubbard being dead is you can’t pin him down for an explanation of his word salads. Apparently he thought ESP was bunk. It’s some sort of intuition originating from parts unknown that mysteriously happens to you. It doesn’t fit his notion of a thetan being “at cause”. Instead he says a thetan, with full knowledge of where he is, projects ‘thought beams’ which implant concepts at a distance (presumably into other thetans).
But wait a minute…if a thetan implants a concept into my mind with a ‘thought beam’ wouldn’t that be the equivalent of ESP from my point of view? Emily Post is mute on this but I think proper thought-beam etiquette requires you let the other thetan know when you’re implanting them with a concept. Otherwise they may falsely believe they’re afflicted with ESP which is below 1.0 on the tone-scale! Emily Post might also suggest you at least offer them a cocktail first.
I think that benzedrine was pretty easily available back in the 1950s, I think that it was widely abused, I think that LRH certainly was using it or some other kind of uppers, and I think he was tweaking when he said a lot of the crazy stuff he said on stage. “That is all.”
According to Nibs, he swallowed a handful of pills before the lectures and had a right ole time pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes while high as a kite.
In the US, you could get benzedrine inhalers over the counter until 1959. Lenny Bruce did a routine about opening up a benzedrine inhaler, taking the drug-impregnated strip out of the inhaler, and putting it into a glass of Coke. Drinking the concoction would get you high.
A few comments:
1. Michael Roberts has become a MERCHANT OF CHAOS AND FEAR. He uses the Crush Regging Tech – and that is to invalidate and nully WHAT YOU ALREADY GAVE and YOUR dreams and manipulate you to fulfill the dreams of Slappy Miscavige: make lots and lots of money and SUPPRESS THE TRUTH with Sue Tech, PI Tech, OSA spy tech, harass tech and Propaganda Tech….to keep his power over these clubbed seals. It’s KSW all the way!!
2. “I became a Humanitarian because I got tired of going to fund raising events, the hypnotic command “Move Up In Status” and “Boots In the Sky” image *Standard Hypnosis Tech – worked over the years….I got tired of crush regging…Fundraiser’s showing up at my house every week…at work every week….I became one to shut them up…but it did not work. Now I must move up in status AGAIN ….until I have nothing and am nothing (the EEE PEE of Scientologee). Then I will join the Sea Org where I will live out my days as a slave and then discarded w/o sorrow when I can make money for the cult of Scientology.
3. Part of the covert plan for a Scientologist is to get them to move to Clearwater. Scientology does not work…so when they are convinced they are Oat Tea enough – and LRH says Oat Tea’s can’t make it without other Oat Tea’s…..whalla!! They move to Clearwater where the cult can use them and abuse them without any protection from the law.
Scientology is dangerous!
Scientology KILLS!
OT Speaker Jonathan Hattenbach, was the plumber on the Ship and he was one of the people who had to divorce his spouse.
See the “RTC divorce and family break-up list ” – (No 31) http://ocmb.xenu.net/ocmb/viewtopic.php?t=25152
So now SMP is going to market Scientology to the LA area? I thought it was going to disseminate to the entire globe at levels never before seen. Well, at least they are right that what they are doing has never been seen.
So Beatrice Findlay has made OTVIII which she calls a beautiful, simple and aesthetic level. It changed her perception of shapes colours and sizes from the deck of the ship. Good on ya Bea! There is much to be said for being on the water in the great outdoors in beautiful weather. I can relate having been often in a kayak or on the deck of simple ferries or more so on mountain peaks and felt the same.
She calls herself a fine artist and I agree. There is a long tradition of paintings like hers that are inspired by a natural love of surroundings and lots more that may have been enhanced by LSD or pot. The latter would be a touch cheaper (she thanks her late husband who made it possible for her to do the bridge) and without the baggage. .
“PS: Photoshop much?”
The face doesn’t even look like him.
BTW: For the El Con cult members in the crowd. See the award he’s wearing on the uniform? THAT is the Star of Trust. It was given by El Con. That Hadean master of Human evaluation, the Prometheus of Prediction, The Prince of Prescience. It means that El Con trusted Davie 100%. El Con knew him since childhood. Trained him, raised him to the pinnacle of Scamology power. Why would El Con do that with a psycho like that?
The “Star of Trust”? I wonder if LRH had just been thinking of the Texaco TV ad of about that era with the jingle “You can trust your car/To the man who wears the star”?
LOL! I still remember the Fire Hats they sold in the ’50’s!
“Trained him, raised him to the pinnacle of Scamology power. Why would El Con do that with a psycho like that?” – Birds of a feather?
We have a winner! 🙂
If I didn’t have a friend who is a scientologist, I would have NO idea what Scientology was except that it was a crack pot religion. I live in SoCal. There is not a mission, org, nothing in my area. If there were millions upon millions of followers, would their presence be more obvious? I’ve lived here my whole life and know a lot of people. Never is this religion mentioned except in a derogatory light. Probably because 1) it’s all a lie or 2) they’re ashamed to be a part of this group.
Before I say anything, I want to make clear that I have no beef with scientologists. Contrary, there is a lot to admire in these altruistic individuals, who share a common belief that they are molding better persons out of themselves and keep close their hearts the idea that they are making a difference in the world.
A scientologist would be proud of himself as such.
At least until he discovers the lie that it is. You certainly got that part absolutely right, thisisme. The “church” just plain does not represent itself in any way remotely resembling truth. It is not a science, it is an idea or set of ideas made to look like something you can believe in. Parts of it, initially, make perfect sense. But very soon you are told, over and over, what to believe, what is real and what isn’t. You are made to believe that scientology works and everything else doesn’t. You are made to believe that every single person in the world who doesn’t believe like you do is a potential trouble source. You are made to believe that the real social and behavioral scientists of the world at large ARE you enemies. And, finally, you are made to believe that your only chance for finding and claiming your own eternity is through this one, solitary, path, all doubts that there might be another way summarily crushed. Crushed by the hand of Hubbard. And he claims to be open to all religions… Again, that is just to get you in. Find out about how “real” that statement is, oh, some number of moons after you went in and got all nicely signed up, say, anytime after you have accumulated enough stats to establish a trend, for instance…
When the day comes that you realize that you have been bam-boozeled, you will first feel a horrible sense of loss. You may have invested years. You may have invested every available dollar attributable to you AND your whole family. That is a tough nut to bite, a huge hurdle to leap, getting your mind’s eye looking towards the proper way of thinking about it, which is critically, about that monumental mistake… the self-sacrificing error of allowing some one else to tell you what you need to believe in. Oh my god, says he, you are letting down the entire WORLD, failing as a scientologist. Leave and you are suddenly worthless, real as Hubbard’s reality can be. Feeling proud felt so much better…
Meanwhile, there is no scientologist that could walk straight up to you out of the blue and just say what scientology is. That is an empty nutshell. All he or she can do is struggle to tell you what the beliefs are, like
“Oh, it is an applied religious philosophy.”, along with the rest of what Mike calls: ShermanSpeak.
That is a lot of stuffing, to believe. THAT is the bubble, what it is made of.
LOVE IT! Thanks Bug. You gave me a real flash back to when I was twenty years old and fell for all that Black Magic bull shit. It’s a very interesting and effective con. I don’t think I would have fallen for a similar pitch. But Scientology got me. I think that is true for most Scios. I know. And something many never-ins and critics can’t understand. We weren’t necessarily gullible. We weren’t going for any old con but Scientology got us. I think part of it is there is some truth and usefulness speckled throughout the Black Magic spell. It’s truly diabolical. And sadly I see no sign of it slowing down-hope I’m wrong. People say, “it’s unpopular and has a bad rep.” It always did during my lifetime.
It grabbed us when we were young, full of hope and ideals and questions. I don’t think it’s doing it the same way these days. I think it’s full of the Still Ins and their kids and some folks in oppressed places. The current generations are too savvy and informed to fall for it. Though, I do think the carrot offered is a vicious thing that speaks to the best, the hopest and inquiringest within us. It’s an organization of (mostly) good people peddling slavery and lies.
What does Scientology do again?
I Laughalot that’s wot.
Ummmmmmmm…..destroy lives? Hey, I took a shot.
WOOF! Delusional indeed !
I was delusional once. But, after drinking some great Merlot, I was cured…
HI OSD, Off topic but I’m a few days behind on reading here – just want to say congrats about the baby.
Thanks Ms. P! This is a new and wonderful chapter in our lives.
i just love this Dude. So true,
that Merlot makes a better cure than scam-ology.
Now, there is a tonic that does not come with false promises on the label,
something an ex-scn-gist just has to admire…
Great red wine cures everything. Especially out on my deck with a sea breeze…it just doesn’t get any better!
Yo Kathy and Team Valley,
Before you get carried away with this computer and techie stuff I suggest you check in with the folks over at OSA. Kathy Morrow can help you with this. You will need to be sure there are no virus entities or miscellaneous Bee Tees floating around who might sabotage the whole thing by putting links to the internet and sending messages out to all those ancient folks on your CF list.
A link or two to T.O. or M.R. blogs could do wonders for membership!
Lastly, why are you so obsessed with finding old members when you have 47X new ones pouring in the door. Hell, 600 a week over at LA Org alone should keep you off the streets at night.
The homeless population has returned to the SuMP neighborhood. Did those schmucks in PAC miss protection payments to well placed city personnel?
Also, the Farce at the corner of Sunset and Vermont has dwindled to one clipboard wielding minion.
Really??? That many minions??? And he even had a clipboard??? New public must be pouring in! Hope that one guy can handle it…
Here’s the apparent difference between the Scottish clams and others: when they smile at one of their events, it doesn’t seem forced. They actually appear to be having a good time. Yeah, they’re still being ripped off and such, but they don’t seem to care. What could be the reason for this? Lack of crush regging? Lack of Sea Borg presence at HAPI? Fearless Leader and his twink boyfriend setting the mood? There’s another question that comes to mind: how are they getting away with it? Normally, any sign of legitimate joy is destroyed beyond all recognition by the Toxic Dwarf’s minions.
Of course, despite their child porn ads, all of the people at the Wee Gathering are old. In fact, two of them could be Jeremy Corbyn’s stunt doubles. Now that Labour is pretty much dead in Scotland, they need the work.
Sacramento’s furniture drive is, I believe, a new one in Scientoland. Is a furniture drive what happens when people finally get sick of pirate-themed reg suckings?
What is it with Scientology and their inability to spell the names of their own high-ranking people correctly? This week, it’s Sharron Webber and Jeannie Sonnenfeld (yet again). You never see the Dwarf’s name spelled wrong. Of course, if someone does, that’s an instant trip to the RPF.
Dear Jeff Mintzmeat: Since you said I could call or write you any time about anything, I’m going to take advantage of that. I was wondering if I could have a look at your stat graphs for your Good News From Flog promos. I was curious about whether or not they looked identical to the ones that Mike Rinder is keeping, or whether or not you’re lying to your superiors. And while we’re at it, I was wondering if you had contact information for Captain Daddybear aboard the Freewinds, specifically whether or not he’s on Grindr.
So LA offered “Hungarian food” at their “one-time-only” showing of the Budapest Idle Morgue opening. So that’s goulash and…what, exactly? Hungary is not exactly the epicenter of culinary expertise. Most of their food is slightly-spicier variants of the same Northeastern European fare that stretches from Lithuania down to Slovakia.
One thing that needs to be said is that the Budapest opening may be a one-time-only thing. That’s because they have the Harlem opening to re-broadcast to the rest of the faithful. But if they do have another showing of it, we’ll remember and call them out on it.
So Scientology has repurposed a Mark I Emergency Medical Hologram and called him “Jonathan Hattenbach”, then sent him out on reg duty. Well, at least it’s better than scrubbing out plasma conduits.
Hamish Bulger’s picture is the first one in a long time that has someone with an arm raised. That’s because, as a reg, he can actually afford antiperspirant. They’ve been avoiding another Maximum Pitstain fiasco. Of course, they did this by flooding the communication channels with staff members with arms folded, looking as welcome as a rabid pitbull.
“After if you show up before Thursday at 2:00 PM you get extra brownie points”? What the fuck, Tampa. English, motherfucker, do you speak it!? And I’d rather have extra brownies instead of brownie points. You normally bribe people in to do CF with food anyway.
Thursday at 9PM seems a very strange time for Scientologists to hold any sort of function. Normally, they’d cram something like this in for a Wednesday evening in order to get the points for that week. And being Italian, they might not know that holding a function that late on a weeknight does not guarantee a good attendance, because Americans have this habit of actually working on Friday morning. Well, they can’t do it on Friday, since that’s Flog Graduation. Too bad. This one might have been interesting.
Did Kansas City and Valley do some kind of formal trade? “Okay, we’ll take your Western-theme fundraiser and you can have our fancy-dress one, but you have to do our next Gavin Potter lecture.” You know that someone at Valley did this just to see David Wilson dressed up like Hopalong Cassidy. That should provide sufficient lulz for a month or so.
So Valley’s begging for computers that are capable of running Firefox. How five years ago of you, Scientology. Everyone who’s anyone runs Chrome now. And does anyone think this is the perfect opportunity to infect Scientology’s network with some hardcore virus? If you’re Valley public who happens to be UTR and want to strike a blow against the enemy, I beg you to do it.
Photoshop alone can’t provide an image like the one of the Toxic Dwarf included in here. I’d say we have a mixture of Photoshop, botox, and Hollywood-grade cosmetologists and stylists. And then he has to blow all of that money by insisting on dressing up in a fourth-grade sailor suit.
Well, that’s my gift this week to Dylan Surfer Dude. Welcome to the world, kiddo, and hope to see you in an infant-size Guy Fawkes mask in front of an org soon.
Q What could be the reason for this?
A Why Scotch of course.
How do you think Herr Kapitain McSavage and King Jong-un get through the day?
I’d like to see Kim-Jong Un & the dwarf in the Octigon…
Oh, now that’s a match I’d love to see! Kim Jong un vs. David Mascavige. Close call, too close to predict the winner.
opps.. please excuse mis-spellings. :p
I don’t know about that. They BOTH have dreams of ruling the world. If they combined their forces it would be way too dangerous. Could you imagine the COB with access to nuclear missiles?? He would go around the world and blow up every volcano he could find. And he would set aside a few to deal with SQUIRRELS, WOGS, and SP’s. And don’t forget, if COB has nuclear weapons that means Tom Cruise has them also! LOL
Tae yon bampot in Edinburgh: awa’ an’ bile yer heid, ya wee pile o’ keech!
About “computers, switches and patch cables” and Moscow org. During the police raid they took away all servers and many computers, so org start begging, especially because all huge TV’s with propaganda films gone black in information center (they were connected to the server). Than they started to search tech-parishioners to make everything alive again.
Something tells me that Espi is going to make a picnic out of these Thursday Jokers before two.
Shouldn’t Dave have let Sacramento that the fringe of the internet runs the table when it comes to furniture drives and shelters?
Michael Roberts should go back to selling Allstate insurance.
Bruce could have had Valley CF networked with computers faster than Quinn can say ‘eskimo’.
The Valley circle jerk of humanitarians and reges: the beat goes on.
Captain Pomp’s hairline is thinning.
“Something tells me that Espi is going to make a picnic out of these Thursday Jokers before two.” Oh, you know me so well. Done, Sir, at 11:25 my time.
I think he is vying for an invitation to North Korea. He’ll show em how the ‘do’ is done and they can teach him some new tricks for the Hole.
“Michael Roberts should go back to selling Allstate insurance.” I’ll bet he’d LOVE to be doing that gig again. Unlikely now that he’s surrounded himself with bs and gone public with it. Corporations don’t care to be connected to such garbabe.
“Aptly named Hattenbach – but if he knows so much about attaining power in life NOW how come he doesn’t have a real post? Wouldn’t he be the Commanding Officer of the FSSO by now and get some people onto that ship and enough income to buy some fuel? Nah, let’s send him out and have lecture others on how to do what he cannot do.”
Who said important shit doesn’t happen in Budapest? It sure does – pig shit, to be specific, and DM had a few barrels of it thrown in his direction while walking with his bodyguards to the Idle mORGue. The bodyguards took the hit, though. Better luck next time!
Wow, Sky Dayton must be on the skids, Masterson and Christensen too. Cheapskates.
William Wallace, Robert the Bruce, and the Scots took on Edward I “Longshanks” of England and secured their freedom only to have CoS take it away again. For shame!
The reason for secret grand openings is because when ample
advance notice is given it becomes a hollering and screaming
ex scientologist convention with cameras and helicopters.
and more of them show up without advance confirmations than there are IAS members.
Lol! So true.
Dropping the militaristic title of captain and calling Miscarriage “Mr.” instead seems to be a trend these days. I’ve noticed this occurring with other sea org execs such as Sharon Weber of the Moneywinds. Seems to be an effort to bolster the lie that the sea org is not “in charge” of anything; instead it is merely a monastic order. More lies only aimed at diverting attacks and denying responsibility. Reckoning day is going to be a real doozy.
Thursday Funnies — putting the fun back in Thursdays.
Thanks Mike!
Regarding running in circles, did Hubbard or Miscavagie specify the radius of the circle to ensure standard tech is being applied? I run around a running track at the gym occasionally but am concerned I might not be doing so in accordance with LRH tech. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I would say it is 80.08 feet. Any more is out gradient, any less is lowers!
Yo Dave,
That translates into Ate – E feet, zero and fifteen sixteenths inches. I’ll spell it out for you Dave,
80′ 0-15/16″.
Just put one foot in front of the other. Adjust speed as needed. Write up incredible Success Story, and declare yourself OT15. Change for autographs. Send me 20%.
I can send you 15% but no more, you don’t want to be out-exchange do you?
Hey! I have a new grandchild! I need that 5%! Now…
Some people use the term Humanitarian as an euphemism for cannibal.
And speaking of joking and degrading here’ some fun with technological failure.
How hard can space flight be anyway?
“computers, switches and patch cables”
Shit – they need 5 computers with monitors as well. Basically they don’t have ANYTHING. Just a pile of Return to Sender particles.
With all the millions being tossed about, you’d think they’d be able to pop for some of the basic necessities. I’m surprised toilet paper isn’t on the list.
ROFLMAO at that last photo! Bwahahahahahahaha Are you sure that’s not somebody else? 😉
Toupee or not to pay…
Nice for LRH to clarify what ESP is all about. I had no idea deer were so good at it! I love the fact that Ron has researched it so I don’t have to, and can put my attention on more important things like donating to the IAS and Ideal Orgs while getting myself up the Bridge. And that datum about people fooling with ESP are below 1.0 on the tone scale. Who knew?
Whew! Man, was I ever off base! I thought ESP meant, Extra Special Person. I’m just clueless…
Well you know he was the expert on ESP and everything else because he fully studied it all, like how to wash windows properly and one of my faves, how to water plants correctly. Even wrote up a bulletin or whatever on that one too, what friggin ego.
yet ..somehow…. skipped a leaving the planet a hat write up and hat turn-over. A tidbit to the masses, a “goodbye and this is why” letter. Perhaps he was in a hurry, being dead and all.
Lol! This blog should be compiled as a stand up comedian show. It gets funnier the more I read. What a treat.
I’m pretty sure that animal behaviourists would argue that ESP doesn’t even enter into it when animals follow their herd instinct, so much for l ron’s in depth research. This is just another thought stopping mechanism – don’t look at what is going on outside scn because ron says so. I seem to recall him condemning Mediums in one of his well researched lectures too. L ron’s skill is in stating something so positively that the lay person finds it easy to believe, anyone with specialist knowledge can of course rip his arguments to pieces.
Yes, Gimpy, I used to fall for LRH’s assertive statements because, after all, he was source, right? Took me awhile to get the last few drops of kool-aid out of my system, at which point I realized Hubbard was just another human like everyone else, with an inflated sense of self-importance, all the while coming off as just a regular guy who somehow took more responsibility than anyone else because he realized it was his job. Boots in the sky? More like a foot up our collective asses. Reading his ramblings now, I look back at my former duplicity and shrug, but overall, l’m happy I finally made the break and regained my own self-worth.
Yip, it happened to us all. You’re right in specifying his, probably only, skill was saying it so we all fell for it. He was brilliant at this.
Having an Oat Tea, Hatting & Marketing specialist from the Ship deliver a seminar on marketing is like having Reinhard Heydrich lecture on the proper care and feeding of minorities.