It’s a Blockbuster OTC Meeting
Revel in the good news: Only $6.4 million to go.
More Blockbuster News
This Ideal Org had a single person complete a course. The Student Hat no less. That is cause for a massive celebration and a promotional piece.
Why CF?
“Because its files of people who have bought something.” Makes total sense. Truth is, nobody has a good answer.
Los Feliz Mission?
How low can you go — a Mission is holding a fundraising event for an org….
Mighty My Mammy
LRH is still dead guys. Most of those “friends” he referred to here have long since been declared. The two successful Miami ED’s from this era (John Sexsmith and Dave Troph) are definitely declared.
Pretty Woman. Inane quote.
They say sex sells. The quote sure doesn’t.
What, no dinner?
They are getting cheap….
Make your illusions come true
Unintentionally captures the dreamworld scientologists live in. All you have to do is believe.
Why CF?
We still have no idea — but it’s command intention….
Come to the Freewinds….
For the music????
Merchants of Chaos on the loose
Chicken Little and the Boy Who Cried Wolf are going to double team Dallas. The IAS must be hurting to send two heavy hitters to an empty org like Dallas. Oh, wait, they recently had that shooting of the cops. Cha-ching. “Horror and disasters = income.”
Prosperity for everyone
Except all org staff everywhere….
Folks of the Field
We have been an ideal org for 5 years now. According to the promotion, we should be expanding 10X every week. We would have 2 million staff by now if that were the case. If we had grown by 10X in 5 years we would have about 200 staff and be SH Size.
But don’t worry. we are NOW going to go SH Size. It’s pretty hard for us to imagine, but it IS going to happen. How do we know? We just said so. Again. For the 100th time.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Donald Trump is using the scientology playboook. Send money and you get a certificate to hang on the wall. AND you are appointed a member of the Board of Directors. I think that’s an even better name than Alumni or Humanitarian or Patron. But it wouldn’t do in scientology because there is only one person on the Board of Directors and that is The Chairman.
The Largest Field Group in the world
And they only audit CHILDREN. Doesn’t say much for the rest of them. In the entire world. There are dozens of COUNTRIES where the ONLY dianetics and scientology are field groups.
The most powerful events you will ever attend
Don’t let The Chairman see this. He will be really pissed.
I thought SuMP was the global dissemination thing?
Nope, it’s books.
And by the way, if Pasadena Ideal org is only TARGETED to sell 100 books, it tells you the sort of expectations there are. And just how pitiful these “ideal” orgs are.
Hawaii could use some of this. This org is so invisible it hasn’t been heard from since 1982.
Arrogant. Check. Deluded. Check.
And I assume you guys in Cincinnati just don’t WANT a big, booming org. Cos you don’t got one…
The most important city on earth
So said Ron in 1951…. No reason not to believe it now. Right? Nothing much has changed since the end of WW II.
Hey guys, if you are so epic, how come 10 years after becoming “ideal” you STILL aren’t SH Size?
And you do know that SH Size would not come close to filling your huge, empty building don’t you?
Bruce Wiseman – the Source
Oh oh, another one for The Chairman’s hit list. There is only one Source and that is Dear Leader.
What happened to our mission to end psychiatric abuse? It was recalled (for those not formerly in the Sea Org it means a “mission” has failed)
The Never Ending Story
You can always become a Half Humanitarian at Valley. Deadline Thursday at 2. At which point a new one begins.
Quinn the Eskimo
The champion of Command Intention. And exclamation points. And making everyone else responsible.
Renee – what keeps her going?
Always sad to see these old timers relegated to bottom of the barrel regging. She was the Chief Officer AOLA for many years. May even have been the Commanding Officer. Now she is a tours reg. What a life.
UK Idealishness
With this much idealish coolness they should have the UK cleared in no time. We will be watching carefully. Wonder how many clears they have made in the ideal Stables galley?
They got two new recruits from Russia or Syria in one day once and now they claim it’s 2 every day.
The real question is how many leave every day.
More Idealishness News
Hip hip hooray. Designs completed!
Seeing these pics of public being love bombed by Sea Org staff makes me uncomfortable because I was once one of those public. Affinity and a sense of belonging can work a number on a person and I’m seeing it right here in these photos. This is all an apparency; they won’t always get the love, will they?
you’re just trying to make us all glad we’ve nothing to do with it all anymore, right? Success! Though I deluded myself as a follower for the better part of 4 decades, I’ve a small smug comfort that I never gave one thin dime to the stupid ideal org nonsense or any other donation scheme. Every. damn. day. I’m. glad. and I’m glad for hereandafter.
“You sound the way I feel too –’m.glad.and I’m glad for hereandafter.”
I think it fits into the category of rhetoric. At ESMB they are having a discussion of rhetoric and elron’s interest in it.
rhetoric – 6. the art of making persuasive speeches: oratory 7. (in classical oratory) the art of influencing the thought and conduct of an audience
It can get pretty deep. The above quote I think would just leave you with a foggy mind, thinking you undersood something which was a nothing, and yet still create greater loyalty to the group.
This was a reply to Mephisto below 🙂
I prefer the vernacular and call it bullshit.
Hi Mephisto – Laughter – I posted below before your comment showed up. I agree with your pithy one word summary! lol
The Kansas City picture has me puzzled. I’m a first generation ex-scio and that doesn’t look like any session I ever gave.
There is an extra e-meter looking thingy on the table, it looks like he’s writing on the table, there’s a book on table and it looks like a bottle cooler in the background.
I guess I blew too soon and missed some cool high tech stuff. (not)
If we win, you will win. (Can you be anymore vague?) The kids in school will grow up. (They will anyway) And we’ll have a world without criminality. (And David Miscavige will do all his auditor training)
Deliberately vague, I’m thinking. Was this random mumbling by a goofball or brilliant use of rhetoric to an unwary audience? I think the latter.
Once Elron trained himself in rhetoric it would come naturally to him. It appears throughout his writings. I think anyone could do it if they worked on it.
There is or was a cult called NLP – Neuro-linguistic Programming. It trains people, supposedly to their benefit, how to use hidden manipulative language to influence others. It also promises New Age “Transformation” – laughter
So, what are the Orgs doing with their CFs after they are “in order”?
FINALLY, I can look through Joe Smiths file and see that he bought a DMSMH in 1972, sent in a more info card in 1973, and paid for the Comm Course in 1975.
Now I can write him a letter and ask him how he liked the Comm Course.
Lol! Hahahaha! Touche.
I think one of the stupid reasons everyone has to do cfs is to try and get rid of all the s.p.s out of there so they won’t get mail they can post and make fun of it.also renee duke [deceased] had 2 0r 3 sons. The youngest married karen black [deceased ] and i believe one isstill on staff or in the s.o. too bad. I liked renee.
Her son Riggs (a business exec ) married a niece of Bob Hope. She is now deceased. Stephen was married to Karen
“1. Who are your favorite Scientology entertainers?” The Aristocrats.
“2. What type of music do you like best?” Nine Inch Nails. I think “Head Like A Hole” perfectly encapsulates the Scientology experience.
“3. What type of music do you enjoy the least?” Anything by Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke, the Jive Asses, AKNE, Stacy Francis…sensing a theme here?
“4. Anything else you’d like to originate?” Yeah, but when that happens, Mike generally shit-cans my response.
(Sorry, but I’ve been busy as heck today, so no time for a full breakdown. But this one deserves a response.)
Hey Mike,
Thanks for posting a photo of my son. He turned up on the Renee Mckinstry flyer, fourth photo on the right above her photo. Nice to run into my kids now and then!
You’re most welcome. 🙂
@newcomer: After you posted that comment, I scrolled up and looked at the flyer. Good looking kid.
Anyway, now, for some reason, every time I click on a comment in the comment feed from this post, instead of taking me to the comment, the computer takes me to the photo of your son. I don’t really have a problem with that. It reminds me why we keep blogs like this going. Just an interesting phenomenon. My computer thinks a photo of your son is more important than anything else I have to read today. If looking at his photo will make him one step closer to you, then I agree.
First the URL’s got combined above, here they are:
Casewatch Decision:
And the Neurologic Relief Centers site:
Thanks Xenus lad and JP. Appreciated! Googling was fun today.
Valerie – Holcomb didn’t state that, his guru Paul Whitcomb did.
But Holcomb uses Whitcomb’s method: Neuroligic Relief Centers Technique™ (hah, wonder if it is actually trademarked?!?) And in the brief info I could find on it.. it sounds like touch assists.
And as NRC is the brainchild of.. David Singer (of David Singer Enterprises infamy)… I am sure there is unWISE Scientology all over him.
If you want to (not) chuckle, they have written and video testamonials at the NRC site that are unepically scientological.
Oh, Quinn, really? “Us can get this done…”
Yeah, us! Body thetans need to be counted too..Sheesh……
What… by an earth calculator? Get outa here!
Laughter – Artificial Intelligence not yet available
The “youngest most epic crew on the planet”, London org, is mugging it up as best they know how to approximate what they think enthusiasm looks like. No doubt they’re being coached by an adult who is equally mystified by the concept. Hubbard described a slap-happy state he called, “glee” that typically befalls over-worked, sleep-deprived people. These kids are obviously slap-happy. I hope they are anyway because otherwise they look like sadistic pranksters itching for a bit of the old, ‘ultraviolence’. In other words they look downright scary.
I wonder if the Children’s Television Workshop people know that Elmo is being used to pimp Scientology?
CF always blows my mind, but I guess when you have free labor, anything to keep them busy and feel valuable is important. The thing that blows my mind is the busywork that is touted as the CF project. Imagine ANY other business in the world using filing as an excuse for not moving forward.
The CF project, if I read things correctly, consists of:
1. Taking all the items out of a folder and putting them in chronological order. (3-20 minutes depending on the size of the folder).
2. Inserting them in the shiny new folder. (1-3 minutes depending on how elaborate the label is).
3. Inserting a pre-filled out Grade Chart (whatever that means) and the Materials Chart Guide into the folders. (1 minute if you have the materials properly organized and at hand).
This means that each folder, contrary to LRH policy “only handle a piece of paper once” could take 5-30 minutes to get in order. What a colossal waste of time for something that will more than likely never be touched again.
Here are some of pertinent questions:
1. How did the papers in a file get out of chronological order in the first place? I always put my paperwork in the file in chronological order as I’m filing it. To quote my dad “if you don’t have time to do it right the first time, when will you have time to do it again?”
2. Are these new folders so special that every. single. person.. most of whom REALLY REALLY don’t care about scientology and haven’t for sometimes over 30 years need to be put in a shiny new folder? Wouldn’t it make more sense to do as sane people do and archive old folders, bringing them up to date IF that someone ever contacts scientology again?
3. Has no one in that organization ever heard of a scanner (rhetorical question obviously, they still have telexex)? We have all our files scanned in. When we complete a job for a client, we hand them their paper file. We have copies of all their documents anyway, no need to keep the paper.
4. All of those questions aside, since there will be no one coming in the building after it opens, why not save the entire project for the one bored person sitting behind the reception desk to do in his spare time after the building opens?
I was in Athens not too long ago and saw no news report or any advertising or building for Scientology. I did a quick internet search and found that Scientology had been in Greece and had been summarily thrown out. Here’s the link:
So I guess my question is What? Really?
Do everyone a favor take the cf outside and burn them all. Everybody wins, you dont have to sort them, staff dont need to call and send unwanted crap. Ex members and lowflying members dont get pestered.
True, but think of all of the postal workers that could lose their jobs not sorting and delivering that BS not counting the amount of money the USPS would lose. I also need those worthless flyers to start my barbeque.
If you burned the CF, they would have a collective heart attack.
And nothing of value… o wait. 😛
How the hell did Michael Chan get 1 million dollars? He couldn’t raise that amount by being super reg for 20 years!
CF always gives me a chuckle. It’s the only thing they can do together with minimal reg attraction (it does serve as a handy ethic’s formula activity though). However, it does locate them at the Org & that is not a safe or fun place, no matter how many smiley faces they are coerced to do for the camera. CF is also bodies in the shop and somewhere to corral the destitute, cannon fodder if you please.
Anything to do with being in the academy is completely mindless and a big mistake. The fear of completing anything in Scientology is bad enough but it grows stronger and stronger anywhere near the end of a checksheet. To complete anything in Scientology is a personal disaster. You attract the attention of the whole line up of blood suckers on the routing forms. Mmmm, what’s that phenomena say about the inability to complete a cycle of action?
In the HGC… well… Sec Check City is a more apt term. Everything you say in session is monitored within an inch of your financial life and it’s Davey boy’s hotline to find dissension within the ranks of the more able, for who can afford to be in a HGC anyway? Let alone the fact there isn’t one auditor in Scientology who has any integrity or consideration concerning the sanctity of that now illegal & disregarded term, Priest Penitent. All CSs are technically criminal as well, let alone their low life masters.
Overall, every aspect of the Scientology organisation is a stressful disaster. Yeah, CF gives the illusion it is the safest of all the places in that dangerous environment known as the Church of Scientology.
Nothing good comes from being a member of the Cof$. And they have to stats to prove it!
In regards to Rene from AOLA you may have her confused with the other Rene- Rene Duke was Chief Off for many years years and is Nicole Sims sister. The Rene referenced here was a Div 6 Reg for years and was also the Field Control Sec. She sure has aged from the photo.
Mreppen, you have confused Rene Duke (deceased NSO auditor/CS) with Rene Duszak (wife of Bruce Duszak, AOLA Chief Off) and former SUPERCARGO of AOLA. She later became Chief Off at CCI.
You are correct. I was mixing up Rene McKinstry with Rene Duszak…
Yes Rene Dusak is whom I meant to say.
Renew Duszak was my ED when I was on staff at CCNashville. She was very sweet.
Do you know what happened to Rene Duke’s son? I forget his name but I worked with him making some video back in the early 80s. I thought he was a good guy at the time.
I got chills when I read Quinn’s line that he only purpose of the SO and staff and etc is to follow and act on Command Intention. David Miscavige made up that term, “command intention” and now I can see that it trumps even LRH’s intention and any HCOB or PL that LRH wrote. DM has supplanted himself as the commander in chief and his intention is all. I got chills and goose bumps at the evil robotic and brain washed state that DM has achieved with the SO, and especially in Quinton’s mind and behavior. Scary.
It’s really CI Cindy!
NO Cindy. El Con made the term Command Intention. El said it was the SO’s job to follow and act on it.
DM IS following El Cons instructions in that regard. And, MANY others too.
“Dr. Tim Holcomb” is a DC, which is NOT a medical doctor (MD or DO in the USA), but rather a “Doctor of Chiropractic”.
And he’s running a “Neurologic Relief Center” which is repacked idea from David Singer / Paul Whitcomb from the Fibromyalgia Relief Center that was shut down in 2009 after Whitcomb’s chiropractic license was revoked for 2 years for unethical treatment of his patients (including claiming a 95% success rate in curing fibromyalgia in patients.)
From that linked descision: “The factors that militate against granting a probationary license are the breadth of respondent’s [Whitcomb] failures to abide by the standard of care, his hubris and zealotry, his inability to recognize that he has harmed patients and his contempt for these patients, his inability to recognize that his treatments have the potential to harm other patients and his inability to recognize the importance of routine responsibilities; such as appropriate charting. Essentially, respondent has indicated repeatedly, by word and conduct, that he has discovered a cure for fibromyalgia and that nothing should stand in the way of his disseminating information about this cure and profiting from his discoveries.” (bold is mine as are brackets)
He literally claims he has the CURE, without a single scientific/medical study to back his claims (geee…. why does that ring a bell… wasn’t there someone else who made unfounded medical claims that they alone have the cure for… ahh never mind)
So… yeah. I am sure “Dr. Tim Holcomb” got a ton out of scientology and their lovely student hat
There seems to be a maxim.If it is a scamentologist there has to be a con involved.Dig and find the con.
I had looked him up Tim Holcomb to and it just looked like some natural doctor and I gave up disappointed.
Thanks for digging deeper and finding the con.
Nice job of digging up the trail of sleaze behind “Dr.” Tim Holcomb. I’m someone who spends a good chunk of the work day trying to assess sleaze and deception from people trying to get us to invest money in their companies, and I think you did a great job on this one!
It appears as though Dr. Holcomb did get a lot out of scientology. He learned how to use fake statistics. Fibromyalgia Relief Center claims sound a lot like narCONon claims to me.
“Spend more time with the child” may be the least followed Tubbard advice, ever.
Wow! Ted Bragen and Michael Roberts in Dallas to tell us about the MAJOR turn of events.I wonder what that might be: that the Cult stats are not quite straight up and vertical. Maybe they figured out that the arrow needs to be on the bottom of that line. You tell em Ted.
Yo Teddy,
I suppose the most major change for you is getting off the rust bucket for a few days. Loosen the leash and take a breath. It must feel good to step out for a few minutes.
And Michael, I cannot believe after all these years that you continue to do the same thing and expect different results. Once a pimp, always a pimp. And you are hanging with one of the largest short pimps in the world; except I think Teddy is a scosh taller than Mr. four feet thirteen.
All of this reminds me of a meeting I had with Ed Parkin, Teddy Bragen and several other cohorts in crime back in 2008 at the HGB in Hollywood. I was swigging the good drink and thinking that Command Intention really wanted to construct quality energy efficient buildings and being in that line of work was going to ‘help out’ with the Idle Morgues..
So while I was talking with Ed, Teddy and five other pimps (one was dressed in all black to simulate RTC) were hammering on my wife to do a major donation. I was done with my meeting but they kept the wife locked is a secure area for 8 hours hammering away on her. I was told she was in a briefing! I guess she was. Anyway, she was deathly I’ll for weeks following that briefing. I was told no donation was made. Silly me.
A year later the 4×4 was delivered upside my head when the credit card companies came calling. That was after Paul Miller, another fat pimp at Flog, got done with her. Talk about an Ah Ha Moment. I remember looking in the mirror and commenting : ‘You really are a stupid fuck! Are you gonna keep on with this?’
I sent an email to Flog. Told them I was done. It took them five years to declare me. Memory lane. Life is totally different now!
Hi Newcomer, Thank you for your comment.Life is totally different now and so so much brighter!XO
So nice seeing how you live now. Couldn’t be happier for you. One day your kids may even show up at the door. In the meantime…keep on keeping on with your super new life on the OUTSIDE.
Regarding the Freewinds “entertainment survey”:
#4 Anything else you’d like to originate?
Christ. Can’t they just speak in plain English?
Mike – LOL at the license plate pic!
4foot13 is great vanity license plate.
Probably many more for David Miscavige.
In seeing the flyers every week, it reminds me of the times I visited different orgs and observed “picture time” where everyone intended for the picture seemed normal and then right before the picture was taken, suddenly they were at the top of the tone scale. Picture was snapped, then as fast as they went up, they went back down and returned to what they were doing before the pic. Totally staged! When I was “in” and would get these flyers I would think they were having so much fun. That is their strategy. Where is that scheme on the tone scale??? Hhhhmmmmm……
Hi Jennifer, Good to meet you.Thank you,a very informative comment.XO
The picture time pictures remind me of the photo ops of Hugh Heffner and the playboy bunnies in Disneyland.
Interesting detail re Tim Holcomb completing the Student Hat in Dallas: he appears to be a chiropractor from a small town halfway between Houston and Corpus Christi. It’s a 5 hour drive to Dallas from his home. That’s gotta be a struggle to get there for all those sessions, even if Golden Age of Dreck II means that you can do Student Hat in “checksheet time” and not with 27 intensives at $12,000 each…
Or maybe he did it through the Internet “extension” offerings that they have, and enabled the Dallas Ideal Org to claim a stat from someone who never actually walked in the door. Does anybody know anything about those remote courses and whether they count as stats for the orgs that people are affiliated with?
Holcomb is not getting services from the mission in relatively nearby Houston, which one would think could offer the Student Hat course. They’re making him go to Dallas. Incidentally, Houston is the 4th largest city in the US (population of city only, not the entire metro area, which is 10th largest). Pretty staggering that they only have a mission and not even an announced plan for an Ideal Org.
In reading the funnies today It struck me just how pathetic Scientology looks in comparison to when the early 80s when the emphasis was on making auditors and auditing people to improve the quality of their lives. The Cherch is now the AMWAY of quasi spiritual self help groups. Where is AMWAY today. Not much of it left.
Not much of Scientology left except a bunch of empty buildings and a deserted street called L Ron Hubbard way.
BKmole – Looks the same to me except there are less suckers now, a different set of lies being forwarded to suck money from people; rather than lying about becoming super-human or training people to produce super-humans it is about some other lie.
Mike, It was different. The full effect of donating money with no return had not kicked in yet. The scam was less transparent then and there was a semblance of people helping people then. And yes more members. I’m not pining for the good old days. They were bad. And less easy to see the lies and trickery.
Not really BK. Since the “tek” never did “werk”, it WAS donating with no return. At least now you don’t have to waste your time being hypnotized or training to hypnotize, So, in effect, one is better off donating for no return AND no time sucked afterwards.
Hi BKMole, The only stuff left are piles of cash and gold hidden in some vault.The ones still in keep on parroting whatever will keep the cult afloat.I almost forgot the empty ideal orgs.Echoing away!xo
Mike – please consider getting a wordpress plugin that allows us to go in later and edit our comments. I’m not quite so bad as Quinn here, but my grade school English teachers would not be proud.
(By the way, you missed about a half dozen Quinn-errors. I figure your computer must have ran out of highlighter?)
I often use a word processor to generate the initial text and then use the copy function and paste directly to the box here. Granted I still make mistakes but it works for the time being. I do a lot of things for the Time Being but he doesn’t seem to appreciate it.
Not a lot of time to comment, but that telltale line on the right side of Quinn’s email where you have the typo “to carry our” highlighted means a lot to me. It means that this document has been edited by more than one person and changes have been made in the document. There is a command you have to make from the menu to get rid of the line in the margin after the edits are done. This line shows the reader what has been changed and has to be removed by “accepting all changes”.
Not only was that line read by more than one person, it was changed by someone and yet not only did the the typo get through, but also evidence that “independent thought” is not allowed even by the mighty Quinn. Someone reads his mails before he sends them.
And Quinn needs to pop another Quaalude if he thinks the end of September will finish the Valley.
Yo Quinn,
,You pick the month, we will pick the year! And get a clue good buddy, it won’t be 2016 for you.
The Vast Valley field looks like a crop of strawberries in Death Valley. Even if there are a few green shoots there is no fruit on the vines left to pick.
I think that may be Dan Woodruff in the chair in the AO/KC flier.
Renee has been a reg a lot. I did not know she had ever been the Chief Off – but I have been gone for a while, so I might just not know about her Chief Officerness.
I want to mention that there’s some good fortune in being a tours reg from PAC; mainly, that you get OUT of PAC, for a while.
I have heard that general staff can’t even take a break from the meal routine by going over to Wendy’s or L.A. Rose’s anymore – or anywhere else, without being stopped by security. Perhaps someone else can verify this – I am told that a staff member can not go further than to take a walk around the ASHO/LA Org block or the AO block!
So, Renee and the tour personnel get out of that constraint for a while.
I got to be a tours reg for several years for ASHO and for FOLO West. I can’t tell you what a relief in can be just to get OUT for some time. The pressure is still ridiculous, but it is not constant. There isn’t ALWAYS a product officer nearby, listening to your interviews as there is when you are behind a desk at PAC. There’s only the occasional phone call from your frustrated seniors, and they’re often trying to keep you cool as they know they’re not going to get much money collected from a reg who’s in resentment.
I am thinking that there must be some beached whales in KC, or there’d be no tour. KC was always a tiny org, and this is the first I have heard anything of it since I left in ’04. I am thinking that there’s one or two whales there that justified the tour, and this promo was sent out as well to see if there might be a few more prospects they can scare up and get to the AO.
(Notice how the AO blatantly promotes that they are delivering the same lower org services as their host org??? Flag was the first to do it, and AO and ASHO regges would mutter to themselves “that doesn’t seem right!”, then LA Day got into it [they justified it as they were the “continental org”] and then, finally AO and ASHO shed their scruples and did the same as they saw the money being made. It’s another example of the contrariness of the Old Man’s policies and programs: there are plenty of instructions that the higher orgs should help establish their lower counterparts, but there are one or two programs where it is sanctioned for a higher org to just go in and get the lower orgs’ public. The latter idea makes money now, the former reasoning would establish stronger lower orgs more capable of bringing in more people and more money, but at a later time. No one really thinks in further future than the end of the week in any org, so the “go and get it NOW” policy wins out.)
Urgent telex to London Org. Stop. Boarding first available flight to London. Stop. Got room for one more homie? Stop.
I lied. One more.
To the musical director of the freewinds.
Regarding if there was anything else I’d like to communicate.
Yeah, GFY.
Musical director of the freewinds. Isn’t that like orchestra director to the dance band on the Titanic these days?
It sure as hell is going to be. Iceberg ahead Davey boy.
Although the icebergs were a bitch there’s no blue asbestos.
LOL! Tampa couldn’t even find a natural blond for their poster. Always a bit of a lie with scamology. No matter what is said or done
Hey Quinn,
Sorry I can’t make the Tuesday epic meeting for Humanitarians. Am forwarding a blank check because your letter really convinced me that this is the most important project the universe has ever seen.
OK I’m done. Have a great day everybody.
Four foot thirteen inches? I was thinking of having a bad guy fly around in an aircraft registered as N325DM.
Re: “… if Pasadena Ideal org is only TARGETED to sell 100 books, it tells you the sort of expectations there are.”
It looks like the “Global Dissemination Book-A-Thon,” sponsored by the Pasadena Ideal Org, will be releasing a new book by the still-dead L. Ron Hubbard: Fundamentals of Though.
Wanted everyone to know that the planning and designs are completed for me to become THE ALL KNOWING BEING IN THE UNIVERSE. Just need a million or so. Please go to my gofundme page and donate everything you have.
That is all.
I love you Tampa Staff Girl! Forget the 2 1/2 and 5 year contracts, I want to be with you for Eternity. Have the contract ready, I’ll be the first one in line.
BTW I picked up a copy of the Cliff Notes on Scientology yesterday. Here’s an excerpt:
“Extremely dangerous cult led by a sadistic, narcissistic psychopath.”
@harvey, It’s funny, men look at a woman and say “I love her” women look at the same woman and say “she dies her hair” “her boobs are fake”. The response from men to both of those comments, BTW is “so?”
Valerie are you implying she had The Boobie Rundown?
Going to the gym now to lose 50 lbs before I meet my intended.