Bea Upastat
Oh, what fun. Could not think of anything I would rather do on a Sunday.
This poor woman needs “hundreds of helpers” — wonder when someone is going to break it to her that they don’t exist?
Another example of scientology administrative tech in action. There is no org anywhere, ever in history that has not had backlogged filing. Nobody has EVER contemplated that maybe there is something WRONG with the system…
Thinking Big
Now this is an “ideal” org experiencing massive expansion. But they are overwhelmed labeling 9000 WTH booklets? Seriously, 9000? They are assumed to have 200 staff and 400 Academy students between Day and Fdn. That would be 15 booklets each….
Is it possible that this magnificent “ideal org” is not in fact anything other than an empty building?
Hall of Shame
Just for the record, here is the latest WUS Dupes List.
And in case anyone missed it, the top of the list is Nancy CARTWRIGHT/Bart Simpson.
The names in blue are the latest additions, though like completions in scientology mags, there is no telling how many months this covers.
Guarantee your infinity of future event
Say what?
Well, if all I have to do is attend the event, I can save myself a shitload of money….
Gavin Potter is a genius
Hear him tell you so himself.
Desperate much?
And the following weekend there is ANOTHER Freewinds “seminar” from the honcho sent to “get the product” because the Genius is just not cutting the mustard and the Freewinds remains empty.
We Are The CCHR
Somehow the IAS has completely absorbed CCHR. Though they don’t do any work. Unless you call blood sucking work. Michael D. Roberts, 25 years of living high on the backs of the fools that turn over their hard earned cash to the IAS.
Shermanspeak Alert
The sherminator is going to be unleashed for his annual hype-fest of foolishness about the life of L. Ron Hubbard. Wonder if he is going to mention Sara Northrup this year? Or Polly? Or even Mary Sue? Katie? Nibs? Alexis? Quentin? Arthur? Suzette?
Just love the positioning too “celebrating source in the age of ideal” — like the “age of ideal” has something to do with “source.”
But the real treat is going to be the “milestone advances” in this “epic era of expansion” — they are always a lot of light-hearted fun. I cannot recall the last non-milestone in scientology. Or when it has not been an “epic era” of monumentalism.
Streamlined OTC Org Board
This is worth shouting about. The admin bearcats are at it again. In scientology, there is always a new “why” — and its never “we doing shitty things and should involve ourselves in something more worthwhile than taking people’s money and breaking up families.”
The Valentine’s Day massacre
Even Valentine’s Day isn’t spared.
Literally, ANY excuse to take your money is OK. Come and have your blood drained on Valentine’s Day and bring along your sweetie to join in the fun too…
Square Feet Of Feet In Mouth
Really. It has come to this? Square feet of “spiritual freedom”?
Of course, it is truthfully what Miscavige preaches at every event and to anyone anywhere who will listen. The more square feet of renovated buildings we have, the greater the spiritual freedom we are bringing the world. It’s completely insane, but he says it with a straight face and the sheeple lap it up….
Captains Banquet
Exquisite food? A “bit” of an overstatement perhaps? The “menu” is a nice touch, but chicken in a mushroomy sauce and lasagna? Interesting tactics to try and get anyone to show up….
And “live” entertainment (assuming the rest of the event is pretty lifeless…)
ANd, oh yes, the “Captain” is going to tell you “personally” how you need to give money because now we are going to make “St Hill” “ideal” (or in layman’s terms, time to replace the carpets and repaint the walls, so let’s replace EVERYTHING with the most expensive stuff we can find, because hell, why not, we will get some suckers to pay for it and we don’t include amortization in our financial planning….)
I know this is old news. But the irony is astonishing.
Give us YOUR money and we will place ads in the media to convince YOU that everything is great so you keep giving us money.
Charles Ponzi — you have been owned.
The IAS funded Scientology – The Age of Answers video will play at half time during the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The next day on Monday following the Super Bowl in USA TODAY – full-page ad –
The Age of Answers – ensure you buy the paper!!!!
Also, on YOUTUBE – on Monday we will be on the front page for 24 hours straight!!!! People can watch The Age of Answers video, do OCA test or any of the on-line free courses!!!!!!
Thank you for all your donations to the IAS – keep them coming, we are changing the world together!!!!
Kathy Feshbach
Santa Barbara is booming busting
Part of the “WUS Juggernaut” of “ideal orgs,” these shots were taken this week.
This is indicative of the number of people walking past the front door:
This is indicative of how many come inside — the unmanned Reception Desk:
And how many make it to an Intro Lecture:
That Super Bowl ad sure pulled in the masses…
Get em while they are young and impressionable
On August 1 – 15, we have a very special delivery of the Competence and Leadership Program tailored especially for young adults. If you have children who want to do this program or you yourself are a young adult that wants to do this program, this is your opportunity. Scroll down for more information.Please answer the following by marking with an [x]:[ ] YES! I want to enroll on this special Competence and Leadership Youth Program. [ ] YES! I want to send my child/children to do this program. [ ] I would like more information. |
DO THE SPECIAL ESPECIALLY TAILORED FOR YOUNG ADULTS 1 – 15 August 2015 “Above case gain is competence.” |
This special delivery of the Competence and Leadership Course is especially tailored for young adults from ages 13–17 to help you achieve your goals more easily in life. | |
WHAT YOU CAN GAIN FROM THE COMPETENCE AND LEADERSHIP COURSECOMPETENCE “When a person is competent, nothing can shake his pride. The world can yell. But it doesn’t shake him.” – LRH. Gain a higher level of competence and become unshakable.TARGET ATTAINMENT Learn how to set and achieve targets both small and large. This is an OT ability to help you reach entirely new levels of production, get up the Bridge to OT and achieve your goals. |
TEAMWORK Life is a cooperative endeavour. Learn how to build, work with and operate within a team. Save time and effort and boost production out the roof.CONFRONT Confront is the ability “to face without flinching or avoiding.” Raise your confront to new levels and handle whatever comes your way.TOUGHNESS How much are you really capable of confronting and handling? Increase your toughness, perseverance, determination and drive exponentially on this course. |
Regraded Being
MonkeyChuff says
What I would be interested in knowing is this:
Do the public get to hear any of this ‘vital’ news or briefings, that are constantly trumpeted, outside of events? Do they get to hear some of it in emails or letters that are just not amusing or interesting enough to post here?
I’d love to know what one of these briefings entails (briefings sound SO religious… not). Are there any recently-blowns that can point to a real briefing they went to and describe what was said? And just how ‘vital’ was this information?
What on earth does Gavin Potter fill a briefing with every few weeks? It’s not like the organisation can have tons of new information – it’s not active worldwide, there’s no new courses or source information, it’s supposedly about a personal journey of becoming more able.
Hallie Jane says
The “square feet of spiritual freedom” has to get the bozo award today. That’s right up there with donating to the ias makes case gain. Ias donos and building donos have officially replaced the actual bridge. These very phony events have become the product of Scn. They really do come across very insincere, pretending to care about the 2D, pretending that posh food is normal, pretending to have secrets about prosperity, pretending that you can become a genius by emulating someone else. What could be more phony than learning about geniuses so you can act in a way that’s not normal for you? If prosperity were so easily attainable well just publish the data. I just read insincerity, fakery and phoniness in everything they put out. What a waste of time.
Michael Mallen says
Kathy Feshbach’s total exclam count = 34
Age of Answers video = 16
Age of Answers full page ad = 4
YouTube front page = 4
OCA test for online free courses = 6
We are changing the world together = 4
Looks like the video has much greater importance than the courses, which makes sense in that it aligns with command intention which translates as “do what Dave says or there’ll be hell to pay.”
I just figured out that the exclamation marks must represent straight up and vertical expansion, but sad to say, she’s off by 13.
And finally her valediction:
Ml, (Mission Impossible?)
edge says
I find it hard to believe that no one that works in those orgs has ever said that the whole CF thing is outmoded and an obsolete way of doing things. I’d like to think someone has expressed that thought, but were quickly told it was unalterable, ironclad LRH policy that they keep paper records of every little thing in a folder and filing cabinet. It is so obviously inefficient.
As for the Competency and Leadership Youth Course, I can easily imagine the conception meeting for that:
“Captain, no one’s signing up to come aboard and scrub the ship for us!”
“Go after the kids!”
Gimpy says
I used to say it a lot when ever I was asked to “volunteer” for CF duty, I was always shown the lrh policy on central files. We had people on file who had bought a book in 1980 then had never been heard from again.
Even back when I was still in I used to wonder what was up with these people that they couldn’t apply a bit of common sense to the cf issue and ditch files which very obviously were of no relevance today – would have reduced their backlog by about 99% I think.
When contacting people the org silently ignored the cf policy by coming up with a separate file of people who were known to be still around, thus cutting their mailing costs by a huge amount, I’m pretty sure they would get into serious trouble for this policy violation.
TooDangerous says
Is this thing on? 🙂
MonkeyChuff says
Lovely delicious deserts, apparently.
Michael Mallen says
The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.
The end justifies the means.
Zephyr says
This Henry Breuer……
I shudder just looking at him…..very glad there is a huge distance between us…..
Zephyr says
Almost spilled my breakfast on the keyboard…..
Can I please have my blood drained by you on Valentine’s Day?
On the 14th February Valentine’s Day at the FH Ball Room there is a “Silent Auction of Luxury Items”?
Hum…does it means they ran of adjectives such as epic, monumental, infinite future, never before in history, and so on? Go wonder.
zemooo says
Is a ‘streamlined Org Board’ shorthand for nobody else showed up? I can how such a ‘streamlined Org Board’ would be of value to all those OT Committee members. Streamlining does cut down on wind resistance and allow the runner to get away much faster.
Michael Mallen says
Yes, but it might help with all the hot air emanating from their posterior orifices.
DollarMorgue says
Make a balloon and fly away to Wonderland 🙂
Michael Mallen says
Yes, and the Div 6 Fart displays should help too.
Monica says
Michael Malken, you are one funny dude!
Michael Mallen says
Thanks Monica.
Aquamarine says
And, how I would love, love, love to attend Gavin Potter’s seminar on how to operate as a genius. I mean, there is so much to J&D here that its like, “Where do I begin?”, you know? I think my first question would be to Gavin himself, asking if, in his opinion, HE operates in any way as a genius. If someone operates in some fashion AS a genius, then it would follow that he or she would BE a genius along that particular line, so Gavin, are you a genius, babe? You are? Great! Lets see your stats!
DollarMorgue says
It’ll probably boil down to redefining ordinary traits to show that you are, indeed, a genius, as is everyone in the room, and you just needed to grant yourself the beingness and you’re on your way to being a genius in your particular field.
Potter will start out with a definition.
genius, def. 1 (Collins): a person with exceptional ability, esp of a highly original kind.
Then he’ll point out that Hubbard was a genius and you’ll know immediately that you can never be more than an ordinary genius, after which you will happily agree that you at least exhibit varying degrees of the 24 characteristics.
Then you will be love-bombed.
Then you will be milked.
Michael Mallen says
Then you will be fleeced and as the coup de grâce you will be deceased.
John Doe says
I believe this 25 characteristics of a genius seminar is based, at its source, an article in the National Enquirer. I am not making that up.
Michael Mallen says
Cooper Kessel says
Unfortunately for Gavin he overlooked the fact that true Genius is contained it one simple observable act;
One has woken up and given a gesture to the cult which is made with a single middle finger on one hand.
Yo Gavin,
Can you see the gesture? Squint real hard good buddy and you will see the words in small print on the fingernail ….. ‘ UP YOURS! ‘
Michael Mallen says
So Cooper, what I’m getting from your comment here is that you’re not about to be regged by him, correctamundo?
DollarMorgue says
Regraded Being: next up, selling MLK and Mother Teresa statuses… although Mother Teresa does sound a bit too saintly…
The real humour in Thursday funnies is found in Mike’s revealing comments, Regraded Being’s delightfully real comics and everyone’s witty and funny contributions. All this has an added bonus: I’ve read more church e-mails and promo out than I ever did in (well, except all those magic fairy stories in Advance!, I liked those).
Thanks, Mike and RB and everyone for putting the fun back into Thursday 😀
Michael Mallen says
Ah yes, those wonderful staff briefings I’m missing. Oh well, some sacrifices have to be made.
cindy says
“Charles Ponzi — you have been owned.”
Also remember, “Above case gain is competence” and “no case on post”? These catchy LRH phrases may be true, but also it can act as a service facsimile used when staff do not receive auditing and go decades without any personal movement on the Bridge. Saying these phrases makes the staff member RIGHT for not getting auditing and the staff member’s Senior RIGHT for not letting his juniors have auditing or study time.
LRH wanted staff to get trained and audited. That’s why he posted SSOs on the Org Board (Staff Section Officer whose job it is to see that the staff get auditing and training.) In one reference LRH says how important it is for auditors to get their own case handled and keep themselves in good shape case wise. So his intention was that staff get auditing etc. But yet, “no case on post” and “above case gain is competence” seems like a justifier as to why it is OK NOT to audit staff. Again, it is a contradiction of LRH’s intentions and what actually happens, and a contradiction of what he wrote in different policy letters.
peggy oconnor says
That poor kid in Santa Barbara Org looks so bored! And as for Seattle…….well that’s where 50 Shades of Grey started out so they really don’t want WTH booklets, they are already happy, happy, happy. Sadly, when I see WTH, I think, What the F____! My bad.
hgc10 says
“DRILL the LRH tech to spot and blow old postulates that could be cutting across your success & prosperity.”
“Scientology fucked you up? Try Scientology to fix it.”
TJ says
The “Regraded Being” comic strips are terrific! I look forward to seeing new ones. One suggestion, I usually view this site on a small electronic device, where the print for the dialogue can seem really tiny and hard to read, it would be nice to have it a bit bigger. Thanks for the Regraded Being comics, so to the point, so good. 🙂
TJ says
Do parents really just turn over their children for a 2 week “leadership training course” and pay close to $4000 without receiving a detailed outline of what they will learn, who their instructors will be and what qualifications those instructors have, what the housing situation and dietary plans are, a list of objectives and curriculum, etc.? I wouldn’t. I’d insist on doing a background check on the instructors, having an idea of who the other students are, and what my child’s daily activities will be. I’m surprised that anyone would just send their child off like that.
Natas Em says
People send their children to the sea org to sign billion year contracts
Sea Org members get abortions if the get pregnant.
You must get surprised a lot … lmao
Mark Foster says
It is, truly, an insane organization. Just…thunderstruck!
McCarran says
Gawd! I know! Me too! How can anyone buy the hype anymore. I am thunderstruck also.
You have to have needed a group and a leader that tells you how to live as part of your DNA to buy this s…t.
DollarMorgue says
Don’t you know some people are addicted to the rush of winning? They need to hear these promises and good news hyperbole.
I really think (no joke) that the reward pathway plays a major role in scientologists continuing to lap up the promo and defend against imagined hallucinatory enemies.
They are on a trip, and if you steal their crack they’ll go bezerk.
All these blogs are trying to get the patient to go cold turkey and get clean, and it’s a hard and messy business. It sounds hippie, but maybe we need to wish them love and compassion. It’s what every user needs.
David says
Is there a connection between the Scientology world and the multi-level marketing world? People in both groups seem to exhibit a lot of the same characteristics. Whenever I read these Scientology flyers they scream MLM to me.
Margaret says
That’s an insightful question, David. And the answer is yes, definitely. If you look at the events (and language) at the Monavie conventions (or a ton of others), you’d immediately see a ton of exact parallels. A cult by any other name is still a cult…
Hallie Jane says
It’s the duplicity showing or the hidden agenda. Genuine charities like the Carter Center or Amnesty International put out very sincere, informative promo and actually report on where the money is going. A novel idea!
deanblair06 says
I should do this but I most likely won’t. I live in Austin. No one at the Austin Org knows who I am. I could volunteer to write letters and then write a letter to everyone in CF warning them about Scientology and giving them links to your website. I bet I could write a hundred letters a day. LOL
McCarran says
Go for it Dean. You’d be doing your beautiful city a great service.
cindy says
What a great idea Dean. Go for it! May the force be with you!
Alex De Valera says
Go ahead!
Madora P says
Oh, Cosimo, please! Stop!!
Good Old Boy says
Thank-you Mike and regarded Being! Wow! I want the Status of ” I pinky swear, cross my heart and hope to die humanitarian.”
Its beyond belief how crazy Scientology has become.
Aquamarine says
So disgusting the way “Humanitarian” concept is now fused with Ideal Org and IAS fundraising. Ir really makes me furious, and these stupid still-in sheep don’t see it, apparently. Although, in fairness, if we could just get our mitts on them, the attendance stats for such events would tell us the sheeple’s mindset.
spirit says
For 40 years I have been seeing these CF projects to get files straightened out and backlogs handled. What the hell is the bug to make this a continuing problem in orgs?
Carcha says
Now you know why LRH wrote KSW the way he did.
Gimpy says
Two comments on this week’s Thursday funnies –
Regraded being – hilarious – the number of long term staff who have been so competely cut off from the real world that this really could happen. Also “riff raff” – brings back wonderful memories of that ridiculously overblown Mission earth series of books – we are all riff raff according to the lead character.
An observation on the ias cchr poster – interesting that they have chosen to highlight the attractive young girl in a short skirt, not the tough bald looking fellow just behind her, what message are they trying to get across here?
Timothy Hallinan says
“Canapees?” Wonder what the secret ingredient is.
Michael Mallen says
Rice and beans.
threefeetback says
Speaking of getting the job done: we all know that if Mike and ‘Marty’ were still on your team, and you demanded to see an advance copy of “Going Clear” prior to its release, they would have delivered the goods by now. YOU ARE SCREWED.
WhatWhenAllWho says
You know, I have actually thought that for quite awhile now – Mike and “Marty” spoiled the little man rotten making all his Napoleonic demands become a reality. It would seem his little mind can’t fathom WHY he’s not getting what he wants at this juncture. He seems left up to his own devices – and let’s face it: in the grand scheme of things, he’s terribly ineffectual.
Unless he screaming until his little face turns purple declaring people, making family members disconnect and of course, bastardizing every piece of tech he can get his hands on.
I don’t like him much today.
Roger From Switzerland Thought says
Valentins Day Celebration
Champagne Reception with Hor’s D’Oerve…..
What the hell is this ?
Do they mean:
Valentin’s Day Celebration
Champagne Reception with hors d’oeuvre
What’s about spellcheckers or dictionaries ?
At Flag, Mecca of technical perfection ?
Seems the guy is illiterate, or they, as many
people had to approve it.
Eileen says
Also, red gown required for women? Let me run upstairs and look through my gown collection!
Jumping Jack says
And it’s Valentine, not Valentin!
tony-b says
I can’t wait for the Valentines event! STOP PRESS – Inside Gossip!! I gather the horse works will be flown in freshly from Manoir St.Hill paddocks where they raise the white horses portrayed in the ads!!! Dave will be making a special public renewal of his wedding vows to keep Shelly locked up for another 10 years while at the same time it’s bigahim to renew his menage with Tom and his “communicator”!!!! Leah Rimini and partner will be the professional ballroom dancer entertainment!!!!! Mike’s spies are still trying to determine whether the full course meal will be either rice or beans but I suspect it will be a farty meal with freshly washed desert dug up that same day on the Clearwater beach!!!!!! The luxury items to be auctioned remain under lock and key in four of the empty course rooms and rumour has it they may be big humanitarian trophies handed back by defrocked bankrupts.
whostolemycog says
$cientology….love bombing for cash since 1950.
Idle Morgue says
Scientology – The Science of how to get rich using OPM. (Other People’s Money)
Scientology – The Science of Criminality Behind the Relgious Cloak since 1950)
Dan 351 says
Austin org has 4 people on the West US idle org honor roll. Two of them died in 2013. I knew them well.
The other 2 were on the honor roll in 2013. If this is the latest list, then it shows idle org fundraising has died in Austin.
tony-b says
Sorry Dan. We are just so far behind here with our filing. With so many thousands pouring in the doors after GATII we have been flooded with new people. I am personally multitasking by answering the switchboard here with one hand while printing golden rods and simultaneously sweeping the cobwebs off the ceiling with the other.
Michael Mallen says
Many are called and few are beholden.
Jumping Jack says
This IS Funny Friday!
Michael Mallen says
Lau: Rest assured, your money is safe.
The Joker: And I thought my jokes were bad.
The Dark Knight
civmar says
Oh, it would be worth it.
Richard Grant (@richardgrant) says
I don’t fault anybody for not being able to spell “hors d’oeuvres” off the top of their head.
And all things considered, “hor’s d’oerve” is not a terrible guess.
But for the love of God, if you’re inviting people to an upscale evening with champagne, a “full-course” dinner, live entertainment and *professional* ballroom dancing, which is much better than a bunch of amateurs clomping around in evening attire, could you not spend the FIVE SECONDS it takes to type your best guess into a search engine?
I guess at Flag, those five extra seconds are hard to come by.
DollarMorgue says
And these are the people who advocate word clearing as the panacea of education.
Michael Mallen says
“Yes, werd cleering iz esential!!!”
Official spokesperson for Werld Litracy
Robert Almblad says
these poor bastards probably don’t get to run a search engine because they don’t have access to internet where all sorts of evil lurks….
Michael Mallen says
Since they utilize the OCA, perhaps they could telex Oxford University to make sure everything is up to snuff.
Gus Cox says
Yeah, and apparently they’re having sand for, ahem, “desert.”
Jeee-zus, I remember learning the difference between desert and dessert in 2nd Grade or something. The teacher even gave us a handy little mnemonic for it, something along the lines of dessert having a second s because you can have a second helping. Nothing is more appealing to a 2nd Grader than a second helping of dessert, so I always remembered that.
And it looks like they’re having “canapees,” too. A canna peas? Canapés?
Kids in Scientology schools aren’t taught anything. I mean taught, actively, by a teacher. They never get a 2nd Grade teacher who knows how to teach kids little things like that. No, they have to try learning it themselves out of books. All they get is a fucking Applied Scholastics checksheet and a supervisor who often isn’t remotely qualified in basic subjects.
Because of Fatass’s phobia of verbal data, these kids can’t be taught how to work a math problem or handy ways to memorize spelling – it’s “what do your materials state?” The supervisor probably can’t work a simple algebra problem anyway. And, according to the Fatman, memorizing things is baaaad, too (unless of course it’s the Laws of Listing and Nulling).
Many subjects, especially math, need to be actively *taught.* That is, the students are *shown* and *coached.* Scientology kids are told to learn it from a book, or their “Data Sheets.”
In math – or any subject – a great teacher giving the Fatman’s dreaded verbal data and some choice mnemonic devices can make a world of difference in a student’s life.
“What do your materials state?” What a piece of shit excuse for an education. What a waste of a child’s school years.
Sorry for the rant, I guess that just set me off.
Hallie Jane says
+1 Good rant Gus. Try to get a six year old who can’t read yet to do a check sheet. Good luck. The kids get incredibly bored also, it’s such a lazy way to educate. I’ve met people in public schools who are passionate about education and chose it because they love it. That’s who I want teaching my kid, not someone who’s doing it because they are afraid of sp’s. Don’t get me started!
Oluckyme says
Gus Cox, your comment is so valid! I never thought of it this way before. I’m so glad I saw it.
I was once thinking of home schooling a bunch of kids as a living. I threw the idea out of the window because it’d mean being tied in with APS and I certainly didn’t want to have that connection for obvious reasons.
But you’ve given me real food for thought. You are so right. To keep referring a child to his materials is a sign of incompetence, in this case. And must be soul destroying for the child. Apart from the child not having the help he needs, what is that type of attitude and example showing him in other ways? Don’t ask for my help, stupid? Don’t need my help, stupid? To just shirk genuine requests for assistance in this callous way?
Well, that’s cured me. Thanks!
statpush says
Backlog filing of CF – Hubbard’s superior admin system is a paper factory. Think about it, divs, departments and sections generate sooo much paper particles there are dedicated full-time posts just to do the filing. And even then they need hundreds of volunteers to handle the backlog. Geez, time to rethink that one.
Guarantee your infinity of future – all this time I thought it was “future of infinity” 🙂
Streamlined OTC Org Board – still flogging that dead horse. Here’s a novel idea – screw the org board, you don’t need it.
Competence and Leadership Program – “If you have children who want to do this program…” Man, if my kid told me he actually wanted to do something like this, I’d run out and buy him a new XBox
1subgenius says
Mike, you bitter defrocked apostate you, I always wanted to ask: Is there a special de-frocking ceremony?
And what do they do with all those frocks? I need one. I am frockless.
Michael Mallen says
Too frocking bad.
McCarran says
Jumping Jack says
It’s Friday and on Fridays I’m always in a very good mood.
It’s time for laughs and you’ve helped me laugh, you, 1subgenius, and Mike Mallen! Thanks for that.
No seriousness should be allowed on Fridays!
statpush says
Backlog filing of CF – Hubbard’s superior admin system is a paper factory. Think about it, divs, departments and sections generate sooo much paper particles there are dedicated full-time posts just to do the filing. And even then they need hundreds of volunteers to handle the backlog. Geez, time to rethink that one.
Guarantee your infinity of future – all this time I thought it was “future of infinity” 🙂
Streamlined OTC Org Board – still flogging that dead horse. Here’s a novel idea – screw the org board, you don’t need it.
Competence and Leadership Program – “If you have children who want to do this program…” Man, if my kid told me he actually wanted to do something like this, I’d run out and buy him a new XBox.
non-scientologist says
What are they filing? Since I’ve never been in, I can’t imagine what sort of paperwork could be clogging their system. Why can the person who generates a report file the report?
DollarMorgue says
Every letter ever written to a person, a copy of every receipt for every book or course they have ever bought, a chart showing the person’s progress up “the bridge”, any communication written by the person to the org (it did happen, once), notes made during any phone call. Central files (customer relationship management) is not to be confused with PC folders (therapy notes and instructions for the therapist on what approaches to use) or ethics files (written confessions, amends projects, commendations knowledge reports by you on others or others on you).
Besides the fact there are just too many pieces of paper for today’s kind of operations, I think one of the biggest problems may be one of routing. A “particle” (record/document) has to be routed to different “terminals” (positions). For instance, you buy a course and get the receipt. A copy of the receipt goes to treasury showing it has been paid, and it gets filed there. Another copy goes to your CF (CRM) file, so that theoretically, any person contacting you at a later date will always know where you are on the bridge or with your studies. They will then be able to talk to you at your reality level. It would be silly to ask someone how they are doing on the purif when they are currently on OTVII. Oh, wait…
Anyway, CF must be the most unloved post in any org. It always escalates until it requires an “all hands” where everyone, in this case even parishioners, join in to clean it up. It never works, except as occupational therapy and getting people in so you can squeeze a captive audience for money or to sign a staff contract.
Thank god they are so inefficient while believing they have the world’s only effective administrative system.
statpush says
There’s a couple of governing principles here:
1) Hubbard said “If it isn’t written, it isn’t true”, so communication of any import is written down between staff member within an org and with upper management staff. This also applies to public.
2) There is a policy letter entitled “Staff Member Reports” which details around 15 different types (if memory serves) of reports that staff are obliged to write. To NOT write a particular report subjects oneself to having other reports written on you (for policy violation). All of these are committed to paper.
3) Orgs operation on the principle of “Outflow equals Inflow”. Output usually takes the form of handwritten letters or promotional items sent via the mail to individuals in their Central Files. Inflow is generally taken to mean bodies (e.g. people coming into the org) or more commonly – MONEY. Anyone who ever purchased anything from an org has a file folder in Central Files. This folder is supposed to contain any and all communication anyone in the org has with the individual. The thing is, the person’s address information is maintain by a separate unit, the Address Unit. The Address Unit is supposed to ensure that postal addresses for all the individuals in Central Files is up-to-date and accurate. Historically, this is NEVER the case. Returned letters and Address Unknowns just accumulate in large boxes in the org. And this is HUGE. The org knows this, yet robotically continues to send out mail to these bad addresses, just pissing away money in postage. Policy states that no one is ever removed from Central Files, unless they are declared or Dead Filed.
4) Treasury generates a tremendous amount of paperwork. Any purchase invoice is usually done in triplicate. One copy goes in the person’s Treasury file, another goes to Central Files and the third goes to the division or department where the goods or services will be delivered.
I’m just giving you a broad overview of the main paper generators…there’s more, lots more. And all these pieces of paper are moved around the org using a pigeon-hole “Communication Centre”, which then gets distributed to their target recipients through a genuine 1950s-styled three basket system (In/Out/Pending).
To their credit, they have made attempts to move some of this to a computerized system. But, their paper jones is hard to kick. Orgs will solicit volunteers from the field to come in and work to handle the backlogged filing of all these bits of paper. Only then can they begin the process of computerization. But, guess what, by the time they get close to finishing that they will have accumulated even more backlog, so this goes round and round.
If they eventually do manage to get things under control, within a year or two they are right back where they started, because they never sufficiently manned up the area to keep on top of the filing. Doh!
It’s tough work clearing the planet…of trees.
Michael Mallen says
I like the statement “if it isn’t written, it isn’t true.” Really?
Starship says
The “Normal” condition formula says, If something is working, don’t change it. Has not ANYone looked at this and said, It’s not working!
There are other references about simplicity and complexity and so on.
This is another example of literalness. Don’t use your common sense, do it this way because Hubbard said so. It’s written! Even if it’s a balls up, it don’t matter. He said it. It must be true. Robotism to a T. Hypnotism at work.
Change it, for godsake, you Morons!
What do HUGE conglomerates do? Check it out and do likewise. Idiots!
EMAN says
I have been for almost 8 years… and I see the same people on the list, donating money to the IAS, buildings… Well nothing is changing … but they are clearing the planet LOL !!! I was sooo much brainwashed… I am pleased to be declared… otherwise I would still be connected to scn-ist and being brainwashed. Took me few years to really come back in the real world…
flyonthewall says
I’m glad you’re out and enjoying life EMAN!
Joe Pendleton says
ALL you have to do is keep TWTH flowing in the society … that;s it … that’s ALL you have to do. Wow. Who knew? (all that other stuff? fuggetabout it!)
Starship says
Lol! Oh, god. This is so funny. Between this comment and Mike’s hilarious comments above, I’m in hysterics.
You can really turn a phrase, Mike. Brilliant writing. Eg:
“…. his annual hype-fest of foolishness about the life of L. Ron Hubbard. Wonder if he is going to mention Sara Northrup this year? Or Polly? Or even Mary Sue? Katie? Nibs? Alexis? Quentin? Arthur? Suzette?
“But the real treat is going to be the “milestone advances” in this “epic era of expansion” — they are always a lot of light-hearted fun. I cannot recall the last non-milestone in scientology. Or when it has not been an “epic era” of monumentalism.”
So funny! Between you, Joe, and Mike – you’ve made my day!
shelgold says
Finally figured out why Nancy Cartwright likes to only be called Nancy or Our Royal Valley Highness or whatever. She doesn’t want her real name to come up in Google searches connected to SCN and how much she donates.
Michael Mallen says
“No comment dude.” Bart
Sindy Sloan Fagen says
Exactly. How team player-ish of her. Why no cognitive dissonance on that Nancy? Hmmm? Good lord.
TrevAnon says
I guess they don’t even knows or realise that the 9000 number has special meaning to anonymous. It’s a meme: (site itself says it is NSFW).
The meme was also used during the Anonymous protests in 2008 against COS as so many anons turned up.
Jose Chung says
When you give money for torture, abuse, lies and slavery you get
some blow back from the universe, all bad.
Even when you sign the lengthy legal contracts to do anything with the C of $ they know this,
and still they give lip service of 47X goodies for you when you are in fact robbed to make others worse off.
Stick that rainbow up your ass David Miscavige.
Margaret says
I read “epic era of exhaustion” in place of “epic era of expansion”… and thought it was awfully honest of them. 🙂
Michael Mallen says
Also Epic Era of Expulsion.
McCarran says
Morris Adams says
“Above case gain is competence.”
– L. Ron Hubbard
“Above competence is contributing to me.”
– L. David Miscavige
Michael Mallen says
“Above contributing to you is leaving you.”
Michael Mallen
Michael Mallen says
“Inside Dave’s brain is impotence.”