This ALL CAPS message was received by someone in HUNGARY.
But let’s rejoice, following the announcement of the imminent opening after Dear Leader showed a CGI video of the completed org about 8 years ago, it is really good to know that we will all find out on 28 February that the plans are to open it VERY VERY VERY soon (as long as enough people give money).
2035 5th Ave New York, NY 212-828-1825
Confirm your attendance today! You don’t want to miss this!
Flag Extension Course Honor Roll
Seriously? Apparently there are over 1200 names on the list. Tells you how the vast majority of “Flag Public” keep the regges and call-in people at bay.
The very thought of an “Honor Roll” for extension courses is laughable.
Maybe they could start giving out gold stars for making it to the potty without having an accident?
Status, status, status…
Freewinds “OT Convention”
Wow, this sounds exciting. I wonder if they usher in the IAS Regges for a practical on the Vampire Personality? Will the Freewinds execs all be doing the parts about how to be prosperous?
Get the tech to flourish and prosper
and speed your progress up the Bridge
26 Feb – 5 Mar 2015, aboard the Freewinds
This convention covers:
- THE LAWS AND CAUSES OF PROSPERITY: Learn what these are and gain the ability to flourish and prosper.
- THE VAMPIRE PERSONALITY: gain the ability to spot those who would ruin your ability to flourish and prosper.
- ATTRACTING PRO-SURVIVAL ATTENTION: LRH states: “Well, you as an individual will make as much money as you attract pro-survival attention. You can just absolutely—you can plot how much money any man is going to make just with that.” Get the exact steps from Ron so you can achieve just that. Learn how to put out anchor points in a widening sphere into society.
- YOUR BEINGNESS: Learn the beingness geniuses have and drill two dozen specific qualities possessed by Edison, Socrates, Shakespeare and Einstein, to help you force into existence unbelievable levels of prosperity.
- THE TONE SCALE AND PROSPERITY: Tone Scale drilling and its relationship to prosperity and increasing your income.
- REKINDLING FAILED PURPOSES: Learn the tech of rekindling failed purposes on achieving prosperity.
- FINANCIAL PLANNING: Attend a financial planning workshop and lay out your Admin Scale to achieve your future prosperity.
- THE STATE OF MAN CONGRESS COURSE is part of this convention. The pathway which leads to the highest states for every individual runs past the milestone of Responsibility. LRH discovered that if one would attain personal freedom, there factually is no other road. A conscientious grasp of the knowledge here not only speeds one’s ascent to Clear and OT, it guarantees that one will make it. In fact, this course holds the secret of the dwindling spiral itself, and the keys to reverse it.
Attend the OT Prosperity Convention aboard the Freewinds!
Special Convention Package: $1,870
Includes 7 days of shared accommodations, the State of Man Congress Course,
your convention fee and the full Freewinds Experience.
Accommodations include all meals, afternoon teas, late night buffets
and full use of all onboard facilities.
SIGN UP TODAY! For more information contact
your Freewinds Consultants at (323) 953-3210 or by email at [email protected].
This is excerpted from a larger promo piece. You will get the flavor of the whole thing from reading this without having to subject yourself to the entirety of the drivel.
Absolute, batshit crazy, over-the-top lunatic claims.
All said with a straight face — “if you don’t believe this you are going to ethics for eternity.”
Honestly, I still can’t get over the “50,000 times clearer reads.” It cracks me up every time I see it.
Food, glorious food…
A new trend in scientology, offer food. Hell, it works for mice, why not sheeple?
What a shock they are in for when they discover these are really worth $18.99. “But the guy who sold them to me told me they would increase in value as collectors editions…”
Portland Model Ideal Org….
Leading the way with an impressive show of OTness, they contacted new people on February 10th for 50 minutes because there are no new people in the org at all.
Bit of an overkill maybe?
We don’t need to spend a whole hour a week getting new people in….
We are contacting people!
We’d like to see more new faces
about the place! Wouldn’t you?
Help us!
Tuesday, February 10
6:10 – 7pm
2nd Floor
Church of Scientology Portland
AOLA addressing the body…
Just weird.
This “ideal org” was opened with great fanfare by Dear Leader himself SIX YEARS ago.
Not a peep has been heard from the place since.
And now they have “great news” about going St Hill Size?
What has been happening in those 6 years?
Greg Capazorio…
IAS Freedom Medal Winner 10 years ago, President Criminon Int (not really, he is actually an IAS Reg full time), OT and Tom Cruise’s brother in law. He has just now learned how to study. How did he accomplish all that without knowing how to read with the GAG II Student Hat?
OT Canada…
Erm… not happening.
They can’t even get Toronto org done. Let alone an AO.
And even if they opened an AO, where are they going to get any public from?
Michael Roberts’ Valentine
“Being my home away from home”? If that doesn’t impress you, nothing will.
What a slimeball.
He needs to follow in Greg Capazorio’s footsteps and do the Student Hat. His third paragraph is such a jumbled mess of words and concepts it is utterly meaningless.
But all is forgiven, because there is going to be a “special dessert.” Woohoo.
The Time Isn’t Now
I will take bets right now that not a single one of these orgs is completed this year.
They just keep trying to tell everyone else how to flourish and prosper when they are abject failures. If they are so good at it, why can’t they buy fuel to go anywhere?
I have NO IDEA what this is about. Or who sent it out. Or what it means?
But if you wanted to encapsulate the “ideal org strategy” in a picture that tells a thousand words, this would be it. I am sure that skeleton is the latest Platinum Humanitarian With Honors And Knobs On.
Pub night in East Grinstead sounded great until I read they are serving non-alcoholic beer. I’m gonna need some booze to hang with those people.
So, Harlem Org will be opening “very very very soon”.
After 8 years yet.
“…very very soon”.
Rant Alert:
With all that’s wrong with this cult – their lies about expansion when they are shrinking, the human rights abuses and their lies about that, the non-stop money-grubbing, their criminal out-exchange and their lies about THAT – with all these serious outpoints, one would think the way something is written would get the least of my attention. One would think. Yet, when courtesy of Mike and his Moles, I read something like this – so pedestrian, so inane, not to mention lacking in information – I get a little nuts. The church has no right to sound this stupid, to BE this stupid. Someone should qual what emanates to the public. And I have no idea why it should bother me as that a cult I hope implodes tomorrow communicates so stupidly, but it does.
End of rant.
Dear Regraded Being,
I’ve been out here on the fringes of the Internet chuckling to myself for months now, every time I read through one of your cartoons. Just wanted to give a shout out to your creativity and acute sense of irony. It’s like having my own personal fly-on-the-wall, buzzing around DM and his legion of pretenders.
With each great guffaw, I can hear the veneer of the RCS crumbling. Thank you and please continue.
Odd Thomas
+100, Regraded Being. As I continue the process of rejecting the cult’s insanity it helps to be able to reject it with laughter, so thank you very much.
I had to add that the old Dallas ” Celebrity Center” was way ahead if the curve as they were using the art of food as a main means of attracting the sheeple way back in the 80’s. Something about good ole Texas barbeque, although it was actually a far cry from that. Who needs policy or command intention when you got food? Still in use today I’m sure now that they have a huge empty ” ideal org”.
If there were an “Scientology Extension Course Free Discussion of L. Ron Hubbard’s Ideas Group” chat site, not run by official Scientology,but open to the public, that’d be interesting to see open public discussion of Hubbard’s ideas from the bottom of the Bridge. Open to the wide world to see and post on those ideas.
Michael Roberts: “2015 is going to be, and already is, a huge year for planetary clearing.”
That’s for sure. With the various documentaries and books set to come out in the next few months, the planet will be clear of scientology in no time.
So they are learning the beingness of geniuses so they can pretend to be one. Apparently, they are too stupid to be one on their own. They can adopt a fake personality so they can “force” prosperity. Sounds fun/painful. Can you imagine explaining this to someone like the Pope or the Dalai Lama. as to how this is spiritually beneficial? That would be so embarrassing.
Doesn’t anyone in Scientology read “Technical Degrades” anymore?
“50,000 times clearer reads” Clearer than what? Than what Scientology had before? You mean the old e-meters were 1/50,000th of what the industry best is? What were they using, 4 leaf clovers?
The Warehouse VIII boxes must be getting awfully shopworn and faded by now…
The old meters worked fine with a few exceptions such as the Delta E meter
did not read f/n’s when things were not just right like can size or using foot plates.
Earlier yet auditors built their own e meters from kits or scratch and you purchased canned foods
from supermarkets for electrodes. I still have one with the rubber band powered TA counter, kind of a
red neck invention thing but worked !
Even then , 50,000 is a stretch IMHO.
Here’s something I always wanted to know. How much trouble did you get in by NOT buying new stuff, such as the new e-meters, basics, lectures, etc. I remember back when the Warehouse Easy-Bake was released that they instructed members to turn in their old meters and buy the new one, as if they could control ownership of something you had purchased. What about other materials? Did not buying the new stuff get people into ethics trouble?
Dear Edge: Due to all available staff working full time on the Humongous (Sorry Scimongous) expansion that is occurring in the orgs we are a little behind with our quadruplicate filing and shredding system so our records about who has bought what is unfortunately out of date. Why, just the other day our regges were complaining that the current records of how much was in members’ bank accounts reflected the fact that they were either broke or had cashed out and transferred money to their mattresses. Rumour has it that Dave will soon be introducing the Golden age of Keeping Track so we can better service our esteemed congregation.
Karen Pouw
I can’t quite work out if East Grinstead is offering the whole meal for £7 or if that is just the cost for drinks. The former would be a good offer while the latter sounds more like a standard “good deal” in scientology.
Tyler Durdan was selling his “rare” leather bound Hubbard collection at $19,999 before dropping the price to it’s current level. The sale ends 12/02/15 and I’m betting he’ll drop the price again. I also wouldn’t be surprised that the 2 people “watching” are $cientologists in the hope that some person with a lot of cash will buy the (and I make no apologies) junk so they can swoop, like vultures on a corpse, and try to bring them and their bank account into the fold.
Who is Tyler Durdan?
Tony had the Pacific Cafe flier up as well. I can’t figure out which is funnier, Tony’s observation that the poor SeaBorg slaves only a block away aren’t eating anything like this, or the truly bizarre times they’re open (3:15-3:45, because by “break” we mean you can have four minutes). Can’t have people wasting time sitting around relaxing and digesting when there’s regging to be done.
Kind of goes with the Cause over the Body event at AOLA, with dinner at 6 and the event starting at 6:25.
Aquaclara commented to JennyAtLAX “I hope Mike [Rinder] sees this [“Leaked! Transcript of a Deposition of ‘The Alpha and the Omega Man'”]. It’s a keeper! Thank you for making my tummy hurt so much from laughing.”
Available at:
The Underground Bunker (Tony Ortega on Scientology), “These are the superpowers Scientologists are paying big bucks to attain,” February 11, 2015:
Or at:
Wow! What a coffee bubbler of a Sunday Funnies this time around.
I’m well past all the tech insolence they spew forth – they haven’t got a f’n clue which way is up anyway.
But this one just tickled me good, now here’s a guy to trust your eternity to…
“Greg Capazorio…
IAS Freedom Medal Winner 10 years ago, President Criminon Int (not really, he is actually an IAS Reg full time), OT and Tom Cruise’s brother in law. He has just now learned how to study. How did he accomplish all that without knowing how to read with the GAG II Student Hat?”
I’ve never felt happier with my modest requirements. The money in my bank account has an exchange factor about it, something Greg wouldn’t understand, no matter how glossy his cert is, he love lattes though, does that count?
I just don’t know Sunday from Thursday, I wouldn’t make a very good $cientologist would I?
Vampires and chocolate and burgers that have feasted on the grassy knoll, what can be next? I really do expect some pr stunt with surprise pickets of the HBO West offices in Santa Monica. Only for the Freedum Magazine pictures though, I expect the clams to run away when one Guy Fawkes mask shows up. DM has to try to be the ‘biggest little man’ on the block, just to keep the minions in fear of him. Everyone else will just laugh.
The OT sales convention on the Freelesswinds is hilarious. I imagine (ok, postulate) something like an Amway sales meeting, with Pinocchio, the motivational speaker leading the show (thank you Geico for that eye worm). What, no Grant Cardone to rouse the masses into a ‘storm the castle’ fury? You’ll know when Cardone’s panache has blown up in his face, he will be reduced to clam sales seminars.
What new fake ‘status’ will be conned up for the next reg event? That is what passes for marketing in the clampire these day. No sales of ‘courses’ no sales of new emeters, just buy your ‘status’. Soon, they will be eating their young, and the ones who were saved from Sea bOrg will finally not feel so lucky.
There are so many homeless people that could use the food they are going to have, someone should give them the invitation (as it is stated) to sit through a seminar and have something to eat.
There are really children that don’t get more than 1 meal in a day, right down the street from these “churches”.
The weather is bad in some places, a lot of churches in my town split the week up to offer a place for homeless to have for the night (they cannot be on drugs) with food.
Those course rooms could keep people warm during the night.
That would be rewarding a downstat, silly goose!
Toot TOOT: What do you think this is, mennonite or catholic charities or one of those old fashioned religions or something? Come up to Pre$ent Time.
You’re right, Toot. So many homeless could at least not be freezing cold at nite in many of these Ideal Morgues.
I see there’s an OT Committee Convention on “Marh 13-15th”, but I’m confused because I can’t find “Marh” on my calendar.
The picture of the Freewinds shows a wall behind it made up of squares with a graph line running up. They are finally admitting that it really is the Truman Show! Now, what is behind that wall?
What they really mean is, come to Count Dracula’s castle, not some quaint Ye Olde English tavern. Or are they saying the Saint Hill field has shrunk so much it would find room around a table at any local pub?
The font is terrible, I first read the sign as the Cattle Pub. That works.
Do they use cattle prods at the Cattle Pub? A little shock with your drink, sir? It’s all the rage…
About the Harlem flyer: In North America, we joke about getting all-caps emails about a Nigerian prince who wants your credit card information Overseas, they can joke about getting all-caps emails about a guy in Florida who fancies himself the Pope who wants your credit card information
Soon there will be a flag extension course grade chart, statuses equaling each step to total extension freedom.
Vampire Personality…..IAS reg/fsm.
The meter thing is very funny….I remember LRH talking about how easy it is to audit without a meter. With the new meter one now does not have to observe the pc for indicators….a digital signal pops up on the meter….pc is VGI’s, needle has swung three times….call the fn dummy!
So Michael Roberts says the power of the IAS is turning this planet around for real….well isn’t that special.
Yes 2015 is most certainly the year of completion….all orgs are on a runway to hell….background music to this line is AC/DC singing Highway to Hell!
I did the OT Debug on that boat once….the only thing I debugged was how to get the hell off that boat as soon as possible.
And yes Regarded Being doing what it does best.
You are on a roll Potpie! Keep up the good work. Highway to Hell is Purrrrfect!
Recognizing a vampire personality ha ha ha.
Yeah that was a good one. Recognize a vampire in a vulture culture? Like looking for a needle in a stack of needles.
Food, money, and real estate. Is this a church or CNBC? All this blathering and not one word about HBO. Seriously, does Miscavige really believe a few Tweets against the film, and dozens of unpublished letters from church lawyers to HBO is “proof” that millions of church members exist and will harm HBO by canceling their subscriptions? I wish SNL would do a skit depicting a church protest outside HBO where the only participants are the church lawyers.
Great one Regraded Being! We should let all SO know that we have a big screen TV, have HBO, and they’re welcome to come for popcorn and the movie, but they have to pay $150 to get in. Turn about is fair play.
And how do you confirm attendance for an event with no date other than, really really soon?
Cindy, Cindy……minor details, you silly girl. You simply reply that you will really, really be there, no matter when the powers that be deign to set a date.
Here’s a true story: Some years ago I got a call from an Int Mgmt woman about an hour before a Maiden Voyage summer event. I told her we were not going and had never confirmed because we’d had tickets to a Hollywood Bowl concert for months prior. She was furious and said I should have checked with Management because no one should ever miss an event that they work so hard to put on for us. I replied that would be difficult, since they never set the dates until a few weeks before and have even been known to change and delay them frequently, and that I was unwilling to be the effect of their lack of a schedule. She was so mad she said she was “writing me up.”
Never did get that write up. Damn!
Lordburg, what a great story. Amazing how when you live in a bubble, you think all the world holds the same reality that you do and that anyone who doesn’t is out ethics or worse! I’m glad you gave her a taste of the real world where people plan their lives more than a day or a week in advance!
Aqua, you would be welcomed with open arms.
Cindy, your HBO party sounds yummy all around. How I wish I could be there. Just for the record, I take my popcorn with both butter and salt.
I made it to the potty today without having an accident. I’ll write a success story.
Once the success is well received, including an appropriate acknowledgement to COB, you will be issued a gold star signifying your first status achievement.
Potty Trained?
Potty hat?
Hmmph. Not to brag or anything, as I’m not an auditor like many of you, but I am Class IV Potty-Trained. To pass that course you have to sit thru an entire 3-hour Int Event without ever once visiting the bathroom. Now, even those of us with strong healthy bladders had problems getting a final pass on this. It truly was an ability gained and no one can take it away from me.
Lucky you, spirit! I wish I was as upstat as you! As I was running to the bathroom, I had an accident. Your probably not going to believe this, but, right after the accident, I got a call from an ethics officer. I mean, how do they know???
OSD that was funny..
Yes it is hard to believe, but I guess you must also be an OT ’cause Tony Ortega was just talking about exactly these OT phenomena when you wrote this comment… and so maybe Tony is OT too. Maybe Tony was sitting on the crapper when the ethics office called you! Now that would be a triple Trifecta OT event… I am going to ask Tony if he was on the crapper this morning.
You’re very, very, very OT OSD. I think you ought to submit that to Advance to be included it the OT Phenomenon.
You are correct, Robert! I am OT. Now, don’t get freaked out, but, I’m standing right next to you at this very moment. I’ll be writing this up in “OT Phenomenon.” Well…gotta scoot! I’m off to Target 2. LRH want me to help him with his weight problem…
Potty thetans stick to us ever since they were expelled from the Marcrapian Confederacy.
Funny OSD. You know those Ethics Officers are very, very smart. I used to be an Ethics Officer. That is where I learned things like “greatest good for the greatest number” and “potty success is better than potty failure”. Or maybe it was COB that taught me that? My memory is foggy.
OSD – for someone who should have learned something in your long life you are so naive. Of course its the ship in your chit. Didn’t you notice the free winds that accompanied the “win”.
“Potty Thetans” – Oh, I can’t stand it. What would I do without this blog?
Wouldn’t it be great if somehow a hall could be rented somewhere and we could all somehow converge in it and have our own “March 16th Event” of the Gibney Documentary?
A blast!
I would even do call-in 🙂
Another barf worthy edition of exposes on the manic and desperate flailing from the *church* (cult) of $cientology.
Old timers will remember the initials “MSH” for Mary Sue Hubbard.
Those initials today more represent “Money, Status and Hype.”
I recall the promotional pieces that were sent out in the mail to people in the 80’s.
The promo was about the training and the gains people got by becoming more able. The focus was on the results one could expect to get by Co-auditing up the grades. The org buildings were old and shabby but they were PACKED with people who were having life changing experiences.
The Church of Scientology is totally unrecognizable to me today.
Y’all come on in and eat a grass fed burger while the reges make your ass grass.
First, for the literate record it’s grass fed beef. How do you feed grass to a burger?
Re: Ideal Continent flier
Ya gotta shake your head at insanity like this “Vital to accomplishing this is a packed calendar with CONSTANT events.”
Refreshingly honest for a change though, I’ve got to give them that,
I sure had several laughs during the Funnies’ time. Thank you Mike.
Great “minions” photo! Love ’em.
I think most of the minions of Scientology are on the outside looking in…
LRH: “Scientology is the only game where everybody wins?”
Scientologists that are still “in” have resolved that cognitive dissonance by re-defining “winning” as 1) The pleasure of beating the crap out of anyone not quite “in” the game or not paying enough money (Ethics & IAS) and 2) Happily receiving the pummeling and pain caused by an ethics cycle or an IAS fleecing and calling it: “going with the flow” and “the way out is the way through” and “leaning to not counter command intention”.
Scientology today is for 1) sadists and 2) masochists. No others need apply.
33 days until HBO/Gibney disclosure on March 16
Stevens Creek Org should come to the rescue with more
Pavlov Institute craziness ( De Dinging) to save the day!!!!!
Wasn’t that Kingsley Wimbush that instituted De Dinging? Or am I having, once again, a ‘senior moment?’
You are correct OSD. It was the scam artist, nutjob named Kingsley. I have met more snake oil sales types in Scn than in any other arena I’ve walked. LRH, being one himself, attracted them like flies. He even allowed a particularly vicious one to rise to the top of the Church hierarchy. Not that the church wouldn’t have collapsed anyway. DM just slightly accelerated the inevitable while making life inside even more miserable than it was under El Wrong..
Yes, it was Kingsley Wimbush at Stevens Creek. He was declared before the start of the 1982 Mission Massacre. I met him later at another group doing $cientology-like Diet Lite, and he was advised not to mention the name of his “previous organization” when in courses.
De-dinging was successful. Too damned successful. That’s why Herr Dwarvenfuehrer put a stop to it by declaring it squirrel tech, and grabbed the most flowing mission there was.
His wife was at this other group too, ordered to divorce him yet doing courses in the same place. She was declared many years later.
Note: I was Never In, but have read everything I could find about Kingsley’s ridiculous ousting since I knew him. If anything I said above about his time as Stevens Creek Mission Holder is wrong, please feel free to correct it. He told me he lost his very successful business but never said what it was.
You (spelled we) are senior moments OSD. Glad to be in the same boat with you too, except I’m really old!
Thanks for that validation, TIYL! I feel much more worthy than I did 10 minutes ago. Damn, you’re good! Oh crap! I feel a cold coming on! i’m such a DB…
I knew Kingsley well. He ran a damned effective mission. He went at the same time as all the SF area groups went. I think he was the largest, so got the most intense attack when they stole all the missions. It was outrageously illegal!
i like how, obviously, they could never clear a traditional geographical continent, so just make up your own, unfortunately inventing absurd dream like solutions to my problems never seems to work !?!?!
Hmmm. Silicon Valley Org (aka Mountain View) isn’t on the ideal org completion line up? Didn’t they have a sea org mission there to push it through? I haven’t heard a thing since Tony O spotted they had two gay guys on staff.
I hope it’s actually Wednesday today! Love the Thursday Funnies and especially Regraded Being. Those cartoons could go into a book. I’d buy a copy.
Isn’t it Wednesday? 🙂
Oooops 🙂
Gotten ahead of myself….
Ah well.
Love it. There’s so much stuff in the hopper you might as well post it as soon as you can and leave room for more goodies..
Not to worry, Mike. I was with you all the way. You said it was Thursday, so to me it was Thursday as well. No harm, no foul.
🙂 🙂 🙂 it’s just one of my increasingly frequents senior moments Rachel.
Join us, Mike, as all experience the wonders of ‘senior moments.’
I was thinking it was a clever ruse to trick the OSA goons who read this into thinking it was Thurs and send them scrambling to submit their stats by 2p 🙂
I am sure there will be more that could be used tomorrow… :]
You better make sure we get another round of Regraded Being tomorrow or it’s off to the MAA with you!
What’s true for you… 😉
Hey, Mike, you’re usually well ahead of yourself….and light years beyond Herr Dinkum. 🙂
Mikes super SP powers allow him to be at cause over weekdays. 🙂
LOL! 🙂
This shit is a joke any day of the week.
Please, please, put Regraded Being up top. Almost couldn’t make it through all the “funnies” but just happened to notice R.B. at the bottom. Seriously, I can only read so many of these pathetic fliers you post on Thursday (no offense intended). However, I always look forward to R.B. Just my 2-cents.
Come to the awards ceremony, come to the ship, come to brunch, come to this, come to that.
$cientology: 50,000 different ways to get people in the door so their bank accounts can be bled dry.
Bleeding is old school……Dave likes to use the new sucking method to get the last drop out of each account.
That’s all the activites there will be in 2015, unless it is some super-expensive auditing actions. Why have a person sitting in a courseroom when they could be sitting in the registrar’s office with the exit blocked, being bled of yet more money? New gathering, new pretext, same purpose. The 2015 calendar will be chock-a-block with these organised gatherings, with whales going bankrupt by the week.
That Ideal Org list is interesting, more by what they don’t say than by what they do say.
Albuquerque – the current org is falling apart and they have no building to replace it.
Austin – the last plan I saw was to renovate the existing org, there should be no hold-up unless they don’t have the cash.
Hawaii – no building and no plan.
KC – a wrecked building, They will probably never raise enough to renovate.
SLC – a new building in very good shape. This may happen in a couple of years,.
Santa Barbara – no building, no plan.
St. Louis – a wrecked building will require a ton of money they don’t have.
Valley – they have raised a lot of money from you-know-who. This could happen.
What happened to Mountain View and San Diego? I would feel badly if my non-ideal org was left off the list.
Nice list, Rod! And with the coming of Going Clear on HBO, how many more will finally throw in the towel and quit? The rate of deceleration is growing exponentially.
I think Valley only needs to raise another 6 million or so. They might make it if Dave can get a buyer for his dildo on Craigslist and her honorary theety weetyness can kick Bart in the ass for the rest!
Valley may happen? I’ll be watching the skies for evidence of porcine flight.
Even as a member of the NRA, DM’s ownership of guns comes across as pathological!
On the St Hill flyer they have altered the picture on the sign and name of the pub to “the Castle Inn”, I wonder how the owners would feel about this? it is a dead cert that there is not a place with this name in EG.
Actually, Gimpy, if you look at the sign carefully you’ll see there’s a typo (no surprise there) and it says “Caltle Inn”. (Unless, of course, my eyes deceive me.)
I think it’s meant to be the old style “long s” that looks like an “f”. Long ago, the “s” was written like that but only if it was the only or first instance of the letter in a particular word.
I was giving them the benefit of the doubt on that based on what Alpha has said above.
Thank you for your education on 18th Century ligatures. 😉 I have to roll my eyes at those still using them in 2015. Is it more important to be pretentious than to be understood? (rhetorical question.)
Anons and OGs have been safe-pointing the local EG pubs for many years now… Really, we should have certificates or commendations or something, for all our hard work 🙂
Only the cult would decide to have a “pub night” on its own property, when it’s nearby town has such lovely hostelries to choose from… But then, they can’t risk their eternities by encountering actual members of the public (as opposed to Public Scis)
Love your blog. Scientology can be so dangerous and funny at the same time.
Free grass-fed burgers? That’s it–I’m getting UN-declared!
I call BS on the beef. Way too off source. I’m going all in on the bean burger and fake beer. It’s even OK on the RPF except they hold the bun and give you water instead.
What??? Fake Beer???? How blasphemous!
Smarten up OSD! Real beer loosens tongues and may result in people admitting what they are really thinking. Now would you want that at the most spectacular largest ever sci-pub event in East Grinstead? On second thoughts if the ethics officer was there and recording the comments this could be a good source of sec-cheque income the following few days back at the Manor.
They promote the grass-fed beef as “organic.” Misunderstanding of what makes beef organic. (Fed only certified organic feed the entire life of the animal.) And the non-alcoholic beer = why bother. The rest of the world is reading about the health benefits of beer and enjoying themselves immensely.
Amen to that. Furthermore and notwithstanding the nimrods in Hemet, I am VERY,VERY, VERY,VERY,VERY,VERY,VERY,VERY happy to be free of them, it, and the other stuff of which we shall not speak further of …………………until we do.
RK: Incorrect, I’m afraid. Organic beef means GRASS FED ONLY and that on a free range. “Organic feed” means grains and they are completely wrong in a cow. It makes them sick, though much fatter, the reason for the feed in the first place.
LOOK, LOOK, the organic burger here is only $5.00. If you wait a tad longer the price might even come
further down to $2.50!
Definitely time to get UN-declared.
Decisions, decisions, Zephyr! Help me decide, please – like the perfect chocolate chip cookie, searching for the perfect burger at the best price is a whole track purpose of mine, and I don’t want to waste this brief breath in eternity…
How does one feed a burger? Isn’t it a little too late by the time “it” becomes one? Just a little curious.
Just one amazed laugh after another, Mike. And, of course, consistent DISCONNECTION from reality.