John Mappin is at it again…
Now THIS is a true OT 7 success. The sign on his building is rusting and a letter fell off. How “OT” — now it spells “CAME OT”. Amazing cause over MEST. And 580 people “like” it.
Just Plain Weird
I don’t think everyone on OT 7 is stark staring crazy, but I do think the percentage is increasing as the smarter ones depart…
This IS an actual post.
Hello! I’m ready to create on the 2nd Dynamic. I am posting my ideal scene. If you know someone who matches up, great awesome — feel free to connect. But just your reading it is an awesome flow!
Ideal Scene – 2nd Dynamic
I am looking for a terminal. A partner. Creating continuous best-friendship! I want to create with someone who can grant beingness while, at the same time, expect greatness, encourage greatness, supports being great and can flow power to greatness.
He’s a big being, but doesn’t consider himself big or not big — he’s just who he is. He would never feel the need to say that he’s a “big” thetan. Big is relative anyway. But he’s comfortable commanding spaces and doesn’t introvert too easily.
Another aspect I don’t find attractive (as well as it’s an outpoint) is past-life talk and a lot of significance placed on as such. This is not to say that something of the sort could NEVER come up… I’m just saying it’s not in his nature or even his “thinking” to talk about it.
My 2D is in games. He freely moves up and down the tone scale, but really likes creating in whatever area he’s drawn to. This includes the second dynamic — always new ideal scenes (as a couple) to reach.
He is competent and successful and enjoys what he does in life.
He’s financially secure, stable and expanding.
Regardless of his profession, he appreciates and contributes to art. Whatever field he’s in, he sees the ART in it. — I tend to be attractive to engineers. Engineers and Artists are both creators. Whatever his occupation is, it’s part of his livingness and he enjoys it.
He likes looking good, but does not have a stuck point on the body — of himself or of me.
I do like chivalry and I love the way I feel when a man is taking charge and I know he’s taking charge and, boy, am I his woman, and he knows it, I know it, and everyone who sees us knows it. I’m confident and comfortable in his lead.
In each other’s absence, we continue to flow power to our 2D create by not engaging in any suspect flirtatious flows or comm that could be construed as such. But if some “outflow” does occur — it’s no big deal to discuss with each other — we’re best friends! No one is interested in punishing the other.
He can have comfortable silence as well as conversation.
Ideally we have the same sense of humor, but as long as he can laugh, we’re good. But I also don’t want the “joker” who’s always on. My humor is a bit dry and amusingly non-sequitor — I think so. I can laugh for hours over the most inane comment, look or gesture.
He is someone I admire and I am someone he admires.
He is my biggest fan in terms of my creative endeavors and I his.
We inspire each other to be better.
We have FUN working out strategy and battle plans together and both really support each other, and help in all ways possible, for the other person to make their target. AND — NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL IF TARGET’S NOT MET!!! We just brush it off and make new targets. Again — BEST FRIENDS!
We are both very attracted to each other as thetans and bodies. I LOVE to be pretty for him. But it’s light and just a little frosting on the cake. It’s the cake that is the substance between us that we both find very attractive.
We’re both very affectionate — not clingy. We both have no problem with PDA. Not too heavy.
I’m 44 and am married to the right man in 2015. I would like to have children, at least 1 — but it is not the end of the world if I do not. Pre-existing children are more than welcome — desired. I really like family.
My ideal scene 2D is a Scientologist. I prefer Clear or above, where he is on the Bridge is less important than where he is with his expectations and plans to be at the top of the Bridge. So whether training or processing, he is moving. Bridge is priority.
He contributes and supports groups that create greater expansion for Scientology.
I don’t have a lot on age if these other points are in but the ideal range is between 10 years younger and 10 years older — 34-54. Now if the BOMB guy for me is 27 or 57… still awesome.
I’m 5’9″. I sometimes like to wear heels which puts me at 5’11-6′. More important than height is he can’t have any insecurity or button regarding height. If he can own me, he can own me. Ideally he’s between 5’11 & 6’4” but if the BOMB guy for me is 5’8″… still awesome.
He likes to travel. He likes to see the world. And when we travel, we’re pretty much on the same page — sometimes we want to be tourist, sometimes we want to chill at the hotel, sometimes we want to hang out with the local guy we just met who has cafe every day in the square. But there’s never any heavy pressure. We may have to sometimes sell the other on what to do, but if either doesn’t want to do it, neither would be ARC X if they did that thing on their own. Although ideally it is experienced together.
Ideally, he lives in Clearwater. But for the right man, I would consider moving. Next ideal locations would be LA, NY or London. But again, if the BOMB guy for me lives in Kansas… still awesome. If we did live elsewhere, we may consider having a place in CW since we are here so often.
His comm cycle is in and it’s easy and relaxed.
He likes going to graduation and international events.
He’s good with money — energy — flows. Although I am pretty conservative with my spending — I haven’t been that great at managing it and could use some help. Funny, I can manage other people’s money flows very well. I could manage his or ours together. But some little aberrative thing has been on my own personal money management.
I love to dance. If he loves/likes/willing to dance, that would be great.
Musical tastes. Wow — I’m just going to list out who I listen to:
Sia, Muse, Nina Simone, Vivaldi, Black Eyed Peas, Rammstein, The Black Keys, Queen, Brian Ferry, TV on the Radio, Radio Head, Jay-Z, T.I., Chris Cornel, Moby, Sade, Johnny Cash, Tom Petty, Beyonce, Rachmaninoff, Damien Rice, INXS, Chili Peppers, Rodrigo Y Gabriella, Royskopp, Roy Orbison, soundtracks like from Jackie Brown or Vanilla Sky.
….I’m sure I’m missing some, but that’s an overall pic.He’s is NOT a social drinker. I don’t mind if occasionally he has a beer or glass or wine. I’m not a drinker (maybe I’ll have a glass of Champagne at a special occasion or a glass of wine with my family over the holidays).
He likes to eat healthy, and we do as much as possible, but we can also chow down on some greasy delicious pizza, hamburgers, french fries, ice cream. I can be a bit of a low carb queen at times, but I do like to engage.
On a scale of cool/hip factor, he’s between a 6 and a 10. I view myself around an 8.
More than anything, he is superlatively impressed with my ability to juggle torches!
…..a bit of my cheeky humor — BUT I CAN JUGGLE TORCHES!
Kyera Keenne
Currently on OT 7
Cause Resurgence & Super Power Completion
Creative Director at Measurable Solutions (WISE company)
44 years old
Shameless Disaster Capitalism
A few people have sent me messages about the situation in St. Louis, reminding me that the church had claimed they were handling the area with distribution of special copies of WTH (providing you gave them enough money). Seems like that didnt work out, and nobody wants to miss an opportunity to rake in some cash, so now the solution is to give money for an ideal org. When this org is done 5 or 10 years from now, I doubt anyone will remember anything that happened in Ferguson in the fall of 2014.
As naive as it may have been, at least distributing WTH had a theoretical direct cause and effect relationship with the problem at hand.
This is not really funny. It is sick. But I have too many things accumulated for individual postings, so it takes its place here among the goofy, silly and pathetic (the typos/proofreading live up to everything we have come to expect).
They hope sex still sells
What else you going to do? This magnificent ideal org in Pasadena is completely empty.
But if you turn the pages, there are a couple of other things of note:
As the Special Correspondent who sent this to me commented: I noticed the creepiness factor of this bystander lady monitoring the “group” for any BI’s. 🙂 They no longer seem to notice how cultish they come across.
But then you turn the page and see this. Does anything here communicate “religion” or “humanitarian”? Even a single word?
Looking for Heroes
I found some!
Take your pick…
No wonder they are all wearing masks….
Boston Has Moved
They are now officially a hobbytown. Works well if your hobby is extracting blood from stones.
But they didn’t set up their sauna before they moved…. Now that is scientology precision planning!
Three year old’s “Success” after auditing
My 2.5 year old does this without auditing…
The Dianetics volcano billboards are back!
Right on Melrose Ave in LA where the mission used to be. They even got the uptrending graph in the background.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Or did someone do this as a deliberate “positioning” with something hated when their plan to used nazi symbology was veto’d?
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Regraded Being
There used to be this scientology personal ads/matchmaking service in LA called “The Affinity Exchange,” where many of the ads read like that. Some of them were pretty sad/funny, particularly where there was all this theety-weetie stuff followed by, “…and NO OUT-2D!!!!”
Edit: Apparently The Affinity Exchange still exists.
Dating within Scientology is such a small pool. At every event, there will be like 4 or 5 other people your date slept with.
Margaret, that pretty much nailed it!
I find the Ferguson/St. Louis, Missouri promo to be particularly low. Using this social strife to bug people for money is terribly disgusting. In the other promotions, the complete lack of anything spiritual speaks loud and clear, as to how off purpose the radical church has become.
I don’t see the point of humiliating this woman on a public forum. She’s creative and romantic and she’s looking for the same in a relationship. So what? Is that a crime? Are you somehow exposing fraud in Scientology by humiliating a lonely Scientologist who has done nothing to you? Isn’t this the very kind of low life behavior you accuse the COS of doing? How about making an effort to not stoop down to their level?
I think that was kind of a new low for this blog and I hope you will raise your the future. Or least try to treat other people decently. It makes the world a nicer place.
Nope, she had it coming.
Yeah, she’s “Fair Game”, right?
You need to spend a little more time in the cult Not Saying. I venture a guess you feel similarly about speaking out about abuses in general. Grow a pair for christs sake and call a spade a spade.
And tell your OSA friends to buck up too.
Not saying – while I found her ideal scene fascinating in what it says generally about certain attitudes in Scientology and for that reason worth seeing, I also think you make a valid point. Once I found out a little more about her, I had some compassion for her as person and for her goals. At that point, I did regret my comment about her photo. She’s not only beautiful, but seems like a very nice person as well and not deserving of being a target of jokes. Quite apart from her personally, I think that what disturbs most of us on this website is how people at the highest levels of the CoS can be nice folks and still be blind to injustices and heartaches that are caused to people who they have known for decades, and then justify it.
But again, you make a very good point here. And personally I certainly have nothing against this woman achieving her goals on the 2D or on any other dynamic. I wish her well.
You do realise she posted this herself on a publicly accessible website don’t you?
Or are you that one person on planet earth who never ever repeats anything of interest to anyone ever?
I don’t ridicule lonely people. And I don’t post someone’s heartfelt sentiments for the sole purpose of public humiliation. And I don’t think much of people who condone it.
The REASON for posting it was because she promotes herself as an OT. Much of what happens on this blog is pointing out the lies and hypocrisy in scientology. If you don’t see this as evidence that people are being lied to about how spending millions of dollars to “get on the level” is going to make them cause over life and improve conditions across all their dynamics (as just some of the milder promises that are made), then I think you are being obtuse and choosing to focus on the wrong thing — but for what purpose?
Are you seeking to help this woman in some way?
Or are you trying to curb the postings and comments here for some reason?
Just like to be contrarian?
Felt compelled to anonymously speak your mind just out of the blue?
What is it you are trying to accomplish?
I feel compassion for someone who is outed and publicly embarrassed because she’s looking a boyfriend. Even if that someone happens to be a Scientologist.
It’s not that she “happens to be a scientologist” it is that she is “an OT on ‘the level'” and at Flag being “polished up” every 6 months.
Re: Mike Rinder wrote, “Much of what happens on this blog is pointing out the lies and hypocrisy in scientology.”
“No Scientologist would ever listen to their lies, as they know the truth.”
“Mr. Miscavige has helped every single Scientologist achieve personal betterment with Scientology. He has brought the Church to a place in the world today, where anyone can stand up proud to be a Scientologist and part of this incredible growing movement.”
I would say to her if I could: Miss, you pay all this money to make yourself OT, cause over matter, energy, space and time etc, and yet you need to beg for money to make your dream come true. There is something terribly wrong with this picture, and if it takes being ridiculed to see that, well then whatever it takes.
It took things happening to me before I realized it was a scam, because when I saw it happening to other people, well they brought it upon themselves of course. But I did wake up when it was harder to wake up then it is now. I have no sympathy for myself that it too so long for me to wake up and I have less sympathy for people still in as it is so much easier now to see how wrong, unworkable, deceitful and abusive the whole origination is and how it makes people simply abusive to others. I have disgust for the things I have said and done while brainwashed and I feel the same disgust reading what you have written. I have deep remorse for having brought in and or helped convince individuals to join or stay in the cult.
Wake up woman, you are only destroying your life and deceiving others that what you are doing is wonderful and working when in fact you are just following the party line of pretending to be OT even if you are not. And no one is or ever will be OT, so it all is just one big lie, quit perpetrating the lie.
This woman needs to start thinking for her self again.
This thing that she wrote is not her – it is all Sciospeak. There is no individuality in it. Every thing that she says she wants in a “2D” is only what Scientology tells her that she wants. All of the morals she expressed are Scientology-enforced morals. All of the values are ones that have been instilled in her by the ideology she has adopted to do all her thinking for her.
She has lost herself to an ideology and it is making her behave in ridiculous ways.
It is totally her choice. But if this thread makes her realize that she has been seized by the madness of Scientology, and that she has become ridiculous, then good.
Should people have laughed at Nazis?
You betcha.
As for me, I made fun of Tom Cruise and the idea of “Big Beings” – two items very much worth ridiculing because they are ridiculous.
Especially Tom Cruise.
Can’t help but agree on the falseness of her words. Her mouth is moving but the words are coming from “someone” (or somewhere) else. Sad, but all too predictable.
“She has lost herself to an ideology and it is making her behave in ridiculous ways.”
Don’t agree with this part though. In my opinion people don’t get caught unawares by an ideology or by a subject – these are simply beliefs or concepts conveyed via language. I’ve been in SCN for 40 years and “it” doesn’t make be behave in any particular way. That would be me making all the decisions to do the right thing or veer off into the wall.
This woman, like so many others, has gone the effect of alterations, adulterations and outright fraud. To such a degree that she cannot separate out enough of her own thoughts and decisions from the collective, to present a realistic picture of who she is.
Once again, sad, but all too predictable.
Not Saying, don’t you know. Not only is she fair game, but the ends justify the means. 😐 (<==== pie face)
What are you not saying, Not Saying?
Not to worry, everything will get handled on GAT 3, or GAT 4.
If you use Google Streetview, and go down the street from the new Quincy location, at the corner of Cliveden and Hancock there’s a building that used to have letters spelling out “LANDMARK EDUCATION” above the door. You can see where the letters used to be. Apparently Landmark has moved up the street to 1200 Hancock.
“Birds of a feather” I guess.
Actually, the Landmark Education building is directly across Cliveden from the former Hobbytown.
My god. This Thursday Funnies Friday Thanksgiving Edition is one of the best ever.
Something just hit me when I read the womans postulate on her Tu Dee.
When I studied “loaded language” Cults use – I always cringe when I hear the word “terminal”. It is used to minimize and devalue the word “person” so that eventually Scientologist’s look and view others as “terminals” which sounds like an object. Emotionally, it becomes easier to disconnect from them and discard them without sorrow. That is why we out here (who have those still inside) don’t hear from them. We started out as lover, husband, wife, mom, dad, sister, brother to “terminal. How clever!!
Tu-Dee instead of wife, husband, boyfriend, girfriend etc.
“I am looking for a TERMINAL to marry and procreate with verses I would like to find the woman of my dreams, fall in love and have a family. Scientologese is so de humanizing when you really look at it.
This woman who posted her “Ideal Tu Dee” will cringe hard some day. Especially when she finds out her post went viral on the net.
I wrote stupid things like her too and I still cringe. LOL
Insightful. A “terminal” is, by definition, an “it.” Chilling…
“I am looking for a terminal.” Might I suggest Radio Shack?
Plenty of male and female connectors there. If that doesn’t work, there’s always craigslist.
Y’all stay away from that Camelot Castle so you don’t get hit in the head by big rusty letters falling.
She’s a scionbot goldigger!!
… and the connecting road to bankruptcy.
GOOD GRIEF!! I’m stunned at this morning’s read. Interested or interesting?
What oozes out of that cult of descendingness is an embarrassment to the human race. Scotty do your beam up thingo.
Like you said just reading the first three lines of your post created an awesome flow! And the gushing is to the point where I am too much in awe to call you and propose an all paid trip to the Christmas party in Sainthill, BTW do you know the COS has millions of eligible men or even women who might better fit the specs you laid out. They are incredibly supportive of you having a family,
The Regraded Being strip is all too real. Yes, the “C Org” has a retirement plan – “work ’til you drop”. Been there, done that, came home with the T-shirt.
I met an older white haired lady in the “isolation” apartment one time (they had an isolation apartment for people with infectious diseases and another for people who should just be in the hospital or a nursing home, like poor Paul Schoebel with his two failed kidneys). She was dying of lung cancer and they were giving her shark cartilage, because you know the shark never gets cancer… The pills would dissolve part way down her throat and she would cough up this white powdered shark cartilage in little puffy clouds. All I could think of was that she was dying right in front of me and all I could offer was a touch assist. It still hurts my heart to think about it.
I saw Paul Schoebel just before he died. He attempted to recovery me (last time I’ve ever been near an org). The only reason I went to see him was I knew him years ago and he was a great guy and was always willing to help auditors. All I can say about him is that he disappeared up lines many years ago and came back a wreck.
He was real mess, his left arm didn’t work and he was incredibly frail. He was raving about the benefits of the mu’s and typos found with dm’s “the typist is the SP campaign.” He expected me to be impressed I suppose but I didn’t reply to much as there wasn’t anything I could say – here sat this guy who has given his all for the cause but now had nothing but a wrecked body. I was very sombre when I went home that night and the ASHO ANZO Chaplin tried to get me to come back in a couple of weeks later – but I already had heard Paul had died and declined the invitation.
What incredible tragedies are generated by that cult – they really have gone out of their way to kill the joy in life and what makes it worse is they don’t care.
Update on Kyera FWIW.
I have had some people who know her send me some additional information. She is apparently an attractive, talented woman who was at one point a “pro writer” at Gold. I don’t know what she was writing, but judging from her FB posting, she sat alongside Dan Sherman a bit too long.
She was also formerly Tom Cruise’s “Executive Assistant.” Sometime around 2008/2009. No idea what happened there either, but a LOT of people sailed into and out of the Tom Cruise orbit, not unlike the David Miscavige orbit.
I wonder why she didn’t pull in TC as a 2D, then.
Were her incisor teeth too pointy?
I’ll file them down as my contribution to the third dynamic.
You may have overlooked that bit about her own size. TC? I think not …
Tom Cruise is 5′ 7″ apparently so he obviously wasn’t good enough.
Just a guess but Kyera will not talk about her CREDIT CARD DEBT
and outstanding signature loans to the “CHURCH”.
What is her IAS Status ?Is it trophy worthy ?
I checked Keyra out a little further, and all kidding aside, she does appear to be a beautiful and talented woman. I almost felt a wee bit ashamed at the remarks I posted. Looks like she sincerely wants a loving partner in life. Of course she “wants it all” and the cliches abound. I thnk my favorite line from motion picture history is in the first part of Mel Brooks; The Producers, where in front of a background of orgasmic fountains suddenly going off, Gene Wilder raises both arms in ecstasy and shouts “I want everything I’ve ever seen in the movies!” And so Keyra wants the 2D scene SHE has seen in the movies. You know, a kind of Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks thing.
So she wants tall, good looking, humorous, moneyed, educated, “art centric”, world traveler, “greatness” oriented, Bridge oriented, yadda yadda yadda. The usual. Nothing wrong with what she wants. Nothing wrong with mocking up an ideal scene and going towards it. (and of course, per the movies, one does not “settle” on the 2D).
What I find problematic about her ideal scene and harkening back to what Mike wrote in his Thanksgiving message is what Keyra DOESN’T SAY. She doesn’t list as desired attributes a person who has independent integrity of thought; a person who is willing to buck group think and HIS group’s think and intense pressure for what he thinks is right. She doesn’t mention true loyalty, that a person will not abandon a loved one or friend for expediency’s sake or personal gain, that this person will be committed to dealing with the ups and downs every single worthwhile relationship goes through. She doesn’t mention a person respecting different points of view and having compassion for those less fortunate or those who are going through heart breaking or painful times. She says “Bridge” is the most important thing …. but she’ll take a newbie who intends to go up the bridge …. if he is tall, good looking, moneyed, art centric, yadda yadda yadda. I mean, if she REALLY felt the bridge was the MOST important thing, why doesn’t she just hang around Flag getting in comm with EVERY single person on the OT levels she can find. Most too old or decrepit for her? (I note that super Scientologist Tom Cruise has yet to pick out a Scientologist or auditor to pair up with. He goes for cute young “wog” actresses. Well, I guess since Mimi Rogers anyway.)
Yeah, true independence with personal integrity and compassion for others’ troubles and loyalty to loved ones …. you won’t often find these attributes mentioned in a Scientologist’s “2D ideal scene.”
Yes, can you imagine the usual conversations about the Org and donations etc. “How much can we budget for for next week’s donos, honey?” And “Wasn’t Mr. Miscavige so cool at the event?”
And the new guy then says “I had to wait at the examiner queue for 20 minutes whilst the Examiner ‘examined’ the Floating Needle. Apparently it was only swinging twice after several attempts despite protein bars and boiled eggs and blankets. And actually making donations is contrary to LRH advice and policy! And as far as I can see from these LRH policies GAT I and II are Technical Degrades! And I lied to you about my donations history – I have never donated a dime and lied to the IAS and Idle Org Registrars about my offshore bank accounts. What do you think about all that darling?”
I thought that girls just wanna have fun.
You’re good Joe. That was a nice comment.
Hey by the way, I have tried to reach you on FB and I’m not sure if that is working or not? If you still have my email address can you send me an email? If not, maybe Mike R will give it to you.
Do you think her whole ‘I want a big being, but not someone who says they are a big being….’ a subconscious dig at TC? After all, he is the one who famously announced to NB that he was a big being……..I’m guessing this post is coming down soon from whatever Co$ website it is on (if it’s not down already). Hey….just thought of a new $$ making scheme……Co$……’We Tell You Who To Marry, Then Divorce.’. It’s just like progress up the Bridge….. You get to a point, only to be told to start over. Instead of a Bridge, it should be the ‘Chutes and Ladders to Total Freedom.’
The new version of the volcano commercial:
That is pretty funny!
This video us grreeaaate! I have GOT to learn how to do that!
Congrats on whoever made this video.
Hi Kyera!
Hey, I think I might be a fit for you! As an Old Surfer Dude, I’m in very good shape, especially for my age (60s). I know you like different kinds of music, so you might like to know I still play in a rock band! And as an Old Surfer Dude, I’m extremely mellow! I dress in shorts, T-shirts and athletic shoes or flip flops. You just can’t any more mellow than that! I love travelling! I used to live in Hawai’i and still go back there every so often. I’ve been all over the Caribbean. I’ve been to Europe and Africa. Maybe we go out on a date or something to get to know each other better.
But, there are some things I think you should know about: I’m a hard core EX-cult member (read scientology). I’ve been out since ’82 and count my walking out as one of THE best moments of my life. I believe DAVID MISCAVAGE to be a complete sociopath, psychotic and an all round asshole. He’s the ENTIRE PROBLEM with scientology. You’ve done OT 3 as I have. My reaction was: Holy fucking shit! This is the stupidest crap I’ve ever read! It wasn’t even good science fiction! Upon reading further, I started laughing and couldn’t stop. You probably had the same reaction as I did, right?
So, if you can manage to get around these small problems, by all means, let me know! I can take you out for your very first surfing lesson! It’ll be fun. I usually have my students paddle out about a 1/2 mile to 1 mile so they get a really nice view of the beach. I stay on shore to make sure everything goes smoothly.
So babe, I’m here and ready to rock your world. What do say, are we a match made in heaven or what?
Crap! I forgot something, Kyera. I’m 6’2″ and 200 lbs. So height wise, I’m a perfect fit for you.
This is pretty funny: I Googled Kyera, and she has a GoFundMe site to finance her recording:
Unfortunately she only raised $885 out of her $25K goal… in eight months.
This link is priceless, trow125, I cringed the entire way through. Total narcissist. i.e. “… my hauntingly beautiful compositions,” (KYE, Didn’t anyone ever mention you’re supposed to get other people to say things like that about you, not say them yourself? But as an established television writer, maybe they thought you already knew.)
His house is falling apart and his friends thinks that’s OT and cause over Mest ?????????
You can be a Big being but just don’t say you’re a big being. I hate people who have to say they are big beings.. I mean, I’m a big being but I don’t usually say I am. The only reason I’m saying I’m a big being is so I find a big being with a big bank account. Not that I care about’s just big beings create-CREATE and CREATE more. Therefore they have money and I like big beings who drink pina colada’s and like to eat REAL greasy pizza while we rub lard all over us.. Are you with me on this??
🙂 🙂 🙂
With Pina Coladas and just a little lard, I would think that a big being could make anything go right.
Pina Coladas and an oiliness table, perhaps? That actually sounds like it could be fun 😀
They get by with a little lard from their friends… 🙂
I wonder if you can get a massage on the oiliness table with an appropriate sized dono?
Not a pretty sight. Dm getting one of his whales all greased up on the oiliness table. Afterwards they say “thank you, your Oiliness!!”.
Hilarious Tony!
I remember once back in the 70’s at the St. Louis Org I was talked into going to a Baha’i Faith
convention featuring Seals & Croft to pass out Scn flyers. I passed out a couple and got yelled
at. It occurred to me they were right….I had no business being at their event passing out flyers from
another “religion”. I felt embarrassed and degraded for intruding like that. I threw away the rest of the
flyers I had. Then told the few staff people I went with I passed mine out…..wishing I wasn’t with them cuz
quite frankly I would have loved to go in and see Seals & Croft perform.
On our way back to the org, the staff members laughed and joked about the reaction from the Baha’i Faith
folks when they passed out the Scn. flyers. The ARCX’s that were created ment nothing to them….which I
thought was quite odd.
I would say I experienced a point of view of Scn that I thought was sleazy, rude and not needed…..a stat push
to get out promo at any cost and no consideration of others.
It has morphed into what we see now….a sleazy, rude push for money designed only to benefit the church
“Miscavige” with no regard and total disdain for the way their members are treated and indoctrinated to believe.
I just couldn’t stop laughing at the “Regraded being” cartoons. Who is the ilustrator ? He is brilliant.
Where was this “2D ideal scene” posted at ? FB ?
So weird.
Kyera – a few questions.
You’re 44, and are now ready to create on the 2D. Why did it take so long to get ready.That’s a pretty significant question that maybe someone would want answered prior to “flowing power to [your, presumably] greatness”.
You can laugh for hours at the most inane comment … ? Really? Do you really mean “hours”? As in 120 minutes or more? That’s scary.
Why do you repeat yourself over and over. You could have condensed that to a couple of paragraphs, and omitted nothing.
You write
“He’s a big being, but doesn’t consider himself big or not big … He would never feel the need to say that he’s a “big” thetan. Big is relative anyway”
Is this some kind of 1.1 comment about COB? You are to report to FSO immediately and purchase 5 intensives of sec-checking.
She’s auditioning for TC.
Size matters Dollar, I don’t think TC will do.
Kyera wear those high heals and a low cut top, go to any local bar scene
and you will find whatever you want babe.
Kyera first needs to get a best friend girlfriend who can help her edit this.
Judging by her laundry list, evidently she has had problems with:
-social drinkers,
-guys intimidated by her height,
-losers always talking about what they did last lifetime,
-jerks bragging about what big beings they are (but that doesn’t means she wants a pipsqueak being!)
-an MAA who got in her shit for being flirtatious or giving the apparency of it as observed by some KR writer, or a boyfriend who that happened to,
-guys that didn’t have FUN when she gave them targets which they then didn’t make, and blew up LIKE IT WAS A BIG DEAL,
-guys that have embarrassed her with their “un-hipness” (BTW, Kyera, rating your own hipness = very unhip)
-joker guys who were always on.
-guys who wouldn’t go to graduation or Scn events.
Okay, with that said, now I’m going to flip around 180° and come to her defense:
I sure as hell wouldn’t want some naive and desperate sounding thing I had written on a dating site put up in a forum where those reading and commenting on it are sure to ridicule her.
We’ve all been guilty of gushing at some point in our lives. And, those of us here are not actually the “public” she intended it for. The stilted writing suggests she was trying to craft a message to attract a well-to-do scientologist guy (“hellooo, engineeeers?).
Depending on where she posted this originally, reposting it here might be boarderline inappropriate…
John Doe, you are a nice guy.
Loved KBKs pleading lament. “I love champagne but will drink cheap wine as long as it has alcohol”.
In other words, “I’m stuck on 7 with high expectations but will conform to yours if you can pay for the rest of the ride.” I wish I could make up stuff as (sadly) funny as what is really happenning.
That 2-D Ideal scene list was over the top CRAZY!!
I think she’s ready for the spin bin.
Re the girl looking for a 2D: She in on OT VII, is running out of money or has run out of money and now wants a 2D to pay for her and of course be perfect also. I wonder I she brings the same things to the table that she is asking for?
Did you say sex for money?
I thought the notion of exchange was passe in the chult?
I gotta hand it to all you bloggers!! Your comments are sooo frickin funny I only wish Joan Rivers was here to appreciate your wit. I’m truly LMAO …………….. I need to make another dono to Mikes blog soon because you are all over the top and this good of comedy is hard to come by!!!
Carry on………………
Kyera, you say you’re not the greatest with money, yet you insist on spending all this money on services and have done Super Power and the Run Around a Pole thing. And you live in Clearwater and support the Church and various front groups. Have you ever considered that you may have answered your problem? And you think being with another Scientologist who has the same motivations as you do about supporting the church and getting the Bridge will solve this problem?
Oh dear.
Note to Kyera,
I think you will have to refine your search some what.
Or have a database from surrounding Planets.
Good luck !
That Kyera chick is legit hot, but lord and baby jesus she sure is batshit cray cray.
Funny and tragic. So true though
“My 2.5 year old does this without auditing…”
My chuckle for the day.
Since my 1 1/2 year old daughter’s auditing at Mace-Kingsley, she now speaks fluent Russian and French, as well as English, and is helping me with home study of Organic Chemistry!!!!!!!!!!!
Damnit! I knew…I just knew I should have put my son into Mace-Kingsley! He probably would have written his first novel at age 6! Solved hunger around the world be age 8. Cured Ebola by age 10. Fund a raising start-up and retire by age 12. I AM SUCH A SCREW UP…
There is still time OSD!
I think Kyera and I are a perfect match. My age is a tad bit higher but oh well.
OH and the gender is off too but hell …
I’m often mistaken for a guy here on Mike’s blog so maybe she won’t notice.
Back off, windhorse! This babe, although greatly abberated, is spoken for!
Also Kyera, do you have a photo taken more recently than 20 years ago? And one more thing … if I’m the BOMB, is it ok if I ‘m currently residing in Pelican Bay? (Located on the beautiful north coast of California). PS. I think I love you and want to be your best friend.
Hey, quit flirting with me my new girlfriend, Joe! I thought we were friends? You knew I wanted her, HUGE MANGLED WORTS AND ALL. What can you give her that I can’t? Huh?
Kyera, read your ideal scene and a couple of questions ….. Do I also have to look as good in a tuxedo as I do in blue jeans? Re: the being flirtatious with other women … does that mean I can’t have sex with other women? (Because I might be driven to it if you laugh your head off for hours over an inane gesture, whatever that is). * by the way, did y’all notice the thing about money? Kinda looks like good ole Keyera is now on OT7 WITHOUT enough moolah and she wants someone WITH … uh huh.
Exactly. Show me the money.
Maybe Keyera should just go for it and take Trish Duggan’s man from her. Bob just might give into her sexy artistic self and agree to have Trish exported to South Africa with a suitcase full of money and a promise to shut the hell up.
Then Keyera can get busy going through Trish’s jewelry cases and 2000 sq. ft. walk-in closet.
She works for a WISE company and has trouble managing her money. The irony!!
And the red flag “…Funny, I can manage other people’s money flows very well.” Yea, right.
Mappin’s sign: Scientology – spinning out PR as good PR since 1952.
2d lady: You can read a self-help book and create a shopping list like this without going around the Bridge. If she finds someone who it appeals to, they deserve each other.
Ability and other promo: what is it with the folded arms? I suppose it’s meant to convey competence, but after looking it up on several bodylanguage sites I have to agree with this: “crossed arms … might indicate that a person is feeling defensive, self-protective, or closed-off.” ( or this “Arms crossed over your chest signal defensiveness and resistance” (
Love the syphilis sign. I suppose ebola is next?
Great hair style. Really. Brilliant. Idea. No better way to say cult of personality.
I feel for the social services guy in Regraded Being’s comic. I’m sure not all Ex-SO staff are like that. Quite a few will feel deeply betrayed and shell-shocked.
Because of the fact that syphillis can produced different manifestations of infection that mimic other dieseases, it used to be known as “The Great Imitator.” Dianetics is the same thing, psychologically speaking.
Where to start?
Gerry Maguire 2
Tom: You give me a place to outflow my 2D.
Renee: You had me at Terminal.
CAME OT with an L on the side.
Replace the C with the L.
Now take that Bently and go find a parking place tiger.
Okay, that was pretty damn funny!
Pretty easy to find a parking space in the desert on your OT CAMEL.
As amusing as it is, regraded being does raise an important issue – what does happen to old timers in the SO? They have no retirement plan so what do they do with them once they become too old or too batty to be of use? Or is the cartoon above a frightening window on reality?
Had D. Light really been offloaded?
No, last I saw he is now a letter reg at ASHO….
Too old to teach new tricks. Too many financial crimes. It was time to put him out to pasture (and out of the spotlight) in the fine tradition of Heber Jentzsch who is soaking up the rays in “semi-retirement”….
If they can still work –> on a letter registrar post usuallyl on a reduced work schedule. If they can’t
contribute –> into a home of sorts.
a whole chapter on how to leave and not beat yourself over the head for being such a dupe to give advice ought be done.
I on my last 3 months on the RPF went into “recalitrant mode” and insisted on walking from the PAC RPF daily to the Hilhurst Public LA Library and started updating myself on the world, I went into protest mode, my “routing out” was so long, and I wanted they route me out standardly, get me started in life, on a job, in a place to stay, I just insisted on it, and eventually, it occurred.
At the library, I read the LA social services, and there is hundreds of free meal spots nightly all around LA, there are the shelter places, I scoped them out, in a worst case scenario mindset.
I read this big paperback book in the library of the tens of thousands of churches and services, housing for homeless, etc, etc. Took weeks of scanning through it, to see at least in LA the worst, if I decided to blow and hit the streets.
As a long time Sea Org member we are almost guaranteed to be in the lowest income category, I call it “religious worker” and it is SUB poverty level social security.
You would end up getting your 700 or thereabouts, per month, when you finally qualify, at 66 years old, in otherwords.
With that, you can stay in the highrise or other HUD housing projects that take 30% of your 700 for your rent, leaving you 400 as spending money to buy food and bus pass, for the month. Very tight, but if you are 66 or older, and apply, you get your 700 a month.
HUD housing for you, follow the rules, as if you break the law, you get kicked out, and then it’s on your own, 700 a month, social security, the minimum, and ex long term Sea Org members are gonna have only that.
Other countries, not sure, like Canada has got to be somewhat better, UK too I’d imagine, and France and Germany will be likely better than the US.
If you deludedly took the Sea Org “vow of poverty” mentality, I stoopidly did take it seriously I’ll admit, then I just carried on with my delusion that I had lived a vow of poverty “religious worker” tax category lifestyle and thus am a sub poverty long term “religious worker” who qualifies thus for the HUD housing assistance that exists here in the US in I think all states.
So, that’s the gory answer.
I visit the HUD housing buildings regularly for my job as meter reader, and they are better than Sea Org berthing, you get a whole small apartment!
So the worst, coming out of the Sea Org,to living HUD housing, on social security alone, is still miles above Sea Org sub poverty religious worker lifestyle.
Just for info: in Germany you get max 380 something Euros. If you are older than 65. If you are younger and could work you get penalty deduction. They pay your room. But electricity bill you have to pay yourself. So, typically you have 300 Euros a month for all your needs.
I think Kyera should write romance novels for 14 year olds.
Too bad Kyera will be sent to ethics because of her “minimum height” requirement.
I looked long and hard for to find a possible a fitting partner, especially ‘liking to go to events’ was a real challenge. That dropped 99% of candidates out of the race.
But I found the solution. She should just pivot a little on the 2D aspect and get a dog.
Thats sick man.
Sheesch Gerhard, I think if she just ran that “Find a substitute for a husband” to EP she may have wins like the gal in the flyer the other day and forget the loser husband idea. Then she would be all set for a stint in the C-Org and perhaps dear leader would smile on her once in a while.
Ronn, It may be sick, but GW is being realistic.
LOL Gerhard! I didn’t see her urge toward survival through sex anywhere on the list. Uhhhhhhh. No wonder she’s so stressed out. That list was a strange projection of an unreal person who would do everything perfect, according to her reality. Here’s a clue. A real man will not be in your mind, he’ll actually have his own point of view.
“Big is relative anyway….”. Aw, I just love how they pander to David Miscavige at every turn! She wants a ‘big being’ who doesn’t need to tell everyone he is big…..well, we know who she can cross off her list…(LRH i is here, DM is here and I am here……everyone else is waaaaaaay down there)
Hilarious !
“What makes the OCA unique?” The fact that it’s a complete fake?
Raymond Kemp, the man who created the Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) was a PhD in Psychology.
Among many other fairly significant life accomplishments.
Merchant marine among them, Dave? I knew he wrote the OCA test. Didn’t know he had a Ph.D in psychology.
So St Louis needs a new building to stop the rioting in Ferguson? That’s funny, because I thought TWTH books took care of that?
In fact, there was some OSA troll over at Tony’s a day or so ago blabbering about how those books must be helping because things had calmed down. This person failed to mention that several sections of the city had been burned down the night before….but who can be bothered with those silly, wog details?
It’s a Scientology Magic Trick!!
Don’t look over here where our stupid books didn’t do anything but make kindling for multiple fires….
Look over here where your donations will buy a new building and THEN we will be able to fix these ignorant wogs.
Free Kool-Aid for every donor.
(Another great edition of funnies Mike, thanks for the laugh)
Somehow that extremely long “looking to create on the 2nd Dynamic” post seems like it could be boiled down to an old-fashioned two-line Personals ad. Something along the lines of
“SWF Scientologist, 44, seeks SM Scientologist, any age and/or type, for immediate marriage, family. Willing to relocate. Mildly desperate.”
Wanted: Hot, rich guy willing to support middle-aged “artist”… Good luck, sweetheart.(That’s my dry sense of humor there…) She certainly wasn’t getting charged per word, hmmm?
What I am curious about is what happened to all the guys who passed through her life from the time she was 16 until now at age 44.
That is a 28 year run…In all that time no one was rocked enough by her that they wanted to put a ring on it ???
She’s attractive, can sing etc………Maybe I just don’t understand.
Richard …..that was SPOT ON…… ‘ideally he is between 34 and 54, but if the BOMB guy was 27 or 57……..ideally he’s between 5’11 and 6’4, but if my BOMB guy was 5’8, that would be OK…..’
How about 5’1? I know just the guy for you sweetie.
Cool factor of 8? Maybe in the David Miscavige School of Cool, but not in reality.
That ad was so sad, mildly desparate is being kind. And how is she not good with money if she is OT VII??? Isn’t she supposed to be case over MEST and have super powers and all that?
There was absolutely no original thought in Kyera’s write up searching for a “2D”.
She’s gone.
And has been fully replaced by Scientology.
I’m sure she appreciates the “awesome flow” we gave her by reading her ideal scene.
Maybe she’ll catch SP cooties from us and that will help her out.
Wow Alanzo!
So TRUE!!! and SO SAD!!!
Truly hope she finds the road back to being a real human being.
“He likes going to graduation and international events.”
Nothing like high asperations for a future 2D
My thought exactly Terril. I was really grooving with Kyera and hearing wedding bells until she mentioned “international events”. That’s a deal breaker.
zzzzzz I love you anyway
And see, Zzzzzz! That’s the difference between you and me! I would for the sake of our relationship, go to those events. Now, I won’t have a special badge or ticket so they probably won’t let me in. But, I would wait for her no matter how long she stayed.
Kyera does look kind’a cute in her picture. She’ll probably end up here on Mike’s blog at some point and out of the cult and get a real man.
Wait…what are you saying here? I still have a shot at her!
Re this Kyera B Keenne person.
what an earth is it about people where they feel the deep seated abberative need to constantly “connect” and explain all the chaos they have in their head that psses for thinking?
I would run a mile from this biscuit!
And a half baked biscuit, at that. LOL
She needs a “good one” and “a cup of tea afterwards”.
Ha! Because nothing contributes to a long and enduring relationship like a shopping list.
Honey Do This and Honey Do That and by the way honey, a dono made today by 2:00 would go a long way toward smoothing out our issues and also improve my, err, our status. In fact, since I’m good at handling your finances better than my own I went ahead and did your next status …………….. aren’t I wonderful? Do you still love me because the IAS reg says I’m the most adorable person in the universe …!
I’d better stop now……………………
Brrrr… Spooky Coop. It’s like I was right there.
Me too statpush. The IAS knows how to work the 2d flows for sure. Then the MAAs take over on the partner that might have second thoughts!!! What a frickin racket!!!
Sooooooooo glad it is all in the rear view mirror.
Damn Cooper….stop, you’re scaring me…
STOP! I’m falling under your spell, Coop!
Deja vu, Coop?
All I want is a “big being”. Around 11″ would be just fine. Everything else is optional.
You beat me to it – the obvious answer for her. And as the Brits say – “with a cup of tea afterwards”.
Frickin hysterical Mike!!!
Hey Kyera,
” But some little aberrative thing has been on my own personal money management.”
You might want to check out who is on your lines demanding more fiat currency!! Good grief.
Regrades Being ……………… you are over the top today!!!!! Still snickering because it is sooooo on the mark!!
That 2D chick is describing me! OK, just joking 🙂
Everything about her write-up screams “clingy”. As a bloke you would run a mile from that. Maybe she should CSW Tom Cruise. He’s a Big Being who doesn’t need to be big but is big anyway, but who isn’t really, but is somewhat….
Personally, I found her write up to simply be specific as to what she wants. I felt a bit embarrassed reading it and pretty much skimmed over it as it’s so PERSONAL. Why, oh why do Scientologists allow such personal thoughts and desires to become public? Cringe.
“I can manage other people’s money flows very well.” Why is she working for a WISE company? Shouldn’t she be a reg? Now Davy has to set up a ‘$’, so this stuff doesn’t make the bitter apostates blogs. Really sad in a funny sort of way.
So the clampire is really going market themselves as a ‘personal efficiency’ help group. Well maybe Kyera can do that too! Anyone who can juggle torches is ready to do pretty much anything.
I wonder how long the 2 weeks at a European NarCONon is actually going to last? ‘What you want my passport’?
What if the Oxford Personality Test decides you’re an ‘a##hole’? Does that qualify you for a management position?
Thanks Mike, these are really funny, in a sad way.
Yep I agree – any man in his right mind would run a mile. You would be being “judged” every minute.
Me too ! Perfect description! Jjjj
So unfortunate that I am kind of a priest.
To quote Raymond Chandler, I wouldn’t kick in a stained glass window for her.
Hang on – I’m 6’4”, I’m fif- er right in the age range, I’m financially stable (especially since I left The Cult) and I’m a HUGE Queen fan!
Kyera, where have you been all my life!
Oh dear, every time I read something from an ‘OT’, Poe’s Law hits me right between the eyes…
( “ Poe’s law, named after its author Nathan Poe, is an Internet adage reflecting the idea that, without a clear indication of the author’s intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between an expression of sincere extremism and a parody of extremism.)