The vultures are circling…
“South Bay” sounds so much more gentrified… Not normally used to describe Inglewood — more like Redondo Beach and Pacific Palisades.
But no big surprise that Inglewood needs staff. Last I heard they had less than 30. About 2,000sq ft per person.
Cross Order Alert
I thought everyone was supposed to be at the PAC graduation tonight?
CC doesn’t seem to have the memo.
But you gotta love the fact that the biggest celebrity the scientology Celebrity Centre has to promote on its “come to graduation” poster is Tony Muhammad the Nation of Islam leader….
They STILL can’t finalize the IAS Event, though they’re trying to make it sound positive…
Surely they can figure out where this event is going to be held before insisting people confirm?
But it’s going to be monumental and indeed life changing. Earth shattering. Literally world changing. The planet will never be the same. Start budgeting for a big donation now. What a surprise…
From: Portland Org <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 15:14:27
Subject: BREAKING NEWS!!! From Ben Klevit, PES PTLDHi Everyone!
I am writing to ensure you have been informed that this year’s anniversary event of the International Association of Scientologists will be MONUMENTAL and indeed LIFE-CHANGING.
I am going to quote a communication we just received here at the org from a trusted Management executive:
“This event contains earth shattering announcements. It is not just ‘one of the best’ events – it is literally going to change the world, on an order of magnitude exceeding all previous IAS events – with advances unlike anything you have ever seen, and much, much more. Suffice it to say this event is on par with the biggest event in the history of the IAS. The planet will never be the same – guaranteed.”
Wow, big statement! We are treating it that way, and recommend you do as well! The weekend of activities will be in two parts, starting at 6pm sharp on Saturday, October 25th in the Chapel, and then resuming with part two at 1pm on October 26th.
This is simply an evening you will not want to miss. I am personally requesting that you make it your highest priority to attend and that you start budgeting right away for a meaningful donation you will REALLY want to make once you’ve seen and heard of the theta storm about to hit planet Earth!
I hope you are excited, and that you clear your calendars for this historic weekend. See you there!
Benjamin Klevit,
Public Executive Secretary Portland Day Org
There is an old advertising adage, “sex sells”…
Funny though, EVERY photo I see of “events” is dominated by middle-aged or older people who look like they have had the lifeblood sucked out of them. But the promo sure doesn’t look that way. Somehow there seems to be an inordinate number of well-endowed young women who are part of the 47X expansion:
Massive Wins on GAG II
Seems the ONLY wins that come out of GAG II come from people who are “redoing” services.
Don’t the people that put together this promotion find it a little strange to select THIS particular LRH quote for someone REDOING the Purif?
Body Routing? Estates? Sounds really enticing….
Anyone who has ever seen this place would make you wonder whether it isn’t the sad remnants of a “gone out of business” storefront.
Author Services — following in the unsuccessful pattern of orgs everywhere
This person never bought an audiobook from Author Services, or anywhere else. But true to “standard admin” it is volume of letters out that counts. Not quality.
On Sep 24, 2014, at 5:43 PM, Sarah Toth <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello xxxx!I wanted to find out if you’ve been listening to your audiobooks.We always like to hear from our listeners. Do you have anything you’d like to share?
Sarah Caruso-Toth
Galaxy Press
7051 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
323 466 7815 ext 1
7051 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, California 90028, United States (323) 466-3310
Strange sort of “Success”
“Thanks for not giving up on me”? Hmmmm
And this, from a former staff member, is hardly a ringing endorsement for joining staff — “it took me a while to warm up to the idea” and “I know the decision was right and I am going to be OK.”
I guess they don’t have too many people that are newly on staff….
Worst. Photoshop. Ever. And longest string of meaningless statuses since Idi Amin’s halcyon years.
I swear someone cut out their heads with a pair of kiddie scissors and pasted it onto this background and then turned on the airbrush and let the top of her hair have it.
And that’s not even the cringiest part of this poster.
He got him to pay in full. The definition of an on purpose, on fire scientologist…
Exclamation overload!!!!!!
It MUST be true and really IMPORTANT if it is followed by !!!!!!!!!!!!
She knows this with absolute certainty!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!
They are basically DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only 1.4 million more to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The experts are splaining it again…
This amazing seminar on effective dissemination will be delivered in an empty room inside an empty org.
No outpoints here.
The emptiness of the ideal org apparently isn’t noticed…
An excited bubbledweller visited the ideal org in Dallas and posted a series of shots on Facebook. No outpoint that there isn’t anyone there, obviously.
Big crowds turned out
Finally, following in the footsteps of the incredible (literally) shots of events and ribbon yankings the church has provided over the years, I thought you would enjoy a shot of a few of the SP’s who gathered last Sunday morning for an impromptu brunch here in sunny Pinellas County FL, home to the greatest concentration of SP’s on earth. The venue was “ideal”, polished wood floors and custom furniture, magnificent patio and pool and state-of-the-art AV systems….
Wow, using young pretty women with large breasts in promo – I have feeling there will be a surge of 18 year old male Sea Org recruits in a few months: “This girl could be your 2D if you join quick enough”. However, after joining and arriving at the Complex, they’ll soon realize that there are no young, single, available and desirable women in the Sea Org. And they’re sharing a room the size of a closet with 8 other young and horny dudes who joined the SO for the same reasons. And they will soon be given the “hands off” briefing by their org MAA in which they will be told that masturbation will make you go blind and cause little black hairs to grow on your palms (whatever you do, don’t look at your hands). They will then be made to sit in a chair for countless hours while confronting the “Pain and Sex” HCOB upside down and taped to the course room wall. And to think they dropped out of college for this crap… Joining the Sea Org to get laid is never a good idea.
Yours Truly,
Jethro Bodine of Beverly Hills
Inventor of the Cement Pond
IAS Double Patron Meritorius With Cheese
Ideal Org Platinum-Coated Humanitarian
Super Power Conned Contributor
Planetary Dissem Biggus Dickus Supremus Centurion Warrior
Ideal Walking Automated Teller Machine
Inter-Galactic Masturbating Space Monkey
Way to funny!!!
The Dallas org should be used to quarantine the people who have been or may have been exposed to Ebola.
The lack of visitors would keep more people from being infected.
God this puke-worthy over the top “whoopee” promo about events being the biggest, bestest, most exciting, momentous, never-to-be-seen-again, once in a lifetime, awesome, stupendous fantastical brilliant blah blah and more blah just never stops.
Do they actually read this crud when they send it out and, more importantly, compare it to the last crud they sent out – or do they think the public are drones with 5-second memories?
And as for the use of exclamation marks. I have no words.
I just love the ‘SP’ gathering picture at the very end. So funny and a nod to marketing tradition.
Sex Sells: The cute chick on the LA Org promo looks straight out of Star Trek with her modern cut dress and Vulcan hairstyle. All she needs is a pair of pointy ears and a toned down smile.
Worst. Photoshop. Ever.: The super-cringe factor here is all of those silly, vapid status titles Roy Finley and Cathy Stone have attached to them. Embarrassing.
Strange sort of Success: Too sad. The woman needs help.
Oh, I like the Vulcan Girl. I guess I’m just weak for nerd girls 🙂
But the little kid in the first poster – Celebrity Center Graduation – on the left margin, 1, 2, 3rd photo down on the left margin – the girl in the pink dress holding a cert for something, probably for donating her piggy bank to the fucking IAS. That just breaks my heart. She’s maybe 12. That poor kid. The SO recruiters are probably already fighting over her.
Gato, What we all did have is constantly is our study programs would be changed or added too and the times I was removed from a course to do another – maybe 50 times and checksheets changed (revised) often. Then there were the M9 orders, and other crap usually after hours so how could one even be studentable? It’s amazing I made it to OT IV in 19 years
Yep, that was the modus operandi. Inane orders to M9 KSW, repeatedly. True – many people do have MisUs on KSW (ha!) but nevetheless was totally aggravating. Training line ups for staff also being changed constantly as well, with interjections of “Executive training” (i.e. some daft course that the Exec thought you needed to make sure you stayed on that post under him or her and not get promoted – or trained as an auditor)) as you say. Actually the failing was Qual never applying Qual Senior Datum HCO PL or having the guts or power to do so. Or rather OESes and Chief Officers never supporting Qual in these instances.
Re: Executive C/Sing – just what I was thinking. I used to get ordered to sec checks every 4 months or so between 85 and 93 (finance lines). Well I had ‘my own’ auditor who used to drive from Beverly Hills just to give me a session and take me to OT levels She had long since completed her internship and had no other reason to come into the org for about 2 years. So I flat out refused to go in session with her the first time it happened because of some ref I’d read about how that was HCOs job. After that the org would have to provide one and since the orders to sec check ALLWAYS came from management, and not once a local senior, the org would find the auditor only about ¼ of the time because management would drop follow thru the orders (no use of the time machine and mostly a Hey You org board). Lucky me Goto I didn’t have to put up with direct seniors like that ~ crazy.
That last picture is so great!
Yikes…we used to get a royal face ripping if we ever said “It’s BASICALLY done, Sir!” (Ummmm…we just need $1.4 million more…heh-heh….)
The Tampa staff SUCCESS piece is just about the (unintentionally) saddest thing I’ve ever seen. That poor, poor woman is seeking acceptance and understanding, and she’s instead writhing around in a nest of vipers. I hope she survives the collapse.
I agree. Reading that made me so uncomfortable for her and it blew my mind that they would publish it. How — How would anyone reading that get in any way excited about wanting to join staff? It makes the whole experience sound brutal and almost sacrificial.
Automatic control engineering consists of ON and OFFs, of ones and zeros, something well known in the computer world.
Here’s some Friday funnies. No big surprises here, but still some funnies; some real world documentation.
I’m a Class IX C/S (GAT, so no BC or Class VII — please forgive me), so I know a bit about Bridge flow. I just spoke with an on-lines public of a major Ideal Org. He just spent a couple months full-time doing Bridge at a field auditor near the org, being C/S’ed by Org’s Tech C/S. He completed SUCCESSFULLY ARC S/W, Grade 0 and Grade 1. He had traveled from another country to get auditing from this field auditor.
After successfully completing 3 grades…the org’s Tech C/S said “YOU MUST NOW STOP YOUR GRADES…and start the survival rundown”.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat??? The illogic of it just amazes.
We all know everyone is being pushed to do the SRD. But…..why the hell did you let the guy finish three whole grades before telling him to do the the SRD???? Wouldn’t you have the PC start the SRD before freakin’ ARC SW if that was your plan?
Why not let him finish the damn grades, and then have him do SRD (as dumb as it would be, it would still be less dumb than stopping in the middle of the grades).
And here’s why it would be less dumb. Once the PC was told he had to start SRD…did he just continue right on doing that?? Hell no. He had to STOP THE BRIDGE PROGRESS he had organized his life to make…because he wasn’t prepared to make the kind of time commitment necessary to start and finish the SRD.
So whereas the guy WOULD HAVE STAYED TO FINISH HIS GRADES….he instead left to go back to his home country to figure out how to organize the time and money to do SRD …putting a big ‘ol STOP on his Bridge.
That’s what REALLY happens when stupid fucked up tech arbitraries are enforced on ALL public.
COB has been the source of every tech arbitrary in the last 20 years. It’s so fucked up.
The C/S tells this guy, “Sorry, it’s the new policy. Everyone is doing SRD as their next action. Even OTs.”
Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant.
So, based on COB’s “research and development”, some things LRH got COMPLETELY wrong are:
–didn’t catch that auditors were being trained by “the blind”
–didn’t catch that the E-Meter drill book was an altered-compliance to his order of “make every process into a drill”
–didn’t catch this his poorly edited books were why no one ever truly understood Scientology
–didn’t catch that his order to compile up every process and create grades checklist was a cross order to the estimates of how long each section of the grade chart should take in LRH ED “From Clear to Eternity”
–didn’t catch that his HCO PL IDEAL ORGS was never understood or implemented properly
–didn’t catch that his handling for bugged students in LRH ED 174 Int (Student Hat 2 times through and M4 whole pack and study tapes) would actually need to be made standard for all Scientologists in order for anyone to ever be able to understand Scientology
–Never realized that OT 7s needed 6 month checks in order to keep them on the rails.
–Didn’t realize that Guillome Leserve was actually a cheese-eating SP
–Didn’t catch that TECHNICALLY, doing OT Levels on the old meters wasn’t really possible…so (OOPS) I guess all the OT levels are based on faulty research or something, and LRH falsely attested to the OT Levels??
The list goes on and on.
Screw COB and his alter-ego Kim Jong-“Eh”.
His executive C/Sing is so much the elephant in the room that nobody sees it. Is the Exec C/Sing issue now removed out of any volumes and courses? Wouldn’t be surprised.
Back in my day the only executive C/Sing I was aware of was how anyone’s juniors always needed sec checks. (Speaks volumes of the senior, doesn’t it.) Anyway, then people got tossed on the Running Pgm at the base by “executives” also (out tech and off policy) and with no one standing up to it, it ran rampant I suppose. Forget what YOU need or want handled, or the actual reason for the Bridge, it’s what arrogant narcissistic executives think you need.
In addition, the winning pc in your example, having just completed Grade I had just DONE a majority of the objective processes that are on the SRD. Indeed, Executive C/Sing is King here.
Let’s hope that this loss for pc and field auditor will be a big eye opener and that they’ll get the hell out of there.
I know someone in the middle of NED who was taken off it and routed to SRD. That’s F’d up.
And on top of all this out-tech we have harsh ethics being used against supposedly the most ethical people on the planet (which they are mostly to be fair), donations scamming and hey you Org Boards. Arbitrary after arbitrary being thrown into Orgs. It is a wonder that some still have the lights on.
If Inglewood is part of the South Bay, is Harlem the Upper East Side?
Yeah, that’s pretty it 🙂
I am wondering about the Orange County social media seminar with Ed Dearborn. Isn’t this the same Ed Dearborn that was behind the flubs that inspired Luis Garcia to file a lawsuit for fraud?
Curious minds want to know and the internet is the place to find out. I would encourage anyone out there, never-ins, exes, indies, freezoners, fence sitters, under the radars, and kool-aiders to use the internet. Just google scientology and hold on for a wild ride down the rabbit hole to see what is really going on with the cult. Anyone with a small amount of curiosity and critical thinking skills can easily discern the facts from fantasy.
Not that I care about policies written by LRH but you would think the bots would!!
HCO PL 7 April 1969, page 916, Org Exec Course vol. 7.
“It is an act of treason to reduce, combine or close an org.
There are several ways an org can be collapsed or closed.
1.Leave the Executive Council unfilled as posts.
2. Assign it or its executives or principals an unreal or vicious condition.
3. Combine Day Org with it’s Foundation.
4. Deny it the right to promote.
5. Involve it with insolvency such as running up huge debts.
6. Using policy to stop.
7. Inhibit initiative.
8. Reward downstats and punish upstats.”
“18. Use ethics suppressively.
19. Use hard ethics on the public.”
Right on Tony!
Calling a spade a spade.
On the bad Photoshop job on the “Exemplary Couple”:
Matt (forgot his second name) in Dissem FLO once messed up on a photo of COB (an arm or so was left of or was crocked in a magazine – maybe he made him look like a one-armed bandit 🙂 – he was Comm Ev’ed and demoted from his officer rank to some Petty Officer).
If the Exemplary Couple would point out that he looked like as if he was still dirty behind his ears and she in need of a hairdresser the response might not be so soothing: kPlease see the registrar to buy some intensives for a thorough sec check … you must have overts galore – they are even coming out of your ear 🙁
Not all pigs are equal
I haven’t seen nor heard the term “Information Age” used in conjunction with a seminar since last century!
Hilarious! CCI has a guest speaker who believes that women are chattel That will bring in the liberal Hollyweird crowd for SURE
A person couldn’t make this stuff up. It is too unbelievable.
Is the subtle headline “adventurous” on the join staff promo very suggestive or am I just that aberrated on my 2D?
Quite clear from that pic inside the org that they are def the on,y people there with all the dark corners in the back ground and also it looks like the lights that they do have on are very low output (cheap) bulbs! Not exactly a bright welcoming vibrant place.
Lets give them a break, I mean, unbelievable offer, almost magnificent: pay thousands to have your name on a plaque FOREVER…imagine that! This is unbelievable man, no wonder they used so many!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved the funnies. The commentary is ever so appropriate. With all of these amazing, incredible accomplishments you would think we would have an ideal planet by now. One where the pr area control would be so superior that no one would dream of attacking the church. Well, sounds like we’re almost there….
But, especially loved the SP picture. Was “amazing” being part of it. Hopefully, we’ll have an even bigger crowd at our next one.
Yes, we are almost to the point where one would never dream of attacking the church in the same way one would never dream of attacking a dust mote or a paperclip on a desk. They are so small as to be nonexistent.
As for the SP Party, it looks fun, but how did you ever find a seat? ROTFL.
I’m still laughing at the picture of Sundays looks like were at a rock concert with front row seats. it makes me want to up my status.
I hope you didn’t take it seriously – that was a Photoshop joke 🙂
Not a great face book photo for Cara…..but in tune with the
current church…..a bunch of vampires waiting to suck the life
blood out of you.
I liked the Portland kid….data from a “Trusted Management
Executive”. I’d like to know who are the Management Execs
who aren’t trusted.
And then how to dissem using technology…..please.
Any kid from probably age 5 or 6 up can create a simple
vid on a cell phone. Really?…..the church is now an authority
on all the tech devices and how to use them. The idea to help
those that are less tech savoy is good…..but to use tech from the
60’s, 70’s and 80’s to do so is beyond ridiculous to say the least.
Or is it that the arrogant, holier than thou attitude that permeates the
current church knows that such a highly technical subject can only
be “truly understood” using study tech? A study tech, I might add,
that most in the current church have no idea how to use.
“data from a “Trusted Management Executive”. I’d like to know who are the Management Execs who aren’t trusted.”
All of them. When a loyal clam cuts down the management, he or she is on the way out.
Yeah, Scientology’s one thing – practice it or don’t, I don’t care. Have fun auditing.
But the study “tech” and *especially* the admin “tech” are beyond useless. No major business anywhere in the world uses the Fatman’s 80-pound, 8-volume morass of wasted paper known as management “tech.”
The scientists who designed, built, and then rocketed to Mars a pair of machines to explore its surface managed to master the knowledge required to execute that exceptional feat without the Fatman’s “discoveries” in the field of education.
As for Fatso’s “discoveries” in the field of computer science and cellular communication technology… oh, wait.
Love your impromptu fathering of SPs! (add exclamation points as appropriate)
Traffic is down at the St Pete Life Life Improvement Center…well it is right next door to CLUB LUST so maybe people intending to visit get distracted.,-82.6379728,3a,75y,168.5h,90.5t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1szCJQRYSXI5MjqNIzdEkQlw!2e0!6m1!1e1
Club Lust is where some staff Moonlight…
How else to make money?
Ardella Sorenson (the staff member lady at Tampa Org above) should apply the Doubt Formula. The poor lady will undoubtedly fall foul of the Hey You Org Board shortly and become “IAS Call-In I/C” or “Basics Registrar” as she is musical chaired from the TTC and also after a spell on the Decks (DPF) for good measure. All speculation on my part but the modus operandi here is never that wide of the mark. Or am I being too cynical?
Just a note on Ardella. As a teenager, she was a very talented Dancer/ Choreographer. She was a founding member of CC Kids On Stage and at 15 was the Lead Choreographer with Damian Perkins. Christie would remember her. Incredibly strong, fearless dancer. From the words of Lady Gaga to Ardella: Just dance, it’ll be ok. da da do do, just dance.
Then good luck to her. I hope my cynicism is unfounded.
The South Bay is roughly Palos Verde through Redondo, Hermosa, Manhattan Beaches and maybe El Segundo and LAX. Pacific Palisades is between Santa Monica and Malibu. Inglewood is inland from LAX. Is it part of the South Bay? Not really. No one would mistake Inglewood for Manhattan Beach even though you could drive it in 10 to 15 minutes. The Inglewood Org is supposed to serve both the a South Bay and the Manchester/Century area of Los Angeles, which are two very different places in every regard. There is a Ron of money in Manhattan Beach, including a lot of professional athletes. The Kings, some Lakers and Clippers, top tennis pros, and even many east coast football players have a second home there. Putting in the Inglewood Org to serve Manhattan Beach was just stupid. When I drive near LAX I still see the occasional scientology emblem on cars. I’ve walked past the Inglewood Org. It’s on a very run down street off of Manchester with run down low margin businesses and closed storefronts.
Make that ton of money, not Ron of money.
No, a Ron of money works just fine, in this context.
In general, people living near the beach, with NO death wish, don’t drive from the beach to Inglewood for any reason.
I like “a Ron of money.”
A “Ron” of money is maybe around a billion dollars.
Robert, a Ron of money must also include; precious gems, jewels and bullion so that a quick get away can be enacted in case the authorities try to catch you and put you in jail for the innumerable felonies you’ve committed.
A “Ron of money” that’s actually perfect.
The Valerie Specially Abridged and Well Abused Dictionary defines it as:
“An unspecified amount of money in someone else’s hands that you feel should be yours,” Used in a sentence – “Go see Bart Simpson tonight and don’t come back until you get a Ron of money to match the donations we got for the Valley Org.”
Last time I was in Inglewood I remember hearing gunfire.
I audited at the South Bay Mission in late ’79 early ’80’s.
I never once heard the ED send anyone to Inglewood to
pass out flyers nor did I see (or audit) anyone from Inglewood
on course. It was non-existent…..”Miles From No Where”.
Good point about Inglewood. They should have put it in El Segundo. Closer to LAX, and then they could have totally used the Tribe Called Quest classic to advertise. I Left My Wallet in El Segundo is a WAY!!!!!!! better fundraising anthem than Dauntless, Defiant, and Resolute, or the pathetically whitebread We Stand Tall. Not only would people leave their wallets in El Segundo, but you’d have repeat business because, as the song goes, you gotta get it, you got got to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, that song had to be about Scientology. Kid’s getting in trouble in a long adventure in the Cali desert after mom leaves for a month on a cruise ship. . .
It’s amazing how many “monumental advances” they keep piling on top of another. These big beings must be bumping their heads up against the moon by now.
Yes, and by their calculations there are one Billion Scientologists in the world (there were 22 million 3 years ago, that’s increased 47 times, so now we have about a billion.)
Sheer Adventure of it All !
Debbie Cook used to say the same thing.