New Book
Now available on Amazon… Apparently nobody is scared of the church of scientology any longer. Even soft core porn novelists.
Marissa has been lonely for over a week though, and has a different plan in mind. She decides to give the two boys an audit of her own – one they could have never expected…
This erotic story is a work of Female/Male/Male femdom domination and humiliation.
The Upper Class Twit Of The Year
It seems nothing will keep the irrepressible John Mappin down. Not good sense nor good taste for sure.
Here is another of his recent Facebook posts. He is now proclaiming “Full Camelot Castle Superpower completions.”
The one question that springs to mind when I read his ramblings is, invariably: “What Wall?”
– Happy Christmas to all our Friends – Our wish for you is that you personally make as many Superpower completions as you would like to in the New Year-
At Camelot Castle we are now teaching key individuals exactly how to enlighten anyone, Scientologists or otherwise, as to the benefits of Superpower and Scientology.
In now takes approximately 20 minutes – 40 minutes from first meeting someone to the point at which they fully understand the essence of the subject and want, themselves, to go to Flag and to receive Superpower.
That is – it is now taking 20-40 minutes – From a person never having heard of Scientology, LRH or Superpower to a person wanting to receive Superpower completely under their own self-determinism and being willing to do the steps to do so.
And we already have our First Full Camelot Castle Superpower completion as a result and example of this Pilot program.
This bright young man S.W., who you can read about below, arrived at Camelot Castle never having heard of LRH, Dianetics and Scientology and now as a result of a brief meeting at Camelot Castle is now a Full Flag Superpower completion.
This is currently a private pilot program that will hopefully soon be rolled out, but today we are inviting key individuals to Camelot Castle who want to learn how to gain this simple understanding. Those interested to learn how to do this and be part of this unique free pilot should contact
It takes about two to three hours to teach a person how to do this now. It requires the level of understanding of an average High School Student.
Very little Scientology understanding is required and a new Scientologist can be just as effective in this as a highly trained professional.
As part of this enlightenment and briefing one will learn the following.
1. What action in Scientology improves an individual’s personal luck and happiness possibly beyond any other action in Scientology.
2. A detailed analysis of the exact, innate to life, “luck formula” a higher mathematics present in and upheld by natural law and codified by LRH in source research.
3. How and why to make NEW stable executives and new friends in ones environment independent of any existing friends that you now know and generate substantially more power, and in so doing, improve ones own personal luck.
4. How to build an Empire through sharing knowledge.
5. An exact concept that will immediately calm anyone and create agreement.
6. A completely new look at, and method, based on LRH’s original launch of the subject, to present LRH, Scientology and Superpower to the world using one of the earliest prime and original source concepts on which the entire subject was founded.
7. A completely new and far more effective way to overcome the natural barriers that come about when sharing any knowledge and wisdom.
8. A way to convert any and all negativity in life, the media or on the internet into positivity, in about four minutes, in such a way that such negativity itself starts to work to help the situation or person that you are communicating to.
9. A 20 minute presentation of the subject of Scientology that can be delivered anywhere (with no more resources than the ability to speak and the understanding of a simple concept) over dinner or a cup of tea, that will sufficiently enlighten a person to the point where they will on their determinism take the actions to avail themselves of and wish to receive Superpower.
10. A completely revitalised viewpoint of the art of education and of sharing knowledge.
11. Optional….exact references in the Christian Gospel and in the Holy Koran where the breakthrough of Superpower Spiritual Technology is predicted and foretold …
Sufficient to interest and align anyone currently practicing those faiths and get them wanting to receive Superpower themselves at Flag…
Many reading this, may want to get started with Superpower at Flag and you can do that here or contact for a personal introduction, but read the story below…it is quite illuminating… and Happy Christmas…
Christmas MEGA week…
We are COMPLETING our fundraising by the NY event. Phew, what a relief. We won’t have to see any more of the apparently endless stream of begging emails and corny events.
I would say the chances of this “postulate” becoming a reality are about the same as the proverbial icecream in hell.
A Must Not Be Missed Event
For everyone involved in the Valley Org fundraising.
Maybe they could get a better grip on “Prediction and Consequences.”
They could use it….
Gensler Is Getting Atlanta Done
They’ve never been this close!
Wonder if Gensler knows they are being promoted like they are part of the wackjob “ideal org” team? They sure don’t make mention of their BFF relationship with the CofS on their website. In fact, they hide their relationship, every building they show on their website does NOT mention scientology — see here for “KCET Studios.”
Oh, and a Special Correspondent sent in a tip that 25 SO members just showed up in Atlanta now to “get er done.” No doubt Dear Leader has issued an edict that the good-for-nothing, lazy SO members that used to be part of international management (before he forbid them to do anything) should be made to pull their weight, and with the “success” of LA Org and Pasadena (not really) that “successful action” is now going to be used in EVERY area that is supposed to get an ideal org.
Superheroes wanted…
The last IAS event in Denver had Greg Capazorio as the featured speaker and it drew 10 people.
I think they need a new superhero.
The Infinite Sucker Club
Well, it sure doesn’t look like they are going to be “done” by the live NY event next week? They have 13 members of this “club” and need 50?
Apparently someone came up with the bright idea that if they got 50 people to split up the $6+ million they still need, it would be done. It seems this replaces now the “match game” that they used for a while.
Miami in the “completion stage”
They are the closest org in the east to completing their “ball park” figure. They have some stiff competition in Orlando and Long Island, Columbus, Battle Creek, New Haven etc etc etc This is like being the tallest man in Lilliput.
I also see they are STILL promoting that they are going to make their promise from 1975 to become an “ideal org” come true.
More Miserable Miami
Hold onto your seats. THIS is what they send out to show how well they are doing on becoming an “ideal org”….
We want to be like LA Org…
Gosh, golly, gee willikers. 10 Clears in 3 weeks. Absolutely stunning production that every org should be striving to achieve. At that rate they will be done with Clearing LA…. never.
And for the “model” “St Hill Size” “ideal org” that was part of the fantastic, amazing “New” Pacifica Bridge earlier in the year it it clear from their own graphs that the TOTAL WDAHs for that magnificent org that all staff were supposed to train in were 100 per week. Only after the 200 SO members arrived did it increase to it’s current level of 700 per week (including Purif and Objectives Co-audits)….
Who would ever have guessed that the model, SH size ideal org was only doing 100 hours a week? And that’s what Valley is shooting for — unless of course there is a 200 man team of unutilized SO members sent in to start bodyrouting….
Hollywood Christmas Parade
The only more appropriate symbology than a pirate for the scientology balloon in the parade would have been a vulture.
David McSewage and his septic tank of shit eating sheep.
When will it escalate to “Ideal donors”?
I would be interested to see Camelot’s Bible verses that supposedly prophesy Scientology Super Power and make devoted practising Christians to drop everything and run off to Flag to get Super Powers …. those must be very convinving Bible Verses!
And yet, I seem to recall a little inconvenient fact that LRH taught that Jesus – and Christianity & Religion – were not real but subversive implants in people’s minds? So wouldnt that negate the Camelot Bible verse tactic? How would a Bible verse prophesy of Scientology if that Bible were part of an implant to begin with?
In reading something and interpret it at your will .. you can always understand what you want. There is no prophesy in the Bible about Scientology .. at last it is only scientology e.g. LRH, who speaks always about implants .. but what is when this implants are for themselves implants? Lets say it another way. What is when this manic ideas of implants from LRH are basically all for themselves planned as implants?
Anyway, Jesus had not written the Bible .. Buddha has also never written books about him .. LRH did it all himself so that you can follow him (his wish) .. my question: Is anybody here who has ever successful run an implant out? The Jesus implant is basically nothing else than HOPE ,, hoping that things will come better here and then .. see, the crucification of Jesus is not an implant, cannot be, because it includes HOPE .. the wish to make it better for others and self .. finally, the ideas about Jesus are 2014 years there, the idea about Scientology and LRH works only about 60 years .. there are billions who believe in the message of Jesus .. if there are 10 million scientologists (if) .. it is a small group .. but there are not 10 million of it on this planet ..
Let me speak out something personally. I have never found implants in my auditing. I was always very interested to find out about such stuff ,. but I found nothing .. absolutely nothing. The only thing which I had found was that Scientology did force me in a direction to believe in such stuff .. forcing others in a field of believe is part of religion .. but only LRH said that it would be caused by implants ..
The only thing an implant can do .. is .. forced to reach or forced to withdraw .. the current scientology is certainly on the way to take both .. last one will win ,, why? Oh, the promised HELP and HOPE goes more and more lower ..
Apropos: The Camelot Super Power Promotion guide remembers me to some super idiots .. llke: I have read now Albert Einstein .. and I am now Naturell OT .. or, I have now heard a C-dur accord, and I am now completely clear on music .. or, I got a kiss, now I am on super power on the 2D .. amazing wins ..
A few months ago I took a drive to Miami and looked at their tuture Ideal Org. I was not impressed. There is zero foot traffic and the only parking is directly under the building. It’s a good thing for them that they won’t need a lot of parking spaces since there aren’t that many to be had in the first place.
The end of war and improved luck…..what a strange pairing. Sounds like a bad translation. And WTF is up with the Camelot Castle title. Someone is trying too hard. It sounds like they’ve got a new hook, a nice little 20 minute reg cycle that is sure to get someone interested in super power. Apparently there’s someone left who has not heard about Scn and has not heard of the internet. North Korea? And once this person is bedazzled by the sooper indoc, they will of course, have ridiculous amounts of money so they can drop everything and do it immediately. Oh yeah!
I am guessing that they have been told they can act as FSMs for Superpower so they are hoping to make some money out of it.
“Sounds like a bad translation”
exactly my thought. +1
I predict that Mr. Gavin Potter will win the lottery in 2015 and get to “live on the island”, judging by how David Miscavige is physically deteriorating.
Great articles Mike, thanks for the effort mid holidays. Appreciated.
Had a ton of messages left on my phone for the NY event. The teaser is the new studio. Big expansion……
The pictures at fundraisers are so dang embarrassing.
What a sad little group it has become.
I agree Subreption its all gloss and no substance, only lies and deceptions and betrayal.
The Church has become a in your face farce. A complete daveshit sandwich.
2015 should about wrap up the cults transition to laughing stock of the world led by the funniest guy we know, Mr, haircut in search of a brain Himself, AKA Cock On Board or Pope on a Box, Dave (the dildo) Miscavige.
Yo Dave,
Tomorrow night, as the amassed throngs are standing there clapping like good little seals in total adornment of your beingness, ask yourself good buddy……. are these low life’s clapping because they really like me? If you are not really sure, ask me.
And remember, I’ll let you know if your faithful stay in town to hear your shermanspeak or whether they show up here where I can get in comm with them.
“ask yourself good buddy……. are these low life’s clapping because they really like me?”
Along time ago the applause went on automatic. It’s what you have to do to get along. It’s an unspoken social contract with the rest of the crowd that when a few start standing then the rest have to. It’s starts with a few in the front and then slowly the wave moves to the back.
The last time I witnessed real interest from Scientologist at the Shrine was in the mid 90’s. Senior C/S Ray Mitoff came out to L.A. and gave a terrific talk about the L’s. He had the audience captured because he was interested in them and their progress on the Bridge and it showed.
Dave on the other hand is more concerned about others being interested in him, his hair, designer Italian suits and finely crafted John Lobb footwear. Dave has shape-shifted himself into an Ecclesiastical dandy.
1.a man unduly devoted to style, neatness, and fashion in dress and appearance
Love the funnies.
Isn’t Gavin Potter the captain of the Love Boat? That head shot makes him look like he’s trying out for the part, at least.
Hey Gavin, you’re going to have to get your hair higher if you really want to become McMidget’s Mini-Me.
What is with the red shirts and black pants? Are they deliberately imitating the NYC Guardian Angels (esspecially the one in the red beret)? Is this the new Sea Org “casual attire”?
Advice, I mean. That’s what I get for not watching the auto correct closely!
What a bunch of moron loon nutjobs.
All of these announcements are GAT-shit crazy !
Happy New Year to the rest of us.
Don’t hold back, Steph! Tell us what you really think! I did like “moron loon nutjobs! That’s an apt description.
:). Good one Steph.
“Stories From The Golden Age” refers to LRH fiction works, those specifically published by Galaxy Press. I suppose I should know the character but cannot come up with it right now. There’s no attempt to position Scientology, COB, the church, etc., in the Hollywood Christmas Parade.
Oh shoot — I meant my comment as a response to Potpie.
No worries! You just had a ‘senior moment.’ I have them every few minutes…
I think it’s ALL about positioning Scientology, COB, the church, etc, TheWidowDink. I just think they’re being 1.1 about it. Or maybe 1.2 about it since it ain’t so covert.
Wow! Now that I can improve my luck and happiness through a 20 minute intro to superdooperpower , I can throw out all those Chinese cookie fortunes I’ve been saving for their advise.
By the way, what is a “releases made” stat? Inquiring minds…
Scientology porn, this is a source of income for Ideal Orgs.
Re Graded Being is spot on.
“luck formula” ??? So the CO$ is now a ‘prosperity’ based religion? Look out, all those mega church Christian ‘evangelists’ are not going to let the clams work that angle. That stuff is theirs. I sense a trademark and business method lawsuit coming on.
Camelot Castle, what a total a$$hat. Even us muggles know to keep away from them.
All those empty spaces on the ‘status’ lists do speak to the current state of the clampire. All of them are missing in action.
10 attended an event, 50 more are needed to complete another Org, the Mega whatever at NY has listed only 34 out of the numbered 100. Hum, shrinking big time.
” In now takes approximately 20 minutes – 40 minutes from first meeting someone to the point at which they fully understand the essence of the subject and want, themselves, to go to Flag and to receive Superpower.”
” It takes about two to three hours to teach a person how to do this now. It requires the level of understanding of an average High School Student.”
“Very little Scientology understanding is required and a new Scientologist can be just as effective in this as a highly trained professional.”
Really Jon? Let me get this straight here. .33 to .67 hours from first meeting the mark to he/she/it wanting to go to fleece, I mean Flag, sorry. But it takes you 2.0 to 3.0 hours to ‘TEACH’ a person how to do this ………………. providing they have an average high school student IQ. (assuming IQ and ‘understanding’ have some relationship) I call Daveshit on this!
By the way, great job setting the prospective perps up for a loss in true Miscavige style;
if they can’t get their marks to flag in 40 minutes then they obviously have a lower than average High School understanding ………………………………….. and need to buy some sec checking for sure!
“1. What action in Scientology improves an individual’s personal luck and happiness possibly beyond any other action in Scientology.
2. A detailed analysis of the exact, innate to life, “luck formula” a higher mathematics present in and upheld by natural law and codified by LRH in source research.
Answer to your question:
2) And will this lost tech be coming out with the new GAG III releases after you and Dave finish with your Pile of Daveshit …..oops…..should have said Pilot of Dave’s tech?
Holy daveshit Batman …………… just when you think you have heard it all ………….there is yet more leakage from His orofice! Can’t wait for Jan 25th!
What my friend Coop said!
Regraded being captures the essence of Cos think like no one. So true so sad. Comic and tragic at the same time.
A vulture float would of course be more appropriate for the church these days.
I think they used to have an actual float for that parade. Now it has reduced down
to an inflatable with tethers held down by church members?
What the hell does a pirate and parrot have to do with one going free?
With the new FART program they should have a big screen TV with a video of
COB chattering like a parrot being pulled on a toy wagon by one church member.
Much more cost effective and of course the parade goers would swoon at the site
of der leader.
I like how they recruit people and big whales from other orgs to make the crowd look bigger–Brandon and Angela Marion from Aspen/Denver to Valley and Paul and Amy Seymour from Denver to Atlanta.
Can anyone give me advice on how to request my refund on money on account at Flag?
Try using a 44 Magnum.
Well…it’s always worked for me…
Don’t tease me with your knowledge of weapons, McCarran! It excites me way too much.
Pete 2: Can anyone give me advice on how to request my refund on money on account at Flag?
Subreption: look at Possibly Helpful Adivice
I try it since 12 months without success at AOSH UK .. the chaplain did simply cut any comm with me, and friends were told that I am suppressive (I was never supressive to anyone) .. up to now I have not found a solicitor who would be interested to pick up this case of fraud ..
This page Possibly Helpful Advice says that staff may have corrupted your account anyway for getting his stats .. or simply for having some commission for his own living .. everybody is hungry at some times .. it means basically, that I got four sets of the Basics in four languages .. which I send back .. bloody stuff anyway ..
There is a policy from LRH about prepaid services, and it says that unused (undelivered Service) is to hold on a seperate account with loan .. this money should never be used for daily business and bills .. it is not earned yet .. he says so, and it is logical anyway ..
I mean, when I sell cars which I not have yet .. and give away the money for daily business, it would be impossibe to stay not insolvent after a short time .. so it is a tragidy to confront ..
You could take a look at Possibly Helpful Adivice site and the tags down the side, referring to getting your money back.
“6. A completely new look at, and method, based on LRH’s original launch of the subject, to present LRH, Scientology and Superpower to the world using one of the earliest prime and original source concepts on which the entire subject was founded.”
“It requires the level of understanding of an average High School Student.”
No, it looks like it was written by a below-average High School student. Perhaps a dropout like david miscavige.
A weekend at Camelot Castle must be like a real-life Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Bystander – LOL : “A weekend at Camelot Castle must be like a real-life Rocky Horror Picture Show” — Exactly!
Oh the imagery of that! Who wouldn’t want to see Dave Miscarriage all Dolled up like the Sweet Transvestite Dr Frank N Furter and regaling any guest to his freak show of LRH Teachings?
That would be a sight to see — well, on second thought, maybe not in person, though — I think I’d wait for the rental CD to come out later….
Even with hundreds SO “Resuscitation teams” in LA and Atlanta, the stats will spike and then roll backwards because old members are tapped out and new people are informed. It is only SO members inside the bubble that don’t understand they are working in a nearly dead organization with Sisyphus* at the helm, (formerly the Pope of Scientology).
*In Greek mythology Sisyphus (/ˈsɪsɪfəs/;[1] Greek: Σίσυφος, Sísyphos) was a king of Ephyra (now known as Corinth). He was punished for chronic deceitfulness by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this action forever.
Nice research Robert! Very fitting. Perhaps we need to update it for the new $cientology Student Dictionary the cult has been peddaling for Christmas:
Sisypoo : AKA Dave Miscavige; Pope on a Box; Sociopath extraordinaire who delights in observing pain inflicted on unsuspecting cult members.
Robert, can you imagine how their body routing will work out as they view themselves as Homo Novi and we’re mire wogs, when they send in their Resuscitation Teams?
As Mike once said, the only people they can possibly get in now are those who don’t know how to use Google.
Today, the two vested minions at the metro station on the corner of Vermont and Sunset were talking to each other, but none of the many people in the area. They were standing in their own little bubble, even out in public.
When I was involved in producing ideal org events, I thought the emphasis on using costumes was to provide variety in the photos so they didn’t all look alike. The more I see of them the more convinced I am the push for costumes is to rob the participants of their last bit of personal dignity.
Every day I am grateful that I am free of them – and I don’t mean the costumes, I mean those who push the intentions of the cofs.
yvonneschick, that’s what I was thinking when I read the above babble bla bla bla. “What wall?” is right.
Like you and so many of us here, I read this and think freely without pause, “I am so glad I am out of this madness.”
Re Valley Ideal Org donors: I thought Brandon and Angela Marion were Denver area (Aspen to be specific) residents?
And get a load of that stupid Hollywod Parade balloon the church shot up. Oi Vey! They have no idea that the parade watchers are thinking, “Won’t touch that or go near it – any of it.” and that’s without even using the words Dianetics or Scientology on the balloon. Makes be feel sorry for the good people still IN and breathing the stale air inside the bubble or the helium inside that balloon. Hopefully this will be the year they come out for air.
Regraded Being: I think I cried this time when I read your comic strip. Too close to the truth, as usual. His daughter said, “It’s like visiting someone in prison.” Next week her father will disconnect from her. I do appreciate the sarcasm. You have obviously been around the block with this church.
Looks like Camelot Castle has accelerated the Scn. quickie syndrome.
There once was a graduation for the BC and VIII students at the end of the
week (Friday)…..just for those students…ASHO day on Temple street. There was a guy not on either
one of those courses who sneaked in and somehow started giving a long winded out reality success story
that made absolutely no sense at all. Mappin reminds me of that guy….maybe it was
Mappin…lol. The difference between now and then is now people believe this unreal babble
and back then he was kicked out of our graduation.
I like the mystery donor status for the NY event. I wouldn’t want anybody to know either.
Mappi’s bragging about getting “raw meat” from his, er, motel, onto superpower is interesting – I have a feeling there’s going to be a whole bunch more really bad reviews of that place on Trip Advisor… It’s bad enough he pushes Ted’s little arts and crafts hobby on people.
Woops – I meant to address: “Regraded Being” not Degraded Being – my bad!
Hi Idle Morgue, I don’t really like to single out folks who are still in because I figure they’ll all be out soon enough.
It’s bad enough being caught in a trap as most of them are.
As for COB himself I would probably make an exception but no matter how much I practice or how hard I try,
I cannot draw a face that conveys the word “stupid”. anywhere near as well as his own real image does.
DeGraded Being – I could read your “funnies” all day, every day, all year long! I love how you capture the essence of the “cult think” from EVERYONE’S viewpoint.
Now – hows about a little of COB’s insane and skewed viewpoint….LOL That crazy mother F$#@er – David Miscavige!
Maybe Shelly? The new Captain at Flag – oh, the possibilities are endless….Can I send you some ideas?
Happy New Year everyone~!
May 2015 be the year the Cult of Scientology goes down forever.
I remember a particularly snarky female SO Executive pull me aside one day and say, “you really need to call me Sir, because it shows respect.”
This incident happened twice, with 2 different females. I continued to call them by their first name, because you can’t demand respect.
As I was enjoying my Xmas lunch with my family and my new wife, I was remembering those crazy days of spending half a day Xmas day with family and having to leave them to go on post to supervise my one student in the course room. I so hated it and knowing how my family, understandably, couldn’t understand why I had to work on Xmas day. My thoughts go out to all the poor bastards stuck in the bubble who had to go through the shredder on Xmas day. (Many of them good people.) Especially being a Thursday.
yes, as i commented a few days ago: Hell for those who have to reg this year on xmas & New Years!!!! Thursday Stats !!!!! yikes!!!
For all of the many years of our marriage we spent every xmas and New Years at the cold LI org..The heat was never up as the building was officially closed by the landlord, I guess. We were there to be with the “wasband” and the kids’ father (same nut) while the kids were off from school……what a waste! We had no where to eat as all the restaurants were closed on the holidays…except for the Chinese restaurants.