Mini Mike visits Flag
Just dropped in to try to say hi to Mr. Mickiewicz.
Rogue’s Gallery
Only missing Grant Cardone to complete this pantheon of hucksters.
This is the “Advanced Org”?
Why are they promoting free introductory VM services?
Meet the staff?
Just an excuse to put the best looking woman on their promotion.
Surely the ED or Technical Secretary or even a reg would be more appropriate than the receptionist?
This is very weird….
Two scientology celebrities talking about “total freedom” starting with an “OT VIII” becoming an “undercover operative”?
Dublin is #1?
What does that say about the rest….
“It’s totally real to me that…”
Fill in any bs you want to end the sentence.
This new civilization they have been building isn’t visible to anyone else.
Human Trafficking: It’s closer than you think!
Yep, like right there at Flag.
Do you think the Rotary Club of Tarpon Springs or Advocates Against Human Trafficking have any idea who they are in bed with?
Probably the largest human trafficking organization in Tampa Bay.
Kiddie Corner
This is the year!
Like every single year before it…
And every one after it.
They don’t play American football in Mexico?
Perhaps it has something to do with suffering brain damage?
An awe-inspiring goosebumps-inducing event
“Out of this world”
“COB just catapulted us straight into the future”
“It will change the world”
You know it’s a “COB event” by the level of hype attached.
Please help us…
We are an “ideal” org but we can’t keep our filing current
The 1st St Hill size org
After 30 plus years, you would think with all the massive, straight up and vertical expansion there would have been ONE. Ron said it could be done in a matter of weeks.
Still gearing up for expansion
The never ending preparations to start expanding…
Austin Non Ideal Org
They have been unable to access these “60,000 inquiring minds” because they were not in a building across the street?
But it will all be different when they move back in…
“Just an excuse to put the best looking woman on their promotion.”
Reminds me of the time back in the 70’s when the Receptionist of our org in Copenhagen turned up as a naked centerfold in a local magazine. Created a minor uproar in the org. Rather than use the motion she was simply routed out 😉
The new civilization claim certainly isn’t working out; you only have to look at the CofS itself to see that they are stuck in the past more than moving towards the future, and are terrible at running even a relatively small organization with lots of money at its disposal. Hubbard clearly borrowed too much of the oppressive totalitarian playbook from Stalin’s Soviet Union, and now DM’s Scientology with its whales is about as attractive a model as Putin’s Russia with its oligarchs, with the masses of the rank and file being exploited and abused for no obvious gain or advancement.
And “dissemination,” which long ago went the way of getting rides by hitchhiking or keeping a cult existence going by selling flowers on a street corner, has only got to be more daunting now that even more people if approached, are likely to ask what has happened to Dear Leader’s wife Shelly Miscavige, or other cringe-worthy inquiries about what has been exposed.
Gotta admit I liked the one that said
We Are Beginning to Think About
Pondering The Possibility
Of Gearing Up For
Unprecedented Expansion (I may not have quoted verbatim)
Hold Your Horses because once we do start Gearing Up
– we’ll be working on the logistics of Pot Luck meals since the dress-up parties seem to have gone out of vogue
– then we have to create a sheeple $hearing campaign
– then we need to pick which hucksters to hype the $hearing
– then we need to figure out which empty promise phrase to rehash (again)
– then we’ll need to photoshop something popular with $ci. imagery
SO it’ll be a while, but after that
Let the Unprecedented Expansion begin (provided sufficient $$$ has been scammed).
From the Marisol/Kate flyer:
“• Watch real life undercover footage”
Real life undercover footage of *what?* It sounds a bit sinister to me.
Become a top notch exorcist today, at Flag!
When we say “Advanced” we mean exorcism, just so you wogs all know!
Doing the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps of “advanced” Scientology just means exorcism.
Come train up to be the best exorcist you can be, since you will need to do a boatload of exorcism on yourself, on OT 7!
You’ll need the latest and greatest Hubbard Emeter to find all your body-thetans which Xenu dumped onto earth, which infest you today, which you will find out when you do the OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 exorcism steps of upper Scientology.
Exorcism, here you come! Don’t let Xenu ruin earth any more!
Get rid of your Xenu dumped body-thetans today, at Flag!
PS: If all this exorcism sounds hokey, you may be onto something. Look up the word “snipe hunting” for the slang meaning. Some anti Scientologists think all of Scientology’s exorcism is just snipe hunting, well that might be true.
Speaking of funnies, I came across this blog post:
I wonder if this is the same Mike Mallen who I think was a Class 8, and smartly quit Sea Org, etc, etc.
Story goes that he stopped exorcising non-existent BTs and clusters, started exercising his power of choice, and got the hell out of Hubbardland!
I appreciate they are likely very confused about sizes and capacities given Mr. Mickiewicz has convinced them that 3 public and 4 staff seems to require a building the three times the size of Madison Square Gardens, but something tells me that the University of Texas with its 60,000 inquiring minds is not entirely in that one building being pointed to that appears to be twice the size, or smaller, than the Austin org lol
If you look carefully at the photo you will see that the Austin Org is actually the little white windowless bunker on top of the building that the arrow is pointing to.
Of course the “Ideal org” can’t keep their Central Files straight. Der leader doesn’t understand the first thing about what an “ideal” org is supposed to be and couldn’t tell you the primary purpose of CF on a dare. From what I’ve heard, they’ve got CF doing many other things other than FILING — collecting and holding all these bits of information.
Ill bet that Mr. Mickiewicz doesn’t like Little Mikey dropping by.
I have message for Sara the receptionist, the world would actually be a better place without Scientology.
Re: Mini Mike visits Flag. I scanned over this one, not really knowing what the caption meant, not until I zoomed in on the photo. Mini Mike had better be careful; Mr. Mickiewicz might declare him an SP.
Re: “It’s totally real to me that…” LinkedIn shows Michael Weber as Executive Vice President for Establishment at Axiom, located in Clearwater. Other posts he has held there include VP Sales, Senior Director of Sales, and Finance Director. He appears to have money on the brain and scientology has taken to him like a fish out of water.
Does Axiom’s customers know why the floor of the Ft. Harrison is so shiny in this photo? Do those customers know just how much blood, sweat and tears went into the sheen on those tiles? Do they have any idea just how many pennies on the dollar scientology Sea Org members slave away for? Those customers include Bill Stout (President/Owner, Atlantic Int’l Consulting Engineers), Victor Mueller (of AMEC E&C Services Ltd), Andy Lopez (of Camburas & Theodore Ltd), Tim Knaus (of Stanley Consultants), and Joseph Ochsner (of the Farnsworth Group).
Re: Kiddie Corner. Does Malcolm Le Houillier know he is mostly like being groomed for the Sea Org?
Re: Austin Non Ideal Org. It must be quite a drag to work on The Drag and not be able to drag in anyone off the street.
These glossy ads don’t impress anyone any more.
Nowadays even delusional members inside the church don’t trust glossy ads. An elderly gentleman in a nice suit with an OT VIII bracelet doesn’t mean much.
Nowadays one can say they’re a lawyer or a doctor or a Class 8 auditor – Oh wait, one can’t say that anymore. Okay, one can say they’re a lawyer or a doctor or an OT VIII and it doesn’t mean anything. Because nowadays anybody can google anything to read reviews. Or even hear about the premature death of several OT VIII’s.
Even in the world of scientology, wearing an OT VIII bracelet doesn’t mean you are “cause over life.” An OT VIII bracelet is just an overpriced bracelet.
Even in their own world, the truth is coming out. The Emperor is naked.
Funny about the SH Size bs for Sydney. I can remember a time when the combined number of staff for Day and Foundation was almost 200. That was early 80s.
Been all downhill since then. Must be because of out-Tech if I remember correctly what Hubbardian gibberish has to say about it.