Look out world!
I guess this is a new scheme for an event announcement. Buying a building in DC for Applied Scholastics. Maybe they can get Hanan Islam out of jail to do for this program what she did for Clearwater and Los Angeles.
“Off the crossroads of the world” is for the Freewinds, it’s not supposed to be a good thing for a Class V org!! And “you can have it all” is Melbourne’s pitch. Get original Auckland.
Mark Bunker where are you?
Wonder who they will try to throw out of “their” block party?
This is research?
“apparently” this happens…
There is nothing to stop us now…
Except he said that in 1982. That was 32 years after Dianetics. It’s been 36 years since he said that! So clearly something IS stopping us…
The orgs all need to attend his seminar…
They are failing miserably.
Why is St Hill fundraising for HAPI. They have a miserably failing org in Brighton just down the road….
“Valuable speakers”
Sounds epic.
“Early mothers”
Is this like teenage brides?
But glad they surveyed the kids.
Mightier than the sword…
Maybe, though it did conquer the world back in the day. It’s certainly not mightier than the internet though….
That was hilarious!
Great way to describe the progress to an “ideal world.”
Bart is going to be in Columbus to hand over some money…. Hoe amazing is that.
One every 6 months
Whether they need it or not.
We own it?
Then why is Bart Simpson coming? He already owns an empty failing ideal org on Burbank Blvd.
I’m looking…
Who is it?
You mean they don’t even have 100 staff? This is one of the first ideal orgs and was declared St Hill swize mor ethan 20 years ago?
Those are some impressive action shots
He has something to “reveal to you”
He’s a flasher?
They must not have many customers…
Obviously Flag’s hotels are not full. They are trying to convince locals to take a room for a night.
And this is absolutely peak season for Flag.
With BOTH parents on staff?
I think not.
They’re finally done?
Not really. Whatever filing was generated since last Sunday has NOT been filed.
The ex-WDC member, Squirrelbuster and Flag OT Committee flunky?
Why Columbus? Flag used to be responsible for Puerto Rico, remember?
On the Early Mothers poster:
“Come and be part of the team and hear what just happened at the Freewinds, which will not create a huge effect across the world!”
Huh? Will NOT create a huge effect?
I thought the whole point of everything they do is TO create a huge effect across the world.
Am I not reading this correctly or is this a Freudian slip?
I was thinking the exact same thing when I read that…….lol
“Complementary breakfast for each occupant”. Only in Scientology. Other hotels don’t feel the need to spell that out. They assume you know a complementary breakfast is for everyone staying there.
New York Org made another Clear, whoo hoo!
But Mike, if I may, according to their Facebook page the last one they made was 3/25/17, which was a little over year and four months ago.
But never mind, shame on me for nagging at a rise. A rise is a rise.
Then again, what else can you expect from an SP like me?
Yo, NY Org:
Allow me to rise to the occasion and acknowledge that this is a VWD!
At the rate you’re turning out these Clears, with 9 million people in your city, you’ll have it all done by…oops, well, never mind! I’ll let one of the Totally On Source Terminals at your org predict THAT statistic because why should anyone In Good Standing even dream of relying on such data from a Bitter, Defrocked Type like me?
“COB was hilarious!”
Yep, his whole life has just been one big practical joke… the equivalent of the squirting lapel flower gag, only at the level of a Big Being scientology. All of you who have suffered a beating by COB just failed to see the humor in it.
Also, you know he has a great sense of humor by the way he yucks it up listening to the private confessions of celebrities describing sex fetishes in auditing sessions.
Funny guy!
L Ron Hubbard told Scientology insiders he was the Antichrist:
Tonwite: In the original OT VIII Mr. Hubbard identified himself the Antichrist and denounced Jesus as a “lover of young men and boys.”
Hubbard wrote as follows (verbatim):
No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in which an archenemy of Christ, referred to as the Antichrist, will reign and his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining reading but there is truth in it. This Antichrist represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the “light bearer” or “light bring”), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief Antichrist period. During this period there is a fleeting opportunity for the whole scenario to be effectively derailed, which would make it impossible for the mass Markabian landing (Second Coming) to take place. The Second Coming is designed, among other things, to trigger a rapid series of destructive events….
For those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on, let me take the opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure he has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and other typical Marcab PR. You have only to look at the history his teachings inspired to see where it all inevitably leads. It is historic fact and yet man still clings to the ideal, so deep and insidious is the biologic implanting. It is a good joke that the Galactic Confederacy is associated with the Serpent in the Garden, the Beast and other emissaries of the “Prince of Darkness.” Yet in certain passages and esoteric interpretations of the Bible (much of which has been taken out and effectively suppressed for centuries) as well as the Kabbalah, the truth reveals itself quite nicely for the clever and the ungullible.”
Those Scientologists who completed the original OT VIII level reacted so badly to the release original OT VIII materials that Scientology withdrew the materials and released a redacted version of OT VIII.
L Ron Hubbard was a sick twisted FUCK. And an evil son of a bitch.
Yeah I just found this link that was in some court documents everyone might find interesting. Something called the Fishman documents I think. It was about thatbwhacky OT crap. This dude was freaking nuts.
See https://kspaink.home.xs4all.nl/fishman/ot8b.html
People paid/pay their life’s fortunes to read this? ??♀️
“Circus themed activities” at the block party, I wonder if COB is the ringmaster or maybe the lion tamer? I wonder if all the OSA members will pile out of a tiny car!
“Early Mothers”: Must be a lame attempt to play on the “Early Birds” phrase/concept.
And THEN, on the same poster: … Hear what happened at the Freewinds, which will NOT[my emphasis] create a huge effect across the world.
AFAICT, either something happened on the MV Passing Wind that they’re going to hush up, or there’s a typo of some sort, since EVERYTHING that happens on that rust-bucket is so stupendous, it has already affected the whole local sector of this Ga-LUX-see; We all just weren’t aware enough to notice the changes. OR, there was truth in THAT advertisement.
And the Columbus Ideal Org event only gets the DEPUTY director of Expansion? What? did the Director blow last week?(too recently for the deputy to be named “acting”?)
Oh, the drek that gets released just before Thursday at 2 PM…. Anyone that reviewed that pile was certiiably brain dead.
Their ignorance and ineptitude become more and more evident in everything they do . . .
Are the internal electronics of a Mark VIII e-meter really any different than a Mark I-VII or just more snake oil in a box?
Why doesn’t Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox who owns The Simpsons put a voice-gag order on Nancy Cartwright not to use the voice of Bart Simpson in any Scientology activity (which she inevitably must do) as it hurts the brand?
Peter, the answer to your first question is yes and no. Yes, the electronics are pretty different. Mainly because the old electronics were obsolete to the point where it was becoming hard to buy the parts. But the snake oil part is also still true. More modern snake oil, if you will.
Sadly in the decades since the VIII was released it has also gone largely obsolete, so we are due for another amazing fantastic upgrade any year now. A sad consequence of Moore’s Law, newer electronics are inherently cheaper and faster which makes it unprofitable to go on selling the old stuff.
Jargon alert, the following uses electronics jargon ’cause I’m too lazy this Sunday morning to explain it all. Non-techies may skip it:
For the record, if anyone really cares to know, the early Mathison tube meter was a design unto itself. The Breeding transistor meter was not a transistorized copy of the tube meter design, it was a new circuit. From the early Breeding meters, the American Blue and Gold etc up to the MK VI were all the same transistor circuit. The actual transistors changed quite a bit, from the grown junction OC71 to the planar diffused 2N1303. All germanium PNP types. The circuit is kind of special in that it has a common-collector stage that feeds a common-emitter stage that feeds a common-base stage. All three amplifier topologies in one three-transistor circuit. Breeding was proud of that (I met him late in his life at Gold). For the VII they used pretty off-the-shelf op-amps instead, then for the VIII they used a super simple analog front end, digitized it and did all the TA and gain stages in the digital domain. I can’t say which is really better. It seems kind of cool to do it all digital, but that means more expensive parts for no real performance gain.
Simply put, all the transistor meters up to the VII and Quantum were one basic circuit. Then the analog VII and Quantum were developed. Then the mostly digital VIII.
That “Setting the course for and Ideal Org ” promo really scared me! The idea of the Freewinds off the coast of what looks like Florida should be scary to anyone who’s in the know! Keep that damn rustbucket in the Caribbean with all the sleazebag dictators and tyrants!
Like the saying goes, birds of a feather………………….
I got involved with Scientology several years ago after meeting a guy who was declared SP. He had been in the Sea Org and left.
He was on a program to get back in Scientology good graces and I was having a hard time with parents divorce when we met.
I ended up joining staff and doing Bridge, marrying him and having children with him
I am horrified to discover the truth
I am watching Mike and Leah’s A&E reruns as well as reading books written by other ex members. I feel very betrayed to discover the whole thing is a lie. L Ron Hubbard was a criminal con artist. It is terrible to discover the magnitude of lies.
I think my spouse may be looking on the internet too – I hope so but I am afraid to ask him now
I plan to get him out and save our children from this cult
Thank you Mike and Leah
for exposing the truth about Scientology
It all makes sense now and the truth filled the vacuum
Best wishes for strength & good luck….My sad story that the “wasband” oT8 left me after i started to inquire via the internet, etc.
Interesting. I guess all one needs to know, if they don’t know, is who is allowing them to do their own research and discovery to the truth and who isn’t.
“I guess all one needs to know, if they don’t know, is WHO (emphasis mine) is allowing them to do their own research and discovery to the truth and who isn’t.”
Bingo! Spot on, nailed it, bells ringing!
If only we – as individuals and members of groups, members of religious organizations, political organizations, as member of any and all organization, if only we as nations, as countries – if ONLY we just looked for this ONE point when making up our minds about a person or a group and recognized it for what precisely what it is, i.e, utter, blatant suppression…if only..
Thank you so much for this, Mary.
Glad someone besides me caught the typo in the early mothers poster! Someone in $cn finally told the truth! I would bet whoever is responsible for it is in the Hole about now. Wonder how long it will take for them to get out?
Oh, a block party in downtown Clearwater. Hello OSA, I’m planing to be at Clay’s to watch some fun.
Post pictures. ?
Yes please.
I feel sorry for those darling children of the Melbourne staff.
Me too. I wonder how often they really get to see their parents. Even though they are not SO, I bet the Staff work pretty long hours too.
Oh yes, they sure do….Never home because the $$$ comes first for the cult
Poor kids. ?
Old song for new times. Help me finish it if you can.
Woke up this morning my head hurt so bad –
Worst hangover that I ever had –
What happened to me last night? ‘
A scion seminar, oh that’s right –
They regged me so hard –
It lasted so long –
I finally passed out –
Smoking my bong –
Stuck now -help
“An alumni”? Alumni is a plural. People who say “I am an alumni of __________” sound like idiots. Alumnus or Alumna.
“Hear what happened at the Freewinds, which will not make a huge effect across the world” Finally a true statement from scientology.
Something simply doesn`t add up- Tony and Madeline making about 30 bucks per week! And their beautiful girls are well dressed and happy!
Simpsons: “Life is better than your dreams”
Ed, I’m willing to wager that Tony and Madeline have some form of outside income to support them. Trust fund, cash from mom and dad, whatever. Mike’s right: you can’t live like that on org staff pay.
Trust me. I’ve been there.
Either that or they’re foundation staff working evenings and weekends and having to work a normal day job to earn a proper income. I’ve seen staff do it. No life at all.
Could be that, too. But that would really mean no time with those kids.
Ah, the Scientology propaganda machine!
Graham Payne still beating the drum for Scientology hey? Well… the money must be good, otherwise he wouldn’t be that blip on their radar. He’s such a slime ball. Actually, my take on him is that he’s one of the better con men I’ve ever met, he doesn’t waste a second finding out if you have any wealth or not. He somehow gets anyone he can get interested enough to listen to him to get all enthusiastic about themselves & “contribute” heavily in their (spelled his) future. He’s a flim flam man that has only one motivation – MONEY! He squirreled a couple of fancy procedures from the ethics conditions, Data series stuff etc, it’s been too long to remember exactly how he does it but he’s smooth & slithery, like that of a viper.
People like him and Micheal Chan et al can sell you your own private slice of hell with such a warm smile.
The Central File Whisperer? I mean, do the files whisper back? And if they do, do they talk through Body Thetans? Many people want to know! I Want to know!
And why do you have to whisper? Can’t you talk in your normal voice? Are you hiding something? Do you secretly want to leave?
Shhhh… can you type more quietly please.
My bad. Sorry. Just got carried away.
A co-worker actually DID complain I was typing too loudly…. The POS Micros**t keyboards they bought didn’t really register keystrokes unless they were VERY firmly depressed, so to keep up with my usual typing speed, I had to bang them pretty hard Modern keyboards can’t be broken by less than a sledgehammer, so it lasted a couple of years, unlike the mouse they supplied, an ancient mechanical monster that had to be thoroughly cleaned weekly. Current mouse is one I boughtpersonally: a laser one that’s still going strong after a decade.
If at first you don’t succeed, try a bigger hammer.
No wonder the central filing never gets done, if they have to convince the files to move themselves instead of just grabbing the files and shoving them on a shelf.
Sita Benetatos is the Building Expansion Dir Int? I guess that Brandy Harrison got the usual Sea Org thanks for a tough job.
Yep! You can have it all, alright: Parents working 112 hour weeks. Maybe getting a day off every 12 years or so. The kids? In the Cadet Org. Just biding their time until the Sea Argggggg scoop’s them all up. And if there real lucky, they’ll see their parents every 15 years! I mean, it sounds like paradise to me…
Ya know, I think a real “funny” would be to get the home addresses of all US Congress and sign them up for bulk mail with the CoS. They would flail trying to get the promo mail to stop and give them a taste of the CoS…
I say we do it! Who’s with me?
pretty easy to do…. go into an org, pay cash for a Dianetics book, and when they ask for your name and address just give them the name and address of your politician of choice. Pretty funny idea, actually.
Rip, or go onto the scamology website and sign up everyone you want for free
the policy on New Names to CF said that one had to actually buy something from an org to be on the mailing list. Inquiries were to be mailed, “three info packs” and then that was it. They were never put on the BMO lists, and were never to then get personal letters or years of mailings. There was a policy that allowed the org to buy Wog mailing lists and to send them 3 info packs, but then no more.
If you even bought something for 5 bucks, you would go on the permanent mailing list, the Minor mailing was everyone including bookbuyers. the Major list was for those who had signed up for a major service (div 4) All receive personal letters, monthly mags, and general BMO.
…course, back then, we also followed the policy of never sharing or giving away the mailing lists, and you did not share lists with other orgs either. It was a high crime to do so.
That has obviously gone out the window – evidenced by the bazillions of letters I’ve rcvd over the last 15 years from orgs all across the US and sometimes from abroad, all entreating me to join staff at their upcoming ideal org. I never bought anything from them and they’ve no business knowing my name or address.
so just in case current management actually follows the green on white BS that ruled my life for decades…… I was suggesting purchasing something to ensure the politician would be haunted by unsolicited hounding until the day they died.
Few things are as forever as the scn junk mailing.
recently there must have been some “cf work” because I started getting even more mail, with different iterations of my name.
RIP, the orgs don’t follow this policy. Otherwise they would have MORE problems with their L.O. & BMO stats which would cause the execs to get killed by management for violating the GI senior datum. Ain’t Hubtard policy grand?
…in some aspects, it gets harder for me the longer I’m out, because with distance and time, it’s harder to understand how I could have adored and loved scn for so long.
in the beginning, in a way, it was easier, because it was such a huge relief to “cognite” and break free of the mind-set. The horror at what I did with my life… grows.
I still feel like I’ve so much to learn about being “a wog”. about what is normal, true, and real.
RIP, welcome to the club. We all had to go through that. 🙂
THAT is a very clever idea, Wynski! LOLOL!
If nothing else Aqua, it burns CoS $ and gets some of it to the Fed Gov’t (USPS) for no return to the cult.
For sure! I love it.
“Hoe amazing is that!” I wouldn’t know as I’ve never been in one of those….you know….places. Or, is it just a typo?
OSD, even if you had gone into one of “those places” they’d have done you for free, no doubt 🙂
Where in the Org Board is the post of ‘Building Expansion Dir. Int’? (as promoted in the Ohio poster).
Oh yes, I forgot, Marc Yager gave up, Guillome Lefevre disappeared as did Herber Jentz and so on. The original Org Board, as designed by Hubbard, failed to keep KSW and was re-written based on Miscabage’s whim.
“Hear what just happened at the Freewinds, which will not create a huge effect across the world”
They got that right!
Thank you; I noticed that one too!
Ha. I had to re-read that several times to make sure it really said ‘not’. Study tech must not include proof-reading skills.
Thank you for listening
I made this con for you
Don’t listen to those pesky folks
Who fact check and argue
I only sing what you’ll believe
I tailor all the facts
The truth is plain irrelevant
The main thing is the cash
Cuz truth is what I say it is
It takes real skill to lie
That’s my concern, not yours my friend
I’m free to fantasize
Alternative to I tailor all the facts:
I only give you fat.
Visitor, to what actual tune is this a parody?
‘Thank You for Listening’ written and sung by Hubbard from The Road to Freedom album. I went to Gold to record some of the songs on that album. Unlike so many there, I was free to leave.
Thanks. I don’t know that tune of LRH’s. I assume I’m not missing anything 🙂
Try it with “The Devil Went Down To Georgia”………..
There’s a lot of bla bla bla in these cult posters to just ignore, but the ones that show children are the ones worthy of paying attention to. What a load of heartache those kids are in for and with the blessings of their parents. Just my opinion, but to me, it’s criminal.
If it makes you feel any better these are just class 5 org staff, not Sea Orgers…
Thank you Scn911, I do appreciate that. I somehow feel that if you put them all in a bag and shook it up, when you reached in and grabbed one it still wouldn’t be a life that someone would look forward to. Doesn’t the Sea Org attempt to recruit no matter what sect? But, I do need people to remind me that there are some differences.
Unfortunately, their life’s dream will turn into nightmare life.
If history is correct Peabody then you are right no matter which way it goes for them as long as they are connected to the cult.
Generally, a family does not leave together. Then comes the declares and the disconnections. The ones that remain in are the most vile.
What incredible gobbledygook that man spewed! And people fell for this mishmash of incoherent rambling.
Any clear thinking person who understands coherent thought and the written word will instantly realize that Hubbard was truly unhinged – a mad man posing as a false god. His prose is utter nonsense. Convoluted, confused and conflating complete garbage.
The more of this material you post on this site, the more I realize how utterly corrupt “thetan” Scientology really is. Hubbard manufactured whole cloth a deeply conflicting and corrupt theology that centers around his bizarre grasp of the real world – and then foisted this fabricated fable upon whoever could be indoctrinated.
A great way to make money – and destroy lives. All that time living lost, forever, irreplacably gone. Hubbard will be remembered throughout history as another crazed nut who ruined a lot of good people.
“Any clear thinking person who understands coherent thought and the written word will instantly realize that Hubbard was truly unhinged…”
I wish that was as simple as it must have been to write down. They once believed the blood flowed like the tide, the earth was flat & De Fuhrer was going to lead Germany to greatness.
I’ve always had a hard time with other people’s coherent thought, then again… I thought the kook(l)-aide tasted pretty good once too. I guess falling into holes is common practice, not everything is a lie, is it?
I know a man that would argue that Hitler was absolutely taking Germany to the greatest of heights, only failing due to the undermining and betrayal of low men.
He sees his position as completely rational and accurate.
I see it as evidence of very effective indoctrination he received as a child.
Yep, there are some hard core thinkers out there alright.
Saw one of those UK antique hunter type shows recently where they did a short educational segment on an isolated Scottish camp preserved to this day where they housed some of the real hard core minded SS, Hitler youth indoctrinated prisoners of WW2. It was a very violent place and the authorities had no choice but to isolate the really bad ones and cage them in the remote Scottish Highlands. They couldn’t afford to have them in general circulation within the POW system.
What I was aiming for was not necessarily pointing out the effectiveness of the Hitler Youth program, or Nazi belief system.
But that indoctrination can blind you to critically analyzing information you recieve.
For all of the failings of Tubolard, he was a master of manipulation and indoctrination.
Anything from Source should set off alarm bells in your head.
The American Neo Nazis, yes. And now they march together with the KKK and other types still fighting the Civil War. American Nazis – you wonder, didn’t their fathers, uncles, grandfathers likely fight in WWII AGAINST the Nazis? And now, the descendants of the Greatest Generation, some of them, are themselves Nazis. And of course, they’re also , according to them, devout Christians! Incredible. You really can’t make this stuff up. Who are these people? Have they actually been around for a long time, or did they just mushroom up in the past few years? Its appalling.
If you guys want another example of normal people who believe crazy stuff, go to youtube and type in flat Earth. They are just like scientolgists. There is no amount of proof that can convince them. They have a bubble and are inside it, believing all kinds of incredible nonsense.
My favorite was the guy who calmly explained that the tides are not caused by the gravitational pull of the moon, because gravity doesn’t exist. He said “they” made machines and buried them deep within the (flat) Earth. The machines make the water ebb and flow in order to fool people into believing.
People can talk themselves into believing anything.
Makes ya all warm and fuzzy doesn’t it?
My personal favorite (outside $camology of course) is the Church of the SubGenius, which I am a liscenced minister of, by the way.