Showing the world how it’s done…
Seriously? The same 6 orgs in Australia since the 1960’s — half of them are “ideal” and the other 3 virtually don’t exist. That’s how it’s done?
We didn’t think so…
Wonder how much goes to the Sheriff’s Dept?
$5 to the PAL and $100 to Winter Wonderland? For nothing they get to use the Sheriff Dept name…
There’s no free lunch in scientology
Be forewarned, this IS a reg event.
This is too…
An “intensive” of humanitarians…
Now they have half humanitarians.
Is this a stock shot of Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber?
Loved the 10% commission even more…
Well, that’s not really so impressive
That is 5 YEARS ago now.
200 staff completions a year?
Even if they have 50 staff, that is still only 4 per year. And most of these are redoing the Student Hat, Purif, Objectives etc
Drug Free World?
You do realize there are 50 cannabis stores within 5 miles of your org that have opened since the beginning of the year? And you hate marijuana…
But you haven’t opened a single new mission ever, let alone this year.
You do know you are losing the war right?
5 people cutting the ribbon
It’s a big deal. They got 5 people in one place, this largest private relief force on earth.
There are a lot of scuba divers in the SO
There are a lot of spies…
But I don’t think this is what he is supposed to be…
And foam set makers
For all the fake videos.
But how come there are no photos of regular SO members. Filers? Room cleaners? Or dishwashers?
They’re ok because they have “purpose” apparently. Purpose to take your money.
Wonder if murderers would be OK if they also had purpose? Rapists?
The Alfraudie World Tour
Either a) he needs more commissions to buy some new suits or b) they want to keep him out of subpoena range. Or both..
Lynn Hinshaw, look at your own words and please ask yourself if the exact thing might be happening to you and your fellow scientologists:
“Children have false data pushed on them constantly at school and are not taught to think but instead are grooved to accept data without inspection.”
Well spoken, but I think you should look in a mirror.
That is the current state of scientology in a nutshell.
These Sea Org recruitment posters are absurd and Mike makes a great point about them. There should be photos of dishwashers. Some guy carrying serving dinner to hotel guests in the FH. Girls making beds. A 9 of them in a tiny room asleep in their bunk beds 🙂
… or toothbrush and toilet duty.
… or private tears spilled in Sea Org bathroom stalls over a Kafka-esque bleak existence with no sympathy or humanity.
As a former Toastmasters member, the blurb on Renaissance Speakers caught my eye. After investigating their website, I felt compelled to email the board members of Toastmasters International. After a brief description of my history with Toastmasters (omitted here for brevity), I added the following:
“…my year of Toastmasters participation marks a high water mark in my “speech journey,” culminating in becoming an addiction counselor, requiring much group speaking/presentation skills, which Toastmasters prepared me for, helpful to this day! Over the years, I’ve referred many who wish to gain priceless speaking/communication skills to “join Toastmasters!”
I write you now to express my painful disappointment at learning of Renaissence Speakers, a Hollywood Toastmasters Club formed specifically to ally the vaunted Toastmasters name, image, and purpose with Scientology, a cult whose larceny, mistreatment of adherents, and criminal activities under the banner of a “church” has been emerging into public visibility for some years now. Even a cursory investigation will reveal this to you. I hope this sullying, “guilt by association” scheme by Renaissence Speakers motivates you to at least look further into this, exercising your avowed stewardship of all Toastmasters represents in bettering ethical human communication.
I’ll update the Heroes of the Heart here if I get a response.
Good letter. That group has been going on for years.
I LOVE this post. Call out all this scientology bullshit when you see it folks.
The blonde with her hair sticking up looks like a mental case.
I got a letter from FLAG asking me what my plan was for doing the purif (GAG 2) for the third time.
Then they’ll tell me that I need to redo the Student Hat, Life Repair, Dianetics, Objectives, Grades, Ls, and OT levels, all using DM’s GAG 2 alter-is.
30 years in, 18 years out with a floating TA (not because of the 30 years in).
“Confessions of a Scientology auditor.” Burn don’t worry … he’s not going to go into any confidential details”. ???? Proof that this stuff will make you go absolutely batshit crazy….
——> OT II doesn’t get talked about that much, so I thought I’d give a little briefing on it. Actually this was sparked off by a request on the “It CAN be done” thread. I was the Solo I/C at FSO for about three years so I have a few stories.
Well, I’ll first say that New OT I (which was released in early 1985) made a big improvement in the way cases ran on OT II. Cases that ran the original OT I would normally run into trouble and need review auditing mid OT II. But those who did New OT I just went through OT II very smoothly without any hiccups or review auditing. So I definitely recommend New OT I. It seems like most people who did New OT I audited a couple of weeks on OT II after they completed the theory. Some of course could go longer. Nobody audited through all the materials of OT II to the very end. I’m not a C/S, but they’d normally get what I understood to be the EP after probably about two or three weeks. I’m guessing a bit, but that’s what I recall.
We did get one case sent in from one of the AOs who had been on OT II for a year. We thought that was incredible and were shocked to hear it. I did a debug of her auditing as the Solo Consultant and found she was doing the procedure incorrectly — that’s what made it take so long. She finished pretty quickly after that plus some review auditing.
As I recall, of the people who did the original OT I, a big problem was a tendency to overrun OT II.
The Solo I/C at Flag was really a Tech Sec over three departments, 10, 11 and 12 — i.e., Tech Services, Training, and the Solo HGC. I held the posts of Solo Director of Processing and Solo Consultant from above which is normal for Flag. Hence it was my job to debug auditors and watch them like a hawk to catch any BIs — sinffles, a slight cough, etc. — and pull them right into an metered interview.
In the interview, I’d find out when the sinffles started and what happened before, watching / steering by reads. And once we found what it was, I’d indicate the BPC (by passed charge). For example, if they said, “I think maybe I bypassed a win” LFBD. I’d say, “I’d like to indicate you DID bypass a win.” Where upon the TA would blow down more and FN coupled with Very Good Indicators on the pre-OT.
The most common bug was a bypassed win, and this procedure would normally rehab it. It was fun to do. It is important on the OT levels to take time to “have your win.” At Flag sometimes people are pressed for time, worried they have to return to work soon, etc., so they would be more inclined to push on over a win whereupon they’d get into trouble. Today, in the Independent field, there would be no such worry about having to get through as fast as possible. So perhaps bypassing wins will not be such a problem.
The C/S would of course also send Solo auditors to me who had BIs show up in session. And the same pattern generally is what we did.
If I couldn’t rehab whatever it was in the interview, the pre-OT would have to go in for a review session with an auditor. But normally I could find the bug.
Once pre-OT on OT II was sent to me to “find out what happened in session.” She was a bit BIs and her needle had packed up. I was following the usual routine finding when the condition started and getting her to look at “what happened just before that?” At one point I was looking downward at the meter when out of my peripheral vision I saw a blinding light right where her head was — obviously I’m talking the overlay of a theta perception. And I thought to myself, “Good lord, what the f**k is that?” I’d never seen anything like that before. And I felt the heat, too! It was like a sun lamp.
It was the same kind of white light as from welding but it looked like a ball of intense white fire about the size of a marble and lasted about 2 seconds and it was really emanating.
I didn’t react of course because auditors are trained not to react to things that happen in session. But when I looked up, her face was bright, BRIGHT red, and she was grinning from ear to ear and obviously shocked and could hardly talk. She said, “DID YOU SEE THAT!?!” Where upon I said, “I sure the fuck did!” And we both had a huge laugh. She was shocked, exhilarated, super-keyed-out happy, all at the same time because she had realized she was done with OT II and had overrun the level. I would normally indicate the bypassed charge. What showed on her face was a “WTF” moment with a thousand exclamation points after it. She could hardly talk, her eyes were wide with happy tears running down her face and mouth open and then we both were line-charging with laughter.
What I thought was a blush on her part however turned out to be something else. I said, “All your skin is red!” she said, “You’re all red too!” and darned if it wasn’t. I pressed my finger into my arm and it left a bright white circle — like normal sunburn. And we laughed some more. My arms and face were red for an hour and a half. Her skin stayed redish the rest of the day.
As it turned out she had overrun OT II and then gone a bit BIs (bad indicators – indicators in the pc that show something is wrong). We located the point where it started, then when I asked what happened just before that, she located the point where she had gone release (and subsequently overrun the level) and the charge that had built up from the overrun caught fire and burned off all at once, which is rare but it can happen.
The reason I know is I did some research on this and found that LRH does talk about that happening now and then when he was researching into making OTs in the early 1950s. Facsimiles can ignite and burn off releasing radiation. It’s in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures.
Anyway, when was the last time you were talking to someone and they thought of something and as a result you got sunburned? Lol.
Any source of charge powerful enough to do that (and more) is something you ought to get rid of.
I’ve got MANY stories like this which is why the uninformed and the ignorant can natter and jabber and invalidate the OT levels all they want, they will never shake my certainty that this tech works and it’s powerful. There is an immense amount of charge that New OT I, OT II and OT III neatly deals with. LRH said the NOTs rundowns handle the “living lightning” but guess what? As this story so brightly illuminates, so does OT II.
OT II is what enables a person to run OT III. Without that level done fully it is generally NOT POSSIBLE to run OT III. I’m not going to go into any confidential details here, but OT II does something to the case that enables OT III to work. Another reason why people who haven’t done any of the OT levels stupidly poo-poo OT III — well, of course it’s unreal to them.
OT II is a hell of a level, fun to run and very exciting wins with huge case gain. If you haven’t done your OT levels yet, now is the time to start moving up. You need to be well trained and you need to have done each of your lower levels fully. Then you are ready to rock and roll. <———-
Enigma – if your ‘research’ was looking into Hubbard’s “research” can’t you see you are not doing any research at all? It’s just the dog chasing its tail.
I read what you wrote and, as one who used to work near the actually mentally ill, I see the deluded mental wandering of someone with a combination of a fabulist belief system, and perhaps actual organic brain damage.
I hope you can let this stuff go before it eats you up. There really is nothing to auditing except the undesirable remnants of Abreactive Therapy, with the nonsense added of a meter that has never read a thought, ever. Don’t you think if that meter could actually read thoughts it would be sold on shelves all across every nation of the world, used by millions, including wives, ex-wives, girlfriends, employers, and the police, instead of a few thousand deluded adherents to Hubbard’s money-making scam?
I gotta go take a nap. Reading all that nonsense in Hubbard’s made-up language of childish gibberish words could be harmful to one’s health.
“Don’t you think that meter could actually resd thoughts it would be sold on shelves all across every nation of the world,”?
Ammo, the reason it isn’t is because of See Oh Bee and his so-called Arr Tee Cee. The Mighty Midget doesn’t want to lose control over who can use it. Besides, even if it were effective, what average schmoe is going to shell out $5,000.00 for the damn thing?
Let’s start by defining things:
1. Original OT I involved 13 steps done off the meter.
2. New OT I is a metered action involving flying ruds on others.
If this incorrect, please respond.
Further, OT II completion is not based on wins or meter read/phenomena. Going down the platens, as long as charge reads, you continue.
What you wrote: ” … wall of extremely boring text…”
What I interpreted: “…dick all …”
What a shame that Martin Kove is still connected to Scientology. Celebrity Centre is the the Transylvania castle that houses Celebrity vampires. Disgusting.
OT IV SOLO (excerpt) by L Ron Hubbard who writes:
The end phenomenon of OT IV is “Certainty of Self as a Being.” OT IV Solo is designed to “proof up a being” against any possibility of being reimplanted in the future.
The main idea on OT IV Solo is to mock up (create) and unmock (blow) each line of the Clearing Course GPM (7’s, The Basic End Words, The Confusion GPM, Objects- Hollow, and Objects-Solid) with all the perceptics of force, effort, heat, impact and unconsciousness of the original implant (as much as you are able). Put sufficient significance on to it to cause the TA to rise. Then spot it (unmock it, blow it) until the TA falls and the mass erases. Then mock it up again and erase it, each line to a floating needle. The TA should rise on the mock up part and blow down on the unmocking of the charge. Do this repetitively with each line of the GPM (including the lights) to a floating needle on each line and until you feel you can create and dissipate that line. Continue until you feel totally free with and at cause over this implant sequence; you may not need to complete all 5 parts. Do it until you can freely and easily mock up and blow this implant GPM.
The above is reprinted under fair use copyright act.
Well, there you have it folks. Years of Scientology “auditing”, trips to Flag in Clearwater and hundreds of thousands of dollars later … after you have learned the horrifying and closely guarded truth in ?OT III? about the space aliens infesting your soul … ?OT IV? successfully completed will ensure against any potential future reinfestation. Hip fucking hip hooray. Think of it as a sort of “flea collar” for your soul — one to keep that pesky “body thetans”, or BT’s, from ever reattaching/reimplanting to your soul/being. Can’t you just smell spiritual freedom ? right around the corner?
But wait, there’s more. This is “old” ?OT IV?. I’ll post some “new” ?OT IV?real soon.
Once through ?OT IV? you’ve only got another decade to go tonget through four more OT levels and a couple of hundred more thousand dollars to spend until you can finally become A Big Being! — like ?David “Moneybags” Miscavige?, ?Tom Cruise?, ?John Travolta? and all the rest of those Hollywood suckers with too much money and too few brain cells. ?
Ok ?David “Moneybags” Miscavige?? Let’s talk about the implant stations shall we? ????
Lynn Hinshan – That is why I donate (Columbus humanitarian or half) has no grade chart completions just honor roll 2006 on Kristie’s list.
Poor guy, I read some of his rave. It’s going to hurt really really bad when he finds out he’s been conned. He has a long way to fall. ?
I know this is totally tweaking your rivets Miscavige. Well, here, have another dose:
Writes L Ron Hubbard from HCO BULLETIN OF 15 SEPTEMBER 1978 ISSUE I as follows —
“As the Pre-OT increases in power and has more thetan power, the BTs and clusters will mock up what the Pre-OT thinks and become totally the subject of the Pre-OT’s control. The Pre-OT doesn’t realize that he’s getting suckered into believing that they are his pictures. It seems to prove itself: The Pre-OT thinks “can of beans” and he is instantly presented with a picture of a can of beans. That is the actual liability mechanism. But you’re not running them out of you, you see. So it can look like the fellow is running out his own incident. That’s why a Clear or Dianetic Clear can get suckered into believing that his pictures have come back. That’s the exact mechanism. He’s gone up in horsepower. Any BT or cluster he has anywhere around him will respond exactly and totally subordinated. They go into almost instant control. He thinks a thought in their direction and they can actually mock up a picture which isn’t their picture or anything else. You get dub-in. They didn’t know anything about it but they mocked up the picture. And that’s the explanation of dub-in!” — L Ron Hubbard
“The dub-in phenomena also affects a Clear or above’s memory. You say “Well, I was Aloysius George Smith in 1862”. And you get a picture of Aloysius George Smith in 1862 gratuitously furnished you by a BT – and it will be”his”version of 1862. Now, it will be correct that you were Aloysius George Smith in 1862 but the truth of the matter is that you (as a Pre-OT) don’t have any pictures of it. It’s interesting because you won’t find you have a consecutive life in pictures. It’ll be kind of like a very poor slide show subtituted for a movie. You can say you were in Flanders in 1803 or you were at Oxford, and you will notice if you watch closely you may still have some very active BTs that you will get a gradually dawning picture of Oxford from. But they may think that Oxford is the same thing as Arcturus so god knows the accuracy of the pictures that you get. When a person is Clear he does have an accurate memory but because this other phenomenon occurs and somebody furnishes him with a picture of Oxford, then he says “I’d better look at the pictures of Oxford” and instead of remembering it straight he gets all fouled up.” — L Ron Hubbard
“In NED for OTs you are actually handling, in the main, dormant BTs and clusters. These are not really alive enough to run Incident IIs and Incident Is on. They have different considerations, these dormant BTs and clusters, but they add up to being dead or below being dead. They’re in the state that FBI agents and government officials eventually wind up in when they aren’t already simply an animated dormant cluster. If people who are busy trying to smash up Scientology realized what they themselves were heading for, they would have a couple of other thinks, as the state of these dormant BTs and clusters is pretty grim. They are not really dead, they just hope they are. And it’s a pretty poor view looking forward to the next trillion years in that state. These aren’t normally touched in basic OT III auditing but one can become aware of them because they can produce somatics and out body conditions.
Now when you audit Dianetics on Pre-OTs, you possibly wake up very dormant BTs and clusters that actually have never been hit on OT III – never dreamed they existed. These will be uncovered especially when a Pre-OT is run on “never happened”, “wasn’t there” type chains. These are denyer type chains and running them will open up some BT channels that had been completely dormant. There’s mention of this back in the early 50’s. “You will sometimes get into parts of the bank which had better be left closed.” This is actually the phenomena that was discovered at that particular time. I just knew it existed. It was a dormant something, in a totally dormant condition. They can’t be awakened with a hand grenade normally. They also won’t assess. So you get into these when the auditor has taken up a non-reading item. They are usually not live on a meter. They practically run on, being dormant, to the end of the universe unless somebody disturbs them. They don’t usually activate when you just put your attention on them, they’re really dead. You have to actually put some life into them to activate them. They’re like pebbles on a beach. Anyway, the EP of OT III gives only an apparency that all BTs and clusters are gone. There’s an axiom that says absolutes are unobtainable. If you don’t ever want to run into any more BTs or clusters, well you’d better go find some universe where they don’t exist. But actually, there are fewer of them hitting people and bouncing around than one would think. They light less often than one would suppose. But listen, you’re living in a universe which is crawling with this type of stuff. And planet Earth was a dumping ground to end all dumping grounds. Actually, the end of OT III is when those BTs and clusters that are easily put into communication are gone. It’s not when all BTs in the whole universe that ever will be, are gone.
NED for OTs handles those BTs and clusters which, while they could still affect the body, are not readily responsive to OT III handling. As NED for OTs is run these cats wake up and get handled. This relieves the Pre-OT of a lot of phenomena which puzzles him and can hold him down. As you go along in running it you will find that the material to which NED for OTs is addressed seldom considers itself live beings. It thinks it is MEST, body parts, significances, conditions – anything but a live being. Because a thetan can’t do anything but survive, the states he can get into exceed what we normally think of as living beings. Even though you will occasionally find “live” BTs and clusters in running NED for OTs the bulk of the material you are handling considers itself outside that category. While it responds to all the laws of life it requires a special address to get it into the realm of awareness that it is alive.
You’ve never had any pcs like that unless you’ve worked in an institution and have seen some inmate living in a totally lifeless state, unaware of anything. NED for OTs handles this condition on BTs and clusters which existed without being suspected except for the occasional clue of a strange picture or a wild somatic.” — L Ron Hubbard
Now folks, I want you to read the above again several times. It’s all super secret, upper level Scientology “religious scripture”. (I’m posting it to this blog for educational purposes under the Fair Use Act of copyright law.) Or as we in the real world call such writings “ the unhinged ravings of a certified lunatic.”
You’re never supposed to see this stuff until you’ve been in scientology for YEARS and have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege. If EVER. I’m talking this is the holiest of holy stuff here. You got invisible space creatures crawling all over your spirit according to L Ron Hubbard and Scientology.
Scientology is all about gettin these little critters off of you through “auditing” using “an E meter”. That is what scientology is. Seriously. That is what you do when you start progressing up through the so-called OT levels.
Do you understand now that this stuff is absolutely insane. You could only dream of believing it if you were exposed to it after a long period of intense brainwashing. A person of only average intelligence outside of Scientology can read this and see it for what it is. A load of horse shit.
Great post Rockslam 111. Bring it on!
“… suits ….” Scientology at least supports the old suits attire industry still, some people at the “top” of Scientology do at least.
“Michael Wadler – Club Coach.” The one who trains regges on which club to use on non-donaters.
“Learn to Paint. One hour free paint lesson.” We give you big can of paint and and a brushtell you which wall needs a new coat. The newly trained club wielding regges wait for you at the exit to donate for the cost of the paint and brush.
Oh, MY…. When you talk about clubs, my mind flits to clubbing seal pups, which ain’t so far off of what regges do, if you think about it too much.
I just received a huge compliment from a former Scientologist, who had spend thousands of hours and five years doing NOT’s and the upper OT levels, who just watched my recent video on how these OT levels create disassociation and schizophrenia. He shared how much doing these OT levels had damaged his personal, business and family life and what he saw in the video helped him see things even clearer. I thought I’d repost the video link as its been a while and maybe other OT’s and interested parties might also want to understand this too. I look forward to your feedback!
Your videos are great.
“disassociation” is explanatory and gets the point across. The clinical comparison with schizophrenia would be “dissociation”.
from Webster’s New World College Dictionary
3 (Psychology) a) a split in in the conscious process in which a group of mental activities breaks away from the main stream of consciousness and functions as a separate unit, as if belonging to another person
b) the abnormal separation of related ideas, thoughts, or emotions
I can disassociate from a person, a group, or even society and not be dissociative in the clinical sense.
Yes…Dissociation does get point across But doesn’t really explain the depths of what these OT levels do and how different investigations have categorized the effects of OT levels….Just consider this definition from Wikipedia …”Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand reality.[2] Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not,
OT’s are being trained to “hear voices ” that others do not and communicate actively with spiritual beings they image are surrounding them. then use their false beliefs of why they are encased by the beings and an insane method of confused thinking of how they got there…If this isn’t a failure to understand reality and be trapped in false beliefs, then what is? Sorry. Disassociation is a mild term of what Hubbard with his the OT levels work so hard to create; a schizophrenic disciple who worships a total fraud they belief will bring them total freedom who takes all your money all for the “greatest good”
You are doing great work, please keep it up.
I had a cognition on the similarities between forced abortion and actual murder of staff members as practiced by the Church. The motivations are very similar.
The desire to get Dev-T off of their lines and the idea that a baby is “just tissue” is the basic motivation.
Here is the cog: They consider ex-SO members to also be “just tissue”.
When I had dementia in Dec 2002 my then wife called the ship to ask them what she should do. Now, the obvious answer would be to take me to a doctor. They did not tell her this. She was advised to put me in a hospice to die.
Now in a hospice one is just held in a drugged state until one is dead. There is no thought of treating the illness or trying to get the patient to recover.
Actually, that was their attitude toward me from the day I left the ship. They sent me for tests twice but only to document my condition for the Fitness Board Turndown. In their comm to me they never once had me looking for a job or talked about my future. (continued)
The Chief Off Freewinds, Bill Bragg told me shortly after I left the ship that I should ” Go to the movies” “Go to Disneyland” and the like “Have a good time”. Hell, if I had been younger he would have sent me to Neverland to see Michael Jackson.
The actual idea was to waste time until death was imminent. They held my wife against her will for 6 months. I saw IJC, Mike Ellis, but it was clear that he was a puppet. My wife had a petetion approved by ED INT Guillerme Leserve who is supposedly the most senior execuitve in COS.
Turned out he was a puppet too. Now no-one has even seen him in 10 years. Same for Heber Jentsch, President of CSI.
Those beings still had some compassion, which is a emotion of downstats and weaklings.
I was ready to die to clear the planet but I would have never killed for it. Therefore, with the new more standard Ethics Tech, I would be eliminated. It would be easy too. No need for guns, knives or blood; just instill a sense of totall loyalty and get the person to kill himself (continued).
I had finally arrived where the ship execs apparently wanted me. I had Dementia, so it was not necessary to get my permission to kill me. They could not overtly kill me; but they could openly take actions which they knew would result in my death.
All they had to do was to get my wife to sign the papers. And the only reason they had to do that is because they screwed up and let her off the ship after holding her against her will for 6 months.
She ended up taking me to a medical doctor and I recovered.
Looking again at the picture of that aging diver, I notice that the threshold of the loading door behind him is also showing its age, with a fair bit of rust visible. That’s a detail I’d expect Scientology’s perfectionistic PR people to have taken care of, and perhaps also a sign that the crew is not up to maintaining the ship properly. Looking at the pictures of the infamous Colombian medal ceremony on Barbados, I was struck by how old much of the crew looked.
The diver in the picture looks like Rory Deness. He was the 1st Mate of the Freewinds when I left. Age looks about right too.
Had I stayed another year I would have been dead at the age of 43 after 23 years in the S.O.
Captain Mike Napier must be in his 70s now.
It is definitely Rory
The ship is now 50 years old. It was 18 years old when the Church bought it and it was already junk then.
Ah, the deals you could get at Fred’s Used Boat Center!
If Rory is still the 1st Mate then the appearance of the door is under his area of responsibility.
Well: actually the view is from the inside of the Engine Room so maybe it is the responsibility of the ER. Since I was an engineer, maybe it is my fault since I had the treasonous idea of dying in order to get off the ship. I really did. It was the only way to leave the S.O. with honor. This is a withhold that I am getting off here. Since I am alone here I will have to run the rest of it myself.
My former senior D/Chf Engineer Rod McNocher.
In talking to him on the phone when I repeated something he shouted at Laura Wolfe RIP, ” Coming slow, coming fast DEATH will surely come at last” he reminded me off the countless times I told him and others that the only way off the ship was “In”.
Well I don’t know that I’m okay any more than anyone else is okay, I lead a happy life and a very full one. I have a happy marriage and my kids are all cheerful, and no one is finding fault with me, personally. — L. Ron Hubbard
I’m not sure about Ron, but I’m finally happy. My very best this Saturday to Mike and bloggers!
Mike, you’ve got to be wrong! There must be scuba divers in the Sea Org!
After all, what else would they do every time the Freewinds takes on water?
Makes sense to me.
The divers are there to continue the search for the masses of treasure Lub O’Tard hid around the coast of Sardinia a couple of thousand of years ago. With changing climate and sea level rises the goodies may now be under water.
What a stupid waste of time and human effort.
I was trained to scuba dive on the ship by Roland; the same guy that trained DM. He supposedly joined CMO a few years later. I cannot imagine that he is still in the S.O.
Shane Carter (who was the 1st Engineer when I left there) and I used to do diving inspections of the propellors.
He used to say that if we found any leaks we would not bother to come back up; we would just jettison our bouyancy compensators and with the lead belts we would sink like a stone.
(He actually said that; I didn’t make that up.)
I must commend Scn and the Sea Organization for prolonging my life (before they killed me).
My duty to LRH and the Freewinds and the Sea Organization, not to mention all of my fellow slaves on that wessel would not permit me to take the obvious ( by then) and the most painless out by self-termination. Since they saved my life they probably thought that they had a right to kill me.
That could be debated, but I object strenuously to. Capt Freewinds holding my wife prisoner on the rationale that neither she or anyone could do anything for me; (I had termimal AIDS due to no medical treatment).
I put far more effort into freeing her than I spent on staying alive. But then, had I gave in and self-terminated, I would have never found this blog. (No joke). So, thank you Mike and the rest of you. ( And, not that it matters: The last IQ test I did in 08 I got 150 on it. And the person giving the test said he had never seen anyone do it.on 20 minutes when they are allowed 30.
So, until you see your body as it is sent into the ovens, it is not over; you can still turn utter defeat into total victory.
DM is the most suppressive person on the planet and the only way to solve this problem is for him to be declared or deleted and end this BORG nightmare.
I wonder if the LRH Hall fundraising was being done from Asians. From what I have seen, it’s mostly foreign promo that focuses on fundraising for the hall, while in the US they’re largely ignoring it and focusing on fundraising to complete the “ideal” facility renovations for the remaining small and weak orgs that haven’t been able to raise the money locally.
I think we’re seeing a shift towards fundraising for supposed “expansion” projects that are far, even oceans away, from whoever the money is being raised from. That helps perpetuate the pluralistic ignorance misconception that Scientology is “booming” in other places, and makes it harder for members to accidentally come across inconvenient truths or to do any fact-checking.
Fundraising is their God.
OSD, MONEY is their god, fundraising is their worship.
I just can’t wrap my mind around why in the heck do donors keep giving money to a cult that already has three billion dollars in the bank it could use for whatever stupid thing they say they need money for.
The donors don’t know how much the $ assets are nor would they dare ask or even goggle it. They are awe struck/indoctrinated/brainwashed or whatever you want to call ‘believers’. There are all types of them around.
Thank you Cece. So, it’s blind faith, no disclosure to the public members regarding the assets. It just seems so weird to me that the big donors, who must be business owners themselves to have the money they do to consistently be asked to make such large donations, to not have the business sense to at least be curious about just where their money goes, what the financial situation really is. Sort of the money trees ripe for picking. Not to mention how their leader affords all his toys. Sorry but that’s just stupid.
Yup. Stupid but mind you they think there is something there worth all that pain. When they find out they’ve been betrayed, then it will hurt, if they lose loved ones – some time they simply die of heart-break.
I know Cece, and it’s harsh of me to say that because I’m sure not in their shoes, and it’s sure not like I haven’t made some boneheaded mistakes myself. They don’t donate because they think it’s a bad thing, and their hearts are in the right place. So easy for me being on the outside looking in to criticize. It is just so sad and I really hope and hope that at some point in time that this madness and deception and this darned criminal organization will be brought to its knees. The number of good people who have been harmed is alarming to say the least. There will be a lot residual damage.
It’s a little like watching a scary movie and there’s a noise outside, or in the basement, or in the attic, and someone grabs a flashlight and goes to the noise, and you’re thinking DON’T DO IT!.
I’m sorry but to have to sit thru another showing of The Karate Kid, i would need a lot of alcohol. Since there were no SO personnel in the pictures i guess DM emptied the RPF for photos. It will e full of new faces to make up for the fake medal fiasco.
And speaking of Karate Kid, is Martin Kove involved with Scientology in any way? Maybe his character Sensei Kreese was the motivation for a certain person of diminutive stature.
No, not Ralph Macchio!
Hey! I liked The Karate Kid!
“Learn How To Paint”….that way when it’s time to renovate one of their newly purchased rundown building they’ll expect you to show up with paintbrush in hand.
As to the comment about humanitarians i.e. :Now they have half humanitarians….some people are fast and some people are HALF FAST.
About the Pirates: Yo Ho Ho & a bottle of DUMB
Gives new meaning to “Painting with a Twist.”
Yes indeed Mary……Everyone came to “learn how to paint”…..HUH?? Really? How the Hell did or do they seriously think they can learn to paint ANYTHING within 1 hour other then to paint a wall or ceiling or floor?? To even begin to learn to paint “artistically” takes years…..some might have true natural born artistic talent but that would be few & far between.
I am so glad you are OUT, so glad you found a great life outside the bubble. My best hopes & dreams are for your entire family to be reunited with hugs & kisses all around.
C’ mon baby let’s do the twist. C’mon baaaaby, let’s do the twist. When you’re rocking & a rolling, let’s do the twist.
The guy right below the words “Is this a stock shot of Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber?” looks a lot like Jimmy Buffet. (Margaritaville)
TOMOKO, you love to represent “Ron”?
Sheesh, girl, I’d disengage from THAT train to oblivion, and fast. LRH is going down in history as the biggest conman and sociopath of the latter half of the 20th century. You want to hitch a ride on that crazy train??
Learn how to paint…your very own portrait of LRH!!
To: Miss Q.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: portraits of LRH
Anyone caught painting a portrait of that lardass will find themselves quickly routed to the RPF! The only subject that may be utilized in this course is ME and none other!
You have been warned!
Hi Everyone!
Tons of interest in Saturday’s event. We are expecting more than 250 of you to attend plus another 250 raw meat bodies!!
Just a little change to the program’s title. Specifically, it’s “Painting the Perfect Pompadour.” And where it says “materials will be supplied,” that means you’ll receive your very own autographed 8×10 glossy of COB, which we will teach you how to faithfully reproduce in paint. How great is that??? I am sooo excited for this one of a kind event!!
(Note: Bring your own paint and brushes PLUS an extra set for a raw meat body.)
Miss Q
To: Miss Q
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: the above announcement.
Outstanding, Miss Q! And there will be for you the award of an illustrious IAS Freedom Medal as soon as we confirm your membership status in the IAS. If you are currently not a member, I will send you a free six month membership along with a commend.
It’s the best I can do.
10X8 glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one? WOW, you can get anything you want at COB’s restaurant…
Here, let’s add to the funnies with THIS garbage below penned by none other than the psycho L Ron Hubbard. (Protected by Fair Use Copyright.)
I’ve isolated a way a thetan comes to be stuck to another thetan. This gives the basis of clusters and having BTs.
The cycle is this : A thetan collides with another. That one makes a picture of being collided with. Other BTs get stuck to the picture.
The moment of actual contact of thetans was brief but the picture ( containing a stop or withdraw ) tends to be permanent.
Thetans then get the idea they can be permanently stuck as they see pictures of it happening.
Thus we get the concept of a “black theta body”. This would be actual BTs stuck to a thetan plus pictures of BTs stuck to a thetan.
An answer to all this is to find the first picture a thetan made of contacting another thetan.
If not at once available the earliest instance of a thetan contacting ( colliding, running into, attacking ) another thetan could be acheived by Date/Locating times when one was being suddenly hit with clusters, or strange pains. ( Ref: HCOB 15 Nov 78, DATING AND LOCATING. )
The idea is to find and blow the first picture one made of another thetan.
This opens another way to “blow off” BTs — Date /Locate on a BT the first picture the BT ever made of another thetan.
— L Ron Hubbard
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revised to delete references to running R3R on
an OT, per HCOB 12 Sep 78, DIANETICS
So. Mr, Hubbard “isolated the way a thetan comes to be stuck to another thetan” which “opens another way to ‘blow off’ BTs”.
Another way to blow of BT’s. Damn! I need that! Thank God Hubbard figured this out. Get those nasty, clinging, invisible BT’s off of me. They’re worse than cooties! Give me a fucking break.
THIS crap is considered to be part of the secret and sacred RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURE of … scientology? No, here, let me help you out. This — and everything L Ron Hubbard ever wrote about “scientology” — constitutes the ravings of a freaking madman who should have been locked up in a mental ward. L Ron Hubbard was a complete and unhinged LUNATIC.
There is absolutely NOTHING true, or scientific, in ANYTHING he EVER wrote on this subject matter. Period.
If you visited a mental ward and a crazy (L Ron Hubbard) handed you pages and pages and pages of this crap to read and he said “look what I’ve discovered” — do you know what would happen? He’s be jabbed with a big needle of Thorazine and locked in a padded cell. Because this shit is 100 percent bona fide fucked up crazy and insane bullshit.
Do you OSA lurkers (and you Miscavige … I KNOW you know) get it that Hubbard was nothing more than a SCIENCE FICTION WRITER? He dreamed every single bit of this scientology garbage up and regurgitated it out of his hyperactive imagination into the public domain. And, unfortunately, humans are susceptible to having “idea viruses” installed into their minds. It’s not a religion. It’s not true. It’s science fiction bullshit.
Lot’s more to come…..
Tell us what you really think and feel RSII. ???
Keep these coming, Rock Slam. They are excellent proof that our greatest friend Ron was the greatest con.
Rock Slam II
I wish someday someone does a neutral laying out of the Scientology beliefs in full, including “body-thetans” and the problem of “body-thetans” as theorized by Hubbard.
The person doing the neutral summarizing of the “body-thetans” aspect of Scientology has to really do some thinking to get it simple and correct and cover the full comparative nature of “body-thetans” to other religious belief systems that have similar ideas of souls, and ghosts and angels and what not.
A nice thorough but simple comparison of “body-thetans” to the souls concept in other religions and tying things into the Scientology past-lives beliefs in advanced space civilizations into which then Xenu fits, and thus the Xenu story told on Scientology’s OT 3 level then fits.
Scientologists cannot and neither could Hubbard, do a simple tying together and comparative explanation of Scientology’s soul beliefs, and neither has anyone else all the way up to today.
Very interesting comment chuck.
I wonder how long it will be before our resident troll makes an appearence to use his self-professed boosted by the “greatest technology in the world” intellect to refute your claims and nastiness about $camology?
Hubbard didn’t write Science Fiction, he wrote the worst of the late 1920’s style pulp fiction.
Rock Slam, the anti-FoolProof.
Have the two of you ever been seen in the same place at the same time?
Destination Scientology… now there’s a scary thought!
It chills me to the bone.
That’s a heck of an expensive robotic, styrofoam cutter to make the giant props for the Nuremburg-like events.
Which makes me think it’s a stock photo. That whole series of ads uses them, in my opinion. The sets are too elaborate.
I hope that they are for the Nuremburg style trial for the Dwarfenfuehrer.
What’s the kid with the cameras holding?
I think that’s a remote shutter release in his hand.
You’re right. He has a remote shutter that he’s holding with his right and an extended viewfinder with his left (has an eyecup). Interesting way of holding that camera. I’ll have to look it up.
I’m sure it is the control grip for the camera, but it REALLY looks like a pistol.
Hey, Lynn Henshaw: If the tech is “in in in “ why are drugs getting “more and more accepted” something doesn’t equate here.
Oh, don’t tease the idiots, they can’t help it…
Giggle ☺