Due to a brain fart, I messed up the days of the week. As promised, here are the Funnies today…
It only takes a day?
Wow, there are some others orgs that would like to know how you plan to pull this off…
Rapper and Humanitarian…
What a combo. But they forgot his number one profession. Registrar trying to get commissions.
That’s an awful lot of Muhammads…
And look at those guest speakers — it tells you everything you need to know.
This isn’t going to be about spiritual enlightenment. It’s going to only be about lightening your wallet.
Chinese to Renaissance…
They’re really covering all bases. Wonder how many Muhammads are going to be at this one?
Sort of an oxymoron?
This is the Sea Org?
Looks more like Chicago Fire.
Last week it was tough guy on an ATV.
Now tough guy firefighter? (This could ONLY be a fire drill on the Freewinds, there are no full time firefighters in the Sea Org)…
What’s next, a tough guy astronaut for those times when you are writing up Whole Track OW’s?
More Sea Org Tough Guy
At least this manly man is in a uniform of something that IS done by the SO.
He kicks people to keep running around in circles in a darkened room.
Uh-oh, really weird again…
A welder? Join the Sea Org and become a welder?
When are they going to have the poster with a WWF wrestler and the word “MEAN” at the top? Would make as much sense as this.
Did YOU know?
He failed and didn’t complete the course?
Desperate much?
They are buying an ad in local markets for the Stupor Bowl and Flag is using this to try and hustle some hotel room revenue! So much for the Mecca of Technical Perfection.
Nothing says success like an empty courseroom…
And THIS is a staged shot.
And that is the most generic “success” story I think I have ever read. Qual is asleep at the switch in the ideal San Diego…
We are changing the world…
Whatever you say, whoever you are?
Do your Ideal Org status…
And end up looking like middle aged (ages?) fools.
Well, if Rob Demotts says it…
It’s dang-well gotta be true.
Circle of Knights?
Latin Knights? Who ever heard of Latin Knights? Do they mean nights?
The only thing we really know is that this is about getting your money.
Cracking the Social Media Algorithm…
From an expert on the subject. Try googling her and you will see how well she has cracked it.
On the bleeding edge of tech savvy….
Get your USB audiobook now. It’s smaller than a breadbasket.
Quiz night…
Q1: WTF am I doing here?
Q2: Did I really pay $50 to have my “witts” tested?
Interfaith Harmony
In other words — we are desperate to be seen as a real religion. We want to hang out with anyone who is less reviled than we are.
Maybe they have something?
Wonder if their “intervention tech” can be used to get someone out of a cult?
Some fine typesetting…
Seriously, how hard can it be to have some consistency in typefaces and point sizes. You can do it with Word….
None other than SuMP
Which reminds me, weren’t they supposed to be broadcasting 24/7 by now?
The biggest game day of the year!
Any excuse to try to get ANYONE to come into an org for ANY reason.
I want to see that Tour video about Flag and the miracle results of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Maybe we will finally be allowed a glimpse inside the round running room.
Stupid is as stupid does … Dumb and Dumber … Complete Morons. $cn advertises for “World Interfaith Harmony Week” with a big graphic including world religions and forgets to include their own symbol … LOL LOL LOL … I think they call that a Freudian slip …
$50 for a hot dog buffet at the Fort Harrison? I’ve been to strip clubs with better buffets for a tenth of that price, and the regges are a lot more fun.
Gotta love the rapper, might go something like this:
Listen Here to What I say
If it’s COS run the other way
They don’t do ya any good
You’ll have no money
And live in the hood
Did anyone else notice the spiffy( teehee) add on the pre-game show for the Super Bowl?
Curious???…….nnnnaaaaahhhh….not any longer. After viewing Aftermath I & 2, reading Mike & Tony’s blogs, reading all those well written books….ALL my questions & MORE were asked & answered.
Run the OTHER WAY for control over your OWN life/family/children/friends/finances etc in the OTHER directions AWAY from anything that even remotely looks like, walks like, quacks like COS.
Could someone get this organization a subscription to grammarly.com?
I’m dumbfounded that some of this stuff gets out the door.
What test? OMG! Did I miss it? Am I going to flunk out? I’m doomed…
NO! I am the stupid one……I wanted to post something else, but my computer “failed me & locked up”…..& I could not delete the “test” & replace it with what I wanted to say.
OSD my dear friend, YOU always PASS the test, you are a true delight & keep many of us laughing out loud (lol)……glad to count you & your family as friends!
These get more ridiculous by the day…..I won’t even comment on the Vikings..nope…not gonna…
World Interfaith Harmony Week..
Where they will learn “….improving the lifes of others…..” obviously, knowledge of remedial grammar is not a pre-requisite.
And…sign me up for a USB Audiobook of Battlefield Earth. Perhaps the narrator will be the same individual who wrote the interfaith Harmony poster. Cannot wait to learn a new language.
Wow, they are a third of the way done with their Sexy Men of the Sea Org calendar, with the four photos we’ve seen so far. Of course, those must be models, because they all look too well-fed and well-rested to be actual Sea Org.
That KC Org trio…well, I have no words for how stupid they look. Dazed, and none too happy, either. These are people who could be leading fulfilling lives, engaged in worthwhile enterprises, contributing to worthy causes. . Yet, here they are throwing their money down DM’s real estate sinkhole, looking beyond silly. They’re not children, not teenagers. As I see it they have no excuse. It is truly sad.
Undue influence is a thing, and the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology profits from it.
“Opening Minds: The Secret World of Manipulation, Undue Influence and Brainwashing” by Jon Atack has a nice brief discussion and references to more thorough definitions.
I’ll read it. Thanks, jens. WhatEVER can assist me in really, fully FINALLY understanding this phenomena! Once I can fully get it. I can read about it and deal with it WITHOUT becoming continually exasperated! So thanks. Actually, for a while I should probably suspend my passion for detective fiction and instead read everything I can get my hands on with regard to brainwashing and cults, etc.
The one where they mentioned Knights made me wonder if they are trying to confuse Knights of Columbus a Catholic organization I belong to. We do all kinds of things to raise funds that we actually do give to charities. Just wondering if trying to get that name in there to confuse some people.
Either that or the fact that the people who write these flyers are poor spellers. Could be both!
I doubt any of them are worldly enough to have ever heard of the KofC. And many, I’d bet, are so undereducated that they simply have no idea of their poor English, syntax and spelling. Most never seem to have realized that computers have spellcheckers!
Flog is renting hustling business from non Scientologists to stay in the FH? Isn’t this “out-security”? Well, whatever. No further evidence needed of cult desperation! Reduced to this proves they’re on the skids.
This comment is mostly “Off Topic” except for the last paragraph. You may release it for inclusion in your blog if you like. Or you may delete everything except for the last paragraph if you like. Or you may just delete it all, of course.
I sure do wish I could find a message board where people discuss Scamatology. Both pro and con. Believe it or not, I have searched but can’t find any better place than right here. I don’t want to post on “The Straight Dope” message board. Long story but I doubt if any discussion there would have more than one point of view. If anyone can point me to such a message board, I would surely appreciate it.
Sorry if this paragraph is “Off Topic” but I just want to say that I saw a great film today called, “Cosby. The Fall of an American Icon (2003). In this film they showed how Cosby got away with large numbers of rapes and other kinds of sexual assaults for a long long time. (Just like our Teeny Fuhrer DM). Well, one night a little known comedian named Hannibal Burress was doing his stand-up show and laid into Cosby saying words to the effect, “Don’t you tell black men how to behave. You are a rapist! You rape women, Bill Cosby. Well, after that, there was a huge number of web sites that published that and the downfall of Bill Cosby was almost instantaneous. It was beautiful. My guess is that the downfall of the Teeny Fuhrer and his criminal cult will follow a similar story. Won’t that be glorious? It’s like Tom Cruise said. Words to the effect, “Where were you when this happened? Did you take part? Will you remember this for the rest of your life? I know that I sure will. Many of us may be disheartened that it’s taking so long. But one little incident and the whole rotten scam will fall down almost immediately. It will happen at lightening speed. I hope. I guess I shouldn’t drink when I post. But I raise my glass to Leah and Mike and to everyone else here. Glory Days will be coming soon! P.S. I only had one glass of wine. Honest!
Speaking of abusing women… Hey Miscavige, WHERE IS SHELLEY???
The days when the pros and cons of the subject itself were hotly debated are pretty much gone. In 2014 Mark Rathbun posted a score of topics under the general heading “Deconstructing Scientology” with thousands of following comments. Few people remain who are just now exiting the CoS or practice some version of scn independently and still find some benefit. I guess someone just needs to go over topics from the past and figure out for themselves what worked and what didn’t.
There’s a guy named Andy Nolch who is an independent and has a youtube channel. He mostly gets ridiculed but he takes it in stride and some people agree with him.
Skyler, that isn’t going to happen. That has been hashed out for a LONG time. ALL major points of scamology claims have been falsified.
Other than minor, subjective points, there’s nothing to look at.
So many ads … and is all a sale push, they need to pay taxes ASAP
Just one little point on Chill E. B. He actually doesn’t do any regging. He goes there, performs and gets his pay (that some performers would get paid for doing a wedding) plus travel and hotel.
The travesty is that he DOESN’T get a piece of the action. He goes there, people love him and will come to see HIM in spite of the IAS. But, when he tried to negotiate half or some part of the 10% take, they said no way (because he wasn’t a Scientologist at the time). I don’t know what’s happening now because I think he’s done some courses but, last I heard, they were just paying him wedding pay and flying him half way around the world to earn it and bitching that they have to pay him at all.
If they could get him to do it for free, they would. They have tried.
He and his wife get free travel and that’s a bonus, but they are just using him like they use everybody else.
FYI – he was a well-known rapper in the early 90’s with his song “Menace to Society” and others, as well as being the face of Sega games. I pray he finds his way out.
Those who accept money by knowingly supporting, endorsements or like activities for organizations engaged in or promoting unethical or illegal behavior, to me, are just as wrong. If he tried to arrange for parts of a commission- I’m inclined to believe he is aware of what he’s involved in. Perhaps that’s not the case. I don’t know.
I too hope he gets out not only for himself/family, as well as he’s not being used to bilk others.
Wait, what?! Scientologists pay for a Cabana at Flag, but they are allowing the normal Halftime show of Justin Timberlake to be shown?!
Where is the choreographed dance routine to Chill E.B. singing the song ‘Dauntless. Defiant. Resolute.’?! Oh, couldn’t afford the cost of Chill E.B. to fly to Florida.
Wait, What?
Our world is in a downward spiral? How can that be? The criminals who run this scam cult promised us they had the solution and by clearing one person at a time, this world slowly but surely will become a paradise here on Earth.
But, they’ve been running this scam since the 1950’s. How is it possible that in all that time, we are still in a downward spiral? The answer as I see it is these criminals are only interested in taking all the money in the world and putting it into their pockets. They are lying scumbags. If you ever get involved with this cult, they will not only take all your money, they will also take your family, your peace of mind and your right to Free Will.
Beware! Stay away from these dirty C*(# S*$&*#$! Far Far Away. Your life is your own. Do not throw it away on this garbage heap – this Criminal Cult called Scamatology!
Here are some questions on the quirky quiz of Perth:
1. Is it better to pay your IAS dues in American or Australian dollars?
2. Which would cause more case gain-giving money to the United Fund, or to the IAS?
3. Do you have an epiphany each time you realize that giving money to the IAS is the best way to clear the planet?
Use your witts to answer the questions!
I looked up Hubbard’s transcript ( http://www.xenu-directory.net/documents/hubbard-gwu.html) and saw just how bad he was in the physical sciences! OH, and in 1931, it was atomic physics. The neutron was only discovered in 1932, and it was several years before schools began teaching nuclear physics. I guess the Birthday Event people are not part of Truth Revealed ™(/S) bridge to nothing.
Seems all he was talented for was literature and fiction. Maybe if he dabbled in the occult he could have found a purpose in life and/or made a name of himself. Something, anything, that would get him some ADMIRATION.
Jim, you didn’t need to do that.
Want to know how I know that Ron flunked nuclear physics?
Because I listened to “Dianetics- Lectures And Demonstrations”.
And, guess what? He admits it in one of the lectures!
Yes, he readily admits flanking out of the course!
Don’t the sheeple in the orgs listen to these Things? I Mean, the answer is right there in a Basics lecture which they are supposed to listen to! How come they believe stupid promo like the piece Mike cited in today’s Blog?
Ah, the irony.
“Don’t the sheeple in the orgs listen to these Things?”
The answer is they do not listen to these things, not even L. Ron Hubbard’s policies, unless its OK’d by staff. LRH policy be damned. They believe and do exactly what they are told and nothing else. If they don’t, they’re OUT. That said, if any of them questioned LRH flunking nuclear physics, the org people, the Course Sup and other staff would say it was good that he flunked. Seriously.
Wait, Aquamarine, of course they listen to these things! They have to as they are part of a “Basics package” that everyone is supposed to shell out 5 grand for! Don’t you get annoying calls from your org BSO asking if you’ve completed your Basics lineup? Haven’t they sent you that damn DVD about the 2007 event where the Dwarfenfuhrer told everyone to buy the Basics? Well, LRH’s admission to flanking nuclear physics is in those lectures!
So the “social media algorithm” is “cracked” by “using scientology tools [] by L Ron Hubbard.”
The same LRH whose whole track vision allowed him to foresee the internet and who has led the “church” from victory to victory as they are making the internet their dissemination and PR tool.
The same “church” that finds it necessary to advertise its services on the internet under the cover of anonymity? Imagine having Apple, Mercedes or Coke having to conceal their brand logos when trying to sell you a product!
That LRH? That internet? Let’s just let that one sink in for a bit…
It’s the members that are cracked! Not the algorithm.
There you go using them big words again. You know what happened the last time you used a word with more than 3 syllables. You broke out in a song & dance, got drunk and then you lost your grip and were flung from a ceiling fan on speed #3. You might not be so lucky this time, the window might be closed.
ROTFLMFAO!!! I had to write the big words on my hand so I wouldn’t forget them.
That would be fun to watch.
FLAG & AOLA having watch the superbowl? Now I’ve seen it all.
Not quite. Surely they will keep shooting them selves in their collective feet….time & again.
More and more the Cof$ seems to represent itself as some sort of restaurant. Not only specialising in fast food but fast money, your money in their hands as fast as possible.
It is personally stunning to see the same hype and the same greed displayed over and over, year after year. For what? I’ve got no idea what they are trying to sell anymore, but I sure know what they want – MONEY, your money, and all of it!
Scientology, been around since the 50’s & it’s still a static. ‘Hurry up and wait,” has never had a better home than in the minds of Scientologists.
Mara Edwards.
I did do a quick search on her. She is managing “an I tunes top recording artist”. She also has a letter on the STAAD site, written to A & E, because she doesn’t like a certain show. But that’s about it.
Do you think people who wrote complaining about the show actually watched it first? (Me neither…) If not, then how did CoS get people to write the letters without encouraging them to watch what it is they need to complain about? I’m thinking it must have been very carefully worded. “This show is so dangerous that even looking at a few minutes of it could instantly undo your years of auditing and working up the Bridge; but our brave COB has taken advantage of his especially thick skin to check it out for you. Here is what you need to say to A&E to protect others from it.” Something like that?
And nothing shows others how you can communicate with anyone about anything than a letter someone else wrote for you to complain about an Emmy-winning TV show that someone else watched for you. I’d sure line up to take advice on using social media from someone like that.
This post is so comical…I read it twice and still giggled the second time.
Oh, but SM, Mara is a Lifetime Blogger!
You know, one of these exceptional women who relay to you, in excruciating detail, their daily and hour by hour experiences at Starbucks, at the mall, and all the rest of the fascinating minutiae comprising their fascinating, unemployed lives.
Actually she may even have some worthwhile tips: if she actually has tricks to get people to read this bullshit,
No worries about the funnies coming today. In the old days we kids loved the Sunday paper because it had the expanded version of the “Sunday comics”. All in colour, a pull out section of the paper just for us. It was glorious.
“Our world is in a dwindling spiral: wars, drugs, immorality, insanity, false solutions”. Remove “world” and insert “church” and they’ve just about nailed it.
You made the same point I tried to make above. But you are much better at it than I am. Oh well, as long as we all keep pointing out the truth about this scam, sooner or later, their stupid cult will come tumbling down – no matter how long it takes.
And if it takes a few more years, then hopefully Leah & Mike will keep getting the kinds of ratings to keep this show on the air. It has become my most favorite TV show.
Word Press is quite challenging when making any changes.
Maria Edwards: Influencer. “Influencer?” New one on me. Is that a college major? I’d like to see her in a smack down with my wife. Hope she likes eating dust.
Now THAT would be fun to watch!
🙂 bix.
Cerebral flatulation is a terrible thing.
I’m curious what “hot and cold running service” means in the Stupid Bowl flyer.
Sounds like cult speak.
Maybe they are sprayed with a hose while doing the rundown.
Re: The Big Game
The Superbowl franchise is real sticklers when it comes to these event/watch the game parties.
*You cannot have more than a certain number of people
*You can’t make a profit
*Blah blah blah
Or you are violating copyrights. I suspect they didn’t pay for usage because “superbowl” is nowhere to be seen and neither is the logo.
The church I was attached to got popped for this. They had warning though and cancelled the event before the mega fines rolled in.
They worded that announcement carefully. They’re charging for food and seating along with lodging.
I was thinking the hitch was them not using thrir own “place of worship” and/or equipment?
I’m a never-in sci so forgive the ignorance…. [NIS? Nicer sounding than WOG]
But look here
(The entire artcle, in fact):
I wonder if they pay taxes on the Super Bowl business they do.
I especiallly loved the poster with the three “Romans.” And that big old hammer! Somehow this shot reminded me of good old Larry, Moe and Curly. “When I nod my head, you hit it.”
Larry, Moe and Curly did a movie in the old Cedars of Lebanon hospital, “Men in Black”, now big Blue. It has been all down hill since the 1940s.
Let’s see you TR3 that statement!
Bix, that kicked in Manny, Moe and Jack for me. 🙂 The youngsters here won’t know what that means. LOL
Damn, I’m getting old. Guess I shouldn’t assume these things. On the other hand, I don’t know what the youngsters are trying to say most of the time. Even worse: I don’t care. Isn’t that awful?
I like the San Diego course room. One of the course room chairs was occupied by a small child or a doll. Soon they will have AI robots on course. They will feel right at home with Bots already there.
The Super Bowl commercial is an interesting choice of investment. I think it will do more damage to the COS than good. Believe it or not, a lot of people don’t know what Scientology is about. I can’t imagine the conversations about Scientology during the game will be positive, and anyone going online to research because of the ad prompting won’t find much positive press.
Ok, I bit. I made a quick google search of Mara Edwards, Social Media Strategist, Influencer and Lifestyle Blogger. Sounds fascinating. Check it out for yourself, but I was definitely NOT impressed. https://www.gottaknowmesocial.com/about
Talk about scraping the bottom for some ‘expert’ to deliver a VITAL seminar to the masses. Holy shit this is pathetic. Especially when Mara finds ‘adulting’ so very hard. Get a grip Mara. Pay for your ‘Bridge to Total Freedom’, made a healthy donation to the IAS, do some endless ‘ethics conditions’ and you will find out what hard is all about. When things get tough, you can go to one of the ChanMan’s seminars or touch base with the Cardones or chat with Michael Roberts to see how to make things really go right in life. Once your finances are completely and utterly tapped you will be thrown under the bus like all the rest before you. Or, you can join the sea org, sign on with OSA and be a social media strategist net nanny reading all these critic’s blogs and letting your mind go numb with denial.
Thanks for the link, Mrs. B. I read her PR blurb. She could definitely do with a bit remedial English.
LOL, Ms.B. Well said! Talk about a loser. The cult is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with her, seminar- leader wise!
My stupidity processing lobe just got overloaded.
Shu t t i n g d o w n
Wyn, I thought nothing could stop you!
Rebooting… Lucky I have a fail over mode OSD.
🙂 Wynski.
So they are using Chinese New Year to talk about Ideal Orgs with several Muslims in attendance? Kind of mixed up!
Actually it’s simple: one for Column A and one from Column B.
What kind of dogs are they using? They look like wolves or dogs with a fox-like tail.
O/t – Mike loved you on OhNo Ross and Carrie. Two of my favorites blended together, like PB&J.
Thank you for the interview.