Thanksgiving and food is the theme of today’s Funnies. But nothing ever really overshadows MONEY.
Potluck Thanksgiving
Seems so odd for a church NOT to PROVIDE a Thanksgiving dinner for those in need. In scientology bring your own and then we will rape your wallet when you get here seems to be the norm.
And why would you want to go to a Potluck rather than being with your family. Sad.
Not Potluck?
I guess they didn’t get the memo…
The Great Year-End Eternity Sale
But hurry, if you don’t get your money down by midnite 31 December your eternity is NOT secured.
Someone forwarded me an already filled out survey. Hahaha
Well, yes
The MAA told me I had to disconnect from my spouse because she has FB friends who are friends with SPs. So, the basic principle is to stay away from scientology.
Make the Impossible Possible
Cool. How about getting enough people to the Freewinds that it can afford to move from port to port?
“Bring the fam!”
What a way to spend your Thanksgiving holiday…
Star Trek AND the Gladiator
Should be a snap to get this done…
What IS the best CF in the world? It’s just pieces of paper in alphabetical files?
London Fitzroy Event
And it’s a picture of SH? You do know that is not Fitzroy St right? Are you lost?
Chili competition
Celebrate “the creating of an Ideal Org” for the “holidays” with chili. Random. Wonder if Chilly B will be there?
How do you celebrate 60 years of fail?
It’s always ABOUT to change
Been that way since 1950….
Former Finance Policeman
Notorious Finance Police enforcer Cliff Woods is going to teach you how to find a ruin for the holidays. And empty your bank account. Might even declare you…. He really could give you your ruin.
Food, glorious food
This is probably the biggest revenue stream to fund PAC Base Crew. They sure seem to put a lot of effort into selling food….
They will give you food…
As long as you hand over your wallet
Strange Bedfellows
This woman proudly includes her connection to Landmark Education on her website. For anyone unfamiliar, this is the descendant of EST. They have to be really hard up to be using her as theiur poster child….
Things are bleak in PAC
All you PTS people, come on in and Andres will give you some tips and reg you for the PTS/SP Course. This is what AOLA is focused on these days apparently — not making OT’s. The entheta in the world is overwhelming them apparently.
Coolest people on earth…
And he got the Freedom Medal in the stand up comedy category…
Ideal Orgs to “Start Getting Done”. Finally…
But they bought buildings for New Haven and Philly and Detroit and Chicago a decade or so ago. That wasn’t a start?
Black Friday
More Thanksgiving theme – but I think they are missing an element for their big Black Friday bash. Everyone else offers things cheap.
Thanksgiving CF feast — Wow!
Can you think of anything better to do for Thanksgiving? Poke yourself in the eye with a sharp stick maybe?
You can bet the food they have on hand in CF isn’t going to remotely resemble this picture.
One World Government?
More conspiracy theories straight from the imagination of Ron.
Suddenly there is a target
Dave is counting on this org to show at March 13.
That’s all?
Just everything there is to know? Isn’t that sort of hiding your light under a bushel?
Odd pairing
What are the odd Tom and Victoria Cummins doing in Odd? Anywhere there is a photo op I guess? How come they didn’t appear in EUS?
A Holiday Celebration
Of the IAS accomplishments? Wonder if he is going to tell everyone how much money they collected this past year and how much they spent on anything?
How about Outback?
They have no idea where? How hard can that be to figure out?
More food
And charging a pretty penny for this one. Could be a big money-maker for a traditionally bad income week.
She looks like she just saw her first org staff paycheck
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone.
Only 5 days til Leah’s new show airs. And that is something to give thanks for.
“Tiffany” looks like she’s thinking, “Jesus Christ, what did I just do?”
Mike, from my experience, before the onset of the Golden Age of Fundraising, Thanksgiving Dinner was offered as an enticement to come on course. Thursday’s Birthday Game stats and all that.
Reading the “Book A Thon” flyer made me shudder a little. Sooo glad I’m not around there anymore to get shouldered into selling books on Black Friday.
The Santa Barbara org is gonna be located in VENTURA??????!!!!!!! Oh goody! That’s where I stay when I visit the USA. I would volunteer for CF duty but I imagine they just use a shoebox for all their past and present public.
Are Lopez and Rodriguez the SAME Andres? (You know, CS by day and with his stage name, comic by night … something to fall back on after he’s declared)
I’ve already experienced eternity … had to sit through a live event about 12 years ago in LA.
And you survived???
I hope y’all had a great Thanksgiving <3
Whenever I see the name Cliff Woods I always get the picture of the Matrix with the bodies in racks and Cliff would be the first person on the first row, imbibing the cool aid lovingly and rabidly encouraging others to do so. Obviously he has been “making a living” from “politely” (ahem) asking fellow “Scientologists” (ahem – cough) to cough up money for IAS and Idle Orgs and of course raking in his 10%. This mentality has sold Scientology down the river. I sincerely hope in his instance that Miscavige has given him a few slaps over the years.
Who the hell is Colonel Ricardo Prado and why is he wearing that ridiculous uniform?
Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving!
Big Time agreement on Col. Prado. I think he’s down in Colombia and they suckered him in with his silly medal. He really does look quite ridiculous.
I give thanks that I’m no longer PTS to L. Ron Hubbard.
The real answers Señor Rodriguez won’t tell you at his little talk.
1. How to handle those relatives – the ones who bring everyone else down!
Raise the ARC and find areas of commonality.
2. How to spot PTS symptoms and suppressive valences.
Recall the last event you attended where David Miscavige spoke. How did it honestly make you feel?
3. Powerful LRH data you can use at once to flourish and prosper!
When in doubt, communicate!
Mike, I read the Thursday Funnies to get your remarks about each one. I chortle all the way down. YOUR funnies get me into a good mood for the day.
I barely read the actual pieces, can’t bare it.
I’m very thankful to Mike and all the posters here! I’ve learned so very much from all of you. Having Mike’s blog here is like our gathering place. And you know, that’s pretty bitchin’!
Ditto Dude. It’s quite the thing and hard to put in words, “bitchin” sort of says it all.
Weird thing about Scientology is that it walks a very thin line. At one point it caught all of us. I enjoyed auditing and suping in the 80s, but was treated the worst I’ve ever been treated. And by that I mean by any people in my whole life whilst being in that organisation. The military way of life is far more honest and caring than the Cof$ and it had more than its fair share of assholes, believe me. Even the enemy displayed better human values.
Now, through this site (in particular) the suppressive nature and nuances of that organisation really begin reveal themselves. There’s a dramatization that the Cof$ brings out in people which changes them into covert and then overt beasts. Life ain’t easy and it could be suggested the Cof$ just uses the worst of humanity and magnifies it whilst pretending to promise solutions. Hubbard was right when he said man is neither calm nor brave, but individually that is not true and that is one thing the Cof$ is really criminal about, smashing the individual!
The Cof$ is incapable of differentiation of the individual, and Miscavige keeps a firm hand ensuring it remains so.
Cheers buddy, have a glass and toast the apostates of the Cof$.
Hear hear! Thank you all.
I love Thanksgiving! Having an attitude of gratitude, goes a long way! Also, nothing new can come into your life, until you’re grateful for what you already have…
Wise words, OSD. I completely agree on both points. I’m also of the opinion that so many of us are way more blessed than we acknowledge or even realize. For some time now I’ve been saying a little prayer of thanksgiving each day for what I have, for what works out for me, for the ability I possess to be, do and have, for the help and support that I’ve been given by others. Hardly a day goes by now where I don’t have a spontaneous thankful thought of this nature. I never used to be this way. I was always focused on what I didn’t have. Something changed in me, I don’t know why or how, but I’m so much happier being a “glass half full” person.
We are grateful for many things. The thing I am most grateful for is that all that crap/promo isn’t appearing in my mailbox anymore. I would welcome a copy of my Goldenrod, however. WOOAAH!
You and me both, Chewy.
Don’t wait for your Goldenro, Chewkacca. They’ve run out of the paper (just like toilet paper and worth the same) and they can’t afford to replace it since Miscavige ran low on MaCallans and that’s where all the income went!
Happy Scientology! Hope you find lots of ruins for the Holidays or whatever…
Loved that “How to find a ruin every time” seminar flyer!
Hey $cilons, wanna hear the easiest way to find a ruin every time? Just wake up every morning and look in the mirror!
It’s only in $cn where folks think nothing of learning the best way to nose about in people’s lives looking for their most devastating and traumatic personal experiences so they can sell them something! Everyone else on the planet recognizes that kind of behavior as sociopathic and completely disreputable.
Happy Scientology! Happy Scientology! Oh crap! I slipped into ‘glee.’
WTF! No Michael Chan or Graham Payne again this week! That’s two weeks in row!
This is getting so you can trust a good seminar squeeze. Geezers, got some slack on the CC too, all I need is the slime for it to slip off.
Perhaps the concept of rats & a sinking ship is applicable here. The is a hurricane brewing on the horizon and gathering strength all on its own. I’d baton the hatches and skedaddle out of there too. Leah’s approaching and the smart ones know they can’t imagine the magnitude of it until it actually hits. Better to be safely hidden than caught in the open.
The funnies this week aren’t funny. Thanksgiving is family time… enough said.
Happy Thanksgiving Mike and beautiful family!
Thank you for the blog!
That recruitment poster for Denver Org… I can’t quite put my finger on Tiffany’s expression. She’s either going to cry any second or run screaming out the door in fear.
Probably because her pay that week was only five dollars.
She got $5 in one week? Maybe I will go back on staff…
Have you lost the joy and romance of a happy marriage or relationship?
Yeah, when my husband and children were ordered to disconnect from me. Hope you choke on the wishbone midget.
And why would you want to go to a Potluck rather than being with your family? To feed the poor staff.
Giving thanks to all the loving and supporting scilons by keeping the course room s and auditing rooms wide open… Yeah right, It;s because you are such tyrannical slave drivers that you can’t let up on squeezing staff to make those stats and arm-twisting public to boot. So if you;re not going on course does that exclude you from the Loving scilon category — thanks for the emotional blackmail.
If you’d fought to make your CF the “best in the world” all along you wouldn’t be needing the help morons.
How to find a ruin every time. Yeah, that’d be a great – let’s turn Thanksgiving into Ruingiving. How to ruin your life – get on board with the guys that know how to do it right. Michael Roberts can ruin your life in the stroke of a check baby. Then you can go to the “Improve Your Relationships” seminar to figure out why your wife is so pissed at you for ruining your family’s finances. Where you will get the tech on how to dump the bitch and keep on being a fleeced sheep.
Ursala Kellman: Congrats on you’re 19th nervous breakdown!
Make the impossible possible — what you mean how to successfully PR scientology? Good luck with that..
Not Tiffany’s 1st check. That was how she looked after signing the staff contract. Shock victim.
Great collection this week.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
I just got done saying that Tiffany only made five dollars this week!
Four Question Survey from the IAS Membership Officer ASHO
Hello, Robin Alessandrini, er, Gardner! I took a moment to fill out your stupid questionnaire. With all that the International Character Assassination of Ex-Scientologists is funding (including that of actress and hero extraordinaire Leah Remini), I thought you’d love to hear from an ex-scientologist (1977—2014) and ex-IAS member.
Full Names: Fred G. Haseney & JennyAtLAX
IAS Status: The IAS has over $1,000 of my hard-earned money and I’d like it back, thank you very much.
1. In your estimation, what is the most important campaign the IAS has undertaken since it was formed in 1984. Why, the alteration and enforcement of scientology “technology” so as to forward scientology’s agenda: to conquer the world by force.
2. What do you feel needs to be handled on an immediate basis on the 4th dynamic? With the “4th dynamic” being mankind, why, the complete and utter disbandment of the so-called “church” of scientology, what else?
3. What are your plans to upgrade your next status as an ex-IAS member? To flourish and prosper despite scientology’s Fair Game tactics.
4. Are you interested in signing up to make a monthly donation to the IAS? Of course, but only if you accept a pledge, in lieu of money, to support the revocation of your cherch’s tax-exempt status.
Happy Holidays All!
P.S. Mike Rinder has outdone himself today!
Hear, hear, Jenny!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jenny,You lit up Thanksgiving at my house!??to you & Fred.
So why would you want to go to a potluck dinner at the Morgue rather than have it with your family? If you’ve been forced to disconnect from your family, you have nowhere else to go. “We’re your family now, Brenda…”
Anyone notice that Seattle had the wrong date on its promo? “Thursday, November 21st”. Really? Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday in November. The earliest date it could be is the 22nd. So not only do you have the wrong date, you have it on a date that’s impossible, Seattle. Only Scientology could pull this off.
Colonel Prado looks less like a military man and more like a security guard at the museum of the same name. What a shitty-looking uniform.
You have to give the CF folks at Valley some credit. Instead of pissing off two giant studios with the Gladiator promo, they decided to piss off Paramount twice. Economy is a virtue.
Kansas City, the home of the best barbecue on Teegeeack, and they have a chili cook-off? Way to play to your strengths there, KC.
I’d like to know what Dave’s “special message” to Seattle Morgue was. Did it involve the acronym CICSMF, perhaps?
Cliff Woods of the Finance Gestapo is actually doing everyone a favor. What’s a family dinner without someone finding everyone’s ruin for them? It’s not a family dinner if everyone isn’t pissed off at everyone else in the room.
Warning: the actual food served by the Pacific Cafe bears no resemblance whatsoever to the food in the pictures. And everything on their Thanksgiving menu can easily be found in some cookbook somewhere (not to mention on the Net, but they’re not allowed to surf the Net for recipes). And I still want to see those receiving records of yours to check those Organic claims.
Mike, you’re right about Black Friday offering stuff cheap. The thing you missed is that Black Friday offers sales on things people want. No one wants what they’re selling.
So, what are the top suppressives actually doing to ruin our society? Well, personally, I’m off to a consultancy in Colorado this weekend, then on to South Carolina for an audit. Personally, I don’t think I’m doing a lot to destroy the world, but every little bit helps.
Forty quid for Christmas dinner at Saint Hell? Well, thanks to Brexit crashing the pound, that’s about $2.98.
I hope that everyone has a great holiday here in the US. For those of you overseas, have a great Thursday, and sneak a drink at 2PM your time to celebrate not having to report stats.
Happy Travels Espiando, Still love your posts.?
And thank you, Ann. You be sure to have a great holiday with the relatives. As for me, I’m doing the parental thing today before I fly out tomorrow, and I’m just waiting for my belated birthday present on the 29th courtesy of Leah.
Me too Espiando,Leah’s is one of the best presents ever & I cannot wait…Turkey day consisted of myself,hubby & the 17 year old Siamese cat Jade.We had Chinese,seriously!I get wilder in my old age.❤️
Colonel Prado hey? Prado is also a Toyota 4×4. One of those bush bashing type of SUV vehicles generally covered in mud if used correctly – oh yeah I see the resemblance… all those shinny medals and all. He looks more like a fishing lure but is in actual fact a pseudo save the world contributor for the monies illegally fleeced mechanism that is PR Scientology. Ugliness and evil comes in many forms and he’s a good example.
I mean, come on! Colonel Prado makes Scientology look like it’s sucking up to brutal South American military dictators!
Miscavige’s future friends & neighbors no doubt.
Happy thanks giving Mike!
I’m getting ready to watch your video with Aaron over on Tony’s site.
The John Sweeny Panorama stuff truly haunted me.
The big payoff being, how much joy it brings me these days to see you looking so wonderfully cared for and happy:)
Robin Allessandrini.. is she a daughter or son of Joey Allesendrini, who used to run Los Gatos and recently had a huge stroke? (by the way). He has been out of the Cherch, but stays cordial as he loves his kids and doesn’t want to have them disconnect.
YEs, his daughter.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! May you have a day surrounded with love and happiness.
Gtsix,??& waves of love to you & yours.?
Back at you darling! xx ro you and yours.
“Tiffany just joined staff” and by the look on her face I’d say she also realized what a mistake she made!
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Thanks Mike for all your efforts in neutralizing the cult. Glad you will be spending the day with your wonderful family.
Tiffany’s inner monologue: What the fuck have I just done?!
Yeah, right? She looks like she’s sucking on a lemon.
I give her 4 months. Ladies and Gentlemen, place your bets.
Join the team of Scientologists with a career like no other. What…indentured servitude?
Tiffany has a big WTF on her face! Wouldn’t want to be in her shoes…
Tiffany doesn’t look cautious enough to know what a mental prison is, let alone realize she has walked into one & the door closed behind her. Scientology, the revolving door to eternity, except it never opens on the other side – round and round you go, always waiting, always hoping. It is sadly remarkable what you tell yourself about this until you see the truth of the scam. To some, they don’t and their sadly noble plight is the very essence of a downward spiral so powerful it’s all you have. Horrible trap, the Corporate Scientology Cult.
Expect that the little quiver lip look will progress into a full blown ~~~~ as life inside the bubble takes it’s toll.
…a life inside the bubble takes its toll. Indeed…
For the last time, it’s because she only made five dollars this week!
Happy Day Mike.I can remember having to reg at this big Flag event in Santa Monica.The other girl that was paired with me,was so hungry she asked me to hide bread etc in my purse from the buffets.This was 74.I brought alot of goodies back to my roomies at the Inn.Even the cockroaches got some crumbs.So glad those days are over!?
To Mike & the beautiful Rinder family.May your Thanksgiving be all good things for you & yours.I think there was one Turkey afternoon in 75 @ Asho.A Day student had a little cottage right below the Hollywood sign.There was nothing there but scrub trees & dirt lanes.This was when the sign was in need of repair & not off limits to the public.So for a few afternoon hours we set up a afternoon lunch at this house.Hung around & watched our beloved CO dash about the lanes on his gorgeous Triumph classic motor bike.Then it was back on post for all.Only happened that one year.Even so I would take an infinite number of holidays outside the bubble as opposed to being inside it.Thank you Always & I cannot Wait for 11/29.?
The Factors revisited: “In the beginning and forever is the decision and the decision is TO REG.
The second act of TO REG is to know every conceivable method of recognizing monetary value and its administrative transfer mechanisms.
The third act is to NEVER be without an answer that commits your mark to contributing more than what they are worth. Always think – Potential & there’s always something hidden.
The forth act is simply, DON’T STOP until you have it all & then some commitment to a future -TO REG… Familial connections are the prize of prizes and are much coveted.
And thus there is Scientology.
Humbly tendered as a gift to Dave.
Endlessly entertaining and informative, Happy Thanksgiving and thankyou to all who contribute here.
This blog is much to be thankful for.
Ditto Chuck.
I was thinking about your son today, Chuck. I’m thankful my family was never in. May your son see the light, my friend. And, of course, let that be sooner rather than later.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
First, Happy Thanksgiving for all who celebrate!
A special happy thanksgiving to the Rinder family and all who now get to actually celebrate and not worry about 2pm today (Thursday)
Anyone out there know how Thanksgiving is celebrated Miscavige style?
Not that there is much of his family left who speak to each other….
Thanks Mike for all you have done. You truly are a spokesman for a class of people who cannot speak for themselves!
Hi Chee! Happy Turkey Day.Miscavige and giving thanks definitely do not mix,Years ago Mary Sue wrote me on Thanksgiving from The Apollo.She wrote about her little doggies.So Ron added,She is hand feeding them turkey under the table right at this moment.Love,R.Others may know more about his feelings on my beloved animals,but when I was in SO,No animals of any type allowed.I think they got the good end of that deal.Being a human in SO is hard enough.Let alone being a dog of Miscavige’s!?to you.
Hi Annie B! So happy to hear from you!
Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful and full of fun and good food (of course!)
Guess what Chee? We are Having Chinese.Being as old as I am,I can go wild!???
“And why would you want to go to a Potluck rather than being with your family. ”
My guess is that lots of scientologists are so broke from being regg’ed that all they can afford is an old can of cranberry sauce and so will attend hoping others brought Turkey and other substantial food items they can eat. 😉
Or they are disconnected from their family and have nobody else to hang out with other than scientologists.
Happy Thanksgiving to those folks here that celebrate it! Eat well.
Special thanks to Mike and his family for everything they are doing to shine the light.
Happy Thanksgiving Frodis, Your comment is lovely.?
You just reminded me of what it’s like being on staff.
It sucks. I mean, it REALLY sucks! There’s nothing redeeming about being on staff. It sucks 24/7. You can’t get away from the suckiness. No matter what you do in any org, it sucks big time! Basically, your life will suck forever.
Damn dude, that be a whole lotta sucking!