Well, subtract one from the 2 billion people Tom Cruise has “disseminated” Scientology to.
Simon Pegg revealed in an interview yesterday that Tom Cruise has never spoken to him about Scientology. And this stretches back to around the time Mr. Cruise was presented the Freedom Medal of Valor for being the greatest disseminator in the history of history.
Except he doesn’t do one on one apparently. Or perhaps Simon Pegg wasn’t a big enough being to deserve it? After all, it is a privilege to call yourself a scientologist.
But doesn’t Miscavige want MORE celebrities?
This does raise an interesting question.
How come not a single person who has ever worked with Mr. Cruise (and there have been a lot of big actors and directors, but even more makeup people, studio execs, grips, cameramen, PR people etc etc) has become a scientologist? He failed with Will Smith. And with David Beckham. And who knows if he even tried with any other lesser beings (apparently not if you take Simon Pegg at his word — though he is a MUCH bigger name than plenty of others scientology touts as “celebs.” Chill E.B. ring a bell?).
Not a very good batting average for the biggest, baddest, bestest disseminator who ever wore an IAS status pin.
Maybe he needs to attend one of Gavin Potter’s seminars.
I guess the reality is that the best scientologist David Miscavige knows, isn’t really that good after all?
”I’ve known him for 10 years and (Scientology has) never come up. It’s not something he talks about or preaches. I don’t know what the story is. The thing about Tom is that he doesn’t participate with the public persona of himself, or do anything to alter it.”
Radio Airwaves Takeover
While Miscavige is spending more money to build another studio to “take over the airwaves,” the bitter defrocked apostates are doing it without the need for any high tech equipment. Turns out all you require is a willingness to be there and communicate, something scientology seems to have none of.
Yesterday morning Claire Headley punched them right where it hurts — talking about disconnection on Tampa Bay’s most popular radio talk station. If you haven’t done so already, give her a listen.
Meantime, I was on Toronto’s leading morning FM radio show talking about Going Clear.
No scientology spokespuppets appear ANYWHERE on ANY media. Even though if anyone would agree to talk, they could be interviewed by a thousand different media outlets.
Rumor has it David Miscavige is sitting in a bunker somewhere plotting to do a “Hitchman” style “interview” that will be sent out to the media. Hubbard did it — a patsy “reporter” who asked pre-ordained puffball questions and it was then sold to the sheeple as an “interview.” I would not be surprised to see Miscavige try the same trick. Knowing him, he is oblivious to the reaction a stunt like this would garner. But I can hear him lecturing to the sorry few that remain in his bunker, about how he has had a “bright idea” to deal with “all the entheta” because nobody else is willing to do anything.
I hope I haven’t scuttled his plans…
Dear God…
Miscavige is a short lil bastard, even shorter than the freakshow that is Cruise…
It’s no wonder he’s a Psychopathic Megalomaniac… Severe Napoleon Complex..
A waste of our planets Oxygen supply, A threat to mankind, and should be exterminated.
Tom and David. What a pair
” Going Clear: Remarkable effort! So many people to be commended on their bravery!
GOING CLEAR message is that Celebrities and the lesser are being kept captive and hostage!!!$
If COS can harass and disrupt quiet defectors’ lives, lets go after Tommy and Jessica. They fucked w/so many people. I live in Texas, lets do it!! I would love to see the bully at work. F!Liar.
Blame his Momma for being so blind. Money, no money, educated or not; momma with a’ good husband provider’ or not… How do you reconcile yourself with the fact you allow your child to proceed with/in this horror?
She probably only has a few good years left. She better get on her hands and knees and beg the God she answers to, to help her make things right. Fucking Scientology!!!!
What? Does the insanity just continue to circle and encompass anything and everything in its path? Fuc$%$%&#! LRon. Bastard
“Take over the airways!?” THAT’S PRICELESS
Miscavage (or as I like to refer to him now “The Future Penal Penis Receptical”) is under his desk in a helmet and flak jacket with a bottle of booze, complaining about the “psychs” to his dog Noodles.
This is a very interesting point about Tom Cruise not disseminating one to one. Ben Stiller has said the same thing about Tom Cruise in an interview, and I’m thinking I’ve heard other actors who’ve worked with Tom say the same when asked in interviews, that Tom never brought up Scientology to them. I do recall that Keri Russell said that she had a tour of CC and got the Scientology spiel before she started work on Mission Impossible. This was not done by Tom though, he just sent her over there and she probably did it out of niceness and wanting to be polite to Tom. He did manage to get a tent set up on the set of War of The Worlds though. I seriously doubt that he was giving touch assists or “handling” people though because he’s working.
It is a valid point since Tom won the highest medal of honor of all of the IAS medals of honor. I can’t think of one person, particularly a celebrity who came into Scientology because Tom disseminated to them. Don’t forget that he couldn’t get his girlfriend Penelope Cruz into Scientology either. Tom won that medal because he’s Tom. Just being Tom was good enough to receive the highest honor because really what he is, is the poster boy of Scientology and gives some ahem, “credibility” to the cult.
Well let’s not be harsh. Tom bought Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, and Katie Holmes in. Lord know those people were treated like royalty. Sea Org Members were their slaves.
So, Nicole lost interest and that was some serious out P.R.. Penelope very gently announced that it was not for her. And Katie made a splash “escaping the cult” with her child.
See, Miscavige never worked in div 6, a mission or an org or on the front lines. He wants to turn every organization into a coffee clutch for the rich successful and elite. People who are very successful that have no ruins.
The people David Miscavige wants as followers, don’t want or need him, and seem to want nothing to do with him. How many Sea Org members did he toss under the bus to kiss ass?
Scientology profits off of other people’s misery. Helping people who need help. Since when did Katie Holmes, Nicole Kidman, or Penelope need David Miscavige? They need that ugly little pimp kiss ass plastic control freak like a hole in the head.
All of his insistence to “make Scientology pretty” with pretty Orgs, high Rodeo Drive Prices, exclusive memberships, private perks, just turned him into an ass hole while he threw Scientology’s finest under the bus.
Religion is a “get your hands dirty helping others” business. He turned into a Queen who failed to help unless people bought him a f&^*(ing Yacht!
He’s just ignorant. Sorry, at the end of the day the guy is not aware of conditions. He made his way to the top getting approval from bodies. And the entire administrative system Hubbard set up, with stats and so on, sets every staff member up for that.
All he can do now is bore people with statistics.
Jesus Christ Kim Kardashian has more followers.
It can’t be easy when you are replaced by the Internet. His ONLY value was holding onto the secrets and the information. It’s all over the Internet. After all of the groveling he did, all the suppressing he did, all of the scamming,false reporting, finagling, and alter ising, the “golden ball” exploded all over the Internet. And you know what? Very few people are interested in it when it does not travel with approval from bodies.
Certificates, applause, status within the group. Kind of makes you wonder, if nobody is around to judge you, do you have a ruin? Turned loose from the herd, some people keep moving, but mostly the rest don’t care once it is all on them and there is no applause from others. It is all meaningless without the certs and applause. Still, needing approval from bodies.
I can tell you as a former entertainer. Tom Cruise needs approval from bodies as an actor and performer the same way a trapeze artist in Ringling Brother’s Circus does.
And if David Miscavige can’t get it, he is done for too. So you can see there is a hook up there, they are in the same business. They both rely on fans. They both provide escapism.
I personally do not like to criticize Hubbard, because he had flaws. He stepped into the unknown and he was an explorer. But I like adventure. And I love exploring the super natural. But when he set all of staff up to succeed, and the public too,on approval from bodies, he erred. The certs, the uniforms, the status, these are all putting people in a game where they can possibly lose.
And David Miscavige honed in on that and played it for all it was worth.
I’m still ahead and happy in this game for my efforts. I suspect it is rigged. In that only those who need no approval from other bodies, can really win. Buy there is this really thin line between not needing approval, and laying down as a martyr to be used. There is surrender in one, and non surrender in the other and the line is so fine, it is almost invisible like a radio wave,
Very astute observations, Alice. The truth does persist. Kids eventually see through lies. They will end cycle on worshiping their daddy and see him as a person. What kind of person he wants to be is up to him.
So, who’s playing who?
Getting new people into Scientology today, like Simon Pegg is almost impossible because they are mostly informed of what is OT III is and therefore need an OT III auditor.
With the existence of the internet it is impossible to get new, ignorant members…the fact is most new people today can only be audited by an OT III auditor because they know what is on OT III before they walk in the door.
Let’s see, how many OT III auditors are at missions and Orgs today? Ouch…. Well, Miscavige solved this problem by putting all the public on Objective Processes so no one has to talk to each other and originate a thought… how crazy can you get??? The entrance to the Bridge is totally blocked inside the squirrel cage Co$.
Tom Cruise should ask Miscavige “why do you and Scientology have such god awful, terrible PR….??”
And, Miscavige should ask Tom Cruise “why don’t you big Hollywood stars stick up for me when I and Scientology are getting pulverized in the press?”
Oh, yeah, the truth will get in the way…. Miscavige and that organization are bad to the bone.
For the press, the silence from Cruise and Miscavige is absolutely deafening. This silence says one word: guilty.
Admit your guilt and you go free. Deny it and you will be on SNL. Be silent and the press (and the law) will keep digging until they get the truth…
Even if Cruise and miscavige talk, it scream guilty – unless they admit the truth. The gig is up. They look like fools no matter what they do – unless they speak the truth.
Ahhh… the travails of being a “big being club” member.
Cruise pretends for a living and his vast wealth is indicative of just how well he does it. His scientology act is in tatters as there’s no script writer worth a damn who gets its right, how could he think anything else being in bed with dlhdm. There’s no second takes, private trailers out in the parking lot of life but he can’t see that. Cruise is a fraud in all senses of the word, the term ‘spoiled brat’ seems to fit him well. He was put on the pedestal by dlhdm and the likes of us look on with sick fascination as his scientology script is being exposed for the lies it is, Cruise couldn’t disseminate to save to life, never has been competent in anything with scientology except lying about it. Cruise is no more a scientologist than miscavige is an ecclesiastical leader – both are so full of shit.
Cruise must rue the day he met miscavige but is too gutless a being to ever admit it. Live your lie best you can buddy boy, because one day it will socially gut you like a fish.
Remarkable how that tent staffed by Scientologists on the set and press events never recruited anyone.
Actor Tom Cruise Opens Up about his Beliefs in the Church of Scientology April 27, 2005, Spiegel
Somehow I doubt the studio lets him do that any more.
Failed with the wayan family too. Once Keenan found out his kids were in Delphi LA and it was connected to the cult he flipped out and dragged them out of the school immediately. Ooopsie!
I think Tom has known for some time he got caught up in a scam. Same goes for Travolta. It could be risky, however, for either of them to publically disavow the cult.
I had a personal conversation with the Oscar winning actor Anthony Hopkins (I live in Ojai, and he stays here to rest up between gigs) whose image and statements are currently being flashed to Scilons around the world, Hopkins is being used to promote Narconon, apparently without his consent, as he was not happy when I told him and was angry to say the least. He did tell me he did a film with Tom Cruise and Cruise never brought it up. What’s even more interesting is that my OT2 friend insists Hopkins supported Scientology because she received the Narconon ad as she is a big funder of Lie-in-tology and she told me to ask him because I run into him occassionally. She claimed lots of celebs are Scientologists but don’t want it to be known and I challenger her that made no sense. I pointed out they are using Lady Gaga and other celebs to promote Narconon and Scientology and she said they would never do it without permission.
She’s cuckoo for cuckoo puffs, despite her bright IQ. What a waste! .
They know that if a celebrity publically objects to being used by Narconon they accuse them of being in favor of drug addiction.
Will Miscavige’s interviewer have the same upper-crust English accent Tony Hitchman did?
Of course the LRH interview was on the up & up! That guy sounds just like a BBC announcer?
Tony Hitchman is South African (perhaps Rhodesian?).
He would probably hire some down on their luck reporter (Greta Van Susteren?) to do it. Someone that sounds like a reporter (not Greta). Perhaps a retired evening news reporter like Jackson Bain who worked at Hill and Knowlton. Maybe Geraldo Rivera — he might do it for the right price…
Who knows.
I vote for Brian Williams (or many others from NBC). He wouldn’t know truth from lie if his life depended upon it.
True, but certainly this affliction is not limited to NBC.
Scripted interview?, not if they care about their professional reputation
Of course not Mike. I was just using the last gross behavior as an example. It is endemic in the 4th Estate. Jefferson is spinning in his grave fast enough to handle all our energy needs.
My money’s on Larry King or Montel Williams. Both of them would sell their mothers for a price.
What about interviews done by John Sweeney, Brian Seymour, Anderson Cooper, etc?
Not sure if this is good or bad or just incredibly painful for Tom Cruise, but I’ve long intuited that it will be his kids who end up being the motivating force that brings about the breaking of his bubble. Think about it – Bella and Connor were raised by two loving people. No matter how strongly the cult tried to brainwash these kids against their mom, that early life love they had for her will continue to live in their psyches and dreams. Just as it currently does for imprisoned kids in the cult who have had to disconnect from their parents.
Divorce always brings about confusion and distress for kids – especially at the age they were when TC dumped their mother and had underlings brainwash them to believe their mother was an “SP.” Published reports indicate the cult had some success at this.
Then they ran into the arms of their next “Mom”, Katie Holmes when she arrived on the scene. Do you not think the cult hasn’t designed and tried to implement another psychological whack job on them about Katie? They had years to fall in love with her and their little sister Suri – by this hour I think the cult probably weighs in their worlds as way creepier than anything it could use to try to scare them away from still loving their little Suri.
The truth ALWAYS wins out.
Eventually, the truth about love will percolate up into their awareness as it has with so many ex-cult members, and they’ll realize that they were betrayed. These are not dumb people – and they have enough exposure to the real world to make it inevitable that this will happen.
TC is the one with the massive karmic tsunami coming his way. No amount of Sherman-speak is going to buttress or save him from the karmic debt he has to these kids.
The unpaid missionary program as used by the Mormons works because:
1) It’s only for Two years, there is a fixed date when the missionaries no longer have to live on ramen noodles.
2) They don’t have people participate until they’ve completed high school and are 18 years old.
3) Many of the participants then go to BYU, a real university, which will help them transition into real, non-church careers.
Scientology won’t agree to limit to 2 years, recruits people far earlier then age 18, and doesn’t have anything compatible to #3.
The church of $cientology never is able to limit itself to rational requests regarding people’s time and resources.
It’s always nice to see folks like yourself and Claire out there accurately informing the public and press as to the real state of scientology these days.
Wonder how “accurate” miscavige might be in his self-scripted “interview.”
4 Hours left for Growing Up Scientology: From Cradle to Slave. We are at $8100 of the $15K goal. Kickstarter is all or nothing. If you know anyone with $6900 burning a hole in their pocket send them on over! http://kck.st/1FHl8Cc
Given the propensity David Miscavige has for doing the exact wrong thing I see no reason why we shouldn’t expect to be treated to a bogus interview in the near future. No matter what side of the issue you stand such an event would be worth marking on your calendar. Aside from the comedy gold it would provide to David Letterman et. al, it would give us insight into the Chairman’s madness. We would get to see what he thinks we are capable of believing while communicating a positive message to the Bubble Folk. I genuinely don’t believe he wants to come across to the general public as clueless as a surfing-themed fundraiser promo. This could be tricky but I think David Miscavige can pull it off and create yet another disaster for the church.
Those of us who have left are the ones who can think for ourselves, can stand up and communicate despite lots of reasons not to, and are working for a just cause. If not outright aiding, abetting, and covering up, CofSers at the very least ~ignore~ instances of abuse – and anyone who has been involved in CofS for a while has encountered abusive behavior, in my experience. I know I at first put it down as one off occurrences since it seemed to go against all of the fluffy stuff on “ARC”, “Communication”, “Essay On Management” etc, only it turned out to be the rule, not the exception. To me, if you ignore abuse, you are culpable for it.
BTW, I find strong parallels between CofS and the Milgram Experiments done after the Nazi war trials to explain obedience to toxic authority. To me, we are the ones in the Milgram experiment who would have spoken out about the shocks whereas remaining CofSers just placidly go along with it, watching the “test subjects” writhe around in agony with smoke coming out, and just shrugging and letting it continue.
To me the Milgram experiment explains so much of Scientology. If you look at it from the angle of obedience to authority and realize that the percentages are about 65% of people will conform to fatally shocking someone if told to do so authoritatively, and this is by actual experiment. Now consider how much of Scientology operates authoritatively – the sea org, all the tiers of authority in the administration – the ranking of public by bridge advancement etc. Everything from LRH was given to us authoritatively ie said as if it was undeniable truth. It’s a perfect storm really, now factor in the covert factors so that a good chunk of the authoritativeness is unseen. I see this as a sinister system, and the guys who are victims of it are basically part of the 65%.
The quickest way to Scientology’s demise is to let them be themselves. From Ron to Miscavige. Just let them be revealed as they are.
Paulette Cooper, Lisa McPherson and all the other revelations of violent acts simply need to be revealed. And they are being revealed.
At some point, the liars (Ron and Dave) start looking ridiculous to the normal observer.
The liar’s false notion of personal power and underrated comprehension of the power of the common critic deludes them from understanding their situation.
Then, the liar, unwittingly takes on the persona of the fool, incorrectly cognizant themselves to be untouchable and infallible.
Dave is there now. His deluded, in the bubble, notion of personal power will continue causing foot bullets.
When we blame others for our condition, we surrender our power to change.
SPs, Marcabs, FBI, CIA, the press, media, BTs, Psyches, 4th Invader Force, Mickey Mouse, Third Parties, Venusian Implanters, All religion except Ron’s, priests are all reasons Scientology has never changed.
It’s failure in society is because of make believe enemies. And because Scientology fights the shadows of L Ron Hubbard’s make believe, the look like fools.
Like a poor homeless man screaming at make believe people, the “church” of Scientology fights the wrong enemy.
The source of Scientology’s demise is in its inability to be self critical and introspective.
That is because L Ron Hubbard equated criticism with the same evil as being a Hitler.
Not being able to see ones self, is the road to disaster.
Outstanding post!
Regarding scientologists who don’t disseminate:
This has been a long-term problem for the church. And the church, in turn, has made it a problem for those members who can’t come up with some lukewarm examples of dissemination come “OT Eligibility” time.
There have been countless Dissemination Seminars, dissemination drilling, over the years by just about every org. It is evident this hasn’t resulted in increased starts by new people.
Well, the WHY for Scns not dissemination is not something like:
“Scns are unhatted in the tech of dissemination.”
“Scns are out-ethics and don’t want their friends able to discover the Scns withholds.”
All of those explanations are not the right WHY and will never result in any increased dissemination statistics.
In truth, the real WHY for this is too horrific for any sea org or Scn staff member to confront.
This is the WHY I would offer which is a hell of a lot closer to reality than anything the church has ever come up with:
“Scns do not disseminate to their friends and co-workers, because the Scns do not want to subject their friends to the outrages one suffers as an active member of Scn.”
Thus, Scns that do not disseminate are actually protecting their friends and associates. Not disseminating is the act of a social personality.
There is also a self-preservation aspect to it. Scn PR is so bad, and has been for years, most Scns do not even want to reveal their association with the church, let alone try to recruit others. Staying undercover as a Scn is actually a rational act, and every Scn knows this even if they don’t admit it even to themselves.
You are on the money John Doe! Why would you want to do that to a loved one or a respected peer?
That’s why many smart Scientologists kept their kids away as much possible from courses and Scn schools (aka SO recruitment centers) so that they could become educated self-reliant individuals that won’t be crippled by the cult or worse become cult enforcers!
John – I get your point and I see truth in it. However, in my observation and experience, “Scientologists” do not, have not and will not disseminate Scientology as they have no fucking clue as to what it is. When you really know something, it is easy to explain to anyone in a way that can be understood. ‘Nuff said.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact remains, even if Scns don’t understand the philosophical underpinnings or practices thoroughly, they certainly know the CULTURE of being a scientologist, which involves high pressure regging, sleepless nights, harsh ethics, endless debt, risk of disconnection, etc etc.
It is the culture of Scn, not the philosophy they want to protect their friends from.
I’m waiting for the announcement that all 2nd generation Scilons MUST perform 2 years Dissemination work, kind of like the 2 year Missionary commitment made by young Mormons.
Of course they will be expected to fund the entire two years themselves and also have a sales quota.
That would result in young Scilons running from the Co$ and many many more families torn apart by disconnection. Any many more documentaries being made by disgruntled bitter apostates living on the fringes.
Terrific post, John Doe! And you’re absolutely right! The cult’s reputation is so toxic, abrasive and brutal, nobody wants to bring it up. Least of which, some wog who knows about OT 3 and starts talking about it!
OSD you named it. “Scientology” and “Xenu” co-exist in the minds of non-scientologists. No scientologist wants to be asked questions about Xenu. The cure for that is to not discuss scientology.
John Doe: “Scns do not disseminate to their friends and co-workers, because the Scns do not want to subject their friends to the outrages one suffers as an active member of Scn.”
EXACTLY correct in my opinion.
This is a response to John Doe’s post about the real reason Scientologists don’t disseminate:
Nails ON the head with regard to everything you said. This was exactly why I didn’t/couldn’t/wouldn’t disseminate. In my heart of hearts, I considered doing so an overt act. I never admitted this to anyone but I myself knew the real reason.
““Scns do not disseminate to their friends and co-workers, because the Scns do not want to subject their friends to the outrages one suffers as an active member of Scn.””
BAM. That is exactly why I never tried to recruit anyone. Because of the regges, especially. I learned how to handle them, but I couldn’t imagine sending someone into the hell that is the Registrar’s office.
Yea, a real embarrassment to mention to anyone that you have any involvement with Scientology.
Oh, I think David Miscavige has a good idea there! Lol
Tom Cruise has gigantus ethicalious presonious maximus. Which is why no one “dares do it to my face” because suppression just wilts in the presence of his most fierce awesomeness. And of course he doesn’t disseminate within the industry because the industry is FULL OF SP’s and PTS’s (that are “hollering like mad” because “Scientology is winning”) IAS Freedom medal of valor. Pretend plastic medals being pinned on pretend colonels of pretend armies that are pretending they are vanquishing all enemies. Real, imagined or if nothing else….. manufactured.
SNORT! Tom Cruise also failed to recruit Russell Brand (1 min 10 second video clip from Conan – funny!)
There was another “article” that caught my attention yesterday. It was a PR piece stating that two Scientology VM’s flew from Japan to Nepal after the earthquake to assist with the location of survivors, etc. What is interesting is that they state how they “distributed” food, blankets, and even a generator. What they don’t say is who paid for and brought in these items (Red Cross and other charities). They just piggy backed on legitimate efforts and did their PR stunt. If the IAS truly is a “humanitarian” organization (and I get red hot mad when I see this lauded anywhere), then how are they distributing the billions of dollars they have collected to people in need? Moving the funds to a numbered account doesn’t count, DLHDM!
I think it unlikely that the VMs did anything but pose for pictures. The ‘social betterment’ front groups are nothing but an attempt to reward MIscavage loving clams with jobs that might actually have some money in them.
Selling Way To Happiness booklets can be rewarding, especially if they cost 10 cents to print and 3 dollars each to buy. The same can be said for NarCONon and ABLE and any clam front group.
Hold me back. Don’t take that chain off. I want to do something a doggy should not do! I get almost apoplectic with anger too when I hear about Puscavige’s fake catastrophe aid shenanigans. It’s one of the most disgusting things ever. One of (there’s millions of the most disgusting things ever about that pus and piss filled melon head Mr. Let Him Die Miscavige).
In one of their many press releases, they claimed that they bought the generators in Kathmandu. They didn’t get there until four days after the earthquake. Even if there was a giant Walmart in Kathmandu, odds of there being any generators for sale at any price after four days = ZERO.
Russell Brand was on Conan a couple of years ago saying that he was hurt that Tom Cruise apparently did not want him for Scientology.
Here’s his interview about it.
Is Russell Brand too PTS for Scientology?
Or too smart?
oooops! Oh my gosh. Too funny. We posted the same exact thing at about the same exact time. lol. I think I know why too. If you notice a post just above yours mentions Russell Crowe and the name “Russell” is what made me think of that Russell Brand Conan appearance. Is that what made you think of it too? LOL Hey! They can delete mine so they don’t have two. I don’t care. Just as long as people see that video, because it’s so funny!
Definitely too smart. He’s loud and obnoxious but there is a seriously sharp wit under all that black leather.
So funny. “If there’s a cult that don’t want me, I want to know why.” 🙂
All of the spokespuppets have unfortunately been RPFed for high crimes, and thus are unavailable to comments. David ‘Let Him Die’ Miscavige has been forced to demean himself by guarding the RPF facilities, because there aren’t any Sea Org personnel left who aren’t in RPF except himself.
Come on David Miscavige! Do your swan song interview cause the internets are waiting to chop that sucker up for broad dissemination.
Call me too involved in my own life, but I’ve never heard of Simon Pegg. Not that it matters. I’ve had the … um … experience of watching Tom Cruise and David Miscavige behaving like Nazis. That’s plenty for me.
Robin, not to worry. Call it involved with LIFE in general. I know nothing about 95% of today’s “celebrities”. The few that I’ve known personally were, how should I put this, lacking a certain quality between the ears? But, what can you expect from people who do nothing but, say, do and feel what someone else scripts for them?
Hi John Locke, Loved your post.I think all ” celebrities ” love themselves to the point of total non understanding of anything & any one,& that ” certain quality between the ears ” is taken to a new level by David Miscavige & Tom Cruise.Thank you always & take care. Ann B.
Thanks Mike. Great interview.
I hope you are right about david miscavige doing a scripted interview. That will be a lot of fun.
Hey Mary! I wonder if we can all gather at someone’s home and view the Clown Dwarf’s interview? I mean, how much fun would that be?! If it’s ANYTHING like watching Going Clear at the Arc Light Theater, it’ll be epic!
I’d gladly have it at my house, OSD; but you HAVE to come.
Maybe Tom Cruise could interview David Miscivage? Oh the joy….. Two of the biggest, baddest beings in the universe talking together! It will be unprecedented! Lives will never be the same!
Can you imagine??
TC: Dave, what makes you so great?
DLHDM: I owe it all to Scientology! Someday Tim, I mean Tom, you may be as great as me!
TC: Where can I send my donation!!
I think I would spontaneously combust from glee if that happened. And it would be worth it.
I’ve often said it — There’s nothing Miscavige can say, nothing he can do that’s better than absolute silence in the public sphere. So, yeah, producing a faux interview would be worse than the total reclusiveness from media that he practices now. I would love to see it, almost as much as I would love a real interview. It would come off as a total disaster — beyond insane. Miscavige is as blind as a bat on public perception, and no one who is allowed near him is permitted to tell him the truth.
Tom Cruise gave Russell Crowe a Scientology DVD that Russell watched and did not understand at all.
Flunk T.C.!!! unless it was all David Miscavige on an unscripted blabbering rant then that’s the EP.
That’s not right. Crowe found a DVD in a video shop and bought it.
Methinks his business partners have told him to keep his mouth shut or it takes a toll at the box office.
With the scientology stink, the old notion of ‘any publicity is good publicity’ doesn’t apply.
Methinks the scientology stink has gone global…
Tom is walking in your footsteps: Scientologist, “in name only”. Your brand of hypocrite. Current photos even show him speaking out of the side of his mouth — like you.
The truth revealed. DLHDM, “Ask me if I’m not the most biggest and the most baddest thetan
on this planet!!!”. ASK ME!!!
Ok, Willie, I will: Are you the most biggest and most baddest thetan on this planet???? You’ve been asked. And…I believe you are!
It’s funny, this comparison of comparative “star-ness” ( for want of a better word) between Cruise and Pegg.
To me Pegg is by far the bigger star and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Tom Cruise doesn’t exist in my world, he’s merely someone who makes beige movies to appeal to the intellectual deficiencies of middle America, content I am never exposed to. The only occasions he’s come to my attention was when the UK press hounded him out of London a laughingstock, having been caught exaggerating his involvement in a mugging, and of course when the topic of weird cults crops up.
Simon Pegg on the other hand has a sterling career creating compelling content, content which can be revisited again and again. Foremost in my opinion is the series ‘SPACED’ which reverberated throughout the Anglosphere.
(Aside: It’s a shame you’re unfamiliar with this show Mr Rinder. You would be, if you’d followed the typical Antipodean OE path.)
Despite my enjoyment of his performances, I hold as much interest in Simon Pegg’s opinions as I have for anyone else’s.
Finally my tendency to grandiloquence and circumlocution brings me to a point: reading about Scientology, there is a focus upon supposed ‘stars’ -people I don’t give a fuck about and have little respect for. Their presence in the conversation seems to me a distraction.
Oh my gods, SPACED! “The Phantom Menace?” “Yeah” I tell people to watch that if they ask me what I think of the Star Wars prequels.
Perhaps Simon Peggs does not believe in organized gang frauds?
I think Tom doesn’t want to disseminate Scientology to other Celebrities because he enjoys being the “top dog” celeb and is afraid that someone else might take that from him. He likes only having to compete with the likes of Jason Lee, Danny Masterson, and Travolta.
Another insightful and provocative analysis. The claims of Tom being such a valuable disseminator – Toms’ claims of Miscavige being a leader among leaders… Neither of them is coming to the defense of the other at this point. Seems like the height of hypocrisy for both Tom and Miscaviage to have nothing to say now, considering how glowing their support for one another was previously. Or maybe an indication of doubt and reconsideration on Tom’s part? The silence really is deafening.
So the height of hypocrisy is between 5’5 and 5’2?
I hope you haven’t, too, Mike. Oh, the lulz we’ll get if that “interview” fakery is published!
Who is the short guy in the photo to the right of Cruise?
You mean the one standing on his tippy toes?
Raindog, I believe he’s standing on a crate that’s about 3 feet high.
Coop, that would be Mr. Dwarf from Mr. Dwarf’s Wild Ride at a place called Dismalland. Basically Dismalland is the anti-Disneyland. It’s where your kids can go on rides to become enslaved.
Tom Cruise is to go to ethics immediately and provide a valid explanation on why he does not disseminate the greatest technology ever. Meanwhile his Medal of Valor is changed into Medal of Failure.
Yuk yuk yuk Who in their right mind celebrity or not, would follow suit with Tom Cruise’ wackiness, John T’s obvious and callous treatment and subsequent denial of former friends and Scientologists?
LRHubbards Legacy: Cowardice!
This is LRon’s despicable legacy. How dare he? Making cowards, liars and despicable people of otherwise good, well meaning men and women.
I get it… Miscavige is and was and still is a product of Hubbard. Just a travesty all around
Tom Cruise did that video for the clubbed seals.
Even he “knows” you can’t disseminate Scientology anywhere
There is something wrong with Scientology (the being knows) but all clubbed seals think they need to get to the top of the Bridge to know why no one is coming in….meanwhile they stay in total confusion. They won’t look so the confusion deepens.
Standard Application!
SNL and all the late night talk show hosts must be salivating.
Miscavige is going to do a home made interview? I bet SNL (Saturday Night Live) is licking its chops.
Comedy gold.
Oh gawd! I think I’ve just reached another spiritual high. 🙂
That’s what I was thinking too, Matt!
“We, we are the children. The children of Moopthor! The science is there…”
Take it away Saturday Night Live!
I laugh about that everyday since I saw “Neurotology”…so funny
The children of Meethorp…the science is there…
Now envision
David Miscavige singing:
“We Stand Small, no turning back – I’m going to jail”
Hoorah…We Stand Small”
Oh my gosh! He better not! I’d end up suffocating from laughing too hard, much, long, loud, continuously, contagiously lol.
I’m going to guess that Tom’s people have realized the stupid, and stopped him from sharing the good news with coworkers. (Spielberg debacle).
It is more than that Heidi. People like Tom Cruise (that yell at people for not knowing about Psychiatry) like to joke about other people’s implants and “how funny” it is to watch and laugh innocent people be harmed. Is that really funny? 🙂
Speigel debacle? Gonna look that and Claire Headleys Tampa Tribune interview up. So many great links. Not enough hours in the day. So glad so many people are being expose d to the atrocity that is Scientology.
TC was forced to dump his sister as pr rep and go back to professional representation because it was hurting movie sales. His standing with the whole Hollywood establishment fell a thousand feet. Summer Redstone kicked him off the Paramount fast track and they sent him to outer reaches of filmdom. Sure, he’s worked a lot since then, but the quality of his movies has gone down a lot and I have to wonder if he gets the job because he low balled actual pay for a piece of the back end or helped directly finance the whole project. That and Tom Cruise running has become a meme.
No one has forgotten the ‘you don’t know the history of psychiatry’ or the Brooke Shields attack. And it appears no one has really forgiven him for that. It will be fun to see the MI5 press tour, he will be asked about his $cieno ties. I expect to hear the ‘read a book’ crap that Travolta passed out, but the real book everyone should read is Going Clear or Blown for Good. And The Unbreakable Miss Lovey….
What is the Spielberg debacle?
Another great post and another good interview. Another nail in the coffin. They’re coming fast and furious now.
Great work, Mike and Claire and to all the rest of you fighting the fight.
“What is the Spielberg debacle?” I believe that refers to the PR flaps that occurred during Tom Cruise’s promotional tour for the “War of the Worlds” movie (the Matt Lauer incident). There’s more on it described here too:
Spielberg debacle? Found an interview regarding War of the Worlds, but didn’t catch on to the debacle. Same interview?