There is another special episode of The Aftermath airing tonight at a special time — 8pm EST.
This one is very personal — it is about OUR families and the impact scientology has had on them.
It is being used as a lead-in to one of A&E’s biggest productions, the 3- part documentary produced by Alex Gibney’s company Jigsaw Productions.
When can us UK/Irish folk see this? Ever since watchijg the first two series (via HayU on amazon) i have been reading every ex scios book/blog to fill the void. So much respect for you guys xx
Flashback JW stories was born into it my Gran joined,both parents,uncle who went to prison for raping his wife so bad she’d never have more children yet til this day mom still dose not believe her brother did it because his wife’s a Liar maybe she is but did she rape herself + courts sent him to jail I never really liked the guy he was mean to me as a young kid & my dad didn’t like him much either he’s out now & still goes to meetings so I’ve heard but my parents divorced dad left & I was Crushed of all I don’t remember I do that I just broke down & cried so much & didn’t see him much for years he left the JW’s never went back leaving me w my mom going to meetings,knocking on doors No Holiday’s & feeling like the outcast in School & traumatized by what I heard and those Mag’s w the scary Pic’s for kids to look at seeing there was no separate learning for the kids everyone was in the hall there was some kids but wasn’t like goto there house to do kids stuff but do the meetings go home get smacked for whatever we did wrong which pretty much a daily thing now I’m older I think my mom had a rage issue or something,we made her mad God made was allway’s something & School wasn’t easy why would kids wanna be friends w the kid who couldn’t join in had nothing to say after the holiday’s when kids talked about the toy’s they got but not me same w birthday’s nope got nothing another happy holiday well lost the house & moved to an apt hits keep coming & few years latter Mom started dating a guy who didn’t seem like wanted be part of our life but he wasn’t a JW plus he was married but she was in another Country,my childhood was based on Fear if not by Mom God had be mad at me & while mom was running around w her boyfriend we snuck out lil freedom for few hours I wanted to join 4H but wasn’t allowed but my sister could why IDK but I ended w a boy & preg at 15 & when mom found out I had a option have an abortion,goto a un wed mother place & give baby up or marry the guy None I wanted and I asked mom abut getting on the Pill but nope so there I was just like my mom & her mom all Preg at young ages but I got married & told I couldn’t stay w her I had to leave as a parent I could Never do that to my child but I did leave & lived 10 Years of being beaten verbal & physically and when I tried tell mom she said had be My fault WHAT no it wasn’t then I didn’t want God mad at me for divorcing him like God prob was already mad at me & what I did so Now I’m scared of husband & God it got so bad I was so afraid didn’t wanna leave the house esp thunderstorms Panic think had be close to a mental breakdown it was so bad I never went to seek help from the JW’s & wasn’t Dis fellowship if I had been baptized then I prob would’ve but I never was but after broken noses cracked head I couldn’t do it after 1 fight I saw my son hiding under the table & that was it so I screamed so much & loud ? called police & he was arrested & I took my kid & ? fit in my car and left Fear held onto me so long & still did but I can’t see God thinking that abuse was okay,years latter I wish I had gone to College for something but like others it’s right were told Armageddon is gonna be here anytime so how can we think long term if he’s coming & still wasn’t sure I was good enough to make it Mom has changed a lil over the years when I lost so many friends & family NON JW’s and no longer say’s you’ll never see them again & I’ve not gone back to the Meetings just there songs I’m sure will bring old memories & sadness and I’d be bawling & upset so not gone that said I’ve not given up w religion & found one I really like & learn maybe more now than ever & IMO I think scaring children with Fear is abuse that I still carry with me the damage all this time latter I still have no close friends many are passed away gone to soon but I still dream about things how to get there when I get stuck but God has a plan for me what IDK but that’s what I remember memories come & go but all religions have things hat are not perfect but things that scar Isn’t right in my TBI mind…
That Latin Girl is like ‘the wine’… Meanwhile time passing she got better.
Dudes! I’m so happy that you guys are comming back.
I was worried believing that some how The Orthodox Church of $cientology accommodate her to keep her quite. I see that all her “investigative reports” in form of episodes, jump to the universal reach of human advocacy by shapping the future of unknown number of people who by her public reach through the media industry [hopping that some people add subtitles in countless language] became educate and dont came to be a victim of those spiritual vampires under many faces of Mental Technologies and Religions.
Leah and Mike [if the Bible is true] are saving treasures in heaven, by giving consolation to those who show their tragedy and saving many who watch it in case those vampire of souls and mind came around to feed as sheep dresses wolves.
Peace and Blessing to you guys, same as those that we dont see, but work with you guys, converting information in to informative reality.
I have to be honest that I did not know anything about Scientology until your program. I’m so shocked that I didn’t know because it is ruining people’s lives. The length they go to punish people whether they are in Scientology still and those who have left is so horrible.
I don’t understand why governments would give them tax exempt status.
Keep up your good fight Mike and Leah. I continue to watch your show.
IMO No way should Scientology be called any religion & that Cross shouldn’t be there real churches use Bibles Not spaceships & use lie detectors then take your money & do what w it other buying more land build buildings that’s helping How Or what real Church puts ppl In there prisons because they asked a question,wanted to leave use humans as slaves locked up that alone ? should pay for that & who knows what happened to Shelly DM’s wife the guy who has a history of hitting,beating ppl I’ve lived w an abusive person & it’s Not pleasant & some are capable of thee worst things so I hope she’s okay but as long as she’s been missing hard to say but your right Tax Exempt is BS IMO.
Thank You for posting this episode Victor so that we can see it outside the US. Bravo Mike and Leah and thank you to your families for all your honesty. May the fight continue for all of those still in- to be free.
Is there a link somewhere that I can use to watch it in the UK?
Mike, Just a thought for you and the others to consider. Scientology’s auditing, Bullbaiting and the other forms of “mind reformatting” that is used is all designed with one thing in mind- Disconnection. Scientology is a cult of Disconnection. First they disconnect you from everything that allows you to be an individual. It retards and represses your emotions until you become just one more cog in the Collective mind.
Scientology disconnects you from yourself. Without the ability to effectively use your thoughts and emotions, along with the constant message that you cannot rely upon yourself you become vulnerable to all the underlying threats that CO$ keeps playing in the background. The reality of Disconnection from your friends and family is just another weapon used to keep the Scientologist off balance and afraid.
The fact that you, Leah, Christie and all the others who have escaped in spite of the massive mind screwing You received says everything about who each of you are as people. The fear, guilt, confusion and pain that each of you experience, the constant questioning that you go through shows that in spite of everything Scientology threw at you, they could not break you. Not only are each of you now trying to learn a new normal for your own lives, trying to discover who YOU are (not who Scientology decided you should be) but smack in the midst of your own healing and learning you are reaching out and guiding others to safety as well.
Please remember that it is OK to be vulnerable. It is OK to make mistakes. Mistakes mean you are LIVING! They mean you are growing and CONNECTING to the world and those around you.
It is easy to be disconnected and stagnant. It takes guts and determination to make waves and move.
Every time you find yourself doubting remind yourself that the doubt too, is healthy. It shows you are trying to make the right choices as a part of a family and community.
Scientology is isolation and disconnection.
Living means feeling and failing and trying and succeeding.
All of you are OK. You are finally alive!
I couldn’t say it any better Stefani! Truth.
Excellent show – kudos to Mike and all participants. The collateral damage of Scientology is directly proportional to time in and degree of involvement.
Mike, your special episode hit home for me. And I think you expressed thoughts we’ve all had. This was an excellent episode for everyone from those true believers to people who know nothing about Scientology. My heart went out to all of you.
Well, I didn’t watch last night but recorded the show and watched it this morning. Thank goodness for the pause button. Anyway, what an awesome panel, what great questions the producers presented, and thank you. The show did help me personally, in my personal life and some struggles I have. If nothing else just to realize that just being human with human doubts and thoughts and feelings is ok and we are not a lot different from each other.
Also, Leah’s mother is 10 0ut of 10 awesome!
This one hit it out of the ballpark….to hear Christine’s family story, to hear & see the total pain in Mike’s voice as he discusses & FULLY admits how “he wasn’t a good father because he WAS a Sea Org father”..that man is suffering the torments of Hell on Earth for putting HIS kids “in”. The reason they reject & blame him is obvious, mind control, brain washing & no doubt pressure from within the confines of COS.
Hearing Leah’s mother come to the realization of what being “in” has done to her own children, to see & hear guests admit, including Leah….”did they pull something in”. shows how greatly the brain washing still & always will affect them. Leah seemed deeply shaken when the producers asked her about how having been “in” has affected her….she really had to review what that truly meant to HER….she’s so consumed with what being “in” has done to OTHERS, she often overlooks what it has personally done to HER.
Wish I could wrap my arms around Leah, Mike, Chris and everyone else….loving thoughts sent their way.
Thank you for another wonderful eye opening show…looking forward to the other episodes.
Balletlady that’s exactly how I feel too!
I couldn’t have said it better. Thank you.
In one of the promotional trailers for the new Aftermath season, Mike Rinder said it best: “The difference between a church and a cult, is what happens when you try to leave.”
That one sentence says it all. We are free in this country to worship or practice any religion (or none) . However, no organization, even a church, is above the law. When a ‘member’ leaves, CoS is violating the law when they use tax exempt donations to hire private investigators to harass and violate a person’s privacy. Not to mention the financial, emotional, and possibly physical coercion they enlist to punish those who leave or wish to leave and their families.
Tonight was another great show. So much of what was said hit home with me. I guess it might take years to get over the “what did I do to pull this in”, any scio. knows this thought process very well. Watching this show I realized that I have also been cold, controlling and suppressing my emotions for over 30 plus years. This manifested with relationships, ill family members and even death in the family. Yes, I would be sad and cry BUT turn it off because I had to be in control and get my “TR’s” in and be tough as nails. WOW, WTF!!!!! These are just some of my thoughts and won’t get into the hundreds of others.
Anyway thanks for sharing Mike, Leah and all your family members.
This episode should impinge more broadly on the viewers because it’s more about the experiences of Mike and Leah, people they have grown to like from watching the Aftermath.
I writing this through tears….
Tonight’s viewing of Scientology and the Aftermath was powerful, emotional, and showed the heartbreak of being shunned from family and friends.
Thank you Mike and Leah ( and your family members on tonight’s show ) for the courageous act of showing the world your emotional truths.
For evermore may you all walk in truth-light-and love.
Thank you so much Mike. You are a hero.
For what you and Christie have gone through and now helping people.
You have my love and prayers Mike. Thank you brother. ❤️
WOW….. just WOW.
Fast forward 10 years:
“Another Scientology building was put on the auction block today for failure to pay taxes…”
The millions of dollars spent harassing you and your family should make anybody even remotely connected to Scientology investigate.
It’s very obvious to me and anyone NOT still brainwashed, that they only want you silenced, because you (and Leah, of course) expose the truth.
Take heed “church” of Scientology –
“Never try to destroy someone else’s life with a lie when yours can be destroyed with the truth.”
“You may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
Can’t wait. Wouldn’t it be great to know how many “practicing” scientologists tune in.
So many UTR people out there.
It’s one hell of an emotional trip taking the fight to Scientology. Even the observers of this war are gobsmacked when they learn the truth of it amid the sea of lies. The ramifications of it strikes the conscience a fundamental blow as it filters on up the line to realize the judicial system has turned a blind eye to their obligations of domestic security. It’s a real mind bender that the law & the US constitution can be manipulated in such a way by a cult. The collateral damage brought about by the religious scam of Scientology is heartbreaking to say the least. Scientology needs to be brought to justice!
My phone is ringing off the hook – family and friends calling us about this show. Thank you Mike and Leah for doing something about Scientology fraud organization.
OMG! We see the reruns for Leah Remini and Mike Rinders show A&E’s
Scientology; The Aftermath – running ALL DAY! Love it!
Millions and millions of viewers are finding out the truth about Scientology each and every time it airs. Thank you Leah and Mike. Saving lives by exposing the truth. NO one is going to walk into that Morgue ever. Scientology – stick a fork in it. It is over.
We keep A & E on our TV turned on all day. We want to help keep those ratings Straight Up and Verticle – Baby!
Love the show and can’t wait until tonight’s show. Kleenex ready to go because we are in tears with each and every show. The truth is painful but it sets people free. I hope my friends and family in Scientology watch the show.
I hope all the families who chose to stay in Scientology get a chance to watch this episode, and every Aftermath episode, and understand that truth is being told. I hope they will see through the lies, the money scam, the denial of truth, the guilt trips, the Disconnection, the all-too-easily withdrawn promises of super powers and eternity, and more. These are just some of the things that make Scientology hurtful to almost everyone except the tyrant at the top.
Tony Ortega recently posted a chapter of 1971’s The Mind Benders by Cyril Vosper, along with a link to the full version on the net. I’ve read through the first few chapters so far. Vosper is a great writer – his Prologue had me near tears – and explains the most complex points of the Scientology of his era in a clear and easy to grasp manner. I recommend what I have read so far, and look forward to finishing it.
“hurtful to almost everyone except the tyrant at the top.”
It’s hurtful to him, too. Deep, deep down, or maybe after he’s had a couple of late night scotches on the rocks, he gets an inkling of it. Perhaps just a tiny inkling – but he soon pushes it down. It’s killing him, too, as a human being, but he can’t, or doesn’t want to, see it.
I agree Bix. This man,DM, is an ignorant psychologically sick human being, nurtured by a Malignant Narcissist.
Weened on the evils of Bolivar and critics are criminals and psyches are from the planet Farsec.
Words have consequences. Hubbard’s philosophy of hate infects human beings.
Bless all of you for paving the way.
I commend your and Leah’s courage, Mike.
I left for good in 2011. And lost only my sister who I neocortex. Really was that close with and her 3 sons. I can only imagine the pain Mike and his wife Christine his wife have gone through, and the constant undeserving harassment he and Leah gone through. Utterly brutal. This will be a very difficult episode to watch.
I can see I’m going to have to get my kleenex ready for this one.
I take for granted the personal toll it has taken on Mike and Leah and their families. To be away from their own families and to sit through so many stories of heartbreak and abuse day in and day out must be so difficult, especially when they have their own stories of loss and abuse. When it has gotten too tough for me to watch, I have had the “luxury” of turning it off and coming back to it later, as was the case with the Jehovah’s Witness 2-hour special.
I am forever grateful to Mike and Leah and their families for what they are doing to educate the public at large about factors within a group that lead to a cult mindset, the abuses within the church of scientology and the push to get the IRS or some powers that be to do something about it.
Good for you, that you readily bring out the box of tissues. Long before i bailed out in the early 80’s emotions were to be suppresses and used only to match the need for the moment. (There went 1/3 of the ‘arc triangle’.) Then, in the presence of the Sturmabteilung Sea Org, free communication became suppressed. That left only the reality of some very solid buildings for the believers to grasp to their meat bodies in order to feel like they have anything.
Far better to: Breath. Get in the NOW. Live
Mike, Leah, and A&E are in the NOW, the cult is forever in the past. Hooray for Mike, Leah, and A&E, for what you’re doing for humankind.
Me too Mary. That was beautifully said. It takes perseverance and tenacity. I’m so impressed by their relentless efforts. Keep fighting the good fight, it’s truly appreciated.
It is very difficult to have been part of a religion I am no longer believing in and having to hide it from everyone.
I have absolutely no one to talk to and have to fake it when I talk to or am around Scientologists.
I can’t do anything about it.
I just have to swallow the fact that my family is in this cult that destroys lives and does not provide the Bridge to Total Spiritual Freedom – it is a scam.
Leah and Mike are very lucky they can do something about it for us who can’t. They are the voice for those of us who are silenced by fear of losing family and friends.
I am still the adverse effect of Scientology and it sucks.
So sorry you still have to toe the line somewhat. It is absolutely excruciating to leave your loved ones, I know, having lost my whole side of the family and then my SON. But in the end, I am living my true life and despite the pain of loss, feel so much better……I just wish I had done it sooner and maybe would have saved my son. Work out a plan and see if you can bring some members of your family with you…..maybe they are having the same thoughts,,,,,,,,,,,
Your family members may be thinking like you are and are afraid to talk about it. ?
Hang in there Kev. Sending you healing vibes…. : (
Kev, I see the bad effects being UTR is bringing you. I am not a techie, but maybe you are or maybe you can hire a techie who can figure out how to send the family who are “in” some truth about Scn starting with Debbie Cook’s letter, or Luis Garcia or any of the other good articles on Mike’s site or Tony’s site, and send it from an email that they can’t trace to you. It’s just a suggestion?
Here is a way out:
Any UTR who is UTR for fear of loss of family is between a rock and a hard place.
Pretending to everyone, lying to everyone. Lying to people you love. Keeping their “love” by pretending to feel what you don’t feel and not feel what you do feel. Living a MAJOR, ongoing lie is a horrible way to live and a sure fire way to get seriously sick.
Hard Place
Lying to oneself. Telling oneself that its all worth it. The strain and stress of being untrue to oneself. Pretending that its all ok when its not ok because when you live this way you are killing YOU.
Both of these operating states are miserable, death inducing operating states and like a wolf that will chew its own foot off so that it can live as God intended it to, rather than be caged in your own self-created trap. you can free yourself and be you and put to the test those people who blather on about loving you. Do they? Leave the cult and you’ll find out who and/or what they love.
So perfectly said Aqua!
I set my DVR for both! I could never see a Swisher Sweet without remembering that debacle.
Mike Rinder, thank you for the work you have done to spotlight the abuses, etc of COS. Before, during and behind the public arena of Aftermath. What you contribute to the program is incomparable. Your eloquence, your finesse, your love, your pain and your joy.
A&E is changing broadcasting, documentaries, Investigative programming. Efforts by other networks seem tepid in comparison. Imo imo!☺
Aftermath has been a major part of that. Aftermath kicked it off. Thank you Mike Rinder for all you do.
I”lm having trouble setting my DVR to the Clinton Affair. It is already set to record The Aftermath. But when I type in The Clinton Affair, nothing comes up. Yikes! Is there any other name it is going by? What am I doing wrong? I do get A & E channel so it should come up.
Nevermind that post about can’t record the Clinton thing. I skinned the cat a different way and got results.
Make sure you record the series. It’s in three parts, Sun, Mon, Tue @ 9 pm.
What I do is: choose the ‘guide’ button on remote, choose channel, move the arrows to time of the ‘show’ I want, choose ‘info’ button on remote, choose ‘record’. Hope my ‘high tech’ lingo made some sense, lol.
Look at the DVR Guide, it’s on immediately after, and then select it to record. Should be a simple process.
I can’t wait to watch tonights episode. We have seen bits and pieces of your and Leah’s family, but never has the family been delved into. Every show for the past 2 seasons has made me cry, and I’m sure this one will need a whole box of tissues. Mike, you and Leah are so brave, and please, keep doing what you are doing!! Miscavage says everyone else is a liar except him, I say HE is the liar, he knows it, and that’s why him and the “church” refuse to respond. Bless you both, and all the ex Scientologists.
I’m sure this will be a sobering episode, but I hold out hope that one day all this madness will end, and even those still in the bubble will see the man behind the curtain for what’s he is, and the ‘church’ will come down like the Berlin Wall and reunite all these families who have been separated by brainwashing and greed.
Its one thing to take a persons money, its another to take their friends and families. It’s going to be hard to watch but I wouldn’t miss it for the world..
Love the shows. Hoping your work is going to expose these horrible shams!
Scatology and Watchturd offer the same kind of crap, only coming out of two different assholes.
Even assholes serve a purpose. A rather important one too. They don’t make it up to that level.
Scatology and Watchturd. I love it.
Who is L Ron Hubbard aka El Con Hubbturd? Why he is the founder of the scam religion called $cientology.
Who founded Watchturd? Who cares!
Have you been to ASHO aka ASS HOLE?
What about AOLA aka A-hole?
Any plans to visit the Flag Land Base aka Fraud Scam Base
and stay at the Fort Harrison aka Fort Homicide
Do your Oat Tea levels on the Freewinds aka Fleecewinds
Heh – we are making up our own dictionary – the Ex Scientology Dictionary with terms WOGS will understand.
Hey, Bamboozled, you may already know this, but I’ll share this comment for any readers of the comments, especially those in the US, who may not know that the word ” wog ” in the UK has a similar connotation to that of the word
” nigger ” in the US. I think it’s fine to use in a satirical or humorous way, especially in the context of discussing this cult, but it’s good to be aware
that it’s considered a racial slur in the UK and Australia( do an internet search ).
Okay, as you were…
Thank you Mark! I was clueless. No need to use it anyway
Hey Mark,
So funny you mentioning this because recently we re-watched “Out of Africa” and in the film one of the colonial Brits calls the Somali Africans “wogs”, by way of angry protest against Meryl Streep’s Karen Blixen character intending to fund a school for Somali children..
Watching this again after many years I was so surprised to pick up this word used within a non-Scientology context. And there was no doubt that it was a racial slur because in the film another colonial (who’s on Meryl’s side) smacks the insufferable colonial in the face for using that word and demands that he apologize to Meryl, and then they fight and Robert Redford drags her away from them…I digress.
God what a movie. We had to see it twice. Actually,that was me. I insisted.
Now I’ve got to see it again! Lol
Heh Mark – thanks for the info.
ANYTIME I use any Scientologese – it is always going to be joking and degrading … and my comm cycles hopefully will drip with satire.
Woops – did it again :P. (Comm Cycle)
I do it to so I will stop using the lingo …
so I stop thinking in Scientologese. Thinking in Scientologese sets off triggers where I slip into the valence of my cult self. Woops – did it again 😛
It is part of my deprogramming my therapist has recommended so I can get the Scientology OUT of me. ( I am out of Scientology – which was as easy as walking out the door…but getting Scientology out of me has been one of the biggest challenges of cult recovery)
I don’t mean any offense and I never knew the word meant anything other than the derogatory term L Ron the Con Hubbturd gave it…which meant someone who was not a Scientology cult member.
No worries, Bam! I have found it helpful to do LOTS of reading…and talking with people…about any and all subjects that were distorted by my scientology indoctrination. Giving up the ” cult lingo ” is crucial; in the scholarly study of cults, it is referred to as ” loaded language “, and, yes, using it tends to hold the cult’s previous hypnosis and indoctrination in place…
So glad you are getting therapy…and that you have a sense of humor!
Onward and upward?
It’s been a long wait! I’m so excited. Everyone is talking about it.