Haven’t seen mention of the notorious Tony Mo — Tony Muhammad (he now goes by Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad) — for some time.
He suddenly re-appears at an event hawking “Super Power”…
For those unfamiliar, Tony is a big cheese in the Nation of Islam and was the original grifter who came into the scientology world through one of scientology’s great scamsters, the Reverend Alfreddie Johnson. Alfraudie helped introduce the NOI to the world of scientology, a marriage made in hell. Tony was awarded the prestigious and coveted (at least inside the bubble) IAS Freedom Medal…
I have written several pieces about Tony, the NOI and scientology. Here
An Update on the Anti-Semitic, Racist and Homophobic Statements by Tony Muhammad
Tony Muhammad Searching for a “Good” White Man – “I might have found a half of one”
The Rise in Hate Crimes Against the Jewish Community — Scientology’s Role
It is such an unlikely pairing — the anti-Semitic NOI has found a home in the supposedly anti-anti-Semitic world of scientology. At least that is what scientology is according to the STAND/Freedom Mag stories patting themselves on the back for fighting so hard for tolerance and an end to anti-semitic hate and bigotry. Yet, they support the NOI and use their head honcho for the West Coast and good pal of Louis Farrakhan to attract people to their events promoting giving money to scientology.
As always with scientology — if they see a short term financial gain their proclaimed principals are quickly abandoned…
Sorry this is a bit off thread. I just saw an installment of Death by Fame on tv. Tonight featured the story of actor and ex scn, Johnny Lewis. Tony Ortega and Mike Rinder did stories on Johnny when it happened. I knew Johnny and the family personally. It a such a sad story because Johnny was such a sweet and sensitive soul, and was so talented, To those who knew Johnny they couldn’t believe that he could have acted so out of character for himself.
Before the accident, the murder / suicide or murder/ accident, Johnny’s troubles began when he recognized playing that sociopathic part on Sons of Anarchy show was creating bad effects on him as he had to be the part more or less He asked to be written out of the show. He didn’t want to play a really bad evil guy and didn’t like the violence on the show.
Then he had a high speed accident on his bike and a thrown, wearing no helmet. He suffered head injuries etc. His dad, Michael Lewis, tried to have him get an MRI to check for brain damage and he refused. Doctors wanted to do an MRI but he refused. But after that accident he had a severe sensitivity to light and had to live in darkened rooms. The day of the murder, he had an argument with the landlord about his turning off the breaker box circuits to make it dark because light caused him pain. He snapped and murdered her, her cat, and then fell or threw himself off the roof to his death. I just want everyone to know he was such a kind and sweet young man and I feel he would never have done that if it hadn’t been for something really wrong and undiagnosed in him. The toxicology report showed him to have NO drug or alcohol in his system at death. RIP Johnny. You were a good kid.
Cindy, this is why its called “acting”. Quite a few actors have portrayed psychopaths in films without actually becoming psychopaths in their personal lives. Anthony Hopkins, Michael Douglas, Rex Harrison, Charles Boyer, Matt Damon, John Malkovich and Al Pacino, to name a few just off the top of my head, have each portrayed versions of psychopaths who murdered in cold blood. And then there’s that actor who played the psycho or all psychos, the character Scorpio in the first Dirty Harry movie – for years after that film he taught acting. Quite sanely. No one forces actors to take roles they hate and which disturb them. Actors turn down parts all the time that don’t appeal to them, or they quit shows and get written out. Now, your friend Johnny Lewis – you think an MRI would have made a difference – maybe it would have located a brain tumor, something like that? I don’t think so. People get brain tumors and don’t go murdering innocents in cold blood and committing suicide. What if you had been there? What if one of your kids or someone you had loved and cared about had been there and gotten murdered in cold blood or maimed for life by this monster? I rest my case. “Rest in peace, Johnny”? Wake in torment, I say.
I see all your points, Aqua. I don’t dispute them. Michael’s dad said he was never the same after his head injuries from the motorcycle crash without a helmet. And so do two of the people he worked with that they interviewed for the show. Michael thinks, and so do I ,that had he gotten an MRI, it would have spotted if there was brain trauma or brain injury from that accident, and it would have been treated accordingly. The fact that he was so sensitive to light after the accident said something was physically wrong with him.
I knew Johnny for a long time and he was a sweet, loving, and helping kind of person. The fact that he had a psychotic break and turned into a monster to kill doesn’t change that his basic personality was good. He was not born a monster. I’m not making excuses for him. Of course what he did was wrong. I’m so sorry that lady and her cat died. The show reported that his landlord and he argued over him turning off the lights because of his intense sensitivity to light. Had he received medical help when the accident occurred, maybe he wouldn’t have been sensitive to light which means no argument which means she would be alive today. Two people lost their lives that day and that is a tragedy.
And in turn I see your points. You knew Johnny Lewis from early childhood and were close with his family. He started off a decent kid; got it. Basic personality was good and social: got it. And then along the way stuff happened to this nice sweet kid and he became a very bad adult male who ended up brutally bashing in the head and strangling to death an 81 year old woman who owned the house he was renting because she had the effrontery to remonstrate with him about his flipping the electrical circuits so that he could live in the dark because the light bothered him…got it. And bashed in the head of her cat and dismembered it in the bathtub. And its a shame, indeed, a tragedy, but then, the light bothered him and he was restimulated, and besides, he didn’t start out that way and stuff happens and indeed you are so sorry that that lady and her cat died but nonetheless may he rest in peace because he was a good kid. Does this cover it, Cindy? I think so. Good night.
Wow you’re acting like I condone his actions. I don’t. My only point was had he gotten medical help for concussion and other things from his motorcycle accident which occurred only weeks before this, maybe the murder and his suicide would not have occurred.
Cindy there’s so much I could say my response as follows: first, a concussion and/or brain tumor alone do not a psychopath make and second, you are missing or omitting much pertinent data regarding the life of Johnny Lewis. If the former I would suggest you inform yourself fully of the sequential events in his life culminating in this tragedy. Wikipedia could be a good start.
don’t even start with me with the “look it up on wikipedia.” I knew him personally as a kid, a teen and as an adult and was close to both his parents before I left the church. My only word to you is this: a little compassion goes a long way. I’m done with this conversation. Dissect it as you will, but don’t waste any more space on Mike’s blog trying to get the last word or make me look bad. I don’t play that game. You win. There, you happy now?
We haven’t seen much of the NOI connection lately; I wonder if the pandemic disrupted that as well as other of the CofS’ operations – including obviously the large annual events that they haven’t restarted, likely in good part because active membership has dropped off.
Plus of course the NOI, which I think like Scientology has been aging and becoming irrelevant, may have had its own problems, including also a lot of losses of long-timers who were particularly vulnerable in a similar way, due in part to the organization’s discouraging attitude towards modern health care.
“For those unfamiliar, Tony is a big cheese in the Nation of Islam …”
IMHO, it would be best if they would just cut the cheese and let the stank waft away from everyone else.
It’s STILL as ALWAYS gig gig git whitey time, no matter how it manifests nor its form…
I wonder if NOI and Scientology share the same lawyers?
People interested in Scientology, no matter who they are, will be left holding Hubbard’s big bag of exorcism of Xenu’s dump of body-thetans which they someday will learn these body-thetans (messed up bodiless souls dumped on earth by Xenu) will require five Scientology exorcism levels.
People interested in Scientology ought to find out what Scientology has in store for them, a whole lot of exorcism that will go on for years.
Hail Xenu.
Anyone who has an interest developing in scientology should research the organization first and learn from us scn-watchers, but too few people do, so there are newbies replacing the old-timers leaving or dying and the organization keeps grifting along, filling Dave’s coffers while not even trying to deliver anything but status in exchange.
Hail Xenu

One insignificant enter into unholy-matrimony with another insignificant to produce a result a.k.a Zero.
0 x 0 = 0
This is just in line with what written on the Wall : 2025 , Age of Extinction or becoming the Zero.
More evidence of the confused and upside down world of Miscavige (AKA Mickiewicz).
Just because you’ve walked into a different section of Hell doesn’t mean that you’ve left Hell.