The Tony Muhammad (now known as Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad) story continues to grow stranger and stranger.
You have to wonder whether he is abandoning his NOI beliefs or faking his scientology ones?
Of course, he has not yet been exposed to the “Wall of Fire” and the Xenu story. That is going to be a moment of truth. Can he buy into this when it is so contrary to fundamental NOI teachings? Will he try to span the widening gap between his two commitments? Will he still try to make money as an FSM for scientology and fall away from his NOI connections? Will this affect the lower level NOI people who have dabbled in scientology? Sooner or later he’s going to have to choose which path he 2ants to follow.
But even more pressing: how can scientology CONTINUE to promote this guy — a horrible anti-semite — while proclaiming themselves the “holier than thou” kings of the anti-bigotry and hatred brigade. Such hypocrisy.
Assuming Tony has any real religious or spiritual beliefs of his own, which is a big assumption, then mishmashing Scn and NOI doctrine together on OT3 would not be difficult. The NOI believe in “The Devil (or devils) within” so that explains body thetans. Regarding Zenu sending bodies to earth in DC-8s, Mr. Hubbard was simply mistaken. It was actually the Mother Ship or similar vehicles which did the transporting.
The Mother Ship is currently orbiting earth cloaked in an invisible shield and stands ready to transport the NOI faithful from earth when Armageddon occurs.
Rather than calling themselves OTs, Operating Thetans, the NOI might start calling themselves OMs, Operating Muslims. OM8s (and above?) might gain privileged seating on the Mother Ship when it departs.
I’m sill anxiously waiting for the explosion after NOI sees DM for what he is. Should be interesting after these years that he’s snowed them. Or they, him, I’m not sure.
I would say that the Nation of Islam higher-ups know everything there is to know – the good, the bad and the ugly – about the Church of Scientology, and that Miscavige knows and has always known everything there is to know about NOI, Farrakhan and any of the other higher ups.
CO$ is a rich organization funded largely by wealthy whales.
It needs people and in particular it needs African Americans.
NOI is a poor religion; the vast majority of their public are poor.
It needs money.
My opinion only but it seems obvious to me that from the viewpoints of the decision makers of NOI (Farrakhan et al) and the decision makers of Scientology (Miscavige and his attorneys) the relationship between the two “religions” is purely a transactional one. Each has what the other needs, and to hell with any inconvenient philosophy or fact popping up that would appear to make a sustainable relationship between the two organizations impossible. These can and will be explained away to the public. There is no long term thinking going on. Each of them in their own way is simply trying to survive.
My 2 cents.
“The World Needs More OTs”
.. or one even.
ONE demonstrable OT or “clear” might be sufficient to bring me back into the fold, or perhaps even capitalize scientology again.
Is it true that some white people can wear “black face” in order to get deep discounts for the costs of achieving the higher levels of the bridge?
I could sure sure use the big cash savings and a little black face makeup would be a small price to pay.
After all, buying a small amount of black face makeup might save me thoushands of dollars going down the spiral. Just anothert way to cheat this phone criminal cult.
I remember when Tony started doing services. We watched one of his success stories and he specifically said FARRAKHAN told him to ally with Scientology.
What is the latest news about Rizza Islam who was found guilty along with his mother (who died) for their fraud and embezzlement regarding Narcanon? Is he awaiting sentencing or is he in jail or what?
Rizza had a second lawyer pass away. last year, He has a new attorney who is asking the courts for more time to prepare. obviously Scientology doesn’t want this case heard
Mike, your post today is very timely, as, unbelievably, the Simon Wiesenthal Center has announced it’s again honoring Tom Cruise. The last time I wrote them about this, they promised to look into it and “get back to (me) about it”. I never received a reply from them.
I wonder whether this time,Tom will bring his fellow Scientology Medal of Valor winner, Tony Muhammad as his “+1.”
Thanks Len. Yes, I saw this. I am going to do a post about this tomorrow or Monday and perhaps a YouTube video on it too. It is really outrageous they are so beholden to Cruise who represents a hate organization.
That will be interesting. Which is weirder, the Wall of Fire or the NOI belief that white people were created by a demonic mad scientist named Yakub? As far as………
Hold on. Comm particle coming in.
21 APRIL 2023
Police arrested 21 year old Shananay Muhammad at the Church of Scientology on Elm Street yesterday. The arrest came after a call came to the 911 dispatch claiming that people were being held against their will unless they donated massive sums of money to the organization. Person’s taken into custody included the church’s executive director Ellen Fishwife, Ned Dollar, secretary of finances, Babs Crackpotte, local director for the church’s International Association Of Scientologists who sponsored the event that caused the 911 call and the subsequent arrests as well as several members of Scientology’s Sea Organization who were acting as door guards controlling ingress and egress. Among them was Miss Muhammad who has now been incarcerated for her Scientology activities five times. Charges include holding people against their will as well as extortion and racketeering.
The church claims that its religious rights are being violated as its members were denied the opportunity to voluntarily make donations which would allow the religion to expand its activities. Persons at the Church who were interviewed said that no one was allowed to leave unless they agreed to donate $15,000.00 to the organization. Those who were unable to donate such an amount we’re not allowed to leave unless they agreed to max out their credit cards.
The church’s international leader, David Miscavige, was unavailable for comment.
Miss Muhammad, who is also a member of the Nation of Islam, says she will appeal to Minister Louis Farrakhan for bail.
Oh, here we go again.
Great “story”!
Wish it would actually happen sometime.
I get this feeling that this won’t be the last time that Mr. Shananay Muhammad gets thrown in the slammer.
Good creative writing. May as well publish it or leak it somehow mainstream – nice, juicy read. It’s mostly true anyway…
Can’t wait for all the people to read this, salivate over it and hope that it actually happens.
Haha, remember the fake reporting of the martians landing being broadcast on the radio decades ago & the hysteria? Never underestimate the power of words hey? They don’t have to be true. But in this case, it sure would nice if it did come true.
Scientology’s inability to “confront and handle” Tony Muhammad has also been made quite clear at the Anti-Defamation League (in a 2021 posting) and the Southern Poverty Law Center:
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can’t say this often enough. Antisemitism is a subset of Racial Collectivism. We (Humanity) have to condemn all forms of Racial Collectivism. We have to see that Antisemitism is a symptom of a deeper philosophical problem. So when someone attacks Jews they’re attacking all of us. Rejection of Racial Collectivism shouldn’t be a radical idea. I’ve been called a “bigot” numerous times because I didn’t believe in a person’s orthodoxy.
NOI friendship with Scientology.
A hate group joining another hate group. Which one has the power over the other? And is that something to brag about? It’ll be interesting to see which version of Hell this relationship ends.
NOI vs scientology. Which hates more? In their grand scheming, I don’t see it being an stupendously important question, but THIS inquiring mind is kinda curious. They’re both mind-bogglingly racist.