Toronto is thinking about finishing their files.
Like every single org on earth, they are incapable, even in this age of computers, of keeping their paper files up to date. They probably have millions of pieces of paper lying around unfiled since the 70’s and now, 20 years after the “ideal org” evolution began, they are going to handle their backlog. One might ask the question, what have they been doing for 20 years? One of the only orgs on earth that was not required to buy a new building in order to become “ideal” they have sat frozen in time since 2003 unable to raise the money needed to renovate their building to “ideal” standards. And meanwhile, they moved out of the building on one of the main body traffic streets in downtown Toronto and hid themselves away in a back alley in the boondocks. This is brilliant scientology “management” at work. They OWN a building and they moved out “so it could be renovated” and then DIDNT RENOVATE IT.
And they also didnt do anything about their backlogs.
Things are SO desperately pitiful in Toronto that they are bringing in people from OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY to do FILING! They cannot even round up enough people to do their own filing.
And yet, here is the hype from a few months ago:
And as I pointed out at the time — by the definition they use of “getting renovated buildings for all existing orgs in their country”, there are other “ideal countries” long since: New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, Belgium, Holland to throw a few off the top of my head.
Scientology delusion — they tell themselves they are clearing the planet. They can’t even clear the paper out of their basement.
I recall while in the SO in the 90’s at CLO Canada – tons of folders were stashed in a boiler room in the basement. The size of a football field. Just a complete disaster- floor to ceiling of crap and files all disorganized and falling apart.
Are the auditing and ethics folders stored in the same place as the Central Files? Maybe someone will read them and enjoy my “life history”. That would another entry about me entered nto the Akashic Record. 😇
I always assumed that my auditing folders would be safely stored somewhere and kept confidential. I guess that’s not the case. As an auditor I wouldn’t think of prying into someone’s folders. Live and learn.
My auditing folders wouldn’t be that interesting, just the usual overts, withholds and rock slams.
Why not make it short & sweet…..simply use the CIRCULAR FILE & toss it all away. It’s nothing but Bullshit anyway.
Oh wait, if they “toss it all” there won’t be anything they can use against people like the 2nd Big Being TC, or runner up JT, or possibly Kirstie….or or or…..
The Canadian Government has made it very clear that they are in NOOO rush to reopen our borders, and religious workers aren’t categorized as ‘essential’ from what I can see on the list. GrumpyCat said it: this could be a project a long time waiting in the wings. Canadians are hard working: we just prefer to work at things that are WORTHY of our time and being coupled up inside some more (70+ hours / week) after being locked down due to the pandemic …..ahhh Scientology lol
“For the concept of questioning authority to work it has to applied universally. Absolutely without any exception. Otherwise what is the point?”
When one questions the authority of L. Ron Hubbard one thing becomes very readily apparent.
L. Ron Hubbard has no authority.
His claims of being a hero in the Second World War are complete nonsense and completely false. On the occasion Hubbard was mistakenly placed in command of a small warship he showed himself to be completely incompetent. L. Ron Hubbard showed himself to be an incompetent naval officer.
As a writer L. Ron Hubbard was incompetent too.
When L. Ron Hubbard was receiving a penny a word writing for the pulps Ayn Rand was a world class author who had her work published in hardcover and adapted for motion pictures. All of Ayn Rand’s work is still in print by the New American Library. Some of L. Ron Hubbard’s later literary work is printed by Bridge Publications. Who owns the New American Library? The stockholders. Who owns Bridge Publications? Bridge Publications is a department of Scientology.
All those files $cientology keeps on people bring up an interesting question. Are they in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)? Even though an organization may be outside of the EU, there are circumstances where failure to comply with the GDPR can result in significant fines.
A simple checklist shows whether an organization must comply with the EU GDPR jor not:
Does it have offices and employees in the EU?
If yes, subject to the GDPR
Does if offer goods and services to individuals who are in the EU through your website or mobil app?
If yes, subject to the GDPR
Does it use cookies on your webside or mobile app to collect the IP
address and other personal data from indivicuals who are in the EU?
If yes, subject to the GDPR
Does it process the personal data of inddividuals who are in the EU on behalf of your business clients?
If yes, subject to the GDPR
I suspect just about every org in the US and Canada would have to answer ‘yes’ to at least one of those questions. And I’m very doubtful they’re even close to being in compliance with the GDPR’s requirements.
Which could make things interesting, in the Chinese curse sense, for the orgs if any exe’s who know files were generated on them in the US or Canada while they were in the EU start filing complaints. Or are in the EU and looked at a $cientology website.
A quick Google turns up the fact that paper records are covered by the GDPR. Happy happy, joy joy!
In addition to ex-victims, there are also people who make it onto the “enemies list” – that sounds like a record, there and then.
Toronto vacated their building around 2012, so that’s going on a decade, based on what I can readily find.
I’ve read that for a while they tried to keep it from reverting to being taxed by occasionally holding a token “service” there, but I haven’t heard of any such thing in years so it seems likely that gambit failed, which would make it yet another of the buildings that is probably costing them $50,000-100,000 per year just to the city, not to mention other upkeep expenses. And it’s some of the worst off orgs that are stuck with such burdens.
They are accumulating quite the (expensive) track record of failure, though the central files push suggests they are now making at least a token effort towards completing the project.
This just proved beyond any doubt that they are TOAST. In the 23 years I was in the SO once we started on an action, no matter how tough, no matter the cost in money or lives, we got it Done. If they cannot complete a cycle of action any more then they are finished.
Reminds me of a Maiden Voyage on the Freewinds, around 1997 or so.
DM used to do the opening nights events.
I was sent to the Green room next to the Starlight Cabaret. As I was the Repair Chief Freewinds, I was expected to handle anything that went wrong.
Either that, or they just wanted me there so there would be someone to hang. I personally think that it was a combination of both.
OK, so I was in the Green Room where the Gold Crew is producing the event.
DM comes to the mike and starts to speak and there is a loud screech of feedback.
DM stops and then he says We will get this Maiden Voyage going as soon as those guys back there, where I was, handle that Feedback.
There was silence for a few seconds and then DM says We’ll it looks like I still have some authority here….. But the last few words were cut off by a screech of feedback much louder than before.
It was as if everyone in the room I was in had just flipped DM the bird.
I half expected the door to fly open and have us all cut down by machine gun fire.
Alas, we would not get off that easy.
About the only cycle of action DM can complete, AFAICT, is “open a bottle of fine whisky, FINISH it.” Anything he orders others to do gets cross-ordered or held up by his inability to allow others to DO THEIR JOBS.
Will they ever learn that getting CF up-to-date is a matter of FILING, nothing else. If you have something else you want done, do it as a separate action AFTER CF is brought into sanity: a/k/a PT.
Who’s willing to bet these four are taking on the Toronto files project because they’re in deep you-know-what with ethics and need to do a serious amends project? Otherwise, why would anyone be willing to spend months shuffling a bunch of old paperwork?
Really! They’re wildly over-thinking their CF stuff — and not DOING it. If the filers just FILE and don’t read or other cross-purpose stuff, the backlog would evaporate like the snow off my lawn last week. Do one thing in one moment of time. Just ONE. No one can do more than one thing at a time. We’re just not wired that way.
I won’t take that bet, Tsu Dho Nimh. Having once “been” CF at Flag for awhile, I know the esteem it’s held in before it’s in PT. Once it’s properly organized, it looks SO easy to get & keep it that way, but it isn’t, if you get dragged off in other chores other than FILING and organizing. Even before they threw me out of Flag, I was in the RPF, they’d replaced me with 3 bodies and immediately the filing started backlogging. They HAD my (very detailed) hat write-up and the tools I’d made to do it all solo, but I might as well never been there. EVERYONE has an idea of something ELSE for the CF people to do, every one of them violating policy. I guess my greatest skill in that job was knowing the policy and not allowing ANYone to violate it.
Rereading the post comments I think it is very, very likely that the real key point of these backlog updates are not the letters written by the org (as a carbon copy is put into the file after writing the letter) but rather the colored labels on the file relating to who has changed address or wrote that he does NOT want to receive any more mail or that he is absolutely not interested.
I’m sorry for the deluded but the maximum they will reach is an ‘ideal nothing’.
Exactly, LmR. Just do the filing. If “management” wants something else done, have them allocate time and resources to doing JUST that as a separate project.
Probably one of the most mind numbing pieces of bullshit of which Scientology is composed and is capable of, is believing and forcing down every staff member throat is, that CF once completed will create a boom. The sad logic of it is that it’s really all they have in common as a group activity. That brass ring is permanently out of reach, but they all are ordered to catch it. I recall a similar type of thing in the military – combat gardening! (but at least you created pretty flowers).
Thierry Abbotiello is “preparing “ to join the Sleaze Org.
What does that entail? Selling his flooring business? Liquidating his bank accounts? Selling his home in preparation for dorm life?
I’m serious. Other than the EPF, how does one prepare?
Maybe waiting for the USA/Canada border to re-open so he can scurry down to CW to being his new robot life
You pretty much nailed it. Once the SO has its claws on a recruit, that person is given a checklist of steps to take in order for that person to cut him/herself from the outside world before they start the EPF. The SO calls it a project prepare.
I know of many people who signed a SO contract, got their project prepare, and then got cold feet and never followed through. Smart thinking.
Abbotiello it’s like one of those portmanteau names!
Thank you! 😂
This is another fine mess I’ve gotten myself into!
Other than the EPF, how does one prepare?
To prepare, one liquidates all their bank accounts, all their real property, all their stocks and bonds, insurance policies and retirement plans and then donates the cash value to the cult.
Next, (as if that wasn’t enough?), they call up their families and tell them, “From now on, I’m not allowed to meet with you or talk with you ever again because my new friends are certain that if I do, you will just try and talk some sense into me and there is no way we can stand still for that.
By the way, can you sell your house and send me the money please? It is for the most ethical cause on this planet, don’t you know. What do you mean, “You don’t know?” You fucking WOGS! Just Fuck Off!
That ought to do it. When can we expect you?
Much luck. You’ll need it!
These days I have a feeling that all the preparation needed is to be willing…and breathing. I hope someone gets ahold of this guy and wises him up before he wastes his life.
People who join will almost certainly waste their lives. Even worse, ……
many will completely lose their lives. Just remember …… this crazy cult believes the writing of their supreme leader provides the answer to everything. They don’t believe sick people should be sent to hospitals. They believe sick people should be sent to auditing sessions where they pay a huge hourly rate to sit and talk with someone.
If you have never heard of Lisa McPherson or Phillip Gale, you should look them up in Google. Both were feeling sick and were sent for some cult healing where they died. It is really worth knowing what happened to these cult members and others who died while in the care of this crazy cult.
You pretty much nailed it Taffy. Get rid of all your assets so dorm life seems like an upgrade. Any liquid assets will be confiscated by the Dwarfenführer’s next “Golden age” of polished turds.
Being able to bring central file into the present is a feat that very few have perhaps succeeded in. But a moment later it was already with piles of backlog.
It is a rock that has sunk thousands of attempts.
The founder says it’s a gold mine and says how a letter should be written. Elsewhere, however, he says that the quantity of letters counts more than the quality.
Very few orgs have a letter reg, the rest are periodic raids by a horde of all hands that must produce quantities.
These fools to have an ideal central file after updating it must STOP writing to anyone, only in this way it would remain updated (sure that no one will ever write to the org.).
you pretty much have it, LmR: *I* was able to bring Flag’s CF up to PT for the first time in Flag’s history AFAIK.
Before I was thrown into the RPF, I’d written up my hat thoroughly & left behind the physical system I created to file every piece of paper by touching it only twice in the process: Once to drop it in the proper presort bin (Old file-folder box lids labeled to match our file cabinet drawers) and once to drop it in the proper file folder.
All of the ‘real’ filing for the Clampire was done at Cambridge. There were no services done in Toronto for a very long time.
The only ‘good’ thing that can come out of this paper chase is we might find out where the actual Toronto files are being kept. Not that it really matters.
Still, having to go to Quebec and out of the country for manpower speaks volumes about the locals.
Zee Moo quipped:
“Still, having to go to Quebec and out of the country for manpower speaks volumes about the locals.”
True dat, but I LIKE Canadians, the polite Americans.
It says more about the Management —or Mismanagement— they’re getting from above.
Just from the outside looking in, I don’t believe DM gives a flying flip whether anything fails except he has to keep the donors believing that things are being done and his workers believing they are helping save humanity. It’s all busy work for show. He just slaps a bandage on it and calls it a remodel.
“One might ask the question, what have they been doing for 20 years?”
I’m guessing they all blew.
How do all these org CF files end up needing to be redone?
At my old mission that I was pressganged to join I once had the job of putting all the CF files in order.
At the time we had well over a thousand files. It was time consuming but I did it on my own.
The only time they went out of order was when someone, despite their Hubbard “tech” , didn’t know the alphabet and placed someone’s file in the wrong slot. Then someone else would put an adjoining file next to the misplaced one, assuming it was already in the correct place……….
The only reason I can think of for these org CF files needing redoing is because no one can be bothered to spend 5 minutes putting folders back in their correct place!
Exbrit, orgs seem to have CFs averaging about 20,000 names, from what I can tell looking at the figures we see here from time to time when they reveal details of what it’s going to take to tackle the job. That’s why it’s such a daunting task for long-established Class V “church” locations.
And they figure about 20 minutes to clean up each file and transition it to their new (still paper) system, while would mean on average something like 7 thousand man hours to get them all in order, equivalent to one person working full time for 4 years, or close to 50 people going at it full bore for a month.
Peacemaker, It’s one guy for about a year — as long as he’s left alone to do the f-ing JOB and not given multiple cross-purpose other things to do “in his spare time”.
Working 70+ hours per week for the next few months is not a good enticement to get new volunteers. Flunk on whoever dreamed that up.
No kidding!
After deciding they might like to roll up their sleeves and come pitch in, most any young person would then read about the 70+ hour weeks and think, “Well now, just hold on for one second.
70+ hours? and no sleep?
“I don’t think so!”
Skyler, in the Sea Org, 70+ hours a week would seem like a vacation.
You are correct. Richard. about it not being a good enticement. But only 70 hours a week. In the S.O. the only times I only worked 70 hours a week was when I was on leave, which averaged once every 7 or 8 years.
Richard observed:
“Working 70+ hours per week for the next few months is not a good enticement to get new volunteers. Flunk on whoever dreamed that up.”
70+ hours a week is quite the disincentive, and encourages goofing off, if you think a little about it.
No, really! It encourages napping while looking like you’re working.
I remember in the early 80s Toronto had 120 foundation staff, 200 students on course regularly each week and a pretty busy HGC and field.
What a joke all these orgs have become.
Yet some sheeple will ignore all the attrition and grind on to the bitter end. It’s like watching a slow & painful demise caused by thousands of tiny wounds.
And it’s such terrifically apt PR to have a ten story building at the heart of downtown sitting vacant and decaying like Scientology itself.
What I noticed over many decades is that
Scientologists are incapable of finishing any cycle of action
That is especially true for David Miscavige.
Scientology has failed at everything.
What is interesting is that L Ron Hubbard has a technology on that.
It means they are insane. Incapable. Low Toners and Degraded Beings.
I have been in big time doubt for a long time and am finally blowing charge reading your blog Mike. Thanks for the podcast you and Leah did. It cued up on IHeartRadio. Next will be Scientology and the Aftermath on Netflix, then Going Clear on HBO.
So much to look at. So little time to see it all.
Thank you for exposing the truth and risking your life to do so.
You are a hero.
DM’s pretty close to completing ONE cycle of action: The complete implosion of what once was scientology. What little that seems to be left is supported on the backs of a few whales.
Scientology died in Canada when I was in the country from 1978-1982. My girlfriend was forced into bankruptcy. The television stations murdered Scientology after negative government investigations. Canadians never got over the Viet Nam draft dodgers. Scientology was viewed correctly as an American scam.
Only in the bubble would the term “Ideal Files” be used to describe the mountains of meaningless letters, mostly sent from the cult, stored in card stock folders and stacked in a damp basement.
If you want to have ideal files, purchase automated scanning equipment, scan the paper (then shred it), create an indexing system, and store the terabytes of data in the cloud. That would be closer to ideal, you morons.
I can’t imagine anything more useless than volunteering, full-time, to go shuffle some dusty scraps of paper around into folders. Why not spend a few hours helping in a soup kitchen or some other more meaningful enterprise.
Because they never do anything that actually helps another human being. There’s no money in it. But, there’s plenty of busy work to do to keep people believing they are doing something.
Zola, the last company I worked for had a sophisticated, and EXPENSIVE scanner system to convert paper into digital bits and bytes and associate the images with the customers. That duplication saved NO time, as the physical files still had to be retrieved whenever there was a question (IOW, usually) and all the paper bits had to be filed. Our customer service reps could pull up the scans with a click, but there are too many times, like during a postal inspection, when they must see the paper and original signature.
Zola, I once worked in a company that did just that with a VERY expensive scanning system. We STILL had to pull the file most of the time, so there was no time-savings. You can’t shred the paper as it’s legally required all too often, and when there’s a doubt, Hard-copy always wins.
The scanner wound up being a complete waste of time & money. I’m not even sure they didn’t give it away or sell it towards the end
Obviously someone applied the wrong condition …
If they applied the wrong condition, they may just have wound up singing ……
the “We huffed and puffed but never blew it down” blues.
So sad. Say a prayer.
I would say that the why is a failure to strenuously clean up an ARCX’ed(upset) field, engaging
in crush selling and then using ethics to invalidate and evaluate for the person. If someone is upset about something then he is made wrong for expressing a desire to get that upset handled.
The root “why” is that the tech never worked as advertised and Hubbard didn’t want to confront that, never mind correct it or ADMIT to that. His ego wouldn’t let him ever admit the truth, except right near the end.
Many years ago I read on the internet that Hubbards reliable items were power and money which makes sense to me. The reason for security checking is to gain information or knowledge of a person so that one has power over that person. The reason for his ethics system is upset the person and convince the person to hand money over to him via his group.
Any of us in this blog community who have participated in the dungeon and dread of “Central Files” can affirm, it is detailed Mount Everests (plural) of paperwork at its finest.
I cannot believe how many YEARS of volunteer hours for each org it has taken to get every bit of paper particle identified, sorted, filed in date order, into the right file, everything color coded. To what other meaningful ends could this volume of human energy be directed?
Perhaps it would not be so bad if there was some true reward at the end. Let’s say, for instance, if after your ideal org opened, the uniformed staff members inside the org consulted yours or others’ “Central File,” as per Policy, prior to writing you. Yet still often times the staff members do not consult these CFs first. They still will write to you a formal letter with all kinds of goofiness and non-sequitur to who you are and what you have done or are doing.
This gets extra compounded when orgs around the world where you have never been, never made a purchase, never have done a service similarly write to you (as if you are one of “theirs”) or start sending you cards demanding you turn in your “extension course assignment” to them which is “overdue.”
That is part of the illogic: even when the hours and years of volunteer steam are applied, it remains no guarantee that anyone in the building will ever use the information to any logical or practical ends. It’s just so sad.
Very good point Peridot. At times when the ‘letters out’ stat HAD to go up, the students in the course room would be made to write 5 letters each before they could leave at the end of the evening. Without even knowing who they were writing to – so the letters were so much drivel and so far ‘out reality’ that they only served to further alienate the recipient – and the poor student being forced to write them!
At an org where I was taking some courses they were called Letter Writing Parties and eveyone was “invited” to attend. I only attended two or three and they weren’t much fun.
I got one of those letters, AND replied to it. Ignoring such doesn’t correct the situation.
Nor does complaining, it seems. I complained about there not being a BRE for me to use, and wouldn’t you know it, the response included no BRE, NOR any brochures for the services I’d detailed as ones I’d never do (or do again). (Okay, so that can be considered a *partial* “win”.)
It seems though the current inmates of the org asylums can’t duplicate. It’s amazing how many ways they can think up to mis-duplicate my name. It’s only two 4-letter words, for crissake!
One of them transformed lull into Lucci, like the soap opera actress. That’s better than my dyslexia does. 🤣
If they are so behind on their filing, how long would it take them to notice someone had destroyed half of it? If they don’t even refer back to the files would they ever notice if the backlog was incinerated completely?
grisianfarce, they’d notice, but it wouldn’t make a whit’s difference. scientology’s procedures and “wonders” are so hopelessly behind the times that they’ll never be a factor in real life.
ETA: I almost said “, again”, but they have never been a factor in real life. It was all make-believe from the very get-go.
You are SO RIGHT.
orgs don’t apply their own scn policy
scios don’t apply it to their lives.
scn is the only true path to spiritual freedom blah blah but they don’t REALLY do it.
Other wise, everyone would be getting up early, according to their schedule, writing out a days battle plan, which also reflects application of the current condition of their stats, and any current program targets then getting on with it.
Every family member has hats, every hat has products, every products and sub-products which in turn have stats and sub stats. Conditions are the only way to improve conditions and bring about the ideal scenes.
can you imagine?
That’s the insanity that the Tek calls for.
If you really believed, you’d never allow yourself to pass an MU…..EVER.
The regimen described above would seem to be a worthwhile activity for a business person. The problem might be thinking the scientology way is the only way with rote obedience to all Hubbard/Scn procedures.
“rote obedience to all Hubbard/Scn procedures” = KSW. Period.
I understand that there exists a wide range of indoctrination and subsequent obedience amongst those of us who were scientologists.
I, was one of the thoroughly heavily indoctrinated by (absolutely MAD) experiences and by the rigors of full time training at Flag and LA.
I don’t think in cult anymore, but I CAN.
Rip said in part:
“…If you really believed, you’d never allow yourself to pass an MU…..EVER.”
I believed to that extent, and it DESTROYED my ability to read for enjoyment. Even knowing that it’s wrong, I’m finding it tough not to look up everything I couldn’t give a good dictionary definition for. On the Internet, that’s DEADLY.
Yep. It’s a tough one.
on one hand you had MUs at the root of your troubles ever, whole track, and forever deadly……. (I ran whole track on my M1)
– and then….. there were a few handy references to “evaluation of importances” and being able to gloss over some things and come back if you find MU phenomena kick in.
That second one got some use in the later years of my various posts and projects. So it’s been a bit easier for me, perhaps.
Now I just look up crap I’m interested in.
Rip observed:
“Now I just look up crap I’m interested in.”
as do we all these days.
Hubbard’s “study tech” was based on one big a=A=A: that every random word had to be defined dictionary-perfect for real students to learn a subject. I believe he designed study tech to punish those of us who could comfortably read and understand the many subjects he didn’t feel like putting any real effort into. M1 word clearing was an attempt to magically learn everything about every subject at once. No study required. It was a moderately obvious action, looking up unknown words, taken to such an extreme that I doubt I’m the only guy who lost the ability to comfortably & quickly read just about anything in any subject, bar poetry, which still doesn’t come naturally to me.
Rip, applying their own policy/tech wouldn’t make a difference as it DOESN’T WORK. About the only time things “work” is when someone ignores the rules and does something which will work.
Exactly. When I was crew on the Freewinds an order came down from Executive Council that all crew had to write so many letters a day to a list of names.
Alhough not by any means an OEC completion myself, I knew that that was bullshit. I got an OEC Vol 2. and read the LRH policy to my juniors regarding writing letters only after studying the CF file.
Auditors normally study the PC folders of a PC before taking them in session.
But having my juniors read HCOPLs about writing letters…
The Chief said something about that I was trying to start a mutiny by getting my juniors to read LRH.
The penalty for Mutiny is DEATH. And so I am.
I have appreciated all the comments here, observations and reflections on “Central Files” as one of the fanatical activities of C of S.
And to Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass: Hearing you loud and clear on your getting accused of “trying to start a mutiny.” Heaven forbid you would factually demonstrate a) intellect b) sanity or c) the ability to think for yourself. What subterfuge that we THOUGHT we were being asked to demonstrate and apply those things.
I suspect other Former-Ins could pile on here, the duplicity of this group and how (little did we know), wherever we were, we were there primarily to be UNDER and to SERVE someone’s ego. What is that phrase people use in high-level politics: “I serve at the pleasure of…”
Bill, here is one of mine: Giving an Assist to a person presently considered a “Freeloader” to the org. The org removed the person from staff though gave them no reason for this (mystery), zero help, no Leaving Staff Confessional (rejected the idea of doing so because “those are a lot of trouble”), and a sizable freeloader debt. Charge for delivering an Assist? Put under a Non-Enturbulation Order.
For those reading this who are unfamiliar, such a public order, thrust onto a bulletin board for all to see, is a “steep gradient” of Scientology justice. It is the Ethics Officer deciding and signaling to all that you are a “source of upset and enturbulation.” Should you get caught doing one more thing deemed upsetting to anybody, it is an automatic Suppressive Person declare (ex-communication).
Like your example, Bill. Even when a Still-In aims to apply the “technology” available, still you risk being reprimanded severely and threatened, often with no comm lag. (I guess because it’s so fun to discipline and humiliate someone and get them into a sizable amount of trouble?) Truly so sad.
So. Much. Bullshit.
Every single time I was hit, my stats were up, and policy was on my side.
Comm evs and courts, ripped off posts, thrown out the door, you name it.
Goldenrod abounds.
and every single time, my stats were up, and I had the references to fight back with. Awards, commends, ethics filed cleaned 2 months ago? nawwwww. Boom.
Between our local GO and the SO missions, blood baths were routine.
I blamed the people, not the tek.
Thanks for the chuckle, Bill. Keep up living the “best revenge” of living well.
COLOR CODED?? To what end? a permanent color coding is gonna go out-of-date, like, tomorrow, so spending any time doing that is wasted energy.
I can’t think of ANYTHING that color coding or special tabs (which will promptly fall off) will facilitate in even the short run.
ETA: IF the folders are being coded to facilitate a future project, DO it to them NOW, while the selection criteria are current. Tomorrow, things will change; guaranteed.