One of the few Scientology orgs in the world that does not need a NEW building to be purchased for the Great Ideal Org Boondoggle is Toronto. This org was purchased in the late 70’s pursuant to the LRH BIC (Building Investment Committee) program.
Yes, more than 10 years AFTER the launch of David Miscavige’s “Ideal Org Strategy” for Planetary Clearing, Toronto, the CONTINENTAL Org for Canada remains unrenovated. Not only not much Planetary Clearing, but it seems not much Canadian Clearing. Or even Toronto Clearing….
So, in desperation, the org with the largest field in Canada (it used to be one of the largest orgs in the world) has come up with a new fundraising technique. Because after 10 years they could not even scrape together the cash to install the FART Div 6 and renovate their building (in the face of MASSIVE, STRAIGHT UP AND VERTICAL EXPANSION??? How can this be?)
No doubt at the direction of CLO Canada (which shares the building with Toronto Org), the other orgs now play a “game” for THEIR org to become a “Humanitarian” by fundraising $100,000 for Toronto. Huh?? And note, these Scientology Orgs don’t qualify as “humanitarians” by doing good work in their community or helping people — their humanitarian status is judgedby how much money they send!
And its not even limited less successful orgs than Toronto (wonder how those other even smaller orgs are going to become “Ideal”). Even Halifax, a MISSION, is expected to raise money for Toronto!!
Buffalo — Again!
And making another appearance in the Hall of Shame — BUFFALO. Not only sucking bucks for their infamous “Non E” program, but to make Toronto “Ideal” (really outpointy as Buffalo’s Continental Org is New York in the good old USA).
This desperation for dollars for buildings and renovations is becoming farcical….
Our Toronto Special Correspondent sent in these “promo” pieces (and more for a later date):
For those with eagle eyes, the guy in the top photo is Mark Hanna — former CO OSA ANZO and father of Scarlett DeBoer who has eventually arrived back in the world from the RPF.
The “Genius” Award
And a special mention to the new category dreamed up below — “The Genius Award” — which could not be more inappropriately named. The woman in this photo is Carol Martiniano/Rush/Nolan (I might have missed some) ex- DCO Internal OSA International.
World Class Gold Humanitarians
Running out of superlatives to describe the humanitarianism of their biggest suckers contributors, they have adopted the IAS “scale of superlatives”, but I wonder what comes after “World Class”? Universal? Galactic? Only time will tell.
Interesting! I audit out of Toronto and once in a while drive by the 696 Yonge St. building. Last news I had was they moved the whole org over to a building a number of blocks away that they leased while they were to do the renos. Funny thing is, one of my pcs helped them do the renos 20 years back!. They’ve been doing renos on that shabby old building (seriously, it’s the worst on the street!) for decades! Another funny thing – my pc was never reimbursed not only for his time, but the material he bought for the renos. On top of that, he was also pressured into donating for the org reno campaign.
These kinds of activities really burn my bum! Seriously, it is so far from LRH it really makes me revisit my breakfast. They spent all this money on re-doing their Div 6 (FART??? What is that? Sounds hilarious, though.) to put in those expensive video terminals that are now out-moded technology. And now it’s boarded up with plywood!!! What a waste of money. So, while the CLOs and management can’t follow policy – at all – they certainly have no problem with “Waste” on the Havingness scale!
And what about that org up in Orangeville? I thought CLO was moving up there, about 80-90 miles or so from the current org. It was to be the new AO for Canada. So what is CLO doing still running Toronto like it is? Is Toronto on a continual bypass?
Only good thing here is I got to see where Karl Bradshaw ended up. Glad to know he’s still alive (bodily, not in mental capacity) but sorry to see he’s so pushing the enemy agenda now. He used to be a good man, a really good man. Too bad. Not to many others I recognize – some, but not a lot.
Thanks for this, Mike. Lot of good comments here. I think more exposure on Canada is good. Like some said, what about Vancouver? Montreal? Quebec? Orangeville? And how did Cambridge get to be a 90% Hu-Man Tarian already? I mean, who bought their building???
Chris Black, Class VIII C/S
I don’t usually post on Indie blogs but I couldn’t resist sharing this one with you: The quote from Ram Jagdat above could be amended by 1 word as this: “When we look back at this period of history, in the cons to come, we would want to know that we truly helped!” Quite good eh? Had me laughing at my own joke. I recently saw a video of an IAS fundraising event and was not surprised to see the names of severaI people that I knew of old and thought “yeah, they’d be the types to be browbeaten down and to go along with this scam”. It seems that the remaining people in the Church must really be the scrapings of the bottom of a very worn out barrel, I am actually not sorry to say, as they are in Treason as a condition for putting up with this robbery.
Oops, I meant to type crim, not crime.
I gotta wonder if good old Alan felt like a genius the next morning.
The crime standing next to him looks like she can’t wait for the ceremony to be over so she can get onto the next fool.
She gotta keep turning tricks so she make the quota.
What happened to Montreal Org? Or the first Idle Org in Canada, Quebec City??? All the other orgs in Can helped Quebec!
It’s about time you get your own blog, you’re such an able writer. Love the updates on the current scene. It boggles the mind how anyone can still be there.
The best part of this recent leak from Toronto is that it’s always the same old families and only a few of them willing to go in for this latest debacle. Remember when the Pateropolous and Standish families used to have all of their members there? Now it’s a few oldtimers cause the kids have blown.
Thanks for posting that pic. The boarded up org looks as busy as the temp org on Peter Street. Love it!
What trikes me the most is that these people look like ordinary,
nice, civilized, medium IQ, people and they let themselves be
so snowed even if it is in Canada.
“What the hell qualifies the guy in that picture as a genius? He wrote a check?”
Seriously, what’s up with Vancouver org not being on these things? Is it actually the cost of Vancouver real estate meaning no extra money for Toronto org? Vancouver is not in WUS, Canada is its proper continent…
Mike I love this idea of your blog and following what is happening (actually not happening) in those Orgs. Thank you for making all this data available to all Scientologists so we can have another viewpoint and not that of DM’s propaganda. This is so valuable.
We now have Idle Orgs Vs. Indie Orgs. I was always for admin as I see that the tech can only be protected and promoted by good administrators. I did and do care about orgs. Orgs are the vains of this whole endeavour LRH put out here on this planet. DM is cutting down the vains by installing FART systems and robotic staff.
Indies know better and we do have a whole network out there, even though we are not streamlined like LRH set it up. However I bet in a few years INDIE orgs are going to be producing much more than IDLE orgs.
A “Genius Award”? Does that guy in the picture look like a genius? That is probably a very expensive bouquet of flowers he’s holding there. Apparently, as the caption says, he is doing things “differently”, i.e., probably mortgaging his and his familys’ future. The buildings, purchased and renovated with donations are then CEDED to the IAS which then CHARGES THE LOCAL CHURCHES RENT TO USE THE BUILDINGS AND HAS THEM PAY FOR THE UTILITY BILLS AND UPKEEP. This does not benefit the local Organization or contribute to building an actual ORG. And ORG is made of of people (beings), not MEST. It is other intentioness which distracts from the purpose of delivering actual auditing and auditor training. This is anti-Scientology insanity.
Mike, please stop it. Stop posting this stuff. I can’t stand it. It is destroying my faith in peoples’ inherent common sense.
…..On second thought, keep telling the truth. Maybe some will get the “wake up call” and demand and end to this off-purpose scam.
There have been christian churches that split off from their main church, and (after legal fights) took their building with them. They were able to show that the building and all the upkeep and maintenance were paid for by the local congregation.
Not that I expect the Toronto Org to hoist the Jolly Rodger and break away any time soon–just that while Building Management Services (Miscavige) holds the paper on the building, they have a huge vulnerable spot in their scam.
I just realized what my problem is (and this might go for some of you out there too): I just haven’t been “fully briefed” yet. I’m sure if I was taken in a room by a couple of “briefers” and strapped down for a few hours and mentally and spiritually bludgeoned …. I mean briefed ….. I could be a genius or even a humanitarian (like Albert Schwetzer or Eleanor Roosevelt) by now. By the way, which is higher … genius or humanitarian? Also I noticed on the promo ….. it’s a CRUSADE!!!
I swear, you can’t make this stuff up. “Genius” award? What the hell qualifies the guy in that picture as a genius? He wrote a check?
This stuff with the church gets more ludicrous by the day.
Is she, the woman “Carol” in the photo, is she REALLY handing that man a bouquet of FLOWERS? The woman is dressed like a man in a business suit, handing FLOWERS to a man, who is smiling shyly , on top of the phrase ” Being flexible enables you to adapt to changing circumstances readily. Resist doing things the same old way. Be willing to consider new options.” It’s a promo piece promoting Gay life! Or a piece showing how he is being DOMINATED. And he is being awarded the genius award. And for sure, Carol as X DCO for OSA was called “Sir” for how many years? The Church is getting kinkier by the minute!
That is funny! His face looks like he’s been bitch slapped,
The Toronto org, a couple weeks ago, boarded up and awaiting renovation. (The flat black paint covers up graffiti and tagging. By now the taggers will have been back with light coloured paint.)
It is boarded up and closed. Let’s keep it real.
Isn’t that what I said? “boarded up and awaiting renovation”. They have finally applied for a permit to do that.
Seems that even after 10 years they are prematurely ejaculating. They might have plans, but according to their desperate pleas, they dont have the money to carry out their plans…
Let’s just dispel a myth. That the Sea Org and Scn organizations are models of efficiency. That they can work miracles with little or no resources or money. Or that they can move into an area and within no time they have mastered it. There may have been a time when there was some truth to that. But, now these are urban legends.
No doubt there are some very talented, able individual staff members. But as a group they will waste money faster than it can steal it. And in the quest for perfection, they will spend obscene amounts of cash; and in psychotic drive to meet impossible deadlines, mistakes are made resulting in financial loss.
How can an organization that pays its staff peanuts, when a wog business budget is normally 30% of their operating costs; is tax-exempt; collects millions each year with no exchange; and charges it’s customer upwards of $1000 per hour for it’s services – get it so wrong???
No, whatever money they had for renos probably got pissed away on late filing fees or building permit penalties or unnecessary legal complications or shipping costs for the rare Booga Booga wood airlifted from the remote jungles of Africa.
Between the cost of the temporary org building and the renovations, I don’t see how they can swing it barring some money miracle like the one that somehow produced the Cambridge Idle Org. (No way did they raise that money in the Kitchener area, or even all Ontario.) The Toronto org building has a sway problem in high winds that eventually cracks all the windows, and I doubt that they can fix that. (When they did their half-hearted renovation in 2005, they fixed all the windows. A year later, there were cracked windows everywhere.)
I’m still expecting that there will be a sudden change of plans, they sell off the Org property to condo developers for a ton of cash, part of the cash is used to Ideal Org-ize the “temporary” org building, and the rest of it disappears down Miscavige’s rabbit hole.
If someone were to send this blog post to the right person in the Toronto city administration, the permit would likely be denied due to required funding not being secured. Exactly the same happened with the Ideal Org in Amsterdam.
The CLO was moved out of the Toronto Org to the white elephant conference center near Mono, out in the countryside, about two years ago. (The future Advanced Org, Real Soon Now.) The top three floors of the org have been empty all that time.
The “temporary” building that they’ve moved the Toronto org to is actually about the right size for what they need. (If there was any real traffic, that is.) If they wanted to obtain a lot of money, they could sell the org property to real estate developers, who would tear down the building and put up condos. It’s a hot development area right now.
Hi Mike- Toronto Org today, is a shadow of what it used to be. A once proud org has now resorted to begging for money from orgs much smaller than itself. CLO moved out to Mono Mills, Ontario a couple of years ago. This move was supposed to be temporary until the AO of Canada was renovated and the plan was for CLO to move there. The AO was to be ready for delivery a year ago but that never happened.
The Genius Award? Humanitarian? OMG and LOL, this is just too ridiculous. Like you say, What next?
“The Genius Award”. Well, there are no words. How Mr. MisManage must be laughing, laughing, laughing.
Wait, so people from other orgs are supposed to give money to Toronto Org??? And when it’s their own org’s turn, then what – more money for that? But jeez, by the time their own org’s turn rolls around they’ll already be bled dry.
It’s so hard not to laugh at these people, but it’s so bloody sad at the same time… This is getting ridiculouser and ridiculouser!
From Davie’s Official Bio at
“In [his capacity as ecclesiastical leader], Mr. Miscavige has redefined the term ‘religious leader’ to fit the tasks necessary to direct a truly unique, contemporary religion . . . .”
Exactly, what does that mean? “Contemporary religion”? Like the spiritual equivalent to that hedge funds, investment bankers and mortgage-backed securities have to our contemporary economy.
Words convey meaning in excess of their dictionary descriptions … Does their web-guy know what s/he is implying?
“. . . outpointy . . .” LOL!
Mike, you are the perfect person to report on these crazy shenanigans with your wry wit! I can’t stop laughing from the Genius Award!!! That one is precious.
They are doing the work for the comedians. There is not even any sarcasm more required to comment.
The “Genius Award” for a sucker in itself is comedy pure.
And now ther are ideal Org “status” ? Only a question of time until somebody makes up a list of these statuses leading from bleeping sheeple to Galactic Dumbass.
They are doing the work for the comedians. There is not even any sarcasm more required to comment.
The “Genius Award” for a sucker in itself is comedy.
And now ther are ideal Org “status” ? Only a question of time until somebody makes up a list of these statuses leading from bleeping sheeple to Galactic Dumbass.
You crack me up Mike!
This sounds a lot like MAD magazine. That vein of humor which I really love.
Someday these people will be in the Hall of Shame. It is truly sad how the cult has become expert in manipulating otherwise fairly bright people.
They’ve always been experts at it. This is nothing new under COB, as much as some of ya’ll want to think so.
Mike – the most interesting thing in this article (which is fabulous) is: …. “And note, these Scientology Orgs don’t qualify as “humanitarians” by doing good work in their community or helping people — their humanitarian status is judgedby how much money they send!” All these so called “freedom fighters” can’t even help a friend who is unhappy or a family member who has had a crisis. They have no idea what to do and it just isn’t their priority. And they are probably working so many jobs to pay off all the loans from their many donations to the Church phantom social betterment programs, that they haven’t even got time to help their own children when they need them, let alone feed them and clothe them. I have actually helped dozens of Scientologists who are still in the Church – whose lives have been ruined by their so-called humanitarian efforts. I now do a special Skype personal coaching program – “How to gently slip out of the clutches of the Church of Scientology over 6 months” and people all over the world – and especially from Clearwater and Sydney – are lining up to do it!! :-))) I wish I had been able to do it when I was in doubt!! It would have added 10 years to my life!!
Kudos to you Wendy!
Go Wendy!
Great job Wendy!!
Wendy, what is your email address?
Wendy, you are probably adding 20 years to your life by doing what you are doing now, so you are 10 years ahead.
You are awesome Wendy!
WOW Wendy! Great on your program! Very much needed! I will catch up with you regarding this. I have plans in that same area: POST CULT TRAUMA RELIEF. You’ll hear more soon.