Is this guy really using this quote about “contributors in terms of thought and effort” to justify asking for money and getting it for “Ideal Orgs”?
Yes, he is.
Taufer Torture….
Add to George Orwell’s famous 1984 quotes this one: “Thought is MEST”
From: United for an Ideal LA! [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 1:32 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: A comm from QuinnDear Valley Supporters,
LRH states in HCO PL 27 May 1971, SERVICE:
“Any existing organization or civilization is the sum total of its past and current contributors in terms of thought and effort.”
This is the impetus with which I and we work. This is why we ask and you gift. There is a new Civilization already on its way. Attend the event this Saturday night, move up in status and re-read the above quote.
Much Love,
Quinn Taufer
Wow! This one is worthy of!
LRH states in HCO PL 27 May 1971, SERVICE:
“Any existing organization or civilization is the sum total of its past and current contributors in terms of thought and effort.”
OK, then. We can do this. We can apply this quote in word and spirit.
Let’s all us Indies go out and deliver some Scientology to someone this week! 🙂
Perhaps we should also begin gathering statistics from Indie auditors, total them up, and then submit them to the COS for their LRH birthday game next March. 🙂
After all, there is a lot of actual delivery going on out here.
Contributors to what? I.e With a bit of thought one might see that the goals of a Scientologist are free thought, the exact consideration, an as-is-ness, the truth. The Co$ has that tortured around to where the material is what makes thought. A new variation on money buys love, just a step away from necrophilia.
Contributors to whom, is what these people should be asking themselves, because that is what seems to be going on. Maybe they should name a building “Auditor of the Year.” Shades of Stephen King and “Rose Red” (the house that keeps building itself). Didn’t LRH say somewhere that an SP resembles MEST? Horror story writers seem to pick that up with ghouls, and other mutations of the undead – even houses.
P.S. Doesn’t matter that the “Auditor of the Year” didn’t actually audit anybody (can’t, because it’s just a building), it’s the status of the building that counts, flubless. Very symbolic. Tech dictionary definition of insanity, “6. the best definition of which I know would be: the person widely believes that the symbols are the things.”
Here is the solution to auditing – In the Ideal Orgs – the panels are now the auditor. David Miscavige finally figured out that humans make too many mistakes under his suppressive Scientology Organization – so the panels are perfect … they never get PTS!!
Carcha — the scary thing is, that I can actually see this happening.
“the person widely believes that the symbols are the things.”
We passed that crossroads some time back. It’s easier for members of the RCS to do what they do, if they no longer see people, just symbols. Real people have feelings – you can commit overts against them. But symbols — they don’t feel anything. They never feel abused, or have wrong indications or want to cry. They simply cooperate.
Love your thoughts Carcha. Very insightful!
This is the quote they have on a flyer now NOT promoting any Scientology service, promoting status.
“As a humanitarian you can not ignore the plight of all the world”. L.R.H.
And here is David Miscavige able to ignore the plight of the Sea Org Members stuffed in the hole suffering from domestic abuse! The plight of the women shipped down to local abortion clinics. The plight of the staff, the plight of the Scientologists ripped off for OT9 and 10! The plight of Monique Rathbun who has been the target of his domestic terrorism for years.
And he wants OTHERS to act like “Humanitarians” by cutting checks? If David Miscavige had become a humanitarian there would be buildings in every city full of people right now! Like there were before he took over the Church!
I recently received a David Miscavige quote. I was … blown away.
As a former Course Supervisor and Auditor Quinn’s e-mail is a perfect example of verbal interpretation. A big time Course Supervisor No No.
I’m sorry, but what a douchebag.
Way to break it down simply for us, Quinn. In Dave Miscavige’s Scientology, your value is simply how much money you are willing to give.
Tortured quotes — great term which applies to something I witnessed often enough at my local Class V org and led to my leaving Co$ — the twisting of LRH’s intention into something cheap and wrong.
Several years ago a number of hidden false reports surfaced in my wife’s ethics folder at Mountain View Org, some of which named me. I wanted to see these hidden reports myself, so I asked to see the contents of my ethics folder at San Francisco Foundation Org where I was on lines. No help from the poor EO, so I met with the poor LRH Comm. She pulled out the LRH’s “do the usual” quote. She explaining that even though it’s allowed for HCO to show me my ethics file under the “cleaning your file” reference, it’s not “doing the usual,” therefore request denied.
Who is still left in SF Morgue? Is Frank still the EO? What about Steve Latch – the douche bag? Whose left – they went Ideal Org several years ago. How is that working out for San Fran Morgue?
I can just see that poor quote sqirming on the rack, the torturer prodding with a branding iron and shouting, “Say it ! SAY IT! They ARE supposed to give us money!”
San Francisco Org crashed in the early1980’s like 80 percent loss of public.
Staff did not do so well as heavy ethics was akin to a meat grinder. What started was
secret files that were huge lies to deflect blame. Every opportunity to use the secret files
for up lines management deflected blame and thus in a small way spared the whip and application of Standard Tech to find the correct who and why.. Of course you had a wrong who and why factory. The secret files were secret so public or staff that were targeted could never discover what was going on, being secret and hidden.. This practice spread under David Miscavige and is rampant throughout Scientology. Mountain View Org does this also,
they try to import pre fabricated SP’s to appear to be on top of things and surviving but alas and alack GAT does not work so the game is recruit heads ready made on a pike, jucier the lies the better. Reference material is BIG LIE THEORY, Adolf Hitler” Never tell lots of small lies, the lie must be huge and collassal so as not to be questioned” Read Mien Kamp by Adolf Hitler, its described in there. Often attributed to Joseph Goebbels Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Party but was actually Hitlers original. concept.
Jose — San Fran had the healthiest and most productive field that I had ever experienced. I watched it go from Great to Good to Gone in a few years, starting with the
Inquisition of the Finance Police. It’s still a great city and SCN was made for it.
Another nice blog
“The torturing of LRH quotes has reached its nadir.” Don’t hold your breath on that, Mike. There’s always one “speaker” MORE stupid coming along.
LOL! You’re probably right Peter.
And there is nothing like David Miscavige coming along and wiping out all of Hubbard’s contributions and effort by burning his books and cancelling the certs of every auditor on the planet with GAOT !
All these disastrous messages from the orgs can make you
wonder if they are not not done to taunt us into some lower
tones or some indie is just mocking it up to make the church
look stupid. All of it is just so outrageous.
If they started a soup kitchen I would consider a contribution.
It wouldn’t surprise me to find out the October 06 event was cancelled because David forgot to install an ideal beauty salon in the lobby of the new Super Power Building!
Oh the irony…… This guy picks the service PL to quote. The point is to provide actual real Scn service, ie, wins, cognitions, perceptions, abilities, knowledge of the mind, awareness, skills, stability and confidence. They have completely abandoned the purposes and intentions, of the group formerly known as Scn…..the science of knowing how to know.
Amen, sister, amen.
He tells exactly what he is doing: “This is why we ask and you gift.”
They don’t even bother to try and hide the con, at this point…
“This is why we ask and you gift.”
And it isn’t even Christmas yet.
Now this is the Org that sells Doorknobs to make the World a better place.
What if Home Depot makes CLEARS and Ace Hardware delivers the B.C,?
Valley Org still does NOTHING . All Flash and no photo D.M.
LRH’s quote say “in terms of thought and effort” not money. Miscavige is a mentally sick man.
If you can count avarice as a mental illness. Otherwise it’s just one of the deadly sins.
So rather than inspect his psychological makeup, how about approaching him from a Christian angle?
The Cardinal Sins:
Lust (also for power): check
Gluttony: he eats expensively and apparently has 3 meals prepared each time he eats and thus is also a wastrel: check
Greed (avarice): extreme desire for money and property: check
Sloth: he “does all the work around here” but apparently, stuff lies on his desk going untouched for months: check
Wrath: his tempers and violence are now legendary and a matter of court record: check
Envy: he does not want other to have what they have or be better than him, and covets their possessions or traits: check
Pride: go watch an Int event: check
It is virtually impossible to come up clean under the scrutiny of a microscope of perfection, but he is practically the devil incarnate.
Oh, and whilst we’re about it, lets run through the virtues quickly, shall we?
Chastity: (Lou? Where’s Shelly?): Flunk
Temperance: 3 meals a day? Flunk
Charity: (unless you consider robbing the poor to feed himself charity): Flunk
Diligence: (unless you consider inability to delegate or manage diligence): Flunk
Patience: (legendary lack, amazing he still has a voice to scream with): Flunk
Kindness: (only to masochists): Flunk
Humility: What??? Tell that +%&/(“!!! wordclearer to go SCOHB!!!!!
… the presence of all sins, and the absence of none
… the absence of all virtues, and the presence of none
… assets / liabilities … poor credit score.
Poor Quinn Taufer! I heard his Senior just reeming him one day – they did not know I was listening. It was horrific.
I can’t believe he is still in that hell-hole!
Quinn coined the phrase “WHOSE NEXT”? As the staff locked the doors until they had all dono’s a DONE for the night! Fund Raiser’s have beaten that phrase to death!
What branch of the Corporate structure does Quinn work for? Does he work directly for David Miscavige. He has to be getting so sick of these Ideal Org fund raising. Does anyone ever attend them besides staff? I heard no one goes to our local Org – everyone is broke and stays away!
Idle Morgue — Everyone works directly for David Miscavige. What you see happening in the RCS right now is the real world manifestation of a Danger Condition spiraling towards Non Existence. He literally cut every command line within the church. He literally bypassed every SO Member, CL V staff member and SCN Public. There is no structure left to sustain the weight of the Church. Like a beautiful old wooden house, that has been ravaged by termites. From the outside it looks great, but it just needs a little push and the whole structure will come tumbling down.
Oh to be a fly on the wall, late at night when all the force of DM’s overts press heavily against him. To see the look of panic in his eyes. The look of inevitable retribution.
Please pass the parishioner size popcorn trough!
Mike, here is something about Postulated vs Actual reality in Scientology:
“Contributor” might also refer to someone who provides content to a publication or blog. Like Mike’s “special correspondents.”
Or like Quinn Taufer! In recognition of his kindly sending this email, which has certainly proved helpful and informative. Really we should give him due credit. Maybe others will be inspired to do likewise. Or send him to the RPF or something.
“Any existing organisation or civilization is the sum total of its past and current contributors in terms of thought and effort”……”This is why we ask and you gift.”
Sounds like “This is why we thought you should make all the effort”. Think again RCS!
Thanks, now I can go to bed with a smile 😀
This LRH qoute, just because it has the word “contributors” in it, is being used to just off-policy, out-exchange crush regging. “Contributors” doesn’t mean “Suckers”. The current scene in the C of $ is pathetic.
“Any existing organization or civilization is the sum total of its past and current contributors in terms of thought and effort.”
What little remains of the third dynamic that is collectively known as ‘Scientology’, was indeed created by those who’ve contributed. Most of what they created over the decades has been consumed or torn down by that segment of the group that demands to be contributed to.
It wasn’t always like this. There was a time that staff contributed to building the group by delivering the essential products of the organization. In those days, contributions from the public were given willingly, and without reservation or coercion. People’s lives were improved immeasurably by the organization’s standard application of their technology, and the public responded by supporting them in too many ways to count.
I think you can mark the point where the organization began to take on water, as the moment when they first began to make fundamental changes to their earlier successful actions as regards delivery to the public.
I believe the first of those was the price increases in the late 70s, early 80s. That’s when enforced contribution entered the equation. It was the first step downhill on the Four Conditions of Exchange by the organization. It got much worse with the wanton destruction of middle management and the mission network, then the deliberate squirreling of the auditing tech with GAT (with the consequent demolition of the field auditor network). The creation of the IAS only hastened the demise of the old organization, as it cemented in place an entirely new criminal dynamic on the symbiotic relationship between the church and its public.
As usual, LRH is right on the money. The existing CofS is indeed the sum total of the current and past contributions of thoughts and efforts of its members. The crime is that most of them have had no idea they were creating a cult of destruction.
Well said, Ronnie
Well put Ronnie. To extend this, there are really two SCN eras. The first ended around 1979, the 2nd one is currently in progress and circling the drain. The contributions of the last 30+ years have indeed helped to create the SCN culture that exists right now. In the same way that the early Dianeticists and Scientologists from the 50s and early 60s created the boom and beauty of the Tech that helped so many people – most of them now on this blog.
Mr. Taufer, truly has no idea what SCN is because he has never actually seen it at work. He has as much a connection to standard tech and its compassionate delivery, as the Big Mac has to fine dining.
Definitely. Ronnie Bell nailed it, by what I’ve been able to piece together of the history. The tech of Scn works wonders, but only in the hands of those who use it with goodwill, and freely. These posts do tell the (very sad) story of what has happened. Back in the 50’s and 60’s, before it all got worked out into standards, it was pretty wild – people were auditing all kinds of processes, almost like a food-fight, just throw it on the wall and see if it sticks. Horribly “out-tech” but the guys doing it knew what they were there for, and kept that in mind, and got results. The fundamentals LRH saw were what made it all work. Those fundamentals didn’t go anywhere, neither did the evolution of Scn and processing and training. Thanks to the REAL contributors, who did not give up and continued on to “liberate” the tech from the icy claws of the “cold, chrome, steel” that threatened to kill it, the tech is free again. So it goes on, this story, and people who choose to, continue to audit and learn and prosper. Heart.
…there are really two SCN eras. The first ended around 1979, the 2nd one is currently in progress and circling the drain. The contributions of the last 30+ years have indeed helped to create the SCN culture that exists right now.
Spot-on assessment, Thomas. I first walked in the door of a Scientology organization in 1973, and finally walked out in 2011, so I can vouch for the truth of what you say.
There’s simply no comparison to the church as it existed in the early 70s, to that which exists today. Only the symbols, lexicon, and basic structure remain. The living, breathing group that was the church I joined as a teenager, is long gone, and has been supplanted with a culture that I barely recognize.
People who only came to know the church from the early 80s onward, have no idea what the real culture of Scientology is like. You hear old timers talk about the stark differences between the old days and the present, constantly. It’s because it truly has changed that dramatically.
When I was a kid, the org was the safest, most comfortable place I knew of. It was literally overflowing with theta. A person could key out just hanging out amongst so many genuinely happy people. Even the (now much despised) Sea Org had a completely different character back then. I suppose you would have had to have been there, to really grasp what I’m talking about. That time period is a real pleasure moment on my track in this lifetime.
This is beautiful. I’ve posted in sim;ilar vein on Tony Ortega’s blog, trying to get some reality in for those who’ve never been in and who can’t understand why anyone would want to be. I got in in the 60s, got wonderful results and left in the early 80s when I saw the utter destruction going on. ssssssss
“When I was a kid, the org was the safest, most comfortable place I knew of. It was literally overflowing with theta. A person could key out just hanging out amongst so many genuinely happy people.”
Ronnie, you are now reading right out of a page from my book! What I remember most (and tear up about even now) were the conversations. Sitting around a table, drinking coffee and talking about how life and SCN were connected. The people were just plain interested in everything about the Tech and others and helping them change. I felt like a hungry man seated at a banquet. There was also this sense, that I had finally arrived.
Today, it’s only the facade that remains. Just the symbols and catchphrases. Just enough to show you what is no longer there. Wow, I’m tearing up again. Thanks Ronnie, for reminding me on what it was like and what makes it worthwhile to pursue again.
Ronnie Bell….I think this was a really excellent and accurate review of the past 30+ years of the Organization of Scientology. I might contribute that the criminal out-exchange dynamic you mention (IAS, Super Power Building, Ideal Org donations, etc..) became the fuel for a Ponzi scheme to keep the clapping seals, well, clapping.
However, the empty Orgs, celebrities noisily departing, CO FSO condemning DM’s management, cancelled major events, etc.. are all telltale signs the Ponzi scheme is coming to an end…. even clapping seals have a hard time clapping when distracted by fellow seals on the left and right just walking away.
In the absence of delivery and in the presence of altered tech, the public will depart en mass, leaving behind panhandling beggars to turn out the lights on RCS.
In the absence of delivery and in the presence of altered tech, the public will depart en mass, leaving behind panhandling beggars to turn out the lights on RCS.
Right on, Robert. The organization now routinely breaks its number one rule: “We deliver what we promise.”
You can only get away with failure to deliver what you promise for so long, and then your customers simply disappear. Even worse, the word goes out, and you can’t even attract new customers to replace those you gypped. This is the state of operation the current CofS finds itself in today.
They honestly can’t do anything else but beg for money, if they’re to survive. They’ve altered and corrupted their basic products so badly that they’re now FUBAR. Only the most deluded and blind parishioner would be crazy enough to give them good money for that squirrel crap. It’s why their course rooms and HGCs are empty. The public has run away in horror.
So yes, it’s now come to pushing their criminal ponzi schemes to keep the enterprise going. And like all ponzi schemes, this one will fall suddenly. Actually, it’s probably already run its course, given all the reports we’re reading on this blog. The fact that Miscavige & Co. have canceled three major events this year, is unprecedented, and is one of the biggest clues that the final collapse has begun.
I might add that the last of the three wasn’t just any old ‘major’ event. It was supposed to be a home run with the bases loaded for DM & Co. Grand opening of the Mecca Building, the release of Superpower, and the roll-out of GAT II all rolled into one. Throw in the release of the Mark VIII e-meter, the new dictionary, and the IAS event, and this was going to be the event of a lifetime.
You just have to wonder what went through the minds of the veteran public and staff when they heard that the Event Of A Lifetime! was being postponed til who knows when. On top of that dismal failure, the church p.r. spinners didn’t even bother to work out a believable shore story to subdue the worst fears of their parishioners.
Gotta be a whole lotta crazy going on inside the perimeter wire right now.
Can’t agree more Ronnie.
All RCS income sources are in the toilet while DM’s legal and PI bills are astronomical. Plus, doing things like buying potential $500K Indie buildings for $3 million… all these things are eating into SO reserves I am sure.
My prediction is this Ponzi Scheme will come a cropper in 2014…
Ronnie — it would be like the Ringmaster coming out before the crowd, naked and on fire, and trying to assure everyone that there is nothing wrong. No one! is going to believe them, no matter what shore story they try to pawn off. They’re left with the only option available — stand there and look dumb.
Bingo Ronnie. Even in the early/mid 80s org staff had a healthy level of exchange. in my case I felt they exchanged in abundance. As a result I naturally want to help/support/protect this group; they were good people doing a tough job. This eventually lead to me joining staff. Back then no one demanded that I contribute to the group, I simply offered my help and the group accepted it.
Fast forward 20-30 years, the group expects…no… DEMANDS your support (time, money, offspring, devotion, etc). And if you don’t measure up to what is expected of you, well, you’re ethics bait and subject to threats, investigation, duress, financial loss, divorce, disconnection, etc. It has become too dangerous to help this group and too dangerous NOT to help them. Solution: Walk away, as many are doing.
Right on!
I guess there’s no more Wordclearers on post. Must all be off regging for whatever whim suits the pope.
Ps it was sent to an illegal email address.
After re re re reading that email, I can only respond. HUH?
Well I guess we’re seeing the result of a bunch of delusional contributors – in both Scientology organizations and civilization in general.
Quinn “Hammer” Tauffer is a joke. And yes that is his real middle name or at least the one he had put on his drivers license. He is a Scientology kid, DO brat who has zero education outside of church crap and clearly shows it from his lack of any grasp for the English Language. One this he is big on is drive and swagger. He is a lot like Miscavage.
It may not even be entirely his fault. I’ve said elsewhere, I might have turned out the same had I been given half a chance.
I know Quinn from way back when he was a teenaged S.O. member. There’s some good in the guy, but it’s buried under miles of false valences and overts on his fellows. Not unlike a lot of others who saw the evil with their own eyes, and made the choice to willingly support it.
I think there is tremendous good in Quinn. He didn’t let me bleed to death while I was on the RPF but he is in delusion land when it comes to his power of influence. I don’t know ANYONE from our mutual days in the SO that he doesn’t owe money to including me, and I was on the RPF. How anyone has enough balls to borrow money from someone who is making $11.50 a WEEK and never pay them back is beyond me. But he is lost in the cloud of crazy over there at PAC and is drunk with the power of his officer bars.
It says “in terms of thought and effort” there. I guess they figure if the word “contribute” or “contributor” is in the sentence, it of course means money.
How do they do CCH3 these days (“…follow my hand and contribute to its motion”) Does the auditor have a collection tray in his lap?—or at the CCH’s now purely an IAS reg run process (no auditing)?
I meant “or are the CCH’s now purely…”
The PC’s wallet is now included in the process, so he can get mass on it faster.
Oh for Christ sakes, as if the Valley is the center of
culture. An E mail to check out and watch “Earth girls are Easy”
would make the till go cha ching.
Save you money for a corn dog and a coke, Valley Status “one”
Omg you have to admire their elephant balls
That will be what the DeMented one does to Quinn if he fails to meet the target.
No, I don’t! Admiration is one major thing they’ve not earned. Nor will they ever.
There’s a new civilization, alright. One where the Indies are ACTUALLY delivering standard tech to the actual MASSES (whoever wants it), not just to those with 6 figure bank accounts. God forbid, in living rooms and dens.
And you’re so right about the 1984 reference, Mike. That’s the current blueprint, aka: Baffle ’em with Bullshit.
OMG! How right you are Mike. This is the lowest.
Hummm…so that means thee and me are “past contributors.” And I “thought” that I was contributing to a spiritual effort. When I realized that the “existing organization” was only focused on the glorification of MEST and the abject abuse of the individual I made the organization smaller by exiting.
Seems the current contributors have lost all thought.
Words fail me.
Yeah, well, they failed those guys, too.
Disjointed; just because the quote has the word “contributors” she immediately equates it with “money”, unless she is using the concept of ‘effort’ as money, whereas in fact it has a completely different meaning if she dares to open a dictionary…
Quinn Taufer is a guy. Probably be in his early 30’s now.
“Attend the event this Saturday night, move up in status and re-read the above quote.”
[Brain]Wash, rinse, repeat?