Yesterday a new tweet showed up on my feed from Freedom Mag:
Wow, I thought, a new piece of brown-nosing has appeared in Freedom magazine, lauding the many supposed virtues of Dear Leader David Miscavige. These things usually appear when Miscavige is concerned about too much negative press about him and “nobody is defending him.” Some minions are ordered to come up with something to make him look good and it is pumped out.
I clicked on the link:
Oh, it’s just old stuff being rehashed. They couldn’t even come up with anything new. The end of the article gives the flavor of the hype it contains:
David Miscavige’s leadership is expressed in a multitude of endeavors to build Scientology. But the pinnacle of his work is ensuring through his dedication and actions that he challenges and inspires Scientologists the world over to broaden their responsibility for their fellows, and thus bring unconditional help to this world.
Leadership. Vision. Commitment.
David Miscavige.
Apparently, they don’t have anything new to say about the “ecclesiastical leader of scientology”? Just a bunch of vague praise and announcements that he has presided over another ribbon yanking ceremony somewhere and some forced-perspective staged shots with minor, little-known “officials” still ignorant enough to want to pose with him.
So, I checked into the site to see if there was anything new expounding on his virtues.
Oh dear, that one is also out of date. The “top story” there is that Miscavige was presented with a phony medal:
Stay tuned, someone is going to be in trouble now. There will be new material added soon and one or more people will be “shoveling shit in Louisiana” to quote General Patton.
PS: Is it just me, or do recent photos of Miscavige seem to indicate he is morphing into a live version of Alfred E Neuman?
Just finished binge watching all three seasons of Aftermath with my 91-year old bright as a new copper penny mom. She was in from the mid/late 60s to the mid 80s. She had watched a few of the first episodes but we did not have access during original broadcast. Took three days & finished this evening. We stopped & discussed here and there. She is one of the few that when the take over happened she looked at it & went “all done”, submitted a written letter of resignation to Scientology & left. No kick back – in the confusion no one noticed or cared. We talked about how in the hell anyone could pull the crap DM has and still be at the top. I only hope that as each day dawns a few more “wake up” and social distance. One day it will just be him & the IRS looking at things…. and he will be all alone in a world that does not know or care who he was or is. Viva social distancing!
Wow! he looks awful. I guess all that Whiskey is making a mark.
An adding. Wash the hands with soup 20 seconds.
I really shouldn’t take potshots at the little guy, but they’re SO EASY and I can’t resist having a bit of schadenfreude
When he is introduced, something that always makes me laugh out loud, and when they sometimes use the term “compassionate” (few actually because they too have to limit themselves to bullshit). A hungry rattlesnake is more compassionate.
I would say that Mr. David Miscavige is officially a Coronavirus denier, which is making the mainstream media rounds. Link is here to follow for your viewing pleasure:
Change is a part of life and it’s only the dead that never change.
Other les. If allowed, we could also say that death is part of the change that Life makes in its experience. I repeat if I am allowed.
You can’t polish a turd.
You can actually, Mythbusters did a piece on one of their shows some years ago and showed that you can polish a turd.
Disgusting Miasma, however, would not allow himself to be polished. It might mess up his expensive transplanted hair.
But they found mud worked better, and didn’t smell as much 😉
Dr. Strabismus of Utrecht said:”You can’t polish a turd.”
That was my first thought, as well. At least DM is SMALL one.
Actually, Dr., when you have enough money like David Miscavige, you can.
Leader of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a turd. A turd of the worst kind. An evil, greedy, narcissistic, psychpathic and sociopathic TURD who is a parasite on humanity. David Miscavige uses this cult and its mind controlling tech to prey on the vulnerable and the weak and exploits them for financial gain and power. THAT is Scientology, by the way for you who don’t know what it is. THAT is Scientology in a nutshell.
I hope DM is reading this. YSCOHB big time you tiny, little, wrinkled up midget.
Fuck you David Miscavige.
You have big crimes against humanity and your crimes have been exposed.
It is jut a matter of time before this cult slithers back into the darkness from which it was spawned.
I pray to Xenu David Miscavige lives through it to see the work of the Special People (SP’s) who have not stopped doing something about it.
Thank you Mike Rinder – for all you do.
All I have got to say is that I am very happy that when I was in the SO, I never had the job of writing up promotional praise for little Mr. M. Having to lavish undeserved over the top praise on him would have been vomit-inducing. Of course after submitting my first attempt at his promotional piece I most likely would have ended up in the hole in any event. It would have a short lived and stomach turning tenure.
Zen-U has been released due to the coronavirus……The Buddha told me so, I don’t know why, but have the feeling the Buddha infiltrates phony religions, hides his identity, and comes up with a doozy grand finale……
Take Em Down said:”Zen-U has been released due to the coronavirus……The Buddha told me so, I don’t know why, but have the feeling the Buddha infiltrates phony religions, hides his identity, and comes up with a doozy grand finale……”
WHY am I thinking the usual spelling for that guy is “Xenu”?
These guys in the bubble; of arrogant knowledge Hubbard Sci Fi; remind me of that Japanese soldier who was hiding out on some secluded island years and years after the war was over.
It’s a perfect example of the type of mind frozen in time that society has left behind.
These folks are under a deep self hypnosis fostered by demonizing everything except that which takes place in their isolated, well protected doctrinal mind compound.
The evil of society, that Hubbard convinced them of, will, in the final analysis be their demise. By demonizing everything, outside of Scientology, as an R6 implant; freezes their minds shut. They are frozen in time. Frozen on the “time track” of delusion.
Society is advancing in mental, emotional, spiritual and Scientific knowledge.
David Miscavige is the Pied Piper of his Frozen Mind Membership Club that sees virtue in arrested development and calls it applying standard tech and fighting thought shadows.
At this point I think David Miscavige sole purpose is to ensure that no new news gets to that Japanese soldier (Scientologists).
Hubbard has created an army of shadow boxers warring against their loved imaginary Sci Fi enemies. I say loved because without their SP enemies to scapegoat and blame for their societal perception of being a mentally insane societal pariah…………………………..
There would be no more Scientology.
Exactly like that Japanese soldier: his fight ended when the Japanese government proved to him that there was no more enemy. He gave up the game and went home.
David Miscavige is there to destroy any truths breaking through the well secured, well fortified walls of untruth and make believe.
You guys reading this who are still in, or even David himself…………………
Deep inside………………..
The thetan……………
Know what I’m talking about.
But you have been trained, and have agreed to, that your own knowing, your own thoughts are suppressive.
Your search for true spiritual enlightenment and freedom has led you to the degradation of your own knowing.
And you refuse to know, because the consequences of loosing everything is not worth it.
Maybe there are extra coconuts and lizards to feed on, on that island, as you war against your own imagination.
But if you had REAL INTEGRITY! You would allow yourselves to know what you know and damn the consequences.
That’s real power. That’s real OT power. That is the power of the hero. Be that, AND YOU WILL BE FREE!
Maybe the SPs, the thousands and thousands of X Scientologist are simply the ones who woke up to their own integrity.
Are you afraid of knowing what you know? Do you dare allow yourself to ask questions anymore?
Think about it. But if you have condemned your knowing to only what they allow you to know; then enjoy the taste of island lizards.
One of the best descriptions of the Prison of Belief I’ve ever read. Exceptionally well spoken.
what’s even sadder that his intended pulp fiction wasn’t the least memorable.
I, along with many others,but not NEARLY the number he claimed, were fooled by his fictional science; just close enough to reality to suck us in and once we suspended our disbelief on his opening statements, he threw in a couple of other gems which, by circular logic MUST be accepted, and so it went. It’s not until the cognitive dissonance got TOO great, too personally painful, that most of us who could stop giving him the benefit of the doubt DID stop, and soon left. The ones still in haven’t reached that point, yet. May they very soon now experience that one straw too much.
Sadly, most of them couldn’t be persuaded by the likes of US that it’s time to pack their bags and get back to a real life where they actually MATTER to others and aren’t just marks or shills.
Brian, the number of Japanese who didn’t surrender after the war might approach the number of int management old-timers in the Scientology Sea Org. Most (soldiers) surrendered in the first months, or year or two, but there was a dwindling number of remaining holdouts for decades, some who actually fought on rather than just hiding out; and it appears one or more may have lived into the 1980s or longer, and simply finally died in their hideouts:
Thanks for your thoughtful piece. I just wanted to add that detail fleshingout the parallel example of extreme dedicated group fanaticism
I am waiting to hear if any of the Scientologists test positive for corona virus. If these people stay in such close quarters, it could be detremental to the SO.
The entirety of the Miscavige Missive titled IGN Bulletin no.88 can be summed up in 3 words, “What, Me Worry!”
I posted something similar over at the Bunker but I had forgotten that it was Mike that came up with the comparison with Neuman. It is SPOT ON.
If I am correct about my previous comment, then the size of his nose would be so long by now that he could not possibly stand up. The weight of that nose would surely cause him to topple over. For those of you who may not remember, every time that Pinocchio told a lie, his nose would grow a few inches longer.
I wish I could devote a little more time to examining The Rat. But there are just so many more pressing issues in our world today. I can’t imagine wasting time on that creepy widdle rat. So many more people are just so much more important and so much more interesting.
For example, I just re-watched one of Mike and Leah’s episodes. It was the one featuring Valerie Haney. Gosh! I just think she is one of the most magnificent people on this planet. I would so love to meet her one day – just to get to talk with her for a little bit. Although, I would worry that by meeting her, I would be reduced to a mumbling little nincompoop – unable to say hardly anything being so overwhelmed to see her in person.
It is hard to imagine anyone possessing such a reservour of courage and smarts. So smart the way she escaped. So much courage required for that.
Oh dear! I am so sorry. I just realized that I’m way off topic. I suppose it is just so difficult for me when when it comes to Valerie. I just don’t seem to have much control. She is such a magnificent example of what it takes to smash this terrible ugly evil. But if anyone can do it, Valerie is one of those people – along with Mike and Leah, of course! Valerie, if you ever may see this post, I want to send you my best wishes. You are definitely a Super Star of this struggle.
So Skyler, you seem like you have great perceptics. If someone was a troll here how do you think they would strategize being accepted?
From your knowing, how would someone inject themselves into a thread to be accepted as one of the anti Scientology SPs?
What do you think?
Well, I tried to look up the word “perceptics” to see what it meant at But I couldn’t find any listing.
I’m trying to decide whether you believe I am a troll. I can understand why you might think that. But there are three facts upon which I rely that lead me believe I’m not attempting to do any harm to Mike’s blog.
1) I believe Mike would certainly let me know if he was unhappy with my participation here and he has never said anything to me along those lines. I believe the primary reason for that is that Mike is very open minded and believes that all opinions deserve to be heard.
2) I have been posting about my feelings and about my history with this monstrous criminal scam for several years now.
3) I have contributed about $1,000 to Mike to support this blog and to the Aftermath foundation to support their work. I’ve never spoken of that before because many people simply can’t afford to contribute their money and I don’t believe that should matter in terms of peoples’ participation here. I just happened to get very lucky one day and received an unexpected cash windfall. I donated it all to Mike as well as to the Aftermath foundation because I couldn’t think of any better use for it.
I can’t imagine anyone who would actively try to do some kind of harm to Mike’s blog would scoff at any of those three factors.
However, I do believe there’s a good chance that one of us is a Mutchik (Yiddish for “trouble maker”) and I sure do hope it’s not me. When the Yiddish scholars devised that word for “trouble maker”, there was no such thing as The Internet and no such thing as trolls.
Skyler, IF the nose were pencil-thin like other of his aspects, it wouldn’t be TOO heavy, not compared to his ENORMOUS head. I can’t know, of course, not ever having measured or even paying any real attenton to the Twerp™.
I always love to learn new words and their meaning.
So I was quite delighted to see the word “burnish” which I had never before seen or heard of.
It means, “to polish”. But usually it refers to a physical object and not a person.
I am assuming that was the intent here. Someone, somehow was trying to either improve on his image or, at least, remove the associated shit that has accumulated over the years. I must admit that I truly don’t get it.
But as far as his physical image goes, I must say he looks a lot like some other chartoon character – maybe Donald Duck (Quack! Quack!) or Goofy or maybe even Jiminy Cricket without any smile. Oh wait! It just came to me! It’s Pinocchio! The goofy puppet from Italy. If I’m right (highly doubtful) then I just have to wonder who it may be who is pulling the strings. Could it possibly be one of those guys who runs the scam on African Americans? I’m probably wrong because I never pay much attention to those guys. Sems to me they are just beyond ridiculous.
Alfred E Neumann and Mad Magazine have done more for mankind than $ci and mini me. At least it brought humor and laughs. $ci has brought ruin and despair.
I have agree with you. I used to the magazine when I was growing up.
They are in a real quandry.
1. They have to pump CoB up.
2. They can’t undermine in print CoB’s legal arguments that he is not directing all of the ch$rch’s actions.
Alfred E Neuman isn’t smug or arrogant, not to mention violent. Please don’t believe his reputation.
Today, over on Tony Ortega’s blog, is the text of the “highly confidential” issue recently penned by Miscavige concerning the ongoing pandemic.
Evidently, each scientologist is expected to go into the org and read this issue there and then hand it back.
It’s a fairly pedestrian read, nothing remarkable other than a confused defiant posturing mixed with statements that LRH said we should isolate sick people.
And then Miscavige quotes this amazing bit of Hubbard’s wisdom: “An ounce of prevention is worth a TON of cure.” Wow, see what he did there? He took “a pound of cure” and made it 2,000 times better!
But here’s the point I wanted to make with this comment:
This drill, to come into the org to read the latest amazing words from Dear Leader, has GOT to be getting tiresome to the public parishioners. I wonder what level of compliance they are getting when it goes against what people SHOULD be doing or not doing during a pandemic?
Does Miscavige feel that he’s losing his luster?
Its a control mechanism. Insisting that people come in to the orgs. Insisting they “bring their bodies”. They are being “8-C’d” with “Tone 40 commands”. They are given an order with NO explanation, they are being communicated to with SUCH commanding power that they “must” obey. And the ones who don’t? Unless there’s a REALLY good excuse (illness, which means they’re PTS and will have to come in ANYWAY, or no transportation) not responding and coming into the org to read this dumb thing would be a good indicator of disaffection.
If it were REALLY important for the public to READ this they’d just email it to everyone. But its not important, per se. What’s important is gauging how much CONTROL they have over their public by making them come IN. And of course, once they’re there in the org they are live prey for whatever staff want to sell them. They’re also live prey to be recruited for staff or Sea Org as “the ONLY ANSWER to this CRISIS”.
God I’m so glad I’m not there!
What’s also remarkable in IGN 88 is it looks like Miscavige has the orgs using ozone, peroxide and Decon7, all of which can be extremely dangersous if not used properly, to “disinfect” the orgs. All three can cause problems for people with compomised respitory systems, and Decon7 is not on the list of EPA approved disinfectants for fighting COVID-19. Not because it doesn’t work, but because it’s dangerous to use with the proper training and equipment.
OK so let’s say that the sheeple do comply with DM’s order and they go into the org to read the confidential issue. They will pick up the paper and hold the issue in their hands with their fingers touching the same paper that dozens of other SO members and dozens of other public have already touched it before them. Corona Virus can live for 3 days on surfaces. So this is a way to effectively infect thousands of faithful church and SO members in one fell swoop. Is it worth it to DM to decimate his ranks just to get a little bit of PR on himself out there, or worse yet, just to get people into the orgs to be regged for donations? Oh, wait, I forgot, if you are not PTS, nothing will happen to you. Yeah, dat’s de ticket.
“Does Miscavige feel that he’s losing his luster?”
The HECK with that! INCOME is DOWN. ALL HANDS ON DECK to get it back up, especially, get the clapping clams in the doors so they can be extorted properly.
I saw on Tony Ortega’s site a letter David Miscavige sent out to the clubbed seals.
He signed it
Didn’t his attorney’s say in a deposition he did not go by that name and for people not to call him that?
Oh, he left of “BLACKHEART” on his letter
Whatever happened to his favorite name, “Chairman of the Board”?
I think it is ‘Chairman of the Bored’ although the active court cases may have him a tad less so these days. Either way it is a win win for the planet.
He is looking his age. Older than 60, actually. Kind of wizened, actually. The blond dye job helps a little, the high hair and the fake tan help a little to project an illusion of youth and vigor, at least in a photo. Without these he’s plainly a faded, shrunken old man. Mike, you’re older than he and look younger. Just saying.
His head is too big for his body. Maybe its the high hair that creates this impression. What is it with these aging male narcissists going so obviously bottle blond with their elaborate carefully styled pompadours? Don’t they realize how ridiculous they look and how embarrassing is their obvious attempt at looking younger? And for God’s sake why not go to the beach and get a REAL tan- go swimming, walk on the sand, or do some other sport, get some REAL exercise, get a healthy glow, and let your hair go silver if that’s what it wants to do, and so what if you put on a few extra pounds – now THAT, I think, is attractive in an older man in his senior years. Natural! Healthy and natural. But that’s just me.
Aqua. You made me laugh. You’re right there is something out of proportion. Maybe hair and head. Then the ego, really too disproportionate.
The “big hair” gives him another 2 inches in height. He’s like the wicked witch….only it isn’t water that would make him melt….it’s the SUN…..because he’s a BLOOD SUCKING VAMPIRE who drains the life blood out of everyone he comes in contact with.
He leaves his victims without souls….penniless, emotional crippled……..sickening.
It BEGS for a Photoshop Game.
It must be a woman thing Aqua , the thing about a man dyeing hair. Back when I was going to events it was one of the many things that made him suspicious to me . Haha . Some people actually believed he probably didn’t have white hair as a superior being . I didn’t buy it. The man looks yucky.
Yes, its my own personal “woman thing”. I don’t like guys to dye their hair. I think grey hair is attractive on a man. And even if he doesn’t have much hair, and what’s there is grey, that’s ok too. And I don’t want to go into my local nail salon and see a guy getting a manicure and a pedicure either. Can’t they have their own places for this? Like barber shops, maybe? It just makes me slightly uncomfortable. Especially men getting pedicures. Which is unfair because pedicures are WONDERFUL and HEALTHY and men SHOULD be able to enjoy them just as we women do. Only…get them done in their OWN places. Their own MALE places. Silly of me, right? I know this is a generational thing on my part because I’ve seen couples on DATES getting he & she manicures and pedicures. I find this revolting. I mean, getting a pedicure side by side with a date? God!
PS: Anyone remember Murray on the Mary Tyler Moore Show 1970 -1977? Gavin McLeod. Well, Murray was supposed to be 40 years old. He was prematurely bald. Well, I always thought he was sexy. Such a sweetheart of a guy! Very attractive in his own way. And I thought Lou Grant played by Ed Asner was sexy too, in an entirely different way. He was chubby and short and mostly bald and short tempered and sarcastic, but very kind underneath. I thought he was sexy. So shoot me. Both characters were…REAL, I guess. They were who they were. And decent and honest. That’s what made them attractive, in my view. But that’s just me.
Aqua, I believe the “Too big head” is a result of poor shooping to make him look bigger, overall.
I don’t look at him too closely, not being of that persuasion, but I DO notice odd proportions at times when I’d rather not. that picture of him in the “Fleecewinds’ Engine room was particularly cringe-worthy.
Got it, and agreed, jere. That said, you know what I just realized?
Well, I’ll tellya 🙂 If DM were a decent, kind, honest, just, man of integrity with a true purpose to help mankind, whose actions demonstrated that purpose, whose leadership none of us would be mocking him for his silly blond pompadour and other little vanities. None of us would be mocking him for his physically short stature either. None of the above would be important because we would be too aware of who he was as a being and his physical shortcomings if you’ll pardon the pun, would never matter. Its amazing how good character can make someone beautiful or handsome, and vice versa. Not to get political but just this morning I realized why I’m so repulsed by DJT. Its not his puffy, chinless, orange-brown face, obesity and ridiculous hair. Its not his looks. Its not his politics either. Its not any of these things. Its…HIM. Its who he IS. I’ll leave it at that because with this example I’m off topic and I don’t want to take advantage of Mike’s patience. But its also why I can’t stand Kirstie Alley and Tom Cruise. I mock their looks but that’s only because I don’t like THEM.
Edit: “…whose leadership demonstrated that purpose…”
I noticed also how old he is looking. And I think he would look better with darker hair, more close to his original hair color. But his head is way too big for his body and is out of proportion. No wonder they call him bobble head.
When he was young he had dark hair. Looked medium brown to me.
Jane Doe 2 observed, in part:
“No wonder they call him bobble head.”
They do? First I’ve heard that appellation.
It is not just you Mike, Davy Miscavige is slowly morgphing into Alfred E Newman. It is red hair and dumb expression that seals the deal.
All hail dear leader!!!! Or you’ll go to the RPF, it is the only labor camp available to the CO$.
Laughing! It is true Mike he is morphing.
I was thinking the same thing. I love how they make him look so laid back. Always pushing the opposite of what’s really there.
No matter how much he smiles in the first photo, he looks old, tired…not good.
What is the name for: ‘me, then me again, for me, only about me and nothing but me’? Ah, yes, narcissistic.
DM with Lou on their first “date”.
“Lou, I’d like to acknowledge that, for the past hour, I’ve been talking non-stop about myself! My life, my thoughts, my accomplishments – just me, me, me! And, Lou, you’ve been listening so well. But no more! End cycle on me talking about me! Its YOUR turn, Lou! Now, YOU talk about me.”
Sylvia, these pics of him are not coming from this year 2020 and probably not even from 2019.
I also took a look at his site looking for some messages for the followers in this particular period, but it’s all the same. Then I realized that nobody is allowed to go on the web so nobody will go to the site. Obvious.
Wow, I’ve gotta say that the little homunculus is looking kinda worn these days. Frankly, if he looks like that on-camera, I’d hate to see what he looks like in person (not that I’d ever let that happen). I guess major stress ages one quickly – although the recent pictures I’ve seen of him look pretty much like this one.
Stay safe and healthy everyone.
Meryl, I believe part of his problem is the volume of single-malt he reportedly( multiple sources) consumes/guzzles.
That sounds about right!😆!
at some point, David Miscavige finally pointed a finger and chose the photos of himself okayed to publish on these pieces….
If we turned and looked behind, what trail of devastation and carnage would we see?
How many hissy fits and heads rolling went into arriving at a photo worthy?
We hear mad mad tales of his rage and retribution against that which displeased him –plans, programs, promo, entire completed buildings, nothing pleases him.
RPF, the hole, vicious beatings, public recitation of o/ws, -ridicule, …
Human misery
What was the actual cost of those photos?
(all to promote a cult of lies)
Rip, all that matters naught to the Dwarfenführer® as long as his coffers continue to increase in value.
Hhhhhmmmmm….uuuummmm…..aaaahhhhh….let me think here a moment….wow, my brain is about to explode cause I can’t think of ANYTHING “good” to say about David M…..
Oh wait…he does look good in that suit from the boy’s department at “Robert Hall”…oh wait again…that store closed decades ago so is he going to risk his health if he feels he needs a “new business suit”….HEY DAVEY….come out come out wherever you are & SHOW your minions that YOU & your religion are going to PROTECT them from COVID….
Seriously….is there ANYONE on this board who even THINKS that if COS will ADMIT & “own up to it” IF one of THEIR OWN should test positive for COVID…..OR even die from it?
Just WHERE would they PUT a truly deathly ILL “higher up member” of COS….would they stash them in their hotel like they did with Lisa McPherson to “TAKE THEIR VERSION OF THE CURE”…..FRIGHTENING.
I feel that coronavirus is going to get into Flag and/or LA.
Agreed 100%……the BIG question IS…..will they ADMIT that a member has fallen ill, the BIGGEST questions will be WHO will treat them & WHERE will that person recover? Would that ill member be sent to the same type “recovery room” that Lisa McPherson was sent to?
“…the boy’s department at Robert Hall…” LOL, Balletlady!
Balletlady, he DID have a personal tailor on staff at one time. Obviously, not an EXPERT tailor, but still: Robert Hall? That’s a low blow; though still well above the belt for the twit.
To Clarify Jere….
BOY’S DEPT at “Robert Hall”…….. I remember when we were kids, my Grandmother would purchase “Easter Suits Clothes” for my brothers from Robert Hall….
I have TWO pictures of them in these really UGLY dress pants & jacket….a light tan with dark chocolate brown wide stripes….horrifying…
DM probably sent his “expert tailor” to “the hole” for making his suit pants too long, LOL!
Yo Dave,
And where oh where is yer ‘largest humanitarian relief farce on earth’ these days good buddy? Certainly You of all thetans could figure out some way to help out …………….. maybe You have some extra masks stockpiled in yer advanced preparations stockpiles You could send over to Milan. You know, that’s where you have one of yer morgues. Oops, sorry ….. orgs.
You know, send them over to the hospital with a Way to Happiness booklet to calm the ‘choppy seas’ Dave. Fer Ron’s sake, do something other than sit in yer Hole and drink scotch.
“…humanitarian relief farce…” That’s a keeper 🙂
Badly in need of a serious haircut. Personal grooming seems to be lacking. Energy very low for his age group. Give it up Davey. I should have tossed you into the Bay when I had the chance on The Freewinds in 1989.
That he has to promote himself ony means that he is a piece of shit. In the SO, I never did that. I was known for my products and that was enough. The Dwarfenfueher’s problem is that people know HIM by his products, i. e. bankrupted, dead, disconnected and destroyed people.
There is a LRH issue about PR that says ” To assert one’s own importance is about as acceptable as a dead cat at a wedding”.
BINGO! Bill.
Dave has nothing on Alfred!
Dave has to grow a pair — of legs — before he’s up to Alfred’s level.