Scientology trying to inveigle itself with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department.
Though they also say this fundraiser is for Winter Wonderland? It’s unclear how much they plan to give to the PAL and how much to Winter Wonderland. Scientology claims they provide Winter Wonderland as a “gift” to the community. Odd that an organization that takes in $2 million a week has to nab money from the PAL to pay for their Christmas decorations…
Hope the PCSD doesn’t turn into the Hollywood PD who have been bought off over years with checks for their PAL.
Scientology is desperately trying to gain legitimacy. Their PR is hurting.
This idea may have been broached before but here go’s.Last time I checked each State have laws in place to ensure that every child get a good education. This means the COS is breaking numerous laws in almost every state. It would be a no brianer to determine approx. how many children are being hi-jacked into a cult.
I think the new season of Leah Remini will put paid to any aspirations that the cult has in Clearwater fashion shows and Christmas decorations notwithstanding.
I went to many Scientology schools in Clearwater. They made us ‘volunteer’ to set up and run Winter Wonderland. We would just unload the dusty crap they had set up the year before (the ice rink was always a huge joke, it’s Florida people!!! Just heavy pieces of plastic whose seams never matched up! We would just watch people fall). My friends all ‘volunteered’ to be elves. Screw that! I helped set up, just did it to get out of class (from a ‘school’ my parents paid over $600 a month for me to attend!!!).
The only people that attend are public Scientologists. It’s a huge joke. Seriously the non-Scientologists in Clearwater are not very fond of Scientology, they never have been.
Most of the sponsors are Scientology companies–post card mania, one stop shoppe, hair design, the magazines. This looks like infiltration to PC for sure.
Maybe their just using the CoS facility & that’s all?
No no no no. Never gonna happen.
Off topic but I don’t observe any efforts to get the cultees together for Auditor’s Day. Maybe because they’re not making any auditors anymore?
Its so funny: LRH said that orgs are auditing and training factories, yet these “factories” no longer turn out their own products.
Imagine if General Motors stopped making vehicles and training people how to make cars, and just regg’ed their “pulbics” for money so that they could buy an renovate buildings in which to make cars and teach people how make them…yes, its THAT ridiculous!
Sorry for the off topic rant. ๐
Maybe off topic, but a really succinct, humorous and totally spot on analogy. ???
Thank you!
Thanks to all who responded! I will run like the wind! However, I do feel wounded/hurt that she was sneaky about this. She still has not disclosed this to me. And I thought we were friends. I guess that is what Scientology does to people. ๐
Hopefully your ‘friend ‘ eventually sees the light before she loses her entire life. In a way it is sad she became part of an organization which basically does the opposite of their stated purpose and injure their own members as a matter of course.
If asked I’m sure your friend would respond that she considers you a friend and that if anything, she is only there to help you find spiritual freedom.
And if pressed, may respond that she does not base her friendships on a persons religious preference. Members of the cult are drilled on how to respond to questions about their beliefs and practices.
And lastly, she may be looking to connect with someone not involved because her own doubts and reservations loom large these days. If so, you might be her lifeline to get out of the cult.
Powergirl keep her in your thoughts. At some point in the future, if/when she wakes up and leaves the cult you can then be the friend she needs. This website and others show it is possible. Once she’s free then you both can truly enjoy the joys of being true friends.
During the wait do not forget her nor forget the foresight you showed in thinking things through. Take care and best wishes!
I will be there. She has been there for o er 30 years. I hope she gets out. ๐
Power Girl, earlier this year I was surprised,no stunned, when I found out that a friend of more than 50 years has been a scientologist since the early ’70’s. I love this woman as a sister and never would have guessed that she fit the profile of someone who would buy into the dangerous litany of this ugly trap. We had fallen out of touch a few years after high school but connected again five years ago. She’s one of my dearest friends and I’m genuinely frightened for her, but there’s absolutely nothing I can do to prevent her from continuing to drink the Kool Ade. She’s never tried to recruit me. What I can do is wait and hope for her sake that she learns that the truth and I’ll be here waiting for her if she so desires. In the meantime I still write to her, text with her and talk on the phone. We just never broach the subject of religion. She knows how I feel, but I never tell her the truth. That would only serve to strain the relationship to the breaking point. So you’re a women who wouldn’t mind having a friendship with this scientologist, but knows you probably shouldn’t go into business with her. Yup, just ease on out of business side of things and remain a friend if she demonstrates a willingness to do so. Very good luck to you.
PS: I hope I didn’t sound as if I was telling you what to do. My intent was to share what’s working for me.
Barbara, thank you for sharing your experience with me. I appreciate your wise words. I am really worried about my friend and I hope she doesn’t get upset with me when I try to neutrally extricate myself from the business opportunity. What really bothered me is we had deep discussions about religion. I am Catholic and she is Jewish. We joked about the similarities of maternal guilt in both of our religions. LOL So I really was surprised when I found out about her OT 8 Scientology status. She is in deep and I hope she figures it out.
Power Girl,
Interesting that your friend pawned herself off to you as being JewIsh when in reality she is a Scientologist. It’s like she actively hid her Scn background and the fact that she had reached the highest pinnacle in the church, OT VIII. That isn’t just dabbling in it. And no, it isn’t true you can “be a Jew and a Scn at the same time.” Getting onto the upper OT Levels has stiff eligibility requirements and as you go up the bridge you must further and further pledge allegiance to only Scn. So she misrepresented herself to you by saying she is Jewish and not saying anything about Scn. So if you went into biz with her, what other things would she hide from you?
“Valet Parking”……..Just imagine someone who really wanted to “blow”….getting behind the wheel of one of those guest’s cars and screaming at the top of his lungs “PUNCH IT MARGARET”…..& zooming off.
Sadly, the Sheriff’s Dept would be right behind them….no way to escape…..
What! No “SUPERPOWERS” demonstration…..? I can’t believe no OT8’s don’t want to show off what they got for years of work & Hundreds of Thousands of dollars…..that is just sooooo lame!
Superpower demonstrations: I can make my hand float in the air. I’m doing it right now…
You have the greatest superpower of all. The ability to paddle out, be in the ocean, sight a wave and take off: Surfing is truly the best superpower!!!
Today the “cherch” only tricks or pays these micro-organizations like the local police department. Other global, national and even local organizations treat them like criminals or nut jobs and no amount of bribes will change that.
Miscavige is following LRH policy and so he will always bribe the police around him. However, from a PR point of view, the police are a micro-organization with NO PULL on public opinion. LRH’s zillions of words on how to maintain good PR and “maintain friendly relations” was all but cancelled by Miscavige years ago because his giant sized ego couldn’t stand the thought of playing nice.. No one likes Miscavige or his “cherch”. He wanted LRH’s position and now he’s got it. Good luck with that.
Their similar lifestyles. I have actually given this some thought. Wives doing time in one way or another for The Cherch. Limited public appearances, dodging mainstream media. Ah, he’s living the life of Ron, seemingly livin it larger, with hairspray, a dentist, botox.. Tom. Like a refugee, or fugitive.
But the cameras are pointing back now, the victim rap is winding down. I’ve wondered about the absence of applause, no matter that it’s mandatory, non thunderous ovations. When McSavage doesn’t have that intoxicant? Dang, I hate it for him, its gonna suck.
Curious……all one has to do is Google the phone number…I used spaces instead of dashes. Interestingly enough, first listing that pops up is Fashions w/Flair…and an article by Pat Harney.
I am sure a lot of us recognize that name and have seen her face. She made a guest appearance on AfterMath.
Wow….I don’t think I will attend this benefit. Shame.
Mike…..Can’t wait for the Premiere of Aftermath. I admire you so much for what you are doing. Keep Going!!
Yours… OverTheBridgeTPA
A RICO in bed with local Law Enforcement. Far more common than most believe.
One of those terms is redundant
Great observation Interested Party. I separated them so people unfamiliar with US Law Agencies wouldn’t get confused.
Todays shitstorm in Clearwater (3 inches of rain and high winds) is just a preview of the cult’s future.
And I’m sure all Flag staff will be blamed by little man Davey for “pulling in” the storm. Both literally and figuratively.
The really insane thing about organised Scientology is that the ones that know more about the subject technically are all ex-Scientologists! Go figure hey? I’m not saying there’s legitimacy in the subject but I realised if you could get me with ANY Scientologist for more than 2 minutes that would actually engage a in a conversation about the subject, I could easily convince them they don’t know what their own subject is actually about. You can lead a horse to water you might say… In other words, if I could ever get any Scientologist into session they would never get past rudiments, nor a simple question like… tell me something that is really real to you and still remain an organised Scientologist!
If you want to wipe the smile off any Scientologist’s face, just mention donations. Then it becomes serious, one way or the other. The true intention behind Scientology hosting fundraising for something other than adding to Scientology’s coffers is akin to expecting a casino to refund your losses because you had a run of bad luck.
Yes indeed, organised Scientology is a deadly serious but gravely stupid activity!
I wonder what would happen if a group of notorious SPs showed up to enjoy the fashion show……
You might be stylishly escorted out?
I had to look up the word inveigle. Thanks for the education today! ๐
Learn a word every day! Inveigle is a good word to use, especially with $cn.
Me too!
“Hope the PCSD doesnโt turn into the Hollywood PD who have been bought off over years with checks for their PAL.”
From this quote by the sheriff it seems his agency has become “paid off” just like the Hollywood PD.
Dear Joanie,
I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate your work and the efforts of the Clearwater Community Volunteers over the past few years. There are so many areas of our community that are so much better off because of your efforts.
As a board member of the Boys and Girls Club of the Suncoast, I want to commend you for your ambitious initiative to support the Clearwater Jasmine Courts Boys and Girls Club. The fashion show fundraiser that your group held was nothing less than spectacular. It truly was professional and enjoyable, and I can assure you that the funds raised were very beneficial to the children in our community.
I appreciate all that your group is engaged in, and I assure you that your support has not gone unnoticed.
James F. Coats, Sheriff (then Chief Deputy)
Pinellas County, Florida
If I’m not mistaken ,his wife is usually one of the models in the show.
Jim Coates has not been Sheriff since 2011. Also, while PAL does benefit from funding support from the PCSO it is an independent organization.
At what point does the continuing ground-swell of negative publicity reach a point where it’s no longer possible to be ignored? When does the smell of stinking fish reach such a pitch that even desperate good causes turn their backs on $cientology’s tainted money?
Wonder what runs through the mind of the last lemming as it jumps off the cliff?
I wish I knew. I ask myself this question all the time, Graham. My gut opinion, my instinct, answers that many of the Still Ins passed the point of smelling the stench a long time ago, and decided to ignore it and carry on, for whatever reasons. They saw the outpoints, knew they were in a very suppressive situation, understood that something was seriously wrong and that something came from the very top of Scientology, yet decided, for whatever reasons, to carry on anyway. Since then, since that initial, willful, purposeful ignorance they’ve made a study of how to not know, not understand, not look, not see. They saw once, and then denied it. But they saw. And ever since, they’ve been not seeing, causitively. A very dangerous way to live, a very slippery slope, and – this is just my opinion – a very good way to get sick. Certainly its a Stupid-Maker, and let’s face it, these long term Still Ins are nothing if not dumb. Again, its just my opinion, but I believe that many of them did not start out that way. They made themselves stupid and – me again – they’re making themselves sick.
It’s the equivalent of the donut shop giving cops free donuts. You do a favor for me, I do a favor for you.
The difference is that donut shops don’t beat their staffs or force their employees to disconnect from their families. Also donut shops pay their fulltime employees more than up to $50/week. Nor do donut shops force employees to work 90 hour weeks. Nor do their employees live in donut-shop-provided pigsties and eat slop.
And donut shops pay taxes. They don’t solicit charitable donations under false pretenses.
It’s quite sad that so many police departments don’t see the difference. You can buy them off with some worthless drug prevention pamphlets and who knows what else. The convicted felon Lee Baca was one of the worst examples of looking the other way when he was LA Sheriff.
Anyone who attends this event, including any police, is aiding and abetting felonies.
Look, no one has ever thought cops were all that bright, but not being able to see $cn for the criminal fraud syndicate/mind control cult that it so obviously is seems like a clear sign of extreme stupidity or of being bought off…or perhaps both!
Plus, donuts taste good and are waaaay better for your health. ๐
And not one mention of the word “Scientology.” How bad does your image have to be for you to hide who you are?
Scientology; the religion that dare not speak its name.
That would make a great bumper sticker
“Scientology: The religion that dare not speak its name.”
If you do you’ll turn to stone…
Love your blog. I’m not a Scientologist but I live in Los Angeles and I am exposed to a lot of folks who practice this, philosophy. Is this typical of how scientologists try to ingratiate themselves into communities? I noticed their name is not clearly stated on the flyer. I asked this because somebody was trying to enter into a business arrangement with me. She’s a perfectly nice woman and we spent a lot of time discussing what we wanted to do with a proposed business. I recently found out, on the internet (not from her) that she is an OT – 8 and a very aggressive recruiter for Scientology and she failed to mention this to me after about six months of my knowing her. She is some type of Narcanon executive too. I’m not sure what to do but I am inclined not to associate with her anymore because I feel that she was dishonest with me by not disclosing her activities. I’m a reasonably successful professional, mom, wife, good Catholic girl, etc.. Is she trying to recruit me? What do you think? I need some guidance because this is not my world. Thank you
Definitely don’t do business with scientologists – find an excuse to beg off. They always seem to find a way to give money from their businesses to the cult, often by shady means such as raiding the business tax or payroll tax funds or shirking their debts.
I was a Scientologist for 30 years and living in Clearwater. I never saw that happen.
You must not get around very much. I had money “stolen” several times, so I finally learned, nice Scios can’t be trusted.
Joetheta , unless YOU were doing the books of the business you were spending money at how the hell would you see any of those examples?
That is for you and only you to answer. I Will say this though, I am a never in myself. However, being from Tampa Bay I have had some exposure to Scientology via business activities. The Scientologists I have dealt with have never tried to recruit me and I have not had a bad experience. Quite honestly, I have had the opposite and really enjoyed them as people completely outside of the realm of Scientology. Really, you will feel more like a spectator watching them get scammed. Their entire life is wrapped up in Scientology from the minute they wake up till the minute they go to bed every single day, including weekends. You will want to say something, but you cannot or you will completely damage the relationship.
Powergirl I would run the other way as fast your legs can run. The fact she was not truthful to you from the beginning is the biggest red flag there is. I think she is trying to tie you financially to the cult and then you are in very, very deep water.
I’m glad you found out before something terrible happened to you. I wish you the very best in the future.
Powergirl, there’s no simple answer.
On the one hand, Scientology is a legal religion in the USA and we do have freedom of religion in this country so she’s not obliged to share with you that she’s a Scientologist. I’ve been a successful small business woman for going on 30 years; when I was in I never told anyone I did business with that I was a Scientologst. I never tried to recruit anyone via my business (nor in my case, did I ever try to recruit any of my friends, lol). My business has never depended upon the good will or business of other Scientologists. Now that I’m out, I definitely don’t bring up Scientology in my business dealings! And my reputation is good within my area. My staff and I are honest, polite, and efficient. We work hard and get the job done. None of this is extraordinary or even difficult. People like me and like dealing with me in business.
On the other hand, she could be grooming you to join up with WISE…I’d say, use your instincts. If she never mentions Scientology to you and if otherwise you get along and she knows her field and can contribute to your business posiitively, I’d say go for it.
Many Scientologists are well aware of how toxic the workd “Scientology” is nowadays which is why they don’t even mention their affiliation with the cult on social media.
That said, if on general principles it will bother you to know that any money she makes with you in business will go to the cult – which it will – then dump her – find some excuse and cut her loose.
Hope this helps.
Two words to you regarding your friend , powergirl: stay away!
Your first misunderstanding is a that a Scientologist doesn’t actually want to integrate. Their ultimate goal is to get you to become a Scientologist, they really want to save you from yourself. Like the early missionaries that shoved Christianity down natives throats because they “know best” what is good and proper for them, a Scientologist’s prime duty is to get you to accept Scientology as the answer for all your problems.
2nd misunderstanding is, Scientology is in your world, just like ISIS is and a host of other cult like maniacs. Business is one thing and religion another, and a cult another again. Geezers, if you can make a buck out of a Scientologist… well done but like anything with dealing with people, tread carefully. There’s enough information on this site alone for you to make a educated judgement concerning dealing with an OT8. I’ve got 2 of ’em in my family and the last thing in the world I would ever do is go into business with them (they won’t even talk to me anymore anyway). Been there done that and I’ve got the scars to prove it!
Yawnalot, thank you for your Insight. Your comments and those of many others on my comment have convinced me that I am going to shut this down. Fortunately no money has exchanged hands and I will come up with some neutral excuse about being busy blah blah blah so I don’t have to get crosswise with her. I don’t want Scientology dudes with cameras darkening my door. Everyone here is great and I learn so much from Mr. Rinder and the folks who comment. Hugs to all,
Powergirl, you’re welcome. Hugs to you too and nice to have you here. I think you can’t go wrong following your gut instincts in this situation.
Good decision. Do not ever do business, especially with an OTVIII.
Powergirl, everyone has said their piece and none are exaggerations.
I’ve been in for a long time. And The only people who ever ripped me off were Scientologists. To the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.
When it gets down to it they will do anything to keep paying for a Scientology.
Good girl. It’s pretty simple really, organised Scientologists are nuttier than a fruit cake. They truly believe they’ll get a different result by doing the same thing over and over and over (Hubbard’s policy repeating itself, mixed and fuelled with delusions of grandeur). Scientologists are not clever nor aware people – when it’s all said and done by the end of the day, stupid pretty much covers all their activities. Stay away from them is good advice!
After 6 months of nondisclosure it is likely that she is covertly working her way into your circle and business affairs. Typical behavior if she has a hidden agenda for you.
If you are successful business woman her first target will be control of the money stream you are generating. A good contracts lawyer can insulate ALL money matters from this lady, as well as to block her inevitable pressure to implement Scio policy, the tech, and ‘stats’ into the group.
You would do well to move on and avoid the ‘baggage’ that current believers carry. Even as a friend you will be proselytized to, most likely. It will come as very reasonable ideas and suggestions on how to improve your life and affairs. Some of these ideas and suggestions are useful and workable, but the doctrine to enforce them is not. It is rabbit hole.
Good advice Jim, I have had business dealings with several Scns and Scn companies and I got screwed every time.
Thanks for that Cindy.
Yes, she is.
I don’t know much but what I read on these blogs but I would advise that if you do decide to do business with her (I personally wouldn’t. But only because I know the money she makes goes straight to Scientology and I don’t want to give any money to such a dishonest, abusive organization. But again, that’s my own personal opinion) make sure you have a rock solid contract.
And yes, this flyer is very typical of how Scientology tries to worm it’s way into communities. They have various “front groups” (narcocon is one of them) to raise good PR but these groups never let on that they are backed by Scientology.
” Iโm not sure what to do…” Make polite, neutral noises as you back away from the cult representative, then run like hell once you get to the door…don’t look back, never return calls!
“…but I am inclined not to associate with her anymore because I feel that she was dishonest with me by not disclosing her activities.”
Following your own common sense and intuition is never a bad idea! I’d also suggest that you continue to read up on how $cn in tries to infiltrate businesses through its front group, WISE, and other means. It never turns out well; $cn in all of its different forms is a criminal fraud operation at its heart.
$cn has such a poor public image that cultists will go to great lengths to disguise their affiliation with their pariah faux religion, especially when they’re trying to set the hook and reel you in.
Harpoona, I am doing exactly that. I have many neutral reasons to step away such as kids, etc. The comments I have read here are very helpful and TERRIFYING! The members of Scientology must be so desperate for members to pursue people in such a furtive manner.
Run like the devil himself is chasing you!
Now run like Donald Trump is chasing you…and he wants to grab you by your…
Ew. No wonder Melania slaps his little hand away. Can’t wait until she dumps him.
Tch, tch, tch…
It is best to walk away. You know much about this person, enough to know her aim to recruit you, all your money and family.
There are many resources on the Internet which will give you the background on Scientology, their real intentions and policy. Watching Leah Remini’s TV series on A&E will show you the heartbreaking details of families being torn apart. Chris Shelton’s YouTube series is another excellent source.
Move on with your life/business; nothing but trouble with this person.
Wow Powergirl – thank goodness you found out BEFORE becoming business partners! Sadly, even if she was the nicest person ever, it’s a BAD idea to move forward in business together.
Scientology will always be her top priority. So that means if you’re doing well financially in that business, she will be regged for every last dime by the church, even if it means taking $ from the business that isn’t hers to take. If she balked or pushed back when asked to do so, she’d be told that CO$ is her #1 (what’s the greatest good for the greates numner if dynamics, protect ONE wog or save humankind?) she’s saving the planet and by donating it’ll “boom” the business so she’ll make that money right back… we swear!
Read through Mike’s blog archives, check out ESMB & Tony Ortega’s blog for all the stories of business partnerships where a Scio business partner emptied business accounts to donate to CO$, bankrupting themselves, business partners, and so on…. protect yourself and don’t connect yourself to her financially!
What Jenyfurr and others said. She may be nice and okay to work with to a point, but she can’t be trusted not to make irrational decisions re. finances. And if you balk, even a little, YOU will be declared as “suppressive” and “fair game” and it won’t matter if she does things that are illegal. You’ll be left with the expense of fighting for what’s rightfully yours. Spare yourself the time and energy.
That is 100% spot on. I posted earlier some equivocal advice in that”Doing business” can mean many things.
But SHARING MONEY as in a partnership in business with a Scientologist – NOOOOOOOOOO!
Aw Thanks T-Marie! I think being her friend is a GREAT thing as she may be on her way out. She also could be recruiting…
I don’t necessarily offer my faith info to people I meet on a professional basis BUT if I was to enter a business partnership, since my faith drives how I approach things (I’m Christian, so nothing crazy, but I’m not willing to sell things people can’t afford, not willing to sell/market a bait & switch… etc. essentially if I wouldn’t get involved personally, I won’t sell it either) I’d definitely disclose after 6 months!
But nothing wrong with being her friend – just research Scientology, keep your guard up related to $ matters, don’t partner w/her & DON’T join or allow WISE into your business! If she sees you as kind, savvy & safe, when she’s ready to get out you may be a lifeline & example that us “wogs” aren’t evil, dumb or mean!
Jenyfurrr – I am friends with a few people still in (but on the edges) and I would certainly befriend just about any decent scio, but I would NEVER allow them into my business, for the reasons I stated.
This woman that powergirl is dealing with may be embarrassed by all the bad publicity the slurch is getting. She may even be an awesome business woman with super ideas with no intention of introducing powergirl to Scn – though I find that hard to fathom. Maybe she doesn’t want to muddy the waters with Scn’s bad reputation. I don’t know. If she’s being a good friend, that’s great. Be friends. Maybe she needs some sanity from powergirl. But keep the almighty dollar out of the equation. That’s where it goes insane – even between business partners IN the slurch.
“…I would certainly befriend just about any decent scio, but I would NEVER allow them into my business…”. Key word being “into”. I wouldn’t either.
Oh, and “the slurch”.- that’s a keeper ๐
PS – I’m a never-in but my husband worked for a Scio-owned company. It was VERY successful & has stayed busy but they’ve slowly downsized into smaller spaces, let equipment fall apart and even gave up their home to pour more $ into Scientology as they continue to work 7 days/wk! They also push LRH stuff down employees throats & are opening themselves to an eventual lawsuit.
Oh Honeybee……”Caveat emptor”!
Well I will be on my guard
If she was Greek Orthodox would you expect her to tell you that ? Scientologist for the most part are very pleasant to be around,and are generally very ethical people. It is the leader and the staff members you need to be careful around,but since you are not a Scientologist,that is not an issue for you. Take it as a blessing that she does NOT mention Scn.
Or it could be another Rex Fowler (an “OT-8” success story). No reason to believe that it is so, but – on the other hand – please read and understand “Keep $cientology Working” and think about what a person who “forgets” to mention their membership of a high control group could possibly be up to.
False equivalency. Scientology exerts enormous power over its public and Class V org staff. This makes them risky employees or business partners. It really depends on the situation and how dependent financially or work wise one would be with a Still In Scientologist.
Run! Don’t walk.
In the grand tradition of Al Capone and John Gotti … though at least when THOSE Mafiosos put on events for their “PR Area Control”, they didn’t ask the locals for an admission charge … Of course the Scientology “family” is always “earning” …
The neighbor who accidentally killed one of Gotti’s sons in a traffic accident Mysteriously Disappeared & has never, much like Jimmy Hoffa, been seen again. I had at one time family related members who were Long Shoreman & one who worked for NYC Dept of Sanitation……dead men tell no tales.
And from Scarface and the Teflon Don you’d at least get some decent mozzarella.
These fundraisers are losing support among the clam community who are weary of donating.
Mike, as you say, the Cherch is desperately trying to repair its massively damaged reputation. The only thing they have now to get attention is writing checks to organizations and people who need funding.