Dear me. Things are not looking well in the home of the largest concentration of Scientologists on earth, the land of the Ideal Pacifica Bridge, the Ideal LA Org, Ideal Orange County, Ideal Inglewood, Ideal Pasadena and rocking and rolling Valley All Stars.
And in this age of the “Golden Age of Tech II” when everyone is just FLYING up the Bridge.
And in this era of amazing expansion under the brilliant leadership of Dear Leader. Unparalleled growth and unbelievable enthusiasm.
Well, apparently the enthusiasm IS unbelievable.
50 people “confirmed” for the “OT Convention” out of 700 means they are going to have a turnout of about 20 if they are lucky.
This is a disaster. And boy, they have pulled out all the stops. I have been sent copies of this email and others similar by 6 different people today!
The insanity trickle down is happening. PUBLIC are starting to act like SO Call In people. “It’s not okay to ignore or delete this comm”, “explain why you can’t be there”.
Guess what Claire. I hate to state the obvious, but you are fighting an uphill battle. Too many promises. Too much hype. Too much regging. No results. No care. All adds up to Nobody Is Listening To You. Not only that, nobody wants to listen to Mr. Clive Rabey or Mr. Cal Cole tell them the same old crap. GAG II is another big fail.
Each “new release” that Dear Leader comes out with is accepted by fewer and fewer people.
Keep pissing on people and telling them its raining and each time you do a certain percentage will raise their eyes skywards and see the ugly truth. It’s a dwindling spiral.
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014
From: Claire Taylor <[email protected]>
Subject: It’s not okay to ignore or delete this commThe number of OT VIIs and VIIIs confirmed for Mr. Rabey and Cal Cole’s OT Convention at 3:30 on Saturday is NOT representative of the 700+ people in this status here in LA. Matter of fact we have confirmed around 50 people.
It certainly isn’t a lack of comm going out about this. The majority of OT VIIs and VIIIs are on “ignore” or “delete” and not responding. Please decide not to be part of the group of non responders!
We all know how much Mr. Rabey has contributed to us getting on and /or through the level. He is asking for our support. Please! Communicate and confirm or explain why you can’t be there. Thanks to those who have replied!
If you can only stay from 3:30 to 5:30 then so be it. But PLEASE reply.
Claire Taylor
Are any of the people writing “To Claire” messages on here actually sending those messages to her directly as well?
This whole thread was such an absolute blast. Thank you all 😉
Again, I point out that the prospect of finding people with psychological/religious problems that require curing is not hard. So, if there really was concern about the numbers, they would only need to lower the price. What you have here is a business model that tailors to a very select few. It doesn’t need social media, it needs customer relations management. Which is what you are seeing here. Probably a different model from the time you were in.
“Keep pissing on people and telling them its raining and each time you do a certain percentage will raise their eyes skywards and see the ugly truth.”
Hahahahahah! I missed that the first time I read it.
Mike, you have a way with words! 🙂
Claire has knowingly enforced communication on people she knows don’t want it (bye-bye Code of Honor). She needs a lot of work on her Tone 40 too, poor thing. I DO thank her for the great laugh though, and hope her email turns into a big step on her road to total freedom from the Cof$.
How about responding and saying: I am withdrawing my support and my other 7 confirms as well. As for the reason . . . no reason.
Sounds like the situation is desperate and they are using desperate measures. If an OTVII or VIII falls in the dry dessert, and there is no one to hear it, does it make a sound?
That’s right, they all cry about having to attend these stupid events, but who cries for Mr. David Miscavige? Who cries for Him???
Bwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! God I feel good after reading her email! It’s actually falling apart faster than I thought it would. Bwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!
Most of the OT’s I know have become expert at dodging “comm” from the RCS. They use spam filters so that most of this e-mail they never actually see. And there are now apps available for smart phones that will take ranges of phone numbers and route them immediately to voicemail so that the phone doesn’t even ring. That’s a spam filter for your phone.
As a result, people are in literal compliance with the request — they’re not ignoring or deleting the attempts to sign them up for this convention or any of the other events; their computers are doing it before they even see it. That is how people stay sane in the face of (literally) 50 phone calls a day from various people trying to reg them for stuff — the phone never actually rings.
Is this an organic thing they work out themselves, or is there an underground resistance movement where they tell each other the tricks to avoid these harrassing missives?
Thank God (or your choice of personal Deity or Higher Power) none of these administrative, bureaucratic or public-relations fiascos invalidates The True Tech!!!
Corporate, Fundamentalist Scientology may whither and die, but the true Tech, Hubbard’s gift to the world, if we would only seize it, and stop carping about the per diem! will live forever!
Poor, poor Clive, still slaving for DM.
Years ago, I was mid-OTVII, was fed up and wanted to quit. Clive spent two hours with me, begging me to stay, quoting LRH’s Class VIII lectures, declaring being on OTVII is command intention and what we must do to salvage the planet. I felt sorry for him and stayed, knowing ne needed me as one of the 10,000. Am I still counted in? We are now contributing to the motion by making many more NOTs auditors all over the world, even in Haifa.
Clive’s wife, Sherry, was a Class XII, my auditor on L11, 25 years ago. Then she was moved to take care of the veterans. Helping old guys with their needs. Compassionate but not where your Class XII training is vital.
Years of serving DM turns you into a fully degraded being. And you can only justify your sorrow state by doing more and more of slaving for DM. Dwindling spiral at work until the final crash when it’ll be too late to fix anything.
I think their final prayer is to die before they witness the end and DM’s vanishment.
She has just let the 50 “confirms” know how the other 100s of OTs get out of being harassed by her. Ignore or delete, folks…that’s really all it will take to finally derail the cult. Blogs and message boards and Anonymous started the ball rolling and contributed hugely to many people seeing what is really going on.
If you don’t want to make waves ……just withdraw quietly… Once you get used to the fresh air and freedom you will never look back.
“Please decide not to be part of the group of non responders!”
Reminds me of the scene in the hilarious Wes Anderson movie “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou”, where Bill Murray’s character, the captain of a ship threatened with mutiny, gathers everyone up and declares:
“If you’re not against me, don’t cross this line! “
Her e-mail IS pretty rude, but as it seems its out of DESPERATION. After the initial bold statements her comm increasingly drops to begging tech. Three times “please”, last one in caps. No amount of begging will help here though. The clubbed seals don’t want to get hit no more.
You know, I actually have some sympathy for her, Les.
I detected a note of real desperation when she said,
“If you can only stay from 3:30 to 5:30 then so be it. But PLEASE reply.”
It’s almost as if she fears receiving a beating herself, or some other form of extreme invalidation from someone “above” her. Miscavige’s nasty and sometimes violent behavior has been well documented. He has created a climate of fear. And he is the “supreme leader” of her group.
So always remember the wisdom taught by plumbers all over the world,
“Shit runs down hill and payday is on Friday.”
(Or rather in her case, payday is on Thursday)
Claire Taylor
I guess I have a 3 swing FN over this..
You may attest, Live Zombie.
Views from 10000 feet (by a guy who has never been touched or ever touched Scientology). First off. Congratulations on getting away from the con/church/cult. Unlike Mormon apostates, I doubt many of you will fall into Christianity as a refuge. Many of you appear to be pleased with the church but not the leadership. Does this mean that even as you walk away, you still hold beliefs against psychiatrists? What about your beliefs in Xenu? So many of you seem to believe there is ‘value’ in the teachings it makes me nervous for your long term ‘recovery’. That said, I’m rooting for the demise of all religions (Christopher Hitchens RIP) and Scientology is number one on my list of abusive religions. Mormons are next but fundamentalist Baptists are charging hard to the forefront. Keep up the good work. Enjoy.
“Does this mean that even as you walk away, you still hold beliefs against psychiatrists?”
Personally, I’m eyeballing the “Indy” field. To me that seems a natural evolution of of Scientology.
Psychiatry? Mike may accuse me “of “fundamentalism” but I can’t stand that bloody-handed profession.
They have too much power in the courts and almost zero technology. They are a bunch of government workers with ice-picks.
Xenu? Yes, of course. To really appreciate OTIII you have to do it.
I sorry you’re worried about my “recovery”. But I don’t like your “wog” culture anyway. If we can survive the next several years without a war or a police state we’ll be ok. You leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone.
Claire Taylor, if you enforce communication, they will inhibit it (ref. CDEI scale).
Anyone who has done fundraising, event planning or political organizing knows the most basic rule governing those activities is “make people want to join the crowd.” This email not only will have the effect of making sure the event is a bust, it also alerts its readers to the fact that things are not going well in the church (which may be its intent).
Further, this email seems to be part of a larger, ongoing conversation because it assumes that its recipients already know there is a group of non-responders. It definitely provides a glimpse into the real state of mind of members and that glimpse is much more believable than the nauseating, smiley-faced fundraising emails. Nonetheless it begs the question, what’s next? Invitations to go SCOHB?
Actually the irony about those still remaining in the Church is that these are probably the people that haven’t had really good confessionals and case gain and so they are still “frightened” that someone may find out them – and so donate willy-nilly to IAS and Idle Orgs to fend off attention.After all if they had really gotten all their overts off they would always respond to suppression with a “f**k you!” Or they are still on the run from the Galactic Police or something. Poor fellows.So they have a choice – either get their real overts off – or keep donating to maintain their “Leave me alone now please as you haven’t gotten the real overts” Patron Statuses! What a horrible life – Catch 22 situation.
Is it not amazing that the probable attitude of all of these OTVIIs that are ignoring the call to be hazed and regged even further, towards Flag and “upper management” – is one of disdain, loathing and disgust at the money-grubbing and criminal – disdain loathing and disgust that these Registrars and “Execs” show toward THEIR public. The only reason they still somewhat get away with it is the (now faint and fading) hope that these public might some day receive LRH’s Standard Tech. Just goes to show that even when there is just a faint hope now of receiving such that people (the 50 or so) are still hanging around on these loathsome lines.The remaining staff and public are simply in Treason to LRH for not stopping their support of this scam years ago. But it seems some more have finally been pushed over their limit now. All well and good. Maybe the subject and the Church can be recovered in our lifetimes from this horrible bunch of out-tech squirrel bastards. And when we think of the Church we won’t get a feeling of loathing, disgust and disdain. It would be nice, would it not? Bit of a way to go we know but this is a good (bad) sign.
What she really meant to say was ” You worthless OT 7 & 8 assholes better get your shit together or you will be in deep shit. We like to pretend that you have your own determinism, but you damn well better know that we OWN your sorry asses! So you had better f***ing show up or you will be punished and punished real good. We need you to come in here and FAKE some enthusiasm or are little charade is up in smoke and then we will all have to get real jobs and lord knows we don’t know how to do anything else.
Don’t you know that you OT’s OWE David Miscavige. Look at all he has done for you. You owe it to him to show up at this event, listen up and get others to do the same. I want your compliance report today!!!!!!
We are compiling a list of those that don’t show up and we will show up at your house next week to do a free ARCX session.
OY VAY – keep up the good work Mike, LOVE you for all this data!!!!
Wake up you silly old timers – time to come to the “other side”.
Oh man I’d love to hear Clive drone on and on and on……
As much as I’d want a root canal.
Claire if I got your email I promise I won’t delete it.
I won’t have to.
It’ll go straight to spam.
Well, I find it hard to believe this is a valid email; it’s just too nuts. Come on Mike, this is a joke, right?
I had the same thought. If it is legit it is the best email leaked yet.
It confirms that the insanity has reached all the way out to the nerve endings of the cult and all it can do now is work it’s way back to the heart of it. Destroying itself allong the way.
I bet it’s real. Claire’s frustration at trying to herd the cats just got the best of her and she clicked send before her better judgment had a chance to kick in.
I think Claire will be pulled in for a “cleanup” ~lol
Generalities Claire, generalities. Maybe they just didn’t get your
Good to hear most of the OTs are waking up…. FINALLY!
Who wants to listen to Clive ramble on about nothing anyway.
“We are so close to the 10,000 on Solo NOTS (NOT!) so you need to
work out who you can get to Flag for their next… money drain” ~LOL
Should be a cracker event! 😉
This email makes me giddy! I cannot believe Claire said all of this so openly. Her tone is so bossy and rude. Who does she think she will win over with this approach?
AND knowing that only 50 of 700 local OT7 & 8s are in compliance with their orders is awesome!
We are winning!
She is in the winning valence, Mr. Miscarriage.
“Please decide not to be part of the group of non responders!”
Well, we’re all responding here, Claire. Now I have a question for you. How come it’s okay with you that the so-called leader of your church beat the crap out of his fellow SO members?
Since I blessed you with my communication, you damn well better not ignore this email Clair.
“The beatings, er, regging will continue until morale improves.”
If I sent an email like this my clients, they would fire me and file a complaint to the CA Department of Insurance.
… didn’t see this was posted before by anonblack. please ignore…
Claire seems to work at a family business (see from the email address). Googling brought up this interesting customer review of their architectural products business:
“If I can give this place a zero star rating I would. Worst experience with Claire Taylor,
she is rude and should not have a place in the family business dealing with people.
She will write letters to your clients telling them false information, just to protect their
mistakes. I have the letter to prove how she works. Not only is she rude, but she
seems to like to argue with you just to prove that she is right.
The best sales people have left, probably because of her.
I will never do business with this company again.”
mike you might want to check your “All Posts” settings. it’s not updating.
if you click on the link it’s still stuck on March 21, 2014 Tony Muhammad Does Ideal Graduation.
Is it fixed now? Manually reset the cache?
it’s still not working right, at least not for me. i’m pretty sure it is not on my side.
it updated from the tony mohammed but now it shows
“Flag’s Unimpressive Stats
April 5, 2014 By Mike Rinder 18 Comments ”
but the story actually has over 50 comments.
i’m not familiar with wordpress blogware, perhaps someone here does and can offer some suggestions, but it might have something to do with wordpress displaying a cache rather than checking for updates to the pages.
you can ask around wordpress’ forums, someone there will likely be able to help.
Geez! Who are the customers/parishioners in this church? It outrageous how the parishioners are treated.
“It’s not okay to ignore or delete this comm.” What a spiritual come-on. Wow. I’m there.
Greatest good for the greatest number of Davenamics.
ah ah ah ah ..Davenamics….. can’t stop laughing ;oD
Mike…man with all of these revealing exposé posts you do so well and increasingly often, you are single-handedly embarrassing this organization into oblivion and planned obsolecense!*
This gives Miscavige and Co. several choices: keep doing what they are doing, with the acceleration of defection continuing; try some typically heavy handed tactics on the “ignorer/deleter” crowd, which will only speed up the defection; or, actually knock off their BS, which is probably impossible for them to do at this point.
SSOA, I think that so long as He sees enough sheep willing to be fleeced, He will fleece them. He knows the game is over and the sheep in the pen are becoming fewer and fewer, but if there are still some in there, why should He not take their money and their admiration? What WOULD cave Him in quickly would be the public avowal of disaffection of a few high-profile Whales. But all this being said, anyone simply withdrawing all financial support is making a difference.
Wow, Cal Cole’s going to be there, a reg from hell if ever I’ve met one. Hold onto your wallets and abandon all credit cards ye who enter here!
It was Cal who drove me all over Silicon Valley to find a buyer for my house, so I could sell it and give him the money for his stat. Before Thursday at 2. They had a big old mechanical calculator at the old San Francisco Org on Mason street that made a lot of noise in the reg area, and part of the fun was to pull the handle and add your cash to that week’s GI. That was over 40 years ago and Cal is still grubbing for your bucks.
But at least back then it was for auditing or training that actually promised to get you up the Bridge. Now he is just dragging in reluctant sheep to redo the redos. For Objectives on OT VIIs and VIIIs! Too bizarre to be real. I must be dreaming…
Wow Bruce,
Maybe our paths crossed back there. I started the Dianetics Today course in SFO inJuly of 1975. Cal Cole and Louis Schwartz were the regges. I had some great times back then auditing on the Dianetic Internship.
Nancy Forrest was the intern sup.
Last I heard Nancy was at Flag, Lewis is basically toast down in LA and we know what Cal is doing. Hope things are well for you!
“50 people ‘confirmed’ for the ‘OT Convention’ out of 700 means they are going to have a turnout of about 20 if they are lucky.”
20 out of 700 is about 2 1/2 %.
Just an observation.
OK then, everyone else come except those confirmed.
I think what is going on here with these OTVII’s and OTVIIIs is they are following an advice that LRH made in TWTH Precept 10: “….it is yet possible, by simply withdrawing one’s cooperation, to bring about an eventual reform. Even as this is being written, there are several governments in the world that are failing only because their people express their silent disagreement by simply not cooperating. These governments are at risk: any untimely wind of mischance could blow them over.”
And blow them over we will. The Church’s insane dictator, David Miscaviage, will continue to loose support and one by one his followers will leave and he will loose control and power.
Yes Sara!
Agreed! It appears more and more people are beginning to do that which gives hope.
However, there is (IMO) something else that is important in bringing about reform, and that is COMMUNICATION and sharing of information. There has to be access to information so that people observing “something’s wrong” can realize they are not alone. We need to communicate, to share data, stories, understandings, thoughts, perspectives. We need to support those who provide a reasonably safe forum for such sharing, support those who take action to expose lies, deceit, betrayal. Blogs and websites like this one are critical to getting something done about it. 🙂
I kind of see it as a running of a huge 3-D engram – everyone gets to say their piece about it. I can’t quote the LRH on this, but there is an issue.
Ah yes. Nothing quite like a Clive Rabey Field activation tour. Well here we go down memory lane again for some more juicy tidbits from the cult……………
It was the Fall of 2009 and Clive was in Sacramento. I was asked to attend as and OT VIII by way of being told that is was ‘a mandatory event for all Flag OTs’. So I did as I was told, drove two hours to Sacramento and attended the early afternoon briefing. Clive started out by telling a story about how ‘a lot’ of OTs were ‘hoarding gold’ and doing odd things like preparing for potential catastrophic events (such as the economic crash of 2008) and so on. So he went on to explain how out ethics this sort of stuff was and how he wanted to review this with us so as to recognize that the best way to avert a disaster would be to put all your money on the bridge (or to the IAS) and secure your future. At that time gold was about $950/oz or so as I recall.
Then, after the briefing I was told that they wanted to interview me. I said interview for what? The answer was that is was a confidential interview. So we went to a small auditing room with a big overstuffed green chair which I settled into rather curiously ………….. and then I was handed the cans! And then Bill Bachelor said to me “I am not auditing you!”. And I said what are you doing? He said an ethics interview! The time was about 3PM. By about 6:00PM he said we would break for dinner. I thought …….no this is a break for good, I am fucking done with this insanity!
He had been asking me questions about my finance and all sorts of idiocies………but the question was very specific….”What out ethics situations are you involved in?” He should have asked whether I enjoyed beating my kids!~~~~
I walked out, got in my car and drove home. Many calls were made to me during the drive with “You need to return and finish the interview!” I said THE INTERVIEW IS DONE!
The next day at work Bill showed up unannounced to finish the interview. I told him he shouldn’t have driven all that way because the interview was done. Of course I was informed that this would be reported to ethics. I said good …………… it.
Needless to say I did not make any points. Three months later my wife was crush regged at Flag by Paul Miller, Michelle whatever and company. I had talked to Paul until three in the morning the night before and told him no way on the dono. He lied straight to my wife face and told her I had said to go ahead with it which she did. That cycle is what woke me up.
Thank you Paul Miller, Bill Batchelor and Clive Rabey for doing the unthinkable and finally bringing me to my senses. And by the way……………………….have a nice life! Here are a few more for your ethics files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cooper – thank you for sharing that story – and Scientology wonder’s why people leave and never come back! It happens more than we even know.
Flag – the Mecca of Technical Extortion! The Unfriendliest Place on Earth!
Yes and I think the pace is picking up much more than THEY realize. I’m glad to help with the transition.
Yo Dave,
I assume you are considering doing some security checking at your loser events. Good idea bro. But you will need to get a few more auditors trained up so the lines won’t be too long; at least for a while longer until the attendance drops some more. But you may want to give some thought to the key question you might ask as the sheeple file in through your ‘failure officer’ checkpoint.
“Is there any counter intention on attending this event?” would probably finish off most of those still coming to hear your boredom. But you could come up with something better I’m sure. Go for it good buddy!
Yes, thank you. It made me so mad to read that and I could easily visualize that interview going down. These guys are just way too arrogant and think they know best for everyone. I have family members on OT7 and have seen them get abused with heavy ethics over the years and interviews like what you went through. They did IAS interviews too in the same vein, with questions like “do you have any out-ethics in your life stopping you from donating to the IAS? I have been told by one of them that he got hit up for money during an ethics cycle, by an 18 year old girl “senior”, who never paid a bill in her life for $20,000 (for libraries) and she took him off his auditing until he paid up. He refused to comply and told her he was sending his materials back, to which she suddenly changed her tune. OT 7 & 8’s are viewed as “church property”, cash cows, worker bees for the cult, and not much more.
Unfortunately, the idea of “perseverance” is promoted as uptone and only “able beings” are up for pulling through it, so they think they should stick around and show what they are made of. I actually think that it’s the other way around as in your story. Not to put people down who are on or who have done 7/8. If
you’re being mistreated and constantly invalidated, isn’t it uptone not to take it?
Your story helps those still in but are looking outward and need some validation that others have gone through the same thing and that its not right. Also, that they CAN leave!
Yes, thanks for sharing that, Coop. Amazing that when they label someone as “disaffected,” their first step is to pull them in and ask who they’ve been talking to, and what they are reading on the internet. The truth of the matter is it was their own overt of lying to the wife unbeknownst to you so as to get her to do the very thing you told them in no uncertain terms NOT to do. The church only has to look in the mirror to see who is to blame for a person becoming “disaffected.” I hope people are coming out faster and faster and that the church goes down soon. Then families can be patched together again and life, real life, will go on in ,many good ways.
Now that was amazing. Her frustration was truly palpable. I’m sure she will be pulled in and “explained” to how you don’t promote the truth (“enemy line”) when it is not good. Not surprising so few are interested in this convention. I know Clive and Cal are basically good guys, but they need to wake up and smell the shit.
Shouldn’t be too hard with their noses glued to Dave’s ass.
MJ – you make me laugh!! That’s a classic 😀
I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t the evidence required to let one and all know that if you have been wondering if it is safe to open up and tell your family members or other scientologist participants that you are planning on leaving the CO$. Seems the odds are in your favour at 14 to 1 that they are planning the same. Is the checkered flag right around the next straight away communication?
The domain that Claire is using “” belongs to “Taylor Brothers Architectural Products”. Their Yelp reviews are like a train wreck. For example –
“If I can give this place a zero star rating I would. Worst experience with Claire Taylor,
she is rude and should not have a place in the family business dealing with people.
She will write letters to your clients telling them false information, just to protect their
mistakes. I have the letter to prove how she works. Not only is she rude, but she
seems to like to argue with you just to prove that she is right.”
Google Reviews lists their hours as “Now Closed”.
Good work, anonblack.
Incidentally, 700 OTs is about 0.00426% of the LA metro population at 16.4M.
Another way one could look at this is only 99.99574% of the city’s population left to go OT!!!!
Excellent point, Dollar.
This is s tough group to be a member of. You can rise to the highest levels, donate hundreds of thousands of dollars and dedicate decades of you life to it, supporting all the bogus programs and unusual demands and suddenly become “out ethics” by not answering an email, or doing something totally crazy like asking a question.
At some point the church started using email way too much. People get a lot of junk email and frankly a good chunk of it is from the church if you are in good standing. When I was in somehow they put me on every damn email list in the church. There must be some central database of email addresses. Every damn day I would get tens of emails from different areas of Scientology. When our org was fundraising for it’s ideal org building the OT committee and org would send out 3,4 emails a day sometimes. I bet at one time I was getting 20-30 emails a week from various org’s and areas-Bridge, Flag, Freewinds etc. Even if you are a “gung-ho” scientologist that is junk mail. It’s not a real communication. If you send it to everyone on an email list it’s not really a live communication. I think they send out what is really “promo” (junk email) and consider that it is a real comm that requires an ack. For that it would have to be written for and addressed to me.
Love it! Stay away OTs. Clive helped me wake up with very out ARC handling many years ago. I’m sure he’s still playing the same song.
I have not been receiving any comm from Flag, Freewinds, or Local Idle Orgs in some time(a year or so) and in the past 7-10 days I have revceived about 5 or more telling me about Mr. Clive Rabey coming to town to “enlighten” us on getting onto Gat II. I immediately thought that for them to contact me they must be really hurting for public. I got it from Clair and other OTC people. , FSO L.A. and Flag . And I ignored it like I ignore ALL their ORDERS. Also, Clive must have been in The Hole as he disappeared from the Reg Scene for over a Year only to show up in the last month or so.
I know this may come as a shock to you Claire, but despite the arrogance of your “church”, it isn’t any of your business what people do with their Saturday afternoons. In this country, people are free to do as they wish as long as they aren’t hurting anyone. I know it’s hard to come to terms with the fact that your criminal organization isn’t above the law. Hopefully you’ll blow before Dinky Dictator tosses you and everyone else under the oncoming, high-speed bus.
Those of you ignoring Claire’s emails, you’re doing the right thing. You don’t deserve to be treated like Miscavige’s personal ATM’s.
Wow, a very informative email. Why should the 7s and 8s go to an event that is basically just going to put them on the bottom of the bridge again. If they just used the Survey tech they would know whats going on in the field, but I wouldnt want to be the guy telling dave the results! Of course Im being facetious, they dont have the ethics level to actually be able to use tech! Their out ethics has led to failures with the Ethics Tech, Admin Tech and Auditing Tech to the point where they have to lie about their achievements!
You nailed it, Cotch.
This email is VERY representative of the world-wide state of Scientologist’s “enthusiasm” for GAG 2 and for DM’s Golden Era of Gold. It’s totally insanity to tell all OT VII’s and OT VIIIs who have been doing Scientology for decades that they have to re-do purif and objectives to be “eligible” for Superpower. It is blatantly obvious that these “tech releases” are just an easy way to keep the existing upper OTs going around and around and dropping huge amounts money every time the hamster wheel turns.
Hamsters unite! The time for revolt is now!
Why is it that OT VIIs and OT VIIIs are scrambling to pay bills and make ends meet when David Miscavige spends $100,000 on a private boeing jet to fly to “grand openings”?
Why is it that Scientologists struggle to make rent and mortagage payments when David Miscavige has palacial apartments and homes all over the world?
Why is that OT VII’s and OT VIII’s live economically and drive ratty old cars when David Miscavige drives a $100,000 BMW and has a $100,000 motorcycle?
Why do OT VII’s and OT VIIIs have to suck up the terrible PR from reports of beatings and abuse at the Int Base, and David Miscavige takes vacations with movie stars and refuses to give press interviews?
Its wrong! It’s time to step off the hamster wheel and take your loved one’s with you.
Only by stepping away is there any hope that there might be reform.
Maybe it’s LRH’s reverse vectors of the physical universe coming true. The more you WANT and demand AGREEMENT, the more NOT WANT and DISAGREEMENT you get in return. Damn that Self-Determinism! Don’t you just wish everyone would be nice little robots that do everything you say!
Clive Clive it’s hard to thrive when you deal with all that jive.
It’s almost an official announcement that everyone has quit.
We in RTC would like to call for dozens of heads on pikes over this suppressive mutiny-in-progress by LA area OT’s. However, as we have nothing to do with running or managing the daily affairs of the Church we can only watch with shock as ED INT fails to handle 700+ OT’s who have gone into a criminal out ruds agreement to delete or ignore vital Church communications.
We in RTC also wish to point out that when COB last spoke in L.A. 5,280 people showed up to enjoy his inspirational message of expansion and his “can do” attitude.
That Clive Rabey can only attract 20 people shows how OT’s think less of him than COB. This is understandable as Mr. Rabey is admittedly dull. Nevertheless, and as a gesture of goodwill to COB, L.A. area OT’s need to show up to hear Mr. Rabey blather on and on for at least two hours. OT’s then need to donate some money so that Mr. Rabey has some sort of stat.
Grrr8!, Perhaps Dave should extend his trip to Aukland or Sydney for a few years.
COB, or “Dave” as you call him, may extend his trip to international waters for an indefinite time if it keeps getting hotter. COB is already ship-shopping for something that comes with a small escape submarine.
I smelled desperation when I, a declared sp, got 3 emails telling me to come to the Rabey event. I’ll come when a full disclosure of all the IAS funds, collected and spent, since the beginning is published and verified.
Very funny, Hallie! They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel when they start inviting declared SPs (special people :)) Oh my!
Oh boy, so would I!
Hell with that! Show up for the reaction you get from the other 25 people who bother to show. Lots of selfies so Mike can share them in a post.
It is not okay to ignore or delete this comment.
If you delete it, you are ordered to: explain why you deleted it, and as many intensives of sec-checks as needed (at your cost).
If you don’t delete it, you are ordered to: explain why you posted this comment in Mike Rinder’s blog, and as many intensive of sec-checks as needed (at your cost).
I can’t believe all these OT VIII’s don’t want to sit through a lecture on how they need to start at the bottom of the Bridge again. Such ingratitude.
Claire, If only 50 out of 700 responded, instead of getting upset and threatening about it, maybe you should try to find out why so many have NO INTEREST. Why would that be? When Apple comes out with their new phone, without even a blink people are lined up around the block. Give this some thought will you?
Uh, is it possible that LRH ED 161 18 INT December 1971 SURVEYS ARE THE KEY TO STATS applies? No, wait. That’s real original LRH and BY DECREE isn’t used any longer.
should have been LRH ED 161 INT 18 December 1971, sorry.
Hahahaha Joe! Just think of Clive and Cal doing an Everly Brothers impression put me over the edge. I could picture that and it would be BAD.
By the way, at first I was almost shocked she got FIFTY masochists …. uhm, I mean, OTs …. to say they would come to a squeeze for cash session with Cal and “Mr. Rabey” ….. but you are talking about the real bottom of the tone scale “OTs” who probably have no cash or credit limit left …. sorry Clive and Cal … maybe if you two had guitars and promoted doing an Everly Brothers type of thing or something like that ….
Intro Song : “Tip Toe Thru The Tulips” by Tiny Tim
Comment: Ray Charles could see this coming.
What????? You mean, OT7s and OT8s are not self determined and free beings who can just make a decision after they receive a communication? I was under the impression that ……….. (I first had my eyes opened to this state of affairs about 4 years ago by a post by Marty about an OT8 by the name of Mary Jo Klein, I believe. The post was about a reg cycle by the loathsome Jon Lundeen, and the complete disrespect he and others showed her while squeezing her for more cash. There is no one who disrespects the state of “OT” as much as Sea Org members in the Church of Scientology itself. “Irony” does not even begin to describe this phenomenon and the absolute stupidity these people have regarding their OWN religious claims.)
It was Mary Jo Leavitt, search Jon Lundeen’s name on Marty’s site and it will come up. It was on June 2, 2010.
The reason most SO members have disdain for OTs is that a huge can’t have has been run on the SO members regarding going up the bridge. If a SO member tries to avail him or her self of the Bridge they are met with accusations of being there for personal gain. Just about every SO member I met at Flag that was mid OT 7 was NOT on the level. Yes many OT 7s actually join the SO only to be stopped! I was one of them. I even had a signed letter from the Captain FSO that as soon as I finished the EPF I would be back on the level. NOT!
The SO has a BIG BEING contest going on. The game goes like this: The biggest beings get their stats up the highest for the longest periods of time, with the LEAST amount of training and processing under their belts. It’s like winning with a handicap. The bigger the handicap, the bigger the win.
I kinda want to commend Claire since this may be the most honest communication I’ve ever seen from someone in the “church”.
Sure, she sort of threatens the recipients in the subject line – but hey, this is the Church of Scientology we’re talking about here. I still say it’s a step in the right direction for a group whose normal PR MO is to spout any preposterous, hilarious falsehood in the never-ending quest to persuade their parishioners (consumers) that everything is rainbows and butterflies.
So good for you, Claire…… for not pretending everything is hunky-dory when you’re actually very frustrated that the villainous organization you belong to is losing its grip on its victims.
Me too. While everyone here is having a well deserved laugh at Claire’s expense,
I just want to say how refreshing it is to hear some TRUTH. Thank you, Claire, and prepare to report to the RPF.
Claire isn’t in the S.O. she’s a public scientologist and a BIG donor. She wont be sent to the RPF. She’ll probably only get a slap on the wrist. DM doesn’t want to piss off a whale.
Boy they’re really ramping up the lunacy aren’t they? Beyond that I’m surprised they they’re essentially openly stating that the field is largely disaffected.
And Mike you have a real eye for appropriate post images!
This came through Hushmail, right?
Hilarious! OTs are no longer answering calls from the orgs. How EMBARRASSING for the midget.
I wonder if they are going to start declaring people SP for not answering their phones?
Hey, RouteOut, at 5’1″ (according to his former tailor), he’s not tall enough to be a midget!
God they are begging. How sad…. ha!
It certainly isn’t a lack of comm going out about this. The majority of OT VIIs and VIIIs are on “ignore” or “delete” and not responding. Please decide not to be part of the group of non responders!
Laughter !
I wonder what the VIIs and VIIIs would answer to a blind survey.
Ready for the new video starring Kool-aid and the gang singing their big hit ‘It’s Not Okay!’
Here is something I learned from throwing many a successful party; if people think no one is going to show up, they won’t show up. So sending an email that screams “no one is going to show up” is pretty much the worst thing you can do.
From my experience as a party organizer in my uni days i’d say you are Pretty much spot on. The “smart people arn’t comming” will kill the attendance.
Dear Claire,
I am responding to let you know the reason I can’t make it to the event, is because I have to watch paint dry. Nothing but love for ya tho.
LOL! Perfect.
Yes, and I’m very busy what with taking up knitting and reading about poker tips. Wish you well with your event Claire. Keep the faith baby!
Dear Claire,
The reason I’m not coming to the event is…I don’t need or want to. The reason I haven’t responded earlier is that for most thinking people a no response is a response. But, since you seem so desperate for the comm, f*ck you.
Claire, I am ROFL!!!!
Is this great late-afternoon Friday news or what?
Whoo Hoo!
A message to any and all OT lurkers here:
Keep ignoring and deleting, OTS!
Very smart, guys – really. VERY well done.
Because you CAN’T dialogue with these people.
Your logic will be ignored: and any quoting of LRH policy will be at best not-ised.
These people are extremely PTS.
Give them nothing, no excuses, and God bid, no phony excuses.
Give them NOTHING. No comm. Nothing to grab onto.
THAT’S the way to get your points across with these people.
That’s what my experience taught me.
Best regards,
Agreed Aquamarine. I just don’t respond cuz if I said anything I already know where it would lead.
Aquamarine and MJ you’re are so right! Don’t give them anything! If you give any reason, any justification, any anything, they use it to go in on the “handle” to get you to do what they want. It’s all manipulation. So give nothing. Say nothing. Then there is nothing they can grab onto. I say Well Done to the 97% who aren’t responding. Now walk across the street to the sunny side of the street!
It’s clear, Yvonne, that they have ceased to THINK, to put facts together in an orderly manner to arrive at a conclusion. She got the first part right. But then a blind STOP activated as such a result was not to be permitted in her brain. This *may* be the beginning of her leaving.
Is “Panic” above or below “Tantrum” on the tone scale??
I L O V E that this lady is spreading the “enemy line” that the majority if OT 7s and 8s are ignoring and/or deleting her messages. LOL. I can’t stop laughing. I want to email her back and thank her for a great chuckle. Thanks, Claire!
Just tell her that you are withdrawing your support. Don’t tell her your name, and do it from a non-identified email account. Let them guess who you are.
That sound deliciously evil. You know how they hate a mystery- sandwich! 🙂
Its obvious by what Claire writes and admitting aswell receivers are on ignore or delete .
She will be down the pan pretty quick,Next will be bodies put on seats the day its surpsoe to happen
to make it look like all has been turned around and they were a success.Its a fake and no creditability
at all .
Next thing she will be called in ethics becuse of saying that there is only 50 responding. Soon this Claire will read and post on this blog.
FG – Your comment really made me laugh.
“and another one bites the dust!”
For some strange reason, a feeling of bliss and happiness has settled over me in reading this article and the email today. Thank you Mike. You’ve made my day.
Me too! Bliss and happiness has settled in knowing even the OT’s aren’t buying it anymore.
Back in Comm South African Blog has released that another OTVII has passed away. Werner Lossau RIP!
Ditto what Chris said.
You know, it once seemed the Berlin Wall would never fall.
Then suddenly it was down …
Somebody mentioned the speed at which the Berlin Wall came down and it reminded me of another analogy from that era which is applicable and I wanted to share. Concurrent to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Republican warmongers of that era (post Vietnam Reagan) were as bad as DM in spewing false propaganda and lies. The same kind (same?) folks who got on TV and told us exactly where to find the hidden Iraqi WMD’s (east, south, west and slightly north of Baghdad….lol) were telling us how overbuilt the Russian army was. Turns out the entirety of the Russian defense establishment had been in shambles and decay for years despite what we were all being told. Sorta like DM and his constant “Isn’t everything lovely” crap isn’t it? So I second the notion that Scientology is likely to soon come to a “Berlin Wall” moment based on the parallelism of the false Cold War rhetoric not conforming to the ‘reality on the ground’. There is no statute of limitations on war crimes. Just an O/T reminder to help keep Mormons and Republicans nervous. Enjoy.
Around 50 probably means 40+
“Ignore” or “delete” means they have your number, have no desire to be regged more, because they know only too well it won’t be about real Scientology it will be about RCo$ and money.
Wake up and smell the shit you are treading in!
Hi Mike…well its raining (or better word ‘shitting’) dogs and cats over there with a few tsunami’s building right behind this in multiple layers…what a perfect disaster for these guys….couldn’t be happier…and as you said people are just f&*%ing sick and tired with all their BS – finally..I would hate to be at those “briefings”….great article
Wow, a terrible surprise for Claire and others and the usual ‘blame’, ‘it is your fault’ attitude which has been the trademark of DearLeader whenever things don’t go as expected.
On the other hand, a plus point, awareness of the crimes and abuses has been spread as wild fire and finally people is starting to say “Enough is enough, no more contribution to this crime scene, so, bye-bye”.
Good for them, it was about time.
Shouldn’t she have used hushmail? And I’m waiting for a subject or line in the email saying ‘it’s not okay to fwd: this email to Mike Rinder’ 🙂
Holy cow! I can’t believe that Claire is so blind as to sent this out. “The majority of OT VIIs and VIIIs are on “ignore” or “delete” and not responding.” First, I’m sure that’s right. What I can’t believe is that she is laying it out there for all the world to know. The highest level scns are just fed up and ignoring the group. The mutiny really is in full swing.
Normally, a scientologist would have to come to this blog to get the truth about how bad things are, but she just put it right on the table AND DEMANDED THEY ALL READ IT. Thank you, Claire!
Good point! I’ll bet DM throws a nice little tantrum and a few heads will roll if he gets word of this. Which of course he will since his browser homepage is set to this blog as “default.”
It’s not a majority ignoring the RCS, it’s almost all. 50 out of 700 is 7%. Guess the other 93% now know they are good company!
Wow, excellent post, Mike. I am amazed at the foot bullets that come out of the church. To admit that the OT VII’s and VIII’s are not responding to the emails and push and that only 50 out of 700 have confirmed????!!!! That is some major leakage of truth/bad news (for them) and some major OUT PR for the church! Someone is going to the Hole for that one! But it is encouraging news for us on the fringes. It means 97% of the OT’s are staying away or are trying to stay away. It hints of UTR’s and quiet resistance. It really must suck to be Davie.
There must be some fixed uninspected false datum behind “It’s not okay to ignore or delete this comm”. I ignore and delete comm every day on the basis of “it wasn’t okay to send me this comm”. Maybe she should get a clue.
The silence is deafening.