Thanks to some excellent and diligent work by friends on Twitter, led by the formidable Stefani Hutchison, two of the primary scientology psychoterror accounts have been suspended and the first “Stand League” account also.
If you missed my post of yesterday concerning scientology psychological terrorism, please read it.
One prong of scientology terrorism campaigns has been to abuse social media and the internet with endless lies about people they target. Scientology has the ability to devote huge amounts of tax-free money and free labor resources into creating an overwhelming volume of false information on the internet. For most, it was impossible to combat. They did not have the time or resources to try to correct the record or dispute the false allegations that spewed forth. They didn’t have an army of lawyers to make legal threats or file lawsuits. They didn’t have the time to find every url scientology had purchased to smear them. It was a tidal wave of bs and scientology counted on their victims being overwhelmed and unable to fight back.
For some time, the complaints that had been filed about the continuous lies had seemed to fall on deaf ears.
But finally, the dam is breaking. Two of the worst accounts were suspended — one in the name of my daughter and the other “Freedom Media Ethics” the official scientology “media watchdog” account. Ethics and scientology Fair Game have never been good bedfellows. And then a third with one of the STAND League sockpuppet accounts. Though these accounts are reportedly back up (I am blocked from all these accounts though they spend an enormous amount of their time talking about me), it is good to see something changing. It means that will more complaints filed there is a good chance they will be permanently banned from spreading their lies.
There are many more accounts that continue to spew lies and hate. Stand League (@standleague), and its poster boy Ed Parkin (@EPStandLeague), and many other sockpuppets under the @standleague umbrella still churn out their garbage without apparent concern for the consequences. But now with some success in curtailing their abuses, the writing is on the wall. The exposure of their lies will continue until they are no longer able to abuse the system. Perhaps more will join the chorus demanding they be stopped…
I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to bring the abuses to the attention of the Twitter gods. It’s a small but very significant step in ending the psychoterrorism of scientology.
STAND loves to refer to Leah Remini’s “cancelled series.” It’s nice to be able to refer to STAND’s “suspended social media accounts” now 😉
If treats don’t work people as Pat Broeker gets bought.
Where terror fail money win.
Today NPR had an interview with a person very knowledgable about
Qanon. He paralleled Qanon with Scientology and Hubbard, and people
who believe in such.
While the accounts may be back up and running the good thing is that they only have three strikes. They’ve had a 12 hour suspension. The next time the suspension will be longer and after that they’re done. I was frustrated that the accounts returned, however it’s good to remember that even finally getting them suspended once is a miracle and a step in the right direction. Small steps. Consistent reporting. We’ll get it done!
Thank you. Enough of their blatant abuses
This is good news, but only a start as those accounts apparently only received a 12 hour shut down and they’re all back up! So we need to keep reporting these accounts until they’re permanently shut down!
I visited Taryns Twitter account and was surprised to read that the scratch Cathy received has turned into”torn flesh and tendons and a broken shoulder”. Soon the whole arm will fall off! Lol
Per LRH, Cathy is EXTREMELY PTS and Taryn is a non-stop natter machine. Both of these ladies motivate, motivate, motivate … Hmmm … Wonder what “source” says needs to be done to handle them … I wonder …
They are both filled with so much HATE they explode into loud non stop chatter about garbage. They REFUSE to move past it, let it go, despite the fact so much time has passed & this needs to be put to rest.
The ONLY time they get the attention they seek, is when they continue to put down Mike Rinder & anyone else they wish to insult with slander.
I am sure that Mike Rinder’s sudden unexpected quick escape/blow/departure WITHOUT any previous discussion with Cathy left her in a precarious position within the standards of COS.
She was probably continually by COS “grilled about what she might have known in advance”…called in on the carpet so to speak, maybe even punished for not filing a KR on Mike & his Blow.
Well, can’t file a KR or RAT Mike out if she knew nothing…for the love of God…MIKE sure as HELL didn’t plan to BLOW either that particular day. When push came to shove…when he KNEW what was going to happen to him because David M THOUGHT Mike did not live up to David M’s expectations….Mike had seen, felt, heard enough & finally got the COURAGE TO BLOW.
Sadly his quick sudden unexpected departure left Cathy more or less swinging in the wind….wonder WTF just happened. We already KNOW what WOULD have happened had Mike discussed his wish to blow BEFOREHAND with Cathy….KR & the hole is where he’d have gone…or sent FAR away & a divorce would have happened anyway.
GOOD for Mike….he had a TRUE FRIEND on the outside who helped him through it all. Now he’s got a wonderful wife in Chris & a lovely family.
Hey Taryn & Ben….YOUR DAD LOVES YOU & WANTS YOU IN HIS LIFE…WAKE UP. Time to leave COS & enjoy the freedom of a REAL LIFE.
I’m glad for Taryn. Maybe when she isn’t forced to drag her father’s name through the mud she might just have a chance realizing all the lies and deceptions the cult has attached to her name.
Well as soon as her account was restored she sent us a picture of a birthday cake that said “I won’t be quiet so you can be comfortable”.
Sigh. I guess at least she got a cake out of it, Or a picture of a cake. A fake cake?
Fake cake. Found the image on Pinterest. So no cake for Taryn…..😥
What YOU put OUT there on the internet is out there forever. Needless to say lies, angry statements, falsehoods, & scantily clad or naked pictures can easily be found.
So sad that people like THIS & some who sit in important seats in our Nation’s Capitol…STILL haven’t learned to SHUT THE F**K up.
There, I said it. I’ll go away quietly now…..
No! No! No! Don’t go away quietly!
Stay here and keep making noise until they shut down these sites permanently!
It appears this account is back 🙁
LEGEND!!!! YOUR HERE AS WELL (AS WELL AS YOU TUBE) – Good to see you ! I’m a fan of your work – when are you doing some new videos ? They have all the elements that make good viewing – Informative, insightful, Amusing and a little brazen. Keep up the great work exposing Scientology. One of the best around – even nearly as good as Mikes work, Mikes is the best coz hes Australian and I support our own (even if he is a pies fan).
Time to send out an alert to all KSW Scientologists. Have them abandon the “traditional” forms of social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. and head on over to real social media sites like Parlar and Gab. That’s where the in-ethics intelligent folks hang out. It’s all Theta and rainbows on these sites. These are social media front lines of taking on SMERSH, Deep State terrorists, Trilateralists, Swamp Dwellers, DNC and similar suppressive groups that are opposed to freedom. The Q Shaman knows all and sees all. He will provide leadership and guidance in these fraught times. Rumor has it he is a secret Scientology OT so everyone who follows will be in good hands.
This is a Scientology not Qanon. Palar was taken down because of continued abuse because of hate speech n
You’ve seen one cult you’ve seen ’em all. Birds of a feather…
I think it’s obvious that Ms. B Haven was being facetious and satirical. I for one think there is a correlation since many Scn and Freezoners are on the ‘deep state’ crazy train at the moment. Just take a peek at Ortega’s site and his daily “Overheard in the Freezone” section.
There is a connection that I have observed. Without ever saying “Qanon,” early into the pandemic, I had an earnest Scientologist explain to me in detail this belief set (the deep state, the Clinton Foundation dark global intentions with children, Dr. Fauci is an SP, the COVID virus was engineered in a lab funded by Bill Gates, etc.).
So very certain was (is) this person, insisting they got the information from “very good sources.” This is a steady Flag public, well-connected with many Flag S.O. members, which (right or wrong) I took to mean was this person’s “very good sources.”
To not cause antagonism, and seeing there was NO WAY I could talk this person out of their extraordinary belief set, I simply nodded my head and said things like, “Interesting” and “Okay, I am glad you told me.” Later, when the Qanon beliefs were discussed in the media, “Aha” the lightbulb clicked on. I was able to see how a die-hard Scientologist might embrace the Qanon beliefs.
Of course, of course, not saying this reflects all people studying and participating in Scientology. This was one person but also, this is a veteran group member who is non-stop on Flag lines, Clearwater residing, very active in the group.
It all breaks my heart. It is as Lawrence Wright observes “a prison of belief.”
Untold millions of people have wacky or conspiracy beliefs so it doesn’t break my heart. It is what it is. Obviously when it’s someone you know it becomes personal but the vast majority of such people don’t engage in self destructive or violent behavior.
Conspiracy theories abound. Someone in Congress said the world will end in ten years if the Green New Deal is not pushed on Americans. The earth goes through centuries long periods of cooling and warming and we are now in a warming period. Since 1850 in the last 170 years global temperature has risen approximately 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. omg?
The greatest avalanche begins with the slightest movement of the smallest pebble.
Yes. As my husband frequently reminds me when I get so frustrated with our justice system or the longevity of this vile cult, “The Berlin Wall did not come down in a day.” One day this cult will be done Done DONE.
Speaking of our justice system, looks like it has at last caught up with David Gentile and his scam. I wonder if Matt Feshback had any funds to repay his back taxes in Gentiles accounts.
Yo Dave,
How bout you good buddy? Ya might want to consider floating those stock market whiz bang cult members of yerz a small loan to cover.
We just have to consistently chip away at this particular barbed wire topped wall. We’ll get it done.
Congratulations to everyone who took the time to report these accounts to Twitter. The effort has really paid off 🙂 They may well have popped back up again already, but there are more of us than them and, like whack-a-mole, we’ll just keep boinking them until they’re gone for good.
Way to go!
What are the other scientologist associated accounts we could apply this to?
Ms. Monday Morning, I have a list of Scientology Twitter accounts on my blog.
Great news!
This is deffinitely a good news.
They call themselves a religion and want everyone to see it as such but in the meantime they use social media to spit poison and lies on anyone who tells the truth about them – demonstrable things – it’s real hypocrisy.
Furthermore as a “religion” they are also totally averse to charitable works. If you want to be helped you have to give them an exchange. Check it on their site:
A no answer seasoned with lies. Even more hypocrite.
The perception of Scientology is actively changing. The general public does not see scientology as that innocuous fringe group that’s just weird but harmless anymore.
It is seen as a dangerous psychoterrorism group causing harm to children and its former members.
The snow ball is slowly getting larger thanks totally to You and Leah and Tony and Stephani and all the others who have been showing up and doing their part
I am reminded of my dentist (works in Clearwater FL) who, after watching the first season of Leah and Mike’s Aftermath series said to me, “I just thought Scientology was this church over there in downtown Clearwater that kinda believed weird things, but innocent enough.” His eyes, along with his wife’s eyes, everyones eyes who works with him and anyone else he told to watch that series, woke up to the truth about that “innocent” little religion.
So true Mary. I have had friends who lived in Clear Water for decades….they MOVED OUT when these people came to town & began to “take over everything”. Soon enough every little store was “changed”…..
They could not walk in the downtown area & enjoy what they once had……”official looking uniformed people” began to seem to make people uncomfortable.
I used to vacation in Clear Water decades ago…I won’t go near the place now.
Great news..
Every day and in every way things just seem to keep getting better and better.
In other words, this cult just seems to keep getting weaker and shrinking and the rest of the world seems to keep getting more wise to the atrocities (aka abuses) perpetrated by this criminal cult.
I get the feeling the end of this cult may be getting closer and the joyful day when it finally dies may be coming sooner than we ever expected.
Skyler I fully agree. The first step could be that they stop reaching out for new people (pretty much accomplished thanks to the three Aftermath series still be shown). Plus the pandemic isn’t helping them at all. These facts will turn them by into a sect and they will begin to heavily cannibalize the members left to keep the money stats up and this will cause furthermore people to run away in droves.
Leaving in droves.
What a lovely phrase.
Add to that the older long time loyalist folks who will begin to pass on due to possibly some of the ills of old age who were still holding onto “the faith” by a thread as they begin to sicken & die with no one from COS proving daily physical care. They’ll be tossed away like yesterday’s trash.
Once they are gone…..COS will pick at their remains for every cent they might have tucked away somewhere. They are told to await a new meat body that will never come to fruition despite all the $$$ & dedicated long hours they’ve put into COS.
The hard line oldsters who pass away, WHO will pay for their funeral, who will visit them at their gravesite……no one in COS for sure.
Got to keep buying real estate or rebuilding….like the Winchester widow who kept adding on to an already large house for decades… to SHOW that COS is growing…right???