Didn’t L. Ron Hubbard say that auditors are the most valuable beings on the planet?
So, why would an “on Source” scientologist who spent years training through CLASS VIII, be a full time reg for the IAS rather than a full time auditor?
Does Kathy Feshbach have disagreements with LRH?
These are the final two pages of the latest Impact magazine:
And Kaye Champagne has clearly found a more lucrative job than selling rugs. Fundraising for “Ideal Orgs” and IAS. Doesn’t anyone notice her pitch is about “planetary clearing” and that has absolutely nothing to do with the IAS?
And Mrs. Feshbach’s pitch is no better. What about the LRH solutions to clearing the planet? Somehow she seems to be expressing the idea that “handling the 4th dynamic” means “our 4th dynamic programs” — but Dear Leader CONSTANTLY says as the IAS events that these simply make it POSSIBLE to handle the planet (4th dynamic). Maybe she disagrees with Dear Leader too (and that will get you into real trouble).
Does Kathy need the commissions to make ends meet like Kaye does? That could not possibly be the case, remember her husband has Super Powers and delivers lectures for Flag on how to be successful and give lots of money to the church.
Here is another pitch sent recently out by Kathy — love this “we presented an award to ourselves for all the good work we are doing” press release she attaches.
Dear Flag OTC Members,
This was released at the MV IAS July event! We are sending this Voice for Humanity brochure out to 100,000 OL and Government Leaders in 17 languages around the world! We need your continual support to the IAS! Contact me and I can help you with your donation and moving you up to your next status in the IAS!!
Also, the IAS 30th Anniversary in the UK will be held in October. You are all invited!!
Kathy Feshbach
In commemoration of World Humanitarian Day, the Church of Scientology is honoring men and women whose work makes a difference.
In commemoration of World Humanitarian Day, the Church of Scientology published a new video featuring John Redman, Executive Director of Californians for Drug-Free Youth.
The Church of Scientology International is releasing a series of videos on the Scientology Video Channel in commemoration of World Humanitarian day. These video presentations honor men and women who are improving the lives of those in desperate need of help.
The first, published on August 15, features John Redman, Executive Director of Californians for Drug-Free Youth.
“Drugs have no economic boundaries. They have no religious boundaries. They have no geographical boundaries. And it really affects all youth across the board,” says Redman.
He began a program to reverse the drug problem in Baja, California–a problem he describes as “horrendous.”
“Kids were ending their education early, dropping out. And they weren’t going into gangs anymore,” he says. “They weren’t even going into drug trafficking organizations. They were going straight to drug cartels and starting to work for them–ending their youth, ending their education, ending their childhood.”
His answer: to get to youth first with the facts–help them understand what it really means to themselves and their families if they decide to turn to drugs; how drugs will ruin their lives. To create that kind of impact, Redman decided to use The Truth About Drugs curriculum.
“I’ve worked on a number of educational programs on substance abuse,” he says. “I haven’t seen anything that is as comprehensive, but maybe more importantly, that is geared towards youth. The curriculum of The Truth About Drugs–it presents it in a very visual way that captures the youth’s attention.”
Redman is passionate about his work. “We really have that mission of drug-free youth, safe and drug-free communities,” he says. “That’s our mission. That’s our goal.”
The Church of Scientology supports The Truth About Drugs initiative, one of the world’s largest nongovernmental drug education and prevention campaigns. More than 800 government and community organizations have adopted these materials and some 24,000 Truth About Drugs educator kits and 62 million The Truth About Drugs booklets have been distributed in 123 countries.
To make this and the other humanitarian and social betterment initiatives it supports even more broadly available, the Church of Scientology has published a new brochure, Voice of Humanity – Real Help, Real Results.
Inspired by the words of L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of the Scientology religion, that “a being is only as valuable as he can serve others,” Scientologists wholeheartedly support these programs. Participation and collaboration in these initiatives is invited and welcomed from all who seek to improve conditions for themselves and others.
For more information, visit the Scientology website at
Seriously, I understand Kaye Champagne, but does anyone really know what is motivating Kathy Feshbach to be a full time IAS shill instead of a full time auditor or C/S?
Somehow it seems appropriate to include this new promo piece here. Talk about cognitive dissonance.
With all the commissions these two gals are probably raking in as “IAS Regges To The Stars” , can someone mercifully assist them with a more updated look? Talk about being stuck in the ’80s – that frizzy perm, those shoulder pads, I mean, gals, meow, meow, can you come up to present time, puhleez…
Ok, Mike, I feel better having said this very catty and petty thing. Feel free to delete it if you think best. At least you’ll read it. 🙂
LOL! It’s part of being delusional Aqua, you’re not in the right decade/century.
Haven’t read the other posts, so don’t know if this is covered: anyone who’s studied design knows the font at the top and bottom of the Birmingham piece was a lousy choice: it’s hard to read. I’d offer suggestions for the right font, but 1) it’s too late; and 2) I have no interest in helping them.
“Your final sentence is an absolutely terrible thing to say: On the other hand she allowed this to happen to herself as well.
Unfortunately, this is a mindset that a lot of scientologists have.
You really think that someone who is led to believe that they will be given help and indoctrinated into the fact that this is the “only way to spiritual salvation” and that “if you are not making it is because you have OW’s or are a resistive case or whatever” are complicit?
And what about boys abused by priests? do they too qualify for the “On the other hand she allowed this to happen to herself as well” sort of comment?
I suggest you rethink your idea of compassion as a real person, not parrot some scientology indoctrinated mindset.”
Mike, your comments above really connected with me, I think most Scientologists at some stage have swallowed this crap and carry it on even after they have disconnected. The thought that everything that happens to you is somehow your fault or you “pulled it in” is just bizarre. Just ask the innocents being slaughtered in Syria and Iraq how all that is somehow their fault or maybe all those civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The day I realised that I thought along those lines (much to my shame) and realised how preposterous it is (the day I finished the PTS/SP course and realised I was PTS to the Church) is the day I no longer had an interest in the Church. The Church by promulgating this idea is using it as just another method to control their parishioners or justify their treatment of others. In my personal experience I found the Church as a whole the most unempathic, mean spirited, money grubbing organisation I have known. It ruthlessly exploits so many good people who just want to help or to be helped, it is disgusting.
I suppose this is nothing new to your readership but I would implore you all to look in at yourselves and your considerations and attitudes you may have picked up from your involvement in the Church that are like the above, you might be shocked at the stable data you have that in reality just makes you a lesser person, not a better one.
PP….I’m happy to see the PTS tech worked
for you.
Thanks for your post.
That’s a life saving realization Pied Piper, that you were PTS to the CoS. I had a similar one and since then have drastically improved my life and have become a happier person for it. I wish the same for others who are finding their way out. I liked your comment very much. Do well!
Anyone not posting under their real name is still PTS to the church. Myself included. ALL related to a fear of some sort. Either business, personal or family related. Its worth a review which may enable a handling.
Hi Chester,
You may have a point there. However, some of us prefer our privacy. Not everyone is engaged on facebook or any other social media. Just because they like to keep their privacy…
Chester, the church knows I post on these sites and am critical about El Ron, et al. The “datum” you wrote is simply garbage.
Why did they do it? I have another possible answer: greed.
Kaye and Kathy either have to be totally delusional or totally criminal. It’s one or the other.
They are soliciting money from people for works done by (other) people who have zero help, funding, or any type of assistance from the IAS. Anyone who is working to educate kids about drugs ie: The Truth About Drugs is doing this on their own steam and the IAS has no right to take any credit for their work. This can be said for any social betterment projects being done by public scientologists as the IAS doesn’t put out a penny to help anybody, especially “pay” or financially assist people to do fourth dynamic activities to improve conditions for humankind.
If you take a moment and read between the lines of the schill’s communication, you will see that they are only saying that they “support” people’s good works. Support as in they approve of it and like it but do not help in it or fund it. Yet they ask for money to “support” it. Why would you have to give money to an organization which pays nothing to help anyone and keeps the money for itself, in order to show your “support”, meaning your approval?
They make it sound as though their brochures and educator kits are free but they are not. Nothing is ever free coming out of the IAS/CoS. They are just trying to sell products that you really don’t need to do your social programs. I know from years of personal experience and have yet to see anyone from the IAS offer any help. No, in that sense they are quiet as mice.
I should have clicked on the link for “how we help/ voice for humanity” but I am just too disgusted to do so right now.
Good points Pepper. They bless the charity with their approval. BFD. The same lazy approach as everything else.
Because of the phenomenal 47 X growth since release of GAG II, there is really nothing left to work on except getting money for IAS and Ideal Orgs.
It strikes me, and I may be wrong but who knows, that Cap’n Shorty is replacing everything that Hubbard built up with his own insane fantasy world of Scamology. And I still believe that when it all comes crashing down he, along with the money, will vanish.
With all of the blogs, all the topics and contributors. There may be disagreement amongst us bloggers about different people, the tech, Ron himself but I have never seen one comment which defended the ias, or explained about any good it was doing.
Thanks for naming Kathy Feschback and Kaye Champagne, Mike, for posterity. Fraud and the criminals who engage in it should be exposed, Let the future shame and label these people for what they are.
Thing is if the sinking ship that is the Church ever rights itself and becomes sane then these people will say “we knew it all along (that IAS etc. was all a fraud) but we rationalized it by doing the best we could regardless”. They’ll probably do a quicky Liability Formula and sneak back into good graces with any new hopefully sane regime, which however I would find personally annoying as despite having had my NOTs Held Down 7 RD, I would still relish handling them as in the old Inquisition days of seeing them being stretched on a rack and red hot pokers being applied to them in revenge for the complete treason these people have perpetrated on the subject and organization. Anyone want to join in? – you can heat up the pokers! LOL! Only kidding folks! But their treason, criminality and depravity seemingly knows no bounds.
The other point I notice a lot with these type of people is the almost covert threatening stance and attitude they have. It’s this “cold chrome steel” and “strong silent type” (see DMSMH) (actually psychotic) ethos pervading all of their “promo”. There is nothing “nice” with or about these people at all. It is an inculcated attitude that has been spread like an infectious disease since the early 1980s. It is given over as being “professional” as well. It is totally psychotic. The irony is that these sort of people might actually want to and relish putting you on a rack with red hot pokers, especially if you haven’t “donated the expected amount” by Thursday 2PM.
“They’ll probably do a quicky Liability Formula and sneak back into good graces with any new hopefully sane regime,”
Maybe FP, but it was a truly sane management, they would get into good graces only after their rockslams had been handled, they had cognited and taken responsibility for being in treason or lower and then helped those poor bastards they bankrupted or whose survival they severely impeded. And if they dont do that, to hell with them!
So true 4a! No one wants to see an ias reg. And I agree with you on point 2 also…to hell with them. I told an ias reg at flag, that I would need a full accounting of monies spent by the ias, in order to contribute past lifetime member. She gave a smirk and told a stupid story about how someone had to put in a written request for the money, for a single nail. Now I work as a construction manager, so I can’t tell you how unrealistic and lame that was. In the next cubicle another ias reg was hugging a woman, and she looked like she was about to explode with enturbulation. What a contrast. These people are personally responsible for diverting a whole generation of funds away from auditing and training. Assholes.
Kathy and Matt need the money.
Matt’s letter to the IRS is online saying that they are selling their house and their furniture to pay the tax bill.
Also in that letter Matt stated that he has a severe abdominal illness.
I’m sure someone can find it.
Lynn – I have seen what you are taking about but cannot attach a link right now. Google searches can help. I also read that Matt and Kathy have a huge tax bill to pay and it doesn’t appear to be an easy task for them. Matt also cited severe health issues due to some sort of back/body pain which impairs his daily life. The documents I read were taken from bankruptcy court.
Life is hitting them hard and that’s probably why Kathy has to go out and make money now at this stage in her life when she never had to before. Scientology is probably all she knows and is her main reality, so schilling for the IAS is a good fit for her.
Sounds like they need to be programmed for the Cause Resurgence Rundown so they can get out ahead of their problems.
Why is Kathy “in bidness” instead of auditing? Uhm …. well, why does someone stop doing a pro-survival activity? C’mon my fellow exes …. y’all know the right answer …. ding ding ding …OVERTS! She’s probably a lousy auditor. I had 35 years of top notch tech experience and can still audit, but ….. I’m somehow an “SP” …. so much for how auditors are looked at in the good old CoS.
By the way, don’t think the Feshbachs don’t want or even need the money. Matt might need a top notch criminal lawyer any day or if he keels over and dies suddenly like his super power twin brother Joe did a few years ago, Kathy might find the commissions come in handy …. well, I’m sure they have a good life insurance policy anyway, but they probably can never be too rich.
Kaye Champagne? (real name, Kaye Schlitz, she changed her name when she decided to go uptown, but it’s still booze baby) …. really the answer to why she and Kathy do what they do is the simple and easy answer. These women are mentally ill, delusional, nuts, wacko, bonkers, Do you SERIOUSLY think Kathy Feshbach, all OT8 and Cl8 of her can ACTUALLY recognize similarities, difference and identities? (see Data Series 1 where Ron defines sanity). Get real my friends.
” Do you SERIOUSLY think Kathy Feshbach, all OT8 and Cl8 of her can ACTUALLY recognize similarities, difference and identities?”
Nail ……..Meet hammer! LOL. well said Joe.
“I can help you with your donation and moving you up to your next status in the IAS” ….
Oh yeah Kathy, I bet you CAN “help” me with that …. ha ha ha ha (don’t call ME sweetheart, I’ll call YOU, ok?)
They are sending a out brochure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! To 100,000 “opinion leaders”. They think they can do a little write up, spending other people’s money and magically, the 4th dynamic is destimulated and is being improved. No it’s not. The guy in Baja who actually cares about the young people in his area and is doing the work, is the person who’s actually making a difference. Scn is supposed to have the unique activity of auditing people, to their betterment. THIS and only this should be the method to improve the 4th dynamic, not, brochures, opulent buildings, foil embossed commendations or slick PR. The corporate church is in treason to itself and utterly off purpose.
Hallie Jane – if it’s even true 100,000 brochures. I seriously doubt it and think its a made up number thrown out into the wind. The cost is maybe 1,000 to print that many too. For an organization holding billions of dollars. Big Deal.
so effing arrogant these fliers. omg. It makes me puke.
Like Sciants really care about kids on drugs.
Like Sciants ever give money to any organization dealing with drug abuse.
Like Sciants ever do anything but collect money to collect money in order to collect more money.
Nothing getting cleared here but someone’s bank account.
Poor girls. Put your finger over their mouths in the picture and just look at their eyes. To me there is a disconnect between the smiling mouth and what’s in those eyes.
Interesting Sterling. I tried it and in Kaye I see arrogance and condescension. In Cindy I see a deflated sadness. Just my take.
Agree Hallie,
Kaye has a mean streak, Kathy is just worn out …… all her hopes and dreams are dashed. Out of money, out of time (to do GAG II) and out of a life worth living.
Yes Sterling, very true. I frequently do this whenever I look at promos from the church or watch their videos. The eyes always tell what’s going on – they are the window to the soul as we say.
Body language is also fun to watch.
Like going to school for years to become a Dr, giving it all up and becoming a car salesman. I’m sure she justifies it by thinking it’s for the greater good, 4th dynamic. Only problem is that “mankind” really can’t stand Scientology.
If she really wants to change the 4th dynamic for the better, she should start by doing something about Scientology’s reputation. And Kathy, that would start internally. You really want to help? Your first step is to clean up Scientology’s reputation. Better get busy, you got a lot of work to do.
There is something out in that picture….is it a left hand
or right hand meter?
She holds it as if it is a left hand meter but yet the meter
cover is on her right??
Okay I get she is an auditor in training but really,
can’t someone tell her to hold it with her left hand
if the cover is on the right?
My money is on the cash incentive that motivates Kathy Feshback rather than the pat on the back for well done auditing hours. She knows that D.M. doesn’t give a rats ass about ‘ well done auditing hours’ compared to $$$$$. And there’s rarely been a case where people with lots of money were ever satisfied that they had enough. Even if it meant taking your money as well.
I’m not sure they have “lots of money” anymore. I thought he declared bankruptsy or do I have the wrong Feshbach.
All the Feshbachs are the wrong Feshbach!
I have an idea why KF has bailed on auditing….her auditing skill has been invalidated by Mi$cavige. (Through the GATs.) She grants him that beingness and ability to do that to her, so it must be true that her auditing wasn’t that great after all. Even if she was a kick-ass auditor, any small error or question she had got magnified way out of proportion to her auditing career and she just backed off.
So it’s a two-fisted punch: take someone very very skilled in communication and who is very willing to help, and make them feel bad about what they were doing. Then give them something else to do (make you tons of money) with that ability and willingness to help and really turn up the validation for THAT activity, instead of the earlier one. They then think they are changing their “career” by their own decision. But in truth it is uber sleazy manipulation.
And this is how you put the good auditors out of business and close down the entire shop. And make tons more money for yourself!
Think it through, Kathy. You have been duped BIGtime. And with this decision of yours, you are taking down other auditors with you who want to follow your faaaaabulous example. What secrets do you have to hide that are so big that you can’t step away and leave the damn cult of criminals? I challenge you to confidently audit again. You can’t do it. WAKE UP.
On the surface it’s sounds so glorious and influential,
get’s your attention ! The IAS is much worse than
the phony T.V. commercials for starving you name it’s that
scream for money and continue to starve because it’s a scam.
The IAS will never Clear anyone or anything, it was not even set up for that purpose.
It only around to make a select few rich, two pictured above, and David Miscavige rich.
Kaye and Kathy look like the High School Teachers From Hell, the ones who always assign homework on Fridays and smell like Virginia Slims with an overtone of cheap gin, and you just know that they’re the ones leaving the Avon catalogs in the staff lounge so they can make a few extra bucks on the side. They’re with the IAS because they couldn’t stick around in college long enough to get teaching certificates and achieve their true life goal of sadistically abusing teenagers and ball-busting their underachieving husbands after each has a hard day at work.
Whenever I see women like that, I say a dozen Ramens to the Flying Spaghetti Monster for my DNA making me gay.
This is perfect.
Espiando, yours has got to be at least one of the top 3 responses on this topic. Your description paints a vivid picture of their inner self.
Just… LOL, Espiando!
CLASSIC — best comment of the day —
To which I’ll add — women like that make me bless my DNA 🙂 –
“I was there, I helped, I hope you enjoy this clear planet we put there for you.”
Yo Kaye,
Can you step it up a tad? I hear a lot of noise but I don’t see many results. What part of the planet were you working on last week and what exactly did you put there FOR ME? I found an old Daveshit sandwich near the front door of one of your morgues …………. was that it?
Coop, I think the cult will be sending Kaye to the middle east where the Islamic State (IS) is ravaging parts of Syria and Iraq and committing genocide, to:
1. Reg the IS soldiers for donations to the IAS as both organizations destroy people, and:
2. To tell them about this clear planet they put there for them.
Within several weeks, that sector of this planet should be completely cleared.
I think the zero step will be to cough up for and distribute a couple hundred thousand TWTH tablets to calm the area before they start demanding IAS donos.
You don’t need a Class VIII to deliver the Objectives, and that’s all anyone is doing these days.
Funny, but you don’t need ANY auditors for delivering GAG II. Zero. Zip. Nada…
I’m sorry, what are auditors used for again…
God this is so sickening. One thing I cannot understand is how, when Debbie’s email reached something like 12,000 people (purportedly) – more OT’s didn’t sit up and take notice? I know for a fact that virtually every South African OT/Flag public received that email – and so many of them got “all electrified, ran to OSA like a bunch of babies whimpering about this enturbulation on their lines”. Of course, this also started a wave of people who did sit up and take notice – and these people I consider to be real OT’s. But they weren’t many. And by now, all declared.
Debbie clearly spelled out the billions sitting in the IAS slush-fund – and the constant necessity to keep adding to it. Very little flowing out – millions flowing in. I am not OT, and I’m not particularly highly trained either but by God even I could do the math by pure obnosis. (And I was not one of the recipients of that email).
The IAS fundraisers in South Africa have raked in millions upon millions and yet the amount flowed BACK into our community is miniscule, almost non-existent. The DSA JBG Org told me that applying for an IAS grant is so complex and unconfrontable, it’s easier just to raise more money for each campaign needed.
All these “good works” being done in the community are NOT being done with IAS money – you get the odd hero who decides to take care of a zone, which they do – this gets onto the Church’s radar and the next thing you know, Gold is crawling all over the place setting up posed photo-shoots and suddenly, this is somehow cleverly positioned to dupe the public into thinking this was an IAS product. What’s more, the stats and achievements reported are blatant lies and what you’re NOT told is that these things happened with NO IAS funding in the first place, but you “need to keep flowing to the IAS to make more of this possible”. And people swallow this S**T hook, line and sinker.
Anyway back to the issue of IAS and OT’s and/or highly trained people shilling for them like the two above. And many others that do and are doing the same.
If these people apparently cannot see what is sitting in front of their noses, then I seriously start questioning the tech and it’s validity. How can these guys not SEE what is happening? By choice? Fear? Control? or just plain inability to see the criminal exchange going on? Either way, when I see people behaving like this while claiming to be “up there in lofty high places on the homo-novus scale of OT” – then no thanks.
I have seen it happen in front of my eyes – in my own family. Someone who previously couldn’t be dragged kicking and screaming to a fundraiser, now OT8 and suddenly front-and-centre stage at EVERY fundraiser – with that fixed smile of glee and false enthusiasm – while behind it all, the palpable abject terror of what could or would happen to him if he wasn’t seen to be toeing the line. And of course, he just HAD to disconnect from me BEFORE I had even appeared in front of the Firing Squad.
I prefer to stay where I am (clearly unclear as to whether I am Clear or not – and now an SP to boot). I am in excellent shape in comparison to these so-called “OT’s” – I don’t want anyone meddling in my case with the result that I turn into a hypnotic, zombified, scared, blind, pliable and controllable “OT” willing to sell my soul to the devil, compulsively lauding his COBship, the IAS and all the other criminal-exchange campaigns by “helping” to insist that people continue giving, giving and giving some more.
Sheer madness. Sorry about the long rant.
Black Panther. You are simply witnessing the “E.P.” of mind scam that is Scn. There is no there, there. That’s why LRH died a neurotic, suicidal, fugitive from the law. He was “O.T.” & HIGHLY trained…
There is nothing else to figure out. Just put out the truth so others don’t fall for this criminal scam.
Well, BlackPanther I love the “rant.” You said it exactly. I also had a friend of over 25 years (had read the Debbie Cook email, etc.) get on a high horse about what was happening with me and by god! wasn’t going to disconnect if I got declared and went to the MAA and told him so. Then OSA got a hold of this person and shown their white light. Got a spiritual sodomizing (40! yes 40! intensives of sec check) and hasn’t been the same – disconnected from me BEFORE I was declared. I believe this person is on their GAT II now. All straightened up.
40 intensives? At $12,500 per intensive? That’s $500,000.
I think the End Phenomenon of Scientology is Stupid. As someone so wisely pointed out on Tony’s blog today — Co$ could be called Stupidology.
Hmmmmmmm. Strong is the Kool-ade in this one, McCarran. As is weakness of mind, Troubling it is. Not even sure Yoda can fix this.
McCarran – that happened here in South Africa. One of the OT’s who got the email ran to all her other OT friends and this started the wave that ultimately led to the Storm Troopers arriving here to declare all and sundry.
And the original OT that started it all? Got reeled in and given an “OSA Lobotomy”. She sent out an email lauding the Ideal Morgues campaign to everyone – and I instinctively knew this was her “public doubt announcement”. Then she and her husband promptly upped and offed to the UK and left people in South Africa they owed hundreds of thousands of Rands to. Her OT5 husband was incapable of earning a living and they sucked up all her inheritance from a very wealthy Greek family. Such a pity – I really liked her, she was a good auditor and a stalwart Old Timer, but they got to her too in the end.
C’est la vie.
At the end of Orwell’s 1984, Winston did sincerely LOVE Big Brother.
Your decision to just not pick up the cans was a much better one!
McCarran – I’ve commented before that the auditors in Miscavige’s church are not getting the real “withholds” – after 40 intensives of sec checking they still obviously missed the real ones – like: “I hate being in this Church and having to donate to these bastards and the funds that just go to buy COB’s flown in Alaskan salmon” etc. (the “overt” would have been she had bought a new car instead donating to enable COB to buy several new cars).
But joking (?) aside, 40 intensives of sec checking is a total travesty. And as to the “C/Ses” involved in such executive (or Registrar) “C/Sing”, they should be shot from guns. On the other hand she allowed this to happen to herself as well.
Your final sentence is an absolutely terrible thing to say: On the other hand she allowed this to happen to herself as well.
Unfortunately, this is a mindset that a lot of scientologists have.
You really think that someone who is led to believe that they will be given help and indoctrinated into the fact that this is the “only way to spiritual salvation” and that “if you are not making it is because you have OW’s or are a resistive case or whatever” are complicit?
And what about boys abused by priests? do they too qualify for the “On the other hand she allowed this to happen to herself as well” sort of comment?
I suggest you rethink your idea of compassion as a real person, not parrot some scientology indoctrinated mindset.
Firstly we are not talking boys, we are talking about an adult who obviously has plenty of money to be able to afford 40 intensives.And you are assuming my remark means I have no compassion for these people, far from it actually – that is the reason I post here, although the 2.5%ers of course will not heed any words here anyway. But that principle is the crux of the raison d’etre for this site is it not? – the fact that people have allowed themselves to be duped by the current set-up in the Church and that by reading them some of them will be disabused of this. Essentially Mike I am doing the same as what virtually every article and most comments posted here are stating. If my choice of words was too abrupt (for you) then that was not my intent. Nearly all of my comments here I believe have evidenced my compassion for those people or well, dupes, if you like, that have been caught up in this maelstrom of out-tech, out-admin and general perniciousness pervading the Church.
I was afraid you would respond by saying “we are not talking about boys”…
You need to wake up to the real world, not the one that is described in scientology.
Ok. I don’t think my statements warrant your comments as to my supposed drowsiness and which are ironically somewhat a rather fascist, abrupt and off-hand response to my explanation above, doing more or less that which you accuse me of. The fact of the matter is that the poor woman in this case did allow herself to be manipulated and if others do not point this out to these people, as your web site does generally, then they will go on being manipulated. So I still do not understand your stance on this. It seems you think my remark was some sort of red flag of lack of compassion, which you have responded to like a bull. Yet you can quite easily say to me in a peeved and somewhat insulting manner that I “should wake up” and yet all I was saying was that this woman should wake up. And what virtually everyone who comments here is saying as well – that people should a) wake up and b) not allow themselves to be manipulated. I cannot explain it any better than that. I think you are assuming that I am sort of ex-GO KSW-at-all-costs, rabid snarling dog and saying that these people are “motivator hungry” or because of their overts “they pulled it in” etc. I didn’t say that nor did I say in that tone, even if you understood it to be so.
Perhaps this is a case of talking at seeming cross purposes even though the purpose is the same?
“…………………….. now OT8 and suddenly front-and-centre stage at EVERY fundraiser – with that fixed smile of glee and false enthusiasm – while behind it all, the palpable abject terror of what could or would happen to him if he wasn’t seen to be toeing the line.”
Those that finish OT VIII either become Operating Thugs or they leave the cult. I, like you am happy to be gone. My family that remain in are either pawns or thugs …or both. If they remain in they usually take one of two forms; cowardly where they.smile and eek out a few pennies now and then to ‘prove’ they don’t need a sec check, or overt (thugs) where they gain some measure of power lording over others as they preach the (nazi) party line with a half smile of disdain across their face. (refer to poster photo of Kaye and Kathy)
There are no whales in my family so large donos are not an option to suck up to der furher. Too bad…I guess Dave can claim failed help or maybe he could send them to the Freewinds .. gratis…. to attend the “How to get rich quick and become a major suck up donor all in one course.”
Hey Coop – you are so right about the thug theory. That particular family member I spoke of is tied into a relationship with the Church and Duggans…… so he is stuck, I am afraid. It’s given him and my sister one massively whopping incentive to “play nicey nicey” with the RCS.
One day they will realize the RCS behaves much like a rabid skunk. It bites the hand that helps and stinks to high heaven!
No apology necessary. Well said. The other thing that nagged at me for many years was the fact that SO members were (in the main) not going up the Bridge. I used to wonder whether they didn’t believe in their own product.
Oh, I’m sure they still believe in their own product, however, working 100 weeks for pennies per hour and dealing with sleep deprivation on a daily basis along with worry about being thrown into the RPF, somehow they just can’t find the time. But GAG II I’m sure will fix that.
Yep, I always wondered, how the hell are they going to clear the planet when they can’t even clear the Sea Org?
Simple – SO and staff not going up the bridge was not always the case – seems to be a new thing (certainly since DM took over and maybe a bit before that). In the 50’s & 60’s you couldn’t even apply to join staff unless you were an HDA or above. And I know that all LRH’s staff were both trained as auditors and were audited – many of them up to OT. And some good products came off the lines (hence many old OT’s no longer in the Church – they were able to see the rot coming a long time ago).
As for today, I definitely wouldn’t believe in the product – it seems to produce some really terrifying results. I have seen too many of these coming off the line and long before I was thankfully forcibly ejected, I had made a decision never to go anywhere near an AO because of the overt products I was observing. I even told an AO reg that one day – he was gobsmacked.
Simple, mainly it is because the way LRH set up the SO was to have VERY low cost labor for VERY high priced items sold. While he paid lip service to SO staff going up the Bridge in policy he wrote, he never did anything effective to ensure it happened. While having 100% of the authority & control. The almighty Buck won out with him and the S.O. members when there was a conflict.
“I am in excellent shape in comparison to these so-called “OT’s” – I don’t want anyone meddling in my case with the result that I turn into a hypnotic, zombified, scared, blind, pliable and controllable “OT” willing to sell my soul to the devil, compulsively lauding his COBship, the IAS and all the other criminal-exchange campaigns by “helping” to insist that people continue giving, giving and giving some more. ”
Well said, Black Panther! You speak sooth. Rant on!
Thanks Cindy 🙂
I would encourage you to be true to your own goals Black Panther. Don’t let hypnotized zombies influence your decision either way. The tech is free for you to understand, or not, and choose, or not.
You seem to be seeing things clear as a bell so just carry on with what you think is right and what you’re passionate about. We know the corporate church is committing horrible, overt products so don’t look there for what you’d like to achieve. Perhaps the org in Haifa would be a safe place for a clear sort out, if you wish. I know you will get well cared for there. You’re doing a fantastic job with your blog and communicating effectively and I appreciate the shit out of it. You’re already awesome! 🙂
Sheer madness, yes. And it’s got nothing to do with the tech. The “tech” of the current” church” is far removed from what LRH left us, and has been for many many years. They operate through fear only. It is really just a cult now.
“What we have here is a failure to communicate”
skip to now,
What we have here is a couple of Operating spouTees (OTs) .
The most dedicated Spoutologists alive!
There communication is out of touch with the world around them.
Their words are only useful in the strange context of Scientology, the donations levels game the IAS is playing.
It’s a fundraising language world of special niche Scientology in house fundraising world, where words are everything, and their language follows Miscacige language, his only “tool” in controlling the movement’s viability is words.
The highest playing actors in this Hubbard charade mirror the language of the top dog in this movement, Miscavige!
Learning to speak his hyperbole fantasy, and spitting it back, and being the upper middle class play along parishioner, in words that mirror the top dog’s fantasy language, is as good as Scientology abilities get!
The best Scientologists play along with Miscavige’s delusion language, the best.
Delusional isolated religious fantasy language OTs, rather “Operating Spoutees”!
Get the lowest prize today .. but you must be GAT II trained before you can have a preclear .. and all old preclear are on the GAT II program .. and all after this you do not need a Class VIII ..
“Seriously, I understand Kaye Champagne, but does anyone really know what is motivating Kathy Feshbach to be a full time IAS shill instead of a full time auditor or C/S?”
Status in the cult? As it take donating money to gain more status, and we all know now that status is “case gain,” I believe that’s it.
That is what she is told to do. No brainer.
Where is the ‘Scientology Video Channel’ on my cable system? I looked around the Cable Shopping Network and the Sham WoW channel, but I can’t find it.
How many auditors and case supervisors have re-finished GAT 2? There probably aren’t many outside of Clearwater, so its time for all the old auditors to retrain and become relevant (that is get into the current cash flow) of the new pyramid scam. And it makes COB happy too.
Auditors sometimes make good money and they only send up lines a percentage of the gross. This way, Davy gets more of the gross and only has to pay out 10-15% of the take as commission. Just business as usual, if you’re the Amway of Marcabian brain cootie removal.
How many auditors, if any are actually left, can afford 2 Warehouse 8 meters?
The fact that the church considers auditors the most valuable beings on the planet is reflected in the Auditor’s Day celebrations vis á vis the IAS and MV events.
Yeah, good point. Auditors Day is supposed to be the second Sunday in September and it is the “Event That Shall Not Be Spoke Of.”
Because, Mike, to answer your question, Kathy Feshbach, is a narcissist. She is a perfect victim of someone like David Miscavige. He gives her “life every day” when she talks to the “peoples of earth” and pushes forward the goals of Command Intention.
(Besides, auditors get bad pay.)
I think I deserve the prize for the day. LOL
Well, OK, I must admit that was pretty good too. Maybe I was a bit premature with Tom.
Prizes for all. This blog is where everyone wins.
Remember in the old days, that poster that had in Ron’s handwriting: “Auditors wanted. Horrible hours. Bad pay …” Well now the poster should say, “Forget horrible hours and bad pay for auditing. The IAS wants you… Short hours, no exchange, no products, and fantastic pay for being an IAS reg.”
Very good, Cindy.
Cindy, OMG, you’re cracking me up!
Brownie points with Heir Adolf Miscavige? Maybe Kathy’s husband needs a GAG II Super Power booster refresher redo.
“but does anyone really know what is motivating Kathy Feshbach to be a full time IAS shill instead of a full time auditor or C/S?”
Maybe she cognited that clear doesn’t exist so might as well run the IAS scam instead? Make $ for a lot less hours put in. Shortest distance between her and cash.
“Seriously, I understand Kaye Champagne, but does anyone really know what is motivating Kathy Feshbach to be a full time IAS shill instead of a full time auditor or C/S?”
Absolutely. Auditors and C/Ss are thrown overboard, thrown under the bus, trash-talked, underpaid and invalidated to the point of utter degradation. IAS hucksters are lauded and paid handsomely for raping, plundering and pillaging other people’s money.
Welcome to Kaye and Kathy’s new civilization.
Not only are Auditors and C/S’s thrown overboard, under
the bus, trash talked and invalidated in the current COS, it even goes
on in indy blogs as well. Damned if you do, damned if
you don’t.
I don’t know Kathy, never met her. I do know back in
the 70’s people were rushed onto the VIII course without
having done the VI internship (a pre req for the course) with
the idea they would do both internships after the VIII crse.
For many the internships never happened but they liked wearing
the CL VIII moniker for status etc. Maybe Kathy is one of those?
Then on the other hand, there are quite a few VIII’s that have stayed
in despite the complete dismantling of the tech as we once knew it.
Some are shilling for the IAS as Kathy. Barry Klein and Drew Johnston
to name a couple. And then there is the biggest CL VIII huckster of all..
Reid Slatkin. A CL VIII title can open doors….unfortunately those doors
only swing one way in some cases.
It appears to be the only monetary move to make for anyone in the current
COS with status, title and no job.
Kathy did her Briefing Course and Class VIII at Flag in the 90’s as far as I recall.
This is news to me about Drew Johnston. He used to be my FSM before I graduated up to being a “Special Person.” Did Drew throw over his FSM and CSing practice to now just reg for the IAS? Is that what he is doing now?
Mike, I think what’s motivating Kathy Feshback to be an IAS shill is an order from David Miscavige. I think she’s been ordered to do this because he feels that she has gravitas, that people (whales?)will listen and give her face time because she’s a Feshback and rich like they are, and because her auditor training gives her an ability to be able to detect the correct buttons to press to obtain maximum dollars, and because as an auditor, she may even be allowed access to PC folders and Ethics Folders, etc. Now, I’m not sure about the last reason but I think the first two are safe bets.
I don’t know if you even have to be an auditor to have access to a pc file. I routed out of Scientology in St. Louis in 1990 and I just figured after a few years I would never hear from another Scientologist.. Wrong. In early 2013, I learned that my preclear folders had sprouted wings as I got a call from LA Org. stating they had looked at my folders and they told me some of my history with Scientology. And I don’t know if the guy I was talking to was an auditor or not. They were so desperate they were going after long gone Scientologists to get them to buy Basics and the Congress Lectures. Life had not been going well for me, so out of desperation and to get them off my case I gave in and bought 5K worth of Basics Books and Congress lectures. I only did one book, Problems of Work, and after reading the entheta on the internet, I dropped the course and have never returned to it. And I wrote them an E-Mail expressing my displeasure and I told them some of the stuff I read on the internet. They knew right away I was ARC broken with Scientology and the money cycle. Cheers.
GAG II maybe? They have to “re-train” from the bottom up?
Good point Tom. That may be it…. A LOT of people have stopped auditing with GAG II.
Plus there is no Briefing Course now so she could not even retrain to Class VIII if she wanted to. I seem to recall some “success” from her learning how to study again on the “new” Student Hat fairly recently.
Tom, you may have won the prize for today 🙂
Actually GAT 1 eradicated most of the previous auditors. Auditors like my mom who is a class 8 c/s trained under LRH were told they would have to pay 100k to re-cert each step. My mom thought it was insane & that was the end of that.
Now money isn’t an issue for Kathy but she has way more prestige in what she does now. As for Kaye she is totally fake and is in it for her own glory.
Kay is in it not only for the reasons you say, Chrissie, but also for the MONEY. The prestige of being a good little Humanitarian and “Salvaging the Planet” plus the MONEY is why Kay gave up rug trading. And the fact that ASHO no longer delivers the BC and AOLA no longer delivers the Class VIII Course means no one can actually train up to Class VI or Class VIII again even if they wanted to do Gag II. Wake up! Those two things alone should tell you someone has gutted and destroyed the Church of Scientology and the delivery of auditing.
Yeah, that’s how things went down with GAG I. A grace period of audting the “old” way, then your cert just stops being valid.
That’s when I gave up any ideas of ever being an auditor. It took me ten years of working, co-auditing grades and doing the BC AND the freaking Internship. Only to get my certs revoked 4 years later.