Not wanting to be left behind by Mike Smith and David Wilson, Ty Dillard is rolling out the latest rumor. Though for what reason is very unclear.
Trying to keep public from going to Flag to do their “OT Objectives Co-Audit”??? Seems a bit strange when they have been HAMMERING “OT’s” to get to Flag to re-do their Objectives.
But, good news, GAG II is “likely” going to be released “within a few weeks.”
And for you OT’s who “have wanted to do it” [that is redo your Objectives] this will make it easier.
Funny how if you are willing to pay, you can do almost anything you want. I wonder if an “OT” really “wanted to” whether they could route themselves back onto Life Repair? Book One auditing?
This is sort of like announcing to High School Seniors that “for those that want to, you can now re-do your pre-K classes right here, no longer a need to go to College out of state for that honor.”
Once you get rolling down the slippery slope of insanity, it’s virtually impossible to stop. As the RCS keeps proving every day.
From: Tyree Dillard <[email protected]>
Subject: Objectives Co-AuditHello!
Sorry for the send-all email – but I want to get the news out to everyone amongst my OT selectees and friends. I talked to Anne Mintz, the I/C of the Flag Office in West US, today, and she gave me some very interesting data. Here it is, just as she gave it to me:
When the release event happens at Flag, likely to be within the next few weeks, all Orgs which have GAT II teams will be allowed to deliver the new Objectives Co-Audit to OT’s. That is all Orgs, Class V on up.
The matter of who is C/S’ed for this action and in what sequence of actions is clearly individual, and would have to be worked out with your C/S’es. For those of you who have wanted to do it, either as a set-up for Superpower, or because you have heard of the wins other OT’s are having on it at Flag or just because it indicates to you personally, this could make the logistics of doing so much easier.
If you want to talk to me about this, please call. If you don’t have much data about this whole matter, I will fill you in. If you need help in organizing how to make it work for you, let’s get working on that.
Love to you all,
the Original OT IV Rundown was not Confidential .. I think it became The Green Form .. something like Theta Mest conflicts solved .. doesn’t matter what it is .. but after there was another OT V than yet .. OT VII was Ability to Project Intention .. it is not longer in the Books especially Sientology 0-8 ..
Redo Objectives is surely invalidating, because you are as the result of the Objectives orientated in Present Time .. but it doesn’t say two things a) how long is Present Time, and b) in which Present Time I should be orientated .. there are more than one ..
Following, if someone found out that he can confront and look to the environment, and kicked out some agreement not to do so .. which seems as the only problem in regard to the Objectives .. than he needs no redo for the same process .. it is simple .. if you go above you will expand Present Time from a second, a day, a week, a year, a lifetime, being in this universe, being there et all ..
I have seen an OT V who came every day in the church for checking his Ruds .. did not understand, because why he did it not himself .. it is part of his present time .. so I think that there are people around who do not know where there are (Confusion) ..
Confusion is claimed as an ethics Condition .. but nobody found ever out that Confusion is a Case Condition .. naturally it is, because you can pick it up in every Present Time .. has nothing to do with anything else .. you need only disorder ..
Sometimes I thought that Scientology gives some order (positive) and at the same time some disorder (negative) .. so it creates a Dichotomie and Action .. but it has to has run down in a confusion .. probably the primary goal in all this Scientology ..
Once I thought that LRH will run down some purposes of others .. will create his own purpose as the only purpose .. but his purpose is to eradicate your mind .. but after all, your mind is yourself .. nothing else there who can create it ..
Back in the “bad ol'” days we used to tell people that we were “expanding” their grades if we found they’d been quickied or bypassed so they wouldn’t feel invalidated.
I mean the original OT IV rundown was designed to handle this.
Yet it seems that all they do over there is invalidate cases which is basically suppressive.
Objectives and Purif is my only attest in 40 years been Scientologist .. last year I got indicated have to have redo that as my next step on the Bridge .. I refused that .. went then to Death File .. as I can imagine, because nobody tells me ..
So on, I came not higher on the Bridge than Objectives .. could never grasp what I could or should do with this mind processes .. I have a lot of imagination .. but audit this as case made me more unhappy than happy ..
So on, my Objectives were a well done cycle, but it belongs also to my well auditor who has let me find out that I am my mind myself .. there is no mind et all .. it is always me .. so on it became impossible to handle my mind with processes and Rundowns .. because it did never handle anything about me .. my formal Question was always: do you want me as a Magican .. and if, you should ask other questions .. made never progres about ..
Redo Objectives and Purif is maybe good idea, because I have never seen a Scientologist who has grasped what he did with his mind processes .. foremost to all their blame always others for failure .. never reflect that they had to agree first .. and it is impossible to become OT which such stuff in mind .. nearly totalytity impossible ..
I stay since 25 years with some OT V and OT VII .. all of them have trouble to be OT .. and I think after all .. the church has trouble to get out an real OT .. it looks to me as the basic problem of all LRH works .. he did not found the clue how to bring a thetan in powers .. he made it very complicated to fish out a thetan who can do what he wants .. so you will never see an OT if everything goes more complicatet ..
Redo Objectives is only an attempt to redo all auditing .. also a start again purpose .. but it will not work .. there will be no OT at the end of processes .. does no matter how often he repeats the same process .. never starting the process is closer to OT .. but this is not in realm of current Scientology .. not yet .. surely not ..
As clear a case of Hidden Data Line as you’d ever want.
First time posting on Mikes blog!
“For those of you who have wanted to do it, either as a set-up for Superpower, or because you have heard of the wins other OT’s are having on it at Flag or just because it indicates to you personally, this could make the logistics of doing so much easier.”
Longest, most convoluted run on sentence ever.
That is all.
Hey, You!
We Will Make You
Re-do Objectives.
We’re sending
You Back to the Floor of the Bridge
And if you Ridge
We’ll make you do Purif, Purif, Purif, Purif, PURIF PURIF PURIF OWWW!!
Na Na Na Na, etc.
Sung to the tune of “HEY JUDE”:
Hey, You!
It ain’t so Bad!
Take some good Tech
And make it Dangerous!
Remember! to Flow to the IAS!
Cases are Wrecked
But you have Status!
Hey, You,
Don’t be afraid!
We were made to
Come Out and Reg You!
The minute You let us under your skin
Then we begin
To make you Deader! Deader! Deader! Deader ! DEADER! OWWWW!!!
Na Na Na Na Na-na-na-na
Hey, You!!
Na Na Na Na Na-na-na-na
Hey, You!!
@Mike: Just wanted to second WS’s appreciation of this forum and the discussions you encourage. Going in the right direction 🙂
Thank you, indie8, very much. The thickets of jargon sometimes assume the proportions of the thorn hedge around the Castle of Sleeping Beauty!
Perfect! Little Nilly Willie and his Zombie Band playing His rendition of “Hey You” Scientology.
A true legend in His own mind. 8 million Scientologists can’t be wrong!
Yes, and Willy-nilly perfectly describes the behavior of Mi$cavige
(A.K.A, little Nilly Willie).
aka little willy
From a Hey You Org Board and Hey You events to a Hey You Grade Chart. What next? Hey You SP Declares? Oh, wait…
More proof that the inmates are in charge of the Asylum. Sounds pretty preposterous. I think Ty should go all the way and start promoting that they’re bringing back De-Dinging (create some real buzz.)
Are Scientologists Open Minded ?
I knew Ty for many years. He was actually a very nice, sensible guy. I’m sorry to hear he still doesn’t get it.
After any number of decades of brainwashing and being turned into a collection of submissive circuits, these “OTs” NEED a hundred hours of objectives. Yes, Miscavige is, as usual, SELLING (money, it’s always money), but …. he takes a certain risk too….. some of these “OTs” might come actually come up to PT and that’s never a good thing for “the church.” And …. some more Life Repair couldn’t hurt people whose lives and self determinism have been taken from them (or if you believe in the concept of responsibility as I do, given away).
Mike – Thanks for the definition of RCS. Now I can use it, though I do like FCS too. Fundamentalist Corporate Scientology has a good cultish ring to it. Very appropriate for the current scene of public and staff expected to worship DM like he’s the next Prophet and Savior.
Radical Corporate Scn makes good sense referring to DM’s usurpation of the overall church and corporate entities. That’s the concept I get between the two.
By the way, OT’s doing Objectives again is just plain silly but to the hypnotized followers it’s their next “Bridge action”. Robotic.
Plato said “All learning has an emotional base.” So true.
Has anyone in the Dave Tech camp considered why Hubbard put TRs on the grade chart where he did? It addresses emotional intelligence (arguably Hubbard was years ahead on this), which guides thinking and action (e–motion). It’s not thinkology or other forms of intelligence. Some smart people do not do well in school for a reason.
TRs and objectives were just great, but for some with normal e-intelligence might just shrug them off as brainwipe. They’ll will see the ashtray shouting and the objectives as weird. It’s roughly like that movie The Awakening where De Niro has some disease that speeds him up so much he appears in a coma before Mork gives him some miracle drug to slow him down so can he function normally. HE&R out of control slogs learning.
These OT critters have zero issues with emotional intelligence but have bigger fish to fry. This a reverse process? It’s almost as dumb as having newcomers do the basics, kind of like putting the Briefing Course in place of the HQS (don’t know what’s there now).
“all Orgs which have GAT II teams…”
Wait a minute…
Here was this other email from May 2013:
“So we are now going to export this GAT II from Flag to all Class V Orgs on the planet and it will be released at Maiden Voyage event”
So the story keeps changing…
1. We will have it in ALL Orgs! It’s the new SUPERFAST!
2. Of course, most trainees are already done, but they can’t go home until everyone is done with their uhm, SUPERFAST training.
3. Of course your org needs to be Ideal to deliver GAT II!
4. And now: OK, not all the orgs will have GAT II teams…
… then what are those trainees still waiting for at Flag…?!
Maybe they’re still working on the tent and need the free labor?
Still more dishes to be washed?
They need to raise the accomos stat?
Another very interesting reference that includes Objectives is the oft cited LRH ED 342, FROM CLEAR TO ETERNITY. In it, LRH delineates 6 divisions of case gain. Essentially:
1. Realize SCN works
2. Realize through auditing that one will not get worse.
3. Whole band of called the LOWER GRADES (of which the Objectives are part of Grade I)
4. Clear
5. Pre-OT Levels 1 through OT VII.
6. Actual OT Levels, OTVIII and above.
He goes on to state on page 2, that:
1. Could take an hour to a few evenings.
2. Could take a week or two.
3. Lower grades and more books could consume a MONTH.
4. Clear could take a bit longer.
5. Begins to really lengthen.
6. Get ready for the long haul.
So, LRH is saying you should be able to do all of the grades including objectives in about a month. DM is supposedly streamlining the lower bridge but it certainly appears he’s actually lengthening it.
Go figure…
“Recall a time when Scientology was booming?”
If you can, hang on! as you’ll soon be declared if you haven’t been already!!!
Either that or labeled “Disaffected” and accused of spreading “Black PR” and “Enemy Line”.
My goodness.Do you suppose ?
Ty Dillard!
Now there’s a blast from the past.
I think he was one of those “FSMs” who used to hang out in front of the Treasury Office at AOLA with one hand out and the other one with a selection slip for someone else’s selectee in the other when my wife worked Treasury back in the late ’80’s before the purge.
She was so disgusted with these people that she privately called them “FSM sluts”.
From what I remember, because my path occasionally crossed these “FSMs” like Ty was that they were always selling their usually stolen “selectees” big ticket items like the Ls or the latest big buck special RD at Flag like say the mind fuck rundown called “Int By Dynamics” which I think was developed by Jack Horner.
In other words they’d hang out at the AO lounge and try to rip off our public while the “PES” benignly looked on.
I mean why not? since she was raking up the FSMCs.
Like vampires.
They only came out at night ’cause they mainly fed on the rich fat cats who worked during the day.
Ignoring the day time students, PCs, PreOTs who were mainly Outer Org Trainees, Field Auditors, long haired Musicians and other low life who were more interested in getting trained and coauditing.
I mean even with the 15% commish the Ol’man assigned to training these “FSMs” would push nothing but auditing and not just any auditing but some exotic rundowns that cost big bucks.
(Do the math a training AKA “Bridge Boom” package even if you added Solo (which was free anyway if ya did Class VI) power (which converted to 2 intensives of Preps if you went Clear on NED) CC to OT VIII (I’ll save the fact that they never delivered what was promised on that one for later) never got any higher than 10 grand meaning poor Dracula Dilland would make a lousy 1500 bucks while say getting some Fat Cat to sign up for say the Ls plus set ups cost upwards to 150 grand, so even with a 10% commish Ty and the other “FSM sluts” were rakin’ in 15 grand on every sucker they sent the “Mecca” you know the Flub Land Base the home of Technical Deception ( I could go on about that too having to repair some of Frag’s flubbed cases personally but I’ll move on) I mean why bother to push training like the Ol’man says to do?
I mean who cares what the Ol’man says over there.
Like getting the Staff through Super Power first before releasing it to the public so they won’t have a similar catastrophe to what they had when they broadly released KTL/LOC.
Which most of them obviously have.
(I mean Deceptive Dave got away with re-releasing the basics he and RTC (or do I repeat myself) released with so much fan fare back in ’91 blaming the mistakes he made the first time on evil editors, so why not?)
Maybe instead of just doing objectives they should also flatten their ARCSW.
remoteviewed, Now theres a subject I can speak about with some authority. I was Dir Bridge Control AOLA for a couple of years. One of my stats was FSMC to outer orgs. The policy behind it stated that FSM comm was payed out to the lower org as a reward for getting the PC up to clear and through solo 1 and to the AO. The benefit to that was that the staff in the lower org got increased pay for pushing the Clears up to the AO. Predatory FSMs like Ty knew that the lower orgs were not aware of how the PL worked and would effectively steal that FSM commission by selecting the Clear from under them. Josh Garfield and Rene McKinstry were actively encouraging this at AOLA as its a major AOLA stat (IE it made the org look good to Int) and given the stat pushing and false reporting that was going on at AOLA when I was on staff (2001 -2) The Dir Bridge Control was never a post that anyone cared about ( as evidenced by the lack of anyone filling that post in any AO or Saint Hill org) it was easier to just keep paying out the FSM. For years AO and Flag have been decimating the lower orgs by ripping them off for staff, clears and money.
The main reason I left the SO was I repeatedly reported this to FLO and Int and it was always ignored. I knew then that LRH policy was secondary to whoever’s agenda was currently being followed.
Thanks Richard for your expertise on that.
I had no idea that they were even more sleazier than what I wrote.
(I mean I had no respect for ’em to begin with so I can’t say I lost any respect for these blood sucking parasites.)
Stealing someone else’s selectee is just sleazy and somewhat suppressive.
Stealing the selectees of a whole Org while the staff is forced to live on Mac & Cheese (SO got rice and beans) is just goddamned suppressive and takes sleaze to subterranean levels.
Like I wrote in earlier comments. The “Church” has become nothing but a criminal conspiracy.
It’d be better off if it was run by the Mafia because they aren’t that sleazy.
Yep, it would be better off if it was run by the Mafia because they aren’t that sleazy. Hey, do any of you AOLA guys know what the story is on Ivan Obelinsky? Did he do what they said he did? (ie blow with embezzled money from the org and with the Treas Sec?) And what is he up to nowadays? Is he an Indie or Freezoner? If so, what does he do for a living nowadays?
The word was that he and the FBO ran off with about 5 some say 10 grand of AO’s money which was a parsley sum compared to what “Management” was stealing from us in (mis)”Management fees”.
The financial irregs that were occurring at AO around that time were making Herbie Parkhouse look like a model of financial management.
Anyone who questioned what was going on back then either got an all expense trip to the RPF (if they were SO) or handed a pink slip (if they were Non SO).
Me I just kept my head down and continued to audit.
A maxim that worked well for me when I was auditing GO.
That word is a rumor spread to black PR them… Just like the lies told about Marc Headley and Tom DeVocht “stealing” and “embezzling”….
I can think with that being black PR. So what is the truth of the matter? What really happened?
Thanks remoteviewed. So do you know what Ivan is doing now? Is he in LA and working or something else?
To answer your other question. Ivan showed up at Marty’s place some time back and he wrote a blog about it.
My take was that the rumor was false since if it was true OSA would have tried to prosecute him and that never happened.
“That word is a rumor spread to black PR them… Just like the lies told about Marc Headley and Tom DeVocht “stealing” and “embezzling”….”
Funny how the criminal mind works, Mike.
As I wrote earlier “management” was robbing AO blind at the time and Ivan became a deflection.
You could say like the USG spends its time spying on its citizens in violation of the 4th amendment then clobbers the GO for spying on them.
As I remember at the time Ivan was there then he wasn’t so OSA decided to “fill that vacuum” with lies and innuendo.
“black PR”.
For sure absolutely!
Unlike other instances there was no Golden Rod to confirm this per the HCOPL “How to Write an EO”.
Not that there ever is any more.
Much of what they write in “Ethics Orders” these days would be the subject of a libel suit. So instead they use whispering campaigns and character assassination. Much like their “friends”in the USG and InterPol do.
In conclusion I pretty much concluded that the Church had gone into the “winning valence” some time back.
To answer your question about Ivan’s whereabouts or what he is doing.
I have no idea.
As I wrote he made a brief cameo appearance on Marty’s blog sometime back.
What he’s doing now is anyone’s guess ‘cept for those people who know him personally.
Wherever Ivan is I wish him well.
Ivan is in Los Angeles with Mary Jo Leavitt. He is in touch with a lot of former church members (self included) and is doing well.
Thanks for the update Mike.
I’m glad to read that he is doing well 🙂
In here there may be the answer to my question, above, re FSM in the past and in the now…I just don’t understand this. I am sorry.
Hey again, Aurora. An FSM is a Field Staff Member; someone who helps another person get through their barriers (financial, inspirational, etc.) to get on their next step on their “Bridge.” Ideally, that’s what they do. They get paid a commission to take the time to do this.
Unfortunately, some have misused the system and gotten greedy and have given the FSM program a really bad name.
My own personal opinion is that it’s not a bad idea to make it so that people can make a living helping others – it’s really a sales job that should be paid like a sales person. But because these people have misused it like Richard was talking about, some people think it’s a condemnable practice. Just like you can’t make a dishonest man honest by having him sign a contract, a good person won’t abuse a system meant to be a win/win for everyone. People charge money to audit people. They are making a living off Scientology. Why shouldn’t the person who keeps them busy be compensated with that little 10%? Somewhere, there’s a compromise that can work.
Also, I did a little research and I found a glossary that you and cre8tivewmn might find useful in following us old-timer (and not so old timer) Scientologists who keep throwing all of these terms around like rice at a wedding. 🙂
if only the “Ol’man” hadn’t decide to drop his body everything wouldn’t be so borked up.
I’m sure things are going swimmingly over on target two.
anybody have a report on how the other universes are doing?
White Star, you name reminds me of Titanic, (not B5). By 1982, the heavies were all targeted. The war was lost. LRH was pdh’ed. (Decide? He was helped / pushed.) There is no target 2. We are it. Look at the evidence.
i’m not sure what to make of your reply. but just in case i was misunderstood, i was being sarcastic in response to remoteviewed warmly refering to him as the “Ol’man”.
as if he were still around things would be great and how many indies believe he actually DECIDED to die so he could go on to do research elsewhere. ok that story was concocted by present management.
but things like how he actually hungout in the Van Allen belt and almost got run over by a freight train on Venus, how there are implant stations on the moon, were not. those crazy, yes crazy, things came right out of the “Ol’man’s” mouth and he was serious and they were taken serious and accepted as fact. they are over looked and swept under the rug with a “yes there was a lot wrong with LRH but he did come up with some good tech”.
yeah ok, he was batshit crazy and used people like tissue paper but the tech is sound and it’s all DM fault.
they take his own words describing what OT powers are and modify them from there original outlandishness and then say others alter the tech. they use fabrications to put the lie to DM’s fabrcations and think that’s a valid form of critical thinking.
i know this isn’t the proper forum to confront Indies on the Illogic and contradictions inherent within their own statements and views but it is fair to reply to one when they open the door.
To Mike, I’ll try my best not to be Indie bashing here but the leeway you’ve been giving is appreciated because this is one of the very few places Indies and “wogs” can actually engage each other, and in the end that has to be a good thing.
truth, no matter who’s mouth it comes out of will always stand up to scrutiny, that’s what makes it the truth and that’s why truth has power.
whoever has the truth on their side can never be invalidated and thus nothing to fear when their views are confronted.
WS — I try to leave the commenting pretty open. I don’t personally subscribe to a lot of things that are said in comments, and sometimes I step in when I feel there is something inaccurate that I happen to have first hand information about.
I agree that debate is always useful and that the idea that any one person has all the answers and is absolutely right is truly the hallmark of the fundamentalist. Whether that is a fundamentalist Scientologist, a fundamentalist atheist, a fundamentalist Christian or a fundamentalist anti-Scientologist. So the airing and exchanging of ideas is healthy and one can learn a lot as a reult.
I also try to keep things civil and on topic. And I try not to allow this to devolve into an environment where “fencesitters” or those in doubt about the church who are trying to make up their minds about what to do will be repelled. It is the real reason this blog exists — to be somewhere people who are being blinded by bs within the RCS can find some truth and perspective about what is really going on.
All that being said, there is certainly a difference between Miscavige and LRH. Miscavige is an out and out sociopath. But it is also clear that he has thrived in a culture built with serious inherent flaws. Think of this analogy. How long do you think Miscavige would last if he stepped into the shoes of the Dalai Lama upon his demise? Do you think the followers of the Dalai Lama would accept Miscavige and his insanity? The problem is that his actions and style are NOT incongruous with the dictates of LRH. in fact, he uses them to justify what he does and is cheered for it by the fundamentalist Scientologists in his “church.” A church that is based on the writings of LRH. And before anyone goes overboard on THAT thought, I believe that there is very little that is black and white, and a LOT of shades of gray. Hubbard was NOT perfect (and there are many who will wholeheartedly agree with that statement then be incapable of naming a SINGLE thing that they can cite as an imperfection). In my view, Miscavige has taken his imperfections and turbo boosted them and if he isnt black, he is a VERY dark shade of grey.
“It ‘s not personal……… it ‘s business.” – Vito Corleone (Dillard ‘s godfather of FSMing)
I see you use the abbreviation RCS. Are you referring to corporate Scientology? What exactly does RCS mean? Thank you.
Pepper — Radical Corporate Scientology. It was a term popularized on Marty’s blog back in the day.
More correctly it should be FCS for Fundamentalist Corporate Scientology, as that is what it is.
Hello David Miscavige you will be asking yourself this now
Can I answer now? No.
The being who really is David Miscavige is a scared, little boy bully. Best wishes for his return to the land of the living. But the valence that is represented as David Miscavige, the evil little suppressive, only one (see tech dictionary), “On Human Behavior” dramatizer, at this point in time, the answer is, “No.”
You sound like an ex, I tought you were an Anon, but those two discriptions are not exclusive
David Miscavige is 12 in his mind
Yep, Cat Daddy. An ex who’s not yet fully “declared” as such As far as the world knows, I’m still in. But out, I am.
I chose indie8million to represent the last Scientologist leaving the building. The last of the so-called 8 million Scientologists that Heber – God save his soul and his mind – used to talk about to the media.
I haven’t met the man/boy miscavige but I believe you’re right. Stuck on the time track – probably not only in this lifetime. That bullet is 2 inches away, chronically.
27 Jul 65 #428
Pg 154. “But you can just crudely group all lower-level processes as just one type of process. So there’s the objective, there’s the subjective, there’s this, there’s that, there’s the other thing. We know all about that. But all of those processes, of course, are just skimming the top of the case. Cases go to many levels.
And the first level off of it is, “Is there a room?” you know? Where am I? You know, that kind of thing. Just a recognition of the environment. So if you just ask somebody to look around and spot where he was, you have more or less gotten rid of the Objective Processes.
Now, if the individual was asked to look around to find out where he was and that needle at that moment floated, you’ve had it! As the auditor you’ve had it right then! You can’t run any CCHs. That’s it. All Objective Processes are now ffftt! Gone! You follow? That whole class of processes is now null and void. Now, it isn’t that it isn’t nice to run them. It’s that you’ll practically kill the guy if you run them! Do you understand? Because you are cleaning a clean.”
iForrest…thank you!
Forrest, Love your quote. Thank you for finding it. What tape series did it come from? Or was it a BC tape? I’m saving it and just wanted to know.
Thanks Forrest. I’ve been looking for that quote for ages.
When you look at Marty’s book, What’s Wrong With Scientology, he hit the nail on the head.
So, if people want to be involved in a squirrel group and deliver squirrel processes, just jump on board the GAT II express. Lots of spinning around in a cage going on.
Forrest! Yes!
Likewise, thanks for the post.
Hi Mike,
My thought is that DM is recycling back to earlier ‘tech’ because that is where the first big ‘wins’ were that stuck. The ‘wins’ that kept them coming back for more scientology.
It may be that the only way he can keep the OTs is to get them back to the only ‘tech’ that gives ‘wins’.
And that is those long ago early basics.
Look for a new release of ‘Hard TRs’ as the next big breakthrough with the discovery that ron’s TRs were altered and everyone has been doing it wrong and that is why it’s been so difficult to go “OT”.
I’d think it is simply for business reasons. The “ideal” orgs are empty and can’t even pay the rent. Dave probably just came up with the incredibly ingenious bright idea, the likes of which only he can come up with, that if he could just find a service ANY org, even those that only have two staff (the usual part time ED/Reg husband + part time Supervisor/Auditor wife team) can deliver. So he said “Objectives! That’s the solution!”. Sell freaking Objectives to everyone, all over again! Let’s find an LRH reference that says it has to be done for HUNDREDS of hours, so the course rooms will look “full” for a long time if they get all of their 14 public signed up. And those public who are busy are usually the same ones that have some money, so they will likely opt for the “I’d rather pay auditing rates for 200 hours than sit in the course room for 400 or more…”. So it seems like a clear win-win for Dave.
TRs were altered badly. The “finder of lost and altered tech” (Mr Tiny Fists) says TR 0 has been done wrong…. very wrong for many years….On GAG II you will learn to chant quietly to yourself “I must not question. I must not think. I must obey. I must not question. I must not think. I must obey. I must not question. I must not think. I must obey…. ” over and on without throwing up for 2 hours straight.
Robert. Giggling at your GAT II TR-O
Dear Tilse,
I had a similar question.
To me, reading Lawrence Wright’s final pages, and reading Marty’s book 3, chapter 24, those writings cover LRH’s final plans, that LRH told to Sarge Steven Pfauth, based on LRH’s final case difficulties he was experiencing himself which he admitted to Sarge.
I really bend over backwards thinking what kind of executive C/Sing Miscavige is wildly inspired to do on the movement’s top Scientologists, and ordering Purif and Objectives, either as setups for them doing Superpower, or because of LRH’s own final case difficulties (covered if one understands Wright’s final pages and understands what LRH told Sarge), the Objectives just might have some case validity, that is, if everyone else is still possibly in the same case condition as LRH, when LRH passed, that is. (The whole endless redoing of OT 7 “made sense” only if Miscavige was concluding everyone else—meaning OT 7s— needed to do more OT 7, since LRH himself had to do more OT 7/Solo NOTs, that is.)
But that’s giving Miscavige just too much credit, there’s no sense in this Miscavige executive C/Sing, for years Miscavige’s encroachment into tech is beyond unfounded. He’s not a tech person, has no idea of the C/S Series fundamentals, and his own case work, just how much OT case he’s addressed, or not, is all relevant. I highly doubt he himself is redoing his Purif, his Objectives, etc, etc.
I’d so like to hear Ray Mitoff’s input on all this, and Hara Klein O’Hare’s input, or whichever of the top RTC old tech people even are privy to all this Miscavige executive C/Sing these last 20 years.
It is so odd to me that almost every one of these hectoring messages Mike has share recently is signed off:
Love… Love to all… I love you all…
is that just a stylistic tic?
Aurora – are you still in?
You might not understand yet why these people are so irritated. Interesting choice of the word, “hectoring.” That word is defined as:
Classical Mythology . the eldest son of Priam and husband of Andromache: the greatest Trojan hero in the Trojan War, killed by Achilles.
( lowercase ) a blustering, domineering person; a bully.
a male given name.
verb (used with object)
( lowercase ) to treat with insolence; bully; torment: The teacher hectored his students incessantly.
verb (used without object)
( lowercase ) to act in a blustering, domineering way; be a bully.
Now, that is very interesting to me because, to most of these people, this is how they’ve been treated a) by people in the church and/or b) by the criminal David Miscavige.
My experience so far with all of these people is that they are all very caring people. Caring people, above the SOS 4.0 on the tone scale, will reject entheta comm. You know that. And that’s what they are doing; rejecting entheta. Humor is rejection of an outpoint.
So what you’re seeing is no where near as hectoring as the hitleresque David Miscavige. Have you done your research? Have you seen Debbie Cook’s video where she says that David Miscavige had his secretary pull back on Debbie’s finger to try to break it?
What Ms. Cook talks about here – DM’s violence against her and others – is true hectoring.
I don’t know if you’ll actually look at the video if you’re still in. But when you find out where the top execs are living – sleeping on the concrete floor in an office building “Over the Rainbow,” and how they are beaten, told they are SPs and yet not let out, you’ll see why these people have such low regard for Miscavige and the church.
And the love they have for each other is the love of people who have survived similar sets of torturous circumstances and have lived to tell about it and have found each other. The vitriol is only directed at Miscavige and his criminal cult, not each other.
I hope I didn’t speak out of turn for anyone and, Aurora, I hope that makes it clearer.
Indie8: oh, my!
I am an never-in! started trying to come to grips with all of this only in early September, after seeing a Lawrence Wright interview about his latest book.
The emails that Mike features in his posts are the ones I am referencing.
…the hectoring I see is from these various sci officials to the recipients of their missives; and then those e-mails end with loving sign-offs that puzzle me.
am so sorry I did not make myself more clear!
Ohhhhhhhh! Well I apologize for my misunderstanding, Aurora. 🙂
I thought maybe you were someone who is still in and didn’t like the bashing DM was getting. Again, sorry for misunderstanding you.
Yes, Much Love has become the standard sign-off for Scientologists. Maybe Mike or some of the old Guardian’s Office people can help me here, but I believe that started in the late 60’s/early 70’s as “Mlv” as a shortened version of Much Love.
Another sign-off is “ARC,” representing the three points of the triangle for Affinity, Reality and Communication – the combination of which equal understanding.
What is kind of ironic about Scientologists is that it can be such an automaticity to write these things at the end of a letter, etc. that you’ll get someone tearing a guy a new you-know-what and still they’ll sign it, “Much Love” hahahaha.
Right, Mike?
Bruce Ploetz kindly supplied an accurate and concise explanation. Thanks Bruce.
I think you misunderstood Aurora’s message. The “hectoring emails” are directed at still-in Scientologists and quoted on this blog by M. Rinder. Aurora is just asking why they all end with “love” statements. These often occur in Scientologists’ emails and look strange to non-sci’s.
Aurora, I believe it it is a common stylistic thing in corresoondence. Even stern emails I’ve seen are signed ML for “much love”.
I am a never-in observer though. Perhaps someone else can confirm the use of love in inside messages as Indie8 has explained its use by former Scientologists.
Thanks for calling my attention to that, cre8tivewmn!
Gosh, I’m a little surprised but happy to see “never-ins” coming to see what is up with all this whoopla about Scientology. So cool that you guys are actually looking and asking questions and finding out what really is.
I worked in the public area for a long time and I always enjoyed people seeing this new technology and then doing some of it (like the old communication course) and finding their strength in being able to comfortably be there with others and just be themselves, think their own thoughts and be more certain about themselves.
That’s what’s so disheartening to these old timers that you see in here – pardon me for speaking for ‘us’ generally – is that THAT is what Scientology used to be to the staff and the public. People (the staff) really wanted to HELP people and the students of Scientology found benefit in Ron’s discoveries. And we had FUN! That was the expression, “If it isn’t fun, it isn’t Scientology.” So true.
So to see the public, 35 years later, viewing it as this horrific cult…that’s not what WE were about at all. The public, the staff. And that’s why we target David Miscavige because he’s taken it from letting people do Scientology and do the services and help each other, to one big, fat, cash cow milking, racket that is violent in its enforcing people to stay and pay. Heartbreaking, really.
If you’re interested in what Scientology really is and how it can help, there are plenty of highly trained people out of corporate Scientology who all want to keep the real Scientology alive and help people with it. And for a LOT cheaper! 🙂
Nice to meet you both.
Looks like no one really answered your original question about the “stylistic tic” of signing off with love – it is a habit we picked up from LRH in his personal communications, usually signed off “Love Ron” or “ML Ron” which means “Much Love, Ron.”
So of course just about all internal communications in the Church end with L or ML. Quite a cognitive dissonance to be reeling from the impact of a long, brutal report that calls into question your loyalty, intelligence and gender preference with scathing bitter words, only to be wished Much Love at the end! Of course, it is now just customary and has long lost its true meaning, like wishing someone a nice day.
Even more oddly, we once had a telex from Ron that was considered important enough to be repeated at muster. We had three such musters (meetings of all staff) each day. The idea was to repeat it as loudly as possible. At the end, someone used the Telex custom of using an equals sign instead of a dash for the LOVE – RON sign-off. So we would loudly repeat each day, in unison: “LOVE = RON.” Ah well.
It didn’t surprise me when I originally saw it, but I’ve seen messages sent back to Hubbard that started with “My Dearest Sir.” These were from some official Commodore’s Messengers back around….maybe late 70’s. Oh well…it sure does sound ass-kissy now, even if they did like the guy a lot.
Bruce – great story! glad you can laugh about it.
Indie8 – we are cleared up! Laurence Wright moved me so with his tears, as he discussed Scientologists and their sufferings…and this was the guy who had been to Afghanistan and researched Al Queada!
to me, the CoS was a faint murmur from the ’60s. Somehow, all that has gone on in the DM years had just escaped me.
Not that I can speak for other never-ins, but when you read The Bunker you get the drift: it is APPALLING that such things go on in this country!
and also, personally, I was in an ‘esoteric study group’ for over 20 years, and watched our community flirt with cultism.
Lastly, there is ‘something’ about all you former-ins. You have qualities of courage, and loyalty and spiritual insight as well as a certain roguish charm! all of which I admire!
and Bruce, my thanks for the explanation of how the habit became established.
Great to know, Bruce!
On the “LOVE = RON,” what is that in the tone scale about “takes things literally”? haha
Ty Dillard was my former FSM. I was never a whale and as a matter of fact the only money the IAS ever got from me was my mandatory lifetime membership. He never once encouraged me to increase my “status”.
After being in comm with Ty for a few years I can only say, I am so sorry he is stuck in this game as he was one of the nicest people I have ever known. Honestly. He spent hours with me on the phone always listening to my communication. When I fist left the church in 2010, I called him and told him what I was doing. He gently tried to talk me out of it but did hear what I had to say. He never disconnect from me, which is more than I can say for some. I hope soon he gets a clue and starts to look. I hope he leaves the Church and I hope he brings every single one of his selectees with him! When they came out with the basics I remember him telling me he would never throw away his old green Scientology books. Years ago he was trained as a Cl Vlll so he MUST have doubts. Notice his email says NOTHING about the IAS. I like to hope!
Penny, those are very generous and heartfelt thoughts. I took the liberty of passing them on to Ty — just in the hope that, maybe, they might trigger some reflection, I guess.
Richard. Thank you.
I concur.
Wish he would get a clue.
I’m sure he is a basically nice person. I would wager to say that he has disconnected from you if you are a declared SP. He would have to in order be a good boy and bot. If you doubt this just call him on a weekly basis and tell him you are declared and see what he does.
Tony, I have no need to test him. He is in a trap, just as you were. When he get’s out, I will be his friend.
Having little-to-no experience with ex-Scientologists/independent Scientologists, I guess my relationship to my own 10+ involvement is veiled in a “don’t ask, don’t tell,” state. I’ve been inactive for 5 years and only very recently started the process of unpacking my experiences, my observations & my discontent.
However, like Penny, Ty was not only my FSM but my ENTIRE family’s FSM. For over a decade he was almost a distant but beloved member of our family, even officiating my sisters wedding. He is a kind, compassionate individual who is filled with humanity. I think he believes in Scientology for real reasons, reasons many independent Scientologsts claim themselves.
I know for a fact Ty is not merely consumed with money, though I wouldn’t be surprised if he has made a great deal less of it in recent years. I say this because as I am reading through-I sense a general lack of dignity given to individuals who have not made the same conclusions regarding church – and the immediate speculation that it’s because of some monetary gain. Some of the best, hardest scientologists I know are not rich. Most of the are not in the Sea Org. Anyone who has ever devoted any time to the church knows that its ability to isolate even it’s unorthodox members & effectively persuade them to refrain from reading anything critical is uncanny. Unparalleled, too, perhaps.
Ty is a soft-spoken man who loves his dogs & his church. Have we really earned the right to laugh at him for that? Isn’t that why we are here? Because we loved it too; so much that what forced us to leave still haunts us?
Sounds like Ty is chomping at the bit to make some easy money.
I got to know Ty pretty well back in 2003 when we did OT8 together. The ship was in dry dock and there were 12 people doing 8 and no other public on the ship. We stayed at a resort on Curesau, got off early every night and went swimming in the Caribbean.
The a/c was turned off on the ship, so I audited in a bathing suit with a fan blowing over a block of ice. Fortunately, the sessions are quite short.
Anyway, he makes his living off of these commissions and I’m sure he’s doesn’t want to lose out to the Smiths.
Plus, he’s obviously still drinking the kool-aid, big time.
Ty Dillard makes a living convincing others that they should part with their money and spend their kid’s inheritance on various Co$ schemes. The few times I met him he seemed like he felt he was helping others while helping himself just a little bit more.
What I noticed in his email was his utter lack of confidence or enthusiasm in what he’s currently peddling. He’s usually a good-natured shark going after whales. Here, he looks like a confused rabbit wondering which way to jump and run…furtive glances left and right…shit what do I do now…what now?
I see, the OTs will co-audit the eternal objectives in lower orgs. Now, if they bog, what then? The Orgs. per se, don’t have OT Case Level trained auditors to debug them so…I guess the OT will swallow his messed up case and carry on to the end with a pretended big fanfare.
Also out pointy that now you can choose to do them because of other’s wins, because it indicates to you, because is mandatory, because…because..because… I wonder for how long the OTs making the objectives can keep on pretending that is just “great”. We shall see.
I guess they’ll fly expensively to Flag to get the “screw ups” handled. Flag must be rubbing their grubby paws already.
Yep, flag must be rubbing their grubby paws already knowing full well that the OTs being re-run on Objs will get screwed up and will need case sort out from higher case level auditors. Maybe there is a method to his madness after all.
Yep. An overrun is an overrun. Too bad the robotic Class V co-audit supervisors don’t know what to do with it. If a Green Form, ruds, C/S 53 or Objectives Correction list need to be run, the co-audit is suspended in time and space while one (both?) of the twins go to Flag. I had a selectee on her third time through Objectives, WHO BOGGED ON AN OVERRUN EVERY PROCESS. I had to, by remote control, convince the sup and C/S to ask for overrun and rehab in the courseroom rather than robotically send her for EXPENSIVE review every time. It worked. But it proved to me that what the church needed is an End of Endless Overruns Rundown.
They may bog but many of them won’t admit it. They’ll just smile and say how GREAT! everything is now that they’re getting their Objectives again. They’ll fake cognitions. Anything instead of going back to Flag for a “session” to figure out what the problem was. They know their doubts and their snooping on the internet will be discovered and they’ll be stuck at Flag forever getting more sec checks. If they are still smart enough to think that far ahead.
A little off topic, but:
Alphonse and David had Italian surnames
Both were celebrities on their own.
Either one racked up money from extortion.
Alphonse served in Alcatraz
David seems to be fabian
When do U.S. Justice will put miscavige on deserved rest?
elieve Miscavige is actually a French rendition of the Polish name Mickiewicz (Mitts-kay-vich). Adam Mickievicz, the Polish “national poet”, lived out his life in exile in France, got married, and had 6 children there in the 19th century. I wouldn’t be surprised if our very own David of this surname is a descendant.
Mike, I want to know one thing. And it’s probably just a rhetorical question.
Are you having fun?
Like, the time of your life fun, or what?
Church emails probably get picked up by spam filters
Haha! Maybe that’s where Kirstie learned her “block tech.”
End of the week I had 300 unopened e-mails in my spam folder, I had just about all of it blocked. This and that I let in and now and then, and sometimes CO$ spam from some new e-addy would get through. If I read 1% of church mails, I’d say that was a lot. The answering machine and unlit front porch did the rest. Then I moved and changed to unlisted numbers, and that was the end of all that BS, esp. the 300 – 500lbs. of annual junk mail.
While they think in terms of how to interest me in something so as to get some money out of me, I’m figuring out how to get rid of these clowns.
OK NOW. Let me get this straight.
I’m OT 8 all the L’s and Class 6….. I just jump in my Fred Flintstone car
and run to the nearest IDEAL ORG that’s empty of any public.
Then I start OT Objectives, presumably suped by another OT8 or at least my twin is OT 8.
And this org is wall to wall registrars and MAA’s looking at you under a microscope.
DUH ? I was born at night but not last night !
this thing (the COS) is so far off the rails that I can’t see how anyone is still involved. It goes from bad to worse and continues to be justified LOL!!!
Mike, as I’ve long now thought, the true SPs are the ones sending out this bullshit.
As an OTVIII, I personally would wonder WTF when getting and being sold on this crap. They make it sound, or at least my perception, that this is something special, to “re-do” objectives.
I remember getting through a program in 2000 to get set up for OT VI & VII. An R-factor I received was to re-do my purif. My similar reaction then was WTF, and I persisted, objected and finally persevered.
These people have no self-worth or intelligence (I’m specifically talking to the VII’s and VIII’s) for falling over themselves to get pushed back down the grade chart. It’s like they get told to bend over and they oblige.
Incredible how for most, going up the bridge means going down the IQ scale.
Starman: A similar thing happened to me. I saw a Flag tours reg who told me I had to go to Flag to get an R-Factor about what I needed to do to get onto 6. I smelled “not-Clear R-factor”, “purif R-factor”,”objectives R-factor”, and didn’t go across the country to be told that stuff. That was my last interaction with the “church” of “we know what we’re doing”.
Bruce – so totally right.
I’m not OT VIII but I’ve been around the block a few times in Scientology.
What astounds me too, is hearing my friends, who are still in, tell me what a MAGNIFICENT idea it is to have OTs re-do their objectives AS an OT. “Imagine the case gain available!!”
That may be so, but if you’re at OT III, “Imagine the case gain available on OT IV, V, VI, VII and VIII!”
facepalm – head shaking.
lol +10
My thoughts exactly. All my ‘still-in’ friends are swooning over these changes. Well, it’s taken 30 years to rob most of these folks of their objectivity. Truly the results DM’s hypnotic implants. There just isn’t any slightest crack in their viewpoint. Sad.
Thanks Mike, for continuing to bang the drum.
Yeah, isn’t it fascinating, Conditioner?! These people, supposedly trained in the Data Series, couldn’t spot an outpoint if it bit them on the butt.
I spoke to a friend the other day who has been trained in NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and hypnotism and all of that stuff that DM is doing and saying and the way he says it and the volume with which he says it (including the volume of the other videos and presentations at the events) are ALL intended to entrance and hypnotize, according to her.
Plus, when you hypnotize WITH THE PROMISE THAT YOU’LL LOSE YOUR ETERNITY if you question das fuehrer, my personal opinion is that it’s like Pain Drug Hypnosis in a way.
The only thing that I’ve found that even makes them question that something is going on (besides their own mis handlings that they have reality on) are things that clearly show that the tech has been changed like PDC 20. Problem is, if you’re the one who shows them, you’re the new target. Here’s that video showing that DM took words off the CD for PDC 20. Squirrel, Squirrel, Squirrel.
“Imagine the case gain available!!”
Oh yes, of course, but better yet, imagine their fabulously misunderstood concepts of the whole of Scientology and the Bridge. But not a one of them is trained to any degree pre-GAT. Wanna bet…?
A dumb question: I notice many of these e-mails go out from personal e-mail accounts rather than from official Church of Scientology e-mail systems. Is this just sloppiness, with people sending out e-mails as soon as they write them, or is this an intentional effort by the RCS to have legal deniability in case someone says that the e-mail was an attempt to raise e-mail for fraudulent purposes?
Regardless of the answer to the question above, these e-mails are increasingly lame in tone and in the strategy for getting people to take action (send money, come to the event, etc). Are these e-mails actually reviewed by people who know what they’re doing, or do people like Ty just send these out as a result of a random brain fart? Either way, it doesn’t make the management of the RCS look like they have any idea what they’re doing.
JPC — Ty Dillard is a private “FSM.” A lot of what goes out from the RCS these days originates from the so-called “OT Committees” as they have become the “go-to guys” to get Miscavige’s “Command Intention” done. Thus David Wilson, Dillard, the Smiths are all “OT Committee” members getting “COB’s wishes complied to.”
They send out their emails without scrutiny, until they show up on this blog or elsewhere at which point they no doubt get hauled in to be raked over the coals and their email lists are scrutinized for “disaffecteds” and they have muzzles put on them.
I don’t think anyone is thinking far enough in advance for plausible deniability — its just a reflection of confusion and chaos reigning. If the RCS was worried about plausible deniability they would not be admitting to the activities of the “Squirrel Blusterers” and PI’s — that was what it was all done for in the first place rather than using SO members to do the dirty work. But unless it is plausible deniability for Miscavige, there is no “plan” involved.
Willy-nilly would be a perfect term to describe the RCS.
“Willy-nilly” exactly sums it up, Mike! And to add to it: These are FSM’s sending it to their flock within the flock. I think it is their desperate attempt to retain some kind of control over their selectees so that they don’t all wander off away or worse yet, read the blogs and blow. After all the FSM’s make money when you purchase services (or donate) and if you are stuck in “Wait’ on the Know to Mystery Scale, it is not conducive to forking over money which is in “Action.” These FSM’s are probably sweating bullets that they’ll lose selectees and thus money over all this stalling and chaos.
Thanks for the answer. Makes perfect sense. Sorry to have bothered you; I completely overlooked the “private FSM” explanation.
Could someone in the know ‘take five’ and explain to newish never-ins what an FSM has been, is now, and how it fits into the bigger CoS cash flow picture?
Thank you so much; am beginning to slog through affiliated non-profit 990’s; knowing the players and their other ‘games’ (is that a correct usage?) would be useful.
(…and, if this effort is redundant, please let me know. Wish to be useful but there is no need for me to ‘spin my wheels’.)
also, too…for a few minutes of personal lulz, wiki the term willy-nilly!
hence the recent request to have their e-mail address lists vetted by OSA by submitting it to a web server. (That was leaked right here, I believe.) Good thing that no-one would use that to do a denial-of-service attack by uploading a lot of data. Nope. Uhu. Not going to happen.
Wonder which C/S I should ask? Sac Org, ASHO. AOLA, Flag, Freewinds or maybe go straight to the top ………………..Yo Dave ……how many intensives will I need after I finish my A to E. Also, can the money I give to the IAS for my amends also be used to purchase my Objectives (again) or maybe not?
and Dave ………….are you still there ………..I mean here ……. question for you. Will I have to cough up (that means pay in California lingo) additional fiat for each nasty post I have made about you on the blogs or can I lump em together for a package deal since I am OT VIII and I have recently sold some real estate and have all cash? Let me know good buddy! You have me on the ropes so now is the time to go for the jugular.
And damn, just can’t wait to get back on my Objectives and pound out a couple hundred hours. The wins ……………….my god the wins must be unbelievably awesome……….
Jane, thank you. I have to say, you are one hell of an ack-er, and a very warm person I look forward to meeting one day. .
Thanks Aquamarine. As they say in Hollywood, “let’s do lunch!”
Gee, maybe pretty soon people can sit down with the reg and pick out which levels of the lower and upper bridge they’d like to do and in what sequence.
“I’m very much wanting to do grade 0 as communication is quite important.” ummm ok, a few processes on problems that can’t hurt I guess…yyyyyeah, the grade II level isn’t of real interest and neither is whatever that grade III is about – don’t think I need that but I’ve heard a few good laughs are to be had on grade IV so give me some of that and NED yeah gotta do some of that…ok so how much will that be? and then keep in mind we have to quadruple that number for the IAS or I won’t make any real gains on this other stuff. Ok, the total then is ????”
reg: “Ok, that’s $5000.00 for your TRs and Objectives re-do and the grades through NED as you want it will be 2 MAYBE 3 intensives and badda boom badda bing!!! you have made a Good choice!” This will mean then that YOUR donation to the IAS is only going to need to be…(click, click, click, click CLICK!) $40,000!!! Wow, you’re going to make soooooo much more gain on your auditing with that done!!!”
Ever heard of a Chinese Menu? Pick two from Column A, One from Column B and Two from Column C. Dinner the easy way.
Wow, I’m so glad I am connected to Mike Rinder and Marty, Steve and Jeff and Joe Howard and all of the well trained auditors and admin people blogging and posting here and elsewhere, and am therefore not a victim of this RCS (shudder) “tech”.
I think of the still in and still unwitting K/A drinkers as lambs to the thetan slaughter, I really do.
I may not be moving on the Bridge right now but God Almighty, I am so lucky to not be subjected to this!
Aquamarine, I’m so glad you got out! And I”m so glad you’re here. Love your comments.
Mike, what about the possibility that Flag already now knows they have gotten all the OT’s they are going to get? So maybe this is a cry out to try to milk what’s left of the public.
“For those of you who have wanted to do it, either as a set-up for Superpower, or because you have heard of the wins other OT’s are having on it at Flag or just because it indicates to you personally, this could make the logistics of doing so much easier” excerpt from Ty Dillard’s letter…
So now we have no use or need for trained CSes. No need for that. You just hear some OT wins on Objs and originate to “cut me off a slice of that” and Voila! You’re on your Objectives again! Or you say that “it just indicates to me” and Viola! You’re on your Objectives again. At this rate, you can just have Outer Org Trainees “C/S” your case while they are hanging around waiting to be fired home to their orgs again. And if you put a thumbs up “like” sign on re-doing Objectives, that’s good enough for the OOT “CSes” and you’ll be on them before you can blink an eye.
Exactly what I thought Jane.
MAN OVER BOARD!!!!…..oh wait, isn’t that the captain??? what’s he doing throwing the crew overboard???!!!!!! HEY,wait!!! did you hear THAT?!!! he’s sreaming at the crew – something – “throw the goddamned public something”??? is that – wait – no – is that really what he’s screaming?!! SHIT!!! they’re headed this WAY!!! RUN! RUN!!! EVERYMAN FOR HIMSElf….(splash)
Gayle, ROFL. Thank you for the best laugh all day! But sadly, some truth to it. But still funny!!!!!
Wow. The Purpose of a Class V org has now become to deliver setups for the staff-only Super Power Rundown to OTs. What if >gaspgaspgasp< OT data in the folders coming up from the co-audit area? Will the rock-solid underpinnings of Miscavology begin to crumble like a sandcastle in the tide? Oh, wait. Miscavige has already done that.
Not to get off thread here much, but go to Tony Ortega’s site to read the excellent interview with actor Christian Stolte. Here is a little taste of it:
“My “opinion” of Scientology can’t be dismissed, because it isn’t even an
opinion. It’s a massive compilation of documented crimes.”