A recent hypemail from “Ron’s Home” caught my attention.
Of course, Ron’s Home is where they no longer deliver the St Hill Special Briefing Course and St Hill Fdn no longer exists.
Hey, there are all sorts of indicators of “milestones” and “straight up and vertical” in scientology. Just as long as you proclaim the contraction is actually expansion, the sheeple buy it. War is peace.
But what really made me this stand out to me was the LRH quote.
This is the quote that “10,000 on or through Solo NOTs” is based on. Somehow the sheeple have come to accept that if there were that number of people on Solo NOTs everything would be a scientology utopia on prison planet earth. What struck me when I read this again is not just the idiocy of this being the basis for some silly campaign the FSO has been running for decades (which tells you all you need to know about their success), and not just the arrogance of assuming that those people who are on Solo NOTs are somehow “superior beings” (I have met enough of them to know that it is not any sort of reliable criteria on ANY personality trait from intelligence and aptitude to honesty and compassion). No, what struck me most was the sheer arrogance of the assertion itself. It is one of those wild things that Hubbard said that has NO BASIS in fact, no evidence to support it. No nothing. And yet, more than 50 years later there are still people quoting it in boldface and because it was stated by L. Ron Hubbard, and thus it is repeated with the assertion it is “true.”
This is blind faith.
Dear Scientologist,
As you may have been informed earlier. We are moving into a new era!
When you come to Saint Hill and you will see the place being renovated. A new castle is taking form as well as a new management organisation and an Ideal Narconon.
Highly trained auditors are being selected and trained to have the best quality delivery.
Top Executives are being trained to create a BOOMING continent!
We are hiring upstat Scientologists who could be fit and be of great value to accomplish the above.
“A survey of all this demonstrated that at any one time on Earth there were not more than 10,000 people of caliber that was sufficient to do a little steering or leading. And it wasn’t a very high IQ and it doesn’t flatter you very much. It isn’t up there around Army Alpha 212 as you’d think it is ̶ not at all. There’s only about 10,000 of them, really.
“And below that level you have something in the neighborhood of about 100,000 or 150,000, 200,000 people who have a competence of assimilation. That’s about all.
“You can count then on those people directing others or leading them.” — LRH, How to Talk to Friends About Scientology, 18 Dec 1952
Please contact:
Laura Buono
Continental Liaison Office UK
Personnel Officer
By the way — the LAST thing St Hill needs is a new castle. They can’t come close to keeping the current one full. There are course rooms and auditing at AOSHUK that are never used. Literally, they don’t even turn on the lights.
It’s an interesting concept. You can get people to believe that you are “expanding” simply by virtue of the fact you are building property. Because after all, who would possibly build something they didn’t need?
After watching one of Alex Gibney’s other documentaries recently “Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room” (you can stream it on Netflix) this sort of “confidence trick” is not confined to scientology. There were plenty of interesting parallels between the rise and ultimate collapse of Enron and the story of scientology. The principals of Enron eventually ended up in prison — even though they had astonishing levels of aircover from the Bush family.
They were bluffing and bullshitting all the way to the end.
Eventually the blind faith was not enough to sustain their house of cards.
With this “LRH discovered that building a castle on your land does not need planning permits” (or words to that effect) then I would like to point out that that is a load of bollocks and always has been. You need permission from the Crown to build a fortified structure anywhere in England and that has been the case for hundreds of years. The obvious reason being that the Crown does not want to use their army to fight and destroy these structures in the event of their being used by an enemy during a potential civil war.
You gotta be careful with that mocking up the gold thing. If you flood the market, then the value of gold will dive and all would be for naught. No, best to get your hands on someone else’s existing gold. Then the value of the asset is better maintained.
Hey Mike,
I guess that there is chum in the water and the LRH hating sharks are in a frenzy again.
That LRH quote was written or spoken in 1952.
Obviously, there is no way that it could have referred to Solo Nots completions, because those levels would not be developed for decades so, obviously the opinion he expressed had nothing to do with Solo Nots.
Just as obviously, the bubble dwellers who wrote that promo and said that LRH said this did not care what he was really saying. Kind of like the “Ideal Org” bull shit which has absolutely nothing to do with what is said in the policy “Ideal Orgs”.
And the same goes for the bubble dwellers who BELIEVE that he was saying that because someone “higher up” said so.
But, at the same time, it is also true for anyone posting on this site who is attacking LRH as having said this who BELIEVES that LRH was saying that based on the soundbite quote and the comments of others.
“Believing” is, after all “believing” no matter who is the believer.
Can I hear an “AMEN”, brothers and sisters?
Magical thinking is what the 10,000 reminds me of. Whether it be the Ghost Dance of the Native Americans in the 1800s, the Transcendental Meditation belief that enough practitioners would change the world, or the fundamentalist Muslim view that the world with just one book and one faith under Sharia law would be a perfect place, the belief in the power of religious relics, it’s all delusion.
You could have a billion OT VIIIs (or just 10,000), and even working in concert they would not be able to materialize a single ounce of gold out of thin air. The evidence for that assertion? Well, the burden of proof is on those making claims about OT VIII, but logically, if I were OT VIII and were at cause over MEST both objectively and subjectively and needed to become a Galactic Overlord Diamond Nova Ueber-Patron and needed a million bucks to do that, I’d just go mock up 1,000 ounces of gold and I’d be all set. The fact that OT VIIIs get money like the rest of the human race — beg, borrow, earn, or steal — speaks for the fact that OT VIII is based on magical thinking embedded in a mind-controlled web of even more magical thinking.
My husband and I saw ‘Going Clear’ yesterday. We loved the movie and it has inspired my husband to learn more. I have been absorbing all the info on Mike Finder’s Blog and on Tony Ortega’s site. We are both never-ins but sure coulda-been! Keep up the good work!
Incidently, prior to seeing the movie we were at a church in Hollywood that is close to the Celebrity Center when I saw two women walking towards me, dressed identically in navy slacks, white blouses, navy sweaters and tight hair. They were prettily made up and both had expensive-looking handbags but they were both rail thin. I asked if they were Sea Org but they ignored me. A moment later another identically dressed woman came walking by and when I asked her if she was Sea Org she replied in the affirmative. I didn’t know what else to say so I said “I was admiring your uniform.” She said, “I was admiring your blue dress.” That was it.
We did see another solo female Sea Org member on Hollywood Boulevard about a block from the Arclight.
I think a good follow up to Tony Ortega’s column today would be to hear how the Co$ tried to convince you to return after you walked away in London.
IMO, more than anything, Miscavige needs to be in control. He needs to be the one to tell you get out, or to send one to the Hole, or to banish someone to Western Australia…..not that I would mind being sent to Perth….I hear it’s beautiful and (best of all) free from any Co$ influence!!
Body Routing NOT—March 23, 2015—Vermont Avenue and Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California
Today, I tried something completely different, something much more direct in disabusing the general public from ever seeing a “free” Dianetics movie or getting a personality test, and the results were nothing less than spectacular.
As I exited the bus at Vermont and Sunset, I quickly checked out all four street corners, and found only one corner on which two Scientology Inc. Body Routers stood. I decided not to approach their target (I’ll call him “Jim”) until after the Body Routers had handed Jim a ticket and tried to get him to go with them to Scientology Inc’s complex. When the light turned “green,” Jim came my way as I crossed to street to join him on the crosswalk.
“Those guys who just gave you that ticket are Scientologists,” I declared. Holding Lawrence Wright’s Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood & the Prison of Belief in front of him, I continued, “This book is an expose on Scientology. In fact, the expose can be seen on HBO this Sunday at 9:00 PM.”
“Really?” Jim asked rather thoughtfully.
“Yes,” came my answer, “and I if I was you, I’d throw that ticket out. Don’t go near Scientology.” He looked rather convinced, so I took off down Sunset Blvd., heading west.
I noticed a gaggle of Body Routers and Scientlogists at the north east corner of L. Ron Hubbard Way and Sunset. One of the Body Routers had attempted to interest a public person I’ll name “Tom,” who stood waiting for the light to change so he could cross Sunset. Again, with the Body Router just a couple of feet away, I walked right up to Tom.
“Did you know that those people who just gave you those Dianetics tickets are Scientologists?”
“No.” Tom replied innocently. His eyes spoke otherwise, because deep down inside my statement brought to this surface the guy’s own knowledge that something with the Body Router’s pitch didn’t seem right.
I held up Going Clear for him to see and pointed to it.
“This book is an expose on Scientology. A movie based on the book will be released Sunday night at 9:00 PM on HBO.”
“It will?” he asked, his eyes widening.
“Yes, and if I was you, I would throw those tickets away. Don’t go to Scientology because all they want is your money.”
Rrriiippp! Tom tore the Dianetics tickets in half as his jaw dropped to the ground! It looked like something had dawned on him as we spoke and had come to fruition when I mentioned the word “money.”
Looking at the Underground Bunker today, it seemed to me that while Miscavige was obviously incapable of talking or handling the press himself in 2007, he was still arrogantly confident he could probably do it better than anyone else. Flash forward to 2015 and Miscavige’s expert handling of HBO is evident… Wow, what a mastermind he is!
Wanted to share the following that is germane to the real issues that beset Scientology:
“Stop trying to market things to your community. You’re there to support them and not to sell to them. The marketplace emerges organically, from the conversation, and not the other way around.”
I second what Ms.P said. Miscavige badly miscalculated the effect that such communication would have. Ha Ha, Poopy Pope, yoo-oo-oo loo-ooz. (Yes, I know that was childish but I need to get these things out of my system sometimes.)
The letter by Petty Little Bitch (posted on the Underground Bunker) about MR is truly a revealing glimpse into the character of the man, and like Scientology itself, he is far worse than you think.
He is the Mad Hatter.
Mike, I read that DM letter at Ortega’s blog. What a despicable person he is. I could come up with more descriptions of this low human but others on this blog have already and they are more colorful and articulate than me. He truly fears you. As nasty as that letter is, thank goodness he wrote it because it pushed you to run for the hills. Now you are healthier, happier and winning and this is the best revenge. Keep winning and know that this alone drives DM insane.
As a former Cram Off, I used to hate interpretations of LRH quotes. This quote from Hubbard was in 1952! It has nothing to do with 10,000 SOLO NOTS Auditors and completely taken out of context.
For sure the cherch is milking this and other similar quotes for all their worth to lead the bot heads.
No St Hill Special Briefing Course at St Hill? Hubbard had a pretty low opinion about that.
This is so tiring. A little ornamentation, a dash of truth , adroit and humorously stated disclaimers, a little authority and you have the perfect recipe for making a fruitcake.
There is another equally false/insane one from El Con about Clears destimulating wogs and bringing sanity by their mere presence. But, there wasn’t one major objective claim for processing/auditing made by El Con that wasn’t a lie…
I do not know which definition of the word “leader” had been applied. But if one takes it from the experts “CIA”, then the CIA counts much less than 10.000. Reference: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/world-leaders-1/
Those are the front line leaders that have something to say or order and that can change things on Earth on a larger scale as the majority has to follow their order. Be it making laws or money flows on a broad scale or declaring war or whatever of that magnitude.
In case someone is a conspiracy believer, that those that really lead the world are behind the scene, then I guess that those are also less then 10.000.
The quote might have been intended to point out that Scientologist are big leaders. But in fact, it does not state it. The reader might interpret it into that quote. Which also might be the intention of that text, or the quoting. But in fact, I do not know one Scientology Earth leader. Not in politics, not in banking and not in any behind the curtain agenda.
“Those are the front line leaders that have something to say or order and that can change things on Earth on a larger scale as the majority has to follow their order. Be it making laws or money flows on a broad scale or declaring war or whatever of that magnitude. ”
Outside of completely totalitarian dictatorships, there are ZERO countries where even a handful of people have the power to do as you say above Schorsch. In the US it takes HUNDREDS of people to declare war for instance. 😉
Well, if the Earth population was 2.6 billion in 1952 and now is 7.3 billion, a ratio of 2.8, then they should be going for 28,000! 🙂
There are not that many in the Cult.
What the f kind of gibberish is “… competence of assimilation”??
“A survey of all this demonstrated that at any one time on Earth there were not more than 10,000 people of caliber that was sufficient to do a little steering or leading”
Scientology math….
2000 years ago there were about 300 Millions people living on earth and about 10 000 were leading them.
Now we have 7 Billion people, about 23 X more. The question is now if still 10000 people are leading 7 billion people or if it is now 230 000 (x23).
Perhaps they need now 230 000 Nots completions ? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Can somebody explain to me what this means:
“And it wasn’t a very high IQ and it doesn’t flatter you very much. It isn’t up there around Army Alpha 212 as you’d think it is ̶ not at all”
Does it means the Solo Nots completions don’rt really need a high IQ ?As this isn’t the importance in leading ?
Please somebody explains it to me in words that i can understand..
What is Army Alpha 212 ?
212 was the highest score you could attain on the US Army’s standard intelligence test of Ron’s era, the Army Alpha. So he was referring to something in the Sillydelphia Dictator Course that most of the attendees (or at least the male ones) could relate to, since most of them had it administered to them during the Big One when they were drafted.
TKU Espiando, it makes more sense now !
“A survey…”
Only two words in, and he’s already lying. If course there was never any such survey. It’s ridiculous on its face, unless you’re nutty or credulous.
I woke up to an idea recently. It was that “certainty is not truth”. But I think it is for scientologists.
Mike, the comment from Ron makes perfect sense if you parse it properly. Like many who rely on “facts” “reason” and “logic” to arrive at conclusions, you fail to appreciate the transformative brilliance of the Founder’s message.
Like those deluded “OTs” that I overheard after an event one time, who were taking credit for the fall of the Soviet Union – it is all perfectly understandable if you look at it the right way.
Ron was not talking about just any old random OTs on the level. He was specifically talking about the 10,000 or so true movers and shakers that run this planet from sideways, the Illuminati. In a truly mind-wrenching flip of Hubbard logic he assumed that these beings of higher awareness would not laugh their rear ends off if they ever heard about what really happens on the level. No, they would eagerly do whatever it takes to get on it themselves. In Hubbard’s visionary scheme the world would wake up from history as the true elite benefit from his brilliance and change their evil ways.
It all makes sense if you think about it. Not.
And while Flag struggles with the 10,000 year after year the human population numbers increase by over 228,000 every 24 hours according to: https://www.populationinstitute.org/programs/gpso/gpso/
And per LRH the number is 10,000 total on the planet who can provide leadership for all these many years. If that is true that means we have no leaders born from the billions of people who have been born since LRH wrote this. And from the billions of people born we have none of these who have “a competence of assimilation” as that number is pegged at about 200,000 total per LRH.
Spot on observation, Mike! Beautiful quote. Thank you!
So they say: “Highly trained auditors are being selected and trained to have the best quality delivery.” – Do you mean that the auditors you have now are not highly trained, nor deliver best quality?
And, “Top Executives are being trained to create a BOOMING…” If they are TOP executives, doesn’t that mean they are capable of booming more than an organization?
Plus: “We are hiring upstat Scientologists” – so there are downstat scientologists that even if they go to course, get auditing, pay money are considered ‘not upstat’.?
Just in a swoop the message invalidates, nullifies (covertly of course) auditors, execs, and parishioners and establishes a “the best” versus “not the best”.
And this is why, when you allow such a covert, subtle invalidation of yourself and others to occur, that is a sort of evidence that blind faith has been set in awhile time ago.
This is Saint Hell, Ron’s Ninth Circle, where, just like Flag, every auditor is the best, every exec is a genius, and all the Tech is as Standard as Standard can be. Except when it gets in the way of fundraising.
Yeah, well, everything concerning them is full of shit Epinado, you said that yourself numerous time, fundraising, the buildings, the people, fundraising everything, especially the recruits. Hang ’em all along with miscavige hey?
Yes. Hang them all. The simple fact is that they believe I should be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow. Hubbard said so, and they believe that. So it’s either me or them, and I’m choosing me. Is that such a surprise to you?
Espiando, I never believed that, when I was in the cult, that all gays should be disposed of quietly and without sorrow. I can only speak for myself but there were many things that LRH said, like the “pink legs” reference in The Responsibility of Leaders for example, (in fact, about 65% of what he said in that PL I believed to be colorful language to prove various points) that I never thought were intended to be taken literally. LRH also said, paraphrased, how “All you revolutionaries” should burn the buildings to the ground if and/or when real estate ever started to become too important. I think he liked to speak like that for the audience effect but I seriously doubt if he meant many of the things he said to be taken literally, and I regularly weeded out what I thought was his colorful language to make his point in a dramatic way. None of this discounts what he wrote about “ruining people utterly” and stuff like that for the GO, of course. There is no denying he meant what he said in those PLs or advices or whatever they are. But a lot of the other stuff that we were allowed to read was salted with “advice” on how to handle things that I believed was not meant literally and thatno sane person could take literally. But that’s just me and maybe that’s why I’m out and shunned by these obedient, literal minded K/A drinkers, and probably an undeclared SP to boot.
Aqua, if you haven’t already read it, check out Jeff Augustine’s article on the subject of disposal:
Hubbard uses two words in SOS, “deletion” and “destroyed”, the latter commonly associated with removing vermin. He softens it with “quarantined”, but how do you think this would be applied if scientology controlled territory like the Juche cult does (North Korea)?
You’re also a very good and sweet person at heart, Aqua, which is why I believe you (and anyone who shuns you is on the wrong side, period). But the CoS party line on homosexuals is pretty clear, considering CoS’s support of Proposition 8, the contents of the DM letter at Ortega’s yesterday, the treatment of Debbie Cook when she was in the Hole, and the Sea Org’s treatment of Derek Bloch when he was in (not to mention taking a half million dollars off of Michael Pattinson while promising him a “pray the gay away” revelation at every level up to and including OTVIII). If you’re looking for something less recent, there’s the treatment of John McMaster and what happened to poor Quentin, and LRH’s fingerprints are all over those two situations.
I have more reasons than that to hate Scientology as a philosophy, as most people here know, but Hubbard telling the world that the Pink Triangle and the half-million of my tribe killed in the camps was acceptable five years after the end of WWII is the most audacious of them.
Spot-on Silvia, you nailed it!! Of course the status of being an approved being by the Church makes you so much more superior than anyone else on this planet. I mean you have to lower yourself to help them, then take a hot shower.
That’s a brilliant observation about blind faith. How could LRH know that having 10,000 on solo nots would represent a tipping point? Based on research? What formula was used.
Fine to state something speculatively but everything LRH said was stated authoritatively and unfortunately for the most part received or ‘believed’ authoritatively. I keep pondering the relevance of Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiment which is referenced in Martha Stout’s brilliant book The Sociopath Next Door. It seems we are prone to believing and complying with an authority figure. It explains quite a bit of mine and my observation of other’s Scientology experience.
Don, that is true. I read Martha Stout’s book also. LRH pulled this 10,000 number out of his butt and people gobble it up.
That is not true. You are insulting the prophet. He did a survey (of???}. It was due to be published in the Journal of Blind Faith but he turned it into a profitable religion instead
How anyone can study LRH, the man, and NOT conclude he had some serious mental issues, is beyond me. This is a man who would not hesitate to lie, if it forwarded his agenda. Outright fabrication and fraudulent claims.
What his followers are unaware of, is that they are slowly being moulded and shaped, broken down and rebuilt in “Ron’s Image” – that being a narcissist, with delusions of grandeur and a propensity to play fast and loose with the truth. Lovely.
But to the unsuspecting sheep, LRH’s mental conditions are likely viewed as OT powers!
I remember Stat Push when a friend of mine was just starting in Scientology. It was in NY around 1970. Fresh out of hippiedom and being only 17 he came to course stoned on pot. He already knew about OTs and powers and we talked about it so much. We believed in all of it and “knew it was the truth.” I was 18 at the time.
Well the head of the mission saw my friend stoned on course and took him aside and said,”are you stoned?!”. My friend did not know or forgot that he could not be stoned. He said,”why yes I am.”
The mission holder was OT7 and said to my friend a little anoyed,” I’m putting you in a lower condition!”
My friend thought that this OT was going to change him into a frog or something. He was really afraid of him, until he found out what he really meant.
I think sometimes what really sticks us to weird teachings or any teaching, is this inherent feeling within that, there is truth to the idea of attaining a happy liberated life though self effort and right practice.
It is my faith and knowledge that this is true.
When out in California years ago I visited the Winchester house. For those unfamilar with this structure, it’s a irrationally built mansion, with doors and hallways that lead nowhere. The owner was a member of the winchester family, and believed that as long as her house was still under construction, the ghosts of those murdered with her family’s product would not arrive to haunt her.
The perpetual building started as a money raising ploy, and is now approaching such an irrational level that it appears to be mutating into a pyschosis.
Great work Davie.
I found this document at the back of the top drawer in my filing cabinet and I realize that it may possibly be of some help to what is left of the DM clan.
Even though I am not a qualified evaluator I humbly submit my evaluation of the current situation in which the overlord now find themselves in. Hind sight might be the catalyst that can bring them in to present time. I said might but that was probably guarded optimism on my part .
But isn’t bluffing and bullshitting all the way a religious sacrament in Scientology? 😉
Within the very same lecture that Mike quoted from, L. Ron Hubbard redefines the concept of “lying” and makes it not only acceptable, but beneficial, from a spiritual standpoint:
“Now, you say, “We have to be absolutely truthful and sincere; and sincerity is the main thing, and truthfulness is the main thing, and don’t lie to anybody, and never…” and so on, “and you’ll get ahead.” You — brother, you sure will. You’ll get ahead right on that cycle of action right toward zero.
Did you notice one day, I think it was — where is he? Yeah, there he is.
[from audience] Yeah.
Yeah. He told me up here on the stand he couldn’t tell me a lie! Well, that isn’t because of me; it’s just because he’s got to believe that the MEST universe is that way. Now, you’ll find pcs are like this. It’s a trap not being able to prevaricate. You don’t have to have a reason to prevaricate; it’s when people have to have a reason to prevaricate that it becomes lying. Before that time it’s just ornamentin’.
You say, “You know, I was downtown the other day, and I — there was this yellow taxi there, and I started to step into this yellow taxi and I’ll be a son of a gun if there wasn’t a big ape sitting in the back of it smoking a cigar. And I closed the door and walked on down the street.” This makes life more colorful.”
I was wondering what Dave has been doing. Now we find out he is totally ‘On Source’! He is just making life more colorful.
Yo Dave,
Way to go good buddy! We SPs out here on the fringes have been working night and day to catch up. We think we may have at least reached a level of slightly comparable magnitude and would like to invite you to check it out.
You may have heard about the news of the new documentary airing next Sunday on HBO at 8:00P. Check it out. It will make your life much more colorful. And El Con will be looking down on you. The question you want to ask yourself Dave is; will HE be smiling?
A) ” Well, Am I punk?”
BP! This is one of my favorites. It is important evidence, in my view.
This one writing is actually source on lying being a virtue and truthfulness is a Debbie Downer.
The willingness and straight forward acceptance of creating a “big ape in the back of the taxi” when there isn’t one, is Ron’s psychological profile in a nutshell.
Once this writing is accepted and made one’s own, lying becomes a way to make life interesting.
The corollary is: truth is boring.
Lying is Scientology sacred doctrine. Scientologist’s learned the virtue of lying from Ron.
Ron put an ape in all of our taxis and made in suppressive to turn around to verify.
This writing equates the world of make believe as a valid procceedure of experiencing reality.
Ron was “breaking broncos at 3 years old” is only one “accomplishment” that demonstrates Ron’s literal application of this philosohy.
His whole biography is a make believe ape. He made himself more interesting to us and himself.
Lying and believing in delusions makes life more interesting.
Sages do not talk like this. Con men do.
These writings below could be considered “basic basic” on Scientologist’s enthusiastic devotion to delusion as reality and lying as the truth.
“The HIGHEST (my caps) one can attain to TRUTH (my caps) is to attain to his own ILLUSIONS” (my caps). LRH
pre-eminent in rank or standing, lofty or exalted in qualty, the zenith beyond which there is no more.
conformity to knowledge, fact, ACTUALLITY (my caps) or logic.
An erroneous perception of reality. An erroneous concept or belief; loosely, a delusion. The state or condition of being deceived by such perceptions or beliefs.
“Now you say you have to be absolutely truthful. Sincerity is the main thing, and truthfulness is the main thing and don’t lie to anybody….. and you’ll get ahead. Brother you sure will. You’ll get ahead right on that cycle of action, right to zero!… It’s a trap not being able to prevaricate.(TR-L.. My input)
You say, “You know, I was downtown the other day and there’s this Yellow Taxi there, and I started to step into this Yellow Taxi, and I’ll be a son of a gun if there wasn’t a big ape sitting in the back smoking a cigar. And I close the door and walked down the street. This makes life more colorful.” LRH Philadelphia Doc. Course.
This statement justifies equating fancy with reality, loyal officers with the Sea Org , psychiatrists with space aliens, body pains with BTs, criticism and blowing with evil intentions, lying as truth and so on.
Lawrence Wright has said in more than one interview, to the effect:
‘That’s why Scientology really is a trip into the mind of L. Ron Hubbard. And the deeper you go into Scientology, the more like L. Ron Hubbard you become. That’s the danger of it.’
(This quote is from his Salon interview, 3/11/15.)
Brian and BP, I agree and disagree. I don’t think one can always paint every situation with the same broad brush when it comes to truth telling. For instance, lets say someone works for you and needs to be corrected, but you know this person is sensitive and has been trying hard with good intentions yet has screwed up badly. What’s wrong with mitigating the correction part by first acknowledging what he/she has done right? Is it necessary to come down on someone like a ton of bricks in order to give them “the truth”. If you give a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down, if you save someone’s pride, someone’s self esteem and still get your message across, how is that evll or harmful? All human relations which ongoingly work and are mutually satisfying and fulfulling are based on truth communicated with tactful reserve, and that’s from the Tao, by the way ancient wisdom. What it all comes down to IMO is INTENT, the intent of the communication. Just my 2.
I like your 2, Aquamarine, as I usually do. I think it’s worth, I dunno, at least 8. 😉
AND that is what little Dave is missing. Missing the point altogether.
“Ron put an ape in all of our taxis and made it suppressive to turn around to verify.”
BAM. That’s the whole goddamned thing summed up in one sentence.
I agree Aqua. That is how decent people act and live.
But Ron lied and literally gave the reason why he lies.
I know decent people try to justify Ron because they cannot evoke the concept that they have been had, conned by his false biography and promises.
Don’t be cruel with the truth………
Of course Aqua!
But these writings from Ron are more deviant than that.
The highest attainment to truth is to attain illusion???????
Can you conceptualize what that really means??
Maybe this is true for an artist. But not a philosophy of life for Christ sakes!
This one statement is the essence of insanity.
Read the definitions of “highest” “truth” and “illusion.”
The is not a philosophic statement of a truth seeker. No way no how.
This is the philosophy of a congenital liar.
This statement, not Ron’s “My Philosophy” is Ron’s true philosophy.
He attacked critics he did not love them. So we can call that hypocrisy or a lie. He did not follow that.
But we now know him to be a proven liar about most of his life.
Ron lied and considered lying a life style, a way to make life interesting. And a way to make money.
As a seeker of truth, I seek to dispel illusions. I do not hold illusions up on a pedistal as the highest attainment of truth.
Attaining Illusions as the highest truth is madness. It is a dangerous teaching.
It is pure ignorance: stupidity
Great quote by Gandhi, a real humanitarian. Re Hubbard’s 10,000 quote I give you this:
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
One of my favorite quotes, Michael! Here’s a man who walked the talk throughout his life. The clown dwarf is a coward and can ‘t even speak for himself.
I like that quote very much, Michael. It sums of what I was told Scientology was, and what I believe Scientology the subject is, or should be.
Edit: Should be “It sums up what I was told, etc”.
BREAKING NEWS In Australia to parallel our pommy cousins in England. It is not only the staff numbers and public numbers that have dwindled down to nothing here, but there is nobody willing to be Volnteer Minsiter’s any more (as they have seen through the scam), so they are now turning to declared ”SP’s” to help them! Proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stxYhQ0Xtbg
“Eventually the blind faith was not enough to sustain their house of cards.”
6 days Dave. Tick Tock.
P.S. Dave and company: If you think the only problems coming at you are this film, and you just have to ride this out, you’re far more foolish than I ever imagined.
Yo Dave,
Was that really you writing the letter to Bob Keenan back in 2007? (seen today on Tony Os blog)
Well you sound a lot more foolish than I ever imagined and I think NOLAGirl has a point. If I were you good buddy, I would forget about the new documentary about YOU and concentrate on your larger more pressing problems. Top of the list might be WTF you will do to replace the adoring masses that will no longer be attending Your events. And who is going to be around to SCOHB with you?
I suggest a smaller venue, perhaps a one holer on Arcturas.
Dear Dave,
You sounded really, really angry at Mike in that letter to Bob.
You must be really, really, really, really X47 angry with Mike now!
Never change Newcomer (feels weird calling you that lol). I love your fire, although you owe me a new keyboard for that last line. 🙂
Or a cell in Joliet prison, without the Blues Brothers, Newcomer.
It’s the same crap over and over and over from those robots.
For years I never really understood the above statements and I thought it was “stupid me” but now I really see what “stupid is and what stupid does” – welcome to the world of $cientology! Castles in the sky and they haven’t got two honest words to rub together.
War is Peace and appropriately for Scientolgy –
Or, as I like to say, “Scientology! It’s worse than you think!”
And next week will be a lot worse than this one…………………… for some.
Yo Dave,
How will it be for you? I know ….. likely really poopy ……….. Davepoopy!
Much Love,
Your raving SP out on the fringes.
War is Peace. For those who don’t know what this is referring to, here is the movie. See if this doesn’t look like the current, corporate Scientology culture. Creepy as hell.
Yes I enjoy Mike’s blog too. I hope my sister leaves the cult soon. Maybe then they will stop bothering me and my family who are not Scientologists.
But I think she has been in too long and is forever lost to the real world.
Who ever thought Mike would get out, or be here running this blog and appearing in Oscar-worthy films? Keep faith Dan, anything is possible. 😉
Expect a visit from her in the not too distant future. She will need food, clothes, a room, a job and lots of support from people who can live life and love one another.
I have a few in that category as well. I have a feeling some may not make it. We will see……..
Don’t give up on your sister, dan! All who are in are victims. As Newcomer wrote, “Expect a visit from her in the not too distant future.” It’s all falling a part for the cult.
Great point, NOLAGirl, and very helpful to me. Thank you.
I’m reading over at Tony Ortega’s the details behind a letter from Four Feet Thirteen (“FFT”) to Bob Keenan (“BK”) and when FFT refers to Mike Rinder as “that vampire that is occupying England,” I just had to comment here. What a Suppressive Person type of thing to say; what a make wrong! FFT even copied the “vampire” on the letter. This occurring at a time when FFT so graciously released Rinder from The Hole, dressed him nicely (and gave a good shower, with soap) and sent him over to England to “handle” BBC reporter John Sweeney.
Would someone PLEASE remove FFT from post?
So glad he did that, I mean, Miscavige “releasing” Mike for this chore; even the insults. It sounds to me (from Mike) that it was the last straw on the camel’s back and he was able to walk. He just walked away.
Great stuff Mike. And thanks to the dwarf for being instrumental. Got to give due where it’s due, hey?
Very accurate observation Mike. I enjoy your blog quite a bit.