I have seen a lot of unreal delusory statements coming from inside the bubble but I think this one takes the cake (so far….)
This is the UK “Landlord”, responsible for tens of millions of pounds of real estate. I don’t know him, but he sounds like a teenager who thinks if he is “enthusiastic” everything will turn out ok “we are winning and things are looking good” “we will make this cleared UK a reality and are doing this”.
The Porsche raffle is an interesting touch…
But the real mind-blower is this: “The sun is still shining and summer is still here so move up to your next status…. So do something outrageous, it makes all the difference being crazy!!!”
From: Aaron Sheppard <[email protected]> Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 2:44 PM Subject: Winning To:
I thought you should know that we are winning and things are looking good. With enough push through we will make this Cleared UK a reality and we are doing this with the creation of new Ideal Orgs.
It is extremely exciting!!!!
Now a couple of key things:
A) The Ideal Org competition is still going so if you have not had a chance to win this excellent Porcshe Cayman brand new this year!!!! 687 tickets out of the 1000 have been sold and they are selling to people all over the world so now is the time to get your ticket(s). For those that did not have the chance to buy their ticket yet there is a special buy 2 get one free offer, so essentially if you buy two tickets you get the third free (what a deal). But more than that, this is a small part towards making a New Civilisation!!! So I think its time to get your ticket(s).
The Humanitarian Awards Dinner is going to be happening on 14th September at Saint Hill. This is a very special evening and tickets are £30 each. This is going to be a great night. Entertainment, great food and an update on where we are headed. This is exciting. This is a celebration!!!!! Come help acknowledge the guys that are making Ideal Orgs a reality in the UK.
Okay other than that. It is definitely time to upgrade to your next Ideal Org status. The sun is still shining and summer is still here so move up to your next status. If you need to know whats next, then contact me or any other member of the OT Committee fundraising team!!!! Many have done the same in recent weeks and many have moved up and become UK Legends, Humanitarians and more. So do something outrageous, it makes all the difference being crazy!!!
Every flow helps towards a Cleared UK. So go flow!!!!
Aaron UK Landlord
Well, right on cue, Aaron sent out an email TODAY with MORE GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!
A 20% discount on your status!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, for a short time only you can be an 80% humanitarian and have the status of a 100% humanitarian in the eyes of your friends. Wowee zowee Batman! KAPOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is SOOOO EXCITING I have nearly used up all my exclamation points, even with a 31% bonus discount on punctuation available until the next full moon rises. If you cannot get excited about this you have no pulse! (that was the last exclam….)
From: Aaron Sheppard <[email protected]> Date: Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 1:15 PM Subject: Birmingham This is It!!! To:
I wanted to let you know a few exciting things coming up that you will not want to miss:
A) The Humanitarian Awards Dinner is only 11 days away and that means we will be awarding all the top donors for the UK Ideal Orgs and this is a special night. Tickets are available but running out fast. £30 for a full catered meal and a great evening!!
The Porsche Ideal Org Competition is still on but only until the dinner where those special people who bought the Porsche will be pulling the winning ticket and the lucky winner of the Porsche will be revealed. Wow!!
C) The second prize for the competition is a special edition E-Meter brand new and worth a lot. This is a great prize and one every Scientologist will want to own.
D) The new UK Legends will also be awarded with the special campaign items they have earned by completing this status and that means you still have the chance to become a UK Legend in the next 11 days. Look at what you can do and then do it!!!! I don’t mean to push any control buttons, just want you to have a third dynamic win.
E) For all major Ideal Org Statuses there is a 20% award on status completions, this is an amazing deal and ends 14th September 2013. So if you are already UK Ideal Org Honour Roll or above you will get a 20% award towards your next status. Contact me or any member of the OT Committee or the Fundraising Project I/C Surinder to find out what you need to complete your next status with the 20% award.
Now is the time – Birmingham This is IT!!!!!
Aaron UK Landlord
But it seems this sort of goofball email might actually hit the “R” of someone in the UK. No idea how this guy made his money if he is really this unreal about things. Just a couple of comments — he states London Ideal Org is not enough to “Clear UK” (of course) — but surely, based on this strategy, if 7 “Ideal Orgs” WILL “Clear UK” then surely London Org is going to do their share and “Clear London”. And when you look at it this way you see how ridiculous this statement is. One org is going to Clear 8 million people. Yeah…. It’s like saying if we just get a bus in each city we will be able to get rid of all the cars. We have one bus in London and need 7 more and we will end all traffic problems in the UK….
“When COB opens the orgs in the UK coming months and when we have our Clear UK after this…”
Oh, how sad.
Mike Ricketts ukidealorgs@scien tology.net
via sendgrid.info
Aug 24
I have always been a supporter of Ideal orgs and also given time to these events whether it has been donations or time spent on Mcing an event for the Ideal org strategy. Rachel will have her story and she will tell it too in another letter to follow.
The more I see of the world the more it becomes a necessity for us to have Ideal Orgs in place. We have one in London and as good as it is we all know that is not enough to get the UK cleared. Chipping away at our statuses was a good start but really we got sore necks looking around to see would be next to step up and commit to being Humanitarians. Then it kind of hit me that although quietly and perhaps secretly I wanted to be a Humanitarian, I knew for it to have any meaning at all I would need to make it known publicly.
With the decision to be a Humanitarian and make it public amongst my peers, friends and family it then became a necessity to pull my bootstraps up and get effective in our Expansion in order to pull this off.
That required correct estimation of effort. We hear that a lot these days and this was a real life example.
When Rachel and I, agreed to commit to completing our Humanitarian, at the Michael Chan/Freewinds event in May. There were about 100 people in the audience, all witnesses and some of you may have been there. To top it all, we committed to getting it done by October 2013. Now we did not have any money “coming in” we had to make it happen. We knew that and took responsibility for it.
We decided to go to the Freewinds and use the opportunity to focus our postulates on achieving the expansion necessary to pull it off, in our case, without needing to borrow as we felt if we were going to replicate this with any other activity we would need to be able to say to others it can be done using LRH tech and applying it in the workaday business world.
We did it with 2 months to spare. We used a whole lot of tools but we remained up tone about it as a key successful action. This was “the lotion for the motion”. We had good support within the family as all 3 boys are in the Sea Org now. They liked the idea of us finishing it in Sea Org week. Good things happened for us and we continue to expand. We made our luck.
I have taken on board regging at events and want to help like-minded people to achieve higher statuses. It is known that if everyone who is on board went to their next status we would have this target done and 120 Humanitarians in the UK would be have a massive impact on the Ideal Org strategy. The team working on this are people like you and me. People that want to help make a difference. If you need help I am more than happy to assist you. Your win is my win.
When COB opens the orgs in the UK coming months and when we have our Clear UK after this, I would like to have the proud knowingness that I helped make it happen, would you ?
This Strategy for me has become the thing that is pivotal to all our movement’s success, so if there is something you can do to help – do it and continue to do it. The future will be good for us all because of it. Join me in playing your part.
Sometimes you may find it difficult and sometimes I did, but I always look to LRH to bring me up tone so I have a renewed positive attitude about flourishing and prospering.
I hope my story helps to inspire you to decide to push yourself to a new status level as families or individuals. Of course there are other things to achieve to. Why not do those as well and enjoy the game but play to win. That’s what we did and we continue to do so now. I enjoy inspiring others. I hope I have inspired you.
Mike Ricketts
Ricketts Family Humanitarian
My postulates (sarcasm) come true about forking over your kids. When will it be kidney selling time ?
I wonder if the Hindus or Buddhists have ever raffled a Porsche to fundraise for their church.
I don’t think so. But maybe they’ve raffled elephants, or something, though.
That would be an interesting paper, “Raffles Run by Churches, Over the Ages.”
I think the Christians raffled new and improved lion cages. 😉
I just read David Miscavige’s declaration to the State of Texas. The first statement that he attests to is a blatant lie:
Declaration of David Miscavige in Support of Special Appearance
My name is David Miscavige, my date of birth is April 30, 1960, and my address is 1710 Ivar Ave. Los Angeles, California 90028.
1710 Ivar???????????? An office building where RTC is? That is his address? Lie, He lives at the Int Base or at Flag and pilfers off the Sea Org while paying himself as non Sea Org! He issues gifts to himself from the Church like servants, assistants. chauffers, slaves cooks, body guards, home, food and a host of other booty and NEVER pays gift tax! But never gets busted since he appoints himself as the head cop!
The first thing he does is LIE in his statement. Doesn’t that invalidate everything else he says? That isn’t hard to prove.
5. I do not have any employees, servants, or agents in Texas and I have never committed a tort in whole or in part in Texas. I also have not contracted by mail, or otherwise, with a Texas resident where either party is to perform the contract in whole or in part in the State of Texas. I have never recruited a Texas re
sident, directly or through an intermediary located in Texas, for employment inside or outside of Texas
Well hell, it won’t take a rocket Scientist to figure out this lie. He hired his own attorneys in Texas, and many people have been recruited for staff employment from the state of Texas through his “intermediaries” for staff and Sea Org contracts with HIS Church for which he is the “leader” as he puts it. By the way, where is “leader” on any Org Board?
It’s just above source if you look really close. 🙂
David Miscavige’s non compliance to City Laws:
Will the killing ever end?
The true test of any Org is how many students are in the Academy training to be auditors? if you ever walk into your local Org and they don’t immediately give you the bum’s rush as they either don’t know or remember you or have you on their “security lists” or whatever, try and sneak a look into their course room. If it is full, well, ok. But we all know it won’t be eh? Then recall those happier days when hopefully the Org’s course room was full and ask yourself – and them if possible before they place hands over ears – “who’s doing the squirreling around here?” “Why is your course room empty?” Now, apart from the robotic, rabid, mad dog copy-cat supervisors they have these days that treat students as “enemies” to be scowled at and chided when they have a win and (falsely) think they are following LRH WIAC PL by being “tough”, you could also ask “who is cutting across “Money Paid For Training” and for that matter all other GI by pushing “donations”. It makes one want to spit!
But really, the true question is … if you already have an IAS ‘Patronis Maximus‘ status, can you claim another 20% on your ‘Humanitorious Epicus‘ Ideal Org status, or … along with your ‘Libraria Donaticus‘, get a 50% discount on actual products, such as Audica Processus?
As an added comment to many comments above, it is interesting how it comes down to the program being promoted. Miscavige has created a super-non-standard ideal org program, it builds buildings and gets the field, as it still is, fund raising to achieve this. His intention is suspect. Sociopathic.
I have often thought about what would happen if he had created an alternative squirrel Ideal Org program to the one he did create. Let us say he created a program to train 1000 Class VI auditors per continental zone as a way of creating Ideal Orgs. the program then went to the field to do fund raisers, raffles, Humanitarian statuses the lot, BUT the program had an objective that was theta, like training 1000’s of Class VIs.
People like Mr Ricketts would still be sending out emails, people would still attend special dinners and he would still be tapping into the innate goodness of those still in.
He would get 1000’s off to training facilities in orgs and Saint Hills and push and push and push to get the targets done. This would still be a squirrel Ideal Org program but it would have a different intent.
If you imagine such a program and compare it to what Miscavige is doing now, it sharpens the contrast and sheds a lot of light on what he is actually doing. It is very clear his intention is NOT to create auditors and to make clears. His intention is to buy buildings. With money belonging to those who dream of clearing the planet and that taps into the deep but essentially good intentions of those still in the field. It is disgusting.
The above program of auditors, if it failed, would end up having too many trained auditors in the field……..Hmmm.
This new Ideal org program would be justified by many LRH references and sold very well and convincingly indeed, just like they are trying to do now with this bankrupt current program. The intent is different.
To take the dreams of a passionate field, to take hold of their ideas that they are actually helping others, to sell them the LRH references that justify this program and to do it all for a building, is evil.
Ricketts is not looking yet, as are many others. If he was sold the alternative program above, he would be there playing as he is now, BUT playing to create auditors. It is the program and the author of the program.
That is source of this insanity right now.
You nailed it, VSB! + 100
I just got some independent auditing at my home this weekend. Oh how happy I am we have a field where we can get audited and not have to have this thrown at us. The future of Scientology is in the hands of the auditor who builds his practice and audits. The auditor is the only salvation to mankind. I got to reward mine by giving him good exchange for his services and hosting him and feeding him. My reward was clean in arc tech and an FN. I see the future of Scientology as small local academies that train and deliver true LRH tech. Then in turn those auditors deliver Scientology to their pcs. The organization is dead. Long live the true scientologists that train and deliver. I see now for the first time that we do not need a religious body or a corporate organization. Mission sized schools will do this.
Thanks for sharing your wins.
Richard, you’ve just described the new paradigm of Scientology. That is exactly how free Scientology is reconstituting itself. The days of an all-powerful central mother church are all but finished. All that remains, is an empty silhouette of what once was, and its inevitable collapse. The signs of that impending collapse are posted by the great Mike Rinder on this website every day.
Groups of like-minded Scientologists are already forming up to deliver the Bridge. In time, such groups will spring up like mushrooms around the world. People have always reached for Hubbard brand Scientology, and they’ll continue to do so. The orgs are collapsing because they no longer deliver it.
In fact, the orgs don’t even possess it any longer, save in squirreled away original copies of books, HCOBs, HCOPLs, and taped lectures. Public and staff aren’t even allowed to see those original works anymore, let alone, study and apply them to their benefit. The only place to get authentic, genuine, and effective Scientology, is in the Independent field.
You’re exactly right that we don’t need a leviathan, multinational corporate church organization, to deliver the tech. It’s actually proven to be the most dangerous type of organizational structure we could possibly have, if we indeed intend for this valuable technology to be available to billions of earth dwellers. It’s all too easy for one man, or a small cabal of traitors, to usurp the reins of power in a pyramidal, hierarchical organization like the current church. We’ve seen what sort of havoc can result when such dictatorial power is concentrated in one man. Never again.
There’s far greater security in the tech being held by thousands, even millions of independent organizations, all of them only owning allegiance to the purity of the subject itself.
I like the way you think.
great to hear your wins Richard. I too have had cogs similar to yours. How lucky we are that there are auditors who audit and course sups who sup in the Indie field. The church is alive and well outside the church. The auditor with his meter will turn around the dwindling spiral, one person at a time and using the actual unadulterated tech. VWD on your wins.
“For all major Ideal Org Statuses there is a 20% award on status completions, this is an amazing deal and ends 14th September 2013. So if you are already UK Ideal Org Honour Roll or above you will get a 20% award towards your next status”
WTF? So this means you get a 20% discount off your next donation/or is credit? Incredible.
WTF is right, Mike.
“Status Completions”??? What on God’s green earth is that? Whatever happened to service completions, or is that passe now, in the radical Church of MEST?
+1, Ronnie
“All hail, the great and powerful, King of MEST! Bow down before your master of MEST”
ROTFL (if it wasn’t so true).
Shifting to only taking in money without delivering something in exchange
means you have no valuable final product. By creating “Status levels”
it creates an illusion that some work is getting done. TEE HEE HEE
I was on staff with Mike and Rachel Rickets. They were nice people. Rachel
gave me,cope officer, the BPL where LRH said no barriers between public
and div 6. So I was able to stop such efforts by GO. At least for a while.
Many years later my friend Barry Pemberthy, who makes FZ E-meters, and worked in this
area under LRH, was visited several times by Mike Ricketts. Mike threatened him
with legal action and so on. However the schematics of the E-meter was available in
DIY electronic mags and patent long expired.
Barry is 80 years old and lives alone.
So Mike you want to resume friendship to me call 0808 864 4940
Terril likes Comm lines
It is utterly exhausting to read about this fake enthusiasm…….
I went to a workshop once where the speaker had us drill the tone scale (to get us “up tone”, I guess). We got to enthusiasm, which I knew I didn’t feel. It was utterly degrading, and I swore I’d never let anyone do that to me again.
It’s terrible. Poor Rickett… They will clear UK! It’s like still believing in Niklaus. They give all their money and more. I believe next thing, they would give their life if COB asked for it. It’s fanatism. Something like scientology has given birth to a fanatic cult. it’s very scary.
I believed in Santa for a very long time. I really, really wanted to.
you may have been tongue in cheek, Dollarmorgue, about the giving their life for Scn, but there are LRH refs that they may use to do just that since they are so fanatical. Code of Honor, “your integrity is more important than your immediate life.’ And all the past lives stuff too. And remember with the Jim Jones crew, that they justified the mass suicide and genocide by thinking they were going to a wonderful heaven that would welcome them with open arms. So this fanaticism is pretty scarey.
“[A]ll 3 boys are in the Sea Org now ….”
“Now is the time – Birmingham This is IT!!!!!”
This is it! – Michael Jackson’s famous last words…
A friend of mine who is OUT but under the radar sent this to me about a phone call he received earlier today. Iv’e omitted the names so as to not reveal his identity.
Telephone conversation with a contracted staff member from an “Ideal Org” doing call-in for this weekend’s IAS Event.
After having been open as an “Ideal Org” for about 1.5 years the number of staff at the … Org is about 50! When they opened, they touted that the …Org had more staff on FFT at Flag than any prior Ideal Org. Having been there for the event, there were more than 100 staff in uniform—where have they gone?
When I asked how the org was doing, I was told “pretty good”. I asked about how many First Service Starts they are getting and he didn’t know the number but that they were “Going well but not in a viable range.” Of course this is quite contradictory since how could having an unviable number of FFS be considered “Going Well”?
He told me that right now it is especially challenging because they only have a skeleton crew since many of the staff are at Flag doing GAT II training in preparation for the “International Marketing Campaign that is going to launch once everyone is through the GAT II training.”
I asked him to share more information with me about that and he said that a “Pilot had been run on the New York Ideal Org and it just blew the stats out the roof. Then the same pilot was run on the Atlanta Org (which wasn’t Ideal) and the result was the staff were completely overwhelmed and unable to handle the flow so that is why the training has to be done first. I pointed out to him that this violated LRH policy. Specifically it violates the idea that you raise your level of delivery up to your level of dissemination, you don’t lower your level of dissemination down to your level of delivery. He said he didn’t know about that. I said, yeah, when I was on staff in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s, we used to regularly get 35-50 First Service Starts a week.
Finally, he told me the reason he called was to invite me to the IAS event that is happening this Saturday. He said that … would be there and that I would really like it because a lot of my questions would get answered. I asked him how many people they were expecting and he said they are pushing for 150. I failed to ask how many confirms they have.
Anyway it is a sad state of affairs.
Yes. “Promote til the floors cave in…and then you promote some more.” and “You drive in more business than mistakes can waste and reges can drive off with a gun.” What is that? Basic Principles of Promotion?
Yes, you create a bottle-neck of people coming in the door and then you up your production based on demand.
This, from LRH and a person who helped build a mission into 90 staff. It can be done. Too bad the orgs are so inverted on all this. What a waste of empty football fields called Idle Orgs.
Mike, you are a witty, funny guy. Thanks so much for the laughter with the necessary facts.
What would be really interesting is if Mike Rinder got a hold of one of those raffle tickets and won the Porche.
Ohhhhhhh my!
Yes….. I can just see the presentation ceremony melt down as Mike Rinder gets up from his seat and makes his way to the podium to say a few words and take possession of the keys to the German engineered beauty. Ha ha ….so worth the price of admission? Yes?
Yes, Oracle, that would be hysterical. “…and the winner IS!!!!!!!…Mi…uh…well…ahem…” Better tape it all ahead of time, Dwarf.
Wow… So much enthusiasm it’s frightening. I’d run a mile.. Actually London UK has a population closer to 16 million known and unknown so good Luck “clearing that” . Do those in really believe this crap?
In the words of the great Jason Beghe “Clear the f***ing planet? You’re not going to clear Beverly Hills with these prices”!
Truth be told, it’s a suppressive target, one that cannot be realistically achieved. In other words, typical Scn management.
I appreciate all the work you are doing, the mental acuity you are putting into this exercise in confront. I wonder if you know when the phrase “Clear the Planet” first came out? Not to be disrespectful or negative, but that has never really seemed a realistic “target” to me – not in the foreseeable future. I just don’t see how that would happen even if things were genuinely going very, very well with the church, and everyone in it showed real sanity and abilities to make accurate distinctions in ethical matters, respecting themselves and their families and friends and businesses FIRST. It seems to me that clearing everyone on the planet would be an enterprise of at the very least 1,000 years, and it would be something like hearing the Vatican hype the number of Catholics – that is, by any time that Scientology were even generally accepted as beneficial, it would be one of those “who cares?” things, a “routine” sort of thing like getting some regular exercise. A motto like “set a good example” or “be helpful” may not be as flashy, but might be more realistic, and more workable. WHEN the “Clear the Planet” jingo came up is of interest. It seems like an enormous not-is-ness, not really reflective of the purpose of Scientology (what does “Clear” really mean as a functional individual?), and makes it sound like some mass movement – which I would emphatically disagree with on fundamentals.
My speculation is that the phrase first appeared after 1976, which is when, apparently, LRH left the scene and was no longer actively directed the church.
Carcha — I dont know, but I recall seeing it in 1973. LRH continued VERY actively directing the church until 1980 and then less actively through 82 or so and then very inactively after that….
Carcha — I saw it in 73. LRH was VERY actively managing the church from 76 to 80. Less so til 82. Then inactively after that….
Got it. Guess I was wrong. Thank you for the data.
No problem George….
I have been in Scn for 20 years and heard this horse shit from day one. All this time I sat watching Scn go nowhere in South Africa. My visits to Flag quite a few years apart confirmed my shock and horror that there were less people in the HGC all those years later. I was on staff and witnesses how well management was run. The fact that overall expansion has been in reverse for all these years must mean that it has been so on purpose, virtually from the date LRH died, perhaps even before that if he was “off lines”. It is such a huge betrayal. The poor SO sods that have worked their arses to the bone all these years mainly to collect GI…. Some of them have grown old and grey before our eyes. Working 7 days a week focusing on GI and not VSD. This is not right… In the end they are just sheople.
First step is for the Church/RTC to get it’s Ethics & Tech in, and until that time Scientology isn’t going anywhere. Bleeding the membership dry for real estate, donations, Golden Ages of Tech, etc. … we’re further way from the goal than we ever were, in fact it’s on a nosedive into oblivion, and I suspect there is no reversing the course. What Indies do out here matters more than what happens at the church.
Bleeding the membership dry for real estate, donations, Golden Ages of Tech, etc. … we’re further way from the goal than we ever were, in fact it’s on a nosedive into oblivion, and I suspect there is no reversing the course.
I think that’s an accurate assessment of the true pt condition of the church, Formost.
A. They’re not making new lifelong customers.
B. They’re losing the vast majority of what lifelong customers they do have, which includes some of their most ardent supporters, due to their incessant financial demands on them.
C. They’re squandering their income on boondoggle projects that don’t create more income or future customers.
D. They’re wasting hard working staff members by the train load.
E. They’re shanghai-ing the children of the faithful to replace the experienced, trained staff members they’ve burned out.
F. They’re continuing to covertly enforce a policy of disconnection from unhappy ex-members, which is causing disastrous effects in the field, and in the press.
G. They’ve abandoned nearly all of their founder’s advices and organizational policies – to their ruin.
H. They lie unceasingly to the media, which compounds their already dismal public image with the broad public.
I. They continue to shoot themselves in the foot by going after ex-parishioners who speak out against them in public.
J. They’ve altered the workable technology that was bequeathed to them so badly, that they can’t produce their base products any longer.
K. They refuse to confront their worsening situation, and ascribe all of their failures and shortcomings to the wrong Whys.
L. Their ‘handlings’ and solutions to their dwindling situation are becoming more comical and downright bizarre by the day. They actually reek of desperation.
M. They’ve gone into abject criminal exchange with their public. Move up in “status”?? Whatever happened to moving up the Bridge?
The church is the very picture of a dwindling spiral, if I ever saw one. Every time Mike posts one of these emails from a staff member, all I see is the glee of insanity shining through. It’s actually painful to watch. Where we once had competent managers and staff who really knew their business, we now have degraded automatons who are ‘only following orders’ from Dear Leader, who himself is untrained, and is a squirrel of the first order.
There’s no saving the pathetic remains of what was once an incredibly powerful and dynamic group. The theta and the data have left the building, and they’re never coming back. It’s up to the Indies to carry on now.
Very intelligent comment Ronnie!
Ronnie’s pretty smart, Hallie. 🙂 Takes one to know one.
Yes, we are farther away than we ever were. If DM would have just let the missions live, let the ball roll as it was rolling and take obstacles out of the way, OMG would we be so much closer to a much saner place.
I look at these hideous things like people eating other people’s faces off, young women and men getting put in jail for domestic violence (when, in actual fact, they just needed a comm course to not tear into each other) drug use and all of these other societal ills and it makes me so furious. Which of those people could have been helped and could have avoided this tragically anti-social behavior if we had gotten to them in time.
How many people helped does one yacht represent? One case of 100 year old scotch? A closet full of $5,000 Armani suits?
If we tabulate all of the money wasted on PIs, court cases, payoffs, etc., etc. How many millions of people could have been reached with the same tech that LRH left for us to put forward into the society, really?
What if the Church was still delivering and not F’ing around with all this BS? Chances are, we’d all still be in, doing our best to make this world a better place and being effective.
Instead, we have to go forward into the fray without all the resources we worked so hard to accumulate and just start over like some Tina Turner or Mel Gibson from Mad Max. And the group we are fighting to keep our heads above water is the very group we were trying to help. Our only alternative, should we choose to accept it) is to go out and help the people find the real Scientology. And get some for ourselves.
But all that time wasted and all of the people wasted in the process. So sad.
Rant Alert:
Every time I read something like this Ideal Org babble emanating from supposedly trained Scientology staff, public or SO, I find myself screaming silently in response, “But, you IMBECILE – HOW is a BUILDING going to DO that? What magical power does a building have? Don’t you understand that people only go clear when they are AUDITED, and you DON’T NEED a fancy building for that.
What I find really hard to understand is how this is not understood by ANYONE.
How is having a beautiful building going to DO anything?
If one has a beautiful, large theatre, will this facility create a play and all that needed to put on a play? Will the beautiful theater automatically attract people who want to see this play? Will playwrights get a look at this beautiful theater and be inspired to write great plays because of it? Will the theater-going public begin to clamor for great works to be produced just so they can sit in this theater?
I’m telling you, I really, REALLY don’t get how ANYONE doesn’t get this IMMEDIATELY.
People, come ON – PLEASE!!
It is a BUILDING. It is a THING. No matter how beautiful, how large, how lavishly appointed it is, this THING, of itself, will do NOTHING. iT IS MEST. It will just SIT THERE, OK? Because it CAN’T DO ANYTHING EXCEPT SIT THERE. It is PEOPLE who get things done, and people don’t need expensive mest to get things done!
And if you insist on acquiring a new building before you train auditors and audit people, you are going to FAIL.
Any person or group who created something worthwhile NEVER waited to acquire the highest quality MEST of that activity before DOING it. Successful people in their early years never held back from DOING because they didn’t have the proper MEST!
R-Factor to those still buying the Ideal Org “Strategy”: MEST ALIGNS UNDER THETA. Theta, on the other hand, does NOT align under Mest, for long, if at all.
End of Rant.
Best rant on the Idle Morgues I have ever seen. Hands down. Good job, Aqua.
In my final few months at the Int base I saw clearly what DM expects of staff: lay reality aside and get into step with HIS “reality.” I refused to do it because they have a name for that where I’m from — ‘crazy.’ But others did it, like Lisa Schroer, who — because of this great knack — quickly rose up the ranks to be the top “DM Pet” for a while. One of the last days that I was there, I saw her praising Marc Headley in the morning along with other crew for doing a “spectacular” video DM wanted. She said how kick-ass it was. Actually, she not only approved the video before it went to DM, she was up all night directing it! This was for an LRH “quote video” — a video done to go with an LRH quote. The video showed someone coming in the bottom of a white room that turned out to be on it’s side, etc. Pure crap. Anyway, she was the director on the video. Then in the afternoon, after Flipper McManiac reversed himself (typical) and decided he DESPISED the video, and that it was the WORST video in history, she brutally ripped Marc Headley in front of everyone blaming him and screaming at him for his “total overt product” (that she not only approved, but directed and which she had praised to high heaven just hours before). It was as if she had never even seen it until after DM finished shitting on it, and then she was appalled and really went after Marc with her trademark Evil-Bitch(R) Brand Flows. In other words, she and a few others mastered this ability to willingly suspend reality and embrace something totally made up 5 minutes earlier as the only reality. You saw this too in the CNN videos with the Stepford Wives and a skeletal corpse-like GL ranting about things that didn’t even make any sense — they were just parroting back verbatim whatever DM had said. Hence, as I said from the start, the Int base never used ARC and didn’t even seem to know what it meant or that it was even vaguely important. Obviously “Command Intention” is now been adopted by the hungry baby Pterodactyls just breaking out of their eggs as they make their way over to eat their Lucky Winners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice to see you posting Steve. I love your stories!
Hey, weren’t you recruited out of Texas by one of DM’s intermadiaries (a recruiter) to be contracted as a Sea Org Member and become part of his personal staff at the Int Base?
Wow Thoughtful, talk about psychotic. As outer org staff and then public, I only had glimpses of this until I went to Flag for the first time in 2006. There were so many outpoints and a perceivable suppressive and invalidative presence. I also had the extremely young trying to get me on board with the “command intention” concept. They tended to run away when I referred to LRH’s intention as what I understood command intention to mean. These first hand reports are valuable and completely align with what I’ve observed coming down the lines. I wonder what the Int base is like now with dm at Flag, how those people are coping with the absence of the source of the psychosis. I know there are others that have forwarded this but it’s got to be different in his absence.
I’ve thought about that a lot too, Hallie. He would NEVER leave that base before. He would NEVER leave other people in charge in his absence. He even gave Shelley a ration of it when she did something effective while he was gone.
What did he do, lock everybody in the Hole til he came back, like locking the dog in your bathroom while you’re on vacation and asking the neighbor to feed it in the bathroom once a day?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, when he came back, the Hole was empty, the base was deserted and he was all alone?
Who knows someone on the inside who could pull off a coup like that? Have a small army of cars waiting outside the gates, distract the guards, get the key and let everyone out and tell them that they were going to the movies and to get into the cars. Film them getting into the cars of their own, free will. When Heber and Guillaume and whoever else is in the hole are in the cars, take them to a secret place to decompress with some actual, real auditing and food and quiet rest. And let them watch a movie…The Wizard of Oz maybe. Or films that will help them to realize where they had been. Schindler’s list maybe? Honestly. Does anybody know anyone in there who knows what’s up? Someone who could do something like this? Pass it on.
And music that helps them remember what freedom is really about.
This is totally about being locked up but on a beautiful aesthetic wave length.
not really. there are plenty of followers there that are just as nuts
Hello Steve!
She got what was coming to her. 🙂
Happy ranting!
Org staff have been covertly persuaded to shift the goals and purposes of their org. Instead of orgs traditionally training auditors and making Clears, they have been re-purposed as central information centres, where the general public can get information on Scn’s social betterment programs. So, orgs would begin pushing ABLE, WISE, Narconon, TWTH, CCHR, etc. The “plan” was to push these programs into society thereby destimulating the environment, in effect “clearing it”. I’m not making this stuff up.
On the surface, org staff could hardly disagree with such a plan. They have been told that by doing so people would reach for Scn and the Bridge. Orgs would become the source of expansion and power, spawning new social betterment groups and missions all around it. And as a result, general public coming into contact with these would just flow into the org.
The only problem with this “plan” is that it doesn’t work. It makes for great PowerPoint presentations though. For the past decade or so this is all that is talked about at Int Events. How our Social Betterment Programs are changing the world. No mention of the effect of public moving on the Bridge. It’s like Scn Lite, kinda looks like Scn, but without the spiritual gain.
Feeding the dogs barking at the weels.
Wow Aaron, you mean I can go bankrupt for 20% less money. Well where do I sign up???
All this nonsense begs the question – what are they going to do with these huge buildings since there’s very little actual training or processing occurring? I’m imagining something like this – “When we get our ideal org we can expand our fundraising activities 5.4X!! Just think – non-stop fundraising for even more buildings!!!”
If the goal is to be ‘messed’ up, then buying oneself this deluded label — ‘Humanitarian’– will most definitely get you there. How far down is the bottom of the basement in awareness, to fall for crap like this?
I love that ending on the first letter. ” It makes all the difference being crazy ” It sure does. Why else would anyone fall for this sh….t over and over and over……
Just give me that Porsche for blowing up their headquarters.
WOW! Who knew that Porcshe Cayman would make A New Civilisation!!!
Just Amazing! Wait tell the folks at Porcshe hear about this!
Aaron Sheppard’s email is a complete joke when compared to anything a real or professional fundraiser would say or do in an email. The lack of professionalism is actually shocking, and the fact that these somewhat random staff members are allowed to send out any drivel that happens to erupt in their heads really surprises me. You would think with all the controversy surrounding CoS fundraising, not to mention litigation, that some sort of legal side check would have to occur on such communications, quite in addition to someone with some idea of professional standards checking just the quality of the communication. It seems like any staff member can send out just about any garbage to the public to suck money out of them.
Aaron is a product of Heather and David Sheppard – 2 long-term SO members, although David has been out for some time and of course the Sheppard’s marriage didn’t last. In fact David was frequently in trouble for his short fuse and tantrums, and I doubt Aaron has seen more than a few days in the “Wog world” his whole life. Heather last I knew was ABLE. Along with Beryl Garside and Cathy Sproule they are the three witches of St Hill, Cathy is long-term OSA – I could tell a few stories about her – of that generation that has long severed any ties to the Wog world and will find the coming implosion difficult in the extreme I think.
Why witches?
Shockingly unprofessional is a perfect statement of it.
I’m not sure whether I should laugh or cry.
As for the last letter; “donating” their 3 boys to the Sea Org … heartfelt.
Two fascinating commentaries on the use of multiple exclamation marks. A must read!!!!
Now off to torture some more words… heh heh…
Dear Fellow OT,
When I made the decision to Go Humanitarian, I knew it couldn’t not be done with out grammer or sintax. And of course additionally Spelling as well. Hence that’s why I made the commitment. To Clear my town and the Universe. How? By getting a copy of “The Elements of Style” into the hand of every man, Woman, and child in the United States and a broad. Because if we all just take just a little more responsibility and pull our bootstraps up, we can wipe out all cobblers within our life time. And psychiatry too!! No, this not just a pipe dream. It’s totally real to me, and, to my three sons. Both of whom are already in the Sea Org. And the other will be as soon as he’s done weaning. And even that’s already happening! It’s like that quote by LRH. So let’s do it and win so we can play the game to win. Are you with me? Good! Start!
Pewter Humanitarian
/snort /laugh
Oh man that hurt. Thank you for the gutbuster. I needed that. “Elements of Style”! Hehehe.
Now that they’re doing high ticket raffles, they might as well start a lottery and then go into the casino business. Why not? Everyone contributes their hard earned money with the chance to win a big prize, and the house skims off the top. Exactly like they’re doing now but more legitimate. At least you’d have a chance to win something real.
Dm’s next venture…….ideal casinos! Complete with…..ideal naughty girls in costume, or……ideal chippendale dancers……..I secretly want the ideal chippendales. :O
Oh, man. Straight out of the “what not to do” reference. A raffle? For a car?
How MEST have they become?
Note to DM: “How far are you going to take this, Dave, before you have enough to just blow? Your whole family is out. Diana can take over. It’s time to take it easy on all that money and just get the hell out of Dodge, before they put you in that dreadful orange suit. It is happening. Mosey has got you by the short hairs, boy, and you know it. Get out while you can.”
A freakin’ raffle. Pffffff.
At least they could have made the prize a few intensives at Flag, for that much money – or aren’t Scientology services worth anything to anybody anymore?
So sad.
+one billion.
“At least they could have made the prize a few intensives at Flag, for that much money – or aren’t Scientology services worth anything to anybody anymore?” Indie 8 Mill, good comment. And sadly, I guess Scn services aren’t worth anything to those still IN anymore… now it’s all MEST MEST MEST.
Yes. Isn’t it disgusting, Jane?
Oh yeah my friend. The future is very good for you here in the UK. Scn is real big around here. In the year and a half I have been here in London I have never seen nor heard about scn at all. Although I built the stage for the opening of this org and had made lots of the signs in there with my own hands (and have the shots to prove it) I can’t even bother to go and see it. I don’t even know where it is. For sure I have not run into it in my meandering around the place so I know it’s not in any major or busy street. Oh well.
I noticed that in Mike Ricket’s win of telling how he agreed to move up a status but had no money coming in and had to create it… . then he later says that he is “now regging for ideal orgs and if there is any way he can help you move up to your next status, he would love to help you….” Well that explains where he got the money to donate. He became a vulture culture registrar for the Ideal Orgs and went around to his friends, family and colleagues fleecing them for the Ideal Org and getting commission on it. He wouldn’t be doing it if there were no commissions paid. I hate that everyone, public included, are paid commissions because then it turns friend on friend each trying to “reg” the other and “get the commission”. Makes it unsafe to even hang with your friends without holding on to your wallet.
Jane – I agree 1000%. The FSM issue cites 10% commission for processing and 15% for training. There is no reference for commission on fund raising, as there is no reference on fund raising other than to not engage in it.
Thus, you have your “friends” enthusiastically extolling the virtues of “ideal orgs” and the IAS – when their hidden motive is not revealed.
I’m sure there are many making their livings this way. I had one recently tell me that he paid for a luxury condo at the downtown Clearwater’s Watersedge in cash with such commissions.
Sheldon, this sickens me to think that a corporate Scn fleeced so many people so expertly that he had cash to pay for a luxury condo a the downtown Clearwater Watersedge in cash from his commissions. It is just sickening. And I know Power FSM’s and even field auditors who have given up on FSMing people and expanding Scn or clearing the planet in order to go work for the IAS as their full time job. More money in it for them, so they forget about auditing or FSMing people. And one Power FSM told me that she doesn’t and most don’t bother FSMing raw public onto the Bridge cuz “there’s little money in it” and “you make more getting people onto OT VII.” The OT VII’s and VIII’s were the prized and fought over selectee because it costs so much at that level that their commissions were very fat at that level. In corporate, the further up the Bridge you go, the worse off you are in terms of them fleecing your money and maybe even in terms of squirrel tech used on you and especially in terms if re-doing the Bridge again with Objectives and Purif and Clear cycle.
Can anyone tell me the abilities gained are from achieving these statuses? The one fact I have tried to communicate to others is that one cannot out live the need for income. I wonder whose going to take care of the Scn baby boomers? Many will be retiring with huge debt. Most are Gr 1, so, not a problem.
This has gone way beyond the scope of “Nonsense”.
Wonderful! As an example of how far things have come down the shitter, here’s a little tale…
When I was a public training at the FLO on the Pilot GAG 2 checksheets (about 2004), my best friend Maya Keller was training at ASHO. Maya and I grew up together. This incident was around the Christmas season. A game was announced to encourage students to put in MORE course time leading up to and during the holiday season, instead of less (as is normal). The game was this: for every EXTRA course slot a student agreed to put in (above what they were already scheduled for), they would get ONE ticket for a raffle. The prize in the raffle was a new e-meter. What could be a better, more on-purpose prize for auditors in training? The meter was donated by a public. So get this…auditors in training were being rewarded for putting in EXTRA course time over Christmas, by earning chances to win a new E-meter, which all of them needed and wanted. Talk about a game LRH could get behind!
My best friend won the E-meter. Great news for her, right??!! Not exactly. She was promptly pulled into Ethics and worked over the coals for being so off-purpose and other-intentioned as to require a “reward” for putting in extra course time. The other objection was that this game violated the HCO PL where LRH talks about getting rid of distractions in orgs to Scientology like “diapers in reception, and raffles”.
Of course, in the PL, LRH is talking about DISTRACTIONS to Scientology. Not games that forward the PURPOSE of Scientology. But to the retarded teenagers in HCO and CMO, LRH used the word “raffle” in a derogatory way, so of course all “raffles” are bad and must be fought. Of course, when LRH referred to a “raffle” derogatorily, he was actually referring to it as an activity to RAISE MONEY (since that what raffles usually are). But again, the kids in charge were too busy trying to figure out why their bodies were going through so many “weird changes” to actually spend time figuring out what LRH meant when he wrote all those big words in those confusing policy letters.
So my friend Maya was not permitted to keep her new E-meter, because “raffles” were off-policy and a distraction from Scientology.
So we’ve come full circle. Not only are raffles okay now, but they are being promoted by a CONT LANDLORD to raise money for BUILDINGS!!!!!
Incredible. We start with auditors being penalized for putting in more course time to win an E-meter. And not more than a handful of revolutions of sun later, the masses are being encouraged by Management to buy raffle tickets for a PORSCHE.
(I want to especially thank COB RTC, without whose tremendous leadership none of this would be possible)
Good point.
And is not even more telling that the E-Meter is the SECOND prize.
What self… I mean… Miscavige respecting scientologist wouldn’t want a Porsche more than an E-Meter?
IMHO everyone in HCO has a raging ev purp or two in full blown restim.
Oh, jeez, that reminded me of CMO girls. Nothing worse than seeing an angry-looking teenaged CMO tart heading toward you…
Thanks for the story. It is just amazing how people let themselves manipulate even though they have the scene right in front of them. I know Maya Keller well, – although I did not know about this e-meter story. She is a kind, smart and beautiful woman. Unfortunately despite all she saw and knows she has not taken out the Kool-Aid drip yet. Sometimes I guess, it is too painful to open the eyes and realize the deceit and treason that is going on in the so called Church of Scientology and one has supported and endured for many years.
I have a terrible sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach; there is so much ‘bending’ of the truth in the above post that it almost amounts to lies. Not what I would expect from Mr Sheppard or Mike Ricketts !
Incidentally Mike, would not the cost of the airfares and Freewinds fees have put you half way towards ‘humanitarian’ ?
Let us just dwell upon some basic facts; there are eight ‘orgs’ in the UK (that is counting Days and Fdn’s as one and including St Hill Fdn).
London Ideal org is the only one opened in a new building. A lie some years ago by the miscavige was that so many people were starting services at London. It took a few of us just minutes to calculate that if as many as he said were starting and only 10% carried on and only 10% of those moved up and only 10% of those arrived at AOSHUK, then about 50 to 100 new starts would be occuring at AOSHUK each week. There were not.
Of the remaining orgs, Plymouth, Birmingham, Manchester and Sunderland (designated Northumbria, after the region) all have purchased buildings that stand empty and are deteriorating.
A quick assessment indicates that to get those buildings habitable and suitable for Scientology use, within six months it would take a few hundred experienced men working full time on each.
As the little toad is not daring to set foot in the UK for this years I.A.S. event when does he intend to polute these shores ? To open any Ideal Orgs he will have to delay it until the IAS pays for the renovations, the Brit public are not that stupid all of the time.
I am bloody annoyed !
PS. Albert Schweitzer and Mother Teresa were Humanitarians, you dumb-ass.
Please STOP perverting the English language.
(OK, I feel better now).
What she said! ^^^^ Thanks Izzys Son! You made my day!
This is a quote from
“For example, a well-known public Scientologist in the EG area, Mike Ricketts, had a painting and decorating business (M Ricketts Decorating Ltd), which was placed into voluntary liquidation in Oct 2001, with debts of around £216,000. His wife, Rachel Ricketts was banned from being a director of a company for 3 years, I don’t know what punishment he got. This made the local papers, but it did not mention that they were both Scientologists, who had used the money that they didn’t repay, to fund their way onto the OT levels. Amusingly, Mike Ricketts was featured in a copy of the magazine produced by the CLO UK, having being given an award from WISE, presumably for stellar implementation of ‘Hubbard Admin Technology’, and was a member of the East Grinstead Business Expansion Committee. Scientology ‘expansion’ = business failure?”
“definitely time to upgrade to your next Ideal Org status” eh? Now normally when one “upgrades” something the result is something of higher quality or more useful than before. I really don’t see that here unless one views a larger mountain of debt and an inflated ego an “upgrade”.
Aaron rants on like a delusional cheerleader on the Titanic!!!! I thought it was cute that he felt the need to explain what a ‘buy 2 get one free’ is!!!! Aaron obviously has done his homework and knows his public!!!!
While Ricketts forwards the IAS false datum – “if you think it, it will be” – it’s magic!!!!! All you have to do is be theta, make those postulates, write the check and wait for that money to come rollin’ in!!!!! That’s what I call ‘taking responsibility’!!!!
Darn it!!!! This compulsive, overuse of exclamation points just isn’t having the same effect for me!!!! Normally I’m hesitant to use one exclam, but the idea of stringing 3 or 4 together uncontrollably is….EXCITING!!!!!
🙂 😉 😀 !!!!!!!!!
So the Earth Rotates giving us Day and Night is the reason to upgrade to your next status ?
Eight million Clears from seven empty buildings.?
This guys Mother needs to cut off the Kool Aid to this Kid.
R Factor **** Never Send a Baby to Buy the Beer.******
Wow… He’s a gonner
So, what do we have here? Aaron’s e mail with tickets being sold “all over the world”, an OT Committee Fundraising Team, a Dinner for more donations and so on. It still amazes me that there is no one single mention of real, valid products: pcs well audited and auditors made.
It is very hard to believe that inside the “Church” their members don’t see that all has become a money machine with no results and no products. But as appalling as it is, the fact remains that they are blind, can not see, perceive, nor decide-a herd been led to destruction through abused money raising.
They keep being told that “The wins are incredible!!!!!!!”
I do think they keep a stat on how many exclamation points are used.
Isn’t Ron against the use of NLP? (Neuro linguistic programming – google it) That’s all that’s happening here. “We are winning! The tent cycle is amazing!!! So many people are having fantastic wins on the objectives after OT III!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Say it enough times and it becomes truth to those who will not see.
Sort of like in this picture. Once you see the cow, you can never go back.
This is classic cult-think, and goes a long way to explaining the behavior
of such Humanitarians as Reed Slatkin and Rex Fowler.
Wow! If I just write a big enough check I can not only have the status of Humanitarian but I might even win a new Porsche Cayman! But it only counts if I make it publicly known that I did this. And this is the road to spiritual freedom and to clearing the planet of war, insanity etc? Really?
I feel so sad for Mike Ricketts and his pathetic family of True Believers. They are investing so much of their lives and efforts in a complete fable, a fabricated reality that has no basis in any factual or statistical reality, as proven by the failed “strategy” that has been rolling out over the past 10+ years. If there was going to be any real success with this “Idle Org Program” it would have happened by now. Instead, we have failed org after failed org. Just look at the original three – Johannesburg, San Francisco and Buffalo. All completely empty, downstat and failing miserably. Tampa – “expanded” into big new quarters and “Saint Hill size” yet they can’t pay their staff and all the lower Bridge delivery going on in Florida is happening down the road at Flag.
Yet at the same time as I feel for the plight of these pathetic losers who keep putting their time, money and life force into this scam, I have to also wonder as to how they can keep up the self-delusion for all this time. Two words describe this “strategy” and the idiots who continue to follow it with rapt belief in their Glorious Leader – EPIC FAIL.
Wow! Delusional is the truth.
This last guy who is talking is really self promoting himself as some sort of big shot because he finally made it to Humanitarian. My wife and I did a Humanitarian before we woke up. I wish we would have woken up sooner. A Humanitarian within the cult is no honor. All it takes is a willingness to not look and fail to act on outnesses observed. Applying LRH and staying uptone is not the “lotion to the motion”. (never heard that one before)
Also if you need to be some miracle worker to become a Humanitarian then good luck on putting several Idle Orgs in place. If one isn’t cutting it and it was heroic to fund that one then the others for sure won’t happen. It seems that there is an attempt to push all this lunacy to the point where it finally breaks everyones reality within the cult at some point. It is as if dm is taunting people to see how far he can push things and still get support. I recall once at an event dm said something like “the train is going down hill and has no brakes” and that is really how he operates. I think the man has a severe succumb postulate and he will take as many down with him that he can.
UK is doomed.
Mike, question: Seriously, how can they not know about LRH’s policy letters regarding orgs? He never, ever said to fundraise. Ever. He said sell more scientology. Has the tiny dwarf become the biggest squirriel on the planet?
He hasn’t become he allready was and no he can’t be helped
I stand corrected. But it’s still amazing to me that the rest of the sheeple can’t (or won’t) look at what he’s doing. The end is in sight.
THIS IS VERY EXCITING!! WOOHOO!! YEAH!! I”M BROKE!!! YEAH!! WHERE and HOW do I donate MORE!!?? That’s all I need to know!!! Yeah!!
I want to apologize for my last post. I got caught up in the enthusiasm.
I should realize that genuine Tone 40 Super Duper Enthusiasm is probably out-reality for most folks who havent been to an Ideal Org to experience it. It kind of takes you over and you just can’t help but jump around and say crazy stuff.
Montreal back in the day
Oops, sorry. They got me again. Good thing I’m not there, I’d be throwing my credit cards at the reg like a deck of cards in a hat.
OMG. That event went on for EIGHT HOURS???? EIGHT HOURS of fundraising what– looks to be under 50 people? How horrible. Why would these people subject themselves to this? Do people just get up and go home, or do they stay until 3 in the morning? At what point do the regges let them go?
ReneeG your Eternity is at stake !
What a crock,
I attended just one of those Ideal Org fundraisers, but that one experience was enough to give me a sense of what those people endured those eight long hours. I think there may have been up to a hundred people at the one I attended, and it went for about four hours.
I don’t know why folks in that video didn’t just up and leave when they’d had enough. That’s what I did, when my family had finally maxed out on it. I collected my wife and kids and headed out the door, saying good night to everyone. No one even tried to stop us.
I could never quite comprehend how Scientologists could go so PTS to the off-policy, no-exchange “fund-raising”, i.e., begging. But the longer I have been away from that scene, the weirder it looks! Especially, in contrast to what LRH says in his policies on the subject.
In the video, “Deedee” is quite an experience to behold. Note: that is not the emotion of enthusiasm she is spewing out. I’m not quite sure what it is, but it ain’t enthusiasm. For one thing, there is no ARC in it.
She promises that she and the other “fund-raisers” will “go crazy” if someone makes a donation….. but it looks like they all jumped the gun.
I have heard that “insanity” can be contagious if one remains in an “insane” environment for a period of time.
Aha! That’s the tone level. It’s “the GLEE of insanity”. Spotted it.
I attended many of these “events” over the years. The first one in the early 90’s I was horrified. Then I bought into the sales pitch. There is a “hat”. You get the crowd pumped up and tell them they are the elite beings who can “confront” being there and doing what needs to be done to save the universe. THen you hit them with the “bad news” about all the cidds being drugged by the psychs and how they are winning. And then you tell them the IAS is doing something about it, but they need more money. THen you jump up and down and act crazy for hours and hours until you reach your target.
I actually have known Dedee for a long time and was on staff with her. She’s alright. But that is not her. I always was repulsed by that type of phony “uptone” acting. It’s not real. I dont want to talk to some fake beingness “vaneer”.
Oops, should be “…about all the kids being drugged…”
Good one Espiritu, glee of insanity indeed!
OMG—this is so hokey! I’m laughing myself silly at these women. Wouldn’t you give just anything to be one of those awesomely lucky people sitting at the table in the background, with the chance to be in this video, kissing ass? And on the not-so-funny side of things, that’s a lot of forced enthusiasm for MONEY, and I wonder if they’d show that much for a course completion. Very sad state of affairs. Wake up you stupid, blind and clueless people!!
I have never been into Scientology, but I have become fascinated on the subject, and seriously this is one of the saddest and scariest videos I have ever seen. Cuckoo!
Mike: How much do you have to donate to become a “Humanitarian?” And thanks for educating people like me on the insanity known as the Church of Scientology!
Can anyone spot the False Four?
I’ve been reading all the books – Going Clear, Inside Scientology, Rathbun’s, etc., and lots of YouTube. It’s clear that anything that got done by the CofS, got done by the capable people (like you, Mike, and Marty) who later escaped. No new talent is coming up through the SO ranks to replace everyone Miscavige has imprisoned. Ah, the ever shrinking world of David Miscavige! Miscavige is an incompetent, uneducated, out-of-touch, rage-a-holic. You can see the desperation in these e-mails. When I click on YouTube’s, the paid CofS ads come up all the time! I’m sure that will solve things, along with super-crazy enthusiasm and lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!
I’ve given David Miscavige my three sons and every penny I could scrape together, so all that’s left for me to give is my time, which from now on will be spent walking others deeper into the trap. Let’s do lunch!
Mike Ricketts
Who are these people that they can’t use punctuation, or basic grammar, with any degree of skill? If my youngest wrote like either of these I’d be embarrassed beyond belief.
That said, I am so thankful I’ve stepped off the hamster wheel and don’t have to deal with THAT stress anymore.
I will write to Mike Rickets separately but… Oh dear, Mike what has happened to you? Have you even been into London Org recently? It’s dead Mike – dead. Not because of Mike Rinder’s implant – that’s what you’ve been told right- , nor SPs like me. It’s dead because the Ideal Org strategy is off policy and doomed. I got into Scientology indirectly because of you; your employee was a good example of what a Scientologist should be. I was impressed with you and the way you ran your business. 32 years later I am embarrassed for you. Re-read your email Mike. It is so far removed from anything meaningful to the 99.998% of Brits who aren’t and never will be scientologists. 32 years ago I used to get the 7.30am train to London to be sure of getting a seat in the academy. Last report I got from Ideal London there were half a dozen public on major courses, none of whom were on the Levels. Think about it. I know it’s a tough thing to confront Mike but you’ve been duped, lied to and conned. If DM gave a damn about Scn in the UK he would have applied some LRH to the situation, he could have bought all new buildings with small change years ago and renovated them. Sorry Mike. Really. You’re a decent guy who just wanted to help.
A possible reply…
Thank you for your letter Martin. It is very nice to hear from you and could I just say in reply that I……..um…………well…………what I mean to say is………..I…………well rather than………….um…………well what I really mean to say is …………um…………could I get back to you?
On the buy 2, get one free “special”, I wonder if that was the case from the outset. Or did those who previously purchased the raffle chances not have the benefit of the promotion offered. I would think it would arcx prior purchasers if its a new incentive. It arcx me just thinking about it, and I did not buy anything. As far as the overall content, Mike always does a great job of putting the madness in context. Thanks, Mike.
Tickets are $60 a piece to breakeven with about $60,000 worth of automobile? Anyone know what they want for them?
$60,000 you’ll have your arm twisted to donate the cash value to IAS/Ideal Org, ie. there is no prize.
With all the misleading, 2-faced off-policy donorama it’s very easy to figure out what’s going down — think like they do — think 1.1
Playing field… You are not thinking in futures.
No one cares about suckers past.
It’s all hands on deck to get new suckers in.
The kid does make one salient point, it does make all the difference being crazy…
Mike — not only your humor but your logic always floor me.
Love the bit about the buses — wish I had thought of that, rather than the hours of explanation I would give while trying to make someone understand.
Short and pithy. I’m going to try it.