Here is a new message sent out to demonstrate the “straight up and verticaliness” of AOSHUK.
These numbers are cumulative from October to June — 8 months. Each OT Level counts as 1 — so if someone complete OT 1-111 that is 3 “OT’s” even though its the same person. I doubt this stat counts theory and auditing as two separate “levels” but it may. But give them the benefit of the doubt and count one for each “OT Level” completed.
Realize, they are PROUD of these figures!
From: AOSHUK [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 12:45 PM
Subject: From: Lesley Farrow, Solo I/C AOSHUKDear Xxxxxx,
Here are the current standings on how many OT levels have been
completed by country so far since IAS here at Ron’s Home:Belgium 3
Canada 6
France 18
Germany 13
Holland 3
Hungary 3
Iraq 6
Israel 3
Italy 9
Kazakhstan 3
Mexico 3
Russia 32
Spain 10
UK 7
Venezuela 3So that I have a full picture, please update me on the following so
I can see what you have left to do to get onto your OT levels:1. Have you done solo 1 ?
2. If not, are you in progress on solo 1 ?
3. If not, have you done student hat? HQS?
4. Have you done the Basic Book courses up to and including Dianetics 55?
5. What course are you currently on?
6. Have you previously done any auditor training?
When do you plan to next arrive at St Hill? __________
If you have any questions at all about going OT, I will answer them for you.
Lets decide together that 2013 is the year for you to GO OT !!
Lesley Farrow Class VI, OEC/FEBC
Now, let’s take a moment to reflect on these numbers:
1. The largest number of “OT’s” is from RUSSIA??? Russia with two orgs, while UK has EIGHT ORGS, including LONDON Ideal and St Hill Size DAY AND FDN and SAINT HILL itself.
2. Those Russian public SHOULD be going to AOSHEU, but clearly the UK has so little flow up the Bridge that AOSHUK cannot survive from the UK orgs.
3. In fact, of the 119 total “OT Levels” 103 are from “AOSHEU” areas — or 86%. 8% are from AOLA areas (Canada and Venezuela). A massive 6% of AOSHUK business comes from the UK!
4. These figures add up to 3.4 OT completions PER WEEK. This is about 10 people on OT levels at any given time.
The boom is on in the UK!!! OMG!
And this makes one wonder, what about those NEW Advanced Orgs in Mexico, South Africa and Canada?? Is it any surprise that nothing more has been heard about them since they were announced with great fanfare and computer generated “fly-throughs” 5 or more years ago to make it seem like things were expanding.
Maybe the straight up and verticaliness hasn’t yet caught on in those areas of the world yet — seems to be lagging in the US too…
But never fear — GAT II will resolve all problems.
Who knew there was an AO in Russia making OT’s?
I have no sound on my computer now so will have to borrow someone else’s to watch this. I did read Martin Padfield’s summary elsewhere on line, including the RCS’s written response which of course was so pathetic, ending with their plaintive question as to when the TV media will do a program on all of the new churches which they’ve opened up.
Well! as far as I’m concerned, the answer should be, “Very, very soon!” Wow, I’m SALIVATING at the thought of the TV media doing a show on the RCS’s Ideal Morgues. LOL!!! Just think how frantic the cult will be to fill up these orgs, the courserooms, the HGC reception areas, etc. for the filmings! That would just be SOOO funny. Yes, Channel 4 or SOMEBODY, PLEASE do a documentary on this. Of course, the cult would never allow it. But someone may just want to take them up on their appeal.
Tony Ortega’s comment about “the first target is breaking the monopoly” is spot on.
On Youtube now:
OMG We were doing 30 – 50 completions a WEEK at AOLA in 2001 when AOLA won the birthday game. That was pre basics and pre Idle org and pre golden age of knowledge. So then one would conclude that the golden age is more like the Lead Age of Tech. Heavy and sinking fast.
And poisonous
Would you say straight down and horizontal? Like the Titanic?
Hmmm…there’s some interesting parallels between that ship and the ideal orgs. Well the outcome is pretty damn parallel anyway.
I have felt for the past year like I’m watching the Titanic sink. It’s a morbid fascination. An effort to get my friends off the ship and gratefulness for you lifeboats out here that picked me up when I jumped overboard. Even so… it’s mesmerizing to watch. At some point I expect the whole thing to get swallowed up…glug…and go down. Like the cruise ship Oceanos:
Tony Ortega: “SCIENTOLOGISTS AT WAR,” the Channel 4 Documentary
Excerpt: “As we predicted, a version of Channel 4′s documentary, “Scientologists at War,” has appeared on the Internet. We don’t know who’s responsible for it, but we’re embedding it here so our readers not in the UK can get a look at it.
We also asked some ex-Scientologists in the UK to give us their impressions of the show after they got to see it when it first aired.”
Would love to see a documentary on the Iraq org.
Carnival ‘O Barker (that’s COB for the unwashed) is relying on his wobbly one legged stool to prop up his fraud.
I don’t think so…….
Russia may have more than 4 times the OT comps of UK, but they have an unfair advantage. They have the greatest distance between themselves and David MustCave’min.
Someone really ought to collect all of the pet names for Miscavige. They must number in the hundreds by now!
For a bunch of suppressed people, that’s not so bad.
I have been a lurker for sometime and enjoy your blogs. I have just watched the channel 4 programme scientologists at war, I was hoping for a more indepth programme, but it id explain what had been and is going going on in CO$, Tony Ortega did very well, and 3 cheers to channel 4 who did not buckle under the pressure of the CO$. On the channel 4 website there were a number of comments stating this would be a one sided programme and should not be shown. All I can say more programmes should be shown about any organisation who makes peoples lives a misery when they leave and they say I am done!!!
GAT II buys cob another few years to figure out the next big WHY. It’s going to take that long at LEAST for this GAT II to be held accountable for results since it’s in it’s formative stage. Then what? There’s a rumor that aliens are going to be messing up the wavelengths of the new e-meter as the reason for the future WHY/WHO/WHAT excuse-events and graduations…
Lesley Farrow’s husband (ex?) lives in LA and was kicked off Solo NOTs for not doing 6 month checks. Apparently they let him on the level even though he couldn’t pay for it. Because of her? Anyway, guess having relations in high places only gets you so far.
So lets say we have about 120 OT´s in all of these countries in 8 months. They must have been clear before. Now does there exist a stat of “clears made” in all of these countries ?
I mean if there were 120 clears made in these 8 months too, the stat would be really vertical. But unfortunately not enough to “clear the planet” because I think in this 8 months in all of these countries the population will have grown more than only 120 people.
If anyone wants to watch Marty on that special, it’s happening right now –
Click on, “Watch Live”. You may have a hard time getting on because it seems that their servers are maxed. I’ve been trying for a while to get it to load.
If you want to comment during or after the show, you can do so at
Oh, God! Mike, you’ve given me some bad news – Lesley Farrow is still ensnared. My heart breaks.
Sorry Richard. I know how you feel.
Speaking of the UK: Tony Ortega – Tonight on Channel 4: “Scientologists at War”
In the UK the documentary can also be watched live at:
From the comments section on Channel 4:
“C4 Community Manager on 17 June 2013 at 04:50
Thank you for your comments regarding the upcoming film FIRST CUT: Scientologists at War. Our First Cut strand, which showcases new directors, covers a diverse range of subjects which we feel viewers will find both interesting and informative, further highlighting our commitment to new talent and providing our audiences with an alternate point of view. This particular documentary examines the Independent Scientology movement and the high level defectors who have publicly renounced their membership from the Church of Scientology including Marty Rathbun (a former Inspector General of Ethics in the Church of Scientology). We believe that this is a legitimate topic for an investigative documentary on the Church of Scientology and the recent developments affecting it; particularly how it treats former members who have decided to leave the organisation. We appreciate you writing in with your comments, however, might we suggest that you take the time to watch the programme before you make any judgements as to the content. The programme will screen on Monday 17 June at 9pm on Channel 4. Thank you. ”
How do we get to see the broadcast in the US? Can we get a youtube version?
Yes. Find the link at Tony Ortega’s blog. Get it while it’s out there! It’s excellent.
WOW!!!! That is incredibly encouraging. According to my calculations, my home country of Canada will be all through OT III in only 5 million years.
I’m impressed.
An AO in Toronto is hardly of any benefit to those in western Canada as L.A. flights are shorter and cheaper. AOLA is better tech staffed anyways.
Though it was never been great, the UK orgs used to have many more people on lines at AOSH UK but that was before the Miscavige “ideal org” dog and pony show came to town. Since then they stopped trying to deliver and just work on ripping off the public for donations while their orgs collapse around their ears. As they used to say back in the day: “wrong whys crash stats” and the UK proves that statement every day of the week. And since they have lost staff in droves (and the public stay away in droves), the latest “solution” is to man the Class V orgs with Sea Org members!!! Really?
No Mike, you got it wrong.
Straight Upness and Verticality will be accomplished after GAT III (Yes, 3!).
GAT II has another purpose, but it’s top secret so I can’t tell you yet.
Let me guess……….it was really DM that influenced and won that elections in Iran, so that the C of S is booming in the oil patch, and Eden is now going clear.
This will make ‘Nation Of Islam’ happy.
Great data analysis, Mike!
What is straight up and vertical is the media coverage in the UK from flying saucers at St Hill to the TV program airing today on their Channel 4. GAT so far has contributed greatly to this upstat and perhaps GAT II will further it!
Sinar — of course, you are right. That media coverage is really rockin and rollin.
Interesting they have no spokespeople willing to comment or appear on any show — but you KNOW they are going to complain that Channel 4 did a “one-sided” piece that omitted all the “good works” (building purchases) of the church. But they won’t speak up and say these things themselves. TV is, after all, a VISUAL medium. Reading letters from lawyers on the air just isnt anyone’s idea of gripping TV!!
Which is acually what they did.
The documentary published the cult response at the end of the show, when the previous hours’ content has shown how manifestly false those denials were.
Example: They open the show with pictures and vids from the 80s of Marty in full “I/G Ethics” mode, palling around with Tiny Dave. At the end, Cult comment denies Marty was ever an exec.
Oh, yeah, and they don”t deny the ‘Musical Chairs’ incident any more, either, they just claim it was ‘exaggerated’ and nobody got fired because of it.
Right on Mike! Thank you for doing the numbers on these and the very succinct and powerful article you wrote on it. And let’s not forget that when that piece airs on TV about the church (yes stats are up on
“bad” Media coverage of the church), Davie and his spokes holes will say that they were not permitted to give “their side of it” (well duh! If you don’t allow interviews, then how are they to get your side of the story?!) And the usual of quoting how the church is expanding by how many empty Ideal Orgs are out there. So predictable.
Hold on a minute my good colonial friends, let us have some accuracy here.
The staff members at St Hill UK are a damned fine bunch doing their very best to stay afloat in spite of the insane orders and behaviour of miscavige. Several of the main execs intimated to me that standard LRH tech and policy is always persued when possible. Especially as it is the home of LRH.
Not only do they have to dodge, as well as possible, all the out tech and ‘wrong’ orders but then there is the ‘yearly engram’ to handle when that little toad not only inflicts three months of Devg-T upon ‘The Hill’ but also has the audacity to personally pollute the place with his presence.
(The Yearly Engram is the pet name for that circus that takes two months to prepare for and then at the very least one month to recover from each October aka The I.A.S. Event)
Incidentally the claps and cheers that one may here on the transmitted version of the event are not the audience ! The day before the event spare actors, extras and assorted other bodies are bussed down from London and quickly secreted in the Great Hall where the toad runs through his prepared speech, the paid extras clap and cheer on cue for the production of the later transmission.
AOSHUK also suffers from the insane punishment of the toad; I recall when AOSHUK won the Birthday Game for the third year running but when Capt JD arrived in LA it was suddenly discovered that LA had not counted some points and so was awarded the prize When next I met JD he was totally crushed and it was obvious that he knew, and also knew that I knew, that “We woz robbed”.
However the situation is that the Class V orgs in the UK are not sending along any noticeable numbers of students and Clears, they cannot, the Class V Orgs have been ripped apart and blown asunder by the policies of the toad. They are now virtually empty, staff and all.
The UK does have some spare beautiful buildings, however.
The reason for the high number of Russian completions is largely due to the fact that Russia is now a ‘boom’ country in many respects. The independent field is also very large and expanding in Russia.
That other nationalities go to ‘The Hill’ is not unusual, it is Rons Home, and some years ago, when the financial exchange rate was different many Americans took their services there.
The quality of the Russian comps may be in doubt as it is difficult to determine when they are cheating as no one else speaks Russian. There was the case of the newly attested Russian OT 5 who started to cry in the course room because her coach flunked her. Her revenge was to write a report on him that he never saw and didn’t know what hit him, is that cause over life ?
All in all most staff members do their best but the younger members do not know the truth and mostly believe the bull from the toad.
The main game is to keep St Hill UK in one piece so that when the toad is just a sour after taste ‘The Hill’ may become what LRH always wanted it to be.
It is a beautiful place to visit, once the air is cleared.