How is it that Ed Parkin, who writes about me constantly, who organizes protests against me, who gets others to put things on social media about me, is so cowardly that he blocks me?
What happened to “confront and shatter”?
He is supposed to be the spearhead for scientology dealing with SP’s like me. The guy who has the job of “protecting scientology.”
I don’t block him. Or anyone else from scientology. I am not afraid of what they put on social media, disgustingly untrue as it is. I welcome them responding to anything I have to say. Would love to interact with them.
Not so for Ed and his minions. Yet, if asked, he would say he has done the PTS/SP Course and has achieved the product of being able to confront and shatter suppression. He probably wrote a success story saying this very thing each time he has been forced to re-do the course….
But it’s all a lie. They are running scared. They’re cowards. And you know, they should listen to what their Source says about cowards — they’re liars.
It’s like the scared scientologists anywhere I go — they run and hide inside, lock their doors and tremble waiting for the threat (me) to pass. I can literally empty the streets of Clearwater or L. Ron Hubbard Way by simply appearing there.
What do they fear? Knowledge. The truth.
Certainly they are not worried I am going to do them physical harm. They are worried I will say something they are not allowed to hear.
The world of scientology is built on fear. Fear of psychiatry. Fear of SP’s. Fear of the government. Fear of going past misunderstood words. Fear of out-tech. Fear of squirrels. There is so much to fear. They say there is an old expression “If you’re not having fun, you’re not doing scientology” — the truth is more like, “If you’re not in fear, you’re not in scientology.”
I wish I had the wherewithal to realize this way back when. I did that PTS course at least 3 times but definitely not allowed to talk to my brother. No confront there to shatter anything. And it is a church of fear is the truth. It was more fun back then but even so it was sheer terror sometimes if your stats were down. Always on fear of something. They liked that!
FEAR is definitely the correct indication with regards to the COS. Reminds me of an incident years ago- the first and only time I ever saw David Miscavidge when he was not on stage….LRH had just died, DM was still in the process of consolidating his power, and few even recognized him. …He was walking through the ASHO reception area. I smiled and walked towards him intending to wish him well in his new responsibilities. His response was immediate: a look of wide eyed FEAR bordering on terror. It was so startling that I turned around to see if there was something threatening behind me. When I turned back, he was frantically pushing the buttons on the combo lock to get into the restricted S.O. only area and then ran down the hall while looking back at me in FEAR! It was bizarre. I am about 5′ 8 and was approaching him in a friendly manner.
As the years went by I have recalled this event with new perspective.
Karl, realize that your 5’8″ puts you head and shoulders above the tiny tyrant, so you’re likely to have the reach and weight against him. Heck, most *women* are bigger, stronger, and more capable of defending themselves than “slappy” is. He has much to fear, given the wealth of his missed withholds.
For sure it was missed withholds from me and numerous other friendly people.
And maybe it was also the fact that I am not at all aggressive even though I fear no one.
…He sure got his underwear in a bundle about nothing though. Weird guy.
What are “missed withholds”?
Transgressions that someone else nearly found out about — they did or said something that made you wonder whether or not they knew your secret.
The objective is fear to create guilt amongst cult followers.
Cults survives on Guilty conscious followers, who despite getting senior and more learned about their cult teachings cannot question , why it is ?
The submissiveness Cult leader ship demands ,left no room to question their authority.
Study of various cults from developed to under developed world , present to dark ages of Europe ,reveals Guilt is the common factor amongst all of them , instigated by fear of past failures.
It’s a Psychological illness , which needs to be taken care by Psychologist and Psychiatrist.
Mark, there’s always someone above them in the hierarchy who can/will call them to task should they step out of line; Dwarfenführer® excepted, of course; NO one can question/challenge him.
EXCEPT, of course, what remains of his withered conscience.
I believe the expression is “If you’re having fun, you’re not a scientologist.”
NOW, it is. Used to be “If you’re not having fun, it ain’t scn.” Those were much freer times.
No Scientologist ever confronted an “SP,” much less “shattered” them. Never happened. When an “SP” shows up, they “non-confront and scatter.”
I don’t know about that….I studied scientology from a distance so to speak, just popped into an org when I found the need, purchased what I needed and left. I found the PTS?SP course lectures invaluable. I had a situation that seemed impossible to solve and determined to listen to the lectures, didn’t find them particularly applicable to my situation but learned little things a long the way. Minutes after listening to the last lecture, my situation resolved in a way that could only be described as miraculous. I think LRH materil is invaluable, but I wouldn’t trust the church as far as I can throw them.
This reminds me of a bizarre experience. I was carrying on (what I thought of as) spirited debates with what appeared to be a female scilon on disqus. I was presenting her with facts and sources about her “church” while she mainly “responded” by mangling my screen name, and accusing me (as well as my sources) of all kinds of evil motives that she had no way of substantiating.
Frankly, I did not believe for a moment that I was changing her mind even a bit. However, this scilon provided a perfect “straight man” for exposing the cult (and its operatives) for what they actually were like, to whoever else read these threads.
At some point during these, disqus introduced their blocking feature. The scilon blocked me, first chance she got and made a big to do about her decision to do so.
But it didn’t end there. For weeks after, she was carrying on a campaign on disqus that she shouldn’t just have the feature to block herself from my comments but that disqus should add a feature that would allow HER to block MY comments whenever she felt like it–pretty much all the time.
Fun times observing the surgical accuracy and devastating efficacy of the “tech” in action!
“If you’re not in fear, you’re not sufficiently under scientology’s thumb, you namby-pamby dilettante.
I suspect he’d be ripped a new one if the entity posting as Eddie said something which wasn’t scripted by Dwarfenführer®. I’m pretty convinced that OSA minions other than Eddie actually “maintain” that site. scns aren’t brave enough to confront if people REALLY knew who they were, so must hide behind false identities.
Great post !
Scientology Inc runs the racket of the “Dangerous environment”
Summed up beautifully in above post.
You’ll want to!
Come on, paradise, right?
Hey mike, email me.
Email me, Mike.
Got things you’d love to hear!
I know because you’ve heard them before.
I love you,
Yes. “The Church of Fear” is a very apt expression as regards The Church of Scientology.
I hated just walking into the Sandcastle at Flag:
Fear of running into an IAS member
Fear of Lowers
Fear of being regged
Fear of onerous sec checking
Fear of not F/Ning
It’s so stressful … Fear of getting a headache
It’s nauseating… Fear of nausea
??? “Fear of lowers”? Lower conditions, people working through lower conditions, folks lower on the Bridge to total subjugation?
I wouldn’t want to walk down to the Sandcastle myself in the near future with Elsa about to blow through. As I recall, the Sandcastle is only a few feet above sea level, so it wouldn’t take a monster storm surge to flood the place. The Fort Harrison is higher up the hill and is much sturdier (ignoring the Cabanas and the rest of that newer wing of the hotel).
IIRC, it has not been harmed by any storms, particularly by a storm surge in its 100-year history.
BTW, folks, if you’re in Elsa’s path, PLEASE start executing your storm plans, as even a minimum Hurricane is no joke. It’s a minimal hurricane now, but could spin up to a class 5 or worse in a couple of days, as happened a few times recently with storms in the Gulf of Mexico or Caribbean. Even the southern Atlantic is hot enough to build her force quickly, should she go more northerly than the current predictions say.
They probably have a success story of making a big SP Non existent by doing this blocking.
Very OT indeed .. and pathetic.
They’re like that beast in Hitchhiker’s Guide: If you couldn’t see it, it concluded that it couldn’t see you, one good use for your towel, wrapping it around your eyes.
The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal!
Thanks! That name slipped my mind, as spaghettified as it still is after my scientology “training”(indoctrination, rather).
Recovery can take a LONG time and, I fear, may be ultimately unsuccessful in some cases
You’re welcome! I recommend listening again to the first series of the radio version. Amazing how Adams and the BBC made so much universe on so little budget.
How many people read Stand? Can’t be many. I know they need to preach to the choir.
Almost no one but the “choir” reads the STAAD posts, unlike these scn-watchers’ sites. Of late, my news search for scientology stories only finds stories quoting Mike or Tony Ortega’s posts. NONE of Eddie’s scribblings get repeated except here as we mock his futile efforts.
(Still shaking my head.)
It IS a mystery how fairly intelligent folks like Eddie can keep that dreck up. Does he even READ what he’s forced to write?
BINGO! They’d be afraid of their own shadows if they dared venture outside during the day.
You said; I can literally empty the streets of Clearwater or L. Ron Hubbard Way by simply appearing there.
One of the cult’s sub-groups advertised recently that it will be participating (having a stall or tent) in an event in a park in downtown CW this weekend. Why don’t you take a stroll through the place?
Mike strolling through downtown Clearwater, such as it is) MIGHT be the best fireworks display of the weekend as clams’ heads explode. Wasn’t he supposed to shrivel up and die from all the ill thoughts the ‘OTs’ were sending his way? CONGRATS, Mike, on having the best revenge: living well and flourishing in the face of their attempted suppression. Turns out their efforts are ALL for naught.
Make a sneeze sound and gesture and say ‘Xenu’. That should cause the minions to scatter. Add ‘Shelly Miscavige’ to your sneeze rants and maybe a few ‘Lise McPherson’ too. The Clams may not scatter, but a few may look up those names and get a ‘cognition’ that $cientology isn’t good for them.
Right, Zee: scientology is dangerous to your health and well-being.
Confront and shatter you say? … When scientologists see Mike Rinder or Tori Cristman coming down the street, they do a NON confront and SCATTER!
Scientology is a Narcissistic, sociopathic and psychopathic organization whose sole goal is to make money…. lots of money for the head psychopath & dictator – David Miscavige.
Based on Scientology surviving for 65 + years, the only product Scientology creates is destruction of human lives while it amasses billions using the corrupt laws of the land enforced by sleazy, unethical LIARS, uh… I mean, LAWYERS who amass millions to protect the evil, corrupt FAUX religious organization.
Then there is karma. Karma is our friend. Karma is kicking David Miscavige’s wee little ass and Scientology is dead.
Scientology has died a slow, painful death where the world is now hip to the shenanigans of this evil, manipulative and deceptive cult.
No one is going in. Everyone knows that Scientology harms people and rips them off. Thanks to you, Mike Rinder and Leah Remini and all of the other brave SP’s out there who did something about it.
All beings everywhere present a CONSTANT huge MISSED WITHHOLD effect on Scientologists everywhere – the very few left.
it is IMPOSSIBLE to disseminate Scientology. We have SUPPRESSED, INVALIDATED and NULLIFIED any potential gains this cult offers to the public with the truth about what Scientology really is.
Scientologists are constantly restimulated and enturbulated by Homo Saps across the globe. Scientologists wonder if they know… and Homo Saps KNOW!
Stick a fork in it. Scientology is done.
Unfortunately the cult is dwindling but not done. Their are still those so desperate and gullible to find solutions that they will buy scientologys BS in desperation. And miscaviges millions keep the organization from folding. The zealots are like cockroach’s, you think you have stamped them out but they were hiding and the scurry out when the lights are turned off.
The reason Mike, Leah and so many other bloggers and journalists keep publishing is because Hubbards scourge continues to prey on those still in, their progeny and those who are still susceptible to the con. The exposure of Scientology lies and crimes is still an important on going activity till the cherchs are closed.
There are fewer Homo *Saps*(people who fall for their recruitment lies), now, thanks to Leah, Mike, and everyone else who has contributed to spreading the truth of scientology more broadly, more quickly, and more effectively than they can spread their lies.
M W/H observed:
“Karma is kicking David Miscavige’s wee little ass and Scientology is dead.”
From your keyboard to Our Lord Zenu’s screen.
Mike Rinder ‘The SP Power Man’
Does your bobble head have similar power? If they put bobbleheads around Clearwater surrounding Flag, would they act as a shield keeping scientology in?
Maybe you could charge? Offer your services to Clearwater business, like a bug service. You clear the area of scientology for a garantee 30 days?
I am blocked by Mr. Creepy (aka Ed Perkins), Kirsty, Taryn, all the Scn social media I can find. I’m never mean, I just ask simple questions or point out flaws in their logic. And they never answer me at all anymore, I just get blocked now.
Nobody in Scientology will ever answer you Mike, you are successful, you have a family, you think for yourself and your intelligent. All thing Scientology suppresses. Amazing how that works, they proport a ‘think for yourself’ concept and when you actually do think for yourself, your suddenly a criminal with evil intentions.
I’m sorry your having to deal with so much crap from scientology Mike. Mr Creepy is such a coward and so is Uncle Slappy (DM)
Scientology fears people who choose to think.
Diane suggested: “You clear the area of scientology for a [garanteed] 30 days?”
That’s a tall order. It might take a relay team of the best-recognized SPs. If I could help (I’m an unknown nobody these days), I’d volunteer in a second.
Most importantly, Mike is happy and self confident.
His super powers are unimaginable to the die-hard Scientologists.
Is everything Ed writes scripted by His Royal Lowness ? Would he be allowed to post something without approval ?