Somehow, scientology can spin ANYTHING to their benefit. An “inspiring” presentation about how they printed booklets and fogged some offices. As if this had any real world effect on this pandemic. But they pat themselves on the back and tell themselves what an AMAZING job they did and how their orgs being boarded up and closed down has made them “more united than ever.”
Utter insanity.
I guess this is a trait of any cult. No matter what happens, there is an “explanation” that proves themselves right.
Someone shared a cartoon on Twitter from @MartinShovel that is so very appropriate to cult think and captures it in a few words “I believe, therefore I’m right”:
Here we see a basic truth and essential item to those that try to keep the beast running. Pure hocus pocus in order to keep them in and satisfied. I grew fat and ignorant on that sugar. I had to force myself, just now, to remember what that felt like.
Janitorial Standard Tech.
That’s where they are.
Roto Rooter. Mr. Plumber. Mr. Clean.
Maybe it is because I am Autistic,maybe it was the way my late Mom raised me,who,by the way,was sexually abused by a friend of the family and never told anyone except me about it,could explain why I am a free thinker and very skeptical of any group that claims it can solve all your problems.They cannot.I would rather fail of my own poor decisions and learn from my mistakes than have a group tell me what to do 24 hours a day.And that includes all organized mainstream religions plus cults.
”Come in for your presentation!!’ Said every Reg who ever regged in reggie land. Yeah, sign up and have the entire staff work on you at one time. Sounds like big $cieno fun to me.
“Briefing,” “Presentation” = code words for “pummeling for a big donation.”
“We need you to come in for a “BRIEFING.” Yea Right.
“need” that’s another favorite word used a lot in the church. I/we “need” you to come in for ….
So right, Mary. I still can’t read or hear the word “briefing” without a slight stomach- clench. And despite being out of the cult for 9 years I kind of mentally grit my teeth if/when someone, however innocently, says, “I need you to…”. Grrrr… that PHRASE…Don’t saaaaay that…
Social media has its version of this phenomenon: “I posted it, therefore it’s true.” I think we’re all guilty of this at one time or another. Andy Warhol’s “fifteen minutes of fame” has become our “fifteen minutes of authoritative expertise.”
You know, I might want to know what they’re doing to keep the orgs safe BEFORE I go in……
United? Didn’t Hubbard warn about the aberration of the group bank? The old “what’s true for you is true for you” sounds suspiciously like Stephen Colbert’s “truthiness”.
The reality (in my humble opinion) is this:
In the real world they are not causing or creating anything.
We would see and hear about it with all the social media that exist.
The only bullshit I heard here in Italy once in the media was that Tom Cruise was trying to save Hollywood!
And who has ever made such nonsense around? Who knows.
For the rest these are just “good news” tailor-made to continue to fool those who are still in the bubble (and steal money from them so as to continue this positive series of good news!).
They fully deserve the High-level Scoundrels Meritorious prize. 🏆
The nuttery is predictable; “keeping scientology working” hinges
on doing EXACTLY what El Con’s policies dictate, over and over again…
until the planet is finally “cleared” of scientology.
They do and say the same dumb, deluded, destructive shit over and over again
and then wonder why their orgs are empty…
Thank you, Chairman of the Whored, for keeping scientology waning!
Rolling on the floor laughing
To my suprise Mark i drove past the Melbourne Org today and found the car park to be full, i was expecting to see it empty (like how you described the other orgs).
I guess this doesnt really verify the state of scientoliegy – all its really saying is that 40+ people were in the building when i went past, which is alot more than i was expecting.
In Objectivism, A is A. Or as we commonly put it, Reality is real.
You’re an Objectivist?! Cool, I quit Socialism because of Rand. I’m too religious to be an Objectivist, but I still quit socialism.
On the day the big rat dies (I can’t figure out whether to call him the “big rat” or the “little rat”), I wonder how they might try to spin that. Do you think they will somehow try to blame Mike and Leah?
They’ll spin it that he achieved all his OT goals and that he had to go on to the next phase of life/death where his body would not be a hindrance to him and that he died causatively. Now where have I heard that before?
I once called DM a “really short guy.” I should be declared a SP for that.
A whole-track SP!