This email went out one minute before the scheduled start of this “seminar.” They dun cansulled it.
Maybe not so much unlimited expansion and prosperity for the seminar leaders.
One of two things happened:
1. Nobody showed up.
2. Message from on-high that having NSO’s doing seminars in the all-SO pride of the Miscavige fleet, LA Org is a no-no.
Given the timing of the email, I would guess the former. But it could well be the latter. Sooner or later Dear Leader is going to blow a gasket about the fucking DB NSO’s doing seminars and then someone is going to have to “rollback” to where this all started and “hey presto” suddenly there won’t be any more Michael Chan, Jim Mathers, Kaye Champagne, Raffi Pendery etc etc “seminars” and there will be a few more people in the RPF for having violated the “WISE advices” and allowed the dreaded “public” to profit off local orgs. Everything will shut down except the IAS Regges (who do exactly the same thing — but they bring in more money to Miscavige’s pet project).
Either way — another big fail being aired in public.
@Nickname: Scientology is a science? Since when? Since Dr. Hubbard said so? If Scientology is a science, I have a lot of questions to ask–but for right now, I’ll settle for just a few.
(1) Where and when, exactly, did Dr. Hubbard get his Doctor of Science degree? Actually, even before he got his DS (or whatever it was), from which college/university did he graduate before he started working on his Master’s and Doctorate?
It’s always puzzled me that the education of every famous figure is almost invariably outlined in the
(2) What is the mass of an engram? Or, if it varies, what’s the average or mean mass of an engram? Do Basic engrams weigh more than plain ol’ everyday engrams, and, if so, by how much? Orders of magnitude, or what? And how does the Basic Basic stack up to that? I’ve been curious about that ever since Dr. Hubbard informed me in DMSMH that the mind is different from the brain, but mental constructs have mass. I can think of a couple of ways the mass of engrams might be measured–I’d be curious to learn how it was actually done. Which, Scientology being a science, I’m sure it was. After all, measuring the mass of engrams might give a reliable measure of how much charge was blown from a PC’s case.
(3)What unit is used to measure case charge and its relationship to case gain? Please correct my terminology if I’m not saying that right.
(4) What is the mathematical relationship between engrams and case charge?
(5) The only “definition” I ever saw of a Clear was in DMSMH–if I recall correctly, “Clear” was defined as a person with no engrams. But I don’t recall any “litmus test” to determine if a person were Clear or not, except that the Clear would have effortless total recall, a significantly increased IQ, and immunity to disease. I may not have that entirely right–it’s been decades since I read DMSMH.
So, my question is: Is there a concise definition of Clear and how do you test for one?
Oh, and related question:
(6) How many Clears have been confirmed so far, per that/those definition(s) and testing?
I have questions about OT also, but let’s handle Clear first. I’m not sure I could understand OT without first understanding Clear.
Ahh just think of all the oxygen that was saved by not having this blowhardfest.
Geeze Christ Miscavige is really pulling it in.
I have a feeling David Miscavige goes nuts if someone else profits off of Scientology, or has some kind of “win” from getting involved with Scientology.
I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off when I saw a video of miscavige bragging about millions of members world wide when the reality is there were more cult members in the 90s than now .
25 000 members pegged in the US (or was it worldwide?) in 2008. That’s seven years ago. I wonder what the count is now?
The mere thought of going to an event, especially at flag causes me great trepidation, like I would prefer an ice water enema over being trapped in one of these events. Thanks to the “Indies” a person could probably get those events run out without punishment.
Looking forward to the day which is not far off when we hear “THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY HAS BEEN CANCELLED”.
Hi Joe,I look forward to that day also and second your post with that day cannot come soon enough.Always Ann B.
Oh, man! You’re talkin’ my language, Joe! Remember, party at my place at the beach when it all falls apart.
Pondering what Mike said about DM, NSO speakers & WISE. These cats will probably get ordered to 10 intensives of FSSO sec checking and the CO WISE tossed into the hole.
Thank-you Mike for this post. When I was in I hated being called to go to an event that was only a cover for a heavy reg cycle.
Hi Mike,
Love your work!
Heard that the ED of LA Org (Heather Wolfe) got busted as of 2 weeks ago and the new ED is the old CO CLO WUS (Jason Hemphill) Do you know what is going on there?
Cancel at last minute.
This has been the NEW Normal for decades
across the board. If David Miscavige smells the lack of money he presses the
button. Thats for individuals, group meetings, OT levels, Auditor training ,anything.
The seminar got cancelled because the refreshments did not show up. Nothing pisses off mus cabbage more then no refreshments when promised. Whoever dropped the ball on the refreshment cycle is going to the RPF.
[ exerpt from letter to Ann B. Watson ]
It took me a minute, actually, to figure out what GO stood for… [ Guardians Office ]
Then I remember our Exec. Director at Delphi, Alan Larson, he might even still be there…
One Thursday Staff Meeting he initiates us on the existence of this office of authority, the GO, and basically left all 180 of us shuddering in fear. Very unpleasant. And here we were, an independent org that wasn’t even dealing with public, yet, all quite frightened that maybe any moment somebody from GO might show up and raise holy hell.
It just occurs to me, this intention to install fear in our minds, how it is part of the daily routine,
the daily creation of fear, in your followers, as a strategy for your followers to keep them following, (?)…
Sounds so much like using eternal damnation to keep the Catholics going to church.
I never liked talking too much about my time there, you know, after I got out.
[ The Delphian Foundation, which is designed and ran, as it turns out, exactly the same way Sea Org is run ]
I would have dreams, after taking to some bloke in the bar or something, that I was back there, being shunned or whatever for having been away and feeling trapped. Funny, how this makes you think…
Even years after I was out, I did not think of the place as a trap, precisely.
It took that much distance and this much time between then and now to realize that absolutely it was a trap and I was just plain unable to see it BECAUSE the trap was built that well. It is just exactly like being hypnotized into thinking you’re a chicken.
You know, I need to take a walk. Me thinks i gots to take a walk…
So many of us Mark have been in this situation and I feel for you. I was in for 26 years. Oy ve! But the good news is we’re out of the trap and don’t forget your intentions were always noble and that says a lot.
thanks for the word, Joe.
—Hats off to you for the long haul.
I’m only got out by sheer luck, really. Just plain luck.
This creepy group kept making their trap better as time went on, I’m sure.
Good to see everybody making noise about it now. I mean, it is going to take all of us.
you know
to finish the job, for the rest still under the spell of the eMeter needle,
hypnotized into thinking they’re a Scientologist.
Nobility abounds.
Mark, I was never SO but I was staff in Hawai’i. Even that was horrific! I didn’t last long.
What Joe said is something you should take to heart. RIGHT NOW, IT’S NOT HAPPENING ANYMORE! You’re free! You can take vacations! You don’t have to work 110 hour weeks. You don’t have to eat slop if you’re in a “lower condition.” You can go to the movies! Eat out at restaurants! Gather with friends and family! In other words, what you went through is only good from a historical perspective. There’s only NOW, Mark! And, RIGHT NOW, you’re living the life of YOUR choice.
Mark, may the best day of your life, be the worse day of your future. I’d invite you to the party we’re going to have at some point at my home at the beach. But, ‘bloke’ kind of gave it away where you live.
“Then I remember our Exec. Director at Delphi, Alan Larson, he might even still be there…”
I don’t know when the excerpted letter was written, but just FYI, Dr. Larson retired over a decade ago. His successor just retired, too.
Yeah, that’s right. Thanks for calling that. I did write Ann this morning. Googled Delphi and his picture still comes up. Thanks. I did get out in like ’76, and never looked back except in those awful dreams.
This is another example of the complete chaos and ruin that Miscavige has created in the Church. He unmocked the senior management entities (the Hole, etc) because he blames everything on other people trying to destroy him. He has trashed any pretense of command channels and “form of the org.” By about 2007 at ILO level “posts” were in large part a thing of the past, replaced by never-ending all hands to edify Miscavige, i.e. to sell his “Basics”, to go out on projects for his “Ideal Orgs” and even to go man them up. It must have gotten exponentially worse since then. For example, as re: OSA, for decades now Miscavige has been savaging OSA staff and execs for making situations “worse”, for letting external matters get on his “lines” and because he always has to intervene to “fix” (lololol) things. What a deluded creep. He squirrels
e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g in Scientology, making even its most objectionable actions and policies worse, and any tech or policy that has some benign aspect to it is simply ignored (or at least the benign aspects). This in turns drives people away, creates enemies and horrible PR by the bucketloads, then he blames everyone else. And in the chaos you get stupidity with a force multiplier at work, ending up in things like endless insipid seminars on making money, delivered by simpering sycophants and status-hungry fools, but since the only purpose in trying to inspire the flock to make money is to then take the money from them, this is yet another losing proposition, since no one really needs or wants it. Clearing the planet? Ensuring eternity? Is this really what that looks like? MIscavige is the datum that proves Scientology doesn’t work, unfortunately.
60 years of scientology wins, cognitions and gains has produced the weak-minded, intellectually and morally destitute demographic called “the scientologist”. I credit David Miscavige for providing the only tangible and verifiable PROOF of scientology’s efficacy. (Well, there is of course Mr. Hubbard himself.)
And to borrow a Christian saying, AMEN. Mr. RogerH.
I could provide a few more “datums” for you.
(is that not a Scn. word? It is against my principles to use that language,
as it serves the hypnotic and isolating purpose of the cult)
Datum is an english language, not Scientology, word. So you are free to speak the word without falling under some sinister spell.
But when you talk about damage radius, even atomic weapons pale before that of an unfettered idiot in a position of power.
–Sam Starfall
The COP feels threatened by Jim Mathers?? He is a jealous COP.
Damn! I was REALLY looking for forward to watching Jimmy Mathers as the Beaver. I guess I’m not going to get my lifetime wish…..
Surfer Dude, I’m worried about the Beaver.
It’s not the same guy that played The Beaver. Jeremy Mathers is Beaver and Jim Maters is the KA drinking person.
Actually it was Jerry Mathers. But, since old Jim had that name, I went with it. I just couldn’t pass up an opportunity like that. So…let me say it one last time: And Jimmy Mathers as the Beaver. That puts a smile on my face!
And, Roger? I too, am worried about the Bev! We better have a talk with the Cleavers….
The Co$ is an Al Capone with a baseball bat in final stages of spiritual syphilis.
If anyone wants to know “what happened” with the church, and “why” it really is pretty simple. Science has no ethics. Only individuals have ethics. (Repeat that ten times – it is correct, and it is important.) Scientology is a science. It is data about life, and descriptions of causes and effects. That is what Scientology is.
You guys here and on other “hot” blogs are discussing what’s right and what’s wrong, and often whom to blame. That’s ethics – not a discussion of ethics, but a “discussion” of the effects of known or unknown ethics.
Only an individual has ethics. “What happened” with the church is a lack of ethics. Only an individual has ethics. Thousands of staff and public left the place decades ago – for various reasons. Others “stayed on” (for various reasons). All of that is ethics. Decisions about what to do, and how to do it. That’s Ethics – that’s Aristotle. It’s classic philosophy. It’s classic religion. It’s logic. It’s the connection of cause and effect, the determination of which effects are desirable, which ideal scenes are worthy.
The ideal scene that is worthy is the individual with ethics, who knows why he is doing what he is doing and knows how to do it. My ethics here are probably misguided – I’m kind of trolling the blog. But to me, I’m trolling life-trolls, too – trolling negative people and their assertions of negativity..
What went wrong is that many – too many – people, thought that Scientology prescribes ethics. It does not. Ethics is left to the individual. So these guys in the church were under the impression that Scientology would tell them what to do.
You have to figure out for yourself what to do, and why. At minimum, you have to determine for yourself which order to follow, and which to ignore, or refuse and walk away. An admin scale is (I say again) arguably the most powerful collection of a dozen or so word in any language.
Someone added materiel and exchange, shown in brackets. It makes sense to me, so I include them.
Everyone has goals, everyone has admin scales they use and operate on every single day, thousands if not millions of times, Scientology describes it. Using a finger to press a key has an admin scale. Thinking about how going to your work to do a good job to earn money to pay bills to maintain your family and host your friends and live a good life has at minimum hundreds of admin scales attached to it. You interact with, complement, support, other people’s goals and purposes – their orders, their admin scales.
You can also use an admin scale to debug activities. E.g. Goal is to be an upstanding, affluent, respected member of society, and be accepted. Plan is to get money. Action is to rob a bank! The logic isn’t consistent, the points on the scale aren’t in agreement. E.g. Goal of being a Scn is to have a clear mind, clear thought, and be self-determined. Plan is to follow orders. Ideal scene is to follow orders for the rest of eternity. (How is that in agreement with the goal of self-determinism?)
I feel like I’m trolling this blog, here, because so many are flat out anti-Scn, anti-Hubbard, anti- simple logic, anti-looking, anti-progress. Scientology works fine for me. Sure I followed orders to be on course, to follow rules of auditing, to use a demo kit. No problem. Same thing I did in grammar school, high school, and college. But I try not to follow orders telling me what to think, or what conclusions to draw. I know the tech works. I have seen it for myself. Sure, I was told it works, but I have now experienced how it works, and I have used it to see it works, and I have seen the results. It does deliver what it promises. You can come much closer to convincing me that NYC is my delusion and doesn’t exist in fact, than you can come to convincing me that Scientology isn’t everything it says it is. Has it been misused? Oh, I think so. You could fairly easily make a case for that. Widely misused. Grossly misused. You make a mistake like leave the lug nuts off a wheel and you aren’t going to get far even though the engine works just fine. You have to do it right. Scientology presumed reasonable intelligence.
Frankly, digging into someone’s case to help them resolve their difficulties and clear their minds of things that trouble them is a daunting activity. Psychologists have tried, and they apparently have had some success in many instances in resolving some debilitating problems individuals have. Maybe part of it is simply being a terminal for someone, maybe part of it is giving good advice. But the guys do not have goals of elevating man, or of creating new abilities. Scientology has those higher goals.
Auditing takes some guts, even with all the tech and training. I am working out why I want to help some people. I guess my case level is just that – there are some people I’d rather squish like bugs, than try to help. That’s not good. There are other people I would LOVE to help because I think they’re obviously, eminently, deserving. Maybe some reading here will have found what I just took twenty some odd minutes to write and about decades of thought to develop, will find it useful.
There – I’ve done my trolling for the day.
The administration scale or admin scale is, btw, by L. Ron Hubbard, and can be found in the Dictionary.of Administration and Management.
This is totally off topic. But I give you a lot of leeway as you are always polite and express sincere views. Cannot say I duplicate what you are on about here, but perhaps it will spark something in other readers…
Mike – Sorry, didn’t intend to let my writing stray to appear to be so far off topic. You’ve written extensively and very clearly and informatively, as possibly no one else can imo, about how the original goals, policies, ideal scenes, and all have been displaced by the Co$. SadStateofAffairs posted above about what happened with tech, and Oracle posted below about requirements of being in the SO. Those are results, outcomes (of faulty admin scales). I just tried to post (my deductions) about why all this has happened: specifically, a lack of self-determinism due to a lack of individuals establishing their own personal ethics for themselves, working out good admin scales. That is, setting their own goals and policies and minding them, adhering to their own sense of purpose, comparing what they were actually doing to what they themselves knew they should be doing and wanted to do. People do this every day, making connections between what they came to do, and what they want or are ordered to do. A couple of other people have posted that the true ethics tech designed to help the individual (not to exact compliance or threaten or punish), was never used.
Well done Nickname, I just wish that I could have presented it so eloquently. If one understands the tone scale one can easily understand the trolls that sometimes contaminate this blog. Thanks Mike for putting it here. The tech works for me and I use it to help others.
Ron – Thanks, I appreciate your good words. The tech does work, but it does have to be used well. I think that ethics (not punishment, but real ethics) can be easily coached from very early on. A standard session question is something like, “Are you here on your own self-determinism?” The idea is to further the individual to achieve HIS goals and purposes. Those are valid – more than valid.
May I troll you back, Nickname? 60 years of scientology wins, cognitions and gains have not produced a group of remarkable people.
Just a group of gullible believer types who lay down and let an obvious miscreant walk all over them. I would say scientology more closely resembles pot smoking than it does a spiritual quest for self-realization.
Scientologists experience “wins” while pot smokers experience getting stoned.
hi Roger Hornaday, Thank you for the sunshine disinfectant of yournpost.Younalways make me feel happy. XO Ann.
Hi Roger,The only way to beat back the Rats is repetition. Drives them bonkers.I meant of your post and you always make me feel happy.Ann.
Hi Ann, your validating comments are lovely to hear even when they’re directed to others.
Hi Roger Hornaday, Thank you but you know my comments on validation always have included you and your amazing posts from the get go.Love,Ann.
Well said Nick, that was quite a picture of Mr. Capone(and the shorter version presiding over the CoS). There are maybe six to eight posters here that continue to state that scientology works. As for trolling, I believe that refers to belittling/bashing a poster rather than the topic. At least here you are entitled to state your opinion.
In my experience, I paid full price for services and received adequate exchange in a timely manner. One thing I have never understood is all the noise about registrars. The No drill works. Though after I took a swipe at a reg that told me I was insane(I didn’t check to see how much room he had behind his desk, and he ran like hell to HCO), all the rest of my reg cycles have been with helpful(albeit nervous) people.
I had never made the connection that ethics resides with the individual, not the group. All the PR leans in the direction of stating “the most ethical group” on the planet. Observation dictates there can be no such group, that lasts longer than the group member’s last decision.
Thanks Nick, I look forward to your next post and to Mr. Rinder for allowing your observations. Henry
Henry – Thank you. I know there are guys and gals who do get what Scn is about, and you and they help me sleep better. Congrats on handling the reg. Unfortunately, there are times when a good tone of “straight monotony with an attitude problem” works wonders (“Mr. T” comes to mind, with a sense of humor). You got a very important point about ethics being individual: “Observation dictates there can be no such group, that lasts longer than the group member’s last decision.”
I found your comments interesting. Well said. The “sea change” in ethics, personal (in some cases) and organizational, started around 81 or 82 and has never been corrected. It can of course still be corrected and that is the hope that many who post on here have. An organizational group engram has been installed which hopefully sooner or later will be erased. Much of the commenting on here is a good attempt to lock scan this engram and remove enough charge so that eventually the engram itself can be reduced and erased. The subject of Scientology has been made controversial and into a PR nightmare by the grasping 1st-Dynamic oriented behaviors of various management staff over the last 3 decades or so. Interestingly the Super Power Rundown with its Ethics Repair List and hatting and purpose clearing actions, if it had been released decades ago – for staff – would have gone a long way to solving these problems but then this is why it as a rundown was probably never released until decades later as a money spinning operation and then probably adulterated now to fit into and suit the “new” management “philosophy”. The problem that most people have had with Scientology is actually and usually its false or altered application by errant staff and sometimes public.
Foolproof – Thank you. And yes, totally. Your explanation about posts here and observations really help me, personally, get a clearer picture. The 1981-1982 reference is really useful. My sense of it is that there’s a lot of ethics tech that was never used. I often feel I know so little, but it seems to me that just admin scales could be coached easily – I took 15 minutes after a session to help a PC do an admin scale for something she was questioning about herself. She’d never even seen an admin scale before. Piece of caek. I didn’t personally agree with her goals and all, but that’s not my job, so I just helped her get things in agreement with her ethics. I will probably never forget seeing the “lights come on.” The un-voiced, “Oh! … hey … wow … I see that! Yeah ….” And I didn’t say a thing – it was all hers. She folded it up and carefully put it in her briefcase, looked at me and I didn’t know what to say, so I just smiled and said, “Good.” She seemed OK with that. That should be done easily as a PC gets auditing and training, to review and revise if necessary and expand and confirm – whatever. Then you get real people on their own terms, understanding their own terms, and others’ too. (All these replies are big “up” in my life – I don’t care about me, it just makes me feel really good to see someone latch on to the ideas I try to communicate, to hear them echoed back and expanded on, to know “there are people out there.”)
Scientology is a Science?
Uh, not quite.
It is like saying Star Trek taught me how to build computers.
Actually Captain Kirk showed me how to convince computers to commit
Hi Sejanus, Good to meet you.I like your post because I really am pretty darn cluless with computers as I am the lady who broke the record at Asho for being the worst PBX operator and anything else mechanical and electrical I got near in SO.So loved your last line,thankyou.Ann B.
Well, Len, you’re half right. It is science, but proper the name is science fiction! It’s all made up out of one man’s mind.
At some point, people have to get sick of going to seminars that are about “how to make money”. That’s all they have. Also the free food doesn’t make up for being browbeaten by regges and MAA’s and whoever else after every seminar.
Come for the food, stay for the fleecing…
How can ANYONE come to these so-called “seminars” because they have food??? I just don’t get it!
hi OSD,I am with you regarding seminars,the only thing I can come up with is either the sheeple are very hungry all the time or they think the food is blessed from Target 2 by Ron or given a dose of Sherman speak by David so the flavors are extra confused.Love U Ann B.
Sherman babble as delivered by a certain midge-jetapparently enhances the niacin potency in the nachos and dip so you are right.
Hi Tony B, I’m with you massive doses of niacin will perk up any nachos and dip! Always Ann B.
“the food is blessed from Target 2 by Ron” – hilarious Ann. Made me laugh – very funny comment!
Hi Foolproof, I love your posts,Thank you.Miss Ann still has her sense of humor after all the crap that I got from you know who.I have t to laugh at times lets the pressure out! Always Ann B.
Creeeeeeeeek….’reeek.. .eek! Hullo ?(echo>)..?….hullo?…’ullo?… ‘llo?.. .’o?…?… (…..crickets….)
And rolling tumbleweeds….
🙂 … 😉 .. 🙂 🙂 .. 🙂 ….. 🙂 ;p ……… O…..o..o.. … 0……o……. .
Makes me wonder how many people in the greater LA area are simply not showing up anymore. Nothing said, no formal resignation, just a quiet failure to appear where they are being ordered.
The people on the inside must be getting frantic at the lack of compliance.
“Makes me wonder how many people in the greater L.A. area are simply not showing up anymore.”
Ummm…the vast majority of them? I think Mike got right with the former (#1 answer, no one showed up).
Several posters here have mentioned that they received phone calls, 20 years after leaving, wondering, hows tricks, hows the family, hope all is well with you. Oh, and, BTW, I’m REALLY, REALLY concerned about your IAS status. If this does not equate with DESPERATION I don’t know what does.
Laughter!!! “People keep saying, ‘How’d you get power?’ ” Miscavige said. “Nobody gives you power. I’ll tell you what power is. Power in my estimation is if people will listen to you. That’s it.”
From the St. Petersburg Times article.
I would assume then that non compliance, (people not listening to him), would be his greatest fear.
Now that I think of it, every crime you can commit in that culture, distills down into a non compliance.
(of a person or group) act in accordance with a wish or command.
“we are unable to comply with your request”
synonyms: abide by, observe, obey, adhere to, conform to, hew to, follow, respect; More
(of an article) meet specified standards.
“all secondhand furniture must comply with the new standards”
Yeah, that’s right TO. Of course, EVERY’body’ still captive in the Sea Arrrgh, is word cleared into submission, of what THE DMented one’s definitions for words are.
Example; — comply – (DMented speak) ” Comp-ly ” = Completely LIE!!
— SP – ( ” ” ) ” ess-pee ” = Secretly Plotting (against me!)
— IAS – ( ” ” ) ” I.A.S. ” = I Am Scientology
— Eternity – ( ” ” ) ” E-ter-nity” = Escape Tried, Exit Route Negated,
Interrogate The Y (prick!), (c-nt)
— Expansion ( ” ” ) ” Ex-pan-shin” = MY Empire! — you asshole!!!
— C/I – ( ” ” ) ” See Eye” =(Counter Intention) Criminal Imbecile!
Hi racingintheblood39,Your postnis so good today I think your definitions are brilliant.Thank you for a laufg and truth.Always Ann B.
hi racingintheblood39,One of these days I’m going to cut this IPad into little pieces…. Should read your post is so good today, thank you for a laugh and the truth. Those Rats love to get at me!! Ann B.
Sanks, Ann. BZW, I sink you woott haff made ze perfect chudge to teliver ze final sentencing uf ze twarfian miscarriage.!!! 🙂
Hi racingintheblood39, What a post! Loved it! If I had to judge David only if you hold my hand and come with me.When I saw him, I would probably be struck deaf,blind,and speechless,plus he might Bite!! Love U Ann B.
“Mr. Miscavige, what exactly did you mean when you texted GSCOHB?”
“Why uh… Go Stretch Cohesively towards Other Human Beings. That is the truth and the whole truth so help me God.”
Hehehehe Jawol, mein fraulein, laffter (at ze twarffian miscarriage) iss ze bessst reffenche, und issss donner blitzzen frikkken gooottten for der souuuul tooo!
“Ben cancelled”? ORLY? There were five words to proofread. Count them. FIVE.
Ben? That’s sad.
You might have misunderstood this – may not be a typo at all. “Ben” is possibly the organiser. He heard that COB wasn’t happy, so his senior simply decided to have him cancelled. So “the seminar has Ben cancelled” would make perfect sense.
Are we talking Ben Shaw? The spokesman for FLAP? That Ben Shaw? I remember he did the Super Powers thing and I recall him saying he now had Super Powers. When asked to show them, he declined.
My bad! My brain couldn’t tell the difference between “Ben” and “Been” I just thought “Ben” was a shorter version of “Been.” I’m sorry Ben was cancelled. Does that mean he was sent to the RPF? Was Ben off loaded? And…what does Ben have to do with the seminar? Was he major speaker? I only saw two speakers listed. And one played the Beaver.
I’m just so confused….
ELLAYSEE!! That’s funny!
Hey! Who the hell is this Ben Cancelled guy? I mean, the sign says This Seminar Has Ben Cancelled! I get that, but again, who is Ben Cancelled. He must be up very high in the organization. He’s probably SO. So…as it stands now, there is going to be 3 speakers at this seminar: Gavin Potter, Jimmy Mathers (as the Beaver) & Ben Cancelled. It’s so strange, I’ve heard of Gavin and Jimmy, but, this Ben Cancelled guy is certainly a new name to me. Posters: ?
Elisha Ben-Cancelled. He’s the C/S at Tel Aviv Org.
Well, I’m certainly satisfied with that answer! As always, thanks, Espi!
Well, admission was free (FREE!) but at least the marks avoided the _exit_ fee to get out!
And these masters at PR cannot even write a decent cancellation (spelling error aside). In the horrible “wog” world, you would normally get some apology — like “unfortunately we have had to cancel this event; we sincerely regret the short notice and any inconvenience.”
But of course Scientologists _cannot_ express sympathy, empathy, regret, apology, etc. — that’s “low toned”!
Not to mention that all caps in an email is considered bad etiquette — it’s like shouting.
And interesting that the subject line of the email and the text in the email say slightly different things. The subject line says “his” seminar has been cancelled. The body says “this seminar …”
Probably just more sloppy writing and lack of editing though it makes me wonder about Mike’s point 2 possibility above.
I hate to be a party pooper, but, because it’s free, I’m going to go. I mean, they said they were going to have refreshments! C’mon now! REFRESHMENTS! I’m sorry, but being a Scot free is OUTSTANDING (and yest I’m shouting). The only it could get better is if they paid me to come there! Cheap is good.
Church of David Miscavige is shuttin down.
Big Time, Mary! Slip sliding away, slip sliding away….
Mary, the party’s getting closer!
Of course, DM is the type of personality where HE is the “only one.” He is the only one who can get the job done; understand and duplicate LRH; lead Scn into unprecedented expansion, blah de blah blah. HE must be the only recipient of attention and admiration.
When you form a cult of personality and status, the king and his court must be the biggest personalities and hold the highest of status.
This is why he idolizes Kim-Jong Un. I think he has a picture of him of the ceiling above his $10,000 bed.
IMO that is the head of the nail. The Only One. Henry
Either way, it’s a sign of the failure of DMs micro management. Co$ does not run as an organization making $ by delivering services at all levels… Instead he barks orders to grab the money…or else! What’s left are frightened perpetrators (staff) and cowed old timers. New public at intro events? A new religious movement?’s a fake religion no one wants to JOIN. You have to not speak English to join this group or be part of the 1% that never heard of Google. Or both.
When people Google scientology, I love what come first! Google didn’t hold back.
Thanks for prompting a look at Google USA. Co$ certainly has lost control of the internet, lol.
Completely, Carla!
They cancelled Ben Shaw? It’s about time!
If no one shows up, what’s the point of sending a cancellation email anyway? Who would notice? On the other hand if the email was sent at about the start time of the seminar, what would be the point of sending such an email? Participants would already be there. Either way, it maketh no sense.
Sure it does. That way they remain cause. 😀
According to LRH – ALL foul-ups are a PTS condition.
Can’t spell ?
Will anyone in the SO look into this?
KSWing and all that jazz???
Heh. Only five words, and of course the obligatory misspelling. I think they have gremlins in the machinery.
More or less is everything canceled in scientology if you are long enough with this club of self imagination people .. last time it seems shorter ..
Great point. These public get clients and staff as a result of being held up as examples of people who are “fully at cause and dominating life”. Profiting off of local orgs indeed.
Poor Ben….
Very good analysis!
I don’t know how Raffi has been tapped to do all these seminars anyway since he is Ex SO! Is that the WORST kind of scum?? I mean there is even an HCOPL that says right on it that you are a DB and everything.
Hi basketballjane,I enjoy reading your posts.I am right with you about EX SO giving seminars I never thought I would be old enough to say this, but in my SO time,that never happened to my knowledge at Asho.What SO knew and what public knew two different tracks.I think David is about to have a FIT and break some things over the cancellation of the event etc.I was considered the worst DB Treasonous Rock Slammer that ever crawled.I would never have been asked to give a seminar after I blew.If I was still in and alive I shudder to think I would probably be stuck on that asbestos rust bucket “Moneywinds” for life! Always Ann B.
He was even fitness boarded out of the SO. What a terrible example to set for other Scientologists.
I shudder to think what / who would really be “fit” for the Sea Organization today.
Must be able to wholly submit to another’s will.
Must be able to cut all communication lines to the “outside world”, (Individuation)
Must release any hold to personal property.
Must be willing to lie on national television to millions of viewers.
Must be willing to be told where to live, how to dress, when to sleep and what to eat.
Must be willing to accept abuse according to rank.
Must be willing to turn on a friend or family or team member at the printing of a Golden Rod.
Must be willing to strike or assault another on command.
Must be willing to lie in court documents and legal proceedings.
Must be willing to throw your spouse under the bus on command.
Must be willing to violate all ten commandments “for the cause”.
Must be skilled at perjury and lying.
Must be skilled at issuing false reports.
Must be willing to dine on Godiva Chocolates while your friends eat left over slop.
Must be willing to Lord over others even though you all work the same hours and carry the same responsibilities.
And baby, I can guess the rest.
Hi The Oracle, Love love your post.You are on fire today! XXOO Always Ann B.
The sick part is that I fulfill most of those, except that I’m too bourgeois to relinquish my hold on personal property. Thank goodness for psych drugs and an attraction to my fellow man.
Must be willing to kill own offspring on command.
Oh yeah. I forgot about that, thanks.
Yep, that’s an important one.
Actually Raffy was taken off post as recruiter because his partner was banging the HAS and Raffy was too dumb to be aware of it. Then while being assigned to central files Raffy dry humped that horrendous troll who was married to Tyler Walima in the CF files room, so they got rid of him.
Must be willing to have someone else police your private moments and sexual experiences.
Mustcavige? 🙂
“Must be willing to turn on a friend or family or team member at the printing of a Golden Rod.”
These days a Golden Rod doesn’t have to be issued, you just do as you’re told wether what you’re told has any truth to it or not. Dave decides and it is done. Morals be damned
I’m thinking 98% of the population may not be “fit” for the Sea Org.
Correct, TO. Since 98% of the population would just laugh at the barking miscarriage!
basketballjane yes, there is an El Con reference that states anyone leaving the slave camps run in the S.O. are DB’s. HOWEVER, that is handled by doing OT3. HOWEVER, El Con never said what it means when someone already OT 3+ leaves the S.O.
LMAO at El Con’s internal illogic.
I don’t know, John! Makes sense to me. But, you have to understand that I am a DB! And proud of it…
Pretty simple. They must have “false attested” to OT3! LRH intention and I’m sure COP will cognite on this soon was that anyone who leaves the bridge as to start from the first rung! Talk about lasting stable case gain!
For a billion years, no less….
I’ve seen a Flag Order written by LRH that said something to the effect of, for anyone who wants to leave, the Fitness Board findings MUST state, on the issue, that the person is either incompetent or psychotic.
I choose psychotic for mine….
Scum. There is even the practice of excluding any ex-SO public from promo videos shot around Flag presumably based on the same evaluation. Could never get anything in writing on this but sure wasn’t interested in being included anyway.