What are they afraid of by never including anyone’s name?
I’ll tell you:
Either the person does not really exist, and this is just made up copy like testimonials for the local greasy spoon written by the owner, his wife and family members, or
They are scientologists who happen to be “a police officer” or a “crime documentary producer” (who makes videos for CCHR…), or
The people who write these have NO IDEA they have anything to do with scientology, or that their statements are going to be used to promote scientology. If their name was included someone might contact them and ask them if they know about this and they would demand it no longer be used.
If this stuff is so good, why are the endorsements “anonymous”?
look through scientology promotion and you rarely find a name or specific, identifiable title attached to their endorsements. The few times they mistakenly included specifics – like an endorsement from the King of Spain or the Taiwanese Minister of Education – they have been renounced.
It’s not easy getting endorsements for the world’s most notorious cult – the true version of their self-proclaimed “world’s coolest religion.”
Ok, the world’s coolest religion is that of the Jedi. It’s a real religion and much bigger than Scientology.
I’ve always wanted to ask you, Mike, this:
Did you ever know any active military and Veterans who were/became scientologists?
In the case of this blog entry, I fear how they would fare with PTSD using the Scn approach.
Pizza: While at Flag in about ’76, one of my roommates was recently out of the military. AFAICT, scn was no help for him: there’s NO ‘tek’ for depression in co$, and he had a heck of a trip to go thru to get to the VA so they could adjust his prosthesis, as was necessary from time-to-time
This is the worst sort of agenda driven pseudo-scholarship, and it’s been going on for as long as I can remember. OSA programs begin with a specific enemy target, often psychiatry or the pharmaceutical industry, and researchers ONLY look for data that supports their pre-determined conclusion. More often than not, they just make shit up, which explains the absence of attribution, and their frequent use of initials
Scientology creates violence and suicide.
The more I research Scientology the more a Dr. Phil quote comes to mind:
“People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing”.
That sounds a lot like the Federal government.
Crooked Bridge. That’s a good way to get your identity stolen with much of your bank accounts.
Tony Muhammad Is doing a 4 part Anti-Psychiatry Rant on Facebook, lace with Anti Semitic language.
All this sort of crap they put out is, purely and simply, aimed at the rusted on sheepbots and has no real relevance outside the $camology pocket universe.
They statement that stood out to me was “a percentage will experience ” bad reactions. What percentage if any? Is it 1, or even less? ? Why state a speculation.
How is it that a group whose founder was treated with a psychiatric drug at least at the time of his death if not before:
can get up in arms about psychiatric drugs. Hypocrite much?
Here’s my take, and its not intended as an apologia for the cult:
Simply, all Founders of all religions were men, i.e, human beings, and as such, they were susceptible to any and all the problems to which other humans were and are susceptible. They were not Gods, they were people.
Except that AFTER they died they “morphed” into God or God-like creatures due to the machinations of MEN who controlled the philosophies at that time.
Its always WAY more profitable for a religion when the Founder is not a mere temporal mortal. Best to convince everyone that he had super powers, or was God-LIKE, or, in some instances, God Himself.
LRH set this up for himself from the beginning. Of course, he didn’t die because of a stroke. Of course, his death was CAUSITIVE.
If you notice, the death of EVERY Founder of EVERY major religion was ALWAYS causitive. They didn’t just die of disease or old age as the rest of us do! They CHOSE to die.
This is a very old, old stratagem and boy does it work in controlling people and boy is it profitable.
Kirstie Alley has been tweeting these CCHR “statistics” as legitimate scientific evidence that psychotropic drugs are responsible for the current suicide rate in the USA.
Nobody pays any attention to what this talent-challenged, click-farm paying, vulgar cow says.
There! I haven’t bashed Kirstie Alley in quite a while. Feels good 🙂
After intensive investigations I’ve FOUND the “unnamed sources”
Fuller Shit
Ino Nothing
Al Made-up
Myway Orr De Highway
Fund Drainer
Cogna Tiv De Sonance
If you do a study (not that I think one was done here) trying to prove Bigfoot is real you will end up with results that indicate Bigfoot is real…
What ! You mean Bigfoot’s not real?
My children find Bigfoot evidence all the time.
Really?????? What a load of horse manure. I can tell you from PERSONAL experience that when my mentally ill schizophrenic brother TOOK his anti psychotics he was stable & able to work & handle his own life. Due to his mental illness, when he WAS doing well WITH medications….he’d “think he was cured” & then he would STOP taking his anti psychotics, and within a few days he was back in his own little world hearing voices & would need to be placed under in house psychiatric care receiving counseling & anti psychotics until they got him stabilized once more.
His ENTIRE life was a roller coaster of in and out of psychiatric hospitals for treatments & anti psychotic medications. This would NOT have happened if my brother had kept taking his medications as prescribed…he was and still is his own worst enemy. The ONLY think that keeps both of his feet planted on the ground are the anti psychotic medications he takes. Once he feels he is “cured” and goes off them the voices in his head return & he’s out there getting into trouble & requiring readmission for care.
Decades ago the powers that be decided that the mentally ill should NOT be “warehoused” in psychiatric facilities such as state hospitals & many psychiatric facilities were shuttered, sending some very mentally ill patients on medications to Adult Homes/Nursing Homes/Group Homes etc. Problem is that SOME of the patients are permitted to leave the facilities several hours a day IF they are stable & on anti psychotics which are administered by STAFF every day. They then are out in the public wandering around unemployed looking for things to do, some of them do NOT return to the care facility meaning for days on end they are WITHOUT their anti psychotic meds wandering the streets & endangering themselves & others.
I would really LOVE a sit down with the authors of some of this CRAP…..unless YOU have had to live in a family with a mentally ill person who does willingly NOT take their anti psychotics to control the demons than inhabit their brain because THEY THINK they don’t need them…..& then go into downward spins continually….come see me for the TRUTH of what life living like that is like.
As the nephew of a manic depressive (who has gone dangerously batshit when he didn’t take his meds) I don’t disagree with you. I will say, however, that everyone is different. Some people improve using medications and some people don’t. Some psychological therapies are more effective than others, yet far less accessible. In the case of the schizophrenia spectrum, there are a growing number of studies suggesting a non-drug approach (at least long-term) is significantly more beneficial. The problem with CCHR is that whilst they do raise/highlight important issues, their stance is far too extreme to be credible.
I understand. This has been my reality for more than 50 years with my sister.
I agree with everything you say, Balletlady, and more. While I am not a fan of psych meds, there are cases where these meds are the only thing that will help these cases. I cannot comprehend how Scientology can vilify mental health yet readily admits that their tech can do nothing for mental illness. Well, that’s what LRH said. The Dwarfenfuhrer, on the other hand, thinks that Scientology can handle everything.
I hope all goes well with your brother and that he gets the treatment that he needs.
Peoples’ body chemistry differ. What works and is a lifesaver for one person or possibly 99 our of a hundred, allowing a normal functioning life can cause another to go completely nuts – murderous or suicidal. If someone needs this medication to be stable and cannot be depended upon to understand this and to take it, well, you’ve got a wild card, that’s all. In the very old days they solved this problem, cruelly, with shackles and chains. Nowadays we have meds. I have 40 stitches in the palm of my right hand from a homeless crazy person who, in broad daylight in a public park, in front of hundreds of witnesses, came up behind me with a broken beer bottle and tried to stab me. Not a thief, not a rapist. I had money on me at the time, about $100 and I was in such shock he could easily have run off with my purse. Didn’t try to touch me in any way. Just his breath of the back of my neck all of a sudden and when I turned, him in front of me stabbing slowly, robotically, with a broken beer bottle, which I caught on the palm of my right hand. Stupid of me, I could have run away, easily, but I was shocked, so like an idiot I just stood there and fended off the blows with my right hand a few times. Some men nearby easily tackled him. held him, called the police and he was arrested. Off his meds, psychotic, schizophrenic, whatever, I was told. He went to jail Police had been looking for him due to another stabbing in another part of town. So he went to jail, or back to jail. Wrong move. He didn’t belong in jail. Where this man he belonged was in an institution of some sort. Thanks, Reagan.
Truth is, though, if something like this had to happen, I was very lucky that there were so many people around. Plus, I get over things fast. Oh, and the doctor in the emergency room where I was brought, with my hand bleeding and me and sobbing and hiccoughing and freaked out with my nose running and my face red and swollen, and just a mess in every way its possible for a woman to be a mess – this doctor asked me out! He wanted to date me. Talk about making a good first impression on the opposite sex! I hope I’m making the women on this blog laugh. Yes. Its true, and I think it was at this point that I was going to stop trying to figure men out 🙂
Typos, OMG, sorry.
Correct Aqua. IF we are going to have these streets drugs and prescription drugs then we must realize that for the tiny,TINY minority of mostly younger males that react this badly to them, we WILL have mass shootings.
If the drugs saves 100,000 lives over ten years and loses 100 in shootings…
I’m solidly with you on this, Wynski. 1000%.
it’s too bad there weren’t supervised communities where they were under constant care, could hold jobs if they were stable and care would always be nearby. I’d bet it would work better and be a lot cheaper than how the mentally ill are currently treated.
There use to be just such communities. The were the state mental hospitals, and some of them were fine places to live, if a bit restrictive about outside contact. When the “anti-warehousing” movement swept through in the late 80s most state hospitals pushed their former live-in clients out into the communities, ready or not. Most communities were not ready, and still are not ready; many clients were unable to cope living on their own, either. Thus today we have MH clients living in roach motels, or homeless, trying to get by on a few hundred dollars a month from Social Security, without transportation, without good meals, and without hope in many cases.
As a student nurse i spent about a month observing and interacting with the patients in a State Mental Hospital. The conditions were not at all conductive to recovery; or a kind lifestyle. The medications helped some; but at that time (the 1970’s) the medications were not well controlled or developed. Most of the male patients were drugged into a stupor & the female patients were aggressive…. I realize that this is a generalization. But I felt it was not good medical treatment. By the way; I am on psychiatric medication ever since I was mentally abused due to Scientology/ I am very much helped b y this treatment.
Balletlady –
I have seen the rollercoaster effect you mention first hand. I was a mental health case manager and crisis interventionist. The sad truth is that many anti-psychotic meds work as designed, but also have unpleasant side effects. Once a person needing anti-psychotic medication becomes stabilized they start noticing the unpleasant side effects more. The most outwardly visible side effect is Tardive Dyskinesia, an involuntary group of movements of the tongue, lips and jaw (movements that to the ignorant public make one look, well, crazy). Less noticeable, except to a partner, is an inability to reach orgasm.
No sane person would volunteer for the more unpleasant side effects. As anti-psychotic medicines do their work and the patient feels sane, if not cured, it is the most normal thing in the world for them to throw away the meds in hope a cure has been effected. Normal it is, but throwing away effective anti-psychotic medication leads to a return of the psychotic symptoms, in every case. It’s the sad roller-coaster of people suffering the illnesses that produce psychotic symptoms.
Life for an MH client out in the community is already tough. Their small SSDI disability check won’t stretch to cover their needs. Their diets have become fast food and worse. Their opportunities for socialization, transportation, entertainment, and a decent daily life are limited. Depression awaits those without a good support network. Affordable living space is hard to find, and rental agents have learned to identify MH clients by subtle outward signs, and deny them all but the worst apartments and run-down weekly-rent motels despite anti-discrimination laws. I’ve had to try to uplift clients who were living in a run-down motel in the red-light district, over-run with roaches of the insect and human kind both. Now Scientology would make the false claim that the very medications that bring sanity to some MH clients are actually promoting violence, suicide, and mass shootings? Nowhere has Scientology taken any effort to produce actual science. Once again they are wrong-headed in the worst way, a way harmful to innocent individuals.
Scientology makes the false claim that anti-psychotic medication leads to violence, suicide, or mass shootings. They promote this wrong information to the public and to their membership. It can only lead to needless fear, and make life more difficult for the people and families affected by the need for anti-psychotic medication.
LRH would do anything to harm his competitors and increase his personal fortune, so he created Scientology’s unrelenting us-vs.-them enemy culture in which he made enemies out of anyone connected with the ‘psyche’ community, including psychiatrists, psychologists, medical doctors, and anyone else qualified to treat mental health clients.
Hubbard’s sci-fi con game of Dianetics and Scientology were wrong about mental health treatment back in 1950s, and remain wrong to this day. Funny how the “Modern Science of Mental Health” could fail to be either Modern, or a Science.
From your lips to God’s ears….having worked for Social Services for a number of years, I too have dealt with the fall out with MH patients…including my own brother. At times it is a crap shoot…the MH patient is indeed a guinea pig where DIFFERENT anti psych meds are TRIED to see which one would work with the patient’s body chemistry. I saw my brother switched from different anti psych meds & some of his body/brain’s reaction to those. At those times for the most part he was an in patient in a psych ward. Sadly it was HE himself who, when the anti psych meds were working would stop taking them thinking “Hey, I feel fine, I’m ok now, I can stop taking these meds, I don’t need them”. No one could make him see that in order to remain stable he HAD to take these meds, like it or not. Yes, side effects….he might be more tired & couldn’t “zip around” on over drive out of control like he might do when he wasn’t on them.
His battle started in early childhood, but no one in those days recognized a KID might have psychiatric issues UNLESS they were violent or really out of control. When he was 17 he had a full mental breakdown which lead to a psychiatric admission & that is when….let’s just say…everyone finally woke up & realized he DID have schizophrenia.
I think & would suggest that everyone google the sad story of Jani Shonfeld , a child diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 7…..& her brother Bodhi….two CHILDREN who have severe mental health issues & the heavy destructive burden put on these children & their parents. Sometimes these patients are so OUT of control they are an imminent danger to themselves & others….the kind of people who will push you in front of a train, out a window, stab you etc. because the “voices in their head” tell them to.
COUNSELING ONLY….my brother had plenty of that in his early teens & all his adult life i.e. “Why do you feel that way, why did you do that, why didn’t you…talk talk talk & suggestions on how he might have done things better, all to no avail. Counseling only for the MH patient who hears VOICES in his HEAD were telling him different things. He IS one of the MH patients who can only live a more stable life with strong anti psych meds.
There ARE those determined “criminally insane” who will spend the rest of their lives under lock and key in secure facilities. However, there ARE those who NEED to be supervised much more thoroughly & THEY are the ones who once given even an ounce of freedom, refuse to return to supervised care & are living on the streets, sleeping in the parks/under bridges/in alleys….they ones who without anti psych meds are headed in terrible directions because they can’t stop the voices they hear in their heads.
My parents had my brother at home until he was 27/28 when he one day said that he wasn’t going to listen to them anymore, wasn’t going to take his anti psyche meds & was leaving home, which he did. A few days later the Police called to say they’d taken him to a “hospital” where he’d received treatments & he wanted to come home. After a discussion with a group of Psychiatrists my parents refused my brother’s return to their home & a living situation was found for him.
The monies from SSI are never enough, let alone NORMAL SS payments for we retired working people that needs to be stretched month to month. Not every place will accept a MH patient as a tenant since the landlord never knows what might happen. My brother lost clothes, TV’s, radio, personal items because he’d stop taking his anti psych meds & go off the deep end, losing his housing & go right back to the psych ward to get stable again. He NEVER learned.
I’ve yet to meet a person who knows how to fix any of this, and I highly doubt I ever will. Sending patients to Adult Homes or Nursing Homes or “laxed group homes” where for the MOST part there is NO “in house Doctor, let alone a Psychiatrist/Psychologist available 24/7 with patient care offered by nursing staff & CNA’s who are NOT trained to deal with MH patients is NO answer. Shuttering all those secure Psych Hospitals with Psychiatrist, Psychologists, Drs available 24/7 was NOT the right thing to do.
We’ve tossed the babies out with the bath water in most instances….Scientology thinks they can easily “fix things”….yeah….sure…..
Ammo Alamo, the ACTUAL data points are thus: In the ABSENCE of certain classes of powerful STREET or PRESCRIPTION mind altering drugs, there has NEVER been a civil mass shooter in US history. The FIRST mass civil shooter was in the 60’s, the Texas college tower shooter (heavy & prolonged cocaine usage).
Civil mass shooting = NON-political, NON-domestic, non-gangland targeting many people for no logical reason.
Can you please provide this data?
And please don’t say Google it. You made the claim. Please provide the data proving this claim.
Sure gtsix, go the FBI in D.C. and study they files on each shooter as I did.
It would take a LONG time on Google and I believe certain early ones (NOT the TX tower shooter though) but the Columbine shooters don’t have full data on Google as they were young children.
Thanks Wynski.
So the answer is: you have no data. When you can publicly provide that data, that’ll be great. otherwise, you make claims that cannot be verified.
(And guess what, that doesn’t mean I do not believe this is a strong possibility… but I am wary of people claiming facts and providing no proof. I am sure you can understand that).
No you f@cking moron. The data is on paper in files where it should be. If you want to read it, arrange for a trip. Only the terminally brain dead think that most data resides for free on the internet.
If say I saw the calculations for what William the Conqueror said was owed to him by the nobles of England (which I did) and you asked where I saw that data. I would tell you I read it in the Domesday book located the national archives in Kew, London
Thanks Mr. Scientology! Always attack, never defend. Makes an unverifiable statement with no data to back up his claim. Ron… is that you?
Always attack, attack, attack. You can take the man out of Scientology but you can’t take the Scientology out of the man.
Wonder what their rationale is for the mass murders and suicides throughout history pre-pharmaceuticals.
Good point CB…their so ignorant and don’t have a clue about the subject. ..
Disgusting since they don’t have any expertise or knowledge concerning this subject. …
I agree with you, Shirley, no expertise, and, motivated by religious arrogance. Lol, how not to win friends and influence people! :o)
“Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.”
Here is a link to the report on their website, I wanted to see if they named where their “research” came from.
Not naming sources in their propaganda is shoddy at best, manipulative and deceptive at worst. But hey, at least the Church of Sociopathy is consistent, lol.
Tbe sources they cite are “interesting” and their writing (as always) is so slanted I’m nearly horizontal!
“People over profit” I am laughing so hard I almost blew my latte out my nose! LOL, give US your money instead!
I also thought that statement was hilarious Crooked Bridge. Oh dear, I suppose it keeps their big donors living in their own little secret hidey hole of denial. .
I totally agree, Peggy L, the river of denial runs through all Scientology.
I cannot shake the feeling when I read their marketing ploys that I am actually reading Germany’s WWII propaganda.
I got as far as “put people over profit” and choked on my coffee. Seriously though, if I were in need of help for someone i cared about and wanted to consider the conclusions in any report I wouldn’t care so much about who endorsed it but who actually wrote it. Who are they? What expertise do they have to write a report of this kind? They not only never name their endorsers they never put their own names or the names of the experts concerned on them. Just CCHR. like that is going to mean something.
He Who Will Not Be Named. Is that because it is Voldemort?
At least this pamphlet is doing a great job hiding its connection to the cult that usually likes to throw around LRH quotes.
“Put people over profit” and “Take action against abuse.” Now those are surely two things that are NOT LRH quotes as they are completely antithetical to anything he ever stood for.
Can someone shoop a photo showing
Scientology = Suicide…
slowly or quickly
Scientology KILLS
Physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually… it destroys everything.
Scientology is suicide for your career…your marriage…. your dreams.
Haha, have they never heard of causation vs. correlation? Just because shooters have taken psychiatric drugs in the past doesn’t mean the drugs caused the shooting. More like shooters are likely people with mental health problems (who may have been treated with medication in the past for those issues), which we already know. Bad science!
I love how they completely ignore the incidents where the real experts (law enforcement) determine the causation to be the shooters (to use their example) going OFF their meds.
But not…..we’ll rely instead on a drug addled bullshitter to tell us the reasons people act they way they do.
Because of all the extensive, peer reviewed studies, right Scientology?
I suppose they believe they have no peers…..
It’s more to do with the sudden shift in neurochemistry, eg. coming off a medication too quickly, or too great a change in dosage (+/-). That’s when all sorts of crazy shit can happen.
Here comes the chicken and the egg.
You can turn any fact into “alternative fact”,
just ask the White House. Manipulating,
distorting or just freewheeling opinions,
stats and scientific research is the
hallmark of Scientology.
As a 32 year veteran of the NY State Mental Health system, I can tell you that the CCHR is not on the radar at all. Even though Szasz was the long time face of the CCHR, it was never respected or even present at any ‘community round-tables’ or other public function.
Tom Szasz was long time employee of the mental health system and was kicked upstairs to a ‘professor emeritus’ with Upstate Medical Center, where he was not allowed to see patients. Even then, he was successfully sued for taking patients off medication in his private practice.
Any CCHR public relations is only for internal $cieno consumption. The general public has never heard of them.
Interesting Szasz was “successfully sued for taking patients off medication in his private practise….”
That’s right up Scientology’s/Hubbard’s alley.
And Hubbard, in the end of his own life, battling with “body-thetans” and also still self medicating himself.
What ironies of Hubbard’s life tangle.
CCHR is Hubbard’s mind.
I wondered the same thing as I was reading it. Why no name on the endorsements? That would be quite a coup if they had a police officer who actually believed their crap. Sleazy. I remember being so embarrassed by this even in the 70’s before da dwarenfeuhrer took over.
World’s coolest religion? World’s most greedy cult… is more like it…
Religions of the world help the needy with their money and time. On the other hand, LRH said, “free service = freefall” translated into english means if try to help the needy (low on money) with credit, discounts or free service, you not only hurt the needy person by helping him, but you will also get declared a “suppressive person” for doing this as an auditor. Every Scientologist knows we do not help the needy. Any help given to the needy is ONLY A PHOTO OP for the IRS to continue to fool them.
“The cult of greed empowered by the IRS” is probably a better descriptive name for this cult.
Bridge to Total Serfdom
Price: $1,000,000 plus
Alternate route: Google Scientology
Price: free
The emotive use of pistol cartridges as meds and the broad-brush inferences contained herein are all we need to know here in regards to the legitimacy of this “report”. No peer review, no references to any legitimate standards body, and, well the anonymity of the “experts” says it all really.
School violence represents a completely different mental health milieux compared to the mental complexities of what compels suicide. While they may share common symptology such as depression, isolation, or social ostracization, it’s disingenuous to correlate the two on this commonality alone, as well as intellectually bankrupt and grossly irresponsible to claim a “one-size-fits-all” solution for what are incredibly complex social, cultural, and public health issues.
It’s simply more Scn agitprop to support their ignorant, Luddite-like abhorrence of all things psychotropic and psychiatric. “Care” is relative and is only really effective if it involves “the tech”, or perhaps the subject running around a pole or being locked in a room, pumped full of CalMag, and ignored until they really do indeed loose their mind…
The real lunacy here is that while the use of ANY med is problematic, given the age of those instigating violence of any kind in schools, it’s clear these clearly troubled individuals may have been in need of more prolonged mental health assistance, not less, certainly in the case of Nicolas Cruz, the recent shooter in FL.
He was a very troubled kid and was repeatedly failed by the system, and more insidiously, the “system” failed to intervene on numerous occasions when he repeatedly telegraphed his intentions or signigficantly, asked for help.
However, that doesn’t mean that mainstream mental health advances are wrong or inconsequential. More so, that their effectiveness demands ongoing, practitioner-delivered empathetic intervention, backed by clinical expertise and evidence-based treatments, all of which Scn is preternaturally incapable of EVER delivering.
Scn always views the world through it’s own twisted lens, a view strictly contextualized by it’s ignorant, indeed criminal biases justified with an almost child-like simplicity devoid of reasoned thought. It reflects LRH’s “Reader’s Digest” approach to the most complex of topics, certainly no more so than mental health.
While Scn has occaisionally raised legitimate questions about the over-medication of kids or the past ills of the dark, early days of psychiatry, this document represents a grossly irresponsible attempt to mainstream their quackery. They no more have the answer to contemporary mental health challenges than does a medieval doctor with a jar of pigeon poop and a bloodletting lancet.
I’m incensed by that propaganda visuals of bullets and psych pills.
The rabid anti psych magazines, I saw in one case in history, were present at the incidence of a suicide by hand gun, and the visible CCHR booklet with a fiend holding a gun to a child’s head, was visible at the crime scene.
The Hubbard rabid prejudices led to this continuing CCHR rabid propaganda visuals, and those visuals HAVE BEEN present at crime scenes, so in terms of connection, there is connection from this Hubbard sick prejudice to actual moments of extreme tragedy.
When protesters against Scientology say “Scientology Kills” that means to me that Hubbard’s prejudices as relayed by CCHR are still “killing” people by way of deflecting people off of more life saving options in mental health.
Grossly irresponsible indeed. Most awful is that those of us who donated in the past got a happy warm feeling that we were helping. Nope. Hurting, not helping. Or most insultingly of all no affect at all. Just your money slurping sloppily into the maw of Der Dwarfenfurur’s bank account.
I thought that El Con Tubbolard said that using generalities (negative reports without attribution) was the mark of an S.P.
BINGO Wynski.
Nailed it again!
You can always count on the church of scientology to DO what they preach against or NOT DO what they preach for.
He wasn’t wrong. If fact he splurged on it, exampled by his scientific research explanations with zero back up evidence, except his say so.
You can always count on C of $ to make thing bad if others do them (generalities and not attributing sources etc), but NOT bad if the church does them. It’s the old do as I say and not as I do hypocrisy.
The corporation of scientology and its front groups look SP to me:
According to L Wrong, SP’s:
Speak in broad generalities – ALL other practices outside the cult are BAD, every person that leaves the cult is “out ethics” no case gain–scum of the earth..
Selects the wrong target – Blames the victim for EVERYTHING. Sexual assault, theft, fraud and other crimes perpetrated by the cult (correct source) is ALWAYS the fault of the person who has been harmed (wrong target)
Accuses others of what he himself is doing – Put profit over people/constant abuse of its members. Cult harms people through disconnection, sec checks, financial ruin, spiritual rape etc. but blames psychs and critics for all society’s ills.
Supports only activities which destroy in the name of help and rails against any true helpful ones – The cult has NO ACTUAL solutions for society such as drug abuse, violence, poverty, etc. When crimes and destructive acts occur within the cult such as rape, murder and domestic abuse, the cult turns its head and prevents people from actually seeking help from law enforcement, shelters and medical professionals. When victims need real help, the cult only helps itself by draining those in need of all their financial resources, leaving people destitute.
No sense of causation – “Things just happen.” When a scn goes bankrupt, divorces, gets ill, commits suicide, or is murdered as a direct result of cult activities or neglect… (Think Lisa McPherson). “People just die… Nothing to do with us!”
Cannot complete a cycle of action.. Idle Morgues, students and pc’s re-doing same courses over and over instead of actually making progress and finishing!
Not once have I personally encountered an entire group or person that the cult deems SP to have any these characteristics.
Apt analysis.
This is bloody brilliant, Wynski! Good catch.
I hope that whatever they are doing does not work. Anti-depressants help people. I am living proof of that. Scientology does nothing to help people with depression, anxiety, bi-polar, schizophrenia or any other mental illness. I don’t know why the medical industry does not shut them down.
I guess Scientology in a way is good for the mental health industry in that it’s now a shinning example of an exposed cult & group mental illness. Not that all is well within the mental illness industry but at least the majority are in there pitching trying to do something about the travails of human existence. On the other hand Scientology preys upon it. I doubt any mental health professional would ever endorse Scientology, quite the opposite. Shutting Scientology down… nice sentiment but highly unlikely via that industry, it has too many experts with differing opinions and income sources.
The reason that Scientology does not help the mentally ill is because Ron said that that was not the purpose of Scientology. The FDA actually tried to shut down Scientology in the 50s and 60s. The church got around this by claiming to be religious and therefore subject to First Ammendment protection.
Yes. Hubbard’s very convenient “pivot”.
Scientology is a religion when it needs to be and a self help program when it needs to be. It all depends on the circumstances. Amazing, really.
The hallmark of scientology is there too: consider a generous ‘donation’. Money, money, money..
The anonymous endorsements is because they really don’t have anything to show.
If a name were noted, there would be cause/reason to ask that ” named source”..SHOW ME PROOF…STATISTICS….PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION/SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH /LET’S HAVE A SIT DOWN DISCUSSION WITH CHARTS/GRAPHS ETC…. to back up your statement.
Despicable, and thus it is why the CCHR must at every opportunity be exposed for the Scientology backstopping of CCHR.
Scientology is Hubbard’s baby, and thus the mentality of Hubbard transmits all the way deeply into CCHR’s thinking, the PR and wordsmithing of CCHR follows Hubbard’s line of thinking.
Hubbard is speaking through CCHR, and that is CCHR’s problem.
Hubbard’s thinking is not winning word of mouth in society, as most people who’ve given the Hubbard system (Scientology, etc) a try, have quit.
The massive numbers of quitters to the Hubbard stuff acts like permanent proof that Scientology’s not a winning system.
Past lives psychiatrists aren’t earth’s problem.
CCHR if they were honest would admit Hubbard’s targeting “whole psychiatrists” as earth’s biggest negative factor.
Who in their right mind in the world will truly adopt these Hubbard views.
Hubbard’s ideas are so unrealistic, and presented in propaganistic (blame the other guys) fashion it offends and makes average people who are new to Hubbard’s influence into Scientology and into CCHR’s platform of propaganda, wonder.
Informing he newbie public of the Hubbard mentality behind CCHR, and connecting a few of Hubbard’s thinking about the past-lives psychiatrists, would be useful balancing material to send law authorities to balance out this new CCHR propaganda.
Maybe we should crowd source some writers/researchers to do the authoritative deep dive into Hubbard’s writings, and lay out the fully cited authoritative academic papers proving Hubbard’s thinking as the deep backstop to CCHR’s activities. A small book, best ghost written by someone outside Scientology who is really sufficiently capable of including ALL of the Hubbard cited writings and tape lecture quotations, to prove conclusively and once and for all, the thinking of Hubbard’s IS CCHR’s thinking.
Maybe someday, if Scientology continues, there will self erupt some writer on their own to do the job, or somehow, some serious academic deep dive into the Hubbard “corpus” of writings/lectures to lay out CCHR.
Maybe some academics have already done this, and their work is in some journal somewhere, unappreciated, needing to be dusted off and put into a booklet and freshly sent out to all the police authorities that CCHR is sending their Hubbard propaganda to.
And of course they’re asking for money to get the word out. Same old psych drugs bullshit argument. Another clown act from the three-ring circus of Scientology.