He is at it again.
John Mappin living up to the unenviable reputation of the stereotypical British upper-class twit, once again making an absurd display of himself with the apparent purpose of getting attention.
I could care less, except he makes a habit of pushing his scientology messages on social media, and I have covered some of his forays down the rabbit hole before. Here is a recent Facebook post about the awesome “add” that ran during the Super Bowl:
But this post concerns some of his other rather bizarre Facebook activity.
Remember, because he has inherited wealth, this fool is afforded considerable credibility within the scientology bubble. Far from being dismissed as a crackpot, he is a “model scientologist” who fawns over David Miscavige and pushes whatever party line is being thrown out by scientology, adding his own strange twist.
And so it is the he has now bestowed a “knighthood” on Donald Trump from his faux “castle.” And he wants the whole world to know about this very important event. He has post after post about it on his Facebook page.
I do not want to turn this post into a political debate about whether Donald Trump is or is not going to Make America Great again or if some other candidate is better suited to “Bring The Change We Need” or any of the other canned slogans and pitches spouted by each and every one of the potential greatest presidents America has ever seen…
The subject at hand is this lunkhead and his grandiose self-importance. He makes Grant Cardone look like a model of dignified self-restraint.
Mappin doesn’t even spell the name of the blog (“highly respected conservative publication”?) that promoted his fake “knighthood” right — Marshall Report has two “L’s”. I took a very quick glance — it appears to be the thoughts of a rabid Trump supporter who takes issue with Ted Cruz and everyone else and rails against Glenn Beck and thinks the Bilderberg society is targeting Mr. Trump. It is as out-there as you would imagine given the fact they treated Mappin’s lunacy as a serious endorsement of Trump.
Here is what Ms. Marshall said about it according to Mappin’s FB page:
Frankly, Dianne Marshall seems like another pea from the same pod Mappin fell out of. The ridiculous over-the-top language and assignment of immense importance to the pronouncements of a lunatic with a fake castle on the south coast of england as if he speaks for the entire country is very bizarre. Two self-important nobodies feeding each other complements. How ghastly. It is reminiscent of David Miscavige and Tom Cruise.
Here is the video of Mappin in all his twittish glory.
He terms his honorary Camelot Castle knighthood an “historic and noble award.” And he seems serious. He has learned from his mentor well — it is the same gravity with which the suckers are presented their Patron Stupidus Invictus trophies. “Here, we present you with this incredibly valuable trophy.” Try selling it on E-Bay next week and you will discover its true worth. Try cashing in your “knighthood” next time you are in London Mr. Trump — call up Buckingham Palace and introduce yourself as Sir Donald Trump, Knight of Camelot, and ask to have lunch with the Queen.
My suggestion to you Mr. Mappin is to spend some of that inherited wealth of yours to hire someone that actually knows how to edit a video and someone else that can record sound. And a real producer who can tell you not to include your wife — she looks like a token trophy and her opinions are even less significant than yours. Are you trying to look smart by comparison? In fact, if you hired a real producer or director they would tell you not to go on camera either. The impression you leave is to confirm the opinion held by many that the condescending anachronistic “ruling class” of England is inbred.
Watch his video at least through 3:45 where he says, with a totally straight face: “Something I know King Arthur would have been proud of.” He does know that King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable are figures of folklore doesn’t he?
The colors are “flown above our battlements every day”???
Dan Sherman could have written this drivel. In fact, his whole canned video presentation, bestowing of a fake award, and meaningless self-congratulatory word salad about things he has no involvement in is right out of the David Miscavige playbook. John Mappin IS the ideal scientologist of today. Emulating the church in his words and actions. Taking his lead from his Dear Leader right down to the “steeple” hands and pocket square (though the baby blue collar trim is a distinctive touch).
This is homo novis scientology-style.
If this was on SNL I would have thought it a brilliant satire. If it was shot as a demo reel to try and sell the BBC on an updated remake of Fawlty Towers with Mappin replacing John Cleese, it might just do the trick.
Unfortunately, he takes himself seriously. As do so many others inside the crazy scientology bubble who truly believe they are changing the world, are the only ones who can and thus their opinions are vitally important to every man, woman and child on earth.
And down the rabbit hole we go…….
All I can think of when I look at that ghastly jacket is, “Oh, bellhop, take my bags!”
Hi Artoo45, I loved your post. Thank you always,Ann.
Strange dude. He doesn’t particularly strike me as upper class, but he certainly does strike me as being a twit.
Hi Gus Cox, I liked your e-mail. I agree not that upper class folks are not twits at times, but the gentleman in question seems a silly wolf in expensive sheep’s clothing.xo Ann.
Homo Novis is incorrect, it should read Gormless Doofii or Moronicus Cretinis.
Oh no Mike – the joke’s on you – you have mistaken Mr Mappin as a real person. He is in fact the CGI creation of a meeting between Stephen Fry, John Cleese and Sacha Baron Cohen. At a secret BBC meeting they conspired to create a character so preposterous and ludicrous and of such pomposity that it would make any Monty Python episode look like a factual documentary. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
You do a great disservice to Cleese and Fry – whom are heroes of mine – by claiming any of their personality can be found in this dullard. Cohen on the other hand, I think he’d get a kick out of it.
Is it just me or does Mappin look shockingly like The Amazing Criswell of Ed Wood fame?
After reading his blog page, I sent Alanzo the following email:
Hi Alanzo
Mike Rinder posted an article on his blog today that Karen DeLacarriere gave to him from “The Outer Banks”, a super-secret Facebook group that I was joined into without my permission, and then kicked out of because it’s only for the “Key Players”…The guy who kicked me out, Ronn Stacy, told me this /three times/ while he was kicking me out. “It’s only for the Key Players, Alanzo”…He also called me a drunk as he was blocking me from the group and de-friending me…I was fully humiliated. http://www.alanzosblog.com/scientologist-haydn-james-on-why-scientology-does-not-work/
I’m sorry to hear that this happened to you, Alanzo.
Kind regards
~ ~ ~
Then received this back:
Alanzo is presently vacationing on Target 2.
But because of the hotness of space, the unpredictable randomity of Venusian train schedules, and the glitchiness of Earthbound Telex Machines, Alanzo may not receive your communication particle for another 75 million years.
That’s okay, though: You are a thetan, and a thetan can do anything.
AlanzosBlog Communicator In Charge
Laughter! Alonzo is a cool dude. Since I’ve never visited Target 2 I hope he brings back some pictures.
P.S. Eamonn – Alonzo was extremely kind and helpful to me when I began my “recovery” last September. Here’s a funny quip he came up with that sticks with me: “Not everyone needs an ever-climbing level of truth to the stellar heights of ultimate truth-hood.” His blog is silent now but has over 100 interesting topics.
Hey, now we’ve got an Ideal Castle! Complete with it’s own Muppet…
That man has some serious issues, even his wardrobe shouts Space Cadet
It all figures. The Marshall Report and Camelot TV are just as obscure as any local COS org or mission. That is to say virtually non-existent. Mappin must have gone to that notorious argument clinic and got those getting-hit-on-the-head lessons by mistake.
Couldn’t help but smile at the picture of valley’s director pointing to the
frontier of planetary clearing with the Napoleonic pose. It is on the Bunker
today. I always liked George. The last conversation we had he explained
that he always gave money, even when he didn’t have it. Never question
why, he said. Just gave, gave, gave…even when it hurt. He was pretty
diligent in the course room, too. He seemed to be in a state of rapture when
he contemplated a clay demo that he had finished. I believe he has learned
not to think. And gotten proficient at it. It’s not so much that they can’t think
or don’t think. They have learned not to think. That’s a pretty unfortunate
George is a pretty good musician. I wish he could relate to the lyrics of this song:
This pretentious self promoting idiot really does grate on me. For a start his ghastly ‘hotel’ has some shocking reviews on trip advisor, the 5 star reviews, I would suspect are ones written by his Scientology ‘friends’. He must spend any money he makes from his business on scientolgy, as he sure as hell doesn’t spend it on his business to pay for the never ending ‘renovations’ that have been going on for years, but aren’t actually taking place. The sad thing is that he could make a very successful business out of his hotel.
He was on the local news a few years back for trying to push Scientology on to the local village which really didn’t go down well at all. Funnily enough he refused to be interviewed and all he said was that he was a ‘happy scientologist’!!!
We now have confirmation that OSA UK is incredibly undermanned or mispurposed in the extreme. Why hasn’t someone gone out from Saint Hell and told this moron to shut the fuck up? The bubble-dwellers think that Scientology still has a good reputation that this guy is, without doubt, ruining. Even they must think he’s a bowl of nut-crunch without any milk. Have they totally lost the plot here?
These yo-yos need to stop worrying about SPs for a little while and take Mappin and John Alex Wood and give them a good dunking in the Saint Hell sewage pond. If OSA can’t control their own flakes, they have no chance against us.
Espy, don’t agree at all. Mappin must appear quite uptone to the Scientology PR minders. Why would they think he’s a bowl of nut-crunch? He fits the mold quite nicely. Remember, these are people who look at pictures of L. Ron Hubbard, listen to his tapes and read his shit scribbles, and think that that’s the bee’s knees. Through those eyes, Mappin super sophisticated. A stellar representative.
Reviews of Camelot Castle on travel sites are the best!
Porta- loos in the bathrooms, dog hair everywhere.
He is a one man Scientology destruction tool.
I took a quick tour of the 1-star reviews of Camelot Castle on Trip Adviser. Needless to say, they’re hysterical. Rooms have en-suite bathrooms that are tiny plastic pods. Peeling paint everywhere. Windows never washed in last 10 years. stained bed comforters. Shabby furniture. Weird house artist whose ugly-ass paintings are on display everywhere and they try endlessly to try to sell to you. Mappin’s fancy car parked right outside the front door, blocking what should be visitors’ path to come and go.
One in particular review caught my eye. They reviewer arrived at the hotel, and upon inspection of the rooms decided hell no, not staying in this dump. When asking for return of credit-card info used to make reservation, was refused by front desk clerk. Then front desk clerk refused to give his own name. Then when abortive guests started making a stink, hotel staff followed them around with video cameras! It’s Scientology Asshole Tech to the finest detail!
Hi hgc10, An amazing post! Thank you it really makes cos & all it touches smell rotten to the core.Love, Ann.
The paintings of long gone royalty
have real eyes peering from behind that
follow the guests.
Hi Jose Chung, Now that is why I love your posts! Thank you from the passageway by the secret garden. Laughter! Love, Ann.
It might be a halfway house for BTs.
Bullshit travels well. Total bullshit travel exceedingly well.
Michael, I’d like to be Total Bullshit!!! Wait….I’m confused now.
Delusion, a hallmark of current scientologists mimicking their religious leader.
SILVIA, delusion now comes in a can! You can get it at your local grocery store. It even come with headphones that block out anyone else’s opinion.
Mappin is such a horrible example of a Scientologist
my thoughts are “It won’t be long now”
The connection between Trump, LRH and Scientology is not so far off as one might think.
If one suspends one’s own judgment about the Buffoon long enough and just observes one can easily discover how this man relies on the same hypnotic principles to instruct his followers as LRH did. As LRH knew he only had to state Scientology “is scientific” to make it actually scientific for his followers (just one example) so operates Trump. He responds to all questions with plain statements it being so. No argument, no data, no supporting evidence not even truth. Just plain “say-so” and his followers eat it up and it becomes fact for them.
One can say about Trump and his campaign advisors a lot of things, but he did spot some very basic human weakness and is using it as LRH did.
This is a little scary, Gerhard
I note the same approach by Mappin. Monotone, no gesticulation etc. to startle his audience from reverie. He may not be as dumb as one would think at first glance.
IMO he’s very good and even expert at what he’s doing. I note below his continual finger positioning. It’s unlikely anyone could deliver an entire speech maintaining that posture without practice.
In the midst of the reverie at about 7:40 he states “The world has been waiting for a leader like this. This is pure oxygen to the world and God Speed to Donald Trump.” This is a very strong hypnotic suggestion although I suspect it was rehearsed since he stumbles in mid sentence – lol. A far right political stance is certainly valid as a matter of free speech.
His motivation and agenda is speculative, maybe just self gratification. I don’t know what other topics he presents. Along with Gerhard’s observations I’ve learned something about mass hypnosis.
A chaotic civilization which Scientology must save is party line. Mappin focuses here on English and American politics.
That title and post image is perfect Mike!
I’m a Citizen of the United States.
I do not need another title.
I myself, am a citizen of Teegeeack. And we resent all of you who call it Earth!! We were here long before you!
Hi OSD, And I have the Flag to prove it! xo Ann.
Mappin besmirches the good name of ‘twit’. I expect Mappin to try to supplant Dan Sherman as DM’s mouthpiece. His word salad is bereft of any meat, or olives or any of those nice roasted peppers or even the stale croutons.
Oh, this guy is an insult to twits everywhere!
Rumour here in the UK has it that Mappin’s money came from a series of dicey deals back in the 80s and 90s: futures-trading, asset-stripping and even pornography. His accent and demeanour certainly seem more that of a jumped-up Thatcherite barrow-boy than someone with inherited wealth. He tries to play up a family connection to the posh Mappin & Webb jewellers, but apparently that’s a load of old bollocks. There’s a nicely scurrilous website about him, sadly not updated for some years now, at: https://googlejohnmappin.wordpress.com/
Mappin is the gift that just keeps giving. It’s always worth reminding readers of his ‘fair-gaming’ of Benjamin Pell in 2001/2 during Pell’s legal action against Mappin for fraudulent misrepresentation. The background is outlined in another case, here:
It didn’t deter the claim:
‘On 11 March 2002 Mr Pell’s film project action went to trial. After a five day trial Gray J gave judgment in Mr Pell’s favour on 19 March. He found that Mr Mappin was liable in deceit and awarded costs against him on an indemnity basis. Mr Mappin would subsequently say that he could not afford to pay the costs, but after he was committed to prison for 4 months if he continued to refuse to answer questions and resist disclosure he managed to pay the judgment and costs in full.’ ([2005] EWCA Civ 46 at 13).
And lest it be forgotten: ‘Mappin served a witness statement for use at that trial which, as he accepted in a supplemental witness statement, gave a false account of events.’ ([2009] EWHC 118 (QB) at 6).
Does this live up to one of the articles of Gautier’s code of chivalry, ‘Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word’? What would King Arthur think of it all?
Tee-hee! More dirt on the shite knight of Camelot. Thanks for the pointer! 🙂
John Mappin: an example of what happens when first cousins “marry.”
He actually seems as if he might be a bit mentally retarded, or whatever the PC term is for that these days. And I mean that literally, not that he’s just a dumb ass.
It looked to me that he was about to become a Zombie. I think he’d make a good one too….
I’m sorry, but what in the world would a first cousin have to marry to come up with a John Mappin?
Pick whichever shit-flinging monkey suits your taste, Val. At least I’m giving him enough credit by restricting his parentage to the lower primates.
Why hasn’t he knighted Miscavige?
It would be a degrade to to bestow a knighthood on King Arthur. The king is above being knighted.
Something tells me Donald Trump would have nothing to do with this clown or his ‘knighthood’
He’d build a wall around him. 🙂
I think Trump would adore the concept of being knighted, even by this asshole koolaid drinker Mappin, for whom he would have total contempt. I’ve read all of Trump’s books and he appears to be enormously impressed with himself. I think that upon dumping his wife when she turned 40 he developed a superiority complex. That he considers himself utterly superior to everyone else is a hunch of mine based on what he’s written about himself and his life. Another clue to his self-proclaimed superiority is that he named his daughter with Marla Maples “Tiffany Ariana” and his son with his current wife Melania “Baron”. Maybe I’m stretching here. This is not a Republican or Democrat thing for me. My opinion is he is an elitist wolf in populist sheep’s clothing, to get himself elected.
Also, if you read Trump’s books, and read the numerous interviews he’s done, which I have, you’ll be informed that he is a total “clean-freak”. Everything and everyone near him must be immaculately clean and fresh at all times. There are some people he won’t shake hands with if he perceives them as unclean. He is very germ-conscious.
Now, I can just picture clean-freak Trump invited on a tour of Mappin’s dump Tintagel Castle, with its dirty carpets, gray-looking sheets and port-au-potties for bathrooms. Too funny! The place has magnificent views and grand architecture. I’ll bet Trump would jump out the window before shaking Mappin’s hand!
Hi Aquamarine, You do what you do with your posts so well.Shine On.xo Ann.
Ummm, big hardly blinking eyes, monotone voice and speech rate at the level that your toddler would ask you to please get to the next sentence in their green eggs and ham book….good thing he has his own money to pay for this, because few other would.
He might be employing hypnotic techniques to persuade his audience. Notice the continual finger positioning.
I’m so glad I live in the middle of nowhere.
Hey, I Yawn! In live in the middle of Somewhere! I think I might be close to you…..
What’s that saying, ‘east is east & west is west…’ but doesn’t the shenanigans of scientology and its members make it hard to believe we were ever involved. They’re stark raving lunatics and to think they think, they are saving the planet!
Ha ha ha … Couldn’t make it through the whole thing. Is this guy serious… For real? SNL parody? Say it isn’t so!!!
Disa, he looks like he need an enema.,,,,
As well, those commercials were NOT broadcast “across America” but, instead, in a few selected “ideal” venues which had succeeded in ponying up large sums of cash for Miscavige.
It’s a pretty thorough take-down, Mike, but really, how could you miss the sartorial crimes? The powder blue trim of that blazer makes Mappin the worst dressed schmuck ever to appear on the Internet.
It looks like a fancy Sea Org uniform. His dreams are a plenty.
Hmmmm….Mappin hotel….Trump hotels….Miscavige buildings. I see something brewing here.
What? Square feet?
He has a whole series of those jackets with different trim colours. The pink one makes him look like a bellhop in a male spa.
Different colors? Oh Lord Xenu, it’s worse than I thought.
Well, I thought he looked fabulous! Simply fabulous!
“Fantastic Scientology ADD”??? The twit doesn’t even know how to short the word ‘advertisement’!
I’ve noted his weird coats and jackets in the past with the patches of colour on them. No sane tailor – especially in the UK – would ever design such self enhancement trash. Makes him always look like the “Doorman of the Year”! LOL
What did they ADD to Scientology that made it so fantastic? Or…am I just confused?
Scientology ADD ???
Scientology Attention Deficit Disorder…….to reality.
Bloody idiot Mappin.
Mappin, you do not speak for Americans. I don’t want to get all “Revolutionary War” on you but you have no say in our voting so please STFU.
Also, how exactly does one just bestow a knighthood? And if you’re bestowing knighthoods upon people when you are not, in fact, the Queen of England should you see a mental health professional?
He doesn’t speak for British people either.
Totally agree. I think both of us (US and UK) have our share of crazy-folk that we’d rather not have showcased as representatives of our respective countries.
Any way we can talk the Queen into putting him in the tower? 😀
Spending some of their money on that very strange hotel would be a better move than this.Trip advisor reviews mention time and time again the portacabin bathrooms and dire state of many of the rooms. What a twit!
What would be even more practical is if the Church of Scientology was able to answer some of the questions itself it is asking the public- for example in the Super Bowl commercial “Who am I?” If the Church of Scientology really knew who they were in fact, they would not be having the problems they are today in the world. Treat them like the enemies they are. Ethically of course. 🙂
Hi Lawrence,On a rainy Monday- thank you for your post! True. Always,Ann.
I think his Ecclesiastical Highness is going to have to come up with an answer to the ‘What Am I?’ question first. And these days there are a lot of potential answers to that question, many of which have been offered up on this blog!
1) A Liar – tick
2) A dildo – LF
3) A Sociopath – F
4) A piece of hammered Daveshit –
5) See Oh Bee
Perhaps Mr. Mappin is doing a rehearsal for the launch of SMP in Hollywood. It’s all MAKE – BELIEVE anyway and no one does it better than we see on the Dave and Dan Show. Camelot TV Network???!!! Really? You just can’t make this shit up any better!
“If the Church of Scientology really knew who they were they were in fact, they would not be having the troubles they have today in the world”.
Well said, Lawrence.
The tone of his voice when he mentioned King Arthur IS very funny, as he apparently thinks Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were actual figures … the noble deeds of Arthur and his knights were “historic.” Yes, he does say that.
Have you ever talked politics with a Scientologist? Or even many an ex? The large majority (not all of course, not me when I was in the CoS) get almost ALL their thoughts of who was moral in world history and who should be supported poliically strictly from LRH;s opinions. Thus, anyone who favors ANY type off income tax is bad (though they will at least “excuse” a flat taxer, because he doesn’t penalize upstats as much). And of course ANYONE who favors ANY type of public aid in health care is really on the borderline of evil (because of course, psychs will get some of this money). Anyone who promotes ANY federal education program is bad because they will undoubtedly fall under the influence of “the psychs.” Anyone who in ANY way can be connected to the Federal Reserve system is truly evil as they are under the influence of “the bankers”, you know, the twelve or thirteen men who run the entire world (RJ 67 I think) … well, Queen Liz may be one of the 13, so maybe they’re not all men. And there’s your basis for Scientology right wing politics which often borders on crazy conspiracy nutso theories. (oh, yeah, None Dare Call it Conspiracy was floating around the org in the 70s as much as the Doc Smith Lensmen books were. The Rockefellers … the biggest capitalists in the world AND the sponsors of world communism. All makes total sense … uhm … yeah … right.)
But … but … Johnny … Donald Trump AGAIN last week said he will ensure universal health care and in his last appearance on 60 Minutes (in Sept I believe) said that the government would pay for it. Oh, baby … don’t let COB find out about this because the CoS cannot in any way, shape or form support this. You could be in deep doo doo (well, you would be if you weren’t a whale, that is).
In my last years in I realized that most Scientologists hae strange political views (mostly on the right wing) also their Kids were in direction of fascists with their views about to give no right to downtone and downstat People. This was a Lasting Impression and helped to leave fast when I left.
Back when I was an active member of the Libertarian Party the basic view was that a second vertical dimension represented Freedom at the top and Tyranny at the bottom.
Fantastic hipster irony. Great job, Mr. Mappin.
Nails on a blackboard…..
It’s great that Mappin has bestowed such a lofty honour on Trump; I’m sure he’s thrilled! A fake award from a rubbish hotelier (who has been accused of using Polish Scilons as cut-rate workers). Then again, what do you expect from Scientology, a group which loves playing dress-up and pretending as though they’re a paramilitary force/Navy.
It’s laughable.
Mappin, the gift that keeps on giving. He’s such a twat (UK version of the word).
Ok staying away from politics which isn’t hard because he gives us soooooo much to pick apart.
He starts out with typical scientology spelling in his first post by calling it a Super Bowl ADD?
Could he talk any sloooooooooooooloower? I had a hard time making it to the part where he was talking about Camelot and its place in history (WTF) even though he had only said about 75 words by then because well gees man get to the point.
And his wife, dressed in clothing a couple of sizes too small for her gazing adoringly at his ruddy little face while he babbles on. She’s buying it all hook line and sinker.
I have a friend whose 7th grade son could upgrade their production values by 47X 😉 but he’d probably fall asleep behind the camera.
Hi Valerie, Your post is so good,I loved it! xo Ann.
This guy sounds completely out of touch with reality.
alcoboy, I disagree. I don’t think he’s out of touch of reality at all! In fact, I think he’s well grounded. Why just the other day when I was playing with my Unicorn, she told me she admires Mr. Mappin. Not sure where you’re coming from…..
Well if he knows personally how King Arthur feels then who am I to call this guy crazy. Can’t stop laughing from the video. Are we sure this is real?
I thought only the queen could knight someone
I fear that’s only true for her./ Such assholes as LRH were naming people popes, miniisters, etc.
Which kind of queen are you talking about? Drag or Monarch?
Had I not seen this in Mike’s blog, I would have thought it was a parody. These people do operate in their own bubble. On their own planet. In a galaxy far, far away. On a side note, this just confirms my belief that all of the wrong people have the money these days. What an absolute twit, as Mike says.
And the Fairy Tales continue, founded in fiction, continues in fantasy land.
They should really create a Theme Park using their theology. All the rides would be good, but, “OT3: The Ride!, would be the best of them! Imagine them spraying people in line with water before being thrown into the ‘volcano.’ And then fast forwarding to when Body Thetans started showing up! Parents would tell their kids about the space cooties that are attached to them. And watch as the kids, in a complete stupor now, start running around screaming out their BTs! It’s been said some kids never rode the ride again….
Oh good grief, I can see it now! The “Tunnel of 2D” ride, “BT Bumper Cars” where Cole Trickle bangs you with KSW, “The Hall of COB” (binoculars included), where a scary midget Orates on 47x, straight up vertical expansion, “The Country BT Jamboree” complete with BT’s rocking on the front porch of infinity and of course “The Org of Horrors” where a Reg is waiting around every corner! Bring your kids, bring your friends, bring your wallet!
Outstanding post! You finished it off nicely! Now that’s a theme park!
I forgot your favorite OSD… The Tidal Wave of Disconnection 😉
Say, isn’t it against the law in England to be passing out knighthoods when you aren’t the Queen?
Sejanus, I think it would be viewed similarly to an American posing a video on facebook awarding his brother in law, Herb, the Congressional Medal of Honor. I don’t think the authorities in the UK are concerned with Saturday Night Live knighthoods (though I guess if enough common folk found out about it and actually thought that Donald Trump WAS in fact knighted, the government might issue a press release about it.)
The Queen hands out knighthoods in the Order of the Garter, the Order of the British Empire, etc. I don’t think anyone cares about “knighthoods” in the Order of John Twit Mappin. There might be some dusty old laws against it.
Still, can Americans accept foreign knighthoods? Conrad Black had to renounce his Canadian citizenship to accept (buy) an English lordship.
Yes, Americans can be knighted. It is honorary and cannot use the naming convention of Sir/Dame.
Bill Gates was knighted some time back.
If that remake of Fawlty Towers was allowed, I’d cry myself to sleep. The horror. I couldn’t get through this 13 minute video.
Off to watch video a much better video: an interview/discussion between the 2 new additions to the beard of the month club.
At the 3:45 mark, I threw up. But, I just didn’t throw up. It was projectile vomiting. My garage is a mess now…
A Lordship is not an honorific title. The House of Lords is the upper house of Parliament, unlike the house of commons, its members are either appointed for life by the Queen upon suggestion of the Prime Minister or have a seat in the house by inheritance. Some of them are female like Baroness Manningham-Buller who was the head of the MI 5 (British Intelligence).
Mappin did make a fool of himself indeed. The amazing thing about these fools is that they don’t realise they sound like a real parody. How can anybody take them seriously. By the way he could have dropped by Mark’s and Spencer and found a suit for 70 quid in the last sales or go to Cordings in Picadilly (Owned by Eric Clapton). There is also a very nice creative shop in Portobello road (Stumper&Fielding) with a perfect array of traditional attires and a modern twist. I include here for the fun of it a link to a sequence of Holy Grail by Monty Python. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8yjNbcKkNY Where King Arthur and his knights encounter unsuspected resistance in a French Castle.