This is one of the most damning documents in the history of scientology. It summarizes the incriminating files seized in the FBI raid conducted in 1977.
The raids in Washington DC and Los Angeles garnered thousands of documents which were combed through by DOJ lawyers as part of the prosecution of Mary Sue Hubbard and her top deputies in the Guardian’s Office. Ultimately they pled guilty in October 1979 — Mary Sue received a 5 year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine. L. Ron Hubbard was an unindicted co-conspirator — he had kept his name off GO documents, and those charged fell on their swords to protect him from prosecution. This close shave with the law put him in a permanent state of fear for the rest of his life.
Those who were prosecuted were acting on the orders of Hubbard, often through Mary Sue, but nevertheless, their activities were pursuant to the Hubbard policies and directives on how to deal with “enemies” of scientology. Those same policies and directives remain in place to this day. The use of the term “Fair Game” may have been canceled, but as Hubbard himself said in the cancellation: “this P/L (Policy Letter) does not cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP.”
The memo makes clear that the defendants attempted to offer up the same excuses scientology uses to this day: “church policy says don’t do anything illegal” (so of course we didn’t do anything illegal and “the church” is blameless), “we were exercising our religious freedom rights not to be persecuted” and thoroughly dismantles them.
Scathing is perhaps an understatement for what is contained in this document.
All law enforcement agencies and litigants interacting with scientology must read this document and understand that it is NOT merely historical.
These are excerpts taken from the 70 page memo filed by the DOJ lawyers (a link to the full copy is at the end of this post):
Criminal Case No, 78-401
… brazen, systematic and persistent burglaries of United States Government offices in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, California, over an extended period of at least some two years.
… the pervasive conduct of the defendants in this case in thwarting a federal Grand Jury investigation by harboring a fugitive, in effect forcefully kidnapping a witness who had decided to surrender to the federal authorities, submitting false evidence to the Grand Jury, destroying other evidence which might have been of valuable aid to its investigation, preparing a cover-up story, and encouraging and drilling a crucial witness to give false testimony under oath to that Grand Jury.
The indictment and the evidence set out massive conspiracies to burglarize Government offices, steal Government property, intercept private Governmental communications, obstruct the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Grand Jury investigation into those burglaries, thefts, and “buggings”, harbor and conceal a fugitive, and make false declarations to the federal Grand Jury,
… these documents and the witnesses’ testimony establishes beyond question that the defendants and their unindicted co-conspirators, as well as their organizations, considered themselves above the law. They believed that they had carte blanche to violate the rights of others, frame critics in order to destroy them, burglarize private and public offices and steal documents outlining the strategy of individuals and organizations that the Church had sued. These suits were filed by the Church for the sole purpose of financially bankrupting its critics and in order to create an atmosphere of fear so that critics would shy away from exercising the First Amendment rights secured them by the Constitution.
The defendants and their cohorts launched vicious smear campaigns, spreading falsehoods against those they perceived to be enemies of Scientology in order to discredit them and, in some instances, cause them to lose their employment.
The brazen and persistent burglaries, thefts and buggings directed against the United States Government were but one minor aspect of the defendants wanton assault upon the laws of this country. The well-orchestrated campaign to thwart the federal Grand Jury Investigation by destroying evidence, giving false fingerprints in response to a Grand Jury subpoena, harboring a fugitive, kidnapping a witness, preparing an elaborate cover-up story, and assisting in the giving of false statements to the Grand Jury shows the contempt which these defendants had for the judicial system of this country. Their total disregard for the laws is further made clear by the criminal campaigns of vilification, burglaries and thefts which they carried out against private and public individuals and organizations and carefully documented in minute detail.
…these defendants were willing to frame their critics to the point of giving false testimony under oath against them, and having them arrested and indicted speaks legion for their disdain for the rule of law. Indeed, they arrogantly placed themselves above the law meting out their personal brand of punishment to those “guilty” of opposing their selfish alms.
The crimes committed by these defendants is of a breadth and scope previously unheard of. No building, office, desk, or file was safe from their snooping and prying.’ No individual or organization was free from their despicable conspiratorial minds. The tools of their trade were miniature transmitters, lock picks, secret codes, ‘ forged credentials, and any other device they found necessary to carry out their conspiratorial schemes .
L. Ron Hubbard wrote in his dictionary entitled “Modern Management Technology Defined” that “truth is what is true for you.” Thus, with the founder’s blessings they could wantonly commit perjury as long as it was in the Interest of Scientology. The defendants rewarded criminal activities that ended in success and sternly rebuked those that failed. The standards of human conduct embodied in such practices represent no less than the absolute perversion of any known ethical value system. In view of this, it defies the imagination that these defendants have the unmitigated audacity to seek to defend their actions in the name of “religion,” That these defendants now attempt to hide behind the sacred principles of freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the right to privacy — which principles they repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to violate with impunity — adds insult to the injuries which they have inflicted on every element of society.
They detail some specific activities against other organizations than the US Government:
American Medical Association
In the early 1970 ‘s, unindicted co-conspirator L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, issued an order concerning the “Great Health Monopoly” , which accused the AMA of monopolizing health care to the exclusion of groups such as Scientology. In this order, Hubbard called for the breakup of the AMA.
In accordance with the founder’s policy, the AMA’s Chicago headquarters were first infiltrated in 1972 by Kathy Gregg under the supervision of defendant Gregory Willardson. Documents stolen during this period were utilized in the publication of a book written by unindicted co-conspirator Joe Lisa using a pseudonym. The book, entitled “In the Public Interest,” was covertly published and distributed by the Information Bureau of the Guardian’s Office in order to discredit the AMA.
In early 197*, unindicted co-conspirator Bruce Raymond, then the Information Bureau’s Operations Officer, came to the District of Columbia to order Michael Meisner, then the Assistant Guardian for Information in the District of Columbia, to recruit and place an agent in the AMA’s District of Columbia office. Defendant Hermann, who was in charge of covert operations In the District of Columbia, recruited June Byrne and assisted her in Infiltrating the local AMA office under the false name of Lisa Giannotti. (See document no. 12687 which was addressed to defendant Snider and initialed by defendants Heldt, Willardson and Snider).
Another covert operative was placed in the Chicago headquarters of the AMA in order to obtain all documents on the CCHI. That agent. Sherry Hermann, a/k/a Sherry Canavaro and Sandy Cooper
Footnote 10 / See document no. 1008l, Exhibit No. 2 . which contains much correspondence among defendants Heldt, Weigand and Raymond concerning the use of Ms. Byrne as a covert operative at the Clearwater Sun newspaper, following her detection by AMA investigators in 1975. At page nineteen, defendant Raymond stated that June Byrne had been blown as a Scientology agent at the Clearwater Sun . She added “that there is a chain of events leading up to the base blown agents which starts in late 1974 when June (The CWSUN FSM) was placed in the AMA D.C.” Defendant Raymond discussed the placement of Jodie Gurapert as a second covert agent at the AMA in the District of Columbia, her detection by the AMA, and her subsequent infiltration of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. The entire report is written by defendant Raymond and addressed to defendant Weigand and was prepared at the request of defendant Heldt and his superiors.
In the Spring of 1975, Mr, Meisner received an order approved by defendant Weigand to covertly leak to the press the numerous AMA documents which had been obtained in the District of Columbia and Chicago. That action was intended to provoke investigations of the AMA’s tax exempt status by Congressional Committees, the IRS, and the Federal Trade Commission. (Document no. 2373, a compliance report from defendant Weigand to defendant Heldt, and document no. 15526, a letter from defendant Willardson.) Pursuant to these directives, Mr. Meisner was to anonymously contact reporters and send them copies of these stolen documents. Newspapers subsequently referred to that anonymous source as “Sore Throat.” The reference to “ST” by defendant Willardson on document no. 15526 (at pages 2, 17 and 18) establishes that “Sore Throat” was indeed a member of the Guardian’s Office.
The memorandum goes on to list other organizations, including Better Business Bureaus, Mental Health Organizations, Law Firms and individuals. The most egregious was the campaign against Paulette Cooper which is laid out in some detail:
Paulette Cooper
In 1976 the highest ranking Scientologists in the United States, including at least six of the defendants designed a series of plans which had as their goal the imprisonment* or commitment to a mental institution of one of their critics, an author and journalist named Paulette Cooper. Paulette Cooper is the author of The Scandal of Scientology , a work highly critical of Scientology.
In the Spring of 1976 six separate schemes were devised with the express purpose “To get P.C. (Paulette Cooper) incarcerated in a mental institution or Jail, or at least to hit her so hard that she drops her attacks.”
The six separate schemes were jointly entitled ”Operation Freakout.” In its Initial form Operation Freakout had three different plans.
The first required a woman to imitate Paulette Cooper’s voice and make telephone threats to Arab Consulates in New York. (Documents nos. 11422 at 3, H973 at 2-3.)
The second scheme involved mailing a threatening letter to an Arab Consulate in such a fashion that it would appear to have been done by Paulette Cooper. (Documents nos. 11422 at 3-4, 11973 at 3-4.)
Finally, a Scientology field staff member was to impersonate Paulette Cooper at a laundry and threaten the President and the then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. (Documents nos. 11422 at 5, 11973 at 5, 11972.) A second Scientologist would thereafter advise the FBI of the threat. (Documents nos. 11422 at 5, 11973 at 5.)
Two additional plans to Operation Freakout were added on April 13, 1976. Unindicted co-conspirator Bruce Raymond, the National Operations Officer, sent the two plans to defendants Willardson and Cindy Raymond. (Documents nos. 11422 at 9-10, 11423, Exhibit No. ^.)
The fourth plan called for Scientology field staff members who had ingratiated themselves with Cooper to gather information from Cooper so Scientology could assess the success of the first three plans . (Documents nos, 11422 at 6, 11973 et 6.)
The fifth plan was for a Scientologist to warn an Arab Consulate by telephone that Paulette Cooper had been talking about bombing them. (Documents nos. 11422 at 6, 11973 at 6.)
The Sixth and final part of Operation Freakout was sent to defendants Weigand, Willardson and Raymond on April 13 1976 by Bruce Raymond, a/k/a Randy Windment. (Document no. 11423.) In this plan Scientologists were to obtain Paulette Cooper’s fingerprints on a blank piece of paper, type a threatening letter to Kissinger on that paper, and mail it.
Footnote 19 / The sixth plan bears a distinct resemblance to a scheme of Scientologists in 1972 and 1973 against Paulette Cooper. In 1972 Scientologists obtained Paulette Cooper’s fingerprints on a blank piece of paper, typed two bomb threat letters on that and’ another piece of paper, sent the threats to Scientology offices in New York, and then advised the FBI that they had received the threats and that they may have come from Cooper. Paulette Cooper was indicted in the Southern District of New York in 1973 for making these threats. An order Nolle Prosequi was filed on that indictment in 1975. As Bruce Raymond/Randy Windment noted in his April 13, 1976 “CSW” to defendant Weigand, which Weigand approved, the sixth plan of Operation Freakout was likely to prove effective since the same kind of scheme against Cooper had worked in the past.
Footnote 21/ In another vicious campaign to smear the reputation of Ms. Cooper, the defendants spread vile rumors that were totally false about her sex life, (Document no. 12837 adressed to defendant Weigand and initialed by defendant Willardson; see also document no, 12887 at 1-2.)
Another victim of note was the former Mayor of Clearwater, Gabe Cazares.
Gabriel Cazares
When Scientology first decided to set up a base in Clearwater, Florida, in late 1975, it did so using the cover name of “United Churches of Florida” (UCF) with no outward connection to Scientology. Gabriel Cazares, who was Clearwater’s Mayor, campaigned for the disclosure of the true purposes of the UCF, When UCF’s connections to Scientology were uncovered. Mayor Cazares became highly critical of Scientology. Because of his criticism. Mayor Cazares was targeted by the Information Bureau of Guardian’s Office and covert operations designed to remove him from office were ordered.
To that end, in early March 1976, defendant Hermann notified defendant Snider that Mayor Cazares was about to attend a Mayor’s Conference in Washington, D.C,, on March 13-17, and that Assistant Guardian for Information in Clearwater Joe Lisa was formulating a covert operation that Mayor
Cazares had a mistress. (Document no. 19649; Exhibit No . 12. ) Shortly, thereafter, defendant Hermann ordered Mr. Meisner to carry out an operation on Mayor Cazares during his Washington trip — that operation was to involve a fake hit- and-run accident. Defendant Sharon Thomas was to be the main participant in that operation. She was to meet Mayor Cazares, drive him around town, and at a predetermined location stage a hit-and-run accident with Mr. Meisner as the “victim.”
On March 14, 1976, District of Columbia Collections Officer Joseph Alesi, posing as a reporter interviewed Mayor Cazares. During that interview, he met defendant Sharon Thomas. Thomas then offered to show Mayor Cazares the town. During that drive, defendant Thomas, who was driving, staged her fake hit-and-run accident in Rock Creek Park, hitting Michael Meisner. She drove on without reporting the accident to the police. Of course, defendant Thomas knew that no harm had been caused to the “victim.” (Document no. 23000; Exhibit No. JU.) In a letter dated March 15, 1976, to CSC Assistant for Information Jimmy Mulligan and fugitive defendant Morris (Mo) Budlong, defendant Weigand discussed how Scientology could use that “fake” accident against Mayor Cazares and concluded that “I should think that the Mayor’s political days are at an end.” (I^. at 2.)
In March 1976, defendant Willardson approved another “operation” directing that false marriage documents be planted to show that Mayor Cazares had been secretly married in Tijuana, Mexico, in 1938-1940 and that he was, therefore, a bigamist. The operation was approved by defendant Weigandon March 30, 1976. (Documents nos. 11376 and 11377.)
In the Summer of 1976, fake letters from “Sharon T” were mailed by Scientology to citizens in the Clearwater area stating that Mayor Cazares had been involved in a hit-and-run accident.
Also during that time “Project Taco-Less” was issued, calling for the release of “further data about the Mayor” to “ruin his political career and remove/restrain him as an opponent to Scn [Scientology].” (Documents nos. 1504-1505.) On November 3» 1976, unindicted co-conspirator Joe Lisa informed defendant Snider that Mayor Cazares had been defeated in the Congressional race as a result of the implementation of Guardian Program Order 398 and the other Scientology actions which included
There is a great deal more information contained in the complete document here: USA V MSH SENTENCING MEMO
Scientology continues to operate on the policies and directives of L. Ron Hubbard to this day.
A new raid by the FBI would uncover the current plans, programs and nefarious actions they are engaged in which would bear a striking resemblance to those the DOJ wrote about here. Considering themselves above the law. Planting spies and infiltration. Framing people. Lying. Hiding witnesses.
I have recorded a YouTube video referencing this blog post that is now on my YouTube channel.
This information is as fascinating as it is alarming.
It explains most of the reason why I felt (when I was talking to many Scientologists I met along my journey), that they were “not really there” and why I had such a hard time “finding my place” in the group.
A person cannot get better with a group of people who are daily committing heinous crimes. Especially in New York at the org that was there since the campaign against Paulette Cooper came right out of that church which I was public of and later staff at.
Looking back, I am amazed I was that blind, but relieved to know now, that such a period in my life is over, for good.
I was still fresh on the comm course when the FBI raids happened in July 1977, and I was invited to go to a ‘rally’ in L.A. by the comm course supervisor. I didn’t know a thing about what occurred, and was told not to look at any of the regular press about it because it was all lies. We went to someplace, I don’t remember where, could have been the Shrine? But I was amazed at all the emotion that the 100’s of people in that room generated. Heber Jentzsch spoke to everyone about the how FooBee (FBI) had conducted a ‘police-state’ type raid as retaliation for $cientology’s efforts to expose the governments involvement in international drug crimes. Would you or anyone reading this know where this rally took place? I haven’t been able to find out. What a start into $cientology eh? I was so naïve. ‘SMH’.
Good God! Hubbard was truly an outstandingly evil, master criminal. In his own league of genius like lies with his delusions of OT grandeur. The game he got his jollies off on were truly wicked. It takes your breath away… Even the Mafia wouldn’t go where he went. An astonishingly stupid man as well to consider he thought he could get away with it. Throwing his own wife and many others under the bus to keep himself away from prosecution… I feel ill just thinking I once admired that asshole!
More astounding, is that insanity is very much alive and continues operating on his explicit blueprint instructions. He exploited the religious angle of the US Constitution to an extreme degree – scary!
Best example of evil masquerading as good as I’ve ever tried to wrap my thinking gear around. Miscavige knew all this, is a hard thought to grasp too, just what sort of evil lives in Scientology?
Come on DOJ & FBI, do your duty!
Is it worth it to try and get the entire case file for this? I’d have to go through the National Archives. I’m sure there’s transcripts, affidavits, etc. Probably every document seized that was put into evidence.
As Fred wrote, this critical information needs to be refreshed from time to time so it doesn’t get forgotten by anyone.
The “shave” he had with the law was not close enough.
Re: “All law enforcement agencies and litigants interacting with scientology must read this document and understand that it is NOT merely historical.”
Anyone who engages with scientology, whether that be as a vendor or as a person walking through the front door of a scientology organization (or one of their “front groups”) for the very first time, should read this document. To do otherwise would be to risk everything that that person holds dear.
Thank you, Mike.
Fred G. Haseney
A scientologist for 37 years (from 1977 to 2014)
Can this document be presented to judges before they make a decision on whether or not those harmed by the CoS must have their cases handled by religious “arbitration” or not? It is absolutely insane for the justice system to require this.
No sane individual seeking justice in a case involving the CoS would be OK with the CoS being in charge of the arbitration process after reading that document.
I am a very strong proponent of the First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, including religious freedom. But no one has the freedom (religious or otherwise) to act in a criminal fashion against another human being and then be exempt from the justice system.
Too right mate
Mike, what you say in this YouTube video is absolutely on the money and in the pocket. I’ve spread it to my FaceBook page. However, I have a copy of the sentencing memo which is, I recall, over 278 pages in length. And thank you for all you do, now. The SP Network YouTube videos by you, Aaron, Marc, and Claire are fantastic and must viewing. Please keep up the great work. Is there a regular time for your Saturday afternoon chats?
Hi Graham — thank you, so nice to hear from you here.
Yes, I am planning to try to do Saturday or Sunday afternoon chats — it somewhat depends on Jack’s soccer schedule. Won’t be able to do one this week or next as we are going on a cruise for Spring Break. But I do want to make it a regular feature. And we are doing Monday evening chat with Aaron and Marc — that is on for tonight at 7pm EST.
When last at Flag as public a friend talked with a number of foreign staff there. When they were questioned about the process they used to come to America each and every one said they were instructed to apply for tourist visas and lie their asses off to officers in the process. They said they were going to America for visits; not for jobs or to reside permanently. But the truth was completely the opposite. They were all there as sea org members working in the org and always intended to stay forever. So, yes. Fraud and misrepresentation is what the cult thrives on. It always has and that’ll never change.
One of the problems that occurs at Flag due to having staff without proper visas is they can not legally pay them. When I worked at Flag each division took up a collection (on pay day) from their staff that were paid and the money would be divided up to the illegal staff. The maids also collected up bathroom products that the hotel public left and it was made available to the illegal staff. The more Scientology screwed with the visa process the harder it was to get visas for foreign Scientologists. Scientology creates it own problems and enemies and NEVER LEARNS.
Matt, you and I have never met, but I saw you on TV and instantly recognized you.
I used to sit across the street from the Fort Harrison (1986-1989) on a bench in front of the Gray Moss Inn and read sometimes. I would take a break from reading to look up now and then. When I did, I saw you dozens of times walking to or from the Fort Harrison, in a white uniform.
I always wondered who you were, if you were OT, what your job was, would I ever meet you, but here you are. And the stories you have to tell about the Church of Scientology are more or less what I expect to find out about them these days.
If you remember (maybe) when I arrived to Flag in June of 1986, when there was a renovations project at the Fort Harrison going on? 6 Week contracts were available with room and board, and an allowance for public people. At the end of the 6 weeks a bonus of $3,200.00 was credited to any public person’s Flag account that had successfully completed a 6 week contract and helped to renovate the Fort Harrison.
I got involved in a conversation with a Greek woman at Flag who was brought to Flag from Scientology in Canada. She was a recruiter for the project. She told me herself, she has no passport, because OSA has it to try to get her a green card. I did not understand why OSA needed her passport to do so. The only person who can apply for her green card is her.
I was taken aback by her and thought to myself “Excuse me, lady? But this 6 week’s project is just not for me!”
Hi. That recruiter was probably a girl named Analisa, or something similar. In 1988 I was the Captain Flag Crew. In 1990 I was was running the renovations and construction when we were completing the new building at the Sandcastle. I wore the white uniform while holding both of those jobs. Glad you never got pulled in and you are still free to do what you want. I hope you are doing well these days.
Those were the days and my life is going well.
Thank you for blowing the whistle on the church’s visa fraud, Glenn.
Thank you my friend. Just wish our government would “grow a pair” and truly do something about it.
But seeing all the illegals storming our border and being allowed entry our government has shown how useless/worthless it truly is.
No truer words were ever spoken. Dennis Prager did a story
about a guy interviewing mostly west L.A types about
immigrants. Of course all the interviewees said that they should be allowed in because America is a melting pot country and it’s what we’re all about.
So then the interviewer asked them if they’d be willing to
host a family of immigrants in their homes while they get established.
Guess what the answers were: 1) Oh no, I just have a 2 bedroom
apartment. 2) The government should pay for them. 3) I wouldn’t be able to do that. (no reason given) All typical NIMBY hypocrisy. (Not in my backyard.)
Thanks Cindy.
Very interesting how the NIMBY stance was in place.
I think the interviewer should have instead asked only folks who had immigrated to America legally and become US citizens. I will bet each and every response would be “they need to do what I did because I respected this great country and would never do anything to harm or burden it. No, I came here to contribute and help make it even greater.
Oh, BTW; there is a provision in the Immigration and Nationality Act that forbids immigrants who are “likely to become a public charge”. This barrier says a lot about how only self sufficient, productive and honorable folks should be welcomed. Not what we seeing flooding across the border.
Of course $cientology will claim they don’t do that kind of stuff any more. The problem being, they don’t do it any less.
” $cientology will claim they don’t do that kind of stuff any more”.
They probably don’t do it AS much anymore. It’s less risky for them to hire others to take care of it for them.
Admiral Yamamoto said after the attack on Pearl Harbor that was afraid he’d awakened a sleeping giant. The oath of enlistment of the United States armed forces includes the promise to uphold and protect the United States Constitution. The doctrine of Scientology (as I recall it) denies the validity of the United States Constitution. Anything I else I would say on the subject would be very ugly.