Some words of advice about “girls” from Mr. Hubbard — the man who abandoned his first wife to bigamously marry his second only to then deny her existence and claim he was not the father of their daughter he kidnapped and took to Cuba, and finally to disown his third wife when she took the fall on his behalf to prevent him going to prison.
Yep, with that stellar record, he qualifies to offer some sage words.
And what is even more remarkable — the scientologists think this is worthy of sending around to everyone because it is so brilliant (every word uttered by Hubbard is genius in their minds).
Talk about throwback attitude. The condescension that drips from these words is sickening. This might have been acceptable in the 50’s, no way it is today. But to scientologists, these words are timeless and for eternity and must be regarded with reverence. And apparently they don’t know any better.
Just because I don’t want to leave it with this, here are some words from someone I find worthy of quoting:
If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love.
Maya Angelou
WITH YOUR BETRAYAL OF KATHY AND YOUR OWN CHILDREN – i WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND HOW LOW-LIFE THIS IS COMING FROM YOU! The thing Mike is, there are too many of us out here who remember you all too well.
Nothing quite like throwing stones at another from a Glass House
My “betrayal” consisted of what exactly?
Are you doing an amends project or trying to get qualified for some auditing?
Why did you leave the Sea Org?
Mike, so sorry I am just getting back to you on this – I just ran across it. As I understand it – you walked out of th SO with a wife and children left behind. That is the betrayal I am bringing up and was something you wrote sometime ago.
No, not doing an amends project, not working on my next auditing step. What I am and have been doing is something you pretended to do for years: KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING. I routed out of the S.O. for personal reasons I did not leave without authority or leaving anyone behind.
I would ask you the same question but you have written and talked about it for years so I have no need to ask.
Second poster:
(1) “As I understand it”
Bear in mind that all of the information you could possibly have to build an understanding from comes from a third party, a third party with a very strong bias and agenda.
(2) “What I am and have been doing is something you pretended to do for years: KSW”
Tied into the above, an unwavering absolute acceptance of KSW (and its premise that all Scn tech is perfect and infallible) is a built-in bias. You are not allowed to question. You are not allowed to understand it differently. To pretend to apply KSW absolutely, you wind up here trolling.
Original poster:
(3) “betrayal of kathy and your own children”
Who turned him leaving into a three-ring circus? Do you realize that the vast majority of ex-Scn would still be in touch with their fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, spouses, and other family, if that was an option. Try reading LRH’s own data policies and maybe someday you might realize Scientology is the ultimate third party.
(4) “there are too many of us out here who remember you all too well.”
There are many of “you” out here who, now free of the constant pressure to pretend KSW or face heavy ethics, realize Scn does not work, that LRH was a liar and manipulator extraordinaire.
There are many of “you” still in who remember all too well the horrific things that are said and done, but excuse it all away by accusing the victims saying they pulled it in or they’re a suppressive person and fair game for any viciousness.
More speak out regularly about what they remember.
I only hope that someday you, too, will be free — and hopefully far enough into the future that no more families are destroyed by Scientology.
“Yep, with that stellar record, he qualifies to offer some sage words.”
When would you find out that LRH wrote and thought this way?
What kind of psychotic episode was LRH having when he wrote that drivel ? , We are all individuals who all have differing likes and dislikes , nobody can categorise any woman’s way of thinking into one box or mindset , my wife is a completely different individual to any of her friends or or anyone else for that matter , that’s what makes us so diverse and why I love her to bits , god to think that all women are the same would this world such a boring place .
And as for LRH writing that drivel , what a hypocrite after what he did to his wife’s and children , he certainly is no role model .
And as for the the current divine loser Miscavige , where is Shelly ? , does anybody know her location or why she just dropped of the face of the earth ? .
How sad, but true to LRH form.
LRH thought he had the world by the *ss until he got sick in the late 70’s. He did used to record a letter to his wife every day though, which I typed for sending. An amount of love was sent, along with a whole lot of instruction on what attack the Guardian’s Office should take next. Following his selfish instructions, is of course, what took Mary Sue down.
Well… I guess LRH had the “love” coming that David M. bestowed on him when LRH was so ill.
I believe DM thought he was the man LRH may have dreamed of being… Totally ruthless, uncaring and absolutely criminal.
In reality, they both are/were criminal and cruel, but at least LRH knew he had to sell it with a bit of “love”…
Humanitarian Dr. Hubbard later refined his “solid mass” theory of presenting your affection to women when he wrote in his Affirmations: “You have no fear if they conceive. What if they do? You do not care. Pour it into them and let fate decide.”
Oh that is so gross.
Um…………….. o0
Sorry to sidetrack here, I was just reading on the Bunker about that wonderful human being Danny Masterton and what he’s facing
Will $camology and Demento try to dump him as fast as possible to avoid any crap that could be flung in their direction? Probable answer is a big yes. We must never forget that they portray themselves as pure as the driven snow.
The only affection LCon ever felt was towards keeping LCons ego inflated and LCons bank account continually topped up.
O.K. here is some more valentine advice from LRH (get ready to have an EW moment, or even throw up)…
From the words of the mighty LRH himself:
From “The Admissions” by L. Ron Hubbard:
“Testosterone blends easily with your own hormones. Your glands already make plenty of needed testosterone and by adding to that store you make yourself very thrilling and sexy. Testosterone increases your sexual interest and activity. It makes erections easier and harder and makes your own joy more intense. Stilbesterol in 5 mg doses makes you thrill more to music and color and makes you kinder. You have no fear of what any woman may think of your bed conduct. You know you are a master. You know they will be thrilled. You can come many times without weariness. The act does not reduce your vitality or brain power at all. You can come several times and still write. Intercourse does not hurt your chest or make you sore. Your arms are strong and do not ache in the act. Your own pleasure is not dependent on the woman’s. You are interested only in your own sexual pleasure. If she gets any that is all right but not vital. Many women are not capable of pleasure in sex and anything adverse they say or do has no effect whatever upon your pleasure. Their bodies thrill you. If they repel you, it merely means they themselves are too frigid or prudish to be bothered with. They are unimportant in bed except as they thrill you. Your sexual power is magnificent and they know it. If they are afraid of it, that is their loss. You are not affected by it.”
Wow. That is one horrible piece of writing. And so out PR for Hubbard. Throw away your admin scales kiddies, LRH broke it all down to the simplest datum. Girls are insecure and materialistic and stupid. What a colossal jackass.
You have a great way with words Doug… but maybe next time don’t hold so much back. LOL
Well !!!
I AM angry with you and your cult, LRH,
and I LOVE to get flowers, and candy IS nice occasionally,
BUT, sorry, LRH, out there on Target Two or wherever, sorry, as I’m afraid there’s only ONE WAY for you and your Dwarf to EVER get back into this my good graces:
I earned it! I deserve it!
1) Deadfiled since mid Feb of 2013. No cult mail since then (well maybe 2 or 3 stray pieces)
2) Not one of my former friends speak, text or email me – about a dozen people.
3) Told by org staff outright that no staff or public may communicate with me without permission of the DSA.
Now, OBVIOUSLY , I’m an SP, a Merchant Of Chaos, a 2 1/2 percenter! Evil!!! Dangerous to have around! A Stat-Crasher!!! People get sick and unhappy around me. Things don’t go well when I’m around!
So where is my CERT?
Cult, would you like to Be My Valentine?
Much love,
Aquamarine, today you inspire me. I’m sending you this rant:
Daaang I’m missing the ocean. Surfing the waves. I feel like a stagnant festering terd here. All the disease from the most horrendous (at earth level) and hilarious (at spirit level) activity to finally rid the world of Satan Xenu warrior octopus. With that done I can hardly stand living in this body- actually it’s hardly living, it’s existing. It’s crawling into my hole while I try to settle a human body that is prone to all manners of reaction. The dancing devils in my heart are finally swept aside and I no longer get certain tremors, which is certainly nice- for the feeling of love cannot exist in their presence. Oh here I go rambling again- as you call it. All I can say is that I’m going to die- sometimes I hope soon! Sometimes I hope not for a long time!! Because I can hardly wait to be borne without the imensitude of grief and agony and darkness and the need to ‘be special’. for the rule of ‘keep your enemies closer’ , is one that falls into the books of wartime. Jeez, I’m twitting my thumbs hoping for time to pass because I’ve been blocked from earthly pleasures – which are a great thing- for so long. And you don’t want me to list the bulging crap that has eaten and oozed out of this ‘satan container’. Geez, I wish I could blame god for my troubles, but It was I that laughingly did this too myself before I was born. Holy crap, I just want to connect, and I think some exhilarating surf sessions in Hawaii are absolutely necessary.
With all that rant having been said, today was feeling really great, returned to a clear, open heart, a return of the personal sense of who I am and how I feel, and somehow finally free to continue on the path of finding happiness, and actually being able to express it – different from all the times where it couldn’t be expressed because of….. This that and everything.
Jeez, that an army of auditors and religious folk, and the concerted efforts of sanity across the planet were necessary to shake this thing loose, to essentially offer it only a way out… On one hand I feel I should go make a very big fuss and really really be done with this chapter – that I don’t even want to live. Who cares if it’s biblically fortold that the anti- Christ will signal the end of times. Yea the end of festering bullshit times thank-you.
Smile while all the bullshit falls away.
On a positive note, aside from ideas of falling into a welcoming dark grave, I often get the idea that it’s not down that we will fall – it’s up!! If you were to be lifted, trust me that you deserve it.
Dis … Three words … Good Italian Food … Trust me on this.
You are indeed a wise man! But do not forget the Valpolicella and flowers.
Disposable, while I’m flattered to be told that I inspire you in some way, the truth is that I don’t understand at all what you’ve written or why, and therefore, from being your Muse, I must myself recuse. Assuming you’re not an OSA troll I you the best of luck with your future endeavors.
Ok. I’m sorry for your loss of friends.
Thank you, Disposable, I miss them sometimes. Then again, appearances to the contrary, they were never friends in the first place. Cult robots can’t have self determined relationships.
Happy Valentines day Aquamarine! !
Mine was apparently issued on 12 Feb 2013 but so far no official word. My wife divorced me, the kids disconnected, in-laws, nephews and so on …… ditto so I kind of got the general idea that I was ‘persona non gratis’.
Yo Julian,
If you really want one just make one up, that’s about all someone else would do (now they probably dont even do that, just add your name to some Classified SP Database) and yours would probably be more accurate anyway. Then copy “Broad Publication” ~ UPS to 50 Orgs. This way is more fun.
Sorry for your loss.
Congratulations! Five years an SP. Well done. Next, understand this: you committed ONE sin. In the Cult of Scientology, there is ONE sin and ONE SIN ONLY:
You closed the spigots. Turned off the juice.. You said, “No more money”.
The family that dumped you when you turned off the cult juice have bet on the wrong horse.
One day they’ll be needing your help. They’ll also be full of whining excuses about what you did and didn’t do, etc. and how you weren’t there when they lost their ice cream cone or whatever.
Don’t fall for this. Help them out of the fullness of your understanding and love if you so desire but let this bullshit go in one ear and out the other.
There’s one sole reason you got declared and the cult tried to bluff by playing the Sophie’s Choice Card. If you hadn’t stopped the money you’d still be married. Instead you called their bluff and pulled in your chips.. Case closed, you’re an SP.
Stopping the flow of money is the common denominator to all SP declares. Everything else is just blather and noise..
Yes, yes, what she said. Correct attitude 🙂
I’ve got a gold star I could send you, would that help?
Aqua, join the club. They stopped trying to recover me about a year ago.
You brightened up my day, and you’re posting here to help others leave. That’s a 4.0.
Thanks, Golden 🙂
Good old bubble blowers… if only they’d heard of #metoo… saying that maybe it’s good they keep trumpeting their 1948 guru’s verbiage in the age of Donald…?
Next up, in his treatise on child rearing, L. Ron Shithole Hubbard expounds on giving candy to a child to stop him from whining and reach the old soul Thetan in a nubile package.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
Rogers & Hammerstein created a Valentine for any day of the year with this song, from “South Pacific”
When the sky is a bright canary yellow
I forget ev’ry cloud I’ve ever seen
So they call me a cock-eyed optimist
Immature and incurably green.
I have heard people rant and rave and bellow
That we’re done and we might as well be dead,
But I’m only a cock-eyed optimist
And I can’t get it into my head.
I hear the human race
Is falling on its face
And hasn’t very far to go,
But ev’ry whippoorwill
Is selling me a bill
And telling me it just ain’t so!
I could say life was just a bowl of jello
And appear more intelligent and smart
But I’m stuck like a dope
With a thing called hope
And I can’t get it out of my heart.
Not… this…heart…
Wow, I can’t believe that a female Scientology official, nonetheless, finds this a fitting piece to send around on Valentine’s Day – much less that this comes from a group or organization (and an author) claiming to present progressive ideas that are cutting-edge and the solution to society’s ills even today.
Hubbard cribbed many if not most of his ideas from the occult, sci-fi and other circles he traveled in, as well as from currents in society (and especially in trendy California) such as the human potential movement, and by the time of this quote in 1958 there certainly would have been more progressive ideas about women he could have taken as influences – Simone de Beauvoir’s work The Second Sex had come out a decade earlier, and the second wave feminist movement was growing in the US and within a few years of exploding into popular culture. Plus, the ideas expressed here effectively contradict his theory of thetans as ultimately not having gender, in painting women as somehow fundamentally different.
Ultimately, it’s not surprising to see Hubbard behind the times in his thinking (for instance, he was railing against lobotomies at the point that reformers had already succeeded in reducing their excessive use), and presenting ideas and theories with underlying contradictions.
And to think that ao managed to gain command of an armed naval vessel with real ordinance. He even blew the crap out of whole bunch of sea life on an error. Thank goodness the US Navy saw the error of their ways and stripped him of the command of real men with real weapons. Then he lied about it all and stated he was a wounded veteran.
That’s about the sickest thing I’ve ever seen him utter about his fellow humans. In the same vein he was just as corrupt or worse than those that believe that people can & should be owned.
And he collected his VA disabililty pension until the day he died; even though he was worth close to half a billion dollars. What the hell, it was free money, courtesy of us taxpayers.
That really sux hey? So many real veterans do it tough, especially emotionally but also financially. I’m not so sure Hubbard was in anyway patriotic. In retrospect, he often said exactly what you needed to hear. He was very good at that, but his own code of right & wrong was a fucking joke!
Wow . . . What a way to “kill the mood” on Valentine’s Day – LOL !
LRH had no concept or understanding of “love” . . . He was a narcissistic psychopath and Miscavige perfected the “perversion”, thereafter !
Dave F.
What a sad, pathetic man. He really was delusional. By the way, chocolates would not work for me. Licorice on the other hand is an entirely different story. (hahaha). Happy Valentines Day to all. Again, Thank you Mr. Rinder for all your hard work and dedication in exposing this cult and nutcase.
“Would you like some candy, little girl” ?
Happy V.D. – LOL !
( all purely “sarcastic humor” on my part )
Happy Valentine’s Day !
Dave f.
As a never in I have no specific pre-standing bias against LRH but my god, he is one of the most mentally deranged and flat out stupid humans I have ever researched. If he was born today and tried to start his sham religion he would literally be nothing more than a YouTube wack job sensation. I can see him now on tosh.o being mocked in front of the entire nation with his exotic claims.
Tosh.O has already mocked scientology, and I am looking forward to more ridicule that will definitely be coming. Stick it to them Tosh.O!
Why is it that even LRH’s love advice reads like radio instructions?
… LRH WAS a radio.
He would adjust the antenna on his 1950’s Buck Rogers tinfoil helmet and then rattle off whatever incoming crap he imagined was being beamed to him.
And people believed him. Whoo boy, those idiots.
A Buck Rogers helmet? Thanks for the clarification! I always thought it was a Captain Video helmet!
Stay tuned for LRH’s dental advice.
Oh, I can’t wait! I’m pretty sure I’ve been brushing my teeth wrong since I was a kid.
Have you tried putting the brush in your mouth?
No shit? You really have to do that? Well I’ll be a monkeys uncle. Better take care of my last 3 teeth.
Oh, wow! Three teeth! That’s what Scientology did to you?
Yes. However, with my Super Powers I can grow new teeth.
Three!! Fuck man, that’s screaming affluence!
So that would make one tooth a danger condition and being toothless would put you in non existence .
Or butt wiping…..
Just let out a loud barking laugh.
Here is the Dental Tech from LRH…
From the teeth tech congress, St. Hill, November 1966
I greatly admire the tooth care techniques I have witnessed here in England, though I have since expanded on these concepts.
Apply wet newspaper to the teeth, wrung out well from a bucket of water. Rub front teeth in a circular pattern, and do not worry about the back teeth.
The guys and gals you are courting can only see your front teeth, you see, so any attempt to clean the molars just takes away from your time in working to clear the planet, and so forth.
Wow! Where did you get that? I thought that the Dwarfenfuhrer did away with anything out of Saint Hill!
To: WhatAreYourCrimes
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: stolen non GATIII data
Yes, I would like to know as well! No one uses any data that fatso came up with at Saint Hill without my permission! With Tubbo gone back to Target Zero, I am supplanting his tech with my more super duper version which is far more superior because I am far more superior!
To paraphrase a line from the movie ‘1941’, “My name is David Miscavige, and don’t you forget it!”.
Just give her little something, huh? Well my mother was a pretty young thing in the 40’s and 50’s – the same era Hubbard was torturing his first wives. And HER beau gave her a diamond ring to apologize for an argument, and she threw it in the sea! I guess he just didn’t know women like my mom.
Ron your words may reassure the warped affection of die-hard Scientologists, but reading them now, they drip with hatred and poison. I was so blinded by the love missile Sea Org Bomb that the quotes, words and PLs by Ron I took on as my own. Looking back I gave my entire existence to him & the Sea Org. In a strange twist if the GO Intel had not snared me I might still be in, an old broken lady scrubbing the sidewalks in front of Big Blue. Shudder! Happy ❤️Day Mike & Christie. I send you love and know you are enjoying your new house.
Hubbtard should have written Greeting Cards. His missives are on par with Chinese fortune cookies. Just not as grammatically correct.
I think he tried that at one time but people just laughed at the greeting cards he wrote.
I will take the glorious Maya Angelou over Ron “Words of a Windbag” Hubbard every day of the week.
Happy Valentine’s day Mike and everyone 🙂
What a horrid and nasty man there was underneath the smarm and charisma.
My thoughts exactly; a thorougly evil human being
So listen up all you men out there. When your woman gets angry just know that it’s her “case”. Never mind that you cheated or donated that $100K to the IAS of monies you don’t have, just buy her a box of chocolates or better yet, a brand new dress. Grab her by the hair, drag her into the bedroom and show her some good old reassurance.
Later on, later on later on.
Can’t even edit the stuttering yap. Ugh. Wait no, I must have an MU. This means realy realy later….
Ah yes, feel so much better now… Off the the examiner…
Is my needle floating?
Yes, now go see Qual then write up a success story.
Holy St Valentine of a popsicle stick! Why would a Scientologist intentionally publicize that sick, twisted, cuckoo for cocoa puffs drivel as a supposedly romantic thought for Valentine’s Day or any other occasion? Do they actually read this shit, or do they just pluck it off the shelf of bon mots from Source and throw it out there? Anyway, sometimes a good laugh to catch a whiff of some of this crap. Thanks, Mike for being a conduit.
How could anyone read this and not stand up and scream? I found this out very very young, don’t call women girls and don’t give a “solid mass” to shut someone up. And the disrespect trickles down.
… a sane world….
…and to try and create a new Generation of this? Unspeakable.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if LRH comes back in his next life as a …………woman who receives a box of chocolates or a new dress to appease her!!
What a mindless asshole….as in him possibly saying …”NO, no no… I don’t know these women who claim they were my wife #1, #2, or #3….in THEIR minds they were married to me….BUT “I did NOT have sex with those women”……………huh???
??Huh? “in THEIR minds they were married to me….BUT “I did NOT have sex with those women””
Yeah? And waddabout them kids they bore you?
Oh, Yeah, the kids really did bore you. (when they weren’t failing to uphold your mostly unstated, arbitrary and capricious standards.)
Sounds to me like LRH believed “girls” are an entirely different species than “men” or “women”. That might explain why he tried to have children and adults treated in the same way. I know that makes no sense. But since when did that ever stop him?
Skyler, not to cavil and not as a defense of LRH, but although we’re not a different species women and girls are still rather different from men and boys, correct?
Hello Aqua…,
You are entirely correct of course. I’m afraid I read the following excerpt from LRH’s statement above and I got angry and went off half-cocked. He said, “they merely wanted reassurance of your affection”.
I became so angry at this because I know this is true for most everyone and not just women and girls. I am a man and I know this is very true for me. I want that kind of reassurance most every day – maybe even several times each day.
So, I apologize for reacting so strongly. I just hope you will understand why I objected to that statement so strongly. I must admit I over-reacted. I find it very easy to get angry when it comes to most anything CO$ does. I thank you for setting me straight.
Gosh, Skyler, no apology necessary! I didn’t take offense at what you said – none at all. We were just discussing something.
That said, its interesting to hear from the viewpoint of a man who desires reassurance of affection, that in your opinion many men need this reassurance too. That its not just we women who…interesting. Well, I’ll say this, you men are a LOT better at covering this need for reassurance thing up than we women are 🙂
Also, do get it about why you objected to that statement so strongly. We can all over-react sometimes, especially when Our Favorite Cult is involved 🙂
Hello Aqua, I wasn’t sure whether or not you were offended. I apologized because it seems to me we are all in the same fight here and we are all on the same side as well. Until the day comes when this criminal cult finally collapses and the Tiny Fuhrer is sentenced to Life in Prison, it seems to me we all need to stick together.
When that day arrives, won’t it be wonderful to get some snaps from the pen where the Tiny Fuhrer will be spending all his days and nights in the service of some gigantic inmate who enjoys reaming him out until he actually becomes the asshole that we all know him to be? If I was younger, I think I’d start a cheerleading squad to cheer on Leah and Mike and when that day comes, we can all join hands and sing some spirituals like, “Oh Happy Days”, “Amazing Grace”, “No One Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen” and “We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder”. Oh! What a glorious day that will be!
In the meantime, I’ve been watching some of Leah’s appearances and Youtube clips and found one terrific site where she says, “Taking down Church of Scientology is ‘my passion”. Well now! “Oh Happy Days”, indeed! When that glorious day finally arrives, perhaps we can all go out to some Karaoke bar and have a contest to see who can do the best job singing some of the above spirituals.
I found a site today where Leah was quoted saying, “Taking down Church of Scientology is ‘my passion”. That got me to thinking … Here is a link to that site –
OK. To continue …
First, I want to thank you for teaching me a new word – “cavil”. I really enjoy learning new words and had never before seen that one. I thought maybe you meant to type “cavalier” and made a typo. So, I looked it up and what a nice word it turned out to be!
Second, I have been reading some of your posts in past blogs and I’ve been marveling at how erudite your writing is. I would guess you are perhaps a college professor. But I better stop now before I engage in some sloppy ass kissing that will embarrass everyone here.
Understood on all, Skyler. I’m glad to be in communication with you, and you’re right, on this blog, no matter our differences in other ways, we’re all together in the purpose of stopping the abuses of the cult, which I suppose, given that the abuses are SCRIPTURE means that our common purpose must be the dissolution of the cult.
Thanks also for your compliments – frankly, you are too kind. I’m not a college professor. I didn’t go to college. I’m just a high school graduate. I could have gone but, long and boring story, I was upset about something and blew off college. I always liked words, writing, reading. looking back I’m pretty sure if had attended college and graduated I’d have been an English or English lit teacher,- professor, maybe ? making no money and yet quite content. So its funny that you said that 🙂
Just to clarify, my problem with LRH’s statement is that it seems to me that all humans need that kind of reassurance – not just females. And by making that statement, I believe it shows that he considers himself to be above all other humans. That is the source of my anger. Even before we had to suffer the Tiny Fuhrer, IMO, LRH demonstrated that – if anything – he is not above all others. He devised the plan to gouge millions of dollars from people by selling his over-priced books and courses and he is the one who came up with the E-meter which is just one third of a lie detector and he demanded people to pay outrageous amounts of money for auditing sessions and … I better stop now before I blow a fuse.
In any event, KKat said it much better and much more succinctly in the post below. “LRH figured out how to manipulate good folks”.
Yes, Skyler, LRH did appear to consider himself above needing reassurance about anything!
Except in his Affirmations; that’s where it can be seen that his need for reassurance in just about every way was so great that he had to write all this stuff out to reassure himself! I think if you read them it will serve to topple any of the myths about himself subsequently created.
LRH figured out how to manipulate good folks . . . Hmmmm.
Hey Ladies. I have some MEST that is covalently bonded at the molecular level. It forms a bond that is hard to break, like our 2D connection, diamond hard.
I agree. Some MEST needs to become covalently hard for a good 2D connection.
No wonder so many $cn marriages fail – what a role model.
I’m glad, that in my world, I can’t fix my mistakes with a box of chocolates or a new dress. Heck, my wife can buy a dress whenever she wants – she doesn’t need me to do it for her. Nope, I fix my mistakes, of which there have been many, with actual contrition and action plans to get better. Following through on those plans is really what does
it. Marriage isn’t always easy, but I wouldn’t trade my wife or life for anything.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all those that are in love , have been in love, or are still looking for love to come knocking.
Thanks, JVB! Right back at you with every lovely thing you’ve just said!
Off topic .Marildi wrote on Marty’s blog that Marty is like the Zen master who uses a stick to wake up those who are asleep. . I’m sorry I just vomited all over myself. What a crock of shit .. These poor people . Why can’t they wake up. I feel so sorry for them.
Mind Control is one of the most powerful forces in this world. I would guess that very few people really understand just how powerful it is. I sure don’t pretend to understand it myself. But there is a terrific article that explains much about how and why it works and answers your questions, “Why can’t they wake up?”
Unfortunately, I can’t remember where I found it. I was certain it was somewhere on Mike’s blog or on the Clambake web site ( I am very embarrassed that I don’t remember where it was. But it was a real eye opener. If you’re interested, I hope you can find it.
OK. I found it. Here is the link –
Note to Mike: Pls feel free to combine my last two posts and delete the extraneous info if you like.
I have it on very good authority* that the New Release this March 13th is the latest instalment of the LRH biography – Ron: Husband and Father!!!!!!!
*Just a random thought that came to me
Happy Valentines Day and I hope this is true.. heard on the street:… .due to disconnection from family, Tom Cruise is leaving COS…any truth here????
There is a lot of whispering going on in Hollywood about Tom Cruise leaving Scientology. If he ever finds out how he was hornswoggled beyond belief and made such an ass out of himself….I think he will have to decompress for a while and then he may come out swinging….his oodles of CASH at Miscavige and expose the cult and finally lock Miss Cabbage up for life and shut down this cult. He could do it!
Idle, I don’t think he’s ever going to admit it. Barring some unforeseen event which prevents him from doing so, I think TC is one of those who’ll go down with the ship.
No, no truth there.
Ron: Husband and Father? Bwahahahahahahahahahahah! Hubbard was for himself only. No one else mattered.
Speaking of which, Mike, this is a terrific find, this picture of LRH, Sara and baby Alexis. First time I’ve ever seen it.
I know. Berating his gay son into suicide proved that to be a fact.
So sad that it was a woman who passed that message on, as though it’s profound or kind in ANY form!
Thanks Mike for ending your post with something wise and simple from someone who was TRULY profound and had important things to say!
I don’t think Brittany is the sharpest tool in the shed these days. The Cult tends to have a dulling effect on otherwise pretty bright folks who want to make a difference in the world ……………. IMHO! And I doubt she will get a box of chocolates or a flower today.
Yo Dave,
What’s Shelley doin ta day?
Hopefully not missing her husband at all, and in fact offering up a prayer of thanks that His Ecclesiastical Dwarfiness is out of her life forever while enjoying a lovely Valentine evening tonite with her own Significant Other – one of the guards, maybe? Doesn’t matter. Just some decent man she really likes who treats her well and makes her happy. If its true that she’s never going to leave that place, then that’s my postulate for her.
Damn! If only Danny Masterson had left a box of chocolates or a new dress….
Mary…now THAT is funny.
The little bastard
Yikes – I guess DJ you-know-what never read that profound Hubbard quote.
I’m sure he will be sending the LA District Attorney a box of Valentines chocolates today! That certainly will handle his situation.
Yo Julian,
Whaddayathink good buddy. Have Danny send over some Sees to Ms. Jackie Lacey as part of his amends and all will be well. Ya know ………….. just like ole El Con says …………in His bullshit drivel above.
Yo Dave,
Ya wanna bust Julian down on this one good buddy and handle it as Your own Danger Condition. Refer to last SaTerraDays debriefing on the subject. Yes, I’m talking about Your movie star raping and pillaging poster boy who is a ‘member in good standing’ of yer cult.
Please look at the wall fellas. Now, walk over to that wall! Thank You! Read the handwriting on that wall! Good. Now ……………………………………….
GET THE FUCK OUTTA DODGE BEFORE THE BIG GUNS ARRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pee Ess;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; leave the two losers you cover for behind! Just sayin some distance might be a good thing!
To: Newcomer
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: your recent comments.
Thanks good buddy. That really means a lot to me that You would take time outta yer day to say sompin to a little being like me.
Now, speakin of shits and asses, how r u doin? I suggest you bankroll a couple more Pee Eyes and send em on up here to manage my Ess Pee Ness ……. and DO IT NOW DAVE!
To: Newcomer
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: your smartass comments
You do not have the authority to talk to me like that! I insist that you cease and desist at once or else I shall be forced to send you to my almighty RPF!
Newcomer, I have been warning the still-in scientologist lurkers the same thing for a few months now.
Get out of scientology before the shit REALLY hits the fan, or better yet, accumulate as much evidence of the crimes of scientology as you can.
Especially for the higher up executives, it would be wise to have such evidence as a bargaining chip to avoid going down with Miscavige and those who would aid and abet.
Yep! Then he wouldn’t be facing life in prison. Opps! Too late, Danny boy! I hope you like your new friends…
When Danny showers he better not drop the soap………I hope his “home boys” are 300 lb guys named “Bubba”….
There will be a new definition of donkey punch for Danny Boy after this is over.
Yo Dave,
Better order up a pair of cast iron under shorts for Your good buddy.
One more reason you rock Mary!!! LMAO
Boom 🙂
If only he did. LOL. All would be forgiven. UGH!!
Yep. Just whom we should all be taking relationship advice from!!! Too bad he’s no longer alive – I could also use some financial advice.
Excuse me, I must go vomit now.
P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone (I actually mean that).
That about summarizes Hubbards mind set.
As far as I know he never said “I love you” to anyone.
What a pathetic human being he was.
He thought he was God. But, what he really was a scared little boy hoping nobody would noticed.
All I can imagine Ruff Hubbard saying is: “I love me.” “I love me.” “I love me.” “I love me.” “I love me.” “I love me.”…………
There’s an irony in your comment. Hubbard never professed to be human, he liked to think of himself as some super duper OT being or some such mythical thing. That quote above proves something quite palpable, as his methods of behaviour & his character makes any reasonably sane human being nauseas.
Holy crap. I never read this before but my god.
Wow. Just wow.
No words.
This is who is going to save mankind.
What an incredibly sad record he left behind. That those remaining in thrall to such garbage still cannot connect the dots in any way, I feel amazement.
And since it is written it IS TRUE!
Yo El Con,
Glad you are at rest. As far as the peace part, well you are a piece good buddy!
A piece of shit, that is.
At rest? Please explain… By his own philosophy he professed to be master of the creation of universes! He surely wasn’t fibbing was he?
I hate to break the news to you….
El Turd Hubbard was a criminally violent, misogynistic asshole.
Love that last quote Mike. thanks.
Oh My Gosh! I always worried that my penchant for making up names to call evil people would appear to be silly. I really enjoy calling DM “The Tiny Fuhrer”. I am very happy to see you call LRH “El Turd Hubbard”. How very fitting!
Naw Skyler caricaturization both verbal & pictorial of hated tyrants is an American pastime as old as the Revolution
Wynski,in the immortal words of Madea,hallaluyerrrrrrrr!!!
Madea? What’s that?
Tyler Perry’s Madea.
With that wisdom I would definitely be on my third marriage too.
Too bad I am a WOG that displays genuine affection to my first,only, current wife and children.
Sadly I lack the wisdom of Ron and COB. Instead I have to tolerate this existence with a loving family.
Well, that’s probably because Ron was, and COB is, a Sociopath and you’re not.
Happy Valentine’s day!!
How beautiful, Kyle. 🙂
Happy Valentines Day, everyone!
Life is good 🙂
(every word uttered by Hubbard is genius in their minds).
That’s a twist on the often repeated “All Scientologists believe everything Hubbard said.” in Aftermath 2.
All Christians believe every word in the Bible. All Muslims believe believe every word in the Koran. If you really want to believe that, go ahead.
What belief Richard? Every scamologist in the Church I’ve spoken with feels that way. I believe nothing about it. Just as a I don’t believe that the sun is hot.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion.
This morning I presented my wife with a card, a box of chocolates and flowers. She was very pleased and happy.
I don’t agree with Elron’s conclusion today and wouldn’t have when I was a scn-ist. I would have taken it as a quip, not gospel.
“I would have taken it as a quip, not gospel.” Yes, Richard me too but the problem is that these idiots and I’m referring to the old timers and newbies are taking it as GOSPEL.
Ms.P – I left scn in 1982 and never read anything about scn until I watched Going Clear. So for me as far as scn is concerned it was like stepping into a time machine in 1982 and reemerging in 2015. The changes probably happened gradually over time and the hive mind adapted.
I’m glad my comment made a little bit of sense to someone – laughter.
Maybe women in 1958 would have chuckled and gone along with Professor Hubbard’s assessment?
Cool Richard. However, El Tard Hubbard would have considered you a criminal on the level of a mass murderer for that viewpoint.
I’m storing up on my box of chocolates. This dialog bs and copping to your shit like an adult, with my wife, is too troublesome and definitely non standard.
I wish Ron were alive so I could ask him:
“Hey Ron, does a box of chocolates replace communication is the universal solvent?”
Certainly would make things easier.
This quote is sooooo condescending. And just like everything Hubbard; he never sees his own responsibility in a problem. So every upset a “girl” has is because their man is not showing affection!
L Ron Hubbard was insane. His genius is in masking this with words.
But because we have all grown and have rehabilitated our ability to be critical of Hubbard; his words now are an obvious revelation of insanity.
He was such a friggn nut case!
Amen to that Brian!
Can I get a witness!
Amen? Amen!
You may be a Newcomer. But you have hit on a fabulous idea! We should get together and start our own church! Maybe we could call it, “The Church of Universal Solvents”. Or maybe, “The Church of Chocolate Solvents”. All we really need is to find some kind of solvent that would dissolve CO$. How hard could that be?
“And just like everything Hubbard; he never sees his own responsibility in a problem.” Exactly, he was never wrong and had it ALL figured out. Egomaniac, nut case is right.
Yet another day that I shake my head and think “WTF was I thinking?” And then I’ll spend the rest of the day forgiving myself. Thanks to Mike this is where I find solace.
Good to see you again Brian – Happy V day to you and everyone else here.
And somewhere in between the self shame and self forgiveness is learning.
I always find a value when I ask myself what I learned. It extracts good things from the crap things.
We were all learning Ms. P. But yes, it’s a repulsion to remember somethings. Then I just embrace the damn memory and look at it until it’s negative energy content subsides.
After all, Mr Smarty Pants did not invent cognitions.
Happy V Day Ms. P. I hope it’s filled with good things for you
Hi Bro,
Roll on, Brian! I think Hubbard had a black heart.
Roll on Bro…… Roll on!
I just now had a little bit of compassion and sadness for Ron.
He was a lost soul with a higher than average wit and powers of articulation.
His ultimate stupidity is that he did not follow the moral codes of the wise.
How could Hubbard have been wise, if he thought that he could deceive others and still be happy.
Ron was more ignorant than the common wog. Even common wogs know that lying is not right. A lot of them anyway. At least the ones I know.
Yes, Bro. You have summarized it all very well.
My take now is the illusion of intelligence and power that he projected to me and others. I thought of him as more than he actually was. For example, once I finished reading all of the 19th Century Occult books, I saw that he was very, very common. He picked up an alternative viewpoint which others had developed. He never gave them credit but took credit for an entire massive body of data on the occult. Granted he did have a few minor original ideas such as the use of e-meter scripts. However, I have recently completed a review of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course. His main diagrams were clipped from books by Theosophists very, very popular and available in the 1910-1920 time period. His unchecked “research” led him to actually a reverse of spirituality. He wanted to be Lucifer, the bearer of light, rather than Satan. But in the end he fell into a swamp of images. This is the meaning of the ending in “Milton’s Paradise Lost”. Satan falls into the lake of fire or the “wall of fire” symbolic of the deranged mind manifested by Hubbard. It is not literal but symbolic. Hubbard takes great pains to call his analogies to the Serpent and Satan as “mythological” and symbolic. Hubbard could not see the myth from the “mark” of the Beast. So in the end he claims he is not the Beast reversing his role passed on by Crowley.
Hubbard was in it for the money and that is what makes him banal in the end.
I’m not a Buddhist but one time I chanted along and got up to about 80 reps.
A couple of other times when my wife was on an errand I cranked up the volume and let the chant ring through the house. 🙂
Someone in the comments section translated the chant:
Homage to the Buddha. Thus indeed, is that Blessed One: Lord Buddha is the Holy One, fully enlightened, endowed with clear vision and virtuous conduct, sublime, the Knower of the worlds, the incomparable leader of men to be tamed, the great teacher of gods and men, enlightened and blessed.
Hi Richard,
I have chanted with them.
Here is our favorite:
Thanks for the Maya Angelou quote. Beautiful. Almost outdoes the slime (smile rearranged) from the previous quote.
Happy Valentines Day to all you lovebirds. (Smile)
A very happy Valentines Day to you, Mary!
Thanks Mary! We’re kinda like peas and carrots these days!
Congratulations you two??
I am so happy??to see something so good come to you both??
We definitely do not take our good fortune for granted. It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to enjoy each day when there is no Cult involved! Thanks for the well wishes and happy Valentines day to you both as well.
Had mine Y’day. It was fun in the sun too.
Maya Angelou – never has there been a sweeter soul.