We have to get “Under $8 million”…
This has to be the single most intensely focused and persistent fundraising campaign in scientology history. In the home of the largest population of scientologists on earth. Supported by Bart Simpson’s cash matching everything they can scrape together, and STILL they cannot make a dent — they have MORE THAN $8 MILLION to raise before they even start “renovating” their white elephant.
It is a sorry indictment of:
a. The continuously and relentlessly flogged dead horses that are the LA scientology field
b. The “international strategy” for planetary clearing — “ideal orgs” — which is being demonstrated as a horrendous failure right in the home of scientology on planet earth. And in the meantime — the other ideal orgs in LA are empty and failing.
This was really a typo — it should have said “Due to STILL not scraping together the last few thousand needed to leave us still $8 million short…”
“Nancy”? What happened to Valley Goddess Rock Star Queen OT blah blah blah blah?
Now joined by “Marisol” and “Erika” … what is it with these people and their refusal to put the whole names of the “celebrities”? Who do they think they are fooling?
“Marisol” and “Erica” are huge stars, don’t you know? They, like “Nancy” need to be protected from any J&D.
As if we don’t know who they are. Nice try.
“The expert fundraiser will tip off solicitors as to your weaknesses and how to touch the tender spot in your heart just as a baseball pitcher knows whether the batter goes for a curve or for a fast ball. John Price Jones has a file of more than 66,000 names of persons all over the U.S. who have given substantial sums to worthy causes and who are likely to give more if properly approached. This file is kept up to date by six women and one man who read and clip newspapers, magazines, trade journals, collect corporate reports, financial ratings. For each person there is a file almost as complete as the FBI keeps on suspected Communists.” – Jerome Beatty
From ‘The Hidden Persuaders’
The thing that stood out to me is in last flyer, with the commended, highly commended, etc. (more like condemned, highly condemned, ….) anyway, if you actually got off your ass and did something like volunteering, you were only commended but if you wrote a check, then your highly or super duper highly commended. So the message I get is production is no longer the basis of moral, money is. What a crock.
One devious thing going on is this money grubbing by the group members is displacing cause away from church staff regs doing the regging, to the membership group peer pressure regging.
So Scientology church staff are blameless and rather the blame goes to the mindless group members co-regging each other. Peer pressure regging era is what is happening, in other words.
I wonder when they ridiculously put out promo with such high quotas, are they underhandedly just really intending to get their rich celebs like Nancy, Erika and Marisol to mindlessly plop over that final 8 million they need!
I guess for the really rich celebs to rise up to the same painful give away all your money to Scientology status, is for them to transfer their celeb wealth right over to COS!
What passed in the mind of the staff who wrote these ads, I’m sure they are hoping the rich celebs will come through!
So, come on, Erika and Marisol, be like Nancy and plop over the 8 million we need and be a hero for all time for this church!
I invite Scientology watchers from the outlying really small and failing orgs, to send Mike updates of their small city dismal Scientology scenes.
I think once a year, an update of the “Small and Failing Scientology Orgs” internationally would be useful to look at, and compare!
I hope people send Mike raw info, or keep their own statistical info from their local city org mags!
I believe your blog has laid down enough plenty of proof of 2000’s era of Scientology’s pretended growth buildings strategy.
As your articles on this blog show, Scientology is chocking up a slew of failed pretended growth statistics.
In one OEC Volume 1 policy on recruitment, LRH astonishingly admits it takes 5 to 1 recruits to retain 1 staff. In real life, when I was in Senior HCO Int in the early to mid 1980s, the recruitment ratio was 100 to 200 to 1 bad, meaning only 1 person staying on staff for every 200 hired in 3 months time.
Similarly, getting the bigger cities (Boston ought to be a no problem city, this is so bad for them) to come up with money for their local super org should be no problem.
Maybe Boston is the mid point and now the decline and failure of this whole pretend building false growth strategy hits org level.
Here in Pittsburgh, Scientology gave up on their city office. Mission level Scientology units are allowed to collapse.
Maybe Boston’s org is the next Winnipeg!
“We have just received an extension”…. its their game – who gave them an extension? It sounds very “other determined”, except that I think it is more likely a case of non attainment of the goal that requires them to continue. I’ll bet the public are SO happy to hear that. It must be VERY good for their TRs. What a win! I pity those who have to endure this for another 8 million’s worth of fundraising, only to end up with a field too bankrupt to take services, staff struggling to survive and the only ack they will get is their own echo.
I think it might be Bart Simpson that is running the show in the Valley. He giveth and he taketh away….
🙂 The Omnipotent Bart. I shoulda known.
I don’t understand Wendy. What are services?
You know, MJ, I’ve heard of these strange things called “Services.” Someone told me once it was something they did in the ’80s. I think I’ll ‘Google’ to see what they’re talking about…
MJ, services are ancient – before cellphones even……perhaps you are too young to remember 😉
Thanks Wendy, maybe I can get some one day. Are they fun?
It’s rather like the Hungarian orange: a bit yellow, a bit sour but it’s OURS. The fact that it’s actually a lemon is not open to debate.
Interesting to note the “invoiced”… Pretty soon it’ll just be Monopoly money.
They’re all “invested” in Scientology, so they have to be right about having invested, which means they have to believe what Makemerich tells them, which, in turn obliges them to invest more, which makes it necessary to be right…and so it goes, and so they go, ’round and ’round, while he just gets richer and richer. Of course, it will end at some point; it can’t go on, and it may even be ending right now. Still, its hard to know what I/we know, to see this going on, to observe these idiot sheep being foolishly fooled and fleeced. Its hard. Thank God for Mike’s pithy humor, that’s all I can say.
And I just realized that each of them began this “being invested” the same way: they believed. Conceptually, someone said that if they gave, the world would be better, so they did. And that began it, and then they had to be right, and so on and so on. But in the beginning, each of them just believed somebody, that’s all. Help flow. Me too. I’m so fortunate that I had to face some horrible truths when I was young, way before I got into Scientology. So when I had to face that I had been an idiot, that I had been duped, that my hard earned money had not done a damned thing except make some staff member a little happy before Thursday at 2PM, that could just as well shredded that money for all the good that it did – when I really got that, I accepted it. I didn’t resist. I’m giving myself a pat on the back for that, and I”m giving everyone else here and on other anti Scn Cult blogs a pat on the back for finally facing the music and not needing to be right any more. Whatever it was in you that allowed you to confront the truth, well done. Well done to all of us. And as far as these still-ins, we just have to postulate that each of them will experience their own aha moment, where they absolutely must face the truth, ala “You know what? I was an idiot. I believed, I trusted, and David Miscavige made an idiot out of me. Well, so be it. NEXT!
Cool Aqua.
Right on the money (no pun intended).
Get ready for that boiler suit.
Especially when that amount is $8 MILLION DOLLARS! Can you imagine the party when they meet that lofty goal?
“YAY! We did it!!! OK, you worthless, CICSing fucks, start mortgaging your homes again, and take out more credit cards, we need $7.9 MILLON DOLLARS NOW NOW NOW!!!!!”
All you need to practice Scientology are a table and a couple of chairs, a meter, and the Red Vols, maybe the BC tapes. If you’re into practicing Scientology, that is. But that’s all you need. Everything else is bullshit. Many say Scientology itself is bullshit, and I’m inclined to agree, but if you’re going to do it, that’s all you need. These stupid buildings and fundraising drives have nothing to do with practicing Scientology, and, in fact, are *preventing* the practice of Scientology. Think about that, you poor OSA bastards who are tasked with monitoring this site.
Of course it has NOTHING to do with scientology, Gus! But, it has everything to do with lining the pockets of the evil one. I just find it incredulous that the sheeple can’t see it.
More from ‘The Hidden Persuaders’ by Vance Packard – 1957:
The trend in American society to the other-directed man—the man who more and more belonged to groups and played on teams—was welcomed and abetted by a large segment of United States industry. People who coalesce into groups, as any general knows, are easier to guide, control, cope with, and herd. The “team” concept was an aid, if not an outright necessity, to the big business, big labor, and big government that came increasingly to dominate the American scene at mid-century. Charles Wilson, a graduate of big business who went to work for big government as Secretary of Defense, summed up the new thinking when, in 1956, some of his leading subordinates were airing their feelings. He was reported growling: “Anyone who doesn’t play on the team and sticks his head up may find himself in a dangerous spot.”
I am sure that part of the fundraising problem is that many of the public almost surely do go on the internet and have found out that Ideal Orgs planet wide are empty, so why should we expect the Valley Ideal Org to be any different?
Sheep in revolt. Film at 11.
LOL! Being a creature feature fan, I immediately got a visual of some badass sheep, packing heat, on the attack!!
Gosh, Beryl, I certainly hope so…for their sake. I know they chose this path, but, they too are victims of the Evil Dwarf.
I find this confusing. When does one make a goal of getting under a certain amount? These people aren’t thinking straight. The radical church is SO FAR from the actual goals of Scn, the wins of pcs and preots and well trained auditors. I wonder if there’s anyone on that list, who has spent an hour auditing anyone or handling a difficult word chain. I guess grinding on people for money is easier, just like paying the protection money so your shop doesn’t get trashed.
“I find this confusing. When does one make a goal of getting under a certain amount? ”
When you receive your papers certifying you are insane.
“These people aren’t thinking straight.”
And that is likely a massive understatement.!!!!!!!!!
Coop, they haven’t been thinking straight for decades now. The are completely and utterly immersed in Kool-Aid. It’s woven into their DNA. Seriously…
Sorry Coop….should I make a donation? Don a hair vest with lice included? 🙂
Hallie – getting grades of auditing or levels of training from what I can read comes way way down their list of priorities it seems. “You too can become a celebrity (in the Church) at least and for a few minutes as you receive your ‘award’ and pin and certificate) by donating!” The people in the audience clapping are doing so no doubt out of relief and respite because they have not yet been scammed and hit up for 40K or more bucks. The poor fools – literally.
“For a few minutes” is right Foolproof. And unless you immediately go for your next status, you’re a nobody again. Kind of like your clear cert. The whiplash is painful.
First, they need “175”. 175 what? Dollars, pennies, rubles, dinar?
Second, I can only imagine the reaction to the news that the fund matching (and intense begging via email and phone) was extended twice. What joy!
“First, they need “175”. 175 what?”
Duped assholes to donate about 25K apiece so they can flush another 4 mil out of the ‘voice’.
That’s what I was thinking too, cre8tivemn! 175 what??? WTF are you talking about? Oh, wait! I get now: Obfuscate. Now, I know what you all are thinking: OSD is a 10 cent type of guy and that’s a 75 cent word. True that, but sometimes I just get lucky…
Defines stupid on a par with this true story.
A little old lady who frequents a discount market purchases
a supply of canned tuna fish for various meals she prepares for herself.
Noticing the paper label on one can is coming off she removes it completely to discover the cans original printing as CAT FOOD. not for human consumption.
As this relates to the Valley Org the paper label simply has not come off yet,
Bon Appetite fools !!!!
I call “foul” because of the smell of people’s financial futures going up in smoke.
True that, Bystander. I’d like to have some sympathy for these people, but, sympathy is frowned upon. These poor deluded souls are marching proudly towards bankruptcy. I wonder how many college accounts have been drained for “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics?”
“We are united for Ron’s vision of an all-ideal Los Angeles”.
All you highly and not-so-highly recommended. “News flash! Ron says don’t fundraise!”
You are committing continuous present-time overts against the same Ron that you erroneously quote.
Shame on you.
Very funny (and true) Subreption. Still laughing. The not-so-dull remnants of public and staff that are still left in would recognize what you say for a few seconds but immediately brush it aside either because of their 10% commissions or the thought of tangling with seniors (and their 10% commissions) who don’t care about the ethics of the matter. And even if you stuck the Policy Letter under their noses (Org Series 4 I think) – I am somewhat surprised that COB has not “retired” or re-written that Policy yet, AFAIK. The not so bright or dull remnants of staff and public remaining would simply cough up the bucks.
Actually had a little cog there myself on the fact that LRH said what he said because of the simple fact that fund raising deflects attention away from the main activity of Scientology which should be training auditors and auditing PCs (apart from the simple fact that fund raising is criminal out-exchange as well). So COB is actually getting people to pay (by donating) to give up the the real and main purpose of Scientology! Killing two birds in one stone – destroy Scientology AND get them to fund the destruction at the same time. As well as deflecting funds away from paying for training and auditing. If one wanted to admire surreptitiousness then one couldn’t think of a better example.
I wonder now that as each generation passes that they simply become inured to coughing up the bucks and think that this (donating that is) is “Scientology”. I think if you mentioned to most “still ins” that this practice should stop that they would gasp with disbelief at your cheek and insolence. They would actually think that YOU are “off-policy”!
Or of course they would use the old tried and trusted “you are using Policy to stop!” The astute and well-read staff member then replies “you are diverting funds and attention away from producing the products of Scientology” but then that would be swiftly swept aside as well. If we can ever recover the scene then that brick wall is one which will have to be knocked down and ground to dust.
I think the entire purpose of that policy was to ensure maximum return on LRH’s trademarks and copyright on services and materials and got nothing to do with buildings of any design or purpose; his vested interest was to channel all the money to those and then derive/extract as much cash as possible.
He couldn’t personally own the org buildings so they were of little interest to him’ only to the degree that they were operational.
If you look at Fp#1, the proportion of savings prescribed for building fund is rather telling: 5% as opposed to 10% to upper management plus 5% for international promo campaign, etc, can’t remember the rest of it but in general, the attitude is that even tough the rent is probably the biggest overhead, the poor sucker franchisee is to work out the transition from tenant to owner, on 5% savings (which is often zero on a low income week when you have to direct all funds to utilities).
It’s good business after all, given the level of property prices just in the past 20-30 years, if you can make it on 5% then you must have a soaring rocket of a service delivery and that tithe is a pretty sum. Looks a win-win. Except for the fact that I’ve never seen a booming Scn establishment.
LRH is not around now so that personal interest is gone, and DM has to find different solutions to squeeze money out of the church for HIS personal interest, without being caught.
Thanks Foolproof. What you say is so true.
I held a seminar at a mission and planned to talk about finance. Like “spend less than you make” and such old fashioned wisdoms.
I had the local brass from the CLO tracking me down to make sure I did not go against anything they were trying to achieve. I kid you not. They were petrified I was going to suggest to the audience that they should not donate, but should create reserves, and only spend what they planned.
I went ahead anyway. But their antics prior, were incredible. I was going “off policy”. How times have changed!
Those clowns wouldn’t know policy if it smacked them in the head, but that would be a good start.
UnclePepin – no, I don’t believe that was LRH’s intention at all (to raise the cash and not caring about achieving the products of Scientology). Old Herbie in the GO told me that LRH had a million dollars on account in the 60s so he had enough money anyway but even if it was true then as we can see that COB’s reversal of that fund rasing or buildings policy has crashed (actual) Gross Income stats from the sales of course and intensives probably now for decades.Which is why DM has had to come up with something else. It probably started as a Stat Push which snowballed and has been snowballing ever since, although the snow is now melting so to speak after several decades.
But my main point is that your comment implies or actually states that LRH was materialistic and just wanted personal wealth. I don’t think from all I know and have read and what others have told me of LRH that such a theory is true and I believe that the opposite of it is true. And actually one cannot begrudge him the bucks even if it was true – he wrote the stuff.
Well, from the commend list it looks like they got cash from ALL the active LA Area scn’ers! LOL
I call “foul” with duplicate names having different statuses on the top list.
And I’m sure you’re absolutely right! They HAVE to act like EVERYONE is contributing to the cause. That brings great pressure to the ones who still haven’t given their last dime to the cult.
Nice Post!
I thought Scientology, at least originally, had to do with auditing, training and honestly helping people to get better in life.
There is nothing left of this; as evidenced by the promo is only money, mest and, as you noted, begging for cash. They have sunk below solidification level and once they come to their senses the shock they will experience would be extremely hard; nothing you wish on no one, really.Poor souls.
Well said Silvia.
I shared the same belief system Sylvia. I wish I had taken the time to look at the facts.
We all did, Coop. I was one of the more fortunate ones as I realized in ’82 something was very rotten at the top. Having exited at that point in time, I saved myself a ton of heartache as well as money. One of the alarm bells was when Miscavage announced that the prices would increase each month at a 10% rate. That was the precursor to my WTF moment.
I would have said it was always about a way to to funnel money to the person in charge, Ron.
“They have sunk below solidification level…” Its true, Sylvia. Before I left, I picked up on their ridgieness, their solidity, and it confused me because what communicated to me was not uptone-ness, despite all the enthusiastic burbling.
Ericka Christensen?
Gosh, those poor “Valleyites” must be so tapped out and spread thin. What an agonising end.
And as to “Who do they think they’re fooling?” Themselves.
A single word, Mike. Dreary.
This is truly sad. Scientology is supposed to be the game where everyone wins. The only thing they will achieve when they raise the eight million is the equivalent of a Pyrrhic victory.
You are correct, a pyrrhic victory indeed. Of course, I am sure we both hope the eight million is never raised.
I’m sure it will be Beryl. Once they have it though, what really will they have accomplished? What real benefit to mankind? It all seems self-congratulatory and pointless.