Quinn the Eskimo is back, back, back!!!!!
And he rode triumphantly into town armed with a quiver full of exclamation points and a hefty garbage bag full of hype.
The ridiculousness of this email has got to be seen to be believed.
From all the earlier hype you may have been wondering just how close they were to achieving their goal of being able to begin construction. Well, Quinn has kindly solved the problem. It’s just a “nominal” “Ballpark balance” of $2,100,000.
Could buy a nice building for this org that would be too big with that “nominal” amount.
Just remember: The Valley Is Now!
Whatever that means….
This email is from the first week of July.
Hello Valley, Valley, Valley!!!
One hell of an event we just had!!!
We have now arrived onto our most EPIC honor roll – over 400 Alumni and above! Our honor roll now boasts 60 humanitarians (8 new) and over 60 individual status increases all in one night!!!
This is an exactly right response to the very loud and clear message we just received at our Maiden Voyage #1 Event as to the vital urgency to open every Org as an Ideal Org – specifically the Valley!!!
LA has again united! The CC International OTC, along with Pasadena and PAC, have taken the game to a completely and totally new level. All the while the Valley OTC, the vanguard of this movement, have now driven this ballpark balance down to what some might call the magic number… the moment where everyone sees that this is real and we don’t need the Hubble telescope to see it…
With the 50 percent status increase match game expiring this Thursday, the 2nd of July, it is still wide, wide open for the taking by anyone deciding to move up in status to complete the Valley on or before that date… you see why the rush. This game is for anyone or ones funding their status before 2PM– pledges to do so cannot be applied to this drive… so get them in, in, in.
Our targeted goal to make this now nominal (considering from where we have come) Ballpark balance of $2,100,000.00 is by the 23rd of July. This target is totally real and one which I am sure that you are totally behind and know is a must be done target.
We will see you at the Maiden Voyage event number 4 in the Valley Chapel – and trust me – with the now gaining speed and level of participation from all of you – the MV 4 event is going to be a party!!!
Fund your pledges now and capitalize on the few days we have left.
Ml, Quinn
Now, here are some reports from the OT Committee subsequently, a few points I have highlighted.
June 23, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, Mark Anderson, David Wilson, Tony Lonstein, Sharon Lonstein, Avi Lonstein, Jennifer Charm-Jacobson, Steve Jacobson, Ralph Temps, Hagit Ron, Vered Ziv, Avner Golan, Bob Welch, Kathie Heard, Dean Glosup, Bob Brooks, Linda Massey, John Massey, Alan Gilbertson, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Heelah Cohen, Lauren Perreau, Chuck Jacobs, Bobbi Kassowitz, Marty Kassowitz, Jill Kirsch, Charlene Thorburn, Mary Walsh, Colleen Bigler, Kathy DiGalbo, Terry Morrill, Rochelle Goodrich, Larry Marshall, David Nunez, Mary Nunez, Jose Salas, Patty Salas, Sue Kattoo
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 45 to 39
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $1,198,797 to $58,100
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 163.5 to 184
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – Up from 4 to 6
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Down from 14 to 8
This LA Alliance meeting is held at AOLA Atrium. OT Ambassadors returning from the 27th MV Anniversary were introduced. Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Terry Morrill, Hagit Ron, Colleen Bigler, Pete Sokolov, Annie Sokolov, and others.
Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup and Terry Morrill gave highlights of the trip.
Kevin Wilson, OTC Chair at Pasadena Ideal Org reviewed recent upstats at the Org and the OTC’s successful actions.
Quinn Taufer introduced Chantel O’Mara CO CMO PAC Base. She briefed us about the people at MV having real purpose! Ideal Org Strategy is about KSW and your responsibility as an OT and Scientologist. Let’s get the fundraising done now! It is urgent to get Valley done for the opening of SMP, and for all of the Valley! Target is MV4 event to have all the fundraising complete.
She had us read the OT Ambassador Program.
Quinn Taufer announced our amazing stats for fundraising since the last MV. We really became an aligned vector in our intentions and forces. And the new MV events will show the Ideal Org Strategy is torqued up ten times!
Quinn Taufer introduced Brandy Harrison, Building Expansion Chief Int’l. Mr. Harrison attended the MV 27 and said Valley Org is the next completion for West US. Construction documents are complete. Architectural Peer Review is to done in 1 to 2 weeks. Next step: plans go out for bidding and permits which takes 6 weeks. After that is bid leveling where comparisons are done to ensure all bids are complete. Then we’ll have our final budget! Ideal Orgs are done by OTA’s OTC’s and other Ideal Orgs. There are 600 ILO members that will be helping to get Valley done!
Quinn Taufer apply our intention – believe that it will be complete! Give it a good purpose and then tactical plans. Our match continues to 2 July 2015!
Production quotas were issued for Alliance OTC’s.
OTC members went into production.
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
June 30, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Hagit Ron, Terry Morrill, Vered Ziv, Avner Golan, Bob Welch, Dean Glosup, Linda Massey, John Massey, Alan Gilbertson, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Heelah Cohen, Lauren Perreau, Ben Ghiora, Charlene Thorburn, Colleen Bigler, Jeanette Douglass. Representatives from CC Int OTC and LA Org OTC were present!
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 39 to 57
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $58,100 to $7,024
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 184 to 384
# of Events & Briefings Held – Up from 0 to 1
# of Service Starts – Even at 6
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 8 to 42
Kathy Welch announced the stats for the MV1 Event: 8 new Humanitarians, and 60 other status upgrades!
MV2 is Friday 7:30 pm at PAC Base, an unbelievable briefing and amazing event on Preservation of the Tech!
The next dinner is Sat 4th of July at the Ron’s at 6:30pm.
Kathy acknowledged the CC Int OTC and PAC OTC’s for all their help and assistance at MV1 event in getting these many status upgrades!!!!
MV4 will be at the Valley Org Chapel (Burbank Blvd). The new status awards will be presented.
Grant Cardone brought 50 new people to the seminar at Valley last Sunday!
Eric Krackow announced Valley Org is operational. Bring in your selectees and route onto your next service!
Terry Morrill briefed us on all the OTCs from around the world connecting up with each other at MV, and the successful actions of one OTC (from the MV) continues to clear basic SCN words –tech and Admin terms – which keeps their OTC membership expanding.
CO PAC Base Mr. Jason Hemphill briefed us on the steps to be taken to get Valley Ideal Org up to St. Hill size around the time of the Grand Opening.
The LA Org Model is being duplicated all over the planet.
Outer Org Exec Apprenticeships get them familiar with how simple it is to expand orgs.
Basel Ideal Org is growing fast after the recent Grand Opening.
LA Org will train all the Valley Org Execs.
Key ingredients are: 1) Ideal Building, 2) Team of Dedicated Staff, 3) Apply the LRH data!
Mr. Hemphill then gave us all a tour / briefing of LA Org covering stats and expansion actions.
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
July 7, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Hagit Ron, Vered Ziv, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Linda Massey, John Massey, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Heelah Cohen, Lauren Perreau, Jennifer Charm-Jacobson, Charlene Thorburn, Colleen Bigler, Kathy DiGalbo, Rochelle Goodrich, Nancy Parodi, John McQuilling
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 57 to 44
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $7,024 to $463,234
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 384 to 215.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – Up from 1 to 2
# of Service Starts – Up from 6 to 16
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Down from 42 to 21
Kathy Welch
- Great visit last week to LA Org:
- Mr. Hemphill C/O Pac gave us the guided tour
- All areas maxed out – Drug education Seminar with many new people attending
- We all got to cheer for latest Clear in HGC
- Fundraising status:
- $2.3 million left to finish [IT’S MOVING TARGET — WAS 2.1 IN THE EMAIL ABOVE]
- New Legends game to finish: $25,000 – get beautiful pin and ‘V’ on Honor Roll
- Building status:
- peer review of design plans complete
- Out for competitive bids (6-8 weeks)
- When done we’ll have actual final figure to finish
- Keep pushing for status increases to finish by MV 4 (at the Chapel)
- Read and distributed commendations from Quinn and Abi for great volunteer work that made the MV#1 fundraiser possible
Vered Ziv
- Dinner at the Wilson’s Friday 7/10 at 6:30P
- Collected donations for that event.
Eric Krackow
- Look up track a few weeks AFTER we’re done – Fill the Org
- Dissemination Workshop by Joe Hochman at West Valley to get the tech
Abi Reitze
- Showed us beautiful poster being delivered to Bob Duggan with pictures of all the UP statuses (60+) from his game; also contained a grateful letter of THANKS for such a Theta Game
- Had us fill out volunteer hours forms
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
July 14, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Hagit Ron, Irad Ron, Vered Ziv, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Linda Massey, John Massey, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Heelah Cohen, Lauren Perreau, Charlene Thorburn, Colleen Bigler, Kathy DiGalbo, Rochelle Goodrich, Nancy Parodi, Alan Gilbertson, Sue Kattoo, Jill Kirsch, Jeanette Douglas, Sherry Hermann
Quinn Taufer opened the meeting
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 44 to 43
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $463,549 to $3,456
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 215.5 to 212.25
# of Events & Briefings Held – Down from 2 to 1
# of Service Starts – Down from 16 to 8
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 21 to 22
Quinn Taufer
- MV#4 Preview:
- Shows powerful strategy to boom Ideal Orgs
- Comparable stats pre and post use of the Strategy
- We’ll announce who went up at and after MV #1
- GAT2 will go into AOLA 7/25!
- MV#1
- Shout out to CC- they really performed
- CC OTC arrived to cheers!
- New Legends game to finish: $25,000 – get beautiful pin, ‘V’ on Honor Roll
- OT Ambassador Program – projects are in force and was distributed to all attendees
- Targets:
- Finish by 7/23
- Need 161 increase for MV #4 attendance (500 total target)
- 60 at dinner (20 now)
- We’re into VOLUME game
- operating at Danger
- bypass normal habits
- Be at Org as much as possible: MAKE IT HAPPEN
Abi Reitze
- Passed out list of people to call for dinner prospects
- Had us fill out volunteer hours forms
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
Each one of the “minutes” has a Note attached that says: don’t release these notes to any one else. Now that they have shown up numerous times here, how much longer until copies of “Notes” are not released to members?
Well Roger Y it has been going on for over a year and they still keep releasing the notes. Maybe their vectors aren’t vectored?
Go Valley OT committee! Keep sinking your treasure in the direction David Miscavige is telling you! Right there in California. Listen to your new prophet! David is the new prophet! Also your new real estate investment counselor!
IGNORE this danger condition! Do NOT bypass normal habits and routines, do NOT do a doubt formula! BUY BUY BUY where David tells you to!
Buy here today and take advantage of the dim future!
P.S. Don’t worry about current CONDITIONS, RED FLAGS, OUTPOINTS, SITUATIONS. SURVEY NOTHING! Your prophet will GLOW IT RIGHT@ GFYOHB! (Go F*&k Yourselves On Hollywood Boulevard)
P.S.S. Hey, I dare one of you building buyers to ask Miscavige if he carries property insurance on just ONE of these buildings you kill yourselves to buy for him. When I was in the Sea Org he REFUSED to pay for property insurance on any building owned by the C of S. If it burns, it’s over. In fact, who or what in Scientology is insured except for David Miscavige? His off shore accounts cover his ass every which way but loose. Did anyone listen to J. Swift most recent Pod Cast? DM resigned as a Sea Org Member in the 1980’s! HIS “status”, is a paid executive for the C of S. He isn’t even a friggin Sea Org member and hasn’t been for decades!
Oracle, there is no legal status of “Sea Org member”. Swift is confused and is thinking of the status of working for a for profit entity like BPI or ASI. Paid or unpaid has naught to do with being a an S.O. member…
John, Swift didn’t mention this. Doubt he is confused about it. I mentioned it came out in a pod cast. It didn’t come from him.
I never mentioned any “legal status or Sea Org being any kind of “legal status” either.
Oracle, confused or not, if Swift said that, he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Being an S.O. member is a de facto situation, not a de jure one. Ergo, that statement is meaningless.
John, I never said Swift said that. You, you are really tripping. Dubbing in and alter ising. I asked a question, if anyone heard his Pod cast. He was interviewing someone ELSE.
You take my question, and roll it into “Swift is confused and ignorant”. Bring up legal issues I never mentioned the legal.
I guess you did NOT listen to the Pod Cast and have no idea what I am talking about. If you didn’t even listen to the Pod cast, and you have no idea what I am talking about, why are you even jumping forward to correct us stupids?
Because you are tripping.
Amazing data, Oracle. Very dangerous for Miscavige, too. Even if he could count on every Scientologist and/or their families to not sue for loss of life, limb, property, etc., due to by a fire, there are still outside non-Scn people who come to the orgs who would sue. Amazing.
Aquamarine, So true. Why do you think he he hunts down “out ethics staff” to do all of the construction work and dirty work? He doesn’t carry property insurance on the buildings.
Sorry Oracle, I meant Swift’s guest was confused. I listened to the interview after I was tipped off a few days ago. Jesse also made the same incorrect statement about Norman.
Why do you think Church had to pony up on the Lisa Macphearson debacle? Because the base had no property insurance (liability). The people who had a son drown in the pool at the Sandcastle? Got NOTHING because the Sandcastle had no property insurance. Do you think these ideal Orgs could operate if they purchased property insurance? And here is David sponging biliions off of public, having to have before he can do, putting the burden of delivery and expansion on the PUBLIC, meanwhile not insuring or protecting or safeguarding the assets!
Moreover, because of the law suits that the church has been hit with as a result of David Miscavige’s misdeeds, not to mention the fact that he has a restraining order on him in Texas, he HIMSELF would be considered a MAJOR liability now by any insurance company out there on the Church. If the Church even qualified for insurance their rates would be out the roof!
The entire Lisa Macphearson debacle was paying off David Miscavige’s gambling debt. he says some staff cost the Church millions of dollars through neglect? True. HIM! HE refused to pay for insurance even when Jim Devries, who owned a huge insurance company in Michigan and insured large companies and facilities offered to insure all of the Church’s properties at HIS cost. Miscavige wanted the extra money for his own pockets that would have gone to insure the Flag land Base, he GAMBLED that nothing would ever go wrong. The millions of dollars and resources poured into handling that flap, were lost due to David Miscavige’s negligence! If the base had been insured the whole matter would have been referred to insurance, and a claim would have been paid rather instantly I might add.
Property insurance is not the same as tort liability insurance. Just ask any doctor or dentist about their tort liability coverage (malpractice) it is very different than property insurance. One covers the cost of repairing damage to the property. The other insures you against being sued and the insurance company hires your defense counsel and decides whether they will settle or not. Not something the church would ever countenance.
The Oracle wrote, “Why do you think Church had to pony up on the Lisa Macphearson debacle? Because the base had no property insurance (liability).”
Um, no. Property liability insurance does not cover criminal acts (or torts) committed directly by the owners/occupants.
And I don’t know anything about Corporate insurance.
John, I never implied property insurance covers criminal acts. I never mentioned the word criminal. It does cover medical, accidental death, and injury.
To the best of my knowledge no criminal charges have been filed against any of the person’s in the Lisa Masphearson case anyway.
Personal injury is also covered in many policies. It depends on what state you are in and what policies you purchase. The purpose is to have enough coverage to cover the cost of the premises so that in event of a law suit, your premises are protected from loss. This includes potential loss to settle a law suit.
Yes, Torte liability is another and separate insurance that protects against law suits.
FYI: Criminal charges were filed against the church.
The corporation, right? Not that I am any expert on that history.
I do find it appalling that the people trusted with her care were not charged as criminals.
I don’t know anything about corporate insurance. But I do know most property insurance policies usually carry a liability insurance rider.
Since the Church of Scientology is a corporation wouldn’t they have to look for business insurance to cover the corporation? I guess that could get very dicey.
Anyway, I only know about the property insurance from working in property management. Not anybody I have every worked with or known, would own or manage a million dollar building and not carry property insurance on it. It’s really unheard of in California. Churches carry Church Insurance.
The Oracle, personal injury due to criminal acts by the policy holders are NOT covered property liability insurance. In ANY state, by any carrier. You are sorely misinformed and uneducated in the area. The insurance does NOT protect against loss from a suit of that nature. Also, malpractice liability insurance is NOT available to an entity like the CoS. They are not licensed practitioners of any type of recognized practice. You couldn’t even get a Lloyd’s of London Name to go out on that liability limb.
I have been, in the past, an insurance investigator for state government agencies.
John, I’m protected from mayhem by Allstate.
Correct Oracle. You ARE covered vs. Mayhem on your building ins. Standard part of F&C coverage. Even for an auto policy. I’ll let you figure out what happens if you start inflicting Mayhem on a customer. 😉
Thank you John. I’m still trying to figure out the criminal conviction you keep referring to. Perhaps if you could enlighten me I might not be so ignorant.
“‘Just remember: The Valley is Now’.
Whatever that means…”
Mike, you’re the best. Cracking up just on this.
Here’s what I don’t get: why Valley Org? Is is because its the Goddess’s org?
Why not Pasadena which is Craig Jensen’s org? I would think that emphasis on Pasadena would make more sense for the cult.
If they raise money constantly, and attend meetings and go to the org between fundraising gigs, when do they earn the money that they are expected to place in the “hat”? Are they individually raising money to put in the hat so they can say they are raising money at OT meetings? Why not just be open about it and move the same money from event to event and take turns pledging it at the event and hope that the audience doesn’t recognize the scam? Oh wait, I think thst is what they are doing.
June 23. “Active Members – Down from 45 to 39”
I counted 43 attendees. How does that work?
No wonder these people are such sheep. They’re thinking in a language that doesn’t exist: “We really became an aligned vector in our intentions and forces.” I lost the thread after “we really.”
Dear OTC members,
I went for a walk this morning, stopped at Starbucks and here I am, sipping coffee and tapping out a comment on my phone.
Later today, we are going to see TWO movies, lunch and dinner included and probably a cocktail in there somewhere.
Friday night, we spent with friends, playing music and hanging out until after 1:00 am.
Yesterday, I got several chores done and had a delicious afternoon nap.
What’s the point, you may ask?
It’s called Life. You don’t have to pay 250k and spend 30 years to become cause over it. You just jump in and do it.
It’s a lot of fun. Working on those tedious OT committees? Just say no, and go out with some friends instead.
Sounds like you’re having a great weekend, Todd. Wishing you many more!
I recall Nancy Reagan’s solution to drugs: “Just Say No”.
Hey, Still Ins, lurking here, THIS is your reference for Ideal Morgue and IAS Fundraising!
Unlike refusing drugs to which you’re addicted, this IS simple. And easy!
No matter what, no matter what button is getting pressed, no matter iwhat item from your PC folder is making you cringe and feel like caving, “JUST SAY NO”.
You can do it! Drill it if you have to. Get bullbaited on it by someone you trust. Get bullbaited on it MERCILESSLY for as long as it takes to get you flat on it, but TO ALL REQUESTS, say it. SAY it!… “NO!”
PS: It worked for me 🙂
Also, Still Ins – Expect whoever is regging you for these donations to become FURIOUS with you if/when the buttons they always used to get you to donate don’t work anymore. These buttons don’t even work in a little way on you. You’re giving them NOTHING. Nada. Zilch! Well!
Expect FURY. Expect bitterness, contempt, disgust, eyes popping in a red face, table pounding, all KINDS of histrionics. Don’t be surprised or shocked to be bitterly denigrated by the same people who were just calling you an incredible thetan. Let them spit out their fury and disgust with you, let them say anything, ANYTHING, because words can’t make you open your wallet and take out a credit card. WORDS can’t make you write a check. WORDS have NO power in themselves, only the power YOU give them. Let them say anything, it means nothing. Let yourself feel anything you’re feeling: shame, mortification, the extreme discomfort of being misunderstood, your own anger at being spoken to in this way it means nothing. YOU are in control, no matter what words are being said to you, no matter how those words make you feel. Let it all happen, and then, once more, say, “No”.
They WILL give up after a while.
And when they do, let me tell you a little secret: YOU will have exhausted THEM.
AND, you’ll still have your money!
And, when you walk out of there, you will feel STRONG. Tired, possibly, wrung out, very possibly, but in your core, STRONG.
Because you held your position in space.
Good luck!
Now THAT is being at cause 🙂
Actually, Aquamarine, there is a shortcut where one doesn’t have to endure much histrionics or table-pounding. The person being regged has to say some sentence like this:
“Well, I can see we are not getting anywhere with this conversation, and I don’t care to be spoken to in this manner. I also have some other things I’ve got to get done, so this conversation will be concluded in (1-5) minutes. Is there anything else ups care to say or ask in that time?”
I’ve never had that fail, and it always surprised me how well it worked.
David Miscavige is one hell of a ring master. I have to give him that.
Seems more like a clown act.
The clowns are dancing around him and making fools of themselves at his command.
“don’t need the Hubble telescope”
This is so important and shouldn’t be overlooked. So much of Scientology is about discrediting actual science. This is a big draw for people who fear or are confused by the boring big words and often dull discoveries of actual research. The Orwellian language of scientology is simple and clipped, it can be mastered quickly, and make anyone feel like an “expert” or an “insider.” Real learning is hard, slow, has complex ideas and is acquired by mistakes and struggle. Scientology tells people that real learning, real study and real science is for chumps.
One thing that is by no means new but notable just the same:
When reading the first missive–Hello Cleveland, I mean: Hello Valley, Valley, Valley!!!–it is striking how much they have dropped ANY pretext of being a religion/humanitarian enterprise. Not a SINGLE mention of “clearing” the valley–or anything/anybody else, for that matter. Not a single mention of the great outreach and services this will provide. Not a single mention of even LRH (I almost miss the old fraud a bit!)
Nothing but naked greed: Give us your money so we can build something! What for? That is not for you to ask. Or, as Tommy Davis would have preferred: You don’t have the fucking rank to ask!
Quote: “This target is totally real and one which I am sure that you are totally behind and know is a must be done target.”
Too bad that grammar clearing is not part of the Study Tech devised by El Con, the college dropout.
So Quinn came in with “a quiver full of exclamation points” — now that’s an image is so apt it deserves a standing ovation! Great turn of phrase.
Several years back when I began tuning in to Scientology blogs, at first I thought people were joking about these “statuses” — it was completely alien to anything I had experienced in earlier years.
But now it’s clear that this is the primary purpose of the church — take in money and grant status. No one seems to care that an actual OT VIII would be able to mock up (create) all the gold he or she could possibly want just through postulate and no one would need to raise money. Of course, that would depend on there actually being someone who could be “at cause over matter, energy, space, time, life, and thought, both subjectively and objectively.”
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Hi FOTF2012, Thank you for your post.I felt the same way as I first began reading about Statuses and thought where is Scientology & Dianetics,where is The Mission to do the free work for this planet? Very alien to me also.The blind keep getting blinder & deeper in the ooze of false dreams & illusions.Really an OT should have already mastered the art of Alchemy long ago,& I refer to turning thetans into gold,the OT Bridge Ron dangled but never had a handle on.It slipped away from him at the end.All of it did & no amount of time on Target 2 etc can change that fact.I loved Mike’s ” quiver of exclamation points”Brilliant.My Best Ann.
Superb comment, FOTF2012.
Just as a note, I’ve driven by the future Valley Org and it’s in a funky area with an unattractive exterior. A lot of cars going by but not much foot traffic. It is close to the police station though.
Hi MM, Shades of Temple St and the Rampart Police Station very near Asho.Those sirens would be turned on right by the front door at all hours of the night.Ann.
Interesting, MM. And yet Valley is being touted as THE answer to clearing the West Coast or something. I’m not a Californian; this is the San Fernando Valley, right? What’s the big idea? Sorry if this has already been explained and I’m being a total bore, but I obviously missed it.
It should be realized that L. Ron Hubbard ordered that “hype” was insufficiently used, when promoting Hubbard’s fiction properties.
In the 1982 era Author Services Inc advices/orders which were private despatch orders, I read them, I proofread most of them for ensuring the ASI computer users all had clear typo free copies to use for their ASI positions (I was the computer guy for ASI from 1992-1995, and for a few months I was on a sub project to review all the ASI Hubbard orders for typos), in one of the orders, Hubbard chastises some ASI executives about insufficient “hype” in promoting Hubbard’s fiction “properties.”
This recent Jesse Prince interview by Jeff Augustine is chock full of detailed period history, including ASI being the created organization to make Hubbard “legitimate” income, and that was done by selling Hubbard’s variously packaged and promoted “fiction properties”, on top of Hubbard’s other compartmented “properties” that Hubbard had produced in his life.
The whole “church” was to Hubbard just another of his accomplishments, and I think it important for observers of the Scientology history and of Hubbard’s views, to understand that Hubbard’s prolific behind the scenes writings, his “advices” and particularly his final years of “advices” to Author Services, included this “hype” admonishment for ASI’s LACK of hyping Hubbard’s stuff!
Hubbard came from the 1930s era of US American hype heydays!
He wished that whole hype pizazz ONTO the promotion style that ASI strove to execute, in response to Hubbard’s 1980s Author Services Inc orders from Hubbard!
That WAS the history of Scientology’s today hype.
There’s the earlier similar hype from Hubbard to ASI, and then there’s even the greater earlier similar hype of the era of pulp fiction which prolific Hubbard played such a grandiose self inflated self deluded part in, in Hubbard’s mind, and in the minds of the others of that 1930s-1950 era when Hubbard was hypemaster himself of his pulp output.
Chuck, thanks for the heads up about Jesse’s recent interview. A must listen to by anyone still in thrall of the criminal El Ron.
as a side note about Basel Org. I know about a person that was regged to go on staff at Basel Org. They promised here at least an income of 2000 and she was to be an auditor. Promised here all the education too. She had a god job paying I think over 2500, a newer car and a flat (rented, but that is usually long term in Switzerland). Not much debt that I know off.
Then I heard nothing for about 2 month. Now, she is back with no car (had to sell it in a hurry), no flat and no job that pays anything. She was sent to Copenhagen for training, came back after 3 weeks complaining about sleeping conditions (10 people in one room) and the food. They had to eat whatever was leftover after the others had their food. And now was told to forget about the monthly pay promise and get a moonlight job.
She is now in debt and can’t get her old good paying job back. Plus, most likely, will have a free loader bill. For now she seems still “on purpose” but that seems also to be damaged.
As you see, nothing has changed in the Scamology bubble. Same old as 25 years ago. Maybe even worse.
Hi Uwe Stern,Very good to meet you. I am sorry for the treatment the person you know received.Same as 25 years ago I’m sure,way after my SO time,but it feels like all is reverting to the worse side.I hope she sees her purpose will be used against her until she gives up and never leaves cos or she has to have something jolt her out.And that only depends on each person.SO Staff OSA you take a huge risk when you dive in.Some never can come up for air.My Best,Ann.
Hi Mike,Chantel briefing the dazed group about “the people on MV being so on purpose.They have to be,how else will The Moneywinds stay afloat?Always Ann.
seems dmis enraged after you and your mockeries regarding “vally vally vallu” siuuuuper extrano-org bizz!
Those gross income stats are rather interesting, such down stats! From modest 6 figures down to mediocre 4 numbers? In the area I live in media frequently has stories of embezzlement, (church, schools, scouts and business), How would Co$ handle this? Life at Gold?
Is Quinn Taufer acknowledging a condition of DANGER (“operating at danger”)???
He seems to be offering a formula which includes “bypassing normal habits” and to “be at Org as much as possible”.
It’s hard to keep a club going when most of the members have lost interest in being active and have to be pressured to participate in things. Eventually even the ones who are trying to keep it going start to lose motivation because nothing kills motivation like seeing people around you dropping out if not in body then at least in spirit.
Maybe it’s too late to apply the danger formula and instead apply the condition that calls for getting all your affairs in order.
Condition Abandon Ship.
Hi MM,Aye-Aye Sir & make it quick!Always,Ann.
Valley’s bumping along the bottom of a stagnant pond. No wonder Nancy Cartwright’s buggered off to Mexico.
Oh God they whipped out a money thermometer !!!
the place is a dump and there has been no toilet paper
since the place was purchased. Now there is mandatory
water restrictions in place. Epic FAIL is looming large,
Nancy Cartwright is hiding in her Alien invasion bunker.
Hi John Locke,A rat got into my IPad.Greased Bow Lines not breasted.Welcome to 64 Ann.
LOL Ann B. Don’t cha love auto correct/destroy?
Hi John Locke,I love auto correct destroy as much as all my see checkers with their scam lists scam meters and scam smiles.The bane of my existence all of them.XO Ann.
“We really became an aligned vector in our intentions and forces.”
That’s like saying vectored vector. At this point in time only mental midgets are followers of El Con Criminal.
“She [CO CMO] briefed us about the people at MV having real purpose! ”
I bet it runs something like this; 1) scrape together enough $ to make it back home. 2) Break into the Port Captain’s office and get Passport back. 3) In the dark of night slip down the dock rope and head to airport.
Reminds me of the film Airplane.
“What’s our vector, Victor?”
“We have clearance, Clarence.”
“Roger that, Roger.”
This is about as much sense as anything you get out of scientologists, but none of it is very funny.
Hi Alice Graves, Good to meet you.Really liked your post,thank you.For me what laughter does is blunt the blade of the knife & someday I hope to desolve that blade forever.In the SO I had genuine laughs with members because those in SO know one had to have some piece of a sense of humor to do what we all did,but when push came to shove and stats were due or conditions meted out,there was no laughing.That is another great benefit to being out,I can laugh or cry,smile,or sigh whatever without being told to do those things as in command & control.My Best,Ann.
Thanks Alice. That cracked me up!
Hi John Locke, I hear you.On The Excalibur all the dock lines were greased,that was one thrilling task.So if one had wanted to shimmy down them,it would be a long fall between dockside and the bow.A few blew while doing laundry at the San Padro criminal laundry mat,not a friendly place.But I had the vat of KoolAid then and loved the sea and all the SO promises.Then I got woken up…Ann.
I remember going out to the Excal one night in ’70 I think. Took a little launch out to it at San Pedro. It figures that El Con would order the lines greased.
Hi John Locke,San Pedro IPad gremlins.Ron was always so thoughtful concerning his many sailor/slaves,breasted bow lines being quite effective & some kind of awful tar I put on with a paintbrush.The wog shore patrol used to drive back & forth all night when I stood watch & yell at me.Did TRs all night.That harbor had many shadows at night,never went off her after sunset.Ann.
And the IRS still buys that this is a Religion? Wow…
Silvia, the IRS cannot make the determination whether something is or isn’t a religion. What they believe along that line is of no import. I doubt if execs there think it is a religion.
You’re right, John. However, they CAN (should long ago) decide whether the ACTIVITIES of the czerch make them tax deductible. Scio clearly fails in that respect, world wide. Yet the IRS still fails to take action.
Right thegman77. People have been writing the officials for a long time on that. Unfortunately I think too many also write to have them declared not a religion. Every-time some uneducated person (in the US) does that it causes a recoil from touching them. No politician or IRS exec wants to get slaughtered by the courts. I wish people in the US would at LEAST remember that the Constitution exists before throwing wrenches into the effort to get them declared a FOR profit entity.
“The LA Org Model is being duplicated all over the planet.”
Wait a minute…
Damnation Navy slaves as bOrg staff everywhere? Really?!?
This pleases me greatly.
Hi Jens TINGLEFF, Love the Damnation Navy Slaves.A great Tee Shirt might come from that as in Keep Calm Blow The Sea Org.My Best,Ann.
Okay fine, fur shur, fur shur, we’re like really close, Valley rules the world. Like totally!!!!!!!!!!
Valley does rule! And it’s like, totally awesome! When some DB balked at handing over money, I like told this person to ‘bag that face!’ He was a total poser. Then when someone complained about all the donating, I said, “Well, gag me with a spoon!” And I like told him, “The time is now, now, now! Give money, money,money. It’s for your eternity, eternity, eternity (just as Ron intended).
I guess if you say something 3 times, it has magical qualities…Either that or they kick the shit out of the person saying it. That sounds logical…
Dude, OMG you nailed it, like that’s totally awesome. I mean, right, you know?
I know! Like, everything is totally awesome! Thanks, you know, for the props! You’re totally way awesome!
OSD your so OT and you don’t even know it.
You got that right, HellOSA! If fact, I really don’t know much of anything! Seriously though, if I were anymore stupid, you’d have to water me twice a week…
I once dated a Valley Girl. Do they have some kind of humanitarian award for that?
Oh, you betcha! Just surviving a date with a Valley girl makes you a Ideal Super Big Being. You get a certificate so big, you can cover your entire garage door with it.
Patron Galleria-orious.
Mike, your confront is better than mine, mine, mine!! To be able to read this crap, crap, crap!!!!
I’m not sure if I understand the bizarre world of Scientology accounting but IIRC, “gross income” is everything that comes in the door including donations for the Valley Ideal Org. So when they have a fundraising event, the take is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. When they don’t have a fundraising event, Gross Income is a handful of thousands.
If I’m reading that right, it means that they’re only pulling in an average of $5,000 or $6.000 a week for actual Scientology services. In other words, they’re only making $250,000 to perhaps $500,000 a year selling all the self-help books, courses, auditing, etc. that make up the Scientology product suite. And they’re pulling in that paltry sum in the area with the largest concentration of Scientologists on Earth.
So what kind of expansion would they need to earn back the $15,000,000 cost of this new monument to MEST? First, you depreciate a building like this over 20 years (some rules allow 30 years for tax purposes but you want to rebuild and rejuvenate to keep up your brand so most retail businesses would amortize the building over no more than 20 years. So the expenses of running the building would be perhaps $900,000 per year ($15 million plus interest and other costs excluding utilities).
If you look at most small-footprint retail outlets, they typically spend somewhere around 10% of revenue on basic real estate costs (I’m not factoring in “commission rent” paid to shopping center operators). Restaurants are quite a bit higher.
So for this to be in line with what other specialty retailers are paying for standalone locations, they would need to be doing $9,000,000 per year starting on the first day that the Valley Ideal Org is open to earn back the investment.
But the $5,000 to $7,000 per week that they’re bringing in is after “more expansion in the last 50 years than the previous 50 combined” in the hottest area for Scientology around. Hard to imagine how they’ll grow at least another 25x in size to get to a positive ROI on that building with the stats they’ve got.
What’s amazing is that so many smart people can sit there looking at these stats week after week and not see that the pieces don’t even come close to adding up.
From memory, the 1980s, when I went to the then Valley Org, there was a very heavyset guy who ran it pretty well, Ike something or other, and one or another of the Digalbos were there, and it was an upbeat place that some weeks made as much as LA Orgs did, sometimes.
Like a good week in the 1980s might be 20-30 Gs. After Ike left though, then Valley Org was a shiite hole for long time.
They likely just don’t even get above 20 Gs a week, my guess, today, they just are only a watering hole of an org for a wide collection of sort of mediocre sort of middle class, sort of, has-been Scientologists in that community.
A really in depth look at the incomes and professions of those there, would be a good look at Scientologists today.
Being in LA, I know that Valley had my old boss, an ex Sea Org and ex Gold Base staffer, as public once he paid off his freeloader debt and began trudging up the training side of the Bridge, meaning he did courses.
Courses are less expensive, but they make you sitting duck for their regges and the West US IAS and other regs (sales people), but if you don’t have money, and depending on your income level, for which people who even ARE at Valley org, they are NOT the A-list got bucks Scientologists, other than Nancy who is their empress cheerleader.
“What’s amazing is that so many smart people can sit there looking at these stats week after week and not see that the pieces don’t even come close to adding up”
C’mon John, that’s because they know that as soon as the Org is finished, there will be lines around the block of new parishioners in a frenzy busting the doors down. It will be standing room only! So hurry up, open that wallet, grab those credit cards. It’s all just around the corner!
One of David ‘Let him die’ Miscavige’s greatest nightmares has got to be people like Bob Duggan and Grant Cardone looking at the numbers and saying ‘This is crazy’.
John P… unless there has been a drastic change in the way stats are being counted; this money is not being counted in the org’s gross income. That should only be for service sales and bookstore sales. I have not had any connection with that org since ’04, so I don’t know much since then.
Chuck’s remembering Ike Kezbom as the ED of the org in the early 80s is correct. Ike was horribly overweight; about 6′ tall and easily 360 lbs. He died in ’03 at 56 years of age. He had left the org years before, and was one of the founding fathers of National Title Clearing company. See http://www.tampabay.com/news/scientology-founders-tenets-drive-pinellas-title-company-under-fire-for/1148529 for a fascinating story about Ike and his cronies.
A little history of that org… it was a mission until the mission holder’s conference of 1982, and it was part of a group of missions that were ran by mission holder Carl Barney, and these were pretty good missions. They had a history of pretty good delivery. But around the time of the mission holder conference, Carl threw in the towel and “never was seen again”; Ike stayed on for a few years as the new org’s ED, and it had some of the mission’s old esprit de corps, but that fizzled pretty quickly.
What a grim scene. Obviously they are sick of it. Imagine…talking about money ALL THE TIME. Being asked for money, asking others for money, thinking of new ways to ask others for money, asking each other for money, honoring people who have given them money, reporting on the progress of how much money is needed, gotten, expected…on and on and on.
Serious, if there ever was a case for “overrun” – this is it.
Unlike normal groups or businesses, Scn never seems to look outside it’s own walls. Where is the production that exchanges something of value with the world they live in? It’s just become a parasitic operation, feeding off of its host until it is dead and shrivelled away, then move onto the next host.
What a frightening time to be a member.
I agree it is a frightening time be a member. I do not believe there was ever a good time to be a member, but at least, as you note, back in the day exchange was mostly in. Now exchange it is out big time.
AWWWWWWWWWW! & they need to HELP the planet, too.
Scientology = $cienDOLLATRY – the science of a perpetual and eternal “passing of the hat” as to abstract maximum dollars out of beings before death whilst tricking them into believing there is something to HAVE whilst hiding behind the very protective (of criminals) Religious Cloak so as to not get caught or prosecuted for the crimes against humanity.
Religion – ain’t it grand?
$cienDoLLatry. That’s precious 🙂
Ballpark balance means it’s not the real balance. It’s really a fake low balance. When they make the “ballpark” balance THEN they will say we calculated everything and now we only need two million more. That’s how Quinn rolls. He’s a con man from way back.
Its very telling that Quinn mentioned that you “no longer need the Hubble telescopic to see it” (“it” being the end of fundraising.) Sorry Quinn, after Valley is SMP, after SMP is the next thing, and after the next thing will be the next thing. It will always be “urgent”. Hang on to that Hubble telescope.
“Just remember: The Valley Is Now!”
Really? Actually, since 2001 “the Valley” has lost about 1,000,000 middle class US citizens. (leaving only 10% of the middle class population when compared to the mid-70’s) Replaced by mostly by low income illegals. (see US Census B. breakdowns).
In the final analysis, even if they opened that ideal org AND scientology & LRH weren’t as disliked as genital herpes, they don’t have a local demographic that could afford to pay for services.
Please don’t insult genital herpes by comparing them to LRH and Scientology.
“Disliked as genital herpes” – hilarious comparison!
This is when the L. Ron Hubbard school of statistics really bites your bum. Even as a teen I realized his idea that stats should always trend in one direction (up) was literally impossible and set up for system-wide failure. Why don’t these people get it yet??? Sigh.