The Valley Vultures are back at it, with another BIG PUSH for more money.
Come and be regged, and we will give you “treats, snacks and music!”
Let’s “have fun and finish this” by you giving us more money.
This is now like watching a slow motion train wreck. No longer moving forward, the casualties are piling up and onlookers are wondering whether anyone will survive.
Hi Team Valley,
We have BIG news and you may have already heard! At our meeting you’ll get all the data on the game that is next for Valley.
We have a huge production target at the meeting to get our a crucial mailing to the field so your attendance and help is most important.
We will have treats, snacks and music!
We are the most productive OTC on the planet!!! Let’s have fun and finish this.
To save me time in asking each of you, reply and let me know you’ll be there.
See you Tuesday.
Now, we get to find out a bit about what this is going to require.
Somehow, when you have a 16 million dollar renovation plan, there isn’t a whole lot of satisfaction in having a big “DONE” on “Space Plans Complete” and then “Designs Complete” and “Completed Fundraising For Complete Planning”…. Wowee zowee, how thrilling is that. Three MAJOR “DONES” and we are still NOWHERE on even STARTING the “renovations.”
So, here we go:
Oh, changed again.
Now we are going to “start construction” and get into the “Construction Phase Milestone Target” — that is apparently “only” $700,000 or so before March 13th (they have stopped mentioning how many more MILLIONS they need to do the full construction — obviously they have to ease off on the overwhelm now and try and feed the clubbed seals smaller targets that are more confrontable).
But even that didn’t seem to work, so they cut it back even more and now magnified. But there is good news. About a quarter of the remaining balance needed to get to the subproduct of “construction phase milestone target” is “pledged” by some shills (Bart, is that you again?) providing they can get some other clubbed seals to cough up a couple of hundred thousand. And then if THAT is done, there will just be a few measly hun=dred thousand left.
Now, I ask you. Who wouldn’t want to come along to yet another event like this where they beg for your money.
$10 million raised just isn’t enough to make this building into the over-the-top palace it has been decreed to be.
But the enthusiasm is clearly waning. Even the whales are tapped out to make a relatively minor target of less than a million (they were bragging about doing that in a week some months ago).
Perhaps they need to bring back Quinn The Eskimo?
Is there any Scientology left in Scientology?
Now I can’t get the song “Train in vain” out of my head.
It always was about the money. But Hubbard really did want people to become more able, more sane, and more in control over some of life’s circumstances.. Some achieved that, some did not.
David Miscavige destroyed the technology that Hubbard created. I do not know if Hubbard created all of it, but surely he created most of it.
Although I doubt that Hubbard ever really intended to come back, I think he would be disappointed had he known what this movement would someday morph into. Good grief.
Beryl, El Con knowingly raised the psycho DM up to the highest levels of management. Hub bard himself was a criminal. But, besides all that, there is NOTHING from stopping you and other like minded still scientologists from creating “big, booming, orgs”. Why lament instead of making them? I don’t understand.
Or may “dwarf into”. 🙂
Does any of the money collected for Ideal Org fundraising get funneled uplines? Does anyone have any information on that? We need a new defector who has been working on this project over the years.
I’ve never seen any account for the tens of millions raised for each Ideal Org. No breakdown of costs. Some of this money has to be going to Miscavige in some way. It seems plausible.
Damned right, Nickname. The only thing that people who are actually interested in the subject of Scientology want from a Scientology organization is auditing, auditor training, and admin training.
They want to receive auditing sessions and give auditing sessions to others.
They don’t give a rats ass about fancy buildings, architecture, statuses, or worshiping criminals like DM.
They want well trained practitioners, auditor trainers, and supporting staff for which they are willing to pay in exchange for those services.
Everything else that the COS is doing (which is virtually everything that they are doing) relates to some purpose other than practicing actual Scientology and is the result of other intentions.
What Scientologists actually need and want I mentioned above.
All of this materialism bullshit is just a slick operation. DM and his sycophants say that the purpose of the fancy buildings is to create “good public relations”.
Yeah. How’s that working?
If anybody believes that, I’ve got an Ideal Bridge in Brooklyn that I’ll sell you.
Anyone have any leaked info on the “must-attend” briefings that have been advertised lately? Surely they’re telling the flock that they’re “confronting and shattering” HBO and that the membership must absolutely not watch Going Clear on the 29th.
As for the Valley, I wish the scns would just stop and think. If they just applied a little bit of critical thinking they’d see the ideal orgs for the real estate scam they really are. And remember, for most major construction projects, being completed under budget is something of a minor miracle. You just know they’ll be hit up for any and all of the hiccups that happen along the way.
” I wish the scns would just stop and think. If they just applied a little bit of critical thinking they’d see the ideal orgs for the real estate scam they really are.”
Certainly you jest? They certainly know better that to exercise ‘critical’ thinking to say nothing of the cost of the sec checking that ALWAYS follows that sort of activity!
Yes my friend went to one and they talked about the HBO special and how horrible it was. He was told that all the people in it left the church over 20 years ago and these are people that did horrible things. They seemed to especially focus on Rathburn and how despicable he was/is. They were directed to read Freedom magazine. Also I saw that the IAS vultures are surrounding the big whales for funding the commercials. Of course they can’t watch the HBO program either.
After the Anderson Cooper special on CNN, “Scientology A History of Violence”, there were a few public (OL’s) who were chatting about Marty Rathbun. They all said the same thing; that he’s “so psychotic”. I told them doing this that Marty has a blog and that they can look him up, read some of his articles and come to their own determination if he’s “psychotic” or not. No one ever got back to me, which I didn’t really expect to happen.
“But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here everybody’s gonna jump for joy.” Yeah, sure.
Maybe Scientologists are getting tried of being road kill for the vultures. And Valley says they are the most productive OTC on the planet. I guess their vultures are getting fat at a faster rate. Fat vultures=up-stat.
I think COB should give the Garcia’s their money back and remove that Scientology cross off of the SP building and mount a bit stuffed fat vulture up there instead as the church symbol.
Since we’re on the subject of money oriented as opposed to people oriented.
To those who were in the S.O. Did ya ever notice that only ONE S.O. Member had a Church funded retirement in place? It was El Con. He expected everyone else to toil for free until they dropped dead OR, were given a medical F.B. OUT of the S.O. If that happened to you as an Int staff member (MEDICAL FB out) it also meant a mandatory S.P. declare as ordered by El Con Hubbard.
To all those who still practically drool over El Con. Buy a CLUE.
John Locke, I know several staff members who were Fitness Boarded out of the SO and they did NOT get an automatic declare. So your blanket statement that anyone who is FBed out gets a declare is not true.
Cindy, I didn’t make a “blanket statement about ANYONE being FB’ed”. YOU didn’t understand what I wrote. Reread EXACTLY what I wrote until you comprehend.
John, do you have any references on that?
1984, it is a LRH issue for Int staff only. You cannot see it. Mike R. knows it and thus let the my post about it appear.
I was more interested in “Church funded retirement”.
The auto declare thing is already counter policy. (Orders are not senior to policy and is not available.)
You might read up on John Lock:
“We may, Locke tells us, help one another. We may intervene in cases where our own interests are not directly under threat to help enforce the law of nature. Still, the person who is most likely to enforce the law under these circumstances is the person who has been wronged. The basic principle of justice is that the punishment should be proportionate to the crime. But when the victims are judging the seriousness of the crime, they are more likely to judge it of greater severity than might an impartial judge. As a result, there will be regular miscarriages of justice. This is perhaps the most important problem with the state of nature.”
LOL 1984. NO. The auto declare IS policy for S. Just as F.O.s can trump PL’s for S.O. units. You speak of something you don’t have knowledge of.
p.s. I have forgotten more about Locke than you have ever known. 😉
John, I am glad that you are recovering your namesake’s philosophy.
Is there any references on “Church funded retirement”?
1984, In my OP I said that there was nothing from El Con about retirement for SO members.
John, No. You imply a number of things, and make people wrong about it.
Take it easy. You are not in the SO anymore.
+ 100
John, I was staff for many years and never knew of anyone at any level, INT or otherwise, who got declared for routing out on a medical FB.
Lordburg12, Please list ALL the people you know who were FB’ed out of the S.O. WHILE posted at Int base… FB’ed from OTHER than Int is not relevant to this conversation.
As I understand it, if an SO member who was posted at the Int Base “routes out” properly, or if he blows suddenly, he still gets declared. I think this is only the case for Int Base personnel, and not people routing out from other places such as Flag. The unstated reason for this is most likely to isolate the ex-Int Base staffer so that he/she would have a more difficult time telling other scientologists lurid tales of abuse at the highest levels of church management.
Hasn’t worked out so well in that regard.
And church policy states if someone wants to leave the SO (and endures the arduous process of Routing Out “standardly”), a Fitness Board is nevertheless convened, which then “determines” the leaving person to be unfit for the SO because he wants to leave.
There is nothing to “determine” in the case of convening a fitness board on somebody who wants to leave. It is just a shitty parting shot against the person, a weak attempt to maintain the pretense that the person was kicked out and didn’t quit. It also is to show those SO members still in that the SO is on a cause footing regarding its personnel, and is never the effect of people wanting to leave. Yet another bit of mindfuck.
Thanks John Doe for your info and for granting beingness to others rather than trying to squash and invalidate others on the blog. I appreciate your comm.
To those who doubt John Locke’s word about the mandatory declare for anyone who leaves, it is from a confidential “advice” that refers specifically to the Gold Base, not to the Sea Org in general. No, I can’t show you a copy but it is the reason I am an SP and the same goes for many others. I left and did not come back. SP ipso facto QED.
He also says in that advice that only the “elite of the elite” are allowed to go to Gold, that one of the requirements is that you have to be “personable” (one of my most hilarious memories is when the Personnel Procurement Officer had a special little interview to determine if I was “personable” enough to be at the Gold Base, with Dave and his goons). He describes Gold as a scene of “underloads and overloads”, pretty true.
It was created at a time (’83 or thereabouts) when Ron was on the lam from the law but wanted to go back to film production and enjoy the luxury accommodations at Gold. So he tried to set up a Gold Base that was safe for him, meaning free from process servers and unfortunate leaks. He put these draconian rules in place, far worse than any other Sea Org installation, and Dave saw them as set in stone from the Boss even decades after he was gone.
That is one thing makes Gold such a crazy place, you can’t get new personnel easily and the old personnel can’t leave. So it stagnates like cabin fever to the umpteenth power. In the Welcome to the Sea Org tapes Ron said that the front door is wide open, and so is the gangway. “Not everyone makes it in the Sea Org.” Meaning hire in excess and let the bad apples leave, building up a crew of “good” (slavery-oriented) apples. Then he turned around and cancelled that for the Gold Base, creating an intolerable mess for all concerned. I think this is one big reason for the otherwise stupid move to put duplicate facilities at KCET. Let the hopelessly screwed up Gold Crew stew in their juices in Hemet and get fresh new slaves for a media paradise right in LA, sort of Mad Hatter Studios on steroids.
The Sea Org a cult that engages in human trafficking and slavery. Is the Sea Org really necessary to have in order to run the Church of Scientology? There are other organized churches aside from the Catholic church that has people living in the secular world, yet working for their church and successfully keeping it going. Why not for the CoS?
The OT Levels are secret, and because of this, there has to be a Sea Org. If the OT Levels were not a closely guarded secret, which they aren’t anymore due to the internet, then there would be no need for a Sea Org either. A lot of pain and misery would go away and people could live happy productive lives and still practice their religion if the secrecy aspect was changed. That and other policies that are destructive to the well-being of families and the individual.
Pepper, there is nothing to run. the CoS consists of only a few thousand people in the ENTIRE world. It is primarily empty or near empty buildings. People ARE free to practice scientology outside the clutches of the Sea Org. THAT hasn’t resulted in ANY expansion of the “religion”. So, not sure what the point is…
My point however simplistic, is to make the OT Levels open knowledge since it already is and to disband the Sea Org which I believe it’s main purpose is to protect the OT Levels.
My idea is based on that there would probably be no Sea Org if the OT levels didn’t have to be confidential. The Sea Org hasn’t brought about a “greater good”, or expanded the church. The SO has brought misery and suffering for the people in it. It’s not necessary.
Pepper, the OT materials ARE open and free. They never had to be secret. The S.O. is irrelevant now. If you want to get them or deliver them, you can do so without recourse to the S.O. Anyone can. Statistically speaking, no one in the world WANTS the LRH “O.T. Levels” so I guess the whole point is now moot…
Yes John, people can get any of the tech for free and outside the confines of the church. Those who don’t view any tech outside the organized church as “squirrel” that is. People who are still in and “going up the Bridge” are afraid of that. They will get Declared for it. Also, you always hear about some person squirreling and then they weren’t doing well,etc. Funny because I saw a lot of people doing “Standard Scientology” at Flag and they were not doing so well either.
I guess that I’m daydreaming about seeing the Sea Org disbanded. I think that would be a good thing. Let people free for good and let them have a life of their own purpose and choosing. If they still want to do Scientology or work for it in some capacity, then let it be on their own terms.
I wanted to brief each and every one of you on the current status of my posting on this blog.
As you know, it takes a lot of sub-products to create the IDEAL COMMUNICATION– especially at correct orders of magnitude to IMPINGE, the likes of which this world has never seen!
The good news is that I have already attained major completions, with more well underway.
Let’s recap the targets previously laid out and where I stand on each:
1) Formulate something to say.
2) Choose the words that will best communicate that formulation.
3) Determine the best medium for proper transmittal of formulation thus communicated.
While “everyone knows” this can only be done by Ham Radio or Western Union, I have found a new device far more effective than either– one which the wog world seems to know nothing of.
That new device is the InterNet!
In other words:
3) Aquire appropriate energy to enable me to purchase InterNet device, allowing for not only THIS Ideal Communication, but for UNLIMITED transmittals of communications to be formulated by myself after extensive Survey Tech reveals what best to say.
Estimated cost of Lap Top Computing Device: $55,000.
5) Hire team of highly-trained experts with the future capability to type in these potential communications– so as to have maximal IMPACT on a society that sorely needs them!
Estimated cost: $10,000 X 20 highly-trained experts (to cover both vowels and consonants)= $200,000.00
We’re right on the precipice to the prologue of the preamble on the runway to COMPLETION!!!
Let’s wrap this baby up!!!!!!!!!
Much Love,
Scamtology is a great scam
How much does it cost to get to OTIII, just to find out about Xenu and the aliens?
People pay for this nonsense. It must be easy to get a rich person to give you money for a building, if you already sold them Xenu!
Example: I sell you the Brooklyn Bridge, and you are happy as you can be.
My next sale will be the golden gate, If I was a scumbag like LRH or Miscarrage
Quote Kathy: “To save me time in asking each of you, reply and let me know you’ll be there.”
Sometimes it is just fun to see the violence to the English language the cultists perpetrate in their various missives. Not this time! With this one sentence, Kathy earned my grudging respect.
She’s NOT saying “whether” you’ll be there. Oh no, this one is a foregone conclusion.
But even better, I love the veiled threat: “If you don’t reply (with the only acceptable response), I will hound your ass until you agree to come. Do you really want a severed horse head on your pillow?”
Turning up the pitch some more: Don’t you love Ron? It’s his birthday. Ron died practically in poverty (well, other than the $650 mill he managed to con his flock for). Don’t let this happen! He needs your money more than ever!
Money and guilt! That should teach those bastards who claim that scn is not a real religion!
Todd, for some obscene reason, I’m compelled to tell her I will be there. Her obvious OT powers are too much for me. I…I can’t say no. I’m hoping that because I’m coming, that she has HBO and will let me watch Going Clear with her at her home.
Watching GC at her home? I’m sure she’ll offer up whatever it takes to distract you from the vicious entheta perpetrated by a group of professional apostates and bigots. Dude, you are SO going to get lucky!
Thanks, Todd! I’m very much looking forward to getting lucky! I hope she has beer for the viewing…
I think SP declares, issued or rumoured, are the best “help flow” the cherch can give these days, closely followed by forcing members into bankruptcy.
It would be nice to hear from someone who walked out recently, to get an idea of what it’s like inside. I can scarcely imagine what all the events and calls and floods of promo are like any more.
Sub Cultures, Sep.11,12
What is so good about them? Not much really, but then again they may have some redeeming characteristics as well.
So here is a definition (no. 2) plucked from a dictionary.
A cultural sub group differentiated by status, ethnic background, residence, religion or other factors that functionally unify the group and act collectively on each member.
What does it all mean?
To me it means that people get together to share mutual activities, realities and agreements but then they may not be somewhere by choice either.
Take jail (or some other place)for instance. Prisoners are there
and probably hate the group but also share a common reality; they hate cops more.
Cops and criminals share a mutual disrespect but without each other they don’t have a game either.
I have considered the idea that cops and criminals switch valences (identities) from lifetime to lifetime but that’s just speculation on my part.
The downside of being a member of a cult, organization, group or association is that one can lose sight of himself or the larger picture which is all humanity; hence we can be made to do things that may not be for the greatest good of all.
Some unmentioned powerful groups consolidate and manipulate
subgroups into committing crimes against perceived enemies like countries for example.
Another thing about subcultures is that they tend to individuate from societies at large and can be alienated from them by a leaders hostile ideologies thus becoming subservient to the tyranny.
Ron D:
Louis Theroux (son of travel author Paul) is reported to be doing a documentary for the BBC on Sci-land. I love his stuff as he is able to charmingly ask naive but revealing questions of the weirdest humans (nazis, white supremacists, hard core criminals, religious nuts/fag haters, UFO conspiracy guys and so on). His method draws out their stories in their own words and leaves the viewer to decide what might be going on in their heads. He develops a rapport with them in a very non-threatening way.
If you are interested in the symbiotic relationship between cops (prison guards) and prisoners look at his fascinating documentaries on San Quentin and another Florida jail.
My problem is I really don’t see scientologists, if LT can even get access to them, opening up to reveal their
true thoughts. No doubt it will be worth a watch though.
What a difference between the Valley mOrg fundraising/construction scam and the way the old KCET studio work is being done. The Valley spends years of fundraising to get to the next millstone, excuse me, milestone and only now can most expensive part of the ‘renovation’ begin. The plans for the ‘finished’ Valley mOrg looks just like a mega mall Brookstone or Elaine Bryant.
The KCET studios are being rehabed and rebuilt without the fundraising being ‘complete’. Why the discrepancy between the 2 ‘entities’? I guess ‘command intention’ means everything in today’s Clampire. So who is funding the KCET reno? Which whale(s) wants a showpiece of technical perfection in downtown LA?
Miscavige is funding KCET. There is no “OT Committee” that he can hold responsible for this and it was not part of the “bait” for OT IX and X.
Another ideal org in LA isnt going to hype the whales.
He can do a lot more hype with another “massive international dissemination center that is going to reach the populations of earth” — everyone forgets they already have a facility at Gold they cannot even use 50% of, but they assume that this is evidence of massive expansion, because OF COURSE this is “needed”, nobody would build it if it wasnt needed!
He knows he is dealing with hypnotized dupes.
Every single event is about getting money!!!
Have there ever been public events just to hang out and enjoy each other and company?
When I was at Int we had movie night and watched Cujo. No one asked me for money. Then there was Sea Org Day, I wasn’t asked for money. We won (based off of VSD being Highest Ever… I wonder if they keep that stat anymore) going to the movie in Hemet once but my stats were down so I had to stay and work while practically EVERYONE at CMOInt went to the movie. I don’t think anyone was asked for money. I wasn’t asked for money every week on Reno Day either.
Maybe the only way to get out of being asked for money is to join the sea org or LEAVE the church.
They didn’t have to ask you for money. They already had ALL the money you made, in the form of you working for 110 hours a week for pennies and cheep food and housing.
Don’t forget no health insurance. But, I guess that part is ok because the clown dwarf told Ted Koppel on Nightline that scientologists don’t get sick. Gotta be their OT powers…
Toot TO OT,
V What D? S? There ain’t no services delivering going on here, maybe the new VSD stat is Value of Statuses Donated? Services haven’t been delivered since before the Debbie Cook email made waves.
Volume of Sucker Donations
I think it is Volume of Suckers Duped.
🙂 Love the definition for VSD.
The money tree is dead, nary a twig or root left. Elvis HAS left the building!
What’s it all about, Daaaaavy
Is it just for the moment, you suck
What’s it all about, when the wall are crumbing down
And your sycophants are just plain out of luck
What’s it all about, Daaaavy,
when you members are fleeing in mass
What’s it ALL about, when the GI is grinding down
And there’s nothing left for youuuuuu
WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL ABOUT? Seriously, I really want to know…
Arrogance and unreality, the ultimate in cognitive dissonance.
Ooooooo! I like that! But can I add one thing? Arrogance, unreality & MAKE BELIEVE.
Anytime OSD. I guess pretending is a “continuing postulate”. Hahahaha!
This is all so exhausting. If I were still in and seeing this promo week in week out, month in month out, I’d be truly disgusted and start asking for some splainin! I don’t get it, the ‘still in’ old timers or anybody for that matter just makes my head spin.
They’ve got to treat it like I do the newspaper flyers and other assorted junk mail that show up in my mailbox on a daily basis. One stack of mail to go in the house, one to drop in the garbage on the way to the house.
I can imagine that most people don’t even bother to open mail addressed from Scientology any more. I know I didn’t when they were bombarding me in their attempt to “recover me” before I decided to make them stop.
After I made the decision to make them STFU, though, I got really creative with my responses. Lots of what they deem as entheta can fit into a postage prepaid envelope which they so stupidly supply with all their correspondence..
Yet they still called me (and called me and called me and called me and called me and *you get the idea*) . . .
until I finally heard the glorious words out of Larry Jacobs mouth after one of my conversations with him … “blacklisted”. I should have marked that day on the calendar. I think he though he hurt my feelings. I celebrated my freedom from their entheta for an hour or more.
Wow, Valerie! You were very much in demand! You must be, what, OT XX now? No wonder they couldn’t stop calling you! But, I’m sure it’s much, much quieter at home without the avalanche of mail…
Yeah, *yawn* OSD, I’m the most popular girl on my block (at least in my mind). Check last night’s facebook post on my page to see all the people who I saw last night. Well, OK, I was at an all-city band concert, but hey, I’m sure they would have all turned out to see me even if there hadn’t been several hundred band students there (*cough cough*).
As for my current OT level, I’m on OT FRREEEZE right now. The EP of this level is cause over this stupid blizzard that has blown in today (or at least a drive home without sliding off the road). I’ll let you know who wins (hint – place odds on the blizzard).
Valerie, you must be back east. The weather here at the beach is 74 degrees under clear blue skies with a light breeze off the ocean. Hey! Someone has to live here!
I had a Still In express to me her dismay with all the fundraising and how there just is no one any more that can give AND how OT Committee members are dwindling because they don’t want to give any more. This same woman disconnected from me without a word when I got declared. Can you say brainwashed fear-driven minion?
I happened to be one of the few people on course at valley, years ago, when they were
renting office space. And I was truly puzzled
about needing more space. For who?. And that
is still the question. For who?
Its for the imaginary millions who will be flooding in and streaming up the bridge, just like they are at Pasadena down the road a bit. Or LA Org. Or Orange County. Or inglewood.
The real problem is that they don’t have an international dissemination center to reach the masses in LA (they have one in Riverside County, 85 miles away, built at ENORMOUS expense, but that doesnt count).
Once they have the new studios built, they will NEED this capacity to deal with the millions who will be breaking down the doors of the ideal orgs (unless they have access to the internet, or watch HBO or read a magazine or watch the Oscars etc etc). Probably going to run a campaign for blind people I suppose.
Aren’t there 8 million members worldwide already? Surely all those people need somewhere to go? I just worked out that if such a multitude existed all they would need to is donate $300 a piece and every single remaining org planet wide would be fully done – so where are they?
Ummmmmm…for DM’s ego, Erro?
“We are the most productive OTC on the planet!!!” speaks so many volumes to those willing to listen.
Please Kathy, can you answer me just one question here:
If the most productive OTC on the planet has as their sole and entire goal raising enough money to Buy. And, Renovate. A. Building. and all these years later they can’t even get that done, doesn’t that speak pretty poorly of OT powers?
“We have BIG NEWS! We demand you give us more money, ya fucking idiots! That’s our BIG NEWS!”
The vultures that keep popping up here seem to be getting bigger and healthier looking. That bird looks comfortable with the idea that getting his next meal won’t be a problem.
I guess in the wake of the carnage Dave is leaving behind its easy pickings these days for a bird of prey. No need to even move from the tree anymore; just wait for the next victim to drop right in front of you.
That’s a good-looking vulture up there today. Looks almost human.
” Hi Team Valley,
We have BIG news and you may have already heard! ”
Oh Daveshit Kathy! No one has heard diddly squat and no one gives a squirt of Daveshit about it anyway. Let me guess ….. YOU WANT MONEY!!! Wow , that’s really new news. You are going to salvage the planet? More Daveshit !!!!!
Their is NO BIG NEWS IN SCIENTOLOGY. You cult members comprise a fast shrinking group of anguishing mental misfits and your ‘TEAM ASSHOLE’ IS GOING AWAY.
Their is LOTS OF BIG NEWS OUTSIDE SCIENTOLOGY. You may have already heard Kathy, about the new documentary airing on HBO about what El Ron, Davey Poo and your cult of greed really are. Go watch it and then get a life.
OK ….. end of rant and feeling much more chipper! Carry on troopers!
“…you’ll get all the data on the game that is next for Valley.”
If that phrase doesn’t strike fear into the heart of the sheep, then nothing will. It’s been 10 fucking years of this! They’ll ALL know that the “game” is the same: Give up more money!
The poverty stricken Sea Org bozos have no concept of earning money in the world. They just keep demanding it as though the only value is their stats. Leeches. I’m sure this “push” is waking a lot more sheeple up. Ugly and uglier.
It’s got to be really tough when they do wake up, though. Especially if they been in the cult for a decade or longer. They know nothing of making a living or even renting an apt. It’s a whole other world for them.
Everything is official and very important on a grand scale……a group effort beyond compare.
Everyone needs to get this thing done!
I wonder if one of their own got hurt or became ill where on the importance level it would be
to send someone to help with assists etc.? How would that group effort work then? It would
probably depend on how much money the hurt/ill person had access to.
No money… assists….no help. Or it just might be none of them know how to do an assist or
even confront a person in need. But boy do they know their buildings. A sad bunch indeed.
Thank you Potpie. Exactly. Where on the importance scale would it be to help one of their own in need. Well, I will tell you it is at zero. My elderly mother has been ever faithful to LRH for 43 years. She was SO for 11, despite being a psych case. She spent literally every dime she had in services and donos. She is now in assisted living recovering from her second broken hip and I can tell you thay none of the gazillion VMs in the LA area are helping her. It makes me sick.
That’s the C of S and scios. They lose empathy, compassion and a true ability to care – especially if they have no more money.
It took YEARS of hypnotic, El Con directed “processing” to create these Ideal Marks for DM to command. Fortunately only a small % of people are super susceptible to this type of mind control. In reality there are only a few thousand on the whole planet left in “the church”. It is shrinking in numbers by the day. A corpse with a little momentum that makes it appear to still be alive.
Nice post, John! And you’re absolutely right about their shrinking numbers. Really, the only people that still go in these Idle Morgues are old timers re-re-re-doing some course or action, or, people who don’t know how to use Google.
El Con never conceived of the internet. The internet is the great leveling of the playing field. EVERY BAD THING THEY’VE EVER DONE IS THERE FOR THE READING. The genie is out of the bottle and never going back in…
Right OSD. The Indies could completely re-brand (scrape the names off it and rename all the courses, levels, etc.) and it would NEVER amount to anything statistically significant.
If it was crenamed Beck’s Basic Brain Building Bagnio it would leak out onto the interwebtubes what it REALLY was and it would screech to a halt.
“Honey, the regges worked me over for four hours and I just couldn’t take it any more. I’ve pissed away our kid’s college fund.”
How apropos that the color of the fundraising progress thermometer is about the color of blood in urine.
The Amish can put up a good sized barn in a day and a house in a couple-three days.
Sheeeeesh!!!! The members will find out!!!!!
Sorry to go off at a tangent for a minute here, but something on Tony O’s blog deserves a wider audience I feel. The 2nd item on Basel’s fundraiser last year, a video, to any ex-Sea Org is final proof positive of the complete reversal of what Scientology has become, jaw-dropping actually. There is a full-blown honour-guard with SO in Class A uniform for public, yes PUBLIC, simply for writing cheques for Idle Orgs. If I was still in, working 80 – 100 hour weeks for bugger-all pay, this would be sending alarm bells ringing and I would be utterly humiliated and confused. I hope it has the same effect on those who are – nearly – cause over those swords.
I saw that video, Martin! The SO member with the swords were kinda short and the people had to duck under the crossed swords so they wouldn’t get cut. Some of their expressions while going under the crossed swords was classic!
From Kathy’s email: “To save me time in asking each of you, reply and let me know you’ll be there.” Condescending, presumptuous and threatening – the scientology trifecta.
Is it just me, or does anyone else see the phallic nature of that big red throbbing barrometre looking to burrow itself in some poor willing sheeples ass??
I mean how much more punishment can they take? The whole saga is so BDSM! If pain is your game, stick around! Sorry to be so crass but the ideal schmorgg thing has got to be up there with the most perverted excuse for a game Ive ever seen!
Nobody called out little Johnny for sticking pins in everyones eyes until they became the society of the blind led by the blinder! Argggh!
I think it’s just you…
LOL! Keep that thing away from me sheeple!
I was at first confused when I read the phrase “honest-to-god” in the first promo. Then I realized that they used the lower case g and it made sense. Does Nancy Cartwright consider herself god or God you think? It’s probably god, silly question.
WHO there is insane enough to still being happy to ruin his own self to enrich the dangerous psycho dwarf?
Off topic: did you know, dear Mike, that your own ex-supporter Attorney Massimo Introvigne and his team, from the CESNUR, are still working in Italy spelling their lies?
I’d like to see one good story of what scientology did under that spell, from you actualized viewpoint.
and please, contact me through mail. I’ve some interesting materials for you.
A Boonedoggle of epic proportions!!! Come throw more good money at lots of bad money.
This is so obviously a losing proposition, that the hypnotized robots are quietly questioning their on downloaded motives. It may just be all for nill though, as the robots cannot afford new batteries.
The Bunker has been doing some expose articles on the finances of scientology via the release of some financial documents, along with some very interesting insights by Mike Rinder. I’m not an account, but have been reading some of the comments by people that understand the finance docs.
I’m sure this has been thought of before, but as Deep Throat said to the WP reporters; “Follow the money!” If the governments of Europe and our government can freeze the assets of scientology and reclassify them as the money grubbing corporation they really are, maybe they can cut them off at the knees and bleed em dry. Just a thought!!’
It’s a stretch, I know, but if there were a way in which to actually go after the money that the “church” (sic) has, freeze all assets, and say they are a “for profit” organization, maybe it would hasten the demise of this ugly cult.
Good thought! Remember Al Capone got nabbed for tax evasion. Whatever it takes.
The accounts of COSRECI (that only operates in the UK) are interesting but I would not trust the figures in it regarding income. The audiitors have never asked for proof of expenditure and income. Their auditors’ report is purely based on the figures provided to them by COSRECI and I personally would not trust them as being accurate because over the years, the income has not slumped as much as the membership has obviously slumped.
Another thing I noticed about the acounts is the amount of money for the work of the auditors. Around 30k GBP. That is an awful lot of money for just regurgitating the same old same old each year from the COSRECI financial statements. The whole thing could have been prepared in a couple of hours by a junior clerk and the auditors are not to blame if the figures are a load of old cobblers, like I believe the income figures to be. It’s like the auditors are holding some sort of threat over COSRECI about the veracity of their figures. If they were to change auditors, then a new auditing firm might want to see detailed transaction figures, at least for the first year, and then the truth would be out. It looks to me that the current firm of auditors are being paid for their silence. I can speculate that a member of the public has written in to the auditors to ask them to challenge the veracity of the figures due to the income figures not following the dramatic downward trend of the membership and they might have passed on this concern from this member of the public to COSRECI for their comments.
Actually, this thing about a member of the public writing in is more than speculation. It was me and I have done this twice over a ten year period.
I had previously pointed out to the auditors of COSRECI (as well as various government departments including the UK’s Inland Revenue and the US’s IRS) that COSRECI accounts have been clearly inaccurate in the past. They managed to lose an entire sum close to $100m that was transferred to COSRECI just before the Wollersheim judgment. It has never appeared on their published accounts.
I know – income constant to within less than +/- 10% deviation in six out of seven years? How likely is that?!?
Hi Jens, they have to report fairly consistent figures each year or by UK auditing standards, the auditiors are obliged to do an in-depth audit and actually see proof of receipts, invoices and bills and bank transactions. So when they have a collapse like they did with their membership, they have to fake the income figures and keep it close to what it was previously so as not to trigger the in-depth audit.
Lets just say they get all the money in the World
and the place remains EMPTY.
Then its who pays for utilities and maintenance ?,
who mans the front desk as unpaid smuck ?
Big point here is David Miscavige rakes in the ownership assets
for his multi billion dollar portfolio.
Quite the scam alright. Not bad for a couple of assholes that could not even finish high school. It boggles the mind!
There are simply a lot of well intentioned people that cannot fathom being a part of something as crooked as $cientology much less supporting it. It hides in plain sight of all of us.
Yo Dave,
Where are you good buddy? Got your preps and perps ready for your March 13th drone-a-thon? BTW, how did the CCHR fleecing go. I got several calls to attend the gala but I hate cheap events and you were only asking $1000 per seat so I blew it off. Have another fucked day, remember, it’s Wednesday …..before Thursday at TOO. Yes TOO, as in you are TOO downstat this week.
I know that in Seattle, the continuous lies and demand for money for an “ideal org” drove away some of its most dedicated and affluent public. I’m sure it is having the result in the other cities.
I rememeber back 10 or more years ago when they were trying to raise money for Valley Org even then under Drew Johnston’s leadership. Thank God he finally moved to Northern CA where they can’t show up at his house at all hours of the night unannounced, asking him for free service such as give this talk, travel to that place, give us this money, etc like they did continually until he moved.
“We are the most productive OTC on the planet!!! Let’s have fun and finish this.” This is the line they crow from their promo. If they are the most productive OTC on the planet, why is it that after 10+ years, they still don’t have an Ideal Org done? Other OTC’s did it in less time and Valley is still hanging incomplete after 10 years.
I am sure you are right about Seattle Matt. Some of those affluent public are perhaps Indies now.
their hunger and lust for money defies words.
what would they do if we just handed over fort knox and the fed reserve to them?
is there even enough money in the world to satisfy them?
jeez, come up for some air.
In Fer-de-Lance, Archie Goodwin asks his boss, Nero Wolfe, about the possibility of borrowing(not regging, as we kniw it) money from a former client to help them get through the Great Depression(the novel begins soon after the Repeal of Prohibition), he is told:
Probably no change, one has no money and the other just prints it. The cult might learn how to -really- swindle then.
Amazing, eh? None of them appear to have the slightest perception of reality. Huge amounts of money for things they’ll never see produced. Training requires a table, a chair, a (reasonably priced) meter and a course pack. Auditing requires a table, two chairs, an auditor and a pc. Seems simple enough. Many thousands of us did exactly that with results that satisfied. But His Royal Pompodour has decreed, instead, that huge buildings must be acquired, hundreds of millions of dollars spent and only then can a *correct* (altered tech) auditing occur. Thus we must suspend ANY critical judgement, must refuse to look at any counter evidence, must continue to raise monies for purposes designated by others…and somehow all this will guarantee/ensure their “eternity”???? Simply boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
The core statistics of production of Scientology are well done auditing hours. That was how it worked when LRH directed the organization. The Co$ graphs and stats above are about money raised. The theory of the Co$ seems to be that you need a Rolls to drive to your $50,000 a year job, or you just can’t get there any other way. If they had stats like T/A action [Tone Arm action, a measure of charge off the case] per auditing hour going higher, that would be something. That would indicate PC’s are more willing to communicate, and getting more case gain. The price of the e-meter isn’t going to influence T/A – only care in auditing will produce more T/A.
It used to be that people were at cause over Scientology: studying it, getting how it works, and using it causatively for their own purposes of helping others gain understanding of life, and understanding more themselves in the process. You trained to audit, yes, but you had to become proficient with your own causality and with your own purposes.
Today it seems like the Co$ people are at effect or the organization(?). Really, waiting, at the effect end of a building, and that building is what is necessary and indicative of success? Wowow. The only one “at cause” seems to be Miscavige. The only one capable of doing anything. What is he causing? Vacancies? Trophy buildings? Disconnections? Cancellations of certificates?
Yes it does.
Currency is their manna….sacred bread of COB & Hubbard.
The Scientology “Lost Supper” scene would show the 10 apostles in “New Civilization Builder” t-shirts as COB anointed them with super sized bowling trophies. The crowds would have their credit cards waving above their heads hoping to be saved.
Another week…another reg cycle. Surprisingly effective…and so simple even the sheeple can understand.
And how much of the money already raised has gone to cover basic expenses (or been sent uplines)? 10 percent? 15? 20?
I can’t believe the Church of Cashgrab would ring-fence anything, even Ideal Org funds (except, of course, for COB’s slice of the pie)
David: What most people really want to say to the Church of Scientology but don’t for fear of “losing face” in public is “Why don’t you take your ideal orgs and stick them up your XXX?”. You have heard the phrase down through the ages “All the glitters is not gold” “Beware of strangers bearing gifts”. Nothing is more true about the Church of Scientology than those 2 statements. I stumbled on to this church when I was in high school and was looking for a way to boost my academic scores. No one is kidding me what this “church” has evolved into. And people like the author of this blog no way better than me even what that means. Everything you do in the church doesn’t help clear the planet, but it costs money. Go take a leak, and when you’re done the ESTO will be waiting outside the door of the lav like a demented freak telling you “It’s time to buy more basics in between your urinations”. OK. So, what most people really want to tell the Church of Scientology is “censored”. 🙂