Valley Idle Org is trying to generate some “PR Area Control” by buddying up with some “interfaith” allies. No doubt they will talk about how they are being targeted by “bigots” conducting a “campaign” of “anti-religion haters.” (For an organization that derides the concept of being a victim they sure do a pretty good imitation of playing one).
I wonder if they have on their agenda the topics of “Disconnection and the destruction of families”? Or “Elderly Abuse in Scientology”? Or “How we cover up child abuse to protect the image of scientology?”
The people who are attending this “interfaith forum on tolerance and belief” have no clue what they are involving themselves in. Or they think it’s a step up for them to get into bed with Scientology? Surely not….
Maybe they should get themselves informed…
Too my Jewish friends
Dear Friends,
We are having representatives of 7 religions among them a Jewish Rabbi.
As my Jewish friends I need you to come and host her and give her heart warming welcome.
Please confirm that you are coming next Thursday to the Interfaith event at Valley!!
Click reply all
Hagit Raviv-Ron
Public Relations Officer, Church of Scientology of the Valley
Join us to Celebrate United Nations Friendship Day
with an Interfaith Forum on Tolerance and Belief
In honor of United Nations Friendship Day, and in a time when religion itself is under attack, faith leaders are uniting to both explore their differences and highlight the values they share.
This diverse group of faith leaders will share with you what they really believe (not what the media tells you they believe) and why they feel tolerance and unity in the faith community is a must.
Mike I think this is an interesting bit of insight for lurkers and therefore worthy of repeating. ……………………”LOC was a bomb with people deciding their “hat in life” was something other than the SO or Staff when they did it. Because that was “out tech” both LOC and KTL were shelved.”…………………. I never did KTL or LOC but knew people who did who were artists or those who were trying to get outside of the box, live a more intentional life with clarity and purpose. (their purpose, not the purpose of the Sea Org or David Miscavige) This was my understanding of what the purpose of Scientology was in the overall, help empower individuals to live a more self determined existence. The fact that David Miscavige pulled KTL and LOC because it did not align with the purpose of the SO or the office of COB is a gross arbitrary. All donations received for those courses should be refunded immediately and there needs to be full disclosure of other alterations modifications deletions and otherwise intentional changes to the written works of L Ron Hubbard if they expect to be supported and respected by their membership. If requests for transparency are met with attacks to a persons character then this type of organization deserves to be shut down until the real reason for it’s decline are fully investigated and exposed. It is clear that is the purpose of “Scientology and the aftermath” remains to expose the abuses of the leadership of Scientology, not to attack the beliefs. I sincerely hope that those watching from the sidelines decide to empower themselves with the information that is being offered openly in the interest of fairness and full disclosure. Your church has been withholding important information from you for decades. It is your right to have the information and decide for yourselves.
Doug, Good points. Makes sense KTL and LOC were discontinued. Thanks
As a public- I was always a public, never staff – I did KTL and LOC and loved them and were helped a great deal by doing them. In fact, they were/are my favorite courses. (To each his own, right?) Anyway It astounded me to learn that my org was ceasing to deliver KTL and LOC. I asked a few staff members why and by way of answers got what by that time were the usual non-satisfactory non-answer/no-answers . One I tried again with one of the execs, who told me plainly that she didn’t know why KTL and LOC were not being delivered anymore. She herself had not been given a reason. I thought this was amazing and said so. I knew she agreed with me but couldn’t admit that to me.
Good post. Thank you Doug.
I have a statement for Dr . Michael Stanley:
I know that , as Mormons, we are supposed to respect everyone’s right to worship as they see fit. But why are you going to this Scientology sob fest and listen to Scientologists whine about Mike Rinder and Leah Remini? Yes, we too have had our share of persecution but our people weren’t committing the sort of things that Scientology is guilty of. ‘Scientology- The Aftermath’ is not a modern update of ‘The God Makers’ . Brother, please get all your facts before you commit.
I googled “religious diversity in San Fernando valley”. That search took me to a ticket sales site for this upcoming event. Eventbrite. The BBB gives Eventbrite a 10% satisfaction rating, based on customer reviews.
Elder abuse in $cientology? When you say elder abuse, do you mean abuse of elders who work at the orgs? My brother is 69 and his wife is in her mid to late 70s. They’ve been in the Clearwater org for a long time. Last time I saw my brother about four years ago, he was literally skin and bones. I’ve been labeled an SP so I can’t communicate with him at all. I would be heartbroken if he is being abused. He’s been in the organization since about 1971.
If your brother and sister-in-law are that old than they’ve probably been fitness-boarded out of the Sea Org by now. I am sorry to say that since the Sea Org provides no pensions or Social Security payments those who are fitness-boarded out at an elderly age go on welfare.
The disgusting Church of Scientology actually makes the arrangement for the elderly people it kicks out to be on welfare. That is what awaits the attractive 20-somethings that one can still sometimes see in the Sea Org in LA.
Contact the local “Office for the Aging” Or the “Elder Abuse Hotline”……
I’m not even sure where my brother is. The last I heard he was in Clearwater. Would contacting an elder abuse hotline actually do any good? They would be up against the $cientology Wall.
At least there’s welfare. I hope.
Yes….Reade Adams – that would BE elder abuse – why don’t you contact some of those religions. Nothing says “religion” like the Slave Labor Camps at the Mecca of Scam – Flag / Fraud Scam Base
Too many must show up in just spiritual form, too many invisible cars will be there that evening and too many snacks left for friday SO breakfast.
They just will shot too many pictures in order to ask for too many much more money.
I bet the SO Staff/Public ratio will be 4 to 1, too many staff at all
Maybe will be too many succesfull and too many belive it was
Too much COB
Valley Mortuary Update:
Shouldn’t your Mark be putting out another Baghdad Bob style propaganda video to save The Valley?
“As my Jewish friends I need you to come and host her and give her heart warming welcome”
“Public-Relations Officer” Hagit Raviv-Ron’s English is mangled. Her name and incorrect grammar suggests she grew up in Israel as a non-Anglophone.
The meaning of “As my Jewish friends…” is unclear. Perhaps she means “To my Jewish friends:” or maybe “As your Jewish friend”.
“Give her heart warming welcome”. Should be “give her a heartwarming welcome.” Hagit omitted the word “a” and then incorrectly inserted a space into the word “heartwarming”.
The meaning of “come and host her” is unclear. Hagit probably means “come and welcome her.”
There are 650,000 Jews in LA, yet Hagit’s mangled invitation is the best CoS could do in its outreach to Jews. That further confirms that CoS is an organization in decline.
Scientology loves to parade around a token Jew here and there…. it makes it appear “real” ….Every Org has one!
SuperPowers will be displayed to entertain and impress the wogs in attendance! OH! the glory of OT8!
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
“Celebrate the freedom to believe as you see fit”
But not if you’re an indie or an ex. That’s where your freedom ends and our tax-exempt religious right begins…to slime, smear, stalk, spy on and harass you until you stfu and/or kill yourself. We will destroy your family, your friends, maybe even your pets. We will slash your tyres, send sex toys to your workplace, get you fired and cut off all your sources of income. We’ll hack your emails, tap your phones and set up cameras outside your home. We’ll even tell your neighbours you’re a pervert. No expense will be spared. And what’s great about all this is that it’ll all be subsidised by those dumbass tax payers. Hah!
May I confirm your attendance?
Ummmmmmmm…… What you posted was scary! And unfortunately it’s all true. But, what do you expect with an organization that’s psychotic. Totally psychoic…
They misspelled the Rabbi’s name. Word tech at its very best!!!
Nice that they have a Jewish rabbi attending. That’s cool. At the next event will they invite a non-Jewish rabbi, for balance?
so true..their knowledge of the different faiths of our world is just plain non existent
Those hamsters still keep turning the same old wheel! I feel how blind I was when in Sea Org for I so believed the rolling lies that came off of the promo assembly line,& still roll on.For a few years I really thought the Sea Org was the Truth. I would suggest a visit to the word clearer for the promo piece concerning Hagit’s Jewish friends & hopefully signing up for courses too.?As for a heartwarming Welcome,whoops no hearts in that crowd.
First of all, “TOO my Jewish friends???” Does anyone proofread these things before they send them out?
And “will share with you what they really believe ” Does that include the scientologist representative? Because I’ve never heard a scientologist say what they REALLY believe.
And listing Drew Johnston as the minister from the C of S Valley is laughable. He is an FSM who makes his money off the parishoners as he regges them to buy services, or speaks at events and is paid a commission of the amount of money taken, or regged at the event. I can see they are doing these events to act like they are victims of Leah’s horrible bigotry. If the real truth were told, they would be exposed as the perpetrator of human rights, and not as victims.
“We are having … a Jewish Rabbi.”
As opposed to what, a Wiccan Rabbi?
How about a non Jewish, Surfer Rabbi? Nah…
As opposed to a Jewish Rabbit.
😉 LOL Jewish Rabbit
I cringe every time I read the “assumed close.” “Please confirm that you are coming….” when I feel pretty certain that the person on the other end of that email, is thinking, “No way; sounds like another snorefest to me.”
Snore fest maybe, but the attendees have to be on full alert and their toes after the presentation to make it out the door with their wallets intact.
Agreed Mary. I’m guessing some Scientologists who are on the radar still remain visible enough to dissuade suspicion and rumor but deep down they have seen waaaaaay too many instances of bait and switch to come to these events. Scientologists who have been in for 20-30 years have seen and heard everything by now and know there is nothing new to come to Scientology to save it from itself.
For such a short note, it’s chock full of so much craziness that it must be record breaking.
“I need you to come and host” — I see the letter writer is confused about who to try to use this command intention Jedi mind trick on. This “I need you to” business is for Scientologists, not recommended for outsiders, whose likely reaction is going to be “fuck off, asshole.”
“Please confirm…” — More of the same. This is the opposite of graciousness. Civilized behavior would be to ask nicely, and then qualify the call to confirm with the conditional that the invitation is being accepted.
“Jewish Rabbi” — Off-putting ignorance. What other kind of rabbi is there?
“… come and host her and give her a heart warming welcome.” — What planet are you from? You invited her to your event. Can’t you host her and welcome her? This is bonkers!
it truly seems that English is not the first language of whomever writes this garbage
“United Nations Friendship Day”?!?! Regardless of their window dressing and PR spin, the UN is actually one of this planet’s key enslavement organizations. This organization of elite New World Order appointees is the very seat of power for the Military Industrial Complex. This is the same group that appointed Saudi Arabia to their “Women’s rights Commission”!
The UN is a prime control center for the One World Government, Globalists agenda, aka “Agenda 21”.
This absurd and severely misinformed attempt on the part of CoS to position themselves with a supremely covert and suppressive element on the world stage is just as absurd as when they had Maurice Strong, avowed socialist and then Under Secretary General for the UN, speak at a NYC ribbon yanking in 2004. (Why not bring in Idi Amin and Pol Pot while they were at it?)
Those that were once supposedly offering the solution to enslavement are now not just actively endorsing that very enslavement but encouraging it. It’s like having Neo promote the benefits of the Matrix…
I love it when any mention of the UN sets off flaming screeds from conspiracy theorists. The UN is nothing but a collection of countries that make up the membership, with power mostly accorded relative to the power of each of those members. The UN is not some evil organization that exists outside of the intentions and strict instructions of its members. It has no agenda other than that of the Security Council permanent members (US, Russia, China, France, UK) and other economically powerful countries. The heart of the military industrial complex are US defense contractors and a few others around the globe. I love your passion, but it is so misdirected that it is equivalent to shaking your fist at the moon.
I shook my fist at the Moon once. It shooked back. I never did that again.
It’d be so easy for official Scientology to do some momentous things.
a) Use their big empty Ideal Org parking lots for some hired meal coaches to provide a once a month, or once a week, or once every two weeks, free meal for the homeless, and coordinate the day of the week with the other churches that offer their day of free meal to the homeless. (LA has so many free meal offering churches, they coordinate the days of the week that each provides their free meal to the homeless.)
b) Include Freezone/Indie/Squirrel Scientologists and other practices, to their “interfaith” gatherings.
Scientology could gain absolutely valid “good” press, were official Scientology to actually do just these two simple suggestions.
Too bad the CoS doesn’t really care about people.
Now just wait a dog gone minute! I’m sure they care about the money in their wallets!
Your suggestion of including squirrel groups in interfaith gatherings made me spew my coffee. Keep up the good work.
Despicable! Didn’t Blubbard say that all religion was an implant on the whole track? Wonder if one of us should attend and enquire?
I vote for you, Glenn! This is a great idea! So, definitely give it a shot!
The problem is that getting the answer will probably set you back about $500,000.00.
Idiots will always be around.
Scientology has Reverends?
Keep in mind they are Scientology “Reverends.” Or, fake Reverends.
I cleared the Rev. abbreviation and forget now whether it was short for revolting or revengeful
Scientology has the BEST reverends. In other news, Donald Trump has the best words,
rev·er·end 1. used as a title or form of address to members of the clergy.
“the Reverend Jesse Jackson”
noun informal noun: reverend; plural noun: reverends 1. a member of the clergy.
Back in my training days and likely a staff-only thing, those training to be an auditor had to take the Minister’s course and then register as a minister. I registered in Louisiana. So yeah, I’m a registered minister and you can always call me Reverend T-Marie 😉
Just a quick little ditty, posted 9 years ago on a law site: In the US it is legal to either go into a seminary and study for the right to become a ordained minister or you can simply proclaim yourself one though several pay sites. These sites are legal and while some Church’s find them to be controversial the fact is once you have your credentials you are deemed a minster in the eyes of the law.
Perhaps the most popular instant-minister organization is the Universal Life Church (ULC).
To ordain yourself you can go to the following sites:,, or the ULC HQ, and look for the “ordination” link. Then supply your full name and address, and you’re a minister. Some of the sites provide a printable credential, while others will mail you a paper credential.
However, several states have additional requirements, Louisiana ministers must register their name and address with the state or county, or present a copy of their credentials to a state or county office before they can perform weddings.
I have one of those ULC ordinations.Cost me nothing and I have no use for it.
Along with the cringe-worthy typos, the use of ML at the end just shows how insular they are and don’t know that no one uses ML (Much Love) at the end of a letter in the ‘real’ world or would even know what it meant.
Thanks for sharing these Mike – it’s a fascinating insight into how the world of scn still continues to run itself…into the ground.
Scientologists love to copy Hubbard. After all he is the winning valence wink wink. Much Love is a copy of L Ron Hoover pretending he’s not who he really was.
Why can’t you just invite MS-13 and NOI to kiss and make up?
I’d pay big bucks to see that! What a show!
Me too!
Spelling? ( too ) Grammar? ( give her “a” heart warming…) No wonder they keep having to repeat the student hat. Or maybe you just have to get to ot8 before you can really confront the course?
Lol, while under the radar someone was telling me about her wins doing the course again. I replied that if I had to listen to those tapes one more time i would end up attacking the supe, so I better not!
“Too my Jewish friends”
Love that typo.
It is not a typo. The writer of the letter is that ignorant that he/she doesn’t know when to use “to” and “too”.
Though English is not Haggard Ron’s first language (she’s actually a real contracted org staff member now?)
QUICK … Someone in the USA (which I’m not) print copies of Keeping Scientology Working (it’s on the net) and mail each one of these religious attendees a copy. Hey … you’re just giving them some straight “source”, right?
If anyone has the time and is local to that event they might want to do some research on the people mentioned in the promo as it often transpires that “guests” are not all they seem! Recently in Dublin at a YFHR event we had a “Hollywood scriptwriter” who has never written a a script and a “best-selling author” who hasn’t published anything.
pedrofcuk, are you saying that the Co$ lies and/or misrepresents facts/numbers for their own agenda? ? KAW – Keep Aftermath Working!
Well, I’d like to be at this event to see the turnout. Mostly scientologists ordered to show up. Jews in Scientology think they can practice their religion freely. Yes as long as it doesn’t interfere with the Jewish scientologists giving money or spending time getting training or auditing.
And the valley org is the big Cadillac that the cult shows off to the other religions.
The unspoken public statement. “Look at us we have a big church building so we must be a religion.”
My disgust for the cult increases exponentially every day they are still open for business.
Keep that disgust for the cult going. This is a vicious, evil, toxic organization. It has no redeeming qualities. None. What you will get is bankruptcy and disconnection.
There are no Jews or Catholics or Muslims for that matter, in Scientology who practice those religions (outside of occasional traditional holidays).
True. I have observed that for many years.
“Too my Jewish friends…” I love it.
Hey, they don’t need no stinkin’ grammar! They’ve got the tech!
A lot of good it’s doing them.
Scientology is waking up to the fact it’s lonely and needs something/someone to play with.
There is a true story which involved 3 boozed up guys who found and tried to make a pet out of a baby, foot long snake. It was an eastern brown snake. Bit two of ’em, they needed to be rushed to hospital shortly after. Doctor asked what kind of snake bit them, do you know? The last bloke said, “I’ll go and get it” – it bit him too. Scientology is kinda of like that if you get involved and want to be friendly with it. (For those that don’t know, Australian eastern brown snakes are super deadly and are a very aggressive, territorial type of creature, known to stand their ground. They are sleek, long narrow necks, small heads and fast.
“They are sleek, long narrow necks, small heads and fast.”
Wow! That sounds like my old girlfriend!
Did she slap you in the face with them?
Love that analogy! Sticking with fauna metaphors, you could say that $cn is the dingo who ate the baby…and your family, and all your assets, and your soul…
…and your mind.
They are so desperate now that ‘any angle’, to get some attention away from all their human rights abuses conducted within the Church, is a ‘good angle’
“Too my Jewish friends”?! That’s a grade school grammar error. I don’t know much about Judaism but aren’t rabbis in the bigger traditions male?
There are a lot of rabbis these days who are women. The Reform, Reconstructionst, and even Conservative sects have had women rabbis for decades. In Israel, even the Orthodox sect is now ordaining women, as of 2015. That has not happened yet in Orthodox Judaism in the Diaspora, only in Israel. The rest of the world of Judaism, and especially the States, has an increasing number of ordained women serving their synagogues as rabbis.
Just to be clear, it’s not the black hat orthodox who are accepting women as rabbis, but so-called Modern Orthodox — Jews who are more religious than non-orthodox, more or less strictly kosher, may or may not cover their heads, minyan daily, but still not isolationist, probably clean-shaven and definitely not wearing a ridiculous costume inspired from 18th century Eastern Europe. And yes, the same Modern Orthodox sects accepting “rabbanits” in Israel are also doing so in the US. The Heredi (black hat) orthodox are pretty darn upset about it. The Roman Catholic Church will ordain female clergy before they do.
I to find it odd that people confuse there too twos and in writing this I see that there confusion involves 3 types of toos, two, I mean also. Uh? Their is also the common air often seen in church writing of there confusing there “theres and theirs”.
I’m glad I got that outta my system.
I need to go back to school…
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people misuse “they’re” “there” & “their.” It bugs the crap out of me. Now I have to add “to” “too” & two?” Uuuuh.
I thought the Key to Life Course was supposed to handle all that.
Speaking of Key to Life Course, does anyone know why it is not taught anymore? I have a guess but would like to hear other opinions. My guess is that it was too labor intensive to deliver it. It requires 5 SO personnel to deliver it, and people were on that course for many months. So it meant no fast turnover so that they could be regged for more money for the next course.
LOC was a bomb with people deciding their “hat in life” was something other than the SO or Staff when they did it. Because that was “out tech” both LOC and KTL were shelved. Both had been “compiled” courses from LRH direction about what they should be. Miscavige probably explained to everyone that until he personally could handle it, it was too out tech to deliver. Like the BC, Class VIII, OEC etc. The only one he allows to continue to deliver even though he has repeatedly said they are “out tech” is the L’s.
Thanks for this information, Mike. It is an important bit of history. A friend of mine said among the public on LOC, they all had the cog that their current job was their “hat in life” and if they didn’t have that cog, they were steered toward it. I”m glad I never did that course.
Cindy, that factor wouldn’t be it as Regges reg anyone at any time no matter what course length they have. As for KTL (which I have done) it probably “died” because of the logisitcs involved although according to the old Superpower WOOC data there is something about it which is “fought” by other staff who have not received it. In other words there is a resistance to getting it done. KTL if broadly applied would have made a hell of a difference; LOC, which I have not had, but have read, was ok but similar to many actions which good Qual staff got the staff to do anyway and was probably over-hyped, certainly when compared to KTL, which was dynamite.
Glad you got out of Hubbard’s belief system of undue influence and cognitive dissonance.