Everyone knows scientology hypes their sheeple.
But even the most glazed-eyed KSW nazis must be skeptical of the ridiculous statements they spew out.
Look at the below.
The guy who announced he was coming in to take over Valley “ideal” org to “boom it” and then never showed up, is going to give a seminar. Along with his son. Who also will not join staff in the org.
This org, as they loudly promoted, is the largest Class V Org in the world (based on square footage) — and yet they are saying “limited space.” Does anyone believe this?
This is one of the promotional shots they tout of their “chapel” (auditorium)…
I guarantee they have not filled this space since their opening for any reason, ever.
Kevin and Chase would have to hold 200 Seminars to get enough attendees to fill this place. You can see about 400 seats in this photo.
I doubt there are 400 different people who have been in this org since it opened…
The delusion is great.
Thank you PeaceMaker(the original) for stating that someone is stealing your avatar.
I was very surprised and dumbfounded when I read the post under your name, as you have always been very supportive of the posts Mike writes and always posting very supportive and positive comments.
Mike, I’m a “never in” who has been interested in Scientology and cults since I first encountered the material on Usenet back in the day (circa 1996). I’ve always been interested in psychology and cults and after I read all the actual material used in Scientology I was blown away by the mendacity.
I love your blog and I’ve been a lurker for several years. I also know enough about psychology to know that people like AGP are trolls. I don’t understand why people who are so insecure need to tear down other people who are trying to do their best. I have a lot of respect for you and I think you’re a very strong man and while this probably will not necessarily be the first or only missive you’ve heard supporting you I hope that you understand that you’re doing an excellent job and and are a wonderful person.
If you are ever in San Jose (specifically West San Jose) let’s go take a walk by the Scientology mission on Saratoga avenue. I used to work at a retail establishment that I will not name on the same street and had to walk by this thing everyday. It’s such a beautiful building and it’s such a shame that a cult occupies it.
Hey, “Barbara Washington.” Welcome! Tell us about yourself.
In Hubbardian weasel-wording that’s technically true, because if their postulates were realized and the the idle morgues were flooded with people , they could theoretically run out of space in that scenario, however highly improbable. Watching carefully, I see they do a lot of that childish playing with words, misleading and lying while maintaining a sort of ‘plausible deniability’ (and internal justification) that they’re not just being dishonest.
Off topic, but I’ve been wishing to come up with a catchy come back to when I run into complaints of the Xenu info being this or that not something to center upon, when bringing up the Xenu stuff.
Well, here’s my new “positioning’ of the Xenu stuff.
I call it the ultimate spoiler alert info about Scientology.
Xenu explaining is spoiler alert material.
And OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is an extensive important secret chunk of Scientology practices and they deserve simple spoiler alerting.
“Xenu caused the Wall of Fire” is really spoiler alert material.
The lower members of Scientology almost universally don’t even know that Xenu caused the Wall of Fire.
They lower members of Scientology don’t know Xenu dumped zillions of these surplus souls, “body-thetans”, onto earth and these surplus souls supposedly infest all humans today, and that the upper confidential levels of Scientology, the OT 3 4, 5, 6 and 7 levels, are exorcism to alleviate the suffering these surplus souls cause to humans.
That’s the spoiler alert top of the list material to tell newbies, I think.
The public deserve to know simply what Scientology is doing. Scientology isn’t telling the public.
Thus, spoiler alerting the public is valid.
One thing about Kevin Wilson, he’s the the legitimate diehard category of a career Scientologist.
Management which has been decimated up at Int Base, ought to list out all their long term diehards and give them an award.
Awards and Penances and all, it’s Hubbard policy to reward those diehards.
And doing so, then the semi long term diehards would wish to be awarded too, and that’d get their base more active, and give them some respect more so among themselves.
I mean, how to stir their membership into action and contribution to their movement, they’ve done it before, they have all their Hubbard self stroking approved of already actions they’ve done to praise themselves in the past.
One thing, the “Auditor’s Day” event I think has been taken out of the yearly “events” lineup, since I think it conflicted too much with the IAS Event that comes in October.
But I think, strategically, that loss of the Auditors Day event is a critical mistake.
As the “auditor” (their quackery practitioner who does the quackery which has huge hurdles to become the “auditor” quack and remain a standard “auditor” quack per all the rules to becoming it), is the key role model of the movement.
They have instead this money flim flamming role of the “registrar” (the Scientology salesman).
Miscavige’s era of running Scientology has the members turning into flim flam salesmen..
When the “auditor” role, remember those days when the auditor walked in those ads with their emeter briefcase, with ominous strength and power.
The role model of the movement is the registrar when it ought be their quack/auditor-exorcist.
I remember the very first demonstration I went to, one of the prominent demonstrators sort of panned the “auditor” and publicly held up their emeter.
Scientology couldn’t do worse than be themselves.
They’d at least be transparent and not be so flim flam.
Auditors as “quackery practitioners”. Laughter! That’s a new one!
When I was auditing people in the 1970’s I actually considered myself to be in a role similar to a psychologist and maybe even better than a psychologist. On the lower levels I was dealing with a person’s problems and regrets in life and so on in a supposed methodical order ultimately leading to “Spiritual Freedom”. Yippee! I even did the Dianetics Quackery Practitioner Internship!
I guess you can write it all off to possible benefits from “talk therapy” which produced benefits for many people. I didn’t go nuts and as far as I know nobody I audited did either so we escaped relatively unscathed, although perhaps somewhat “changed”. laughter
You got me, Chuck. From now on if I mention on a scn blog that I was once an Auditor, the label Quackery Practitioner will come to mind. I can’t unthink it.
I only got to Hubbard Qualified Quackery Practitioner. Hubbard Qualified Scientology Exorcist was a higher training level. 😇
LOL, glad I could plant that pink elephant that you cannot unthink in your head.
You wannabe quackery exorcist! All you were good at, and I for sure grant wholeheartedly that good natured auditors did and still do cause “two way comm” good in their patient/preclears.
Scientology Hubbard is for sure a “case” improvement subject, and auditing is kind of like therapy, and really since it is, it makes it a pseudo-therapy. And the exorcism part of Scientology they dare not even ever call exorcism, but when you backtrack to what Scientologist auditors are doing, they are doing either pseudo-therapy or they are doing exorcism.
And since Scientology’s pseudo-therapy hasn’t been dissected for any valid therapeutic benefits or similarities in detail, and then because Scientology’s pseudo-therapy does absolutely get into past lives which are immediately a theoretical problem for which Hubbard and Scientology don’t spend a minute trying to argue.
But people coming into Scientology, me for one, did not believe in past lives. I didn’t believe in the concept of the soul as Hubbard even defines it. That the soul is us, the me, the who we really are, and then we have our mind and then we have our “case” and then on the OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 levels we have our “body-thetans” (surplus souls hitchhiking and making up our body to the degree Hubbard stated our whole body was made up of body-thetans).
The actual Hubbard theory is essentiall soul therapy and soul exorcism, to fix us, each of us, as the soul that we are with this “case” that goes back many lifetimes, and also we need to shed our clouds and clusters of “body-thetans” near us and in our bodies.
So, really, Hubbard not, and the Scientologists neither, have simply defined themselves enough, to really highlight their pseudo-therapy and exorcism are forms of quackery improvement techniques, at best.
But could you relabel your auditor role you earned, no doubt, and becoming and remaining a certified auditor and auditor/exorcist is no light matter, it’s hard work and exacting, not a walk in the part, so kudos for the quacks who made themselves expert Hubbard quacks.
But to me, in hindsight, the falling down of the subject one has to even discuss what it is the subject is seen as when compared to scientific subjects’ parts.
The parts of Scientology are soul and then the surplus souls. All have “cases” and Scientology is supposed to eradicate souls’ cases, and fix up the soul that we are, down underneath all the surplus souls and their and our “cases.”
The reference would be the Case Supervisor Series writings of Hubbard’s and then the OT 3 Course Pack, the Class 8 lectures that get into the “OT case” and then NOTs Indoctrination Series 0 the introduction to NOTs that gives just loads of basic theory of the “body-thetans” and their leaking case that leaks into us, supposedly.
Wish this were mentioned, I mention it when people ask me one on one, in life, about Scientology.
It’s a multi-lifetime “case” pseudo-therapy/exorcism subject addressing souls. That kind of falls into the quackery category.
BTs, a/k/a invisible space cooties.
It’s good to get real current data out of the cult, even if only their advertising. Unlike North Korea the cult has no nukes, but they are just as secretive.
The negative comments here today have inspired me to set up a small monthly Paypal contribution (I thought I’d done this before, but saw that I hadn’t). Thanks, Peace Maker et al.
I have read this blog every day for many years. Not so much for the content, but for Mike Rinder.
Well done Mike, great post.
You always know your onto a winner when the whingers start screaming.
Like cockroaches in the light they doth protest to much.
The continuing chanting from orgs and the resultant lack of people is awesome news. Kevin and Barbara are all-stars in the scamatology world of weird. I should know, spending time in Glendale at Sterling, the small world that is the cult didn’t even have six degrees of separation from these guys.
This is a fact for me, (and for many others that I know, both currently in and out):
It was a promo piece from Sterling that got me in.
The emptiness has to be starting to weigh heavily.
Who do they think they are, Joel and Vicky Osteen? Great auditorium, I mean, house of worship. The second tier bleachers are a nice touch. Likely they’ve been sat in once and will not be graced by any scientology butts in the future.. But, where’s the organ? They need some sappy revival music. I guess they can always pipe in some Hubbard’s wonderful organ playing.
Not even any hymnals under the seats. Some cherch. pfft
“I guess they can always pipe in some Hubbard’s wonderful organ playing.”
I gather you mean musical organ type playing and not Tubby wearing a plastic rain coat with strategically cut holes in the pockets and grunting musically as he played with his wonderful organ.
Reminds me of the choir direction who chased the preacher around the church until she caught him by the organ.
But I digress. There’s a vid where he’s playing an E Z play electric organ (I just made up that brand), some insipid “space” chords.
Organ-playing? I thought he fancied himself a guitar plucker and crooner. (NOT)
If is guitar plucking and crooning are anything like his organ playing, I’ll pass. Don’t call us, Ron, we’ll call you.
That might be written by an imposter. It sounds like it to me. At any rate, fewer topics might allow more back and forth and in depth conversation. No new topics on the weekend might allow people to look over the weekday topics and find something they wish to comment upon. Just my 2 cents.
I was in California a couple of weeks ago, I drove by Big Blue at about midnight. I wish I would have taken a picture but the sign on sunset boulevard said “Feeling Stressed? Park your car and come on in” or something close to that.
I drove around the complex I saw one security guy on a bicycle having a snack on the sidewalk next to L. Ron Hubbard boulevard. I saw one person wearing a tie, either a staff member or Sea Org member I suspect crossing the street to one of the buildings, I think it might have been the fountain building? The guy had obviously put in a long day. I wonder if any stressed people did park their car and come on in, probably not.
Yea the “stressed?” come on dissemination plea aimed at the public, I thought the truth is better said this way:
“Stress Test today”
“Xenu’s body-thetans exorcism tomorrow”
I mean, if they were straight to the point, the AOLA (Advanced Organization Los Angeles) building of the whole “complex” of buildings Scientology has there, is where they learn about Xenu having dumped zillions of the surplus souls onto earth, for which they have OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 levels of Scientology to alleviate their “stress” from all their acquired “body-thetans” that Scientology cannot upfront tell the public that’s what is coming, down the road, if you do the whole stepladder all the way up to the “upper levels” of Scientology.
A whole lot of Xenu’s earth dumped “body-thetans” exorcism comes way way in the distance near the end of their Hubbard “bridge” stepladder of practices.
If any citizen wished to do a public service around the “Stress Test” table set ups that Scientology does, just let the public know the following:
Stress Test today
Xenu’s “body-thetans” exorcism tomorrow
You wouldn’t be fibbing. You would be doing the public a public service telling them the truth about what’s coming.
It takes years to do the Scientology exorcism practices, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and they are costly.
The public needs to know what they are getting into and learn these “confidential” levels of Scientology at the beginning.
Xenu will get their goats.
Aye Carumba!
Today’s blog seems to make fun of another promo piece from this cult as well as showing another org that is failing to meet its potential. Both these concepts seem to be repeated most every week and it’s just getting real boring.
No one seems to doubt that Mickey is a real credit to the human race for continuing to shine a light on all the abuses of this criminal organization. But it’s just getting so tedious to see the same kind of blog week after week.
With all the recent news about this scam in the news – especially about Danny – can’t you please find some new topics to post? Don’t you find the number of people visiting your blog has been falling off? Especially when you make fun of their promo pieces that are full of terrible spelling and grammar and when you talk about a specific organization that is no longer drawing hardly any people.
Can’t you find anything that is more interesting than those two stale issues? They are just getting to be real Mickey Mouse.
I suggest you visit another blog that is more to your liking. Or even better start your own…
No need to get upset about it. I’m just encouraging you to avoid these same two topics after all.
I’m just trying to encourage you to avoid being repetitive. No offense intended. It’s not personal.
Your blog is very good most of the time. It’s just that you post these same two issues about twice every week .
You might be surprised to learn that for the past month I have been away from home working on something completely disrelated to scientology that pays my living expenses… So sorry to bore you. I only have some much time each day.
No offense intended.
Yeah, right!
Not just saying this Mike because of the above comment, but as a former decades long Scientologist, I find the Scn promo stuff actually VERY interesting. The promo is an important indicator of what Scn management thinks is necessary to make a point of and even HOW it has decided to manipulate its audience. And I find that kind of fascinating .
Heck, I’d like even more of it!
Mike, I agree with Peacemaker on this. Please take this as constructive criticism. Your full time job is exposing Scientology & you put little to no effort into these posts in comparison to a reporter like Tony Ortega. There are breaking stories such as Laura Prepon leaving the cult which you made no post about. You aren’t covering Masterson news. Just posting some flyers from Valley Org with a few sentences of commentary. I just encourage you to sit down for even an hour or two and craft a well thought out post to really put the nail in the coffin of Scientology.
Sorry to disappoint you, but this blog is not my full time job, in fact, it is not even my job… Nor does it contain ads to generate revenue.
Tony IS a reporter. His blog serves a different purpose. I dont need or want to try to duplicate him.
You would probably be surprised to discover that I have been out of state for a month working on something completely disrelated to scientology that DOES earn me money.
I really appreciate everything you do Mike. I really doubt that those who want you to ‘do something different’ have a clue as to what it takes to maintain a blog. It always amazes me how easy it is for a spectator to ‘evaluate ‘ the game in front of them.
I disagree with Barbara. I like the fact that your blog is DIFFERENT than Tony’s. Yes, he has some great stuff , but you know what? Tony doesn’t REALLY KNOW, and I think you know what I mean. An empty org and promoting stupid events is something an ACTUAL staff member has to EXPERIENCE. When I left Scn in 2006 as a full time BC student, after 35 years in, I’d never even heard of Laura Prepon or Danny Masterson. Too busy salvaging this sector of the universe!
Barbara Washington,
This blog is not Mike Rinder’s job, full time or otherwise.
It is a service he provides – a free service. Donations are optional. He NEVER asks for them.
Mike is a both a voice and a provider of a free forum for our own experiences and opinions. He has maintained this blog and posted an articles daily here for 8 years. I don’t believe he’s missed one day.
We who read and post here know this and appreciate very much whatever Mike has the time to do.
I just encourage you to get your facts straight before running your mouth.
Please take this as constructive criticism.
Well Barbara.
Put your money where your mouth is and contribute a weekly, thoroughly researched article on Scientology.
Otherwise, your comment is sadly offensive.
Iv’e never seen your moniker here before, Ms. Washington. Methinks you’re from the Office of Special Affairs. Just a hunch – but that’s what I’m “cognating.”
“Your full time job is exposing Scientology & you put little to no effort into these posts in comparison to a reporter like Tony Ortega. … ”
The nerve of it!! Your comment is not “constructive” criticism but OSAish.
It looks more like you are hooking into PeaceMaker’s criticism for your own agenda.
To tell Mike Rinder what his full time job has to be and then the insolence to compare him to journalist Tony Ortega and to tell him what he should do, fits right in.
And…. what is it exactly YOU are doing in the direction of “put a nail in the coffin of Scientology”, ‘Barbara Washington’?
You’re right.
Someone read up on the 3rd party “law” and is trying to apply it.
I think so too! Love your blog, Mikey!
You’re doing great, Mike. Don’t let malcontents throw you off your game.
Don’t worry. After 30+ years in the Sea Org I have very tough skin….
No doubt, Mike. Rhino tough, desert tortoise tough.
I’m not really worried about your ability to withstand criticism. You are a very well proven man at this point. I just want to continue to let you know that you are much appreciated and that I value my stop here each morning to read what you have to say.
Thank you Sir Mike Rinder for your never ending strength and consistent ability to share and expose the harmful aspects that surround this money making entity.
I was going to say the same thing Mike…..
As the legendary underground cartoonist R. Crumb once said at the end of one of his “comix” stories: “If you didn’t like it, go start your own goddam funny book.”
In all media ventures, it’s always a lot harder than it looks.
Well said, Mike. Those of us who are regulars are here for our own good reasons, and we truly appreciate your dedication.
Spot on Mike.
I enjoy all you post.
I couldn’t agree more I enjoy reading this blog every day
Mike, someone else is using the PeaceMaker moniker down to the same capitalization. It may be someone like Alanzo, who I’ve also run in to on another blog, though it’s not his typical bombastic writing style.
I hope you’ve noticed that over the years I’ve been very appreciate of your efforts here, and have even reminded others that you have other work plus a wonderful family, and that we should just be grateful for whatever you do.
Thank you for making it clear you’ve been misappropriated. I appreciate your comments. I will be back home tomorrow and it will be easier for me to monitor things and will watch for anyone stealing monikers.
Great to hear from the real PeaceMaker! I didn’t think it out until someone mentioned it that the “bizarro PeaceMaker” wasn’t you. My day is complete.
I wonder how they were able to appropriate your name, but that kind of thing is beyond me.
Yes, the internet is full of blogs; no need to be bored, ever; find ones to your liking.
As for me, I love these reports of empty or orgs, pathetically trying to save to planet, at least in the minds of the drones. As for the Wilsons, pere and fils, they’re not as interested in saving the planet as they are in salting away a few more dollars (for that rainy day in the future?).
No, I’m not bored at all. If I were, I wouldn’t whine about it to Mike. I’d just find other blogs to hang out in.
Frankly, I’m a bit surprised to see such a negative comment like this one from you, PeaceMaker, since you’re one of the regulars; at least I’ve see your name a lot here.
Its possible that this “PeaceMaker” is not the “PeaceMaker” who has been posting here for years and with whom we are familiar. I rather doubt they are one and the same. Just a hunch. I could be wrong.
That sounds right, and would explain his or her abrupt change of attitude. Perhaps we’ll hear from the “real” Peacemaker. Thanks.
Aqua, good catch! Someone is playing childish Scientology agent style games, misappropriating the moniker down to how I use capitalization, and trying to use it to sew dissent.
Oh, thank goodness! Here you are 🙂 Well, I knew all this detective fiction I read would pay off someday 🙂 Welcome, PeaceMaker the Original! That OSA troll had me going for a while.
Write your own blog!
Get a more appropriate name cuz you ain’t a peacemaker
And try not to hide behind all the cliches you will use excuse your comment
I, for one, am deeply grateful to Mike.
This blog keeps shining light on the shrinking world of Scientology.
The comment actually reflects the fact that it is now a caricature, a tiny cult living in the past.
And as for the comment itself, it actually sounds like the wine talking, or should it be the whine?
Considering that for the YEARS I have been following both Mike and Tony’s work, the consistency of what they document from their different viewpoints tells me they are meeting their personal goals and purposes with what they are presenting. Somehow, I doubt either Mike or Tony organize their daily work around concerns of creating content for your reading pleasure.
Thanks. YEs, one of the purposes of these blogs is to provide a repository of information about scientology. It helps in that objective to have searchable items on blogs that show up on search engines higher than scientology sites.
I completely agree. It is so redundant. I’m sure it makes him feel better doing something every day but I disagree as a reader. But Mike doesn’t want to talk about me or my work. I’m not enough like “Chris Shelton” who daily does the same boring narcissistic supply stuff stories as these posts.
I think your comment is narcissistic… You crave attention. I’m not forcing you to read this blog.
It may seem that way but, if I craved attention, why don’t I show my face in most videos? Why did I do those 83 videos Anonymously for Karen DLC? Including “My Friend Mike Rinder.” I don’t recall MR patting AGP on the back at the time for that one.
No one on teegeeack forces me to read this blog other than the Angry Gay Pope of Scientology so that I can gather more black PR/entheta against him.
Nobody on teegeeack has gone through more emotional swings than you have.
And yet you don’t edit or delete my posts you allow them to happen.
Other boards who have censored me for no reason: Enturbulation.org, whyweprotest.net, clambake board, ex-scientologists.blah blah. I hate Emma!
Your encouragement of free speech is deeply appreciated. It indicates your comm lines on this message system are not undermined by OSA.
Well, I for one think you should be ashamed of yourself!
If you want to promote your lifestyle, there are plenty of blogs on which you can do that. There is no reason to do it here on Mike’s blog. This is a blog that is about the abuses of Scientology. It’s not about promoting individuals.
Sorry, AGP, I’ve seen enough of your YouTube work to know I don’t want to see any more. It’s cringe-worthy to the max. As I recall, you’re a never-in which makes it all the more bizarre.
I’ve been googling without success trying to find out when the Angry Gay Cardinals last chose their Pope.
I agree with bixntram. And what’s the purpose of bringing up Chris Shelton now and to devaluate him here. Jealouse perhaps?
Chris Shelton has many followers who like his out-put and exactly what he does and how he does it.
What is redundant, is your nagging here.
@Peacemaker, wherever you were going with your post was lost the second you called Mike ‘Mickey’. It’s condescending and arrogant. You’re not kept here under duress so instead of trying to mold this page to suit yourself why not put your money where your snide mouth is and go start your own blog or better yet run Process R2-45 on yourself.
Yes, he called Mike “Mickey”. I noticed that too. Suspicious, I think. I don’t think the PeaceMaker WE know would call Mike “Mickey”. Plus the tone – the tone is different, very different. “Our” PeaceMaker has always written in a calm, kind,measured way,even when he fully disagreed with someone about something. I think if our PeaceMaker had a real beef with Mike about the blog articles he wouldn’t have posted a blunt criticism on the blog but would instead have email Mike privately. I think someone posted here using this name. Just a hunch = what can I tell you. I’m in the habit of ferreting out clues, just as a hobby. Its sort of fun for me and good mental exercise. I read a lot of detective fiction.
“I concur, Holmes.” says Dr. Watson.
Also I thought the blog was Mike’s sole occupation but now I know different.
PeaceMaker, IF they’d DO something different once in a while, we could have more varied parodies. Then can’t, so we get what we get.
Jere, that was an imposter. As for variety, we’ve had COVID cosplay follies, the Freewinds apparently unable to sail and regging madly to try to turn themselves into a sort of floating (but docked) hotel and convention center, and so on. As I’ve said before, I think DM does what he can when Hubbard basically left him straitjacketed, especially when it comes to the policy-driven nitty-gritty of the orgs.
I gather material is a bit thin these days, though. Mike doesn’t seem to be getting the PR fodder that he used to, for Thursday Funnies, for instance.
Maybe as things deteriorate, it will get a bit more perversely interesting. I’ve seen reports they’re giving comm evs to staff who get COVID.
Dim the lights and put a wide screen projection where the cross is on the stage and the “chapel” reminds me of the setting for the Apple 1984 Super Bowl commercial introducing the Macintosh computer. Not exactly a cozy and inviting place. Might be okay for “group processing”. . . . . . (joke)
If the chapel has a live stream movie screen it would be a good place for DM to present various “Shermanspeak” presentations to whatever captive audience remains similar to the dude in the Apple commercial. Here’s a bit of the Shemanspeak in the commercial:
“Today we’re celebrating the first GLORIOUS celebration of the information purification [system] . . . A Garden of Pure Ideology . . . We are One People, with One Will, One Resolve, One Cause . . .
We Shall Prevail!
That ad is a total classic. computer technology took a sharp turn as a result of that commercial and the machine it promoted. Anyone seeing this has been affected by that.
[composed on a new(ish) iMac.]
O/T. Scientology Patron Meritorious Joy Villa promotes the official Scientology band The Jive Aces and their new song “Bad News.”
Villa has 234,000 followers on Twitter.
The theme of the song is the same as one of the “solutions” taught in the Scientology course Solutions for a Dangerous Environment, which is to essentially ignore the news.
Memorialized with a screenshot and the official music video on ESMBR and WWP at:
I seriously doubt they’ll get enough people to fill that psuedo “choir loft”, never mind the main seating area. I call it ‘psuedo’ because it’s very poorly placed from an acoustic design standpoint. Actually, on second thought, I think the whole thing is a psuedo chapel for strictly PR purposes.
Everything they visibly DO is for “PR purposes” only.
Given their druthers, they’d sit in their dark, dank bunkers and contemplate the timeless prose of the great big one.
So they hype this event (and others like it) and maybe 10 percent of the seats are filled … what do those who attend think? Don’t the pieces of the puzzle start to fill in that everybody else must know something I don’t?
I have seen several vids of this place over the last few years and none captured ANY public. Only S.O. Security guards and one or two OSA or org staff.
What a waste.