The wind has definitely gone out of the sails of the most important ideal org in the world.
They have plans to “kick off” the latest fundraising plans… But with just a handful of people who show up, one can imagine why the “GI” is 0.
More evidence of the massive international expansion and straight up and vertical world of scientology.
This is another piece of evidence of the true state of scientology.
February 2, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Diane Temps, Vered Ziv, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Hagit Ron, Irad Ron, Mark Anderson, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Bob Welch, Ben Ghiora, Avner Golan, Heelah Cohen, Lauren Perreau, Nancy Parodi, Jeanette Douglass, Charlene Thorburn
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 15 to 20
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – $0
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Vered Ziv
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 33.25 to 103
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 6 to 4
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 7 to 8
Charlene Thorburn completed OT VII! She shared her wins of unbridled JOY!
Kathy Welch completed Cause Resurgence Rundown!! She shared her wins: “this is a spiritual spa,” and the considerations re “this is hard” all evaporated, and “floating.” This works!!
Jennifer Charm Jacobson completed Superpower!!!! She told us her wins on every aspect and dynamics of life and livingness. Her wins on perception were outstanding. “I can handle anything that will ever happen to me.” The OT wins and perceptions are truly remarkable!
Quinn Taufer arrived!!! [Well praise the Lord Xenu — that deserves 3 exclamation points — he is here to take our money again]
Kathy Welch briefed us on the Building the First Ideal Continent Fundraising Summit held on Jan 30 and 31 at LA Org PAC Base.
“We got re-vitalized!” The panel members from the completed Ideal Orgs shared their knowledge and successes, helping to as-is the barriers and leaving us with looking at Purpose, flows, and our wins.
We’ve raised $30 million with incredible success. This money comes from the tremendous interest that we create and generate through all of our OTC activities.
Chris Finn from Seattle uses stable data fro LRH “Appointments and Programs” OEC Vol 7 pg 69
My new viewpoint: “I can do my personal best – we are going to finish – we are Winning.”
Jennifer Charm Jacobson announced she is the OTC Events I/C. Her second hat is building up this OTC at Valley!
Our building completed is one step in getting lots of people up the bridge.
Mary Elizabeth announced she is the Fundraising I/C.
Vered Ziv is continuing as the Dinners I/C and is planning 2 dinners a month.
Hagit Ron is the call-in I/C.
Chuck Jacobs continues as Promo I/C.
Recruiting is in progress for I/C’s for Newsletters, Commends, and Lower 3rd Campaigns.
Kathy Welch gave us the Landlord’s Office data: Permits on the new building have been re-submitted – will take 4 to 6 weeks to get permits.
Our current target is to complete our ballpark budget. We keep creating with our surveys and campaigns.
Every Saturday night is Valley Ideal Org time. Let’s do our personal best.
Quinn Taufer briefed us on West US Ideal Org progress to get all Orgs compliant with COB’s Ideal Org Program.. San Diego fundraising is complete! Albuquerque and Salt Lake City are making progress on fundraising, as are Santa Barbara and Hawaii.
Friday’s dinner at CC Int is key and Quinn gave us details on the plan.
PAC is taking on Valley fundraising!
Valley Ideal Org did the best fundraising for all the Orgs in the Americas.
Feb 12th will be a showing of the Milano Ideal Org Grand Opening. Don’t miss it!!
Eric Krackow collected VM Program stats.
- · If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- · Bring your selectees to Valley Org. We deliver outstanding PE’s, Dianetics Seminars, Purifs, SRD’s, and Auditor training!!!
- · Everyone bring their OTC members new and existing to next week’s OTC meeting!
OTC members went into production getting dinner confirms.
The meeting was ended.
January 26, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Vered Ziv, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Hagit Ron, Bob Welch, Bob Brooks 8 attendees
Mary Elizabeth Glosup opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 19 to 15
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – $0
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Vered Ziv
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 24.75 to 33.25
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 12 to 6
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Down from 11 to 7
Mary Elizabeth Glosup completed Superpower!!!! She told us her wins on confront and perception and on all the rundowns!
- · Mary Elizabeth announced the Building the First Ideal Continent Fundraising Summit on Jan 30 and 31 at LA Org PAC Base. All the successful and persistent fundraisers from West US will be speaking, as well as Int Management Representatives.
- Dinner on Feb 5th to kickoff the latest fundraising plans for Valley Ideal Org.
- · Feb 12th will be a showing of the Milano Ideal Org Grand Opening. Don’t miss it!!
Eric Krackow collected VM Program stats.
- · If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- · Briefed us on the Jan 24th David Howson FSM seminar on selling, getting interest and willing participation.
- · At the Flag World Tour, Snr C/S FSO will be there!!!! There is a 1 hour spectacular audio / visual presentation on the entire BRIDGE and Flag’s Best Year Ever.
- · Bring your selectees to Valley Org. We deliver outstanding PE’s, Dianetics Seminars, Purifs, SRD’s, and Auditor training!!!
- · Everyone bring their OTC members new and existing to next week’s OTC meeting!
Mary Elizabeth Glosup requested 24 more Surveys (#1) for next week. Our Finale Events are being planned and we will get our new and previous donors re-vitalized.
Gerard Bauer, Event Advance man for the Flag World Tour briefed us on the upcoming event.
David Wilson: Thursday Jan 28th the Wilsons are off to the Freewinds for Advanced Solo Course.
OTC members went into production on getting surveys completed and dinner confirms.
The meeting was ended.
January 19, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Vered Ziv, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, David Wilson, Hagit Ron, Bob Welch, Nancy Parodi 7 ATTENDEES????
Vered Ziv opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 22 to 19
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $725 to $0
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Vered Ziv
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 40.5 to 24.75
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 22 to 12
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Down from 13 to 11
Eric Krackow collected VM Program stats.
- · If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- · Announced that on Jan 24th from 1:00pm to 6:00pm, David Howson is giving an FSM seminar on selling, getting interest and willing participation.
- · Eric announced the Building the First Ideal Continent Fundraising Summit on Jan 30 and 31 at LA Org PAC Base. All the successful and persistent fundraisers from West US will be speaking. Let’s all attend this one!
- · At the Flag World Tour, Snr C/S FSO will be there!!!! There is a 1 hour spectacular audio / visual presentation on the entire BRIDGE and Flag’s Best Year Ever.
- · Bring your selectees to Valley Org. We deliver outstanding PE’s, Dianetics Seminars, Purifs, SRD’s, and Auditor training!!!
- · Feb 12th will be a showing of the Milano Ideal Org Grand Opening. Don’t miss it!!
- · Everyone bring their OTC members new and existing to next week’s OTC meeting!
Diane Temps daughter completed Class 5 auditor training at Flag!!!!
Vered Ziv requested 24 more Surveys (#1) for next week. Our Finale Events are being planned and we will get our new and previous donors re-vitalized.
David Wilson:
- · Announced that Bonita Wilson and Shadow Hills Purif Center completed their 2nd Purif!!!
- · Event for OT VII’s Friday at 7:00 pm with Bob Anderson C/S FSSO and Jasmine Renna New OT VIII comp.
- · Re -announced On Jan 24th from 1:00pm to 6:00pm, David Howson is giving an FSM seminar.
- · Thursday Jan 28th the Wilsons are off to the Freewinds for Advanced Solo Course.
Bob Welch read the LRH quote.
OTC members went into production on getting surveys completed.
The meeting was ended.
“Quinn Taufer briefed us on West US Ideal Org progress to get all Orgs compliant with COB’s Ideal Org Program.”
That’s all Scientology is now. COMPLY. REPORT. COMMAND. MANDATORY.
I missed on a rare occasion Mike’s blog today, having just read it now I am glad I did. Same old rubbish. How these members continue to attend these meetings week after week year after year is amazing.
Dear Mreppen,
Maybe sending out a mailing of straws, to all of the Valley overfinance-stressed donaters, and label each straw:
“Here’s a Free Straw for Breaking Your Camel’s Back”
“Wishing You A Quick Recovery From Scientology”
Hi Chuck,
I’m LMAO! I have to remember this one! 😉
So few do but it’s still amazing. I remember going to these things and sitting there wondering what we were doing which was nothing except sprouting hot air. But I were upstat for attending!
Understandable, but I read them religiously for signs their stranglehold is slowly weakening.
The end of disconnection might not come in our lifetimes, but they can be made to pay for it.
Most important is for the victims of disconnection to not give them a moment of peace.
There should always be picketers in front of the Fort Harrison saying things like “Scientology kidnapped my family”.
And Miscavige might be hit by a bit of space debris, bitten by chipmunks, or fall down a manhole cover or something.
Mreppen, how can you say, “Same ole rubbish” when we get briefed about Diane Temps passing that hat around. The woman is indefatigable, and I daresay she’s holding Valley together with that hat-passing.
You’d think 30 million bucks would suffice to get a very nice building that would easily accommodate the ever shrinking ranks of the Valley public. I bet the place they’re in now is plenty big enough and 30 mill could have it reno’d to the max. Even have enough left over for toilet paper in every stall for years to come.
So delusional they be. If you’ve been around for a loooong time like all these OTC members you KNOW that jack expansion has happened and you KNOW it hasn’t been any different for at least 30 years and you can look around and see that new public are not arriving and they aren’t going to because hell you would never bring someone you knew into the org because you damn well know they’d be ARCX in no time flat. So you know deep down inside your heart that this shit isn’t ever gonna be what all the hype is about, but god help you if you ever let that thought slip because your eternity is at stake.
Hi freebeeing, I am sighing right along with you! A perceptive post, which reminds me that I still do not know at what point a force within me kicked out at the complete turn around of the Tech and how it was used.That movement behind the curtain started a chain reaction of looking on my part, that I did not remotely consider before.
If the remaining Sea Org and paying public could see for half a second that where their money goes is straight to dm’s coffers.They are supporting his lifestyle and nothing more.They have become the ultimate mouthpiece and trophy piece for him alone.Religion? Spirituality? Nope,just the RTC and that boat is too overloaded that turning the key to start the behemoth would send the whole sorry mess to the bottom! Love, Ann.
Classic Satire but good.
This is so Hilarious !
Nice photo of the head hole smashed through the drywall.
Did the Ensign make off with another pizza and liter of Pepsi ?
Maybe, I should swing by the valley org just before 2pm tomorrow and donate a dollar. Then again I tend to be tardy! 😉
The “Building The First Ideal Org Continent Fundraising Summit” was held on January 30 and 31st. Wonder how that went? This has escalated to Summits now. A new level of delusion of taking over the world.
The Valley Org OTC meetings is starting to remind me, bizarrely, of the Four Yorkshire Men sketch by Monty Python.
Valley update:
Your buddy Lee Baca is headed for 6 months in the slammer. Think he will squeal about Shelly? Tanaka goes on trial next month. Will he squeal? Because he can.
You have to give these OT’s high marks for sticking with it. At this point they know the ship is sinking but loyalty keeps them acting nonchalant, feigning enthusiasm, PRETENDING everything is looking good. Don’t you think maybe, a great part of their effort isn’t loyalty but a desperate refusal to admit all those former scientology friends, now declared apostates, were right? In the worst way they don’t want to be “schadenfreude” to them. Anything but that!
It has to be embarrassing to look somebody in the eye whom you stupidly disconnected from.
Anything to stay in their comfort zones and not lose anything. They could care less about what’s really going on or at a minimum can’t confront it. Right before I got declared I was talking with an OTC member from Chicago. I didn’t want to even bring up the subject of the church at all. She went on and on about how Int keeps demanding more money just when they thought they met one target, then they needed another 9 million more for the Ideal Org. She talked of the dwindling numbers of OTC members and how hard it was to get anybody to come in. She talked of the stupid idea to buy the building that they did buy right in Chicago when so many members live in the suburbs. She talked of how everyone was taped financially.
A couple of weeks later I was officially declared. Haven’t heard a peep from her.
McCarran – Congratulations on being “officially” declared. That seems to be quite an honor these days. From what I’ve been reading they usually just throw declares in a pile.
Hi Richard, I have been enjoying your posts. Way back in ancient times I got my golden rod within two weeks of blowing.It came by special delivery even! And I am so disappointed that the SO went to all that trouble and did not frame it for me!!Love, Ann.
Laughter! Special D to a Special SP
Hi Mac, you didn’t hear from her after that because she was probably helping to trap you and get your ass booted. LOL Glad she did! 😉
Beating a dead horse (alternatively The Cherch of Scientology) is an idiom that means a particular conversation is already foreclosed or otherwise resolved, and any attempt to continue it is futile; or that to continue in any endeavor (physical, mental, etc.) is a waste of time as the outcome is already decided.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary the first recorded use of the expression was by the Sea Org which called for more democratic representation of toilet paper. Trying to rouse Scientology from its apathy on the issue, This was said in a hushed whisper, ” it would be like trying to flog a dead horse to make it pull a load.”
When I archive posts here, my auto-tagger goes through and picks out all the names that it knows, then I go through by hand to see if there are any new names to add.
For the Valley OTC stuff, it’s almost never that a new name needs to be added. It’s allways the same fossilized bunch.
All Dogs go to Heaven.
That’s what you tell your kids when Bowser dies.
I grew up in a Hick town in the Wild West and attest
that when a horse dies a couple cowboys pick it up
and put in the back of a pickup truck destined for the Tallo Works.
That was it if you had a Crystal Ball, Cowboy hauling dead animals to the Tallo Works or Rodeo Clown.
Valley Org is way overdue for a couple of Cowboys to haul it’s stinking carcass to the Tallo Works.
No stopping a Mc Donalds for lunch with a reeking Ideal Org in back of the truck with all four legs
in the air and head hanging over the side.( been there done that)
Could someone send me Eric Krackow’s email so I can send in my VM stats for the week. After reading this, I gave myself a locational, ran the confusion formula and also demo’d the whole newsletter: I was feeling bent, sort of dizzy, sort of dead, bored and exasperated!
But now, I am okay! Phew!
So, I think that’s 3 points, which is up from last week! Maybe I can get in the newsletter!
Dan Locke, you are on fire! You’ll definitely make the Newsletter! Way to go!
I don’t know Dan. I think you’re missing a few stats. Didn’t you apply the ARC Formula? You’re under reporting your stats.
Eric was an old friend of mine. He was so disaffected as a Sea Org member he left in the eighties. Look at him now. Such a fool.
Wow Dan!
“…. If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week…”
Preposterous brash in-house stat-pushing. Gotta have those emails for evidence for Eric’s CRs (compliance reports). Eric must have had some ex staffer tips for that advice.
“I can handle anything that will ever happen to me.” Quite apart from what knowing such a thing would entail it would also render a no game condition. You would barely need to even be aware of what is happening around you because you can handle anything.
My totally irrelevant question to this post:
Does anyone know what happened to the woman (English I think) who used to appear in the late ’90s on all the Freewinds promo videos. She had a way of saying “Oh Tea” that made it sound like a fabulous love affair. Anyone?
A spiritual SPA, really? But where, they have no brain.
I always love the disclaimer at the beginning not to forward the email to anyone not in the group and it’s forwarded here every week. I wonder if they know
The KKK do better.
Why in the February 20 minutes does it list 20 people in the names of attendees but say 7 people attended?
Why do the January 26th minutes say 7 people attended and list 8 names?
Why do the January 19th minutes say 13 people attended and list 7 names?
I’m confused.
Valerie – get out of confusion by applying the L Ron Hubbard policy on confusion…
When dealing with Scientological Statistics on how they are “winning” – always know they embellish, twist the truth, lie and fabricate to give members an apparancy of “winning’.
In reality – they are clearing the planet with 7 members and they reported 13. LOL Like it makes a difference…? Sheesh..
So many more at the Feb 2 meeting than the previous ones. I’m sure there are quite a few that show up because they don’t want to have to go in and handle some KR because of their lack of participation or their appearance of disaffection or not being on board with “command intention.” Toe the line. Sell your soul. Whatever it takes to NOT HAVE to go in to see MAA.
If there are so many OT8s, why does the OSA need hired investigators to keep tabs on Rinder, Rathbun, etc. and Paulette years ago? Can’t OT8s go exterior and simply fly into homes of SPs to listen in? I have always wondered why OT8s can’t be put to practical use. Think of the money saved. They read minds for cryin’ out loud.
Entheta darts burst OT8ness. OT8s are hothouse flowers, in need of tender loving care … and an occasional anal probing.
Begs the question, if there were so many millions of scientologists in the world why would the church have to fret over the many people like me who just got fed up and believe that something is wrong with david miscavige. I mean why would He care so much? – if there were millions of scientologists. I highly doubt that the Catholic Pope gives a rat’s —- if some Catholics think he’s weird or abusive or fallible. In fact, I complained OPENLY about Pope Paul (whatever his number was) getting canonized when I believe wholeheartedly he was aware of the pedofilia and cover up. The current Pope did not have me investigated or call in my Catholic family members to tell them what a rumormonger I am. The Pope couldn’t have cared less what I thought or said or read or watched (Alex Gibney’s Mea Maxima Culpa).
This church of scientology is so obviously desperate to hang on to the few remaining.
Interesting subject you brought up. I am currently reading “Merchants In the Temple”, by Gianluigi Nuzzi. The subtitle is “Inside Pope Francis’s Secret Battle Against Corruption In the Vatican.” Quite mind boggling. Especially since it’s now becoming public. He is truly trying to clean house. An earlier Pope, also attempting the job, died rather mysteriously. Not something I think will ever happen around the scene czerch.
Must have been sleepy when reading the OT minutes because I thought the text in red was Valley Org’s. Then I got to Quinn Taufer and woke up: Oh – that’s the sassy Mike Rinder! 🙂
“Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC Donations.” The imagery of collecting donations from the 7 or 8 people who showed up for OTC makes me laugh and feel pity at the same time. Money collection is on automatic.
Nope, I just highlighted what they wrote
“Praise the Lord Xenu”? Verboten!
Still the sassy Mike Rinder 🙂
Also hgc10’s “Xenu, help me” and “For the love of Xenu” which still has me laughing. HELP ME XENU!
Hail Xenu! Oh My Xenu (OMX) etc.
Got that part – thanks.
My question concerns the donations going into the hat – what are they for? Some chump change to cover the coffee and cake or something like that?
Sorry, Newcomer – reading down again I saw that you asked the same question earlier.
There are no DONES in any of these minutes. They what needs to be done; they announce that they are planning on doing them, they announce their targets for doing them, they announce that they are doing them – all to great fanfare and enthusiasm, even though there are no DONES. Strange people, these
Please Kathy……cause resurgence r/d a spiritual spa????
Conjures up pictures of a Roman spa with no one in it but the water is
moving around as if it is full of people…..and silent giggles.
Of course the r/d works Kathy….you had to do it to figure that out?
You actually questioned running around a pole had benefits?
Did you just get off a w/h to the boss?
I attended an OTC meeting about 10 months ago. This was during the time that I was faking allegiance to SCN in an attempt to avoid having my 2 children disconnect from me. It was in a different southern California org, not Valley. There were about 8 people in attendance and of course every time I went into the Org, most of the rooms in the org were empty and maybe about 10 people doing (or redoing) courses. Everyone on the OT committee was at least over 50 years old and always the same tired and financially and mentally broke soles. After the meeting most of them just scurried out of the org and a couple of them stayed and helped with the Div 6 files project. I imagine that this org and Valley are both perfect examples of every SCN org in the world.
Welcome Clearlypissed – and I can relate totally!! I attended the Oat Tea meetings as well….tiny tiny group of a few die hards that had to be right. Nothing ever got done.
There was a few members. The meetings were a joke. I tried to stay on the OT Committee but it was such a waste of time.
For the most part, we primarily just sat around announcing our ZERO stats and then the I/C would ask us to do “call in” and we not do it – fuck that!
The I/C would write us up but I told them it would violate policy – it was not my hat – it was a Staff members hat!!
Got sick of no answers, hang ups and cussing outs when doing Calls to beg for money for empty buildings and come to the next money grubbing event…to pay for big empty buildings that no one cared about.
“and we will get our new and previous donors re-vitalized.” How do you ‘re-vitalize’ a human being? Why by getting more money out of them. The OT Committees are just a variation of the Amway pyramid scam, but without any financial incentive for anyone.
Zero income at the mOrg, but lots of adulation for those taking ‘courses’ at Flag or on the Fleecewinds. The upper levels of the pyramid are taking customers away from the lower levels. A recipe for disaster, when there is no incentive to sell, nothing will be sold.
Why isn’t Gavin Potter helping these clowns ‘postulate’ mo money?
Three straight weeks of zero gross income. Just what you’d expect from New Haven, Battle Creek or Albuquerque, not what is allegedly the biggest concentration of Scientologists in the world.
I guess they finally found a way to make their stats so they can’t go down from week to week and get them in trouble. At zero, they can only get bigger or stay the same. And in a nice fringe benefit, the policy against giving refunds means that the gross income will never be negative!
Why does “Active members” fluctuate and also never match “Meeting Attendance”?
They suffer from the ‘Aversion to Mathematics Syndrome’ which can only be repaired by a qualified Psychiatrist.
Mathematics Disorder ICD 10 code: F81.2
Google ‘ICD10 data’ and search Mathematics disorder. It’s really there 🙂
An OTC member can be “active” by reporting time spent on an OTC project without attending the meeting. One of the ways to stay under the radar and out of the ethics office. Do a few assists, make a few calls, you stay out of the org building and are considered active.
This whole activity is a dead horse list and thus will produce no item (Ideal Org). OTC could more appropriately stand for Old Tired Crap.
“… helping us to as-is the barriers …”
You gotta love that cult jargon. Out here in the world, where buildings get built, trains leave the station on time, brain surgeons repair aneurysms and Broncos win Super Bowls, we OVERCOME barriers or GO AROUND barriers or OBLITERATE barriers. But in the desperate, gasping, withering, sad, sad, pathetic world of Scientology, you have to resort to AS-IS’ing barriers. Which means… sitting on your duff and sucking your thumb while that ugly-ass shit hole of a building that some tyrannical midget you never met made you buy for him continues to decay into slummy decrepitude.
“OTC members went into production on getting surveys completed and dinner confirms.”
Sad, sad, sad. I am going to cry into my hot cocoa and marshmallow fluff right now from reading that. You are supposed to be homo novis. I don’t know what homo novis actually is, but I had assumed they employed appointment secretaries so that they themselves could get on with the business of as-is’ing barriers. Xenu, help me.
LMAO HGC!!! well said.
But while what you say is true ………… about the sadness …………….. I say it is a beautiful sadness!
The end is nigh!
Ahem. Ummm, hgc, look, I’m a huge Payton Manning fan. But, it was the Denver Org OTs that won the game. They’re the ones who knocked the ball out of Cam Newton’s hand with the Broncos scoring a TD. Don’t you know anything?????
Hi hgc10, Your post is wonderful! Still laughing! Plus I just remembered jumping feet first into ” homo novis ” my third or fourth day in Sea Org,and honestly never quite figured the concept out. As you know all Ron’s Words were Truth to me then,so I thought this homo novis was the greatest thing since sliced bread! Glad you grew up Ann,Laughter! Love,Ann.
What a pleasant and entertaining read hgc10. Your words were fun. As far as defining homo novis, well… they are actually showing the world what they are capable of everyday here on Mike’s site. They sure have made something novis about themselves all right. It takes a strong stomach to read about them in detail but they define themselves every time they communicate.
It sux to be a scientologist, some of them just don’t know it yet.
Hi HGC, I absolutely adore your comment and I’m going to save it. I’m still LMFAOROTFF! BUZZINGA!!!
So, if I use any LRH tech, I am a VM?
Is that how they justify the claim ‘largest humanitarian force on earth’?
If I am driving and come to a stoplight and use LRH tech to turn the light green (or my timing just happens to be good) that is considered a part of a humanitarian force?
And that is why (in part) the Co$ gets tax exemption?
That doesn’t count near as much as ‘parking lot tech’ Chee. Create those spaces!
Ahem! Please don’t ridicule them for *that*! I practice it every time I go out to drive. Not to just create a parking space [lots of them around here] but one which is very close to where I’m going! So far, so good… most of the time. LOL
Look, Chee, I’ll scratch your back using LRH’s Scratching Tech and then you scratch my back using LRH’s Scratching Tech. We report the results (“Greatest back scratch I’ve ever had! I cogged that I didn’t have an itch anymore! Many thanks to COB) and become VMs for that week. Now, how cool is that?
Oh that is so funny. Must say though I always think about that speech Kendrick Nixon’s wife made. Don’t you know they saved all mankind already one night stargazing. So all orgs should automatically get 10 points on all stats. I mean they have already saved mankind once and we don’t even know about it. Hahahahah
Woops! Try Kendrick Moxon! Finger tech fail
Oh yeah, you’re a VM all right, just use the tech.
I used a tech volume to hold a door open last month and got a commendation.
My wife used 4 of them so she could reach the horseradish on the top shelf – she made VM of the week!
There is no end of validation, splurge on it!
OMG!!! She used 4 tech volumes to stand on to get the horseradish? I mean, is she something like OT XXX? Or higher?
Hi OSD, I loved your post back to was it Hennessy ?about standing on 4 tech volumes to get the horseradish. I love horseradish and if I had gotten out with all my red and green volumes, they would make excellent step books to stand on for all sorts of projects. As you know OSD, we are all really OT one billion, but only we in the club know this! Love U,Ann.
Did I read that right? If you use the tech you were a volunteer minister stat for the week? Huh???
Sarah, can I give you a touch assist so I can become a VM for the week? It’s my life’s ambition….
Any time OSD!
Eight out of twenty attendees at the 2/2/16 Valley OTC had Hebrew first and last names indicating that they are Israeli immigrants. New immigrants are more vulnerable and can seek unhealthy connections in their new home. I hate to see immigrants from any country getting scammed or enslaved by Scientology.
Oy vey!
I remember watching one of my grandson’s football games against an obviously superior team and they chanted and fought to stay in the game. It was good to see it end. This will be the same. The “rallies” are so small they are worthless.
Perhaps the Supplees are leaving? Debbie is still listed as the head of Div 6 but hasn’t attended recently.
Seriously, I used to hate pep rallies when I was in high school.
Hi Leslie Bates, Found your post.Me too, I could not stand pep rallies in high school.Used to run outside far beyond the athletic fields and sit under a tree and read a book! My classmates found me weird and left me alone! Always enjoy your posts.Love,Ann.
Actually, I always liked them. Great place for cheerleader and general girl watching. And, occasionally, a coffee date. Now *that’s* what I call STATS!!! LOL
Hi thegman77, I hear what you posted re: pep rallies. At my high school all the cheerleaders were blonde bouncy cute but bimbos nonetheless. I was into reading Arthur Clark,and Carlos Castaneda, The Hobbit,and DH Lawrence etc.This would have been 1966 and I still love books but have zoomed on ahead to many other writers and viewpoints.
Plus back then I was being a super loner and today I am very different! Love all your posts.Ann.
What…they didn’t make you feel peppy?
I noticed that too. Also one week it said that Diane Temps passed the hat for money, yet she wasn’t listed as attending the meeting at all. So obviously whoever writes the minutes is on autopilot and circuitry, just as the OTC itself is. I wonder who is the one who sneaks these minutes to Mike? That alone tells me there are people UTR out there, even amongst the highest on the Bridge. And each week the income is $0 and the need to pass the hat for money. It is indeed “beating a dead horse” as Mike astutely noted.
Cindy, word has it that OTVII Diane Temps has achieved a certain degree of Cause Over Mest as regards hat passing. As such, she need not be physically present at an given OTC meeting but only be briefed as to how many people showed up. She then activates the hat; It levitates and makes its appointed rounds. Just saying.
Hi Mike, Oh no not Quinn Again!! Run for the hills and do not look back! Love U & thank you always for this blog and your brilliant work shown here each day. Ann B.( we have another Ann too who posts here).
There must be a lot of flogged horses lying in the fields around Albuquerque. I suppose Quinn is taking a breather and will return to the Valley to help Kathy Morrow and the OSA squad shore up the leaks and see if they can get a building permit.
Hi Newcomer, You know I love your post and U! Thank you for my morning laughter! But as with all regges I laugh until I cry with all their antics to keep flogging those dead horses! xo, Ann.
Quinn is in LA for hatting on advanced flogging. Dave has already rung the IAS cash register for all of the donations for Valley, so now his Standard Operating Procedure of MORONIC cost cutting requires endless plan revisions and permitting so he can dribble out HIS money as slow as possible, assuring a typical Club Med Hemet Bunker Building 50 boondoggle. Then, he can blame the contractors and the internal sabotaging SPs.
I saw Quinn recently. Pale, skinny, with an air of detachment. Didn’t look so good.
I really do think it is now about time to give a call to Her Royal Governess blah blah blah and have her turn over some more of her residuals. Also regarding that bizarre comment about their “ballpark budget”: isn’t the Scientology stuff ENOUGH fundraising? Or did the Dodgers commit to naming this ballpark “L. Ron Field” or something? (not to digress, but man, would I love to see the IAS buy the Dodgers and run them like the CoS! A dream … but then again, I’m a lifelong Giants fan)
In the real world Joe, by the time you had plans in for permitting, any builder worth his salt would already have a detailed construction estimate prepared and sub contractors would be turning in their bids as well. The cost of construction would be accurate within 5% or less.
I suspect the reason Davie does not do this is to hide the fact that is addition to being able to continue to fundraise, he can skim excesses off the top. Following that he can browbeat the contractors into concessions in exchange for final payment.
I’ll bet the Staubach Construction Management team has some interesting stories to tell about their relationship with the illustrious Cee Oh Bee. And last I heard, the basement of the Sac Org was still leaking and the contractor was long gone.
Everything the cult touches seems to be an overt product ………… to coin a phrase!
Which begs the question: Where would Scientology be without overts?
And a toxic product to boot….
“Chris Finn from Seattle uses Stable Data ‘FRO’ LRH, Appointments & Programs. Seriously, LRH had a afro at some point in time? Man, that’s really cool!
Haven’t you seen the online photos of Ron supportin’ a ‘fro after Sarge’s meter fried before it got the job done?
No! Damn! I miss out on all the good stuff!
Really sad minutes. 0 events , 0 fundraising beyond pass-the-hat collections, everyone is getting re-vitalized but nobody’s around to do anything now. I blame ideal fatigue!
Sounds like great news to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! That’s it! Ideal Fatigue! That’s exactly what they’re suffering from! Cre8tive, you’re a genius! Now all those cult member will know what disease they’re suffering from! Will they get help? Not a chance…
always the same old donors… trying to get more victims like they are!
It’s sad.
I wonder how much they raise by passing the hat? And what do they do with it? Buy coffee and dog nuts? Or do they have to turn it over to the Flog Banking Officer for Quinns slush fund?
So many questions!
Dog nuts!!!! My God! How horrific! Poor little neutered doggies….
First thought was how funny this is that some little BDA is forwarding the e-mails from Valley OTC to a famous and very effective SP (special person – Mike Rinder) who is disseminating the total failure of David Miscavige and his tiny little cult world wide! LOL – it is hysterical.
Oh – and I had another WIN – I used the ” tech” ON Scientology and I “as-ised” this criminal corporate for -profit cult disguising itself as a “religion” and I blew for eternity. Thank you LRH for the “tech”
Now – does that count as a stat for the Valley OTC?
Mike makes it real easy for them. You see he uses his Ohh Tee remote viewing techniques to locate and indicate the correct order of magnitude of the Valley OTC efforts. Same thing for His Ecclesiastical Holiness in Hemet. The further out one gets the easier it is to spot these things.
Yes, you get to be upstat for the week. But next week you will need to double it …… and get two more off the fence. You know how that wonderful tech works.
Hi MGEI, speaking of being in disguise, I’ll bet the little dick is disguising himself as an UTR and sending Mike all the info. He wants scientology to purposly fail so he can take off with the real estate $$$ to the islands and live in luxury for the rest of his miserable short life. He’s got it all set up to blow like blubbard did in the early 60s, in my opinion. Otherwise he’d have found out who’s setting him up by now and audited the brave soul to death, right before he beat the shit outta him.
Down in the valley the valley so low
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow
Hear the wind blow love, hear the wind blow
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow
Valley motto: “GAG me”
Okay, fine, fer sure, fer sure, they’re the Valley Org in their Wally World.
The entire motto is: GAG me with a spoon! C’mon now. This is the Valley we’re talkin’ ’bout!
What would Officer Barbrady say?
Before this is over, everyone connected to an Ohh Tee Committee will be begging for the R2-45 rundown.
Hi Newcomer, This post is hysterical! Thank you twice! xo Ann.
And also the Ignorance Is Bliss Rundown.